' n-n, - -; ; : THE OREGON STATESMAN': TUESDAY, XOVOfBER 4. 1919. THE OREGON STATESMAN , I I1 Issued Dally Except Monday by , TUB 8TATKSMAN I'CRLISHIXO COMPANT 21 I 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon . MKMQKR OP TIIK ASSOCIATED PUEHal , TbeAssoclated Press it exclusively entitled to the oa for republication f ail news dispatcbes credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and alto the local newt published herein. R. J4 Hendricks. . . i .Manager Stephen A. Stone. . j. , .Managing Editor Ralph Glover....... .. Cashier Prank Jaakoskl. .Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, IS cents a week, (0 cents a month, i DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, IS a year; 12 for six months; So cents a month. For three months or more, paid In adTance, at rate of $1 year. TJNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; SO cents for six months; 2S cents for three, months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-pace sections Tuesdays and Fridays, SI a year (if not paid In advance, S1.2S); SO cents for six months; 2 S cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 22. Circulation Department, SS2. ; Job Department, S82. Glasses Specially Ground Our expert grinding of lenses insures perfect adaptation . to the specific needs of your eye condition. For corrective glasses you' need our ser vices. Henry E. Morris & Co. Eyesight Specialist 305 State St. Telephone 239 Entered at the Postoffice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. DISGUSTINQ MILLING ABOUND IN A CIRCLE The whoje world's reorganization is held up by the United States jSenate, as that body disgustingly mills around in a circle and gets nowhere, while waiting for a few self peekurg hot air artists and peanut politicians to get through making meaningless speeches, that serve no good purpose whatever, but do great harm because of the delay they permit. , i4 There are thirty-six nations represented in the industrial confer ence now assembled at Washington. It was ah American idea in the first place and was arranged as a part'of the treaty-making at Versailles. Because it was an American proposition the convention was located in the capital of this country. Nearly all the countries of Europe and South America have their delegations present. ; Even Germany and Austria are at the dopr, but America cannot be officially represented, because the Senatfe has not ratified the treaty. ' '! . : . . ,' : .' Americans may be present by courtesy, but they would have neither voice nor vote. Hiram Johnson and his bunch, each behaving like the wild man of Borneo because of the voting strength of the British empire in the League f Nations, are trying tot keep America from having any vote at all right here at home in this annex to the league. And the whole Democratic administration at Washington shows little excepting inefficiency. , Supplies are piling up at the ports because there is no adequate provision made for foreign credits while half of Europe goes hungry. Time drags along all too slowly. . ... It is a long time till November, 1920, when some red corpuscles will be injected into the political bodies that are festering and fust- mg and stinking with idleness and slothfulness at Washington. THE NEW AND BETTER ORDER from the desert, and which he exhib ited at the 1905 fair In Portland. The proceeds of this season's horse show are to go to the Salvation Army Full-blooded Arabs are almost un known in New York, though a num ber of. the devotes of Central Park bridle paths ride three-quarter and halt-breeds. W. R. Drown will enter the Arab mare Gaemura, considered almost a duplicate of the famous gray charger ridden by Napoleon, and which has been immortalized in the painting. The Retreat from Moscow.". Mr. Brown