THE OREGON STATESMAN: WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 29, 191. .V A LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Frank H. Leonard, C S. B. Member of t-M Hoard f I.ectiirhlp l f ie Mulher Church. Tho f:i tiiuich of Christ"; Kihn- tist, l ItHStOH, JuaH. ... , A the Icelandic translation of tb? HI-! time In thought the m ble, becaure tt is our duty to eeelality. as it U taught bv.Mr. fcddy. that Christ, is lifted above human 1 we will realize our abiillv to think sense into spiritaar realization, that real or Godlike, truthlike, or We aning of re- fleh is heir, an.i e-it....i:.-hcd t!i ' birthright, ar&d are to be experieue-, Truth has for all an impelling Inter6". '' :11f; Greta i Phillips, in .introducing -Frank II. Leonard. Tiie children enquire if itt4sa Irne story antf cliltdfen oCS ijarger growth ht h tlft.iviith about the qaeMlori whKli constantly -con-; front us. Mrs. Eddy F&n&n. page 223 of the Christian Science text book. Science and Health wjth Key worldtof the Scriptures, 'The question, "What is Truth," convulses ine world.', ' ; :: ' ; Especially do we long to know the truth about God and man's rela tion to Him. The perplexing ques tions. Whence? whither why?" ever recurring go unanswered until we grow Impatient of theories, and "de cide, perhaps, that no one knows; yet we grope bUn.oiy. on In our search for light.' "No doubt many of you have come this evening with these thoughts up permost, and for such weary seek ers for Truth. Christian Science ha a loving message, .a most satisfac tory answer. Some may have come ia a spirit of fairness, a bit Incred ulous, but witflng to be convinced To you Christian science ' offer nrartical nroof in its healing-power Many of ns have already experienced the blessings oi - tBfisiau ocw-d-end with hearts overflowing, with love and 'gratituo'e. desire to '-drink more deeply from the fount ol in- spiration... to. gazejifartber into the vist, :ol C JnGniteV possibilities. of which 1 . wt' have' caught , glorious glimpses... For all receptive hearts there is a blessing in the message of the speaker, who comes authorized to tell us of .his subject, Mr. Frank H. LeonardC S. B., member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church. The First Christian Church of Chr.'st Scientist in Boston. Massa cbusetts, who will now address you:' SPIRITUAL REGENERATION. Christian 'ScienceV; was first brought to my attention in the fall of 1-S84 and under the following cir cumstances. About half my life tip to that time had .ben spent In bed. The physicians: all. said t had beop. born wish nhfiuenrablfj' organic dis- eane, and .that It was improbable that . 1 shJuld:!!Uv? 'to-: reach manhood Tli' ir'kttUtitonts about; to be ptovtd Ke wh(n through a ess! of healing.' .n, Christian Science . was brought ilnto our ' home, r Thi led to my having' Christian ; Science treatment; so successfully -that three ' wnlhs later oir family physician said a rajraclejhad been per formed attd that J was:absolntely" free ronti ut physical . d isease. : '-' : Dccauae of uy: condition; and as a rrf.-T-tjcn for what w-as deemed in- evltablc, God had Jeu explained to m far mo-.e, than Isyusual with , a small child, and!;tje statement fre quently madpt-thatlHe sent sickness 'ni suffering 'as a chastening and purifying preparation for- the Joys of the kingdom .of-heaven. Natu rally.' however, , the only thing I thought of was the sufferings and when I was told that God caused it a terrible sense of fear and of help lessness arose, wheh love , and , trust should have been present. We can never " love nor trust anything of which we are afraid; therefore the thoughts about God were locked in side my consciousness, because of my fear of giving! them utterance. The name, and" not the nature, of i'rod. then as now, was all that most people knew; so ray surprise was great and unqualified when I learned that the healing wo:k in Christian Science -Is , all , accomplished 'through a right knowledge of God; -that there is nothing peculiar dr- secret about the- tvqrk done- not Is the ahil ity to in it confined-. to a select few; it is tobe hcqwiretf. through, growth in grace. 