THE ORECOX STATESMAN: WEDVESaW,' OCTOBER 20, 1010. THE OREGON STATESMAN ; Ismed Daily Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPACT 216 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon :) MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRE80 The. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication t all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks........ Stephen A. Stone . ...... Ralph Glover..... J,.., Frank Jaakoskl. ....... ...... Manager I .Managing Editor Cashier ..Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served, by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a week. SO cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mail, $6 a year; $3 for six months; BO cents a I month. For three months or mere, paid In advance, at rate of SI year. HUNDAY 8TATESMAN, 1 a year; 60 cents for six months; 2B cents for three months, -i . -i l WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued In two six-page sections .Tuesdays and Fridays. SI a year (If not paid In ad ranee, $1.25): 50 cenU for six months; 25 cents for three months. I Knowledge , In our examinations Merit In our methods Quality la our glasses The Reasons For our success Complete lens grinding factory on - premises Save Your Eyes Henry L Morris & Co. Eyesight Specialists 3 OS State St. Salem TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department. 582. Job Department, 553. Entered at the Fostoff Ice In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. duction costs, everybody expects two or three years of big business. This is in itself encouraging, for if the mind and heart be set upon it the thing is as good as established. If people aimed at contentment rather than strife we might be happy "WHAT CAN BE THOUGHT OF CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED" et : ' Thpri wa n Vonl hanauet at Hotel Marion last evenine. It was given! by the. Valley Motor Co. of Salem in honor of Mr. S. A. Stellwagen, the new Ford manager for Oregon, with head quarters at Portland, and until recently with the Ford factory at Detroit. ; - ! . Mr. Stellwagen talked "shop.' - lie did this, because the. members of Lis audiencii were mostly Ford dealers, salesmen, end sa p workmen. And he made his tcik intensely interesting to them. .But he gave iome h;.gh lights on Hemy Ford, hi. R'n, Edsel AT SIXES AND SEVENS. While captious senators are hag gling oxer the text of certain inter pretative, reservations to be included in the resolution of ratification of the peace treaty the trend of events in Central Europe is proving beyond cavil the imperative necessity for the immediate establishment or a sa- Ford, and the Ford principles generally; aid the pan, played by k tne power necessary lo enforce the irreat Ford t-rL'i'Jiization ir war work. ht ,wr00 In skeleton, Mr. Stellwagen showed: K(tV(ir hAfnr(1 ntran. waPft tUa 'What can be- ihrught of can be accomplished" Is Henry Ford s DeoDles of a continent so mnch af - . .i . i - WorKing mono. . sixes and sevens. uniy .fJOjVAA; real muuey, ouisme capuai. was eter uuv unu iuc There is fighting, fighting every if Ord lactones. I where. Tet none of th crovernmpntii The rest they hxve earned by service to the groat American ani p0ples engaged seems to have public. I la clear idea of what it is about .Their marie ior tins year is i,uw,uuu j?ora cars. I Bolshevist activities are responsl- Fifteen years ago, Henry Ford was a fiuu a montn mec&anie. ble for the greater part of this con- There are now 52,000,000 employees at the Ford factories. I fusion. Before the end of this year they will be making 4U0 to oOOOl Every country of Europe is infest cars a day. '. ; 1 r Only one million were made the first ten years. At a million hew cars a year or more, in three more years, the there are a 'dozen red armies in the Ford parts and. service business will be as great as the whole Ford 1 field striving to overrun and subju- business.lS now. j ; I gate neighboring states; on the oth There is no point of absorption of Ford cars. er hands, armies of at least ten na In Iowa, with a car to every five people, the sales are the largest J "ons . are righting to rid their terrl- Henry Ford's ideal is to make cars so cheaply that every man! xowhere Is there unity of action. ran afford a. car everv man is a Dossible customer. I Most of the ten nations engaged doff, forced an entrance to the city froui the east on the last day of AuUFl they found that another army referred to as the 'Tellurians," had broken in five hours earlier from the south and that a Polish army -had penetrated the suburbs from the north. The reds had been driven from Kiev; that was the main thing, but the question of ranking commander among the occupying armies was im mediately raised. Denlklne demand ed of Krauss, a former German com mander who was in charge of Pct lura's