THE OREGON STATESMAN: SATTRDAT, OCTOBER ftS, 101. 1 The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth While Class Directory il led vnRWICH UNIO ! 1XSCRANCK SOCIETY rM TO LOAN Dunmrnw a- 'St TM HO COMMISSION . tntVver Ladd A Bask FARM LOANS r HAWKINS & ROBERTS 04-207 Oregon Ballding CUtlSinE" ADTBtiTissJuui is ; Rate Per War. - I ( month ..., nTruSVrwy .Vert'.mt 26c NEW TODAY vn 8ALE-00-700 CORDS SECOND Yrowth Urge tir ana o, u KlrVeMl of S'?m near Jeer oak; about 8 in- Commercial. Phone quire jv., :i.'M aft" WAVTED-8ACKS. RAOS AND ALL An4 ctTjuak. Steinbock Junk t o., Viii Commercial St. Phone 30a. LosT-A LADY'S OOLD WATCH BE tVe lit and Church streets. Find- FOUND-A CONSIDERABLE SUM OF moneT at thb Peoplee, Cash Store. Owner please call ana prate y. tJ TAXTED HOUSE TO RENT S OR 4 rooms, furnished, or what have you got! Answer care or statesman r wd mr RTTTIEBAKER C. RE stated. 6 rood tires and has Just beea everhauled. Will trade for dia moods, or what have youT G6a. IMPROVE YOUR EVENINGS BY AT-..r.Ai- th. ranltal Business College aitrht school which begins on Monday aight. Oct. 17 The principal will be in his office tonight to .register pu pils and talk to any wno are imereai ed See advertisement on another pace of this Issue. There will aJuo be a new class tn shorthand in the day school next week. j , FOR SALE SIX ROOM HOUSE. BATH, barn, two lota, fruit tree. Vt block to carllne. See owner. JtO Highland Ave. Easy terms. - I . 1 ALARMING SACRIFICE ! Of a small farm, $1500 canh turns the deal for one week only. For particu lar ee Wm. Fremintr. room 7, Bayne .Building. 141 State SL j i A GOOD FORTY 1 With all new buildings. milea from good town on rock road. $3000. One- third cash. A very good place for the money. 8e wm. f ieming. itoom i, Bayne building. ; i BEST BUYS T-room modern house on High street, Lot llxlti. $2500. Installments. 7-room house on N. 14th. uii ce- Bnt basement. $3500. Installments. 7-room modern bungalow on Winter and Trade. $4000. f t-room house on N. Church. Lot 32 x Its. I2Ufl ! Lot in Boises Second addition; 50x123 I enrner lot. 1500. I 1(1 acres; $0 cultivated. Good S-room ttxttt: spring and well.' On main road tear Daiiae. $17,000. Will sell part. 1-4 section 1$ miles from Watson. rinada. 40 A. cultivated. 80 more ready. Balance eaiture. Log buildings. $4000. Will trad for farm her. i 2 acres all in cultivation. 4 miles from Albany on Pacific highway. Good krel land, well fenced. i$3750. Will trade for hduae and lot in Salem. C W. NIEMEYER 21S-2K Masonic Bldgi. Salem. ' Phonea 1000, 1014. U. S. GARAGE 554 Ferr StL .-USED' J. . .. Rill KaI AhnaoH rflr" ! 4 Htudebaker ...... J . , . ... $13r.o 950 375 'H Studebaker ...... J ... ... 1H Hudson ' 4 Paige ..." 4 overland U 4 Overland 4 50 4 25 425 "J hood. Ford Vis 4 Reo ......... !? Maxwell . 250 i . ; i7s i t. o. Truck . Tntak. . 1. irnclts, trucks, trucks, i some terms I Kemember, cars houi .ememDer, we -give free service on Toa, diamonds, etc.. In exchange. nave you to trade for a carl see M today, jf you have a car to sell. rng It in. When our building Is fully Jmo4eiled we will have one of the -fgwt garages In the valley. U. S. GARAGE . A. Col vert. Mgr. i 554 Ferry St Cars washed and polished. $3 - All work guaranteed ACCOUNTANTS EOOXKEEPERS AND OFFICE MEN j W.".11' rer or the k. il jr .ACCOUNTANTS SOCIETY will mi.- m October 25Ui and 26tl to qbhT?w. mbious men who wish to ad J,J2r, hirlt salaried accounting start "fVv positions s and who can 'uiing at once. T ; ; .; thole! 'who desire to dentin- the atlfl nd practical moat thorough. ! obtainable M SCHOOL IS STRONGER THAN ITS FACULTY yon in ii..t;.i. villi w e.ii 0B 'our Prt Pr Inter- .lAf.,rrte or nhone tT. M. Mas- t. fnJ Marlon Hotel. Sa- KiPLOYRIENT 1 i ni ihiliii. FEMALE m w farWATrEP AT ! THE CLOVE r work. 1455 Oak St. MALB fcJSSasans1at9J49sSaBa9 LhiirT..'WAIER; APPLY Saun i s n a - at... mmmmmm" ai,iH gpiirvw 'tsrdav. tMJ1 DESIRES WORK Lr.. .': .Jas. Porter fherrv.Citr KALE. " 1 i-ii-i-i-inan.-uvTj-ui , MAKING EXPERTS! OUR -NEW SYSTEM OF INSTRUCTION developed lit a cost of thousand of uoitars. noi mereny nts men to hold Jobs t nautomobile. gas tractor, truck, stationary, marine or airplane engi neering, but puts them in the hitch-alarit-d fl mak them- experts. Special classes in ignition, carburr tion. battery repairing. Hemphill's trade fechools, 707 Hawthorne Ave.. rurinnu, urfOn. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED- SALESMAN AND WOMEN ror canvaasing in the city. All or part day work. Good opportunity for live students. Apply Welches Electric jstore.- , FOR SALE EDsnrEsa opportunities a mm a. e. m -srii-trtrLri-rucn, FOR SALE SAWMILL FULLY EQUIP- pea. iv.vvv capacity, edger, planer, blacksmith tools. Denby truck, con tract on two million feet of timber at $2.00 per thousand. Price $4000 E B. Urabenhorst. 275 State St. . 1 , . --nM MAGAZINES F TOU WANT TO Girr thr mitjit farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. LIVESTOCK. ' mm mm an an aa aa .aa .s. M-M--M-u-tVuxft , PIGS FOR SALE. PHONE 105FH. COWS AND HOoa FOR SALE. PHONE FOR SALE-TWO YOUNO JERSEY cows. One fresh and one will be soon. 715 South 12th St. OK SALE 30 HEAD COTSWOLI) ewes ana registered ram. Also reg istered Shorthorn bulls. Cromler T J T. rAY i MISCELLANEOUS FHONB YOUR ORDERS .FOR - RIPE eating and cooking applea to Walter Pearmine. 98F2. - FOR SALE CHEAP A FORD DELIV- ry ? jfirst class condition. Call at noon at bea North High. USED CARS FOR SALTS 1918 MAX well good aa new; 1917 Maxwell, run 1000 miles. Cash or terms. 17 bo. Commercial. Phone 199. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE $ 5 i hp. 1 cyU with throttling governor, i heavy fly and belt wheel. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon ; tank goea with it. Scott Boxorth. 7uz ppauiding Bidg Portland. Ore. CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised. making a handsome liUle book. It : tells in graphic terms of the massa 1 ere of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenxo. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. TYPEWRITERS aesSeatheUaeedaseanaS THE ACCELERATING TYPE BAR Ac tion roller contact escapement, dou ble" ahift release, unitary carriage structure and tne personal touch ad juster are only a few of the th Rovl Tve. raccaiy mff Btl will convince features that make writer the most practical bunt today. A trial you. Graham & Wells. Agents. Cor vallis. Oregon. POCLTRT THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR- naL the biggest and beat in the west. The live magaxine for live Doultrv. men 75 cents a year. $1.00 in Salem. Send 5 cents for sample todav. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. saiem. uregon. Mention tola ad. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms at 730 North front street. FOR RENT A ROOM WITH HOT WATER best, and lavatory with hot and cold n ter. 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 1280. HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES, APARTMENTS and farms. . 1 wood. 141 State street. Phone 794. T I LOST AND FOUND LOST 1 jWWV&00000004l LOST SHOE BUCKLE IN BLACK and silver. Monday. Reward. Phone Z33 LOST A 15 INCH STRING OF PEARL beads at Fair Grounds or in city. Ho ward. Phone 2363. - FOUND irJ"trhSXfJXrtiajJ''ai)ti C i"afi 1 SOW AND FOUR PIGS STRAYED 1N- to mv farm at Zena two weeKa ago. Owner may have same by identify ing, paying for keep and this ad. Harvey Crawford. WANTED inAftAAAmyiTiriv --------- KISCELLANEOUS. WE BUT ANT KIND OF USED CARS. Pbone 399, 197 BOUtn commercial. WANTKI) TO RENT THREE OK four rooms furnished or uniurnisnea. Tel. 2270 J. WANTED EXTRA GOOD YOUNG milch cow. Jersey preierrea. roone 2135J. : -; WAVTED A 5-ROOM HOUSE BY No vember first will lease or ouy, iri. 2270J. ' ; WANTED TO BUY CHILD'S IRON crib and mattrei-s it in gooa conai- tion. Phone 1140W. i LOAN WANTED OF $1000. iLong term. Al security, ftee wm. tiemmg, am State SU 17 ail FOR LOW. BIX)CKY TEAM WEIGH Inr 2600 poands or ipan of zzoo poena males. I. . Araeia, uoaio , us . WANTED LADIES AND GENTS' garments to remodel, no alteration too difficult. Mrs. C Ezra Sparks, Ladies' Tailor; C. Ezra Sparks, Gents Tailor, 443 State St Room z. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY j-ia-L-L-Lixam")"ii" 1 OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE H9 N, Commercial St, T.XI.C.A. Block. mr rrhevrolet $375. Two 1917 Sax on Six cars. $S50. 