1 1n; fact.1 Cbrlatiin" Science rives humanity, a cear apprehension of tho birthright-of man, of how to jraln it.'aad how to Use It. - ; i . GOD . ,:. Chttstian r- Science unfolds to Its students tnll-V knowledge of. .God whlcl keps one ell mentally, mor ally, 'and chysically, and shows that Ignorance'rof Him U .the procurer of Mia. sickness,' and deaths It.teach es that rcpenerated thinking me?ns regcne-.aUd livlnsr in all ways. It reveals through an endless, infinite vista of. Christian ! idealism. G6d en throned, and omnipotent, oninlpres nt, and omniscient, and the fact that one may intelligently' call upon Him In any. time of need, and always find , Him right at hand, realdy , tq bal and iave. This teachings brif-gsj Cod to us as n al nresence. instead of an eiihemeral hope, and sopstab lih-t the fact normally and natural ly that He has-dominion over; all things, including; the 111$ of the Xlcsh. : and .will i destroy all evils. . Ph'ther they prclsnt thenifelves as mcTiUl, nirat.r phyiUeaU when 11 Is Intelligently asked toNlo so. It Ha beepj ild? Uiaf Chris tian dentists are too fanunar with Cod. i TheysA ? familiar'.fKlth God lecause, knowfng IMnfitrTie wrhat He is. knmvineiJMm to be both 'he Father and Mother of all His chll Ireti, they jro to Him with all thei - nuuwies, , sure una ma iotb idu wisdom will disiwol thern. It is lust. however, in this' connection to say that no people on earth so venerate worship, and adore Him as do Chris- two Scientists;, nd this I true be- causjtf never fails them in their - extremity. We are told in the Bible that we wustlie regenerated. Re gent-rat ion 1 f 1 -. jt mintaU iand ia followed by tne outward - results as a natural consequence. ft Is "rery practical ail maoKinu may be drawn unto Hint, and find the-freedom- promio4 them. . .. The marvelous life and works of Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of the Christian Silence movement, its rorcver revered Lead er, and the author of Its textbook, "Science nnd Health with ; Key to the Scriptures.", have destroyed the darkm sh and mystery htiretifore sur rounding C d and Christ Jesus, anrf will literally, to quote from one of like thought. . because we are cloth ed and in our right Mind, and the result is that we rind salvation has t-oaie into our midst. Yve often hear it said. ".My fath er's religion is good enough for me,-' but this stand is not the stand that our forefathers took. The occupa tion of this continent by civilized races was begun by a' body of people who left home and country because they Haw the need of ah if her and purer sense of . God. a ctearef cali ber Poems lift the shade of Bloom" ! station that religion in its ibserv . m I . . I ance is quite us - essentia! ori wik days as It is on Sunday. ThA reve lation which Mrs. Eddy has named Christiau Science is the culmination of devout, pure desires to knoiv God as He Is. Christian Science In the tew years mnee Mrs. Kddy wrote "Science and Health with Key to the ftcriptu-ies,' has grown to le the ana ror mankind make "radiant room" "in the life and the love of our Lord." In Science and IJralth nftd all her othe- writlnttH, Mrs. Eddy han'iven us the spirit of the word of God-os lle revealed it to he?. After the Revelation came, she tried and tested It in all wars aud healed the sick In innumerable In stances , with the knowledge of God Ifeat factor it is hi the religious wnicn it cave to her. until, when 'she W0l,a nwaiise it satisfies, with the am give it to the world as If wasjworKS that follow thet practice or Pivafn to her. she did not ask min-ht. "Hie longing for the endnrine.l the Kina to accept a faith without works. cou, and the true, divorced from uui gave. . tnem a glorified faith. jau uniiKe uou or good. -mergingr-lnto ' understanding because! To understand fully what a glori ous thing the- liberty of the sons, of God is. one must unle"stanfi that the word "rear as it is used tin Christian t Science means alwavs God, and that which is like to Him, and per contra the word "unreal" means that which seems to bo, and of the i&r: ks it accomplished. We sometimes !iar Christian Sci ence referred to as "Eddyisin ." but It would be more proper to refer to it as "pure religion and nndefiled." Mrs. Eddy never claimed Christian Science to M a. croatlnn nf ha. ni.m. : . ... f rfct itAA'iit.a 1 1 I. .)lnnnKi,. i i . it was revelation rrom God. Thei m. ,k ,r viiaiij-u jit- aui m works acconiplished thrt.u2h its min. cays- sina- an1 di"s- not iuani- istrv durine the nnet rirtv M1 God in any. way. So when. you rt . me K-rmtnia - . justify her. claim. She further felt nar a ctirtstjan Scientist say. or that God fsv it tft her fo.lwne you roaa in - Airs. Eddy'a writ mankind that ignorance about Him M083 a statement. to; the eHect. that should be eliminntni thna .iCQtl 8'n; disease, .and death are, unreal. ing all e7lls attendant upon snchr?e mpar.infe meaneio; be conveyed is