THE OREGON 8TATESMAX : SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23. 10lD CITY NEWS Please Phone by Nine-- !' If tbe Statesman carrier misses TOa phone by 9 o'clock, and s copy will be promptly sent to you tM tbe 583 phone. IKor Biddy llUhoi) ) i Jitney dance. Armory .tonight. Ad mission; 10, cents, dance tickets 3 cents. - ; j A' Watch that Tuesday Reserved scats for tie Lyceum- at hA armory. One person can reserve ten tickets. vor Sale. 'House Containing- Nine; rooms ( no basement), a. barn mikes good garage, 148 feet front, 128 feet deep, cement walks, variety exiii bknnktt In ; "STKPPIXti OUT" IJiOVD COMEDY PATIIE coxTixrors snow TODAY i of fruit, apples, pears, prunes, cher- i ics. net nes. lour Ensrllsh walnut trees. Will bi sold reasonable. Fif teen hundred dollars will swing tbe ueaj, Daiance on time. Location S. W. corner Market and Fourth streets C'abbase fr Kraut ! Crisp, solid heads, 2 cents pound. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. will be taken out in November. The I sachusetts. The company deals Id rouowing licenses were 5ssued yes terday: Amos P. Walker, J. .V. Col lins. Harry Hoxle and J. H. Hoffman, all Qf Salem, and J. E. Crashing of Woodburn. bonds. and engages In general brok erage. Samuel Young of Portland is attorney-in-fact for Oregon. Resolu tions of dissolution were filed by the Cloverland- Creamery company; Portland. i Legal Blanks Get them at the Statesman office. Catalog on application. ob Get-Together 3Ieetlng t , Of the members of the First Con gregational! churcn Friday evening. Guest of honor. Rev. A; J. SuUens, Hear Ilkldr Ilishrm Jitney dance. Armory tonight. Ad- 8tate superintendentof churchei. mission 10 cents, dar.ce tickets cents, i North' Salem Romps Card of Thank We wish to express our gratitnd At the semi-annual Sunday school for the kindly ministrations of our rally of the Jason Iee Methodist church last night nearly 50 Nortb Salem families had an enjoyable time. The program was varied and presented by the youngsters of the junior classes. These mid-week meetings are - very popular in' this section of Salem and are looked for ward to as community social gath- Ton,K,lt 1anrc at xcw.Aubum Hall friends during the illness and fol lowing the death of our husband and father, the late William Fugate. -Mrs. William Fugate, -Mr. and Mrs. At Tyner Woolncrt -Mr ami Mrs P A Fiinto A Grace Fugate. Woodmen Go To Dallas . - The Salem drill team of the Mod ern Woodmen of America, compris ing 1 4 members, will' go with a del egation tonfght to Dallas where a new camp has been organized by George L. Cooper, district deputy. The Dallas camp has been named Prune Center camp and has 25 mem bers. 1 . : . erings rather meetings than -regular church! Good four-piece orchestra. Take a jitney 2 Sc. Hear IHddy Rishon Jitney dance. Armory tonight. Ad mission 10 rents, dance tickets 5 cents. Wanted; Man to Work on Farm Near Salem. Phone 93F2.1. Dr. WilUrtin It. Mott Formerly of Portland, announces the opening of his offices in Salem, occupying the offices of his father. the late Dr. ,W. S. Mott, 407-408 Dank of Commerce building. Office phone 3S3, residence phone 696. Hops, Berries, Prunes- There never was a more opportune time to fertilize than at today's pric es. Go after the big crops while the going it good. Our expert will be at the Marion Hotel for a few days and will be glad to give advice. Ma rine Products Co., Inc., Tacoma. occupation given as section foreman. stated that he was a native of Arden bsrg. Holland, and that he arrived In tbe United States on the steamship "Kroonland" July 11, 1S7S. Will E. Dreher, '25 years old, of Habbard gave his nativity as Reutllnger. Ger many. In his declaration Mr. Dreher announces his willingness' to re nounce his allegiance to the Vater land and especially to the present government of Germany. Only a iVMfle More laya To get t;.t i jteum ticket.' Resorp tion at tbe armory on Tuesday. Do You Wloh to Take A brief trip to China and partlci pate in a real China tea? Then come early to the C.E. meeting at tbe Con gregational church. 