t - . ; .- . 1 - i : . . ! - . f i 1 ' TTTE PRECOX ffVATESMAHl TUESDAY, XOVOIItOl 4, 10 10. isnm j - - - : .i . . t. flcase Thone by Nine f if the Statesman carrier m tares you, please phone by 9 o'clock, and a copy wIU be promptly sent to yo, Uee the 583 phone. Regular Meet hie Of the Chadwick chantef. No. 27 of the Order of the Eastern Star Tuesday evening, November 4, at 8 o'clock, j Initiation. Girls Wanted t Work- in th4 parlor at The Spa.' Child Pas Away Phyllis Potter the 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy V. Potter, of 1143 South Fifteenth street, died at the Salem hospital yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The funeral announcements will be .made later. . Charles furesjey. Distributor For Diamond T farm special.. B fore buying get prices at 121 South CommerMal. Telephone 378, one tc five tons. Built for all uses. AVir Firm ltcirSt I Articl(es of Incorporation were filed ! here yesterday by the Magnas-Taylor . Construction company of Portland, capltalizjed at $10.1000. The incor porators are James P. Taylor, George E. Magaas and Amy Wood Taylor. Articles!; were filed by the Simmons ; Mercantile company of Clatskanie, Colombia county, capitalized at $10, 'ft 0 NO MATIXEE TODAY ORGAN OPENING ; TOXKiHT P. M. 8:45 P. M. WONDER HOSE For Kiddies, per pair. ........ .SOc .. I REMNANT STORE , 254; North Commercial Street 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE strong serviceable car with elegant body llea and interior specifications that iiiumi maximum service and economy at a reasonable price should thia car. 1 ' LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 1M a. Cmwrnwrnrrrlml Street Bonds, Mortgages - Interest Bearing Investments " HAWKINS & ROBERTS 2G4.SQ7 Oregon Building HAMILTON THE FURNITURE MAN Will make and hang your dtapes. Largest Stock of Drapery. 340 Court Street. n ci no Ik : Electric! Machinery and Engineering f . Company j For . EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK ' f " . , : - ' I?! Soi Commercial St. Phone 955 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIOAR FACTORY Phone Sl WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 238 N. Iligh St. . Telephone 203 CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleanen of Quality Cleaning Dyeing Repairing 12(1 State St. phone 703 MONUMENTS If Tnnr mninimtnlil vnrk la Solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for oar otmnesB card. . j CmwAtmt lfnmiitl TCVkvba. 2219 S.Com. St. Phone 689, Salem Small Investment Loan Keaity Ijoana House llental : Agency, General Property Dealing. JOHN H. SCOTT BEAIiTT CO,- 404-405 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 214 I Salem. Ore rr Hardware Furniture and . . Second Hand Qooda see CAPITAL HARDWARE St j FURNITURE CO. If jrra bav furniture stoves or earpets to sell, phene 4T. cr caU at U3 it. UbmnM etreet Ml ANTE D Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools and, la fact, anything you have to selL I buy for cash. Phone '''- !-'. 519 or 611. NEWS M". The incorporators are W. T. Simmons, W. A. Simmons and L. A. Simmons. Resolutions showing an Increase from $500,000 to $ir,0.000 were filed by the Dates Real Estate and Investment company of Port land . Supplementary articles were mod by the Laro Realty company, inc., changing the name to the Laro dumber company. -. Gold lieach Woman Dies Mrs. Mary M. Blondell died yester day at a local hospital at the age of as years. , The remains are being senr today by the Rlgdon company to Gold P.each for funeral services and burial. She had no relatives In Salem. , ! Hrlnjr On Your We have caught up and are now ready to receive any quantity. Gid eon Stolz Co. Bexnll One Cent Sale Thursday Friday. Saturday', No vember C. 7, 8. Circulars- are j at store giving list of goods and prices Perry'a drug store. Hoy and Car Gone An automobile and a boy named Brooks, 19 years old, are missing from the farm of G. V Hovenden. near Hubbard. Officers throughout the Willamette vnllpv ntwi in vnrt. land are on the lookout for the boy and the automobile. j ; Girls Wanted to Work i In the parlor at The Spa. Motorists Get Circular j A copy of the safety circular pre pared recently by Fred G. Buchtel. chairman of the public service com mission is being mailed by the com mission to each one of the approxi mately 84,000 motor vehicle owners in the state.. The circular illustrates all warning devices used as grade crossings and explains their opera tion or use. 4 Girls Wanted to Work In the parlor at The Spa. llif fball Team Elects At a rally, and dinner for the biff ball class held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms last night Dr. B. X. Beechler was elected president for the season and John W.'Todd and Rev. James S MITH' FOk MOKE s State and Commercial St. For that accident Insurance policy, see as for cheap rates and the best insurance. ; - Capital Credit & Adjustment Co. 416 Masonic Temple SALEM OREGON One Ovreland, nearly new, six cylin- jder, 5 passenger, equipped all Cord fTires and one extra, new. Guaran teed in Al shape, for $1250. WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 246 State St. Phone 311 MYRTLE KN0WLAOT Music and Bloslcal Merrtiandlse Sonora Dealer la Salem 415 Court St. Salem.