TIIE OREGON STATESSIAXi WEDXESaW, OCTOBER 29, 1810. REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A WondernJ Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told bj AD ELK GAIUUSOII CHAPTER CCCCXXX WHAT HA PP E N E D W H E N MADGE'S HAT CAME TO "GRACE THE FEAST." e' "nought a suit for a pretty wo man, not Madge?" Mrs. Durkee echoed Dicky's words with a little shriek oij, incredulity He smiled at her tolerantly, while I amazed at hia audacity, trembled with a new-born hopet that s: there might be some unexplained reason for the scene I had witnessed Id Hambel'B when I had seen him buy- ing an expensive bat and suit for "Edith." He hacr described the hat but a few moments before, and de clared that he had bought it for me- I waited breathlessly for his next words. "I suppose I might as well tell yon the whole story," he said, leanlnr back in his chair. He addressed Mrs. Durkee directly, but 1 felt In tuitively that his story was meant for me. "You see, I hau a very ticklish or- dsr the other day. Starrett of Par- ker's sent for me, and wanted me to illustrate that new serial of Block s Tobacco Hardens the Arteries, , Overtaxes the Heart ! .. .. 1 and Shortens Life . i ? . - Saya Dr. Connor, Who Suggests a Simple Test to Find If It 1 , - Is Hurting You. Can You Stand It? : Nevv York. Dr. Connor, formerly t ' Johns Hopkins hospital, says: Hundreds of thousands of men who rmoke and chew and who believe themselves healthy are sufrerinjffrom progressive organic aliments. They would never htave been afflicted had it not been for the use of tobacco and most of them would soon Ret well If they would only Up the use of tobacco. .: The best known habit formln? prin cipal of tobacco Is nicotine, but th most deadly and demoralizing is fur fural. Uoth are deadly poison, which, when absorbed by "the system slowly, but surely, affect the nerves, mem branes, tiues, vit.il organs and vital ity of the body. - The harmful effect of tobacco varies and depends on circumstances and the Individual. In som it causes g-enerai debility, others catarrh of the throat. Indigestion, constipation, extreme nerv ousness, sleeplessness, loss of memory, lack of will power, cowardice and fear, mental confusion, etc.;. in others it causes heart disease, bronchial troubles, hardening of the arteries, palpitation of the heart, tuberculosis, blindness, can cer and the common affliction known a tobocco heart. If you use tobacco in any form you easily d?tect.!ts harmful effects by nakinsr the - following: simple tests: Head aloud a full pace from a book. If your voice becomes muffled bourse and Indistinct and you must frequently clear your throat, the Chances are that rtrur throat is arfected by catarrh and t may be the beginning of very serious catarrhal trouble. Next in the morn- fritr. before taking your usual smoke. walk, up three flights of stairs at a reg ular pace, men stop. II you find mat you are ouc of breath, if your heart beat is forced, trembling or irreeular. you may be the victim of a functional or organic heart trouble. If you feel that you must smoke or chew to auiet your nerves, you are a slave to the to bacco habit and are slowly poisoning yourself with the insidious deadly drugs, nicotine and furfural. In either case you have Just two alternatives- keep on with your self-poisoning pro cess resrardless of the-Jansrers. and suf fer the consequences, or rid yourself of the habit and escape the dangers. You can overcome the craving and stop the tobacco habit in a very short time by using the following inexpens ive formula: Go to any drug store and ask for Nicotol. Take one tablet alter each meal and in a comparatively short time you will have no desire for tobacco. The craving will have lert you. With the nicotine poisoning out of your system your general health will quickly improve. Note; When asked about Xicotol. one of our leading druggists said: Xicotol is truly a wonderruiremedy ror tne to bacco habit. It is way ahead or any thing we have ever sold before. We are authorized by the manufacturers to re fund the money to every dissatisfied customer and we would not permit the use of our name unless the remedy pos sessed unusual merit." Xicotol is sold in this city under an iron-clad money- back guarantee try ail up-to-uaie Drug gists, including JJ. J. t ry. Oh Boy ! A ReaTDance Cole McElroy's . Incomparable Syncopated Orchestra of Portland sa f4fig WmF Admission 25c--Then 10c per dance. Dancing -1 Free 8 to 9 K New Auburn Hall Tuesday Evening October 28 ' Salem Armory Wednesdav Evening October 29 i ATTENTION SALEM MEN WHAT RECREATION WILL DO FOR YOU R egul.ir ' 0 . ' xerci.se ' - ; - C an . R oniove A voirdtipois T ako . i :. : :,. I t " ' - O-ff ' V N ow ! R ovular E xorciVo . i : . 