6:15 p. ni. is the hour. "China and her Health' 'i the topic. Get In at the beginning of a live C.E. society. L. O. "Jenni- soo, leadec. 1920 ELGIN SIX IS HERE Motorists who are-looking for a trong- serviceable car with elegant body line no interior specifications tbt assume maximum : service and economy at a reasonable: price should this car. LEE L GILBERT, Distributor 13 S. OnMrrrlil ftrt Building Is Permit teb A building permit was made out I yesterday to F. W. Eckhart who will build a one-sT3ry frame dwelling al 644 Market street. This is the fifth building now under construction in North Sal-?m. Mr. Heckcrt estimates the cost of the dwelling, to exceed 11800. Many Corpoitit ion fVmie The Columbia River Lumber com pany of Portland filed articles of in corporation here yesterday. The capitalization is $50,000 and the in corporators are W. D. Plue; E. W. Weiss and V. R. Plue. Other firms filing articles were: Gilman-Bader Necklace is It i Mr. and Mrs. . It. Shaw of the Washington hotel went to Silverton last Thursday and in leaving the bus Mis. Shaw dropped her purse con taining money and ! jewelry. The purse was found soon after by Wal ter Edwards, driver of the Silverton- Salem stage, and was returned by him to the Silverton hotel where the lost article was Identified by Mr3. Shaw. Upon opening the purse Mrs. Shaw discovered that the contents were intact with the: exception of a gold nugget necklace. It is thought that the necklace was lost from the A Free Lecture- On Christian Science will be de livered in the Grand Opera House Tuesday evening, October 28, 1919. at cipht o'clock, by Frank II. Leon ard. C .S. P., of Chicago. Illinois. Member of The Board of l-rf-ctureshlp of The Mother Church. The First ChUrch of Christ. Scientist, in Bos ton, Massachusetts. Mrtt4rYnfYrt- lUllgtlgGd uuuuo, III Interest Bearing Investments HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204.207 Oregon Building HAMILTON THE FURX1TURE MAX Will make and hang your drapes. Largest Stock of Drapery, y 840 Court Street. S M I T H ' MOKE State and Commercial Sta S See the Motion Picture At the First Congregational church Sunday evening. Drug company; Incorporators, Carl Gilman. 'Julius Rader, Harry Cohon purse, but the authorities have been ana Marry, naaer; capitalization. notified that the necklace was-re- Liccnse Drop Off The local hunting )ccnse bureaus report a decided' f aliin;; off in the demand lor license with the closin? of 1 ho pheasant Beason close at hand. On the other hunter3 are securing good bags of ducks "and. It is expec ted that a good many mors permits MYRTLE KN0WLAND ' Music and 3f nsical Merchandise Sonora Dealer la Salem 416 Court St. . ,. Salem, Oregon . , . , . Telephone 352 $2.000. E. S. Kettcber Milling company. tiliamooK: ineorporarora- Rollie W. Watson. M. F. Bettcher. M. F. Leach; capitalization $40,000. Klamath Livestock Mortgage 'Loan company. Klamath Falls; incorpora tors, J. W. Siemens, iJohn Siemens. Jr., and S. F. Wilson. Western Bond & Mortgage company. Portland filed -supplementary articles showing an increase in capital stock ' from $300,000 to $300,000,. A permit to operate in Oregon was Issued to the Robcson-Calo. Distributing corpor ation, a Delaware concern. The cap ital stock it $10,000. The firm will engage in the distribution of motion picture films. X. D. Simon of Port land is attorney-in-fact for Oregon E. H. Rollins & Sons, a Maine