ignorance. We can now know the inal lDey are "ke;God. j I am sure truth about God and about chirst au agre inai""Ja flocs not 8,n and the . Dihl tita does not get sick, end decs not die. know this in order, to attain -ver-1 vv nen we have tftis t view we ability of tveiy iunn to be bis own practitioner in proportion to hla wii liurnefs to give . up' his own way and to find God'a way, and a bid-. therein. .Hecsuse of long years of Intimate association with the practice, of Christian Science 1 make the unqual ified statement that religion at' Is taught and demonstrated by Christ Jesus always, and often instantane ously, heuU the sick. It did this when Jesus practiced It. when the dl iciple practiced it, and to: abouf three hundred yean after Jesus was od earth, and, the healing, tfflcacy oi tne iMiglon ur Jisiu tne Christ continued until formalism and per sonal opinion acted as a mist to hid? the. full radiance of the truth. The revelation through -'Mrs.- Eddy has dispelled this, and the glo.-y and power of Cknl.azain stand forth iu Its almightlness. the limuanent and eternal Truth. Medical practice had existed thousands of years before1 Jetius was born. and. the then gener ation doubtless ft It it to be as ad-, yunced In accomplishment as 'has each generation since that tim. Had the material method of. healing th sick been 4?ods way, Jus would have lined it. John refe.n to Jesus as the "Light". that came into' the world that, all men might believe, and Jesus refers to himself in John's gospel as the way, the -truth, and the life. and. further' Ktatcs that no man can come unto the Father in any, way other than the one which lb? Toint3 out. John" statement, corroborating the one made by Jesus, and Jesus' further one wherein he tell ua "l am not com "to desf.oy, Lut to .fulfill" (Matt. 5;17. give occasion "for and demand. of the sons ortnen careful attention 4 and pro found study.' JefcUtf staled that He did not come to destroy., but to ful fill, and jit the same time through His ministry .the tick! were healed. I the sinners were cleansed, and the lasting Life. Among most illuminating. things m?nt '.vCorinthi Eddy has written In Science Adan the readily pee tho spirit .f the Ute-dead raised; and ' He. did this mork iaiu 15:22. "As in' without material remedies., of sin and matter. and God Health are the synonyms for nd therefore unlike OodV "all.df The.e svoonvm. hrino 1 even so in Christ" (the sinless imate tne nature; and character of God. I . "nrurM me i-uangeiesBiy gooa so comnletelv nrnvd thot ita l OT vaiorj snail an te made lisiiriirlv i n m in. -ire I alive." . In other words, a right and majesty, that obedience to the know,edge of 004 ispela the Ada eommand tn wnhin uim in almic ll't and dream, and :evea!s SniHt anil Truth K.wwr,- I God a3 the One altogether lovely, and and we Innatelv become better nen who is 'ot Pl,rer y tQan to be- find WtHUPI ruanca nrt IrnAW hniv spiritually. If Christian Science re- lquitv" J" 1:13). vealed nothing more than this, it would eventually heal and save all mankind In considering these synonyms we need to realize that Christian Science teaches that there aie net two kinds ; aold evil, and canst not look on !n- To many who read Christian S-i- ence literature for the first time there may seem to be contradictory statements, even as -they seem to exitt in the. Bible, but none exist, a matter of fact. We are not cana- of love, one material' and, one spirl- We of Jodgin any statement tint;! tual, but claims that all the real Love there is, eternally exists; and it is in this manner that Mrs. Eddy- uses all the synonyms. we can reach the viewpoint of the one making it. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." like the Bible, on which it is wholly foun i ! t I . ,1 .1! . " ... 4f J ii riul I. Mfa Tjr- h..h. .l"'o. .unc.Hses ana vi.niaaies an ginning and po ending- It istheh"bJw,18,ro!n lw,Ul H',n,an a"d manifesUtion of eternity. The hu- IV, -i"""'-''-i"". man sense has nothing to do w th this, manner only can ih? spiritual Life, and must be changed in order ff"? fParated from the laa- to r.sp Life's reality as God man- 1 unreality, and mankind taught ujw in worsinp uou in i-uuii ann in ifesting Himself as activity' and as creafAf. it is hat we all strive for. ami shall the more nearly attaint as --ve cease ta look' for lt in matter and find it in. Mind. lod is Truth.