0 an- B-e1,uili ', E nliven A ml T onicize " I ndividnals "0 n-tlieJob" N ow! Ilpcroational activities will show up the .stuff that a man or !oy is made of, for you soe the hest or the worst that is in him when he takes part in a game. ; It make him strong, not only physically, but mentally ami morally, for it develops the muscles, will pqwer and the sport of fair play. .1 r - "GAMES BUILD CHARAp"ER" The Business Men's Class will meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening beginning Monday evening, October 27th, r.t r:13 at the Salem Y. M. C. A. GETTING READY TO HOP OFF -1 W-mMl It's 'all southern stuff, real old Vir ginia, and the heroine, of course, i a Virginia girl, F. F. V. and all th rest of it." - . I stafted violently. If what Dicky was Raying was true But he wa talking rapidly now, and I composed mysel f to listen. "Luckily, pome of the scenes are laid in New York, where lovely her oine seeks her fortune, and all that rot. You know Block's usual line o patter. I'll have to take a run down to Virginia for a few drawings but most of the work can be don right here. "And by the greatest piece of good fortune I had a wonderful type for a heroine right within reach. You'v seen those two Virginia girls, Ed ith and Leila Fairfax, who have an alleged studio in our building, have n't you, Alf ?" "Where's the Hat Now?" "Sure," Alfred Durkee returned lazily. "Whenever I hear their names I can hear biscuit being Eeat n. and smell the fried chicken. But don't digress too far. Dicky-bird. I'm curious to know how you're going to nut over this buying-clothes-for-fem- inine friends stunt. It's a new one to me. - "Shut up," ordered Dicky rudely 'You don't need any pointers on any thing of that sort. But to go on. if you can manage to keep your mouth shut. I finally screwed up my cour ge to ask them to help me out with the pictures. Of course, I couldn't offfer them money; they'd turn up their patrician Virginia toes to th daisies at the idea of acting as pro- CLEANS KIDNEYS GLASS OF SALTS If your Hark hurt or Bladder bother you, drink lots of Water fessional models, but they were very sweet.about helping me out on the score of being' studio friends and neighbors. - i "I wanted to do something In re turn for them, and I finally hit' up on the idea of asking them if thev couldn't use the suits and gowns' I had them wear in the pictures. Yon see I prepared for the drawings verr carefully, and personally selected, the gowns and hats they were ' to wear, because I didn't want a Jarrfn note. Of course ,the gowns fitted them and no one else, so arter a lit tle demurring 'they agreed; in fact- I fancy they were secretly tickled to aeatn..- uut I mentally drew th line when I saw that $40 blue hat It was just the type I wanted for the drawing, but I didn't want to see anybody else but 'milady here; wear it afterward. Besides, I'm not I so flush that I want to reward lady? friend models -with $40 hats." "N'o?" Alfred Durkee's voice held a idry note of incredulity, which I T knew he was mischievously eni- Thielsen from William Burghardt S and 1. Kind ley, professional, who was at Tualatin nntil recently. ' has arrired in Salem nnd will conduct classes at the lllahce course. He Is reck oned one of the most' efficient In structors and the best players in the northwest. and members of the club are anticipating an Increase In interest Id the game. Void Canne Headache and rain Feverish Headaches and Body Pains caused from a cold are soon relieved by taking LAXATIVE BROMO QUI NINE Tablets. There Is only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on tire box. 30c. CATHOLICS HOLD SPECIAL SERVICE Forty Hoars' Adoration This Week Beantifnlly Imprest live Observance One of the most leautifnl-and irapreive seprlcea of the Catholic church will be observed this week wbn the Forty Hours Adoration will take place, commencing with sol emn high mam on Friday mornlnr beautifully prepared and for three days the Most Bles.ed Sacrament I' allowed to remain within the vie of the worshippers who- are In con stant attendance during the day. The Forty hours adoration Is authorita tively explained as follows: "The origin of the Forty Hour Adoration dates from November 1SS. when Hie Father of Christen dom, seeing the grevous and pro tracted calamities of the Christian world, the deserts of sla dally In creasing, had recourse to prayer. that everfalthfnl and true Interpre ter of human deIre. Mindful of th words of our Lord. 