forces, that . be immediately withdraw. In this he was joined by I me t oiisa commanaer; ana me i'ci- lura forces, being; considerably out numbered, withdrew. A compro mise was patched up harmoniously between the Cossacks under Denl- kine and the Poles; but the Pctlur ians were warped to disarm or get off Russian soli. While this three-cornered wrangle was going on, however; a force of rods under Kamenieff took the eitr of .'itomlr from the Petlurian forces. Se-trc- t'.L'ng will be necessary to dr'.te them out again. This fighting at cross purposes Illustrates the fu tllity of expecting a restoration of peace in Europe until the league of nations is actually functioning. Jeal ousies are bound to exist until there is a supreme court of arbitration which will settle all questions of na tional boundaries and reparations. giving equal justice to little peoples and great nations. Once the new nationalities of Europe are assured that, one will not be permitted to despoil or prey upon the other, then the foundation will be laid for sup pressing the murderous reds and bringing order out of chaos. The wrangling United States sen ators may be likened to firemen dis puting over tho merits of dlffe kinds of apparatus while the house of civilization is burning. , survey of the codes and laws of all Pacific cities and may visit Salem 'in the nesr future. Chief Varney says that of the many topics brought to the attention of the officers, none received as much at tention as the problem of auto thefts. All . officers agreed that efforts to prevent thefts bad failed. Different plans for the apprehension of thieves were presented, one of the most in teresting being the system In present use by the authorities of San Fran cisco. A sub-station equipped with a speedy police car Is established at each road leading Into the cities and eight hour shifts of officers are kept Informed as to thefts. Chief Johnsoi of Portland stated that 940 cars bad been stolen in that city during m- past year of which all but 180 were recovered. The assemblage . which was com posed of officers from nearly every large city in the United States was unanimous in the assertion that auto thefts re encouraged by the lack of severe laws and by the present leni ent attitude of the courts. Many of the officers admitted that they them selves were inclined to be less strict with car thieves than other criminals. One of the explanations for this at titude was. that many of the thefts are committed by oy riderse. G. C. Messinger, Known Here, Has Disappeared G. C. Messinger. a friend of the Bruce Cunnlnghasifamlly of Liber ty road, and who vihted here recent ly! mysteriously disappeared In Seat tie on October 9, according to Infor mation reaching here, and has not been heard of since. A Seattle dis patch to a Portland newspaper stated that Mrs. Cunningham was In Seat tle to assist in Instituting a search. Mm. Cnnnlnghxm said last night that her sister, and not herself, had uvcii in Seattle. According to the Seattle dispatch Messinger registered at the New led, even as the United States, with Bolshevist emissaries. On one hand The Ford factory made air the helmets for the United States Government, 3,760,000 of them, for" the war ; made them at less than half the agreed cost of the first million. . It made most of the ambulances that went1 to the front lines in France; most f the light trucks used in France; simplified and made dozens of machines and appliances that could not have been hadifrom any other source; was ready to make 1000 little tanks a day when the armistice was signed-made under the personal direction- of. Edsel Ford, who scarcely rested in the great work. r . The tory OfiiheFord war activities is a romance; a miracle; it needs a volume for its telling. are mutually suspicious. Every people seems to believe that every other . has ; taken up arms fo some selfish : purpose. There have been instances - in which two or more armies have cap tured a city occupied by the red:' and then have turned to fighting each other. Ia this way the forcer united against Bolshevism are I turn divided against themselves. The publication, with customary exag gerations, in the little countries of Central Europe of the reports of the United States senate debate over tfie peace treaty has given rise to a fear that the league of nations is not go ing to be established after all; and The whole Ford organization is a miracle. 1 The parts business alone is now $150,000,000 a year. The switchboard at the factory tor turning ou ana off power cost $660,000. i Combination gas and steam engines are there that the wiic oneslth., bellef that each wlI1 nofc i i t . . ; i - I ' r r Said WOU1U HOI WOrK. ; , I nh t.