-We Jinow that with out Truth nothing could exist. To know- the- truth - about -Truth does away with every imperfect, untruth ful. or iwi(Qf thughttor; 4ec4 and Its pehaUy. tndi flfselt. the nath leading to -salvation, -w hich' is nal- rowfwnly tcr those rwho Iwaat to go astray. .God and? Love are1 one, It troth. p iiott in fepi . SALVATION, Ay hen we have pained & right sense, of God, we find we have beg-in to understand what salvation is and from. what we are to be saved. Fun damentally, salvation is having ou thought so regenerated by a right spiritual sense, of God that we know there is and can be no such thing as! a power apart from God.'-'When we have learned that God Is Mind we find we arto no longer in bond- ihih '.Anrr t XiX age to a finite, corporeal mlsappre- ueiiaiuii awjui fiiui, uuu wc irgnuui makes the sunshine within, no mat ter how dark and drear the human environment, may seem. By 'it we are taught how to seek our own in another's good, and to love oii neighbor as ourselves Pethapa it seems very abstract to say that G d and Frinciple are one, and yet it Is true. Christian Science teaches us the vital necessity of tak ing spiritual reality , out of the ab stract In order to .make practical us of it in meet'ng our daily needs. It reveals the immutability of. spiri effort to idealize the so-called hu man man and call it God- .In otre words, we stop striving to find a God made in the image and likeness of a human being, and turn our thoughts in ah endeavor to find the man made in God's image and like ness, salvation means a complete cleansing from all thoughts or deeds which seem to justify sin, disease. and death, and a mounting up on the wings of faith until the vision of the all-mighty God unfolds In tuaT ia; Provtagtbe r n anA I and the translation of man and tn less man: ';a '-creator aud creation al ways in agreeinetn; changeless Love, Changeless .Truth; changeless Life, ana tnereiore, no hate, no lie, and no death. iThls teaching is a .-adi cal departure from . that given br dogma and creed. We need no hu man, -cpirion or belief to tind the i.YVay," In Christian Science we have no creed and no dogma, but we a'.e. taught to follow the Lord and Master in-fcot only lliswords but In His works. Only complete and ab solute following of Jesus constituter real, pure, dominant, salmss rel'g- universe into the realm of spiritual reality is accomplished. If a person seems -to be steeped in the sin or immorality wnat win accomplish his salvation? The keep ing his thought full of that which is pu.e, lasting, and real, the know ing there is no pleasure m doing wrong. He cannot do wrong unless he first thinks wrong, so right thlnk- ng is bid salvation. This elucidates the fact that what we need salvation from is wrong thinking. But, it may be asked, what has thinking to do with sickness. Everything. The ion, that whch satisfies and reaches oay we or u.un i,wuu6 us In every hH'man need, enabling us wnren aibcoru '" cui w to stand ani to see the glory of mankind la the belief In the past, in God revealed! even In the so-called he:edity, or in wrong thinking. Man physical nra-n and universe. kind has been taught from gener- God anl Mind are one. There has ttt,u" iU , , . been much controversy amongst "s4 '7'" ""J"" ho 'h ,.oii hAmiv.f lonly in regard to sin. and to offend Christian Scientists over this basic d unwittingly by taking humau statement in ' Christian Science. '"wf a" though why there should be is in- f'P"" c" comprehensible. Mrs. Kddy has A jt J. recen.H ,..1 , naw ."nt In ihla at ate. nine uau ' ' " " V r ment. but. ha. pat nlo modern lan- re" in the jj.mlun gauge the fact which John speaks Uppoorates separated it .from re of ;nhU vosert- TLe first two verses 1- He made this statenunt in l ih firtt t-hantr nf John are as I uuier anuv . upou iuuk- e- u - r - - . ..... 41,.- Ill- rn .t ... t I l,aoinrlnr wna I pose Ymsrtuuu. inn iimuuw t--.i 1 'n, nr,.,j au with I tlippocraics, van was a . norne uw u r,.- n,A Th tor. would explain his strong belief w.' 1 ih Wlnnn, with In the torture of animals, but. frank- rT.i... ' .tn,..u n.ii. m hn ly speaking, it seems to me that tht the correlation between this quo- "''7 6 X 7,,,, "r ,h -V" i.r n xi. wh 1 h I and thai the addition of thousand v . . . . ... . I nf iiitA!icai in ihiiKA inrnierlv ue- anva ihoncmi nnrt Minn arp imp. I , 1- .h- 'w'n,fi i 1. h Sieved In. is proof that, the separ- 1 f h4. throiotit which - n. I alien OI lieaiins irum rviir.'o " V -'' " " I l,u r.1,1 ...IcfaLo Tim re. Jiglon oL oil: Lord and Master be alb all the sick to whom it is appLed and all the medicine needed is the ! right knowledge of God which Jesus exemplified He was the Great Physician, and He hover