7 n TOE OREfiOJT STATESMAN: TTESDAY,. OCTOBETt 21, 1010. The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So yYou Can Readuv Find Them They're Worth While Di liassaiie e d. recto NORWICH UNION FIBS INSURANCE SOCIETY Thlelcen, Roland Bnrghardt lerfdent Agent j 871 State 8k HONEY TO LOAN ex rxrnoTKD farm property at tOWKT RATES. NO COMMISSION thos;k. mwsgx&rs. FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204207 Oregon Building CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Rate . Per Ward, j , Per insertion ............... lc One week (six insertions).... 6c One month ..15c Six months' contract, per mo. 10c IS months' contract, per mo.. 9c Minimum for any advert's'm't 26c NEW TODAY LOST KET RING WITH TWO KEYS and (Presto light key. on State or J North Com'l. Phone 159. 432 State A GOOD LITTLE BUY A GOOD LIT - tie 5-acre place with quite a good-Income considering the cost. With ; buildings, half In fruit, just thg thing 1 or an elderly couple. Close to the t bridge. See William Fleming. 311 ! State street or phono 303 or 84. NOT A BUNGALOW BUT A GOOD i buy at $1550. 7 -room house onpaved , street and car line, not far out. Barn and good sized lot. on terms (easy). See William Fleming. 341 Stale St. Thjs must be sold at once. ' LOAN WANTED OF $1000. Long term. Al security. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. . BARGAINS 6-ROOM BUNGALOW All ready to move Into. $1650. Choice corner lot close in. oaved street. $600 26 acres all clear, paved roaa. iair buildings. t$4000, or ' take modern home part pay. I F. L. WOOD, Bayne Bldg. FURNITURE FOR SALE MISSION tvie oak dininar room table, six chairs and buffet, good as new. Call forenoons. 78 State street. COZY 7-ROOM HOUSE. is BLOCK from car line near east end of State street. Lot 100x180. high ground. garage, sleeping porch, gas. station ary tub. bearing walnut and' fruit .. trees, $3000. See owner. 240 N. Com'l 1J20 STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX. over size cordnires, spot light, cut out, lock, perfect condition. Cheap with terms. Party! leaving city. sZS . 12th SU phone 1384. OAK WOOD FOR ; SALE PHONE 966. WANTED LADY- DISH WASHER. Nice clean place. No Sunday work Good wages.-! 128 south Liberty. GIRLS - WANTED AT THE CfXVE factory. - Steady work. 145& oak st. BEST BUYS ak, w m a ' . I r . i - i - i . I. -rrann nvun on nur in v-iiuui lutcv. modern. Lot 82x110 $3000 8-room strictly modern , house on South Llbertyf street. Garage. A good buy $1200. j! i-room modern house on South 15th street.' Good fruit; chicken house. Lot 61x100 $1800. Good terms.- 15 acres near Aumsville. 10 acres prunes, 10 acres apples some timber. All well fenced $1000. r, 2 modern five-room cottages on Ivon street, Portland. ' 1 block from car $6500. or will trade for Willamette val ley property. i ' 10 acres 1 mile from Falls City on good road. Bottom land, 8 acres culti vated, 2 pastured Good G-room house. Good barn and out building. Spring and creek on olace and good well. Near school. $1150. or Will trade-for citylwE BUY ANY KIND OF USED CARS. property. C. W. NIEMEYER Everything in real estate and high class Investments. 215-218 Masonic Bids'.. Salem' ! : Phones 1000. 1011. EMPLOYMENT . FEMALE! WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL ! house work. School for the Deaf. ! Phone 846. MALB MARRIRO MAV WANTS JOB ON farm. Have one child 3 years old. ! 