'THE OREGON STATESMAN': WEIlNESIHY. H"IOBFK fc, 1f R V . - I ' : 1 ' ' : ''"'"!"' " "" " ' ' " A I M gWMWWgW " .III... EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE HAVE YOU SCROFULA? Nov gald to lie mn Often Acquired a Inherited. (Th Statesman la pleased to print ' communltallun upon topics of geoerwl Interest at any tlm. Tuer Is scarcely may limit U the tuple of "lfeaerai Jn tret." ft la akd only that corre spondent refrain from personalities and u care that nothing txs written of a libelous nature. letter mutt have writer's name and addreaa, .though nut neceaaarlly for publication. Ud.J . .; Make Salem Art" Center .', . Editor Statesman: This city is to be congratulated on having an organization taking an in terest in! art education, and in Hav ing a lady in the dean of the art de partment of the high school who has had training under real artists. The importance of an art spirit In the community cannot be overestimated -especially as elevating the character of the growing: generations. Art l the expression i of love, trnth and .beanty in our daily lives, and educa tion, morality and religion without some familiarity with art leaves our lives unbalanced and incomplete. We Tneed art education, art exhibits, art applied to beautifying our city and Its architecture. This can only be brought about fundamentally by be ginnfnr with the child and also keep- It is generally and chiefly Indicated by eruptions and sores, but In many cases it enlarges the glands of the nr-ck. affects the internal organs, es pecially the lungs, and if neglected may develop Into consumption. y causes many troubles, and Is aggravated by Impure air, unwhole some food, bad water, too much heat or cold, and want of proper exercise. Hood's Sarsaparllla, the medicine that has been used with bo much satisfaction by three generations. Is wonderfully successful in the treat, ment of scrofula. Give it a thai. Jf a carthartic or laxative is needed take Hood's pills- there Is nothing better for biliousness or constipation. Growh'Ups at Play? Yes, Kiddies, Too, " Urged in "Better World" Movement ing aroused an interest In art among the. grownups. Hence we should all encourage the organization for art appreciation In our midst. I, for one. feel very grateful for the efforts so far made, and to City Superintendent Todd, and to the school board, for securing the services of a competent art instructor. The art department at the state fair this year showed great advance in this line. The ex hibits from , the Portland Art insti tute, and the showing of work done by- the students at the institute marked a new era. In the education of the people of this state to an ap preciation of things beautiful. The art photography displays by Miss 1 LAST DAY s .... Harold Bell Wright's f Hi L 1 onnr ir nUUUiJLn tl&wriiLtsMM - Shows 2; 4; 7 and 9 Ye LIBERTY Prices 50c' 250 - : " i - I MnW - vak TM, V mi- i . Play for eA'erj-body kiddies and grown-ups alike is a feature of the plan of the National Social Unit Or . ganization for organizing neighbor hoods to make a better democracy. The Social Unit ha the idea that every city block should be a play cen ter, and in its "demonstration com munity. which is situated in Cin- ' cinnati, there are block parties. Mock picnics block sing, block dances, and the Social UnU i enlisted even block journeys to the comraun- on the roof of one of Rowland HynS thousand people have attended the Wednesday evening community sings instituted in the neighborhood . Plans for extending the Social Urut idea to other municipalities are now being discussed by twelve committees of distinguished experts rcpresentiiifc many field of social endeavor, whp will present recommendations to the country at a national conference to be A smoker held late in October. Rowland the public Haynes. Director of New York War ... ity -health cltmc. school's attended by two hundred and Camp - Community Service, head a That the public schools should be fifty men of.'tlie ncitJiborhood, with national committee of recreation ex- open all the year round and used by a program of amatcjir boxing, was a perts who are helping to program everybody another cause for which recewt feature, and an average of a wider activities from this angle, j Gunnell were far ahead of anything ever shown from the camera in our state. The sketches by Elmer Young of this city showed marks almost of a genius. Each study of a face re vealed thought each face revealed the story of a life and its dominant Interest. Elmer Young is a Salem boy who amid great difficulties has been pursuing art studies tin the Chicago Art institute, Salem can al most feel certain that he will, if he keeps up his work, make a name for himself. Make Salem the Flower City and develop the art interest, and the Capital city will grow into "a thing of beauty arid a joy forever." Col. E. Hofer. . THE SENIOR'S CORDUROYS. Statesman: There appeared In an Issue of your paper of last week an article in your "Open Forum" de partment that. In a round about way, discouraged a very old custom of Salem high school the Senior's cor duroy trousers. Undoubtedly the cit izen had been misinformed and con- We must close out at once Shoes for Women So as to have room for our new line of Ladies' Shoes. To move them quick we make the following prices: $13.50 Brown Calf Shoes to go at.... $10.00 $13.50 Brown Kid Shoes to go at.... $10.90 $13.50 Golden Brown Kid Shoes for only ...... , . . . . . .......... . , . . . t . .$10.50 $15.00 White Washab'e Kid Shoes to go &t $11.50 $000 pxfords and Pumps at only .