con- moved from the purse, prior to Its discovery by Mr. Edwards. . Vlavi, The Old Original Home Remedy. Prevents operations Mrs. Foar, Hotel Marion. Hear Cecil Fanning- America s foremost baritone, on tbe Salem Lyceum course. Vincent I Ierturrtl J. E. Vincent, driver of one of the Cross market delivery trucks was summoned to the police station yes terday and given a clear delinlation of the traffic laws of the city of Sa lera, it having been ' reported that Vincent had been rather careless in the matter of cutting corners In mak- Electrlc Machinery and Engineering , Company ' ;.. ; ; For - EXPEKT ELECTRICAL WOEK 178 Sa Commercial St. Phone 955 Let us prove to you that our prices are less. Some good bargains In new ' and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 519 Court St. Derby building ing his route on city streets. He cern was issued a permit to operate! promised to prevent a recurrence of In thii stat. The firm has a canita!- e mauer ana was aismissea. 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB Manuf actnred by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORT Phone 319 WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 233N.IIiglSt. " - Telephone 203 CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners of Quality Cleaning Dyeing 1261 State St Repairing Phone 703 FOR SALE ONE BOWSER FIVE gallon stroke pump. One Bowser oncgallon stroke pump. One Bow ser 650 gallon t-nk, nearly hew and guaranteed to stand the state test. - ' . WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 246 Bute St. ; Phone 311 KABO CORSETS : $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 THE REMNANT STORE 246 N. Commercial St. MONUMENTS If your monumental work is solicit- d. kindly ask the solicitor for ooi Business card. I , Capital. Monumental Works, l:il S. Com. St. Phone 689. Salem Small Investment Loans lCeIty loans lloune Jtental Agency.' Qeneral Property Dealing. 'OR H. SCOTT KEALTlf CO, ' 404-406 Hubbard Bldg. "OB 2(4 l i Salem. Ore. Hardware Fnrnltnre aad Bscond Hand Goods see . CAPITAL HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12tb St. Salem, Or ization of $2,500,000 and originally I was arranged under the laws of Mas-1 TRADE in your old goods L L STIFF & SON "Tbelma Indlrlaual Chocolates A Salem product made by The Gray Belle distributed by George E. Waters for sale esverywhere. 6c Two File Declaration Two declarations )of v citizenship were filed yesterday In the office of County Clerk U. G. Boyer. I'eter Stokx. 41. a resident of Gervais. and WANTED JUNK AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS We also bny second-hand goods. II you nave anytning to sell for a good price call 398. The Square Deal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa 8L alem. Ore. Own your own property and pay like rent Capital Credit & Adjustment Co. 416 Masonic Temple SALEM OREGON 4- IrlDrCB. O'Neill J r I OPTCriETRlST-OPTIClAJi - laid i Bosh 5ar5uilf STATt S S'Rf tt 1 fmsmmmal rS!t THAT'S IT The UNIVERSAL FARM ELEC TRIC LIGHTING PLANT and PAUL AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEM- Don't fall to see these in operation SATURDAY and let me tell you all about them. J. C. WOOD 162 North Commercial, c;Mn isiox -assured With the glasses we fit. Comfort, contentment and good vision go with our glasses. ) DR. L. n LL WILSON OpBetrtat 210-211 tT. a. Bank Bulldlns; c'hooes: Office 145. Residence 1244 Office Closed Saturdays of schools for the southern half of tbe county Is expected to return to day from an extended tour of Inspec tion In his district. Mrs. E. T. Busselle of T57 Center street went to Portland yesterday. Miss Louise Cooper Is vlsltinr friends In Eugene daring the week end. H. II. Church of Hanshsw was Id Salem on business yesterday. Millar McGUchrlst of the attorney general's office and T. Leland Urown have returned from southern Oregon where they have been for two weeks- HOTEL ARRIVALS First niriMian Churcli . Sunday. Rally services. 