123 Railwsy St. Albany. Ore, ! MAKING EXPERTS! A OCR NEW SYSTEM OF INSTRUCTION Jk developed at a coat of thousands of aoiiars, noi mereriy 111s men i jot i nautomobile, gas tractor. trucK, stationary, marine or airplane engi s , . " neering. but outs them in the hish- salaried class makes them experts. Soeclal claaaea in Icrnttion. carbure- tin, battery repairing. - Hemphill's Trade Schools. 707 Hawthorne Ave., Portland. Oregon. j- FOR SALE Busnrcss oppoRTUKiTnis FOR BALE SAWMILL FULLY. EtjUflP Pd. 30,000 capacity, edger, planer. blacksmith tools. Denny truck, con tract on two million feet of timber - st $2.00 per thousand. Price $4000. E B. Grabenhorst, 275 State! St. - - . j - FOR 8 ALE A HARNESS SHOP IN Salem, Ore. Good location, good busi ness. Must be sold at once on ac count of death Of proprietor, Terms, cash. For further information phone 74K6 or write D. I Cummins. Salem, K- T. D. 3. Box 274. CEN'ERAL MERCHANDISE STORE rOR SALE. - $20,000. Stock doing bet ter than tsO.Ooo. Own store building and reaidence, will accept trade on property or would lease location. within 25 miles of Salem. For fur ther particulars call at 1136 N. Com- nerciai. Phone 187714. ; " FARM MAGAZINES 1 T T F TOU WANT TO CZTT THB BBUJT farm nana Mml n. I. tha Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial I oncripuoa. Mention this aa. i "" miscellaneous CHOICE TU'KBANK. POTATOES FOR . 82 0 ' per sCk. Delivered. none ltr 3. i"R SALE CUBA Pi A FORD DEI IV , rr First clas condition. Call at - at iSi North High. . . :wo LIGHT AUTOMOBIIES FOR ie cheap See owner, 720 S. 22nd : corner Lea. , wiJKRAP APPLKS AX1 OTHER WTE varieties l, ,,. Bn h P:-v .. I Janrtll, 60c vr box. 849 Uural Ateaue. MISCELLANEOUS. ' -i USED CARS FORI SALE HI J MAX- wen gooa as new; ivu Maxwell, run 1000 miles. Cash or terms. 187 Bo. Commercial. Phone 1)9. I i FALL BUTTER IAND CLAIRGEAU pears for canning; 75c per box. Brine your boxes. I T.i Reynolds. Pacific highway, north at end of paved road. FOR SALE ABOUT 600 CORDS OF itumpage, two miles out. iMtke me a price. Write F 1 Spaulding, 347 Hall St, rortlandjv Oregon. PUBLIC SALE OCTOBER 23. 1919. Having sold my farm I will sell 8 horses, I mules, 12 cows and heifers, 6 hogs,- chickens, implements and a few household goods. J. V. Wood ruff. 5 miles north of Salem on bot tom road. - PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE SS hp. 3 cyl.. with throttling governor. , heavy fly and belt wheel. Formerly r ased as auxiliary In electric light piant. uood condition, 100 gallon y tank goes with it. ; Scott Bozortn, 702 gpauldlng , Bldg, i Portland. Ore. DELIVERY WAGONS; FOR SALE One two horse wagon, extra wide, roomy body, heavy canvas top, all completely overhauled. - One light, one horse wagon, new body and top. good condition Ward K Richardson, 239 Front St CAPTIVITY OF THB OATMAN GIRLS Thia true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised, making a nandsome little book. It tells In graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of tha es cape of Lorenso. and tha captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from tha Indians five years later. The price is 30 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. TYPEWRITERS THE ACCELERATING TYPE BAR Ac tion roller contact escapement, dou ble shift release, unitary carriage structure and the personal touch ad juster are only a few of the special features that make the Royal Type writer the most practical machine built today. A trial will convince you. Graham Ac Wells. Agents. Cor yallis, Oregon. . - POtLTRY THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR- nal, the biggest and best In the west. The live magazine for live poultry, men 75 cents a year. $1.00 In Salem. Send 6 cents for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon. Mention this ad. FOR RENT APARTMENTS VACANT APARTMENT AT "THE MIL-I ler," 33 Ferry St. ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED room with bath. 447 isorin LaDerty. FOR RENT A ROOM WITH HOT WATER heat, and lavatory lrlth hot-and cold wa , ter. 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 1280. HOUSE FOR RKNT-rHOUSES. APARTMENTH and farms. F. L. Wood.' 841 State street. Phona 794. T LOST AND FOUND ' LOST LOST SHOE BUCKLE IN BLACK and silver, Monday. Reward. Phone , I r.mT . . r .-.u c-TiiTvn rf I uusi J u I beads at Fair Grounds or in city. Re ward. Phone 2363. FOUND FOUND ON STREET. SINGLE KEY attached to safety pin. Also small 'trunk key. Owners call at this of fice to secure same. WANTED MISCELL ANEOTJ Sw j- WANTED WHITE LEGHORN PUL- lets, IC 6. Box 146. I . ... . . n n , . c . . . -amma .1 Phone 399. 197 South Commercial. WANTED TO RENT GOOD FARM. Cash or share. Address R, care Statesman. ' .- .. CASH l-FOR LOW. BLOCKY TEAM WEIGH- Ine 'J 000 pounds or span of 2-00 pound mnles.s L. S. Arnold, Route 4, Box 83. V ANTED TO RENT MODERN FIVE or six room hou.ie unrurnisnea. Aa dress "B," care Statesman. WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS garments to remodel. No alteration too difficult. Mis. U. izra oparKs, Indies' Tailor; C. Ezra Sparks, Gents Tailor. 443 State fit.. Room 2. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 119 X Commercial St, Y.M.C.A. Block. 1917 Chevrolet 9iia. i wo tan ax on Six cars, $."0. 1S17 seven passen ger Studebaker. $675. Dodge, good as new, $950. Three Fords. $350 to $175 1917 Velic, $750. See this one. Come in and see how we can make . tractor out of your old car ? for $275. . - - . ' ' - BRING YOUR BATTERY WORK TO the Battery fcuop, zo . imiucrwaj street. Phone 413. All work guar anteed. .. . " " IF YOU WANT TO BUT, sbuj wk trade your oia auio or u v- p&n.. see; Steinbock Junk Co, Auto wrecEera $2$ North Commercial St, phone 30S. AUTO SERY1C3I ,...nn.i itmn cttd VTr-TfTTY AND . mum.! rut. Sal: country v. - m. night. 6S. TIRES RKPAiniEI TBWiMUUU i L-L-.-i.-Lri -i - - - ixiaannww GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station, m oouui - Phona 428, LODGES Chemeketa Loajter . 1 meet every Wednenday evening at 7:30 at tha -I. O. O. F. Hall. BUSINESS CARDS VDBAY8 AbD HJura.boa. LARMER TRASFER-WSJ MOV B i AKD store goota um-j vu" phone 1888. j '. " ' - ' ' CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPAAT CAphS. S3 Rl. k lariast ssd be.l ..-.A ar.K-r.r eoronasr. e wr ww i doe-d freight rates oa eatera ahipmeate. At j-. .tyree. aa we bars three ware houses la eonnaelioa lt bttainese. Fsrai tan moviag. packing .him,.inc sad stor ,( nr atrUv. Office 2 Sat. Ht RcarJ the Classified Ads. INSURANCE. GILT EDGE FIRE INSURANCE PRO TECTION and up-to-the-minute in surance service, has always been the leading- policy of the Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnvllle. The O. R. R. A. haa maintained an established Salem Agency ror oyer twenty years, and we are here to give you service at all times. H. A. Johnson Insurance Agency, over L&dd &. Bush Bank. Salem. Phone 47. JUNK WANTED WB PAT HIGHEST price for J unit or vary kind, i Lot us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital JunkCo, 171 Chemeketa, St. Phone til. I BUT JUNK OF EVERY KIND RAGS. hattlea. matala. iron, all kinds el me- ehiuer). broken down automobiles and Sails of automobiles. Steinboek Junk Co, 2A N. Commercial 8t 8a lent. Phone SOS. FTSAJtCIAL. FREE INFORMATION IF YOU WANT Information about any kind or lire T T3 U..Mft.Aay.M Alm trict manager for the Mutual Life of New York. Office at 371 State street Salem. Ore. Of flea phona 88, resi dence 1398. xatjjtdmes. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Uualtty wortc. prompt service, ass Broadway. Phone 16. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUXDRY MAN. 438 Ferry 81. I pay top market pries for chickens and ecra. Aloase phone isssj, Shop phoae 1I3J. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing dona at a rata every body can afford. For only SS cents wa will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four bouif. Phona 1471. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and carer ui woric ury wasa 8c per pound. 13$ Soutt Liberty SU Phone la. MONEY TO LOAJ. FEDERAL FARM LOANS. THE APPRAISERS FROM THE FED eral Land Bank will again be here in a few days. Farmers needing funds before March should file their applications now. i y A. C. Bohrnstedt . J 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon GOVERNMENT LOANS AT SU PER cent. w. v. smith, iU Baiem Commerce. Bank of DO XOT LET THE SEED OP A BUILDISO loan for s home bother yoa. I represent one ( the largest Baiiding sad Loan As sociation in the Northwest end caa sup ply your needs. A. C. B0HB2TSTEDT 401 Masonic Templs Salem, Oregon SECOJSD HAND FURNITURE .. BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL YOUR furniture, stoves or carpets, you wwi gain by calling on us. The Capital Hardware Co., 285 Kortk Commercial St, Phoae 947. , PRnPLlirS FURNITURE STORE 371 N. Commercial, mono ?. tiome, oi bargains. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. Wa buy, sell and exchange. .Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. T un UJit, a txm.a a 9. I I 1 ' . u . T t tttit onv nul.l. I u "awj " c i iV- I ifor-i?; of vision A. . th- relief of Eyestrain sadache. Office closed Saturdays. I Office 210-211 U. 8. Bank Building. Phones, office 145: res. iz PAJNXERS F. H. KAYLOR. PAINTER. Sit BOUtu Winter. Phone 298. 1 SECOND UAXVD GOODS USED BEFORE SELLING YOUR l Furniture or ciotning. etc. sea -! I ?JJwJa.B .P"J1 .ti,..i!!Si.cr? new" Call at 347 N. Commercial St. or phone 16. I WE BUT AND sell. second HAND goods of all kinds, plpa fittings, bar ness. collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schindler. 356 CenUr street. TRASS FIR HAULIHQ I AUTO TRUCK SERVIQB. ANY KIND of naui'.ng. xiouaenoiu !74""3S -moving Jobs dona prompt- . tv. Trv me ones. 11 mm a. 47S 8tate 8t. Phona 983. Residence pbona 1123J. - ! WALL PAPER. PAIKT miaaaiaaaaiaaammm SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL p.ner and Picture Framing. Oooa workmen. 4S6 Court St. Phona 488. FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper at Buren s nurnitura ovore. a mercial atreeC WOTKS W1RS1 FKNC1HO jyjiitnriiiiiii "i- - -- ----- Depot Nstleaal t Asaerleaa F-eaae. all ataea, M Is. t 88 la high. Palate, Oils aad Yacmlah. fovea I te mailt aad Repaired. Lmgmmberry and Hap Haaka, galesa Feaea aiava mmwmm. rbeae 14 23 Caart St. R. B. FXatWING. PROFESSIONAL .njuir nriiiii ...... CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. L- SCOTT. D. C ORAOUATH 2f rti..rv? inwT Chiropractic egon. OIympia. Wenatcheo and Spo-c?.:ao7dIMC.