is the leading Arab breeder in America, having recently pur chased for 1100,000 the Colonel Spencer Borden stud. Among the polo mounts exhibited will be a small Arab stallion that has won three first prizes in the Crystal Palace show in England. cllned to list the story as being among those too good to be true. The wish is merely father of the thought. Before the days of Galen and Aesculapius savants were search. ing for the elixer of life that mys terious something that would pluck an ancient from the shadow of the tomb and renew In him the fire and passions of youth. Tis an Interesting thing to specu late upon, bat a miracle to achieve. J Therefore, Dr. Voronoff will have to snow the American surgeons. He will have to furnish something more than tbls press-agent siuu about grafting a chimpanzee on a man Hi his dotage and then having the patient run up trees and spring. from limb to limb on his way from the hospital. Any stories of wom en who have to shoot thelrUced bus bands to bring tbem down from the boudoir windows of other chambers will be received under a cloud of suspicion on the part of the home- ewed doctors. ntil such time as successful ex periments are made and classified in this country the American sur geons will withhold their tribute! to the foreigner. brew THE DOUBTERS. The American College of Surgeons does not think much of Dr. Serge Voronoff's experiments In transfer ring the interstitial gland of a lusty young orang-outang to a decrepit millionaire and making him over again. It sounds like one of those Ponce de Leon stories made over for latter day consumption. Some of the doctors admit that they wouldn't know how to go after the interstitial gland if they sought for It with a scalpel, tweezers, a cork screw or a jimmy. They do not know that the best tool to use in taking away anything from a baboon is a monkey wrench. They do not. even know how to locate the aforesaid gland without the aid of a range-j finder. They do not know anything about this Franco-Russian scientist and they are suspicious of the whole business. ' The Voronoft experiments bore all the elements of realism. They were described with details THE GREATER EVIL. - A number of noble-hearted church women of Los Angeles are raising a fnnd for the purpose of caring for a baby soon to be born at the lep rosy bungalow of the county hospital down there. The afflicted mother-to-be already has two little daughters who. appar ently, are in perfect health and who. for that very reason, will probably never again be allowed to embrace the woman who bore them. The hus band. It is said, cannot obtain steady employment because he is always dis charged when his employer discovers that there is leprosy in the family. He visits his stricken wife once a week, being allowed to speak to her from a distance. 7 In all the world there is, perhaps, no more pathetic thing than this unless it is fbr a mother to see: her son, whom she' has raised in purity, suddenly become tainted with that which leads to moral death. , . I BITS FOR BREAKFAST A mighty good omen. W ' Tarms are being bought up In Polk rounty. S . And they will taken over by tarlfiv farmer folk who will ral (applies for the factories and mark els, and wlio and who children will help do the work that must be done to rontlnue and this rertlon on the high road or prosrlty they are now traveling. A man who travels around a lot says Salem Is Die moM. prosperous city on the Pacific coait for Its size. and growing-more solidly than any oilier. The firm hand of the 1'nited State, rovernment is lrinclnr matters In the coal strike ariund to the point of arbitration. All three sides, the employers, t'ae employes and the pub lic are learning something. The farmers In this valley should ral.e what they can raWe the Inst thf l-e adapted to our soil and cli mate. The slogan pages are mark in them out. week by week; and filberts, with which the Statesman of Thursday will be fnll even nntty is ooe of the profitable crops, as will be plainly shown. Tilt: PHKAC'IIKR. - The sale by Great Britain to the United States of the R-38, the biggest airship Vet built, has a profound significance. , It is a pledge of faith that war between the two nations is an impossibility.