9.45 a. nt. Pipe orran dedication veapers. 4 p m.. Prof. Boone of Portland at the gan The public is Invited. Marine Have New School A post school has been opened a the marine barracks, Parris Island S.C., for all enlisted men of that post T!e following courses are available: Ma! hematics. Mechanical drawinr mechanics, drafting, motor transport Complete .business courses, k moden languages, practical education, gener al f Lttit gas engineering, elt. trical engineering, civil engineering, science, psychology, literature, pen mansnip (f aimer system), law, tool making, music, radio telegraphy. A. supplies and equipment, includinr books are furnished free of charg by the Knights of Columbus. Th advantages of the marine corps are all that can be desired." states Cor poral High of the local marine corps 'from a thorough education In ar practical pursuits at our home ports to travel and experience In all parts of the world. I a tt MARION W. S. Utile. Charles Lilly. A. TI. Fischer. R. McClelland William A. Moorehouse, Jr.. of Is Anceles: R. II. Ileatie. A. S. McDon ald. Gordon Wilson and 'Jack Hofer Oregon City: W. L. Jorey, San Fraa- clsco: P. J. Neft and W. N. Camp ion. Medford; Dr. Grace Keith. Mr- and Mrs. J. C. Lewis, C. Irwin ox- Mr. and Mrs. Gunong. D. II. Flndley. A. S. Weiant. F. W. Breed. Portland: J.M Caldwell. Umaplne, Or.; I. A. Griffith. Pasco; Mr. and Mrs. J. McPacker,.Turlock: A. J. Vance. Iloise: R. J. Martin. Wayne Hluart. Albany: F. K. Mosely. Iexter City Ohio; Miss H. Ilr. Miss A. Lalr. Eu gene: IX L. Webster. Vancouver: Eric L. Moisuer, Bllferton HUGH C. W. Seiiert. Wisconsin: V. T. Jackson. Roseburg: Mr. and Mrs. C. Ratten. Eugene; L. E. West M. S. Farmer, Thamas M. Curry Herman Curry. Thomas Holt, Miss Lela Jones and Delia Adams. Port land; Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Cbaflrn. Falls City; J. J. Stangel. Forest Grove; Lawson Herman. Milwaukee. Wis.; p. D. Dinsmore, Sclo; R- A Smith. Rainier." ARGO John J. Collins. Wood bnrn; Dara- Fosnot. Mrs. E. Oberg Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs C..A. Mor ris. Marshfleld; Mrs. Phlllls M. Me Tinmond, Turner. If IS. Tolk county i::ii.O this icar and SI45.2S last year. However In add.tlon to fh amoun for 1919 the sum of $2CS ,13.2? hp been tendered by several .states in payment of taxes. It L- said, but ffct amount has not been officially re ceipted lor because tbe esta'es arc In process of investigation. Tbe to tal sum received at tbe treasurer's of fice In payment of Inheritance tax for 1919 is $479,121.39 as against the $51,229.31 for last year. -It is the policy of this office. said a statement by tbe treasurer to day, "to examine and investigate ea ji estate to the end that tbe Inheritance tax to be paid by each estate shall be based upon the full md true sl ue Instead of sn uncertain and arbi trary value placed-upon tbe estate b- interested appraisers who Invstiably appraise the estates too low." What is to be done with ex-presidents has been answered In New York, where Alfred Gnil, tbre years ago president of Costa Rica has !cen placed In the Ludlow street Jail. That Is one way to settle a very vexed question. I--V-F--T--R- KHKK THI A I. Rt klPI IOV TEXAS OIL BULLETIN rublht ,rrrkly la th urt f th Trias.