-af Wash. Missoula. Butte, Hoze- 404-7-8 u. a National wana ouuami. Phona 87. Realdenca S28R. CHINESE PHTSICIAH e ruXMnnnnnn Pit. 1 tH. nu vun -r-r.. disease, lbi a. mgu bi. "llnr in leilOWSione i an on accouut,! OSTJCOPATHT. - nnr nif'sr-Bl''trli1-" . r , Tvr. ASTrnPtTHir uit.'jwi.'v v yi'r..V::ifw jar lan.4 In th nark. ftVne- rhoneai or f ice'l39l: Res. 58F5. DR. W. L. MEKc u.f. villa. Mo.: treats acute and chronic dUease. Office 404-405 U. S. National RanK is ar. wis. , nminaw. 418 North Summer. Phone 614. WATER jU-qn-'i in " ALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 101 8. Commercial street, ror waier serv tea mnnlv at office. Make all com ?ilalnts at tne ortice. no acauciinnn n bills, will be allowed for absence lalnts at the or rice, iso aeoucuona or for any causes wnatever uniesa r."!.c.2i,'fm?U ba furnished to regular customers ua - Z2Z. Te -TdVwUr,oVrck riHilnrtnri work or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under sched nla of rates. Apply at nfflca for cpy - ' Read the Classified Ads, WHOLE MILK AKD PRODUCE WANTED ; 1 - Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Salem, Oregon. Phone 2488 SALEM MARKETS I BUXDia PRICK Rg-gs and ronltxy, Kggs, CCe. ; i Hens, 2 Sc. Broilers, 22c Old roosters, 13c. Dressed bogs, 18-1 9c. Extra fancy veal, 23 to 24c. Pork. Aluttou ajMl Beet, Pork on foot, '14c. Lambs, 10c. Beef, steers, 8 to Cows, 5 to 8c. Top eal, 23c nj. Cheat bar. per ton S 17. Oat and Ttch bar.l per .ton $20. Clover bay, $20. j. Grain. Wbeat, $2. , Feed oats, 80c to 85c Milling oats, 87 to 90c Beans, nominal, MJ1I Feed. RetavlL Mlllrun, $43 to $41. WholeaaJe To Dealera. Creamery butter cartons, 68c. Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, C8c. ': Fnm. Cantalonpes Standards, $1.00 to $2. SO a crate. Oranges. $6 to $6.60. : Bananas, 9SC Cassabas, 2et pound. ' Crapes. $2.25 to $2.76 a crate. Lemons, $8 to $8.60. California Grapa Fruit, $8. Peacbes, 7Se to 90c a box. Watermelons. - le a pound. Melons Santa Clans, 2 He a pound.' ! Vegetable. Cabbage, 3e. Ontons, $3.00 a sack. Carrots, 45c a dos. bnwenes. Tnralps, 45c a dosen buncbea. Lettuce,. 60c a doxen. ' New potatoes, 3c a pound. Sweet potatoes, 7 He a pound . Green pepers. 10c a pound. Celery, $1 a dozen. Green corn, 25c a dozen. Tomatoes, $150 a box. Egg plant, 15c a pound. Cucumbers. $t a box. Retail Prteca. CrPHiuery butter, 75c. Dairy butter, 50 to 65c. Eggs, 70c. Flour, bard Wheat. $2.90 tO 11.10. Flour, ralley, $1.55 0 13. . -Sugar, cane and beet, lie. Sugar, sack, taone ottered. . ' I PORTLAND MARKETS . I a, PORTLAND. Oct. ' 20.-GraJn Ju tures bids: Oats. No. 3 white feed " . . ... .., nuintifl. 1 5 1 OTemDer JSl.JUi.Wr- . . , " j . i . I cemDer a - uariey nauuoiui tcu and November $62,50' De- cember $63. Barler No. 3 blue'OC- tober and Notembex $63; December $63.50. Corn NO. Z yellow. UStODer 159: November $5t: Decembef" $55.L Eastern ais ana corn in ouiai uais icnnnnil rlinnAil October $50.50:1 " "T" TWpmber 152 November , $al-fn. DecemDer Oats 38-pound clipped, October' $52; NovemOer'fSZ.au; uecemor - j - Corn No. 3 yellow October $58.75; November 355.7b; uecemoer Ttarlev No. Z October Sou; rovemoer $61: December $61.50. Corn. No. 3 yellow January 54c bid. 55c asked Butter Prints extras 66e; cubes extras 62c; prime firsts 61c. Butterfat. Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream 67c. Potatoes: Locals, selling price $2.25. SMITH INSPECTS LANDING FIELDS Major oi Forest Patrol Re turns After Flight 0?er All Northwest EUGENE. Or.. Oct. 20. Major A. D. Smith, bead of the array airpisne forest patrol service, returned to bu- gene Sunday after a 13-day flight through Oreiton. Wasbington. Idaho, Montana and Wyoming to Tiew out 1 landing sites and bases for the forest patrol which will tie extended to Washington. Idaho. Montana ana Wyoming next year, supplementing thA service already established in California and Oregon, according to .uaior smun. . r The major stopped at Portland, or i man ana rsOrns, modi., toay, ". I fdah0 Falls and Boise. Idaho, ami on the last lap of the flight stopped at Jamison and Madras, Or. The major w...; w nf enrlne trouble but said that he Hlarl trinrA than half sill l "'dsa uva ". hour. , He says bis airplane is tne Maior Smith will report to head ' I nnartprn of the western department - .-rvlce, t San Francisco before bases for. tho patrol are se- iected. Harriman Spends Short Time in Portland on Way East port Tt. AND. Or.. -Oct. 20.W11- - . , , . liam Averill Harriman; son ef tne . . .t iarriman. raiiroaa man- ind before federal control of I the railroads, director of purchases and vk president of the' Union P.- S . . J la llMellSNfl mlin Mrs. Harriman Satnrday la their prt; vate car. Harriman has bee hunting .a rii.n I hi. infirm In the) wiida ot uaho for over a month, lie REAL ESTATE U ACRES NEAR FAIRGROUNDS No buildings. ITIce JIIj per acre. D. E. HarU 20$ Oregon Bldg. 49 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 3 i bearing prunes. Good houe. barn. 4 miles from town. Will take good residence in Salem aa part. Terms on balaavc,, D. K. Hart. :08 Oregon Bldg. ., EXCHANGE MODERN RESIDENCE and near 3 acies of fruit and berries on paved street in live town with big payroll. Small creek crosses place. 3 poultry houes and park. At Cot tage Grove, near Eugene. Will trade for Salem property or small ranch. W. C. Conner, Statesman office, Sa lem. Ore. FOR SALE 118 ACRE STOCK AND fruit ranch. 40 good saw timber, 3 ' acres bearing logan and blackcap berries, balance open pasture. Young bearing oichard. S room house in sured for $1500. barn. 3 chicken hous es. All fenced with woven wire fence. On. main county road. I'j miles to store and railway station. Will con sider good residence in Salem. Terms on balance. Price $500.. D. K. Hart. 20S Oregon Bldg. WANTED HOUSES Some modern bungalows and up to date houses. If U have something to sell, let us do It for you. We have prospective buyers. We ara reliable sales agents that get results. John H. Scott Realty Co. 22$ Oregon Bldg. Farm and Fruit Lands Wanted I . ...... . I it your iirm or iruu unu ir nic, list It with us. We need highly im proved properties with prunes or lo ganberries. Buyers on waiting list. Try us for satisfactory results. John H. Scott Realty Co. 228 Oregon-Bldg. A SNAP 18 acres at Sunnrslde. small house and barn. 11 acres cleared. 7 acres of prunes. 3 acrea logans. 1 aero family orchard, strawberries set throughout the entire prun orchard, real bargain. $5500,00. This is a CLOSE IN 1H4 acres, 3 acres fsmlly orchsrd. S acres oats. 1 acre potatoes, balance clear, fair improvementa. If sold soon I $3oo.oe. John H. Scott Realty Co. 22 S Oregon Bldg. HOUSES 4U 2 BUY . S rooms, strictly modern, best loca tion in city, close in on Improved street fine lot. mixed family fruit and nice shrubbery. $400.00 $1S0.08 cash, bal ance long time. 8 rooms, fine modern nouae. 101 i 175. nuts and all kinds of fruit, improv ed streets. $4000.80; one half cash. rooms, modern. 