1917 seven psssea-o- Utiwl-Kakor tt.73. Dodge, good aa new. $950. Three Fords. $350 to tiT- ii7 Velle. f75S. tee this one. Come in snd see how we can make a tractor out of your Id car for BRING1 TOUR BATTERY WORK TO tna uaiwrr ddow, hi v.... . streec Pbone 413. AU work guar anteed). . CV'rd"-- -JeaTp orter chel rv-Clty Oel r,a flail .fiffl Afl. u"se. Stats St. k Cherry - City I jgQ me UaSIlIlCQ IQS AUTO SKRY1CB. SHIPP-S AUTO 8 ERVICfc HTT AND country trips. Phone: Day. 941; night. I6f, TIRES REPAIRED TTJXCANIZINO GATES HAL.r-BOL.IC TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial St. Phone 418. LODGES Cbetaeketa Ixodes he. 1 assets every Wedae-dar evening at 7:30 st tba I. O. O. P. lialL BUSINESS CARDS DEATH AKD EXPRESS. LARMSR TRANSFER-WB lfOVB AND store, foods. Day phone lit. Night phone JI9S. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY r Phone 933. Salem's largest aad beat equipped transfer company. Get ear re duced freight rates on eastera shipments. Also for storage, ss we have three ware houses in eonneetioa will boaiaess. Fernl- tare moving, packing, shipping and stor ing ear specialty. - Office. 128 State St. INSURANCE. I GILT EDGE FIRE INSURANCE PRO- uttrriO.N and up-to-the-minute In aurarce service, has always been the leading policy of the Oregon Fire Iteilef Association of McMinnville. The O. K. R. A. has maintained an eatablished Salem , Agency for over twenty years, and we are here to give you service at all times. M. A, Johnson Insurance Agency, over Ladd A Bush Bank. Salem. Phone 147. JTXK. JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk' Co, 171 Cbemeketa St. Phone Us. riSAKCIAU FREE INFORMATION IF YOU WANT information about any kind ef life Insurance, see J. F. Hutchason. dis trict manager. for the Mutual Life of New York. Office at 171 State street Salem. Ore. Office phone 99, resi dence 119S. LATJHBKXES. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Ouality work, prompt service. 1114 Broadway. Phone IS. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN. 480 retry Bt. I par ton market Briee for chickens aad egra. Hease pheae 1IS3J. Baop puoae issaj. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- uler washing dons at a rate every body can afford. For only It cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four nouis. Pbone 1471. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRT QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. se per pound, lit BoutL Liberty Bt. kd one zx MONKY TO LOAR, FEDERAL FARM LOANS. THE APPRAISERS FROM THE FEI Vt W.r? w.a?.wI.r.t.'..n5.dJri? funds before March should file their applications now. . A. c Bohrnatedt 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. GOVERNMENT LOANS AT m PER cent, w. D. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. DO NOT LET THE NEED OP A BUILDING loan for a home bother yoa. I represent ene ef the largest lis tiding sad Loaa As sociations in the Northwest aad can sap ply your needa. I A. C. BOHBSSTXST 401 Masoaie Temple Salem, Oregoa SECOND HAND FURNITURE! BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL TOUR furniture, stoves or carpets, you win gain by calling on ua. The Capital Hardware Co., 285 North Commercial SL- Phone 947. - PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 171 N. Commercial. Pbone 734. Home or bar gal na. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. We buy, sell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for cecond-hand goods. - OPTOMETRISTS. DR. L. HALL WILSON Special. 1st In the Modern Scientific Ap plication of Glaases for the aid of vision and the relief of Eyeatraln and Headache. Office closed Saturdays Office 2)0-211 U. S. Bank Building. Phones, office 145: res. iz. PAINTERS 4aCs9esessahaeaTa F. H. KAYLOR. PAINTER. Sit SOUTH Winter. Pbone 2S. : SECOND HARD GOODS USED BEFORE SELLING YOUR Furniture or Clothing, .etc. see J. A. Rowland. I pay the higheat caah price or will take In used goods for new. Call at 1247 N. Commercial St. or phone 1$. ' WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings. Bar nes a, collars, collar pads, tools, and chalna. - Fred I Schlndler, 15$ Center street. I AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of i hauling. Houseboia moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Tim me. 47$ State St. j Phone . Residence phone 1113J. I . WALL PAPER. PAINT ssSsSsaSsatSsSjSatesSae SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper ana Picture sraming. uooa workmen. 