'Call npoi Me In the day of thy tribulation; I will deliver thee, and thon shal honor MeA.be established In ' the Eternal City the first Forty Hours' Adoration. He granted a plenarv I the way is grossly misunderstood) j to all persons who. being truly re-J . . , . . a iL.i. peniani ana naving romrwru mo sins and received the Most Holv Sacramnt of the Encharlst. should continue in prayer for at least ar honr during the time of the adora tion. , Other churches In other ejtie and countries wishing to take an the devotion, asked permission to do so- until gradually the practice has ex tended all over the world; and Chris tian people generally, whether Cath olic or non-Catholic are Invited to come to the chnreh for an hour quiet prayer. They are also moa cordially welcomed to any or all of our service.' Services will be as follows: Friday. October 31. solemn high mass at 7 o'clock, communion dis tributed. Low mass and commun ion again at 8 o'clock. Sermon and benediction at 7:30 In the evening Saturday. Nor. 1. All Saints Day a day of obligation for the faithful high mass and communion at 7 o'clock. Low mm and communion and sermon at 9 o'clock. Sermon an benediction at 7:30 In the evening Sunday masses as nvaal. 7:30 an 10:30. with sermon and communion On Sunday evening at 7:20. the For ty Hours' Adoration wll close. The order will be sermon, procession and benediction. The boys vested sanctuary choir will sing each evening at the services and the Rev. Father John Cumrais ky. O. S. II. will preach at the eve ning benediction. Survey It Completed for ' Airlie Topographic Maps Percy A. Cupper, state engineer reports that the topographic survey of the Airlie quadrangle has practi cally been conuleted.by the I'nlted States geographical survey, and ad- -vanced quadrangle sheets were re ceived by th state engineer yester day. Tne map shows the topo graphical condition of lands lylna west of Independence. ftT0-DAY HOWARD FOSTER PLAYERS Big Bonding Concern Will Operate in This State The H. W. Dubiske company, or ganized under the laws of Delaware and having its offices in Chicago. was granted a permit Saturday by tcrpl liJ NEW PLAYS Wf.L DESMOND "UGK-nniKii HAMLET SSBBBBBHSMS Last Day Is there anything in this world In which the smaller consumer does not get the tough end? ploying for the purpose or getting a corporation Commissioner Schulder nse out of Dicky. "Then where'n man to do business In Oregon. The the hat now?" J When ""your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kid neys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean Ifke you keep your towels clean, br flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes the body's uri nous waste and stimulates them to their normal activity. The function of the kidneys is to filter the blood In 24 hours they strain from it ZOtt grains of acid and waste, so we cap readily understand the vital im portance of keeping the kidneys ac tive. Drink lot of water you can' drink too much; also get from anv pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a teaspoonful in a glas of water-Tbefore breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grape and lemon Juice, combined with lith la, and has been used for genera tions to clean and stimulate clogged kidneys; also to neutralize the acids In urine so it no longer Is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot injure: makes a delightful efferves cent lithia-water drink which every one should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no doubt you will won der what became of your kidney trouble and backache. company is caoitalized at S 2 SO. 000 "In my studio, you Idiot," Dicky and does a business Instocks and turned. - "I've got to make the' bonds. George R. Alexander of the Spalding Building, Portland, is Ore gon representative. Seely & Co., marine Incorporators, a Washington concern capitalized at $100,000. was issed a permit to op erate in Oregon. Orlando W. David son of Portland Is attorney-in-fact tor Oregon. Articles of Incorporation were filed by the Pacific Extension institute of Portland, which Is capitalized "at $i000. and