-Oregon Telephone 352 Let us prove to you that bur prices are less. Some good bargains in new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 519 Court St Derby building SaIefi"Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas J Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty ' Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12th St. Salem, Or WANTED JUNK AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS We also bnr second-hand goods. Tf von have anything to sell for a good price call 398. me square Deal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa SU cialem, Ore. POTATOES Burbanks, American Wonders, Netted Gems, Pride of Multno mah, Garnet Chill, Early Rose. We will be ready to commence shipping as soon as you have fully matured stock to offer. Phone 717 or address 542 State street, Salem, Oregon. MANGIS BROS. LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. 4- Phone 1400 Is a constitutional disease. Years of use have nroven th onrai i voinn of the constitutional remedy. Hood's arsapanua, in the treatment of this complaint. Sold and recommended by druggists everywhere. Elvln captains for the month. Dr. M. C. Findley and John ltayne were elected lieutenants for the month of November. They are looking for ward to a Dill class next Wednesday. Legal Blanks i Get them at the Statesman ob office. Catalog on application. I M voire is Decreed A decree of "divorce was issued yesterday to Eva N. Terwilliger lii her action to secure a divorce from F. L. Terwilliger. The plaintiff was also given the custody of the minor child, Ruth Terwilliger. Thelma Individual Chocolates A Salem nroduct made hv The Gray Belle distributed by George Watevs for sale esverywhere, De Hike ami Auto C lash Names were not obtainable of the participants In an accident which oc curred at the intersection of Court and High streets last night when an automobile ran into a bicycle. Neith er the car nor the bicycle had lighls fhowing at the time. The .car stopped and the driver came to the assistance of the fallen bicycle rid er who was evidently not injured seriously as rider and bicycle were taken into Ihe car and driven away before parties could be identified. Chief of Police Varney said last night that because accidents of this nature ar of frequent occurrence in Salem the traffic laws are to be strictly enforced In the future. Len iency and efforts to warn the violat ors have failed. Bicycle owners are also reminded of the ordinance which requires that all bicycles carry lignt and drastic action will be taken soop if the lamps are not nsed. Cider Apples Wanted We are now receiving appies ai our plant on Mill street. Gideon Stolx Co. Basement is RaUled Rnmenne made a raid on the base ment of the Hubbard building where a bathing establishment Is being in stalled nd secured four shovels ac cording to a report filed at the po lice station yesterday oy wimam Purdy who is having the worn aone. Home Restaurant 1 223 N. Commercial street, win re-open for business Tuesday, Nov. 4th, at G:H0 a. m. a aftormath nf th rites of Hal lowe'en was indicated yesteraay when a Mrs. Page or 4z -Norm v,ui tage street reported to the police D.H.M0SHER High Class LADIES' TAILORING 474 Court Street W T. R1GD0N CO. Leading: Funeral Directors GOOD TO LOOK AT rtetter to look through. Our glasses fit the sight perfectly, and improve the appearance as :weiu . . DR. L. HALL WILSON Optaaaetriat 210-211 IT. H. Bank Build! o ... rnooes: Office 145. Reldenc 12f Office Closed Saturdays ELECTRIC RESTAURANT 481 State Street Our Specialty: Oysters Fish- r-Chops Chili Con Carne J. D. MADDOX, Prop. Victor and Pathe Records E. L STIFF & SON U.S. GARAGE 554 Ferry Street t'srn TtlTT NOT ABUSED CARS SPECIAL New series Studebaker, value 11625, today 1300. u. & Garage. Phone 1752 POTATOES and ONION WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES i PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-194 N. Commercial St.. WANTED SACKS and RAGS V Also All Kinds Of v JUNK STEINB0CK JUNK & AUTO WRECKING 320-326 North Commercial St. Phone 305 We Specialize In Auto Wrecking Parixor py make of car at.. that a laundry wagon had disap peared from that address. The wag on has the wording ."Home Wet Va?b" and " Economy Laundry," on the sides and back of the wagon body. ' Wc!noalay Night Dance at Moose ball.' Woodmen of the Worll Attention S)ecial business Friday night, Nov. 7. Eats. Come on up. " State Is Restrained In a decree handed down yester day by Circuit Judge George Illng ham. the state Is enjoined from th purchase of the Reddish farm in Lane connty as a game preserve. The Mill wa instituted against the sec retary of state, the state treasurer and the fieb and game commission, by II. A. Hilmes as representative of the taxpayers of the state. The statf fish and game commission had recommended the purchase of the farm for a consideration of I7.6SO and Holmes had contended that the purcha.