-- ! : " - .'f-T-.' .-. 'iV For; the 'wars of the future, if there are to be wars, will be fought in the air. '" . - : ' '" ' - In 1914 when the Germans invaded Belgium, their great superi ority, owing to the "efforts of Count Zeppelin, in the! building of air i i , At'r -tA - '-2 ii : t snips, particularly oi xne ngiu type, was universally recugmzeu. No other power had progressed along the same line. . The technical difficulties involved in catching tip with Germany are indicated by the fact that it was not until the close of the war, ii . iL.i l tj u t : I over joust years laier, manue uniisu, in apuc ui iuui Cuuwii and Bome of tQe BUbjects were ap- and large expenditure, nad even approacned tne point at wnicn mey lparetiy identified. couiu Dupa airhiiips in any way u compare wun uc epucnus. ic Yet the American doctors are in transatlantic voyage or tne uriusn u-j was not accomiisnea unui the fifth! anniversary of the outbreak of the war was near. Sooii after the entry of the United States in the war, in April, 1917, steps were taken toward the eventual development in this coun try of airships of the rigid type. But it was recognized by even the most optimistic experts that several years would be required J as in the case of Great Britain, before the problem could be worked out. I It has not been worked out yet. In the days before the war the two strongest military powers, Germany and Great Britain, guarded with jealous secrecy their de signs for, airships ' warships, and all articles of military equipment. In each country a furor was aroused from time to time over the ef forts of jspies to discover military secrets. Contrast with this the spectacle -of the British government not only selling its largest and best airship to theUnited States but also offering to our navy de partment, to train a crew for us so that we may have the fullest know ledge of the operation of the giant craft! Coupled with the recent decision io reduce Ihe personnel of the British navy to half of what it was before the war, this episode affords concrete basis for the hope of new w'orbl relations in which the spirit of the League of Nations shall be effective. i . THE DAY. 'It was a magnificent day in the senate for Great Britain." the Hearst papers report, Senator Johnson as saying after three amendments to the league of nations had been voted down yesterday, including Johnson own. ( We don't see where Creat Britain camel in but it was a damn poor day for Hearst and Hiram. Los An geles Times. If the United States Is to be man datory to Turkey, who t to have charge of the dogs in Constantinople? r.y Alfred I, rutes) Stmnse, we n.irr prise tb preacher 'Til his paatwrat la flown: Ktranice that w boull alight hi preaching; Til hia time haa come and gone: Strange that aermons aliong and helpful I Xerer seem one-half so fair Aa when Conference la over And haa aent him off eUewhere . If we knew Ihe preacher's aermona That have rauacd ua boom pain Would he far awar tomorrow Nevrr trouble ua again Would the keen eye of our pastor Catch tha frown npon our brow Would the preaa of Bible precepts Vex ua then as they do aowT Ah. thosa redhot gopel sermona How they point of memories bacx To the hasty words and action Strewn along our backward track. How those aermona all remind ua. In years after they're paaaed by. To aoDreciata our Paator While our l'aator