-O.l fit-Ids b ia n know inir tbe oi.I , burning. Vru want re liable neia about exlstiar rond I liona. nim finstde on lne- sm-nls. W'rlle t.xlajr tnr the Rulictia . .wllelrly free -k for eax information you dire bout any oil field or oil --ntp:jiie in htrh you are interested. Adrirera VILBCRT JOIISOX Jt f-n. ie years Oil Operator mm Brvkere .Sun. S21 Mla Mala Si. Fert eriK. Texas Our Scandinavian Friends- Are ro'dialiy invited to attend a reuntou Sunday three o'clock at the St-nlinavlan church, 15th and Mill streets. b'ieclal speeches and music. WE WANT SJIALL WHITE , 'Beans1 HIGHEST TRICES PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-194 N. Commercial St. 222 North Liberty , DENISONS ' ELECTRIC CO. SUPPLIES , AND FIXTURES OH LOOK ' We Have Found The Latest DESIGNS IN BOWLS FOE INDIRECT LIGHTING If rou hava furniture Stoves or tar Data tn aaii 7 or erclal Street 5fftS to sell. ph tail at 2Hi W. Ceaaaa WANT ED fsniUBrei ranges, heaters, tools ad. la fact, anythlns; you have w selL, I buy for cash. Phone i i SI or 511. "OODIlThrAncticcr POTATOES Rurbanks. American Wonders, Netted Gems, Pride of Multrfo mah, Garnet Chili, Early Rose. We will be ready to commence shipping as soon as you have fully matured stock to offer,. Phone 717 or address 542 State street, Salem, Oregon. v MANGIS BROS. ... ff U v ; 1 rrr LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING WILLAMETTE VALLEY TRANSFER CO. Phone 1400 THE results of our efforts are dignified and proper in every respect. - Those who have availed themselves of our services are un stinted in their praise of the po lite, satisfactory manner in which we have perform ed, our duties. WANTED, t SACKS and RAGS Also All Kinds Of JUNK . STE1NB0CK 3UNK & AUTO WRECKING 320-326 North Commercial St.1 Phone 305 We Specialize In ; AUTO WRECKING j Parts for any -make of car . at t half price . j Do You lrnw 'All about the peace conference? II ar .Mjrk Eullivan on tbe Salem Ly ceum co inc. Want AsMeament Cut " Ub a request that the state tax commission lower the assessment of the Northwest Electric company of Portland, C. C, Pierce, vice president and general manager of Jne com pan r and L. A. McN'ary. attorney for the company, conferred yesterday with Frank K. Lovell. state tax commis sioner. .The request will be taken before the board by Mr. Lovell. Dur ing the remainder of the present month and In November other bis power and " railroad companies will present their requests for reductions and these will be acted on by the board later in the year. ' The Inward Kffects of humors are worse than the -outward. They en danger the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla eradicates all humors cures all their inward and outward effects. It is the great alterative and tonic, whose merit has been cs erywhere established. ESTATE TAXES SHOW GROWTH State Treasurer Hoff Issues Statement on Inheritance Statute 'it Electric Restaurant ,4 Under New Management -a Having purchased the Electric. Restaurant at 481 State street.; we wish to inform the public! that, we are ready to offer the best of service at all times.. Opon from 6 a. m.'to 1 a. m. ! ! OUR SPECIALTY ! OYSTERS FISH CHOPS j CHILI CON CARNE j J. D. MADDOX, Prop.. A ROYAL VACUUM CLEANER A sfatement issued by tbe Inheri tance tax department of the state treasurer's oftice yesterday shows that from the time tbe present law became operative In October. 1917, up to September 30, a total of $271. 724.4 has actually ben received In inheritance taxes.' This U $213. 493.10 foV 1S19 and S5S.229.3 for 1918. Marion county contributed $11. 