made a mistake In dlag- cedes It. And what is thought? u is the expression or -activity of the Mind which thinks it. And so we can Plate that it logically is as cor rect to say, in the beginning was Mind, and Mind was with Cod. and Mind was God, The same was 1n the iiA.imiiiiT with CnA V. lipti we nro willin to accept the fact that God nosis, nor did He ever lose a. patient, and Mind are one. then we let "that As a matler or fact, the d scovery xt! tw in n M aa also In by Mrs. Eddy that all religion had chrui ieii" 'Science and Health. teen left, out of the practice of the aav von nnii tfctnifti-M nt dpU! 197). . ami the result Is the neanng an. ana mat tne overcom- rong.norca au thitk rpie and - - cci? m nl I shm en t of the workslne of sickness was. not progressing do rhi if .! nin ,n ihrt rioht I iono ritrt - juiii laid ns to. do. I because of that very fact, led to kacTl-'dce of CWA, nn.4 min'. rela. cannot -think': ; wrong, and tJonyHin it j-th, and cling to .it. iccnsoqueptlyiCAnnot do. wrong, wnen we ghAH alwayr i'be veil." W niwt we know'lhaT the Mind "which was be all things to the lawlm) 1n Chiist JeausV doea thehtak of C:i, or g-d; ae II 3 is called Ins.-if we let It. If we hold all the the successful establishment of the healing knowledge of Gcxi as the "universal panacea (Science and Health, p. 14 4). made tellglon dom inant over all the ills to which the Because thehealin'e work which Jiia ana els itciple actuipilahed has not been demonstrated on earth for about sixteen h 11 ad red years f'.any intc-lligent thinners 'have af firmed it to be their ' opinion that these works were never really ac rompluhed. Christian Science proves that they, we'e, .however, .by the ivomlerful wortsnfis accoinplixhing in the healing of the sick to-day through sole reliance on the power of the Word of God. - Jesus, through His words and works, is the way and 'the lisbt to the world. This being true, the only logical tbiug for mankind is to do as He said and lid and not -listen to the sophistry which declares ."such times have gone by" and "it can't be done now." He gave us the light. showd as he efficacy of 'a rigtt knowledge of God, and told us the :eults which believing on Him would produce.'. Why shanld w doubt the power of the Vord of Cod in healing the lck? , W hy should it anvtti an al- stnetion, -therefore so ttaneiitU-n tal as to bo imporible , of ue in meeting our daily .n-feds? Why bho'ild it not M-em as. divinely rat iu tius ate aii it, j ninticMi liundred years. ago 10 be able to mty. as did th- blind man to whom Jcfus estored hiK. sight," "Whereat I was blind, now do I J see ' Surely we do want the living God. We do rot want a Co.1 who has depa'ted from us. Christian Fclence asks of th human faintly, as Paul did of King Axrij-pai "Why should It be thousht a thing incredible with you. that led should raise the dead." Arts 26:8. W hy should there be any re or dcubt-that there is a supreme rower' to which we may appeal to meet all cur dally need. whether they seem- to be nunial. moral, physical, or financial, while accepting the human teaching that there is a power which holds the earth and constellations in place. governs tho daily revolutions of the earth on iu axis, and Irii i the sea sons in oracrly sequence. y ar after year Tnerc Is not a man. vomcn. or child on the face cf th" tnrth but wants to believe there U this changeless power, and that it is al ways at hand to help u.t. as we turn to it and trust it an ,ur Savior Think what a privilege Is ours to realize that we may reat all our bur dens and woes on this omnipotence. omniscience and omnipresence. a power that U all Mind.1 all Spirit. all Life, all Truth and all Love. How we should be singing hosannas and praises unto I God for the Joy of knowing the truth, 'that means free dom from all the so-called laws of sin and death, revealing a fl:ni foundation on the rock "against hlch the gatC3 of hell cannot pre vail." It Is natural, divinely so. that we ihould be well In all way, and It i abnormal that we should be other wise. We must remember that God crcatc.1 man in His own Image and likeness, and that "Image ' means exact likeness or reflection; and hen consider the logical deduction from this basis. To have-a sick image we must have a fcck original. Therefore, if we admit the Image. man. is sick, it carries with it the admission that the original. God. U tick also. I .ei us follow this line of reasoning still further: ir. as Habakkuc tells us. as already quoted. God Is "of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity." and