still Is nigh. Let ua gather up the sermons Lvtnz now about our patn. Let ua love and keep the sayings That have atirred up all our wratn Let ua find our aweetrat comfort In our -uaator of today. Wittar a patient heart to listen To whatever ha may say. Nervous Ron-Down Woman Tells How Inol Create Strength Duked. Tenn. "I live on a farm and keep house for six in my family I got into a nervous run-down con dition so it seemed as though" I would die. A friend advised me to try VI- nol. I have been greatly Improved by its use and am better and strong er. In every way." Mrs. H. II. Cood win'. Tbe reason Vinol was so success ful in Mrs. Goodwin's case is be cause It contains beer and cod liver peptone, iron and manganese pep- tonates and" glycerophosphates, the very elements needed to build np a weak, run-down system and create stremMt. Emil'U. Schaefer. and druggists everywhere. p. S. For pimples snd blotche try Saxol Salve. . Money back If It falls. THE MOVIE CANDIDATE ! They are still spelling It Si(gh) beria. I tirely too slow for the present age and generation.. Have you a little profiteer in your home? ! If yon are bound to get nntty on something,' get nutty on filberts. At this writing both Lenine and Burleson appear to be hanging on. Exchange. Ton will be surprised at the show ing of the filbert industry, in the slogan pages of The Statesman of Thursday. ; It is one of the biggest things of all, In its possibilities. "Sockless' Jerry Simpson and "Whiskers! Peffer ' oI Kansas ought to be alive. They would discover that what! were termed political va garies 20 years ago would be en 48,000 Drus Store Sell It- Five million people use it to KILL COLDSX X CASCARAkP quini ni StaaAsrd' eol4 rraudy for 29 vasrs . tablet form ,T. M opiate breaks up a cold in 24 hoerarclicves grip fat J w. .Money back if it fail. The .genuine box bat a Red . top with Mr. HiU'a plcttu. AC AUOrog Sterea K X X 5vf VVX VJ 1 The Democrats down in Texas are getting ready for the next national campaign. They have split np into three factions. With which one is Joebailey allied!? i With the many crises in various lines in this country there are a lot I of folks who' are not particularly in terested in what the Bolshevik! are doing in Russia. fMnw. Bill. Whfu You 1 1'Wf V - - , . . - a MAKE THAT DANfiFULt S RCMARX ABOUT PEOPLE ( SHOULDN'T GET MAS BE- ) CAU5E THE DEMOCRATIC I PARTY WAGED A SUCCESS FUL WAR t WHY PUT some -.Zip im To 1T- LIKE THIS i ii a m . (aw. B a. S JW . I ..'I jr 1 ja- a BSi Baas a I 3 -e- m IBBsaaBiaSBv-a'- csswwn A sr . . ..Hit. itr.rr ; r w Aliiile C5oadiixx Douglas Faitbanics Five people killed and 131 Injured in automobile accidents in Portland I in October, The great wonder is - that there were hot 10, 000 such ac cidents. THEX AND XOW. When Lincoln was a youth he sold whisky over the counter of a country store for 10 cents a quart, but he was thoughtful enough not to drink the sturt Himself. He couldn't af ford it. Nqw there are a lot of peo ple who would be glad to pay $5 a quart for 14. and think they can at- ora it. nut they can't get it, al though the government has 70,000,- 000 gallobs of it stored in Kentucky. ARABIAN HORSES AGAIX. Thoroiighbred Arabians will be ex hibited at the National Horse show in Madison Square Garden, Novem ber 17 to 21, for the first time since 1895, when the late Homer Daven port showed the 'Arabs he brcu ght ' - c0 yiHtn They Ask ""j (t- J?m I You To TELL ) J f jC r ABOUT Your. -12 V i i&2(& YZTl RAILROAD S xJW. 1 v vk? OPERATIONS. &SJ - ir.fS !UU:LLrYouarj - ly : Jm$&A m .sidestep.