45$ Court St- Phone 4$5- IPTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for cnoice wan fa per at Buren's Furniture Store. 17 Com mercial street. "7 WOVEN WIRJB S-ENCTNO " yrLrt-L-Li.n.i ........ Deafcsx HatJewal Jt Asaerteaa T all a IMS, za la. ts as lav aiga. Paints. Oils aad Varalsa. Haves llefcedlt aad RepalreeL loganberry and Heel Hee. I aleaa reae afc Steve Wersta. XM Oeurt ft. PesB 1S4 professional " CHIROPRACTIC sass4esSSsshSas DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE of P. S- C Chlropractles foontais head. Daveryort. Iowa. Chiropractic corrects tbe csuse of disease. Of flee 404-7-9 U. 8. Nstlonsl Bank Building Phone 17. Realdence 113R. - CHiwiesiB 9frrsfcfis mlldlns? CURES ANT FOWN cannot Uease. Ill 8. High SC Phone nfJpunltr. OITXOFATHY. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIC Physician Hurieon. 403-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Office 1394; Res. 68F5. DR. W. L MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Klrka vllle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic dUeae. Office 4f4-40e O. B. National Bank Bldg. Phone alt. Residence. 41 1 Worth Bummer, phone a 14. WATER ! ALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 191 8. Commercial street. For water serv ice apply at office. Make all com plaints at the office. No deductions m bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premise. Here after water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us ing water for' domestic purposes. Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under sched ule of rates. Apply at office for copy PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE .Notice la hereby riven that suffic ient: funds are on hand to redeem City of Salem bonds Nos. 1 to 11 both inclusive-dated ' November 10th. 1909. i sb tied for the coat or Improving Commercial street from Trade street to Center street. Said bonds will be redeemed by the City Treasurer on November 40th, 191. after which date interest will cease. Notice is also given that sufficient funds are on hand to redeem City of Salem bonds Nos. 1 to 17 both inclusive dated November . 15th 1909, issued for the-cost of improv ing State street from Commercial street to Church street. Said f bonds will be redeemed by the city treasur er on November 15th,' 1919, after which date interest will cease. CO. RICE. City Tressurer. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Salem, Oregon. .Phone 2488 "V SALEM MARKETS I BTJTTNa PRICB Bex and PosULry. i . Kpgs, cec Hens, 25c. Broilers, 22c Old roosters, 13c Dressed hogs, 18-1 9c. Extra fancy Teal, 23 to 24c Pork. Mutton and itesl. Pork on foot, 14c. Lambs, 10c. Beef, steers. 84 to le. Cows, 6 to 8c. Top eal, 23c Hay.' Cheat hay. per ton S 17.' Oat and vtch hay, per ton $20. Clover hay, $20. Grsia, Wheat, $2. Feed oats, 80c to 85c . Milling oats, 87 to 90c Beans, sominaL Hill Feeds. BecalL . Mlllrun. $43 to $44. WholesaLs To Dealers. Cieamery batter cartons, 68c. Bntterfat, f. o. b. Salem. 68c. Fran. Cantaloupes standards, $1,00 to $2.50 a crate. Oranges. $6 to $6.50. Bananas. 9c. Csssabas. 2 He a pound. Grapes, $2.25 to $2.75 a crate. Lemons. $8 to $S.50. California Grape FrnlL $6. Peaches, 75c to 90c. abox. Watermelons. l4c a pound. Slelons Santa Clans. 2 He a pound. Vegetables. Cabbage, 3c. Onions, $3.00 a sack. Carrots, 45c a dos. bttwenes. Turjips, 45c a dozen banehea. Lettuce, 60c a dozen. New potatoes. 3c s pound. , Sweet potatoes, 7 He a pound. Green -nepers, 10c a pound. Celery, $1 a dozen. . , Green corn, 25c a dozen. Tomatoes. $1.50 a box. Egg plant, 15c a pound. Cucumbers. $1 a box. ; Retail Prices. Creamery butter, 75c. Dairy butter, 50 to 65c. Eggs. 70c. Flour, hard wheat, $2.90 to $210 Flour, valley. $2.55 Q$3 Sugar, cane and beet, lie. Rugar, sack, laone offered. PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND. Or., Oct, 24. Butter Prints extras 66c; cubes extras 61c ; prime firsts 60c. . Bntterfat. Portland delivery:: No. 1 sour cream 67c. Potatoes: Locals, selling price. $2.25 to $2.40. Grain futures bids: Oats. Ho. 3 white feed October $52.50; November $52.50; December $55.28. ,V Barley standard feed October and November $64; December $65. Bar ley No. 3 blue October $64.50; No vember and December $65. Corn Nc 3 yellow October $60: November $57 December $55. Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats 36-pound clipped Oc tober $51.50; November $52; Decem ber $52.50. Oats 38-pound clipped October $3. 75; November . $53; De cember ZTZ.bO. - Corn, No. 3 yellow October $60; November $56.50; Dec comber $54.75. Barley No. 2 Octob er $61.50; November $62; December f it.lit. Ora No. 3 yellow January 54 "c bid. 54 t-4 asked. .- .. XEW YORK 3L1RKETS. NEW YORK. OcL 24. Evaporated apple duM Prunes firm. Peaches I ,. I j I f ieaaT I a . The Illness of President Wilson Is merely ths old story that nature is a Jealous mistress; eves a president cannot violate, her laws with im- Piiorm.tLM FOIl WOOD Mate Institution at Saleiu. The Oregon State Board of Con trol wm receive sealed bids on 4 loot fir wo.hI for the vsrious ttate institutions at Saletu, as follows: Oregon htat Hospital, main build lug. 8. out) eords fir slab wood round mill run. Oregon State Penitentiary. 3.000 rords.firat or second growth fir. State Institution for Feeble Mind ed. 2.00U cotds Hrst or second growth fir. or 2,4 00 cords fir slab wood round mill run. Oregon State Training School. 800 -'curds first or second growth fir, or 1.000 cords fir slsb wood round mill run. Oregon State Tuberculosis Hospital. f00 cords first or second growth fir, or 1,000 cords fir slab wood round mill run. Oregon State School for the Blind. 300 cords f:xt or second growth . fir, or 350 cords fir slab wood round mill run. Oregon State School for the Deaf. 4 00 cords first or second growth . fir. or 500 cords fir slab wood round mill :un. Oregon State Industrial School for ' Girls. 100 cords first or second growth fir. or 150 cords fir rlab "wood round" mill run. The. Oregon State Hospital and Oregon State Penitentiary can be reached by rail. Delivery to be made f. o. b. the In stitutions. LMween May 1st and No vember 1st, lf 20. Where bids on slab wood are re quested, quotations are invited on either mill run or round. Specifications will be furnished ujon application to the secretsry. at Salem. Bids will be opened at 2:00 p. m. October 30. 1919. They must be ac companied .by certified check In the sum of 10 per rent or tne wnoie amount of bid, payable lo the Ore gon State Board of Control, which sum so deposited by the successful bidder shall be held by the Hoard as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract to furnish the amount awarded. All bids are to be enclosed In a sealed envelope and marked "Bids for Wood." snd to be addressed to the undersigned. . The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. H, B. GOODIN. Secretary Oregon State Board of Control. Good Sum is Netted al Aid's Fancy Work Sale SILVERTOX, Or.. Oct. 22. (Spe cial to The Statesmsn) The Trinity Ladles' Aid society gave its annual dinner and fancy work sale Satur day noon and afternoon in the base ment of the new church. The large room of 'the basement wss used as dining rc)iu. It held six large ta bles, each accommodating 20 to 25 guestts. The tables were dec orated with red dahlias. At 2:30 the auction began with Amos Carhoube as auctioneer. The dinner and sale together- netted $234. la the evening of the same day the Trinity Girls' society held a so cial that was a little out of the or dinary. This was also held in the basement of the church. Invitations had been mailed to about 100 non members and a general invitation extended to the public. The invita tions thst were sent out Included little' cretonne bags which the Invi tstions ststed were to be returned with as many pennies as the recipi ent was years old. - . The'beginning of the evening was devoted to a program consisting of a piano duet by Mrs. John Gaplerude and Mrs. Lawrence Larsen. violin solo by Victor Sather accompanied by his sister Miss Merna Sather vocal solo. Miss Stella Berg with Miss TU1E TABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Norths earn No. $4 Oregonlaa S :99 a.m. No. 10 Oregon Express ...... S:lla.m. No. 2$ Willamette Limited .. 9:17 am No. 1$ Portland Passenger 1:50 p.m No. 24 Coos Bay $:3$p.m. No. 14 Portland Express .... 