made, or even per mltted. sickness to be made. an further, if God saw everything that He had made, and raw that It was rood, logically we must consent t the belief that sickness Is good and godlike; and this would compel us to Picture a sick God, and heaven full of ele:nally sick men and wo men. iv we like th picture? Wauld anyone care to co to heaven under s-4 h IVumstan?e7 s The atren ejntrarv to this abnormal theory 1 true, because we read In Revelation hat all things are 10 Decomw new nd John tells us that in heaven there Is to V no mnre sin. no mere w!row. and that there shall lie no tuorf. .onln. Let us consider the" two pictures, snd decide for your self which seems the more rsticcsl the n-r re?nnaMe,fnr yn to believe and accept. I am sure f yn do lhl von will arrive at th Chris tian Science conclusion, that the most desired of all things health, peace. Joy, and freedom are our id 10 b (tch When spearing of man, the. Chiintian Sett r.tiet do not mean the) human structure or material lUsh' ant Ixintj. but they mean real mn. tpiritual man, the imice sn1 ltkvnoii 1 of the incorporeal God! They mean! tn man Jesus so wonderfully po trsyed wheu he walit on the wat er an. pasxed throfii the nrid'-t of the throng unseen, and who after th crucifixion upp-ateil to the ds rlples when they wrre, a.seiublrd in n riM.m wlih all the 'door- .oseJ Do. not confuse the iwi. On- is tl-r-nail tht- Fame, and the other. the mortal Is to Ik than red and chang ed until k row 1 tig t;od cfimpletes its perfect n t, and te translation l- accomplished u herein we see God as Is a ui kr.nw i,ur real self In II. iin.i?e. It Is a .ife statement t" make that 10 one who has rem hed hat H termej middle life would go kick and ro throiith all the years behind, lit in or auvthlng In the world.. If be knows that he would bave to go through everr idiae of them. ' N"o cne'will lok with Joy'r.i. th theory of Wing perpetually sub lct to mutation and chanc. For this reason, then, if for no other, we want to krrow our.-H-lres as GhI knows ns. the same yesterday and forever, splritnal .and perfect. Did on ever bcome proHcient in any branch of endeavor by starting his ewoitK .tn the theory that he is sure to fail? Hr.w long will it take to become an authority cn any sub ject if. before h. even lo:ks inside a .text-book on the 'subject, one starts bv saying: I don't believe a word I am about to read nor a rule laid down by which the problems may be solved. I dont know a thing about it now. and for that rea son don't believe anyone. e does?" We all know there would be 00 pos sible rr.iicression. !' ",:No Christian Scientist ev'crnrgeb anyone to investigate Christiaa Sci ence for any purpose primarily other than his own well-being. Christian Suitnce has to be discerned Individ ually, and salvation worked out to the batis of acceptance in the same manner. ' Yn 'will investigate and study Christian Science for your own beneHt. You have a. problem of some kind. You don't mh-di able to get any relief front it..' You.proo ably have tried, in all the' human ways, you - know, and - now have brought a satisfactory solution. Of course we kbuw that God should have been sought first, but gener ally it. not. Mankind usually turns to God for a last- report. Remember we are seeking for our own benefit, so don't rtart out by thinking 01 naying. "It is too good to be true that God will help me with this problem." As a matter of fact. whn we turn to God as Christian Science tear he 1,4.4 tt do. we are uudr no obliga tion to let it be known-. Let us know, that God U good .and has given us a goodly heritage-and that we cannot be pa rated from It. We uiut not insist that, we are perma nently held in bondage to the lie. even II evety one we talk to sayj We are; bit we muet know nead hat we hare every rodand" perfect ;ifl from God. and don't propone to. rd cjmnot, be nparjted from It. We must not accept defeat as Inevi- table, bin rMher must know that victory Ia uneipable, God hai given u dominion over the earth and the fullness thereof, and -must realize that we ranuot help having (hU dominion. We must think over all the-phases of the trouble which seem to J.