-e of snch farms was not" au thorized" by law. Infant res Paula Mills, the Infant daughter or Roy and Henlah Mills, ws born In Salem. Sunday morning at 6:40 a. m.. and died Monday evening at S:30. The body Is at the Webb Sk Clough Parlors' and funeral an nouncements will be made later. CUT THIS Ol'T IT IS WORTH MONEY. DONT MISS THIS. Cut out this slip enclose with 5c to Foley Sl. Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. Ill writing your name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup. Foley Kidney Pills and Foley Cathartic Tablet. J. C. Perry. PERSONAL MENTION W. H. Mason, eidtor of the Klam ath Record, was in Salem yesterday. W. C. Knighton, former state ar chitect, was here yesterday from Portland. . E. F. Carlton, assistant state su perintendent of schools, has returned from Burns where he attended the Harney county teachers Institute.. O. G. Gillette, county judge of Jo-sephin- county, was a caller yester day at the offices of the state high way commission. G. A. Gardner, county Judge, and George Owen, county commissioner of Jackson county, stopped in Salem yesterday on their way to Portland to attend a me-ting of county offi cials, t : Frank Neuner of Portland, en em-, ploye of the state highway commis sion, was at the offices of the com mission yesterday.'" Ross Farnham ef Bend, represent ing th Bend Water & Light com oany, was a state house caller yester day. . . Newton Van Dalsem. state direct or of vocational education went to Portland last night. Miss Muriel Grant was here yester day from Dallas. - . Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelly are here from Independence vfslMng frlfnds. Roy Ohmart,, who has oeen hiu D.in.i. for the last two years. will again make his home at Liberty. George L. Cooper will De in las this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lafky. who have been living at Corvallis have purchased a home in Salem ana win nr. here. Mr. Lafky former ly was a member of the Salem city council and or the scaooi ooaru. later was city manager for La Grande. . . Jack Campbell will again be em ployed at the Thomas Kay Woolen min. ror two Tears he has held a similar position in California. . Mr. and Mrs. K. k. sianior are registered at the Bligh. Mr. Mantor Have You Keen? THE NEW VEUE SIX Now on DHday at SALEM VEUE COMPANY 162 North Commercial Street ; jtjst in HOTEL roatoc COUJVnCST. OmmUvU. fcMUk br at prices. Afeltety trrC Ceatrally toeatr. Cvemlt tm all rarllaes. W.ISHINGTOX Al TWELFTH Pr11aa4. Orfm n. Btnc lt OUR estimable conduct has caused us to be commended by the people of this community. They have faith in our ability and de pendability and we will see to it that no incident of our profes sional career shall lose ua tbeir esteem. 53 mm K5 II 111 Is a horseman, formerly of Montana, but now located at Scio. has secured k ranch and will engage in the breed ing of good stock. Mr. -Mantor has purchased blooded stock of the Itrower ranches of California and I Salem making preparation to take the animals to Sclo. Harry Scott. Ira FHts and Fred j Alkyre made the trip to Portland by motorcycle Sunday. They report good travel on Ihe Pacific highway with the exception of two pieces of bad road just north of Salem and near Canby, about 10 miles of poor travel. HOTEL ARRIVALS MARION J. C. Cockerham. D. C. Herrin. D. G. Curtis, Portland; C. A. Holton. Oakland. Calif.; K. Weln hold. Oregon City; John K. McFad den, N. U.; T. J. Tobln. San Fran cisco; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Roberts. T. P. Fish, Toledo. BLIGH William M. Butler. San Francisco; R. E. Routine. W. W. Snyder. F. S. Townwend. G. C. Bash ford. Lee Hlng. R. Cole. M. M. Brow er. W. J. Virgin. J. Williams. I M. Stephens. Robert Montgomery, G. B. Newsome. Portland; W. H. Ercon. Sheridan; John Janka. Oregon City; Eliza Wolf. Dixon. 111.; Mrs. William McDerby, Crawford. Neb.; Dr. Leow W. Hyde. Hillsboro; N. Komdoni. Marshfield; E. A. Foster. Independ ence; R. E. Chapin. Seattle; R. Put nam. Prineville; A. G. BaumeUter. Walla Walla. ARGO C. H. Watson. J. W. Sar gent. Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Reed. Mr; A. J. Mess. J. Pulr, Port land. LIBERTY SCHOOL FORGES AHEAD Additions Made to Cornea lam Hallowe'en Social Much Enjoyed Similar to city systems. Liberty school Is now privileged t" have de Bartmentalw rk in art. music, bus iness., penmanship and gymnasium, which, Includes folk dancing and mil itary drill. ; Mis Parkhurst. teaches art for the entire school and gymnasium for the girU two day in each subject each week. Miss Hastings Instructs from intermediate no In music thre days a week, Mr. Webb, alternates daily between Intermediate and advanced grades In business penmanship. Also be gives military drill to all boys above the fourth grade twice a week Such a plan has given a variety to the work, and creates much interest besides permitting specialized effort in certain subjects. llalowe'en Social neM J Those of liberty commnnity bTiught refreshments to the hall, and gathered for a social time Friday evening. October 31. 1919. Follow ing many delightful games entered iftto with a zest by the young peo ple, supper was served in one gen eral spread. The Hallowe'n spirit was there among the grown-ups as well as the young. Of coarse the lights mysteriously went oat a few times and boys and girls bit at or bobbed for apples. Many sought the fortune teller, and then a track meet of ten events followed. These and other games ' filled the evening. Much credit l due Mr. Mumford for conceiving the social and for. the suc cess of the evening. Enrollment Crow Liberty has enrolled 36 pupils in primary, 4 0 In intermediate and 26 In advanced making a total of 102. A few families have left the com munity . since last year but many mort have moved in. Improvement a at liberty The' following Improvements and additions have ben made this year: A concrete foundation for stairway In rear has been laid, two revolving chairs and a new dictionary stani has been purchased, and the piano has been repaired and tuned. The wainscoatlng of the building has been painted, the floor oiled and the building has been cleaned and re paired throughout. AT THE LIBRARY I New Hooks. Study Outline in the Problems of Reconstruction." "Science of Trapping." description of the fur-bcarlng animals, their na ture, habits and distribution, with practical methods for their capture. by F.lmer H. Kreps. 'Tracks and Tracking, by Josef Brumner. , VHousemifery." a manual anil text book of practical housekeeping by Lydia Kay Dalderston. A Not Impossible Religion. the conviction of a scientist whoe re ligion l.4areely orthodox, but yet real. SilTanus P. Thompson. ''Scenes of Familiar Life." arrang ed progressively for students of col loquial French by Lillle Grove Fras- er. "Japanese Fairy Tales," a collec tion for adults, by Iafcad!o Hearn "Pageant of English Literature." a beautifully Illustrated book In which the great writers of England are brought before the reader In a most pleasing manner by Edward Parrott. "Lad. a Dog." a story by Albert Payson Terhune. "Gosta Perling's Saea. translation by Lillle Tudeer .of Selma Lacerlo's famous book. "Fennel and Rue," a novel by Wil liam Dean Howells. "Land Girl's Love Story." a new novel by Berta Ruck Onions. All of the newly bound magazines are added to the shelves this week. Children's IVooks. 'Stolen Treasure." by Howard Pvle,..a story for boys. "Conquest, of - the old. Northwest I J 1 U c a package . c a package c a package" S2) JJ- THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICEl' r at Oak Grove Grange Wcnls Polk County to Have Agent DALLAS. Or.. Nor. 2 f Snerlsl tn The Statesman.) At a meeting of the Oak Grove grance this week a resolution was passed asking for the appointment of a county agent, the services of which were discontinued In the early part of this year. The movement is In line with resolutions adopted In practically every grange in the county and an effort is being made to have the new agent on hand by the first of the year. v "Uncle Saui' Hampton, speaker for the farm bareaa. who has been LD D & BUSH, BANKERS EsUbliahed 1SC3 General Banking Baron en Office Hours from 10 . m. to 3 p. m. Mother's Baking Day Are Orer . . The rami j NowEati BAKE-RITE BREAD And They All Bay "Iff Just Lflce lit) HE-MADE BREAD" Try A Loaf Today BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY n 437 State Street BOOKKEEPER WANTED For large firm. $125 per month to right man. State age, education, experience in detail in your application. Address "Q71t" Oregon Statesman. f j I (XI STATE g STREET 8 nr. before the war during the war H NOW 1ST holding meetings throughout the roanty dating the past two weeks, strongly urges upon tk Camera the advUability of seeking aa agrtcaltar a lagent to assist them in their trou bles. A petition will probably be presented at a meetiag of the county court next week for the employment of aa agent- The Inwartl Kffrrts of humors are worse than the outward. They en danger the whole system. Hood's Sartapartlla eradicates all humors, cures all their iaward and outward effects. It Is the great alterative and tonic, whose merit has been ev erywhere eftablUbed. Dr.CB.0Neill OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN tyYcte Stele art -T7C0D?aYpnis AuctBeer and Its Settlement - by'tAmerlcans, James Ba44wia. tc.