7:4tp.m No. 11 Oregon lan S:ie a-ra. No. 21 For Eugene 19 0Sa.m No, 15 California Express ...11.95 a.m No. 17 Hose burg Psssenger .. 4:01 p.m No. 27 WlUsmette Limited... C:4 4p.m No. 11 San Francisco Pass. ..19:91 p en t i ALEsf-CSICRn LINE No. Tl Arrive at Salem 9:19a.m No. 14 Leave Salem ........ 4:99 p-m SALKM. r ALLS CTT es WESTERN 1C1 Leaves Salem, motor .... T:00a.m 1(1 Leaves Salem, motor .... 9:31 15 Leaves Salem, motor .... 1:55p.m. Through car to Monmouth aad AlrUe ITl Leave Salem ........... 0:11 p.m 142 Arrives at Salem 1:25 aun 1(4 Arrives at Saera 11:99 a-oe U( Arrives at Salem ........ 1:29 p,m 172 Arrives Balem 1:49 ORXOOH 9EL2SCTIUO slfXeeOve OeC 1st. 19 IS, Sewrsib4eiaA Leave Arrive Arrtve Fortlaad Salens Eogen Trala No. 1:11 am 19:15 an 13:39 pa T ..... 19:41 ana 13:59 pas Balem only 9 4l:0lpm 4:11pm :tlpnj 19 Ltd.. ! 4:45 pm 0:49 pm 0:59 pa IT ..... !S:0pm 9:07 pm Salem eal 19 ,9:39 pm 11:29 pm Salem eU North I Bank Station (leave Jeffar soa Street It aad 29 minutes laUr.) Trala Leave Kugeae T:Sf am Arrtva Sal em 7:11 am 9:45 am 19:95 pm AfTtve Port lead 9:39 ant 11:19 am 3:29 pm :(0 ptr 7:40 pa No. ..... 19 Ltd.. 13 49 1$ Ltd.. l:ISsm 4:00 pm 39 ..... pwiani w - ai-iAM&.t a.aa mm 11 4:21 am 7:55 pm 19:99 pa North Bank Station (arrive Jeffer soa Street 1$ mine tee earUer). 'Lssv Corvaills. . coktaxxxs common VsrUseesd Leave OrvsIIis Arrive Sale . 9:90 ess t:4S ssa 1:9$ pas . 4-e pas S:19 pat 7:55 pas Lssve Baleai 10:1S sat 4:19 pas ; SOB Arrive Cervsfib 11:17 sal 9:40 pes 1:00 psi REAL ESTATE FOR HALE 5-IUJOM MODERN HOI HE Hurlington addition. $7i; $25S cash. Pbone 193CM. FOR SALE LARGE MODERN HOUSE near state hovw. fZti9. terms to sutU (24 North CapUwL FOR SALE BY OWNER. THE MOD- rrn f i ve-r.-om cottage at all North Wlnrer. Large loL Phone 13. 49 ACRES. ALL IX CULTIVATION. I, bearing prunes. Good house, fcarrr 4 milea from town.. Will take good residence in Salem as part. T.rms on balance. D. E. Hart, I$ Oregon Bid. IS ACRE NEAR FAIRGROUNDS No buildings. Price $125 per acre. l. K. Hart. 20$ Oregon Blog. LOST NAB IE TODD FOUNTAIN PEN .n street Tuesnlsy afternoon. Finder please phone 1172J. LOTS FOR SALE LOTS 7 AND 9 IN block 1. Willamette addition. 2d street near State. $25S each. Terms. l. A. Dinatnoor. care Olds. Wortmsn 4k King, Portland. Ortgon. GOOD HOME IN (NYE BEACH) NEW port to trade for stock pt 4ry goods, millinery or shoes I 'rice $leeee worth more. Enquire E. Terwilliger, 49 S. 19lh el, Salem. GOOD LITTLE BUY A GOOD LIT tie 5-acre place with quite a good In come considering toe coat, w itn buildings, half. in fruit. Juat the thing lor an elderly couple. Cloee to the bridge. See William Fleming. $41 State street or pbone 303 or 94. . Inyeitigate These Bargains 45 acre bearing orchard near lem. in prune, 5 in cherries, good build ngs. water system, good road, soap e per acre. 10 acrea 3'i miles out. 4 acres In bearing cherries. 1 in prunes. 1 In peaches. Strawberries between cherry trees, some buildings. Snap. $!(. is acres -of best dark loam ooil. 4 milea rrwm Kalem. fine loganberry or prune land. Knap $140 per acre. 21 acre farm. 90 tn cultivation. 10 acre bearing orchard. 3'. miles from railroad s'.ation. near school,. large new houae and barn, water system, good timber. Snap for $60 per acre. See our list be lore you Invest. PERR1NE & MARSTERS 212 Commercial Club Bldg. BEST BUYS 39 acres all cultivated, well fenced. woven wire fence oat three aid, one side rail, good barn, half mile from town, oreat snap. $23a. terms qn part If dealred 7 lie acrea. 95 cultivated. 15 pasture. some timber. 13 acrea In 5- aad 4-year old prunea. It acres in one-year-old. family orchard la bearing: 1 acre Roy al Ann and Governor Wood cherries. 12 yeera old. all orchard in good condi tion. 7-room plaatered house year a old. hot and cold water, barn 30x41x11. machine ahed and garage, all necesaarT out buildinga, place watered by well and spring, all woven wire fenced ana cross fenced. 1 miles of Oregon Normal chooL'equipment as follows: 3 horses, colts. 4 milk cows. Z yearling calves, It head hoga Including brood so we. 50 chickens. 2 wagona. .-foot binder. plows, spring toothharrow .corrugated roller and lot or other tools and I plementa. $19,500: $1009 caah. $19.5eO terma S per cent 29 acrea. 