-enet us. and get riJ of believing them to b real; then know with all our heart and all our soul and all our mind that we are not fraid. because we . "live and move and hate our being" In the perfect Love which destroys fear. If we 'use Just these simple thoughts, knowing it U the ChrUt-mind work ing in 11. and the resultant freedom accompanying thl knowing wilt caute us to "praise God from whom all blers'.ngs flow." and the reali zation that our salvation 's a perfect demonstration and a permanent peace. snonia not oe airaia 10 strive to be perfect, nor think It Impossible. Jesus told us to h per fect." and He never made a demand which is impossible of fulfillment. It ts not demanded of 111 in it com pleteness immediately, but we m.u.l work at until It Is accomplished, ror good requires it of.ns. It' hss just be n indicated to you In a few words how simple is the foundatit-if work-" ia what we term Christian Science treattrtnt. but we roust always remember, rs It has been nrevlouslV stated, that It " Is the SDirit which maketh ."alive, mi! tne letter-whicu "klllith." In the end the words do not count, ion have turned In the right d'rectlon. and If you continue in It conserrat- cdlv and petsistcntly. von will meet with success ia your efforts, snd lll je atle to hold fast that which is KOOL It lis natnral to assume rrom me results of the first twenty-five years of diriftian Science practce In the wo-ld that longevity will steadily in crease, until the age nf the Antedilu vians is again the natural span of life, finally to paw Intc. eternal eon fdournesui of Life, without begin ning and without ending. Material scientWs have qucrtlnncu tie wiate- ment that the Antediluvian roeas nred. time by year, as we. do. Rome nf them have insisted the moon's phases wte the measure of time In thoite days, snd that, therefore, we hoMlJ ubtitnte months for years in the Genesis narrative. Iff we accent th! line of reason ing to be correct. Adsm lived nine hundred and thirty montns. insuaa of veara. and so was Tout seventy eight yeirs old when be died, thus conforming close-ly to the theory that the t.pan of a man's life en earth is three rcore and ten. There is. howeier. little thing stsnd Inr In the nay of such a conclusion. Seth.wa born, according to Genenis h-i A van one hundred and thirty jrs old. Reduce tbe years to rw-nt!' in thl statcmnt. and It wruM read that Seth was born when ,. v" j!v eleTen years eld. aud nlrciv ine father of two sons. r;n ?-d Alel. With Enoch the absurdity I even tr.r-re evident! Me thuakh was born when Enoch was sltty-five years, according to Gene-slj.- Reduce- the rears to months ia thla case, and It would read that Melhusoleb, was born when Enoch S E R VI C E A B L E 1 v) FOR WINTER WEAR We are well MiitIie tliu Jeas4n wild a airtiuent of footwear for winter wear. Tliee hoe are l.uilt of leit quality leathers ami made to withstand the hard wear. - Dr. Sommers New Dawn Health Shoe FOR LA I) IKS, M1SSKS ANI) CHILDKEX A coiiifortahlf, serviteal.le sue inaile on a sreeial kt to give the titiuoKt coi;ifoit and satisfaction. Just the lhinjr for out dNir. and school wear. YOUTHS' AND. HOYS Junior Army Shoes This shoe i Kuilt on the eoinfortal.le Army lait. The ideal shoe for the hol loy. It will stand the hard knocks and wear like iron. . $4 to $5.50 YOITTIIS IIIOII TOIS Munson Army last. A.t.hoe that will keep the feet dry aud warm, 110 matter how rough the weather. $4 to $6.50 DAYTON ItAII.HOAI) SIIOKS FOR MI'A. t-ert.roejf iVtiihle sole. Wa- :....tszo IUO STOCK OF KIMtltKHS ANI) Hl lUlKK HOOTS. SIZES. M.h KINDS ALL i t t- n t ft i 1. was' five snd rne-half yars eId. A iM-coliar ronclmiup. fn't it, drawn to -srus the constant decadence of man s years since the days of early Hlulr history, the decadence Science ton?ttut th? law of life untu all t!l'. ch:lir n. ' Had Mrs. Ldt!y not "been "a pro found sal pniKtct.r Modest not merely a r-aOr t ttm Lible. h teuchea fcr the measure of suan-'ecu Id nctcr have Ld tbe retention atna s ueparBre from uod. 4 Christian Science Is. It was bcr b siiute truj-t In aud acceptance of all the protnles in the I'.lWe, which ke;t lier cn ctrth when ao material method would suffice. After her heal: d 5 she spent yesrs In a deter mined etfn t to find the Imth which had raised her. elinting to the glimpM-s of llht which came, e en did Jactb to hit angel visitants, until these pure impart lions from God became a revelatloo of His Im mutable nature and power, and then she haled others, even as she her self had been healed. In otherwords. the spiritual teachings found la the Lible which Mrs. Kddy discerned, are the sole and only foundation on which the Christian Science move ment stands, ftp'.cading its branch like the tre of IJfe over all cre ation. wlh Its leaves Us teachings ready, at hand for the healing of all mankind. . i MSCOVERKR" AV1 FOUNDER la closing permit roe to say this abent