which will give courses of instruction Jn stenography, type writing and business methods. The incorporators are W. M. Williams. Herman D. Boyer and James B. OIL Supplementar articles of Incor poration were filed by the Independ ent Creamery company of Portland, showing an Increase in capital stock from $5000 to $10,000. and by the Valley Canning company of Newberg showing an Increase In capitalization from $25,000 to $150,000. uesoiuiions 01 dissolution were. tiled py tne FY W. KIger dairy, Inc. of Portland. returned. "I've got to make drawings first before I bring it home." "Did you bring Miss Fairfax to Hambel's "with you?" Mrs. Durkee asked, innocently enough, and yet I saw that she scented something stil' unsolved. "Of course." Dicky replied. "You must have been there Just when we were. It's a wonder Mrs. Graham didn't see you. Why. now 1 know she must have seen you r that was what '-" Who Is This Girl? . "Please, Mrs. Durkee." I begged n a low voice, my face flushed with humiliated embarrassment. It wa bnd enough to have Mrs. Durkee re alize that the sight of Dicky and his little art!st friend together was the cause of my faint. But to have her air her knowledge before her son and Dicky! It was unthinkable., She turned the subject with sur nrislng Quickness, while I sat trem bling with the happiness of restored belief In my husbamL "Oil. but I'm crazyrfo see that ha on von, Mrs. Graham." little Mrs Durkee gurgled. "What's the mat ter" as Dicky half-rose to his feet with a rmothered exclamation. We all followed the direction of his gaze. Into the restaurant ha come a party of six. three girls and three men. wh3 took seats not far from tfs. but who did not observe fur nearness to them. Edith and Leila Fairfax and another, more triking but decidedly less patrician girl, made up the feminine eon tin j ent of t'ie partv, and upon the bead of the third girl rested the hat which Dickv had Just said he had bought for me ' (To be continued) . Second Eliminations for Gardner & Keene Cup Played In the second elimination Sunday In the golf tournament bing played on the Illahee country clcb course for the Gardner & Keene trophv the winners were A. B. Gardner. T. B Kay, O. G. Brown and Fred Thtel sen. Gardner won from W. C. Dyer two un and one to go: Kay won from D. W. Eyre 5 and 4: Brown from Dr. W. H. Lytle, 3 and 2; and LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR Get Itld of Every Blt'of that Ugly Dantlrarr and Stop Falling Hair. - To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of "Dan- derine" at any drug or toilet counter lor a lew cents, pour a little la your nana ana rur wen into the scalp. Aiier several applications all dand ruff usually goes and hair stops com ing out. Every hair in your head soon shows new life, vigor, bright ness, thickness and more. color ' " - T-laryTickford in Hoodlum- YE LIBERTY LIBERTY Starting Thursday The Best, ManVtns TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA If Mitei! with Hulphar It Darke ho Natarally Nobody Can TelL The o. l-t;.T.e mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur lor darkening gray. Mri'aked acu faded hair la grand mother's recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, a we are Ifving In an are when a youthful appearance Is of the great eat advantage. . I Nowudays. though, we don't have the trcuh'fesome task of gathering the sage end the massy mixing at hon e. All drug stores sell the reads to-ustf r-roc! .tel. Improved by the ad dition of oibtr Ingredients, called 'Wyeth'fc tage and Sulphur Com pound." It Is very popular because uobody can discover it has been ap plied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft Lrasli with It and draw thlv through ycur hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning the gray hair disappears, but what de lights t.e la'ies with Wyeth's Sage ana Sulphur Compound. Is that, "be sides beauDivlly darkening the h after a few applications, it also pro duces that 'soft lustre and appeir ar.c) of ubucdance which la so at tract he. m. Vv .... t 1 ON THE TRAIL OF THE DOLLAR T"ID you ever hear anyone fay, "I jutt don't know where the money goes'? Well now you can put it down that that person hasn't one of those United States National Bank CHECK ING ACCOUNTS which would indicate hy the Checkhook Stuhs just where the money went in detail, ' It's a great system for makinj: money give ao accounting of itself. IMtedStaf Salem i V V .1 .