21 acrea cultivated. S acres stumps, s acres mixed orchard, fair house and barn, water system, tnacad amist-d road, half mile from school and church, S miles from balem. $.3i0 terms on part se acres, 45 cultivated 15 timber pas ture, all but 5 tillable, woven wire fence, well watered, fair (-room house, good barn and out buildings, Ss milea i mm good town, macadam road. I'tee 32509 caah. 13509 terms 4 Per cenL 40 acres Tiver bottom land, is cm tivated .good Improvements, good fence. stock, farming impleraenta. etc.. all In eluded. 2 milea from good town oa paved road. $1440. lis acre. 12 cultivated. st timber, 139 river bottom. 7-room houae. large barn, other out buildings, ail stock and equipment, hop houses. S miles from good town. $Se per acre, terms oct part. 117 acrea. e cleared. Balance pa t u re and timber, family orchard, house, barn dandy good rancn. fit per acre, run and half from town In very prosperous community. Terms on $509 S per cent. HOUSES 7-room fully modern house, finest panel and wood work, furnace, large lawn, complete set of out buildings, garage with cement floor, cost $7et a years ago. all In first class conaitlon. offered for a short time at $50ee. terms on part. .-room modern nungaiow, well plan ned, good porches, curbed ' lawn, ce ment walks, garage, wood ahed. chick en house. $1750: $209 cash. $25.09 per month. 7 per cent. Well built 5-room modern house, esst front, lots of fruit, close to school graveled alley. $1$59; $1059 cash, bal ance terras. 5-rooro bungalow, fire place, large porch, eaat front, fine garden a put. $2000. half caah i-roomf cottage, large rooma, 2 50 foot lota, macadam street, good repair. $1150: half caah. i -room plastered, well built house. 75-foot front on State street pevement paid, fruit and shrubbery. $2350: cash, balance 7 per cent. v" xr urn juri M( S0C0L0FSKY 141 Stste Street. Emma Berg accomranist; violin solo by Alfred Jensen. Miss Marie Car- house aecx-npanlst; piano duet by Misses Dora lUnricksen snd Esther Towe. After the progrsns lines for a grend march was formed with Miss Mamre Hoi man and Joseph Larsen s leaders. Tbe march ended at a taauie woere tne raoney-osgs were deposited. The committee emptied the bass and placed a girl's name in each. These were auctioneed off to the boys, each young man taking his partner to the cafeteria window where refreshments were served. A fishing pond afforded a great deal of amusement, especially for the youngsters. The proceeds of the evening netted $86. Orders Received to Close Oat War WeUare Outfits CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Oct. 23. Or ders were received at Fort D. A. Russell today closing down all ar my welfare organizations at the fort on November 1. Army officers said they Interpreted the order to meal the dismantling of the Y. M. C. A. building costing $150.00.0. CHICHESTER S PILLS we .tin srtAMoss) astasa, a. t.err v A. ii M Tft r U f 'Ut sans riixa, a aasviina.s wClD H eCJCCIST. ni-TniLl i fx REAL ESTATE MMtfsjlBjalSiaSw FOB SALE LARGK HOUflK IX GOOD LO- vaiioB, la Sales, fee '. Tfceae 11. 1 14 ACREjI. all IN CULTIVATION. vine nine pi ace. c 104 tel. 1J .N. Cora l tt Box L la. SVee IUrh- Addreee lit X. TO EXCHANGE $f9t 90 CirEAP LAND la Lincoln county. Ore, aad ssne eaah far a stech ef awnkik4a, O. U. DurdelL ttalem. Ore. FIVE ROOM WELL rUILT l'LAKTKIl- ed bojs. east front, large lot. of bearing fruit, cioee 10 trhw.l; UiS. Terms If desired, fcocolofsky. Ill State FOR HALE THACRE FARM LOCAT- ed 1-4 mile from Oregon Klectrle sta tion. 7 miles south of Hal.m. ft'or further information call at 4 Union street. SIX ROOM BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY owner: fireplace. built-ln-kiukea. convenient arrangement. Wilt con sider car In good condition ee part payment. Adereas P. O. Box 314. Ua lem. NOT A BUNGALOW BUT A GOOD buy at $1550. 7-room house on paved street and car line, not far out. Kara aad good siaed lot, on terms (easy). See William Fleming. 