$7X0 THE JULIAN AND KOKENGE SHOES J&K No Better Shoes Made r OUR FUTURE LINE C QUALITY HIGHEST UND THE WITH BE AMERICAN RED CROSS. - Public Health Nursing! ' We have a long list of surprises! in itock for Men who are y' " y trying to 'dodge the high tfc jJ M mm ,he ! ml- yWi mst Men's Fumthings, Shoes, cost of living and same time appear in the t ffi well dressed class. We are beating the market on etc t A new line of Men's Overcoats $18.75 and $24.50 each Men's heavy mackinaws. $9.45 exdt Men's winter weight union suits. . .$1.75, $1.93 and $2.43 each A new shipment four-in-hand tus, latest weaves, C9c and 98c each - Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & GO. Commercial and Court Sts. i Formerly Chicago Store -V-v --v.Sr I: Copjer an application for the eon Mi action of a reservoir for the Hor ace of 13.000 acre feet of vater from Fish Hole creek and an "appli cation to appropriate water for the irrigation of a large tract near Bly, Or.! Other applications riled yesterday were: O. C. Turner of Freewater, to ap propriate water from cprings and waste water for the Irrigation of a small tract. James Martin of Rogue IUrer. for the appropriation of water from a spring for doniestic purpurea and the irrigation of a small tract. II. If. Pratt of Maine, for the con struct ion of a small resenrolr on Dutch Flat creek for the irrigation of a small area In Hakef- county. . It. A. Sordal. secretary of the Och-i ceo Irrigation district, and J. T. Sai ler of Clark. Kendal A Co.. or Port land brought to the secretary of state's office yerterday 1 150.00 of the Ochoeo Irrigation district bonds which hare been certified by the Ir rigation securities commission. C W. Ferguson of Klamath Falls Tint ed at the stat? engineer's, office rel ative to the certification of bonds for the Enterprise Irrigation - district near Klamath Falls. CHICHESTER S PILLS TMMWk St try rr - scld a boosts RtJarui In the ratd.Ht of Us multlfaiiena war duties the American lie Crotv did not .neglect Its obligations to the civilian population at home. .Throughout the conflict It maintained Its Bureau of I'uMlc Health Nursing, inxtruetlpn In Urst aid, home narking and sanitation, and disaster relief, particularly in their work for the hubles was effort by public health nurses liuMrtaut. j The accoinpunylng photograph slws a Bed Cruss public health nurse Instructing a mutlivr in the proper preparation of the buby's diet, : . I 51 strncted his satirical article solely upon his misinformation. It is to answer the article men tioned and to put the correct In Tor- being written. ' The "senior corduroys" Idea Is an old one at Salem high. The plan Is purely democratic. At one time the seniors (for the most part) were bay ing the most elaborate attire obtain able. Naturally, all the members of the class could not keep up the pace set by their leaders and, consequent ly, did not enjoy so many "senior privileges" as befitted them. To ov ercome this draw-back, the seniors ot that year adopted the democratic Idea of corduroy trousers and so, down through the yeara, the plan has been kept. . The underclassmen 'supposedly had no. reason for exquisite dress and were supposed to have durable suits for the school year. Now and then in school life an underclass man would be discovered wearing corduroys. Special cases were (and always will be) excused. "Special cases" are only those who cannot pur chase other school corduroys. Wear ers of the corduroys (other than seniors) who have means of getting different trousers answer to the sen ior class as a whole for their act of defiance. New underclassmen at school quickly understand the "senior's cor duroys" idea and. hoping that some time they themselves will be i-nMr. and desiring to enjoy the Si. . . tinct rights, endorse the prevailing custom, - j This article, please understand. Is mainly to put the truth of the mat ter before the public. We have-had no trouble as yet In regard to the mentioned custom and see no reason why we should have any trouble. No "special cases" as "yet have been found in the school, but if such Cases do occur, please trust the present senior class to uphold the reputation of the school;-"the best student gov erned high school in the state. Earl Sharer, Senior Class President, Class of 1920. More Applications Filed ot State Engineer Oltice C. H. McKendree of TLakevlejw has filed at the office or State Engineer GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY . WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 23 TONIGHT (Not a Moving Picture) THE HAWAIIAN MUSICAL PLAT I . 1- I Stov c&- j v I VJ bjipajsi ini sm sa ssja wan m I AM Jrnl MATTVC UtTELKC HAVTHIJT STMCCCS AfO twtatts-. As Fascinating as "The Bird of Paradise" PRICES: I-V, $l.oo, .W. Seats on Sale at Opera House rharasey i 1 ' 1 ' i ' -I ' ' As Influenza Is an exaggerated form of Grip. LAX ATIVE BKOMO QUININE Tablets thould be taken in larger doses than Is prescribed for ordinary Grip. A good plan Is -not to wait until you are sick, bnt PREVENT IT by tak Inr -LAXATIVE BROMO QUININF Tablets in time. There Is Nothing So Cheerful As a well fitted up bedroom. No matter how well the rest of the house may be furnished. ' unless thebedroom is cheerful, bright and new looking, the effect of a wellordered house is lost. When you send the company up stairs to lay off their wraps on the the bed or when company comes to spend the night, isn't it gratifying to have a well-furnished bed roomone that contains the right kind of furniture furniture of Quality and Taste. Just such furniture is the kind we handle. Our array of bedroom suits should be seen to be appre-" emed. Many beautiful suits In ivory enamel, neatly ornamented and possessing- artistic ines. These suits are priced much lower than city stores ask for the same kind. We appreciate " .wWAva .uu iMic vus uu sui iu cu ana ioox ai our mercnancuse. THE STORE OP QUALITY C. S. HAMILTON 340 Court Street WHERE TRICES ARE RIGHT