48.18 this-year and 11001.33 lw -WJnkwa f RnbbV A study in spiritual architecture. will be the subject of Dr. Kantncr's Sunday morning sermon. In the eve ning he will speak on "The Man wh( Lost Ills Greatest Treasure. i PERSONAL MENTION Let us demonstrate to you that the ROYAL CLEANER is o KF-FIC1ENT that it does not need the air of a brush or other mechanical means to get all tho dirt. , ' WELCH ELECTRIC CO. 379 State Street Mr. and Mrs. John flardner, man agers or the Argo hotel, are away,on a vacation. W. C. Franklin left yesterday on a trip to Tigard and Portland. Uarry Lucas, former member of the Salem police force and who since he resigned .from the department has been with the Itusick grocery rirm. will leave today for Kennewick Wash., where ho "has accepted a po sition with a grocery establishment. Ho will be accompanied by Mrs. Lu cas. J. II.. I.aulerman, owner of the Argo hotel," returned yesterday from Mill City. ! N. F. Savage of the Karnes Cash store Is confined at his home with rheumatism. T. E. McCmskey, manager or the Commercial club, was in Portland yesterday. Glen Unruh. Justice of the peace- is in 'Portland. lie will return to day. ! Mrs. N. I. Metzger of McMinnvllle is' visiting Salem friends. W. A. Marshall, chairman of tlje state industrial accident commission, and C. H. Gram, state labor commis sioner, are in Portland to attend s session nf the Columbia River basin branch of the National Safety cdun cil. Ed Wright, secretary ef the public service commission. Is in Portland II. L. IJown, county judce of Lane county, was In Salem yesterday. E. N. Duffy, business manager of Orecon Agricultural college, was caller yesterday at the secretary of state's office. Prof. E. D. Ressler of Oregon Ag ricultural college was In Salem yes terday. J. A- Churchill, superintendent or public Instruction, will attend s meeting of th-j board of regents ot the University of Oregon at Eugene today. E. F. Carlton, assistant state su perintendent of public Instruction. Mrs. Carlton and tbeir son. Rlondell. will be among Salem people attend ing th Stanford unlversity-O. A. C game today at Corvallla. ' Mr. and Mrs. V. V. P.rown of As toria are guest et the homo of Gov ernor and Mrs. Olrott. County School Superintendent W-: M. Smith visited the schools of Sil verton ye?terday and will return to Saiem this morning. Bargains In Used Car s 1918 Elgin Six. New Nou ?kld tires all around. This enr Is Just ss good a new. .. .fliOM 1918 Mitchell. Al sb-pe, Just been overbiukd 7 Reo Four. This car la in firt elasi condition g&J paint and has C very food tires m;."5 6tudcbaker Light Four. Jmt been repainted aad has four cew tires. This buy will sir prise you at -iHO All of the above cars hav ben taken In on New KUSn Fixes and are worth far more than we ask. We give you tbe Ab lest terms of any dealer ca It1;-,,, Pacific coast. ' Lee L. Gilbert Elgin Six Distributor 1SS So. Commercial SL, Salem Open evenings and Sundays. Phone 3(1 LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1SGS . a . General Banking Business . Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. - t 1 Pastry That Has Flavor This is the kind of Bread, V&. Cakes, Doughnuts, etc, you want. That's the kind Peerless makes. r PEERLESS BAKERY Philip Winters, Prop. 170 North Commercial Street. Phone 247 1 1 Hpvrvisor .. N. Armid In chrra NIGHT SCHOOL , J ar. Capital Business College OPENS MONDAY NIGHT, OCTOBER 27 I'seful Branches Rookkeeplns.. Shorthand, Typewriting, Spelling. 1'enraanship. Arlthmetlc.jetc. Regular day teachers will have charge of the work. Three nights each week Monday. Wednesday and Fri day. Try to bg!n on tbe opening night. IN ROOKKKEriNO," tbe work will be individual. In Shorthand, there will be a beginning class andone for quirk review, preparatory to a cour-e in raj J dil ution. This class mill be organized especially to accommodate those now working, who wish to become more efficient. SKRVICB MKN may attend nlxht school and secure the benefits of the Soldier's" Financial Aid Law. Application should b- raad at once.. The Principal will be in his office on Friday ard i'ur day evenings of this week to answer quettlor., explain vork and register pupils. " . "