341 State tfl. This must b sold st once. FOR SALE 5 ACRE BEARING O It- chard, nine years old. Walauta. Spitaenberg aad Newtown Pippins. One mile north of Yamhill on Soutn ern Pacific. $209. $100 caah and balance easy terma. B. Bingall 1215 ho. Liberty SL Phone lltJ. If Its LOANS. REAL ' ESTATE INSURANCE See LA FLA R A LA FLA R 400-7-S Oregoa Bldg. 4 FOR 8 ALE MY FARM OF 117 ACRES aooui 11 milea south of Kalem and IS miles from Ores on Electric depot- Very best of bottom land, near ly one-half la cultivation, rest timber and pasture. Liood orchard, fences and buildinga. $75 per acre. Ad dress "Gil." care Statesman EXCHANGE MODERN RESIDENCE and near 3 acres ef fruit aad berries on paved street In live town with big payroll. Small creek crosses place. 3 poultry houses snd parks. At Cot tage Grove, near Eugene. Will trade for Salem property or email ranch. W. C. Conner, tflaleamaa office. Sa lem. Ore. BARGAINS (-ROOM BUNGALOW All ready to move Into, $1(50. Choleo corner lot close In. peved street, $. 20 acree all clear, paved road, fair buildinga. $4000. or take modern home part pay. F. I WOOD. Bayne Bldg. FOR SALE 1$$ ACRE STOCK AND fruit ranch. 49 good saw limbtr, 3 seres bearing logan and blackcap herrlee, balance open peature. loung bearing 01 chard. S room houae In sured for $15. barn. 3 chicken hous es. AH fenced with woven wire fence.' On mala county road. 1 mile to store and railway station. Will con sider good residence In balem. Terms on balance. Price. $504. D. E. Hart, 203 oregoa Bldg. FOR SALE 299 ACRES. HALF IN CULTIVATION, balance pasture, ash and oak timber. I mile from town, half mile off Pa rifle highway. I "rice $55 per acre. Terms. $9 ACRES. 4 IN BEARING PRUNES. le In bearing Royal Anne aad Ting cherries, balance la cultivation, good t-room house, barn, all fenced with woven wire. 4S milea out on good road. Price $i. Terms. D. E. Hart. 29$ Oregoa bo 11 ding. GET THEM NOW S-room bouse, bare, chicken house, garage. 1 acres of ground, on street car; this Is a real buy. IMt. 1 rooms, modern, full cement base meat, bath, toilet, electric lights. 2 iota, ail atada frail and berries, liiae. 9 rooms, right la close, line lot. fruit. nuts, oa improved street. ! M. 7 rooms near eanilol buildmr- a. great buy. $i;(9.00 rooms, plastered, electric lights, bath, toilet and basement. $00. 5 rooms, nlaatered. I.rr. in. fruit, good barn. $1900.09. See the JoLa H. Scott Realty Co. 221 Oregon Bldg. WOODS BARGAINS K. acres Hollywood $1100. 5 seres loraaberrl.a a-rwwt Kn ti i . . 1 2 acres 09. prases , aad loganberries 24 acres dose In. mvA.rm V Atl SA $7009. IO free east ef Salem, mostly tlm- her. 50 acres river bottom . ir .if I land, good buildings. $140 Bcr arr. 23 acres bottom land close to small tow n. $2000 S acres bottom lsnd fCS9. 7 room house near S. P. depot $1999. S room - house, rood location a i. . $1000. . 14000 Ino4rm bungalow, close In. 4 room house. 2 lots. $i59. 29 acrea. all in kurinr $3009. ' A large wouse. close la $1(09. 190 . acres. 5 milea out. aearly all la cultivation, main highway. 31 ow acre. IS acres, close la. good buildings, bearing fruit trees, $3200. F. U WOOD. Larae Bldg. GOOD BUYS 17 acre tract, 19 acres hearing or chard, mostly prunes, some apples, cherries and walauta. three-room boas barn. well, oa maia Pacific highway. 4 miles south. Price $5500. 353 sere tract. 30 acres cultivated, 10 acrea timber, balance pasture, fair buildings. Price $57 per acre. 20 acre tract, all cultivated. 4 acres of logana. 19 seres of cherries aad ap plea. 5-room plaatered cottage, barn well. Price $7500. , 1:9 acre farm. 349 acres plow land, balance pasture, running water, best ' of soil, good buildings, oa maia high way. Price $135 per acre. Well Improved 19 acre tract, good buildinga. all la prunea. located cioee to Selem. Price $!. $ sere tract, houee and hern. well, lee bearing prunes. Price $250: $"5e down, balance $109 per year. S per cent Interest. - Good Improved $9 acrs farm located 4 V, miles esst of ha lem. 2 acres cul tivsted. balance pasture and timber, family orchard, good plaatered buu., best of soil. Price $l(.5e. 10 acree ef good soil, all rulilvsted and 4 amies from Salem, IT tee $100. W.HeGmiORST&CO. tt gate Strea 1000 acres. 4 miles from a city of 14.00A locsted in the Willamette val ley. A bo at 170 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and timber, land roll ing, plenty or farm buildings, family orchard, good stock ranch, fine prune iana. wsterea py opnags. price I2C I n.. ,m I ' ei a K 1 ' 4 . V . . Ion time. Elsworth Plckell. 201 Ms sonic Temple, Ealem. Oregon.