3 lots. 1$8 3. Church St. $2300.0 8 room cottsge, . modern, large lot.b,nce paature. running water.' best good location. $2250; o( n. good buildings. a maia high- fruit and berries, 1$1000 cash, balance to suit. (.room modern - cottare. full base-I ment. large lot. fruit, large chicken I casn. . Wa have many others, tore us rirst. John H. Scott Realty Co. 22$ Oregon Bldg. Bargains and Investments FINE L.VRGE ALL MODERN BUNG A - low. close in. fine location. $oot. $00 cash, balance $23 per mnnth. acres i in LP'N r,e" .-h a wi ; sssss . 1 40 ACRES CHOICE LOGANBERRY. enwry or prune tana. miic. ii L "tn nxtml choice land, good rd. 3 acres straw- berries. Snap. $3300. INICE BUNGALOW. C1X5SE IN. COODlold K00d condition. 4 acres peaches location. $3000. half cash. 1 grafted to prunes. S acres peaches S 7 KOom MODERN HOUSE. MCE LOT. zlly9 u Tncres logans. 1 acre fam- 1 nii liK irom ..ne. V." i ,l . , lottion. near carline. $2500. w ill take 180 ACRE STOCK RANCH TWO MILES from Roseburg. Bargain at sot. Will exchange for Salem, rooerty. Bargain at I ALL kinds of giod l.VbUlI..MBI and best bargalna on our lists. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Commercial Club Building is as brown as a berrr. Mr. llarri- man refused to forecast wben tha railroad would te returned to prt- v.te control or what the result would be. "I have been out of toucb witbOWin: to financial conditions, owner Ibe world." be said. He has not bus - i-.. u nitH Me B (7 tm vunvajviuvuim 114 M vi ib)w aw a Harrimsn explained. Albany Teacher t Petition for Increase in Salaries ALBANY, Or- Oct 20. Albany school teachers want higher pay. A petition for increases in salaries signed by all the teachers of the Al - bany acbools na i fn e'!'' the school board which took the question under consideration until more . definite information of what Other similar schools In the State ara paying teacnerg can be received. ID expectation of a Teaneat from I feachers for increases, the board haa already had School Clerk Hacklemanland aera other cherries, dark lm. a a, u a umu sjv wa Vli.1 llAVaiCUImli write to a number or the schools for the different classes of teachers' sal- aries being paid and for other Infor - mation relative to the subject. The Germans are getting gay again. 'Having buried tha hatch!. I thr thiV now anoaklr. nl tn --- a - locate it. vtri Yir . a 1 VYOen. & Want Ad IS . "u B D D Working For Yoa J! D- ino Doaramg nouso vacancy n Is merely a passing Incident Q g not anything to worry about at n an. D D Peonle who keen Knardera In this town toon learn that' Ibe J Dway to make money in that to aa cation Is to utilize classlfiel a1s U II as promptly and persistently as tl H If advertising for a lost dla- " way to make money In that vo cation Is to utilize classlfiel a1s til on d. REAL ESTATE I FOR 8 ALE BY OWNER HOUSE AND I nn nn rMVsjv" i lot 5SxlIJ close to car line. A bar- gain at $105. Phona 145L I TO FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Modera lAltt Hood St. If In 7-room house. terested write to II. K. PiascckL Dal las. Oregon. FOR SALE IS ACRES CHOICE Fruit land, fenced, witn ouuainga. . feed and machinery; oae and oae half mile from town. For particulars write H. 1C Schols. Marlon. Oregon. FOR SALE CHEAP A SIX ACIlt tract improved in rtouywooo. Silverton Road. J. Kotrner, 18) i N. 17th street Salem. WANTED ! FARM WITH SOME HOPS: MUST h fair buildings: give full partic ulars to Missouri. Boa 13. Statesman office. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LARGE school building and two acres land nicely situated at Silverton. Oregon. t a bargain. Ideal location for a u-kiinl hoamtal. Institution, hotel or factory. Or building coin a do uku down and material utilised li CoO- structlng seversl cottages o property which ran be nicely the property which can o nicety sudoi- , vlded. Great demand for realdences m this deliahtful. growing city. In- t.re.ted sarUea address: P. W. Geer. in care of 'Myron E. Pogve. Maeonic I Temple. Salem. Oregon. WOODS BARGAINS a HallwB! Silt. i:;olV 8 acres loganberries, good bulldlags. I acre prunes and loganberries 17008. 24 acres close In, modern house $7008. 208 acres cast ot Salem, mostly tim ber. $18 per acre 60 acres river bottom land, good buildings. $148 per acre. 23 acres bottom land close to small town tiooa S acres bottom laad $858 7 room bouse near 8. P. depot tlS. S room house, good location, S leu . , , siricuy modern iraojiw, $8000. 4 room house, t lots. $5S8. 20 acres, all la bearing - pronas, 0g- , tun A large feouae. elosa la t8$. - 180 acres. 5 miles out. nearly all In cultivation, main highway. $s par acre. . . .... 18 acres, close in. goo bearing fruit trees. $1188, F. U WOOD Bayna Bldg. GOOD BUYS 17 acre tract. IS acres 'bearing or- rsni . mr!lr orunea. soma apples. cherries and walnuts, three-room house barn. well, on maia i-cmc niu.. 4 miles south. ITice -,.,... 3S acre tract, se acree nuif.in. see, timber. Daiance pasture. u in ii-lr a til eer acre. 2t acre V?V?iaIJf2: Ad. I ACRES, 100 emltivated. baUaee tla of logans, 18 acres of cherries and ap- I ..j Z..,Br- wIT un. kaem. t.l.1 a.room olasterea cottage, oarn. plaa well. Price $70. , . .... r.rm 4S aerea alow land. i-n in.r.r..x IS mere tract, good b ndin. a) n prunes, located close $ acre trset. houma T?l. TJ. mi tmrimm nniM. - Price S10: i down, balance $108 per year. 8 per cent interest- . . . tiood improveo . $14 mica east of Salem. 73 ! ttvated. balance pasture and I Jrato' family orchard, goon piierew best of aolL. Irlca .,.ntmA 10 acrea 01 and 4 miles from baiem. k-tkm f.- 1X7 H P.R ARFNHORST & CO. I ii g-ata bit 1 nrcT OirVC BEST BUYS 1 itj acres. 81 acres cieareu. , I timber. 21 acres prunes 7 to 2t yars iiy orchard, all the oesi ei I fruit land. S-room bouse, large r. V house, hog and chicken -d. one-halt mile of town. i . i aaaa .re. lITira lor a. ear 1"-. I " "iti-.tia or which '"l.ii 1!?. . IS owl luiu tmf, . " C . fenced, large barn, fair bouse, nop house fully equipped oa piece. line chanca for hop ranch, personal prop erty with place 3 horses. 6 cows, one heifer, na mala, 3 brood sows. 16 shoats. 13 ewes, all hay la barn. $6 hu. wheat. $8 bu oats, s acres corn, j Deering binder, hay rake. 2 plows. 1 Ij.ahovel cultivator, harrow, diec. t bug Ictaa. Deering mower, l sulky pioj hff,., "'Ifft KiS'JfZtt Ihaa agreed to , I 3 acres. 157 cultivated, ft timber. 28 prunes 13 years old. 8-room house, bara. out building, new woven wire fence, one mile of achooL 14 miles of town. $28,800. terms oa part. . t 20 acres all la cultivation IVi acres logans. 8-room bouse, bsra. chicken houses, family rcnara. oesi oi soil, suited to loganberries, gravel road, personal properly to go team. cow. chickens, hog, all tools. $:. some terms. -, M v . . Tin h.i.iTrV timtr and bruh. BeW .rpom plastered house, barn, oth- ler out buildings, mostly woven wire runnng"wTterr f "aVea "anl $3stt! terms on half, balance 8 per cent five years. - 2tt acres.' 14t cultivated. 30 timber. a .i..kul krt.i famll rr hard best IsoIL S-rnom house, large