Mrs. Kddy. She stands alone in modern history as the one who through conve-crstion has been able to point out and to prove the rplrSt nal Import of the life and works of lesua tbe ChriM. showing us individ ually how. 10 oe them la our daily walks, bow to make of them for all time a livinr. virile. Irresistible. Ir refutable, and Irreversible power, to the tearing down of the strongholds of evil and the establishment of His kingdom on earth as it I in heaven. God placed His command anon her. "d she obeyed It and lifted tbe. Christ p from the earth, out from matter snd Into Fp'-rlt. until we e that all men are '.egirnlng to be I'nm ntto Him snd the Ecrlp'nres are fulfilled. Mm. Kddy wrote "Science Sad Health with Key to the Scriptures" It was revealed to hr. snd thourh it teaching may "-m hard of acceptance, becauae it overturns and rfet ror all man made theortee. vet does It bring to n the ve-y presence of Coi n clearly, fco vital ly, and so nsably. t ?t time sinks IpIo otwir'iy and the gtorl-a tf the eternal Cvl become attendant In ibourhi. all the earth 'hall rail her blesd of Cod. a w-wtir t paee snd h line to all mxnkind. 1 The Itook of I'salms la ra!ly a book cf praytr.' Havld had had won derfal blessings frou God. and yet hU human ene lei him astray, un til, ae fonnd hlmsetf la the very depths and suffering the rewtt-qucn-rea of turning to hi own way rath er than to Cod's.' The PnalmB are the result of his regenerated right knowledge of . God. How they do moet cf them ring with praise to GoJ -on high, and how they help as on to the Journey from wrong to tight, and from darkness to light, ia auy hour of need the spiritual In terpretation of tbe Lord's Prayer, as Mrs. Kddv gives it to ns In "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures, is also a tower of trcngth bringing out absolutely the right sense of prayer, which leads to the open fount or His limitless blessing. CHRIST We read In the I'.ibU that Jetn. before taf arenion. said he wo-ild not lea vi ( ns comfortlevt but would send a ct-rcforter. whj w-uld always stay with - us. Christian Scitrce teahea that this Comforter is the living Christ or Redeemer. that ftand knocking at tbe doer of each one's' thotght. seeking to ave and regenerate. When a bad thoaght roiiiea to icrapt as. if v are obedi ent and always longing. that God's will be done, a good thought comes. and shows us the error of the other. so we may cast tt out and not yield to it. Is not this the blessed Re deemer. blesej bey:.nd word expres sion? Is not this the Christ, wh eh nabled Jt-sus. though tempted Jut as yon and I are. never to yield? Is it not rea.onable to assert this' Is what Jesus meant when he said. "If I be lirted up from tbe earth. 1 1 ) will draw all mn unto me"? Christian Science does not use the names Jesus and Christ synonjmous ly, but teaches that Jesus was the son or Mary, and Christ tbe spiritual knowledge or Idea which actuated him In all his ways. The whole world rerognise-a tbe need tor a Ke 'leemT. Christians claim be came and died as Jesna; the Jems that be is yet to"c;;ie. Christian Scine barroonUcj the apparently Inmir- -1U""U'- unirrenre Between ine i - i n,M,. k.Arli Mw human opinions. reveals tbe.,, ... , i nntmA e&eh and all of as. and thus male spiritual Chrt as eser present f'hj,oa , r.M. ,-,,h. word of his Chrlkt as arc pt able to the Jew as to the Gentile.- It trakc a prolunnd i ru predion on aaon wlien in a Wednesday slsbt testimonial meet ing In a Christian Science church tiny hear for the first time a Jt w testifying to his faith In and accept ance of the living Cnrtst as his Re deemer and 1ord. Christian ScuT.ce. the-elorc. teaches ns that we have a living Redeemer, and that this Re deemer is Christ glorified. 1 TllK Hilll.K. I During this address you have heard the Bible so frequently re ferred to and quoted from that you I will certainly reallie how weChr'.s-! tlaa Scientists venerate and study j It. and how absolutely we know that. Ur teachings, spiritually discerned, ' !rrac. which Is able to build yon up. and to r've ton an Inheritance xrannr all of. them whlc'a are saa- Ctlfted" r--T-o-n-s TMI4I. St WII-TtoW TEXAS OIL BULLETIN 'uM'.iimI kir In ib heart ef 'K Tmii Oil fields t tn know f th oil tm i . Tnm want r -tM nrm atwat filt'lur condi tions, sotne flaws' ew ttiveat Drill. W rltr toHir f.-r th ItulIrdN htwter Irrr k for tny InfArmstioe you dtr l.iil sny nil fields e mt cmpsnles n whtck yo ar intereated. Ad 4r r.lLBFRT JAttVtAV Jt f O, ia yearw OH O 'ii' mm Brkrr Huite ill MIV MsJa SC Frt Werth, TrtM