-. f Ki,V it's aunE p ; Js St?. A W Ojrie TSotk 0fMi OUfHt ; t send me J ,t'cee or tarwthirtf .far iZTZ this d, kookm'Y" up mtrt sue i well : town min st fijf S"5 to"? At -e Charlig'Chaplin Ivgs some Ijistnictfon. III. .11 l . Ml I II to UUUL Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 6, 7, 8 THE PLAN Pay us the regular price for any Htm here adrcr tised and we will sell you another of the same kind for one cent - (These Prices Do Not Include War Tax) 2.V 2."c 2. Rexall Carliolie Sal re IJexH Artiica Kalvr Kexall Tharcoal TaMets Kexall Foot Puwiler 2"m? Kexall (Jrippe rill. 65c Itexall Jvidiiev C'umpound r0c lexkl Kidney Tills 2. M? Rexall -Mmtholine Halm 1.0(1 IJexall S.rnip Ilypophosphitps Compound :Mc Rm11 White Liniment l.(K) Rexall Rheurnatie Compound :tOc Rexall Rabv Coujrh Remedy 3. "c Rexall RuhlnnK Oil : $15 Rexall Iron & Cascara Tonic...... 2-V- Rexall Cold Tablets 2 Rrxall Uver Till 2-V Rikers Expoctorant ...s -. Cherrj- Rark Cough Hyrup TtOc Rexall Analiresic lUlm 20c Genuine Aspirin Tablets, 12 5-prain tablets in iiox 1.00 Aspirin (100 tablets).... ; 2.c Rexall Tincture Iodine 3Tc Rexall Tincture Arnica 7.V Sentone Hair Tonie , 2 for 2Cc , 2 for 26c. , 2 for 2Cc , 2 fcr 2s , 2 for ZCc , 2 for CCc , 2 for 51e 2 for 25c ....2 for 51X1 2 for 31c .....2forSl.Cl 2 for 31c 2 for 3Cc ....2 for 2 for 2Ss ......2 for 2Cc 2 for 2c ......2 for CCc 2 for Blc ..2 for 21c .2 for $LC1 fOu Ilannony Litiid Shampoo.... 1.00 Harmony Toilet Water 10c Rexall Toilet Soap 2."c Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap 2Te Rexall Medicated Skin Soap 2- Violet Dulce Toilet Soap 2.h? REXALL TOOTH PASTE 2.V Rexall Cold Cream 2-"ie IVroxone Vanishinjr Crpain.... , .W Violet Dnlee Cold Cream.. ."iOo Violet Dulee Vanishing Cream 50c Rikers 'Violet Cerate 60c Arbutus Vanishing Cream 50c Harmony Masfcage Cream TiOc Syta Face Powder.... 1.00 Ilouquet Rame Face Powder 3.e New England Fare Powder 50c Alma Zada Faee Powder 50c Violet Dulre Liquid Complexion Powder.. 50c Ilouquet Ratnee Talcum Powder......... 25c Corjlormw Talcum Powder 25c Rexall lUy Talcum Powder....! . 25c Toy Talcum Powtler 25c Metinens Flesh Tint Talcum 25c Velvetina Talcum Powder 25c Rexall Violet Taleum Powder 25c Sanltol Rath Powder a.. 25c Xailoid Polishing Cake ...... 4 I OT m5 2 for 3Cc 2 for 7Cc .2 for 51c .2 for L0i ...2 for 11c ....2 for 26c ....2 for 25c ....2 for 26c ....2 for 26c ....2 for 26c for 26c for 51c for 51c i 2 2 2 for file 2 for 61e 2 for Sic 2 for 51c 2 for $1X1 2 for 36c 2 for 51c 2 for 51e 2 for 51c ...2 fcr 26c Nailoid Cuticle Solvent. 2 2 2 ......2 2 2 2 2 for 26c for 26c for 26c for 26c for 26c for 26c for 26c for 26c STATIONERY 5fle Cascade Pound Paper 75c Medallion Linen Box Paper 50c Devonshire Linen Box Paper 50c Scenic Linen Box Paper. 15e Cascade Linen Envelopes .2 pounds for 51e . .2 boxes for 76c ..2 boxes for Sic ..2 boxes for Sic ...2 p&ckifes 16c 2 for $23 2 for $2.01 2 for $1 23 , 2 for 76c 2 for $151 RUBBER GOODS 2.25 Maximum Hot Water Bottle, 2 quart. 2.00 Symlwl Fountain Syringe, 2 quart.., 1.25 Symbol Hot Water Bottle, 1 quart.., 75c Monarch Face Bottle......... 2.50 Monogram Ladies Syringe BRUSHES 75c Hair Brushes .2 for 76c CANDY 75c Fenway Assorted Chocolates 5c package Liggetts Chewing Cum... 5c package Liggetts Mints...' PURE FOOD PRODUCTS .2 for 76c ..2 for 6c .-.2 for 6c 35c Symonds Inn Vanilla , 40c Symonds Inn Iemon 30c Symonds Inn Beef Cube 0c Symonds Inn Cocoa (.; lb.) , 40c Symonds Inn Chocolate Bar ('. b. )...'. 55e Liggetts Opeko Tea lb.)..." 65c Liegetts Ceylon Indian Tea U lb.) , .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 .2 for 36c for 41c for 31c for 31c for 41c for 56c' for CCc FENWAYS ASSORTED CHOCOLATES A full pound of rich Chocolate Creams, 1 pound 75c 2 pounds for 76c Owing to the fact that many of the items will have to be stamped with War Tax Stamp and the immense crowds we will have to handle we would advise buying early in the morning. PERRY'S CASH DRUG STORE. "The Rexcll Store" 113 Suth. Commercial Street SALEM, OREGON I ,t