-rHtnrv na it Is a Vila ti Short-cuts by the hundreds are m use that the wise onte said w!n by coaauest and hold by force were the fancies of a crazy man. - I of arms. it i m j 1 1 A . IT-S Mr V Uut "what can oe tnougiu oi can ue accompnsuea, says iieury The loneer the .dehat roniinn. Ford, and he goes on thinking and accomplishing, and showing the the more complicated the European way ior me great iuii-i n-au uuhlmi J4.v7t-p to. luc itou in nuu a i proDiem becomes industries, tne world s enugnienmeni, me worm teaci-iui accom- One of the best oreanized and plishments in the higher realms of comfort and convenience and most successful of. the recent, cam- paigns against the reds conducted by neighboring peoples resulted a few weeks ago in the capture of Kiev the ancient and populous capital of what was once a Russian province but now seems to belong to whoever happens to be in temporary posses sion. . A correspondent of the Lon don Morning Post, who entered the city early in September via airplane route, reports that when the dlvl sions of General Denikine, under the immediate command of General Bre- cood will and civilization. .. It was a great banquet. i No one who attended went away without an inspiration. Among those present were: The whole Valley Motor Co. force; E. J.; Allen, Woodburn; representatives of Mae-Bar Automotive Co., Independence; Johnsoa & Simmons, Silvertonj MK liilyeu. Sew; B. Schmidt, Mt. Angel; F. A. Elliott and W. S. Walton, Salem bankers; George Putnam of the Capital Journal; Robert Paulus, president. of the Salem Commercial Club, and a large number of others. V Moving pictures af Ford activities were shown; including those depicting the great Eagle boat factories. Flax is tomorrow's Salem slogan. Better babies tor Salem, "the cry. j That is What do you know about , flax? Tell the world. At least, furnish a flax slogan. j The Salem babies are the best babies In the world now. We dare any one to tell the fond parents they are not. But the 'movement for still better babies Is all right The lead may be made a still longer one. . ; There are somei signs of the sen ators swinging together on the peace treaty and the covenant of nations. The sooner the better.- The ratifi cation of the Instruments by the United States cannot but have ? steadying1 Influence on the affairs of the world, and the Lordcnows there is Instant need of .such assistance. a drunken ( sailor; on shore I leave. With all the necessary machinery provided for tfie action of the gov ernment a call has been sent out for more than three millions of dollars to. inaugurate the campaign against profiteering. More profiteering. YES, HE IS GREAT.- ueiore. uavia Lioya ucorge re tires from public life he ought to read this extract from Lord Rose bery's "Life of Napoleon." "There is nothing so melancholr si a erpi man In retirement, front Nebuchad nezzar in his meadow. to Napoleon on his rock." V Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30, In the auditorium ofr the Salem Com mercial club, will; be the eugenics test. . This will be, continued. It is ' a part of the work; for better babies in Salem. And it will not stop there. The Salem' chapter of the Oregon 'Congress of Mothers is going to keep busy snd stay onj the job all the time. - The task will never end. . There are a lot of folks in Wash ington who are not happy unless they l ave a cliance to tpend "woney like THE. LOOK AlfEAD. Out of nearly 1700 business men questioned by an eastern Investment house and representing all sections of the country over 1600 were of the opinion that business activity would continue for some time and would even Increase in Intensity. As to the duration of this business prosperity there was a divergence of opinion but. very slight. Take It the country over the average guess was some thing less than three years. in tne norm Atlantic stales no slump was looked for In three years at least. I On the Pacific Coast the Impres sion was that it might come in two ' But, in spite of strikes, labor trou b!e3, profiteering and frightful fro- BITS FOR BREAKFAST Talking of better babies. Blood will tell; and you can't make a silk purse out of a souw's ear. ' But the biggest thing of all In the tnattr of better babies, and better children and women and men. Is en vironment; and training; and care and keeping up the rules of health and right living"' .-' '. S And talking of pep, " ' - Ask the Ford people who attend ed the banquet last night. SNA Ther will be right up on their toes from this time on. N They will try to emulate Henry Ford., with his motto. "What can be thought of can be accomplished W Looks rather like a big order. Hut look at Henry Ford. " He proves it N m U And he says the boss of the whole Ford business is the man who buys the car; and the business of every Ford man is service and courtesy to the customer. HARD "OLIS People whose blood is pure are not nearly so likely to take hard colds as are others. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure; and this creat medicine recovers the system after a cold as no other medl- J cine does. Take Hood's. Suggestions to Women "Just Ready to Drop" , When you arc "just ready to drop," when you feel so weak that you can hardly drag yourself about and because you have not slept well, you get up as tired out next morning as when you went to bed, you need help. Vinol will help you just as it ' did these two women. Why not try it? HERE IS PROOF " I & on a farm and am a hard working? woman and for wtak, run down, overworked cosouocs have PUuWxfc, Pa. ' "I keep boose for mj bus bead and myself and I cot into a weak, run down, nervous condition and no appe tite. I berd bow Vinol helped others and trid it and it built XEM CD SO I am strong, bare a good appetite and James Croker. found BotMoc that will creaU an appetite, boiki rae up and maka em stron equal to VmoL It helped rr eral others in oar neigiiborbood, too. Mrs.Tbomss Elis. EJIIL A. SCIIAEFER, DRUGGIST, AXD DRUGGISTS EVERY WHERE. . . Richmond hotel In Seattle and a few hours later wrote friends in Fort land that he was not feeling well and intended - to see a physician. Nothing further has been heard of him. Sixty Airplanes Are Asked for Fire Patrol Colonel Arnold, commander of th western division of the lr service. will ask the war department for fiv squadrons, a total of 0 airplanes, -to be used next season hi patrol ling the forests of Oregon. Washing ton. Idaho, Montana and California. . . . . , ai me zan t rocico comerenc of forestry men, representatives of thet five states and of private p-, trol associations, endorsed this re- quest and drafted a letter which win be embodied In Colonel Arnold's rec ommendation to the department John Elliott, son of Slate Fores ter F. A. Elliott, represented Ore gon. - 1 ' " Police Officers Stand for Severe Auto Laws While attending the national con vention of traffic officers In Seattle. Chief of Police Percy M. Varney had opportunity to review of traffic(laws of California. Washington and 'Ore gon and it was found to be the con census of opinion of Oregon trifflc experts that the .state code Is incom plete. F. L. Eaksward, a traffic ex pert of California and author of the California vehicle law, is making UND THE WORLD WITH HE AMERICAN BED CROSS. Repatriating Prisoners. . O i?WVR0 --! :kC) I . S "V - - - . .... M 'I A- When hostilities jessed there were In the hands of their Teuton cspters millions of prlwnersiof war of all Allied countries, the terrible plight of whom Is well known to all the world. Red Cross workers, carrying 'relief supplies of clothing, medicines and supplementary foodstuff, penetrated the Central Fowers as soon after the armistice as the military authorities would permit, and the work of getting the prisoners started back to their own coun tries was soon bosun. In this photogrsph a group. of these men are sien packed up and restored to something like normal' health, awalUng the train tLAt will carry U-eiu out cf bondage. . ... cihd neither could you have told the difference! IS ktj .rAVU ngdoatSia j Ida (nlner Drawn from rtttal ho(cTiili Why Monday'f andience at The Grand Theatre was so completely mystified. Ida Gardner was inside the phonograph in all excepting physical presence At first reading, the story of the New Edison pcrfonnai-ce last Jlondav uigLt at The Grand Theatre seems fraught with mystery. Hut the explanation is simple enough. First, get a picture of what happened. Mix Gardner sang Sweet Genevieve She stopped after the first few lines, hut her voice flowed on without a hreak. No one even trotieed she had stoppeduntil some eye, keener than the rest, saw hep lip were still It was oidy then that realization dawned. The audienec found it had leeu likening to the ?sew Edison.? . of 1 lo every ear, the; two voices, living and KE-CIIEATED, had leej without mierenee. shade That wns what no mystified the audrewce. They had exited the HE-CHEATED .a.rt !f. ,.,c,t.r?.v.it1 1''onographic origiir. iMi as a step too advanced fur their comprehen sion that this instrument should be all that Mis ('anlucr is. exeentiuir her i.hvxirnl r.r. w m O g m m ence. The NEW. EDISON "The Phonograph With a SoaV This extraordinary pnmf. i the only means through which 'people Irani to ap preciate the line, powers of the New Edi son. If you are interetted in music, it is indeed unfortunate that you were irU pres'nt." If V . . Vit, you know this U a text which n other phonograph dares to attempt. It is proof that no one ran evade or deny. The .New Edion is the only phonograph which 111U 'R KATES music aud the soul of music. - Come iu and hear it for vourstlf. The lestrumrnt us.-d in Monday's Tooe-Tnt Is the reguUr mmlrl which sells ror $286. It Is an esses dupllrat of the laboratory Model which Mr. Edison perfected after spending . Three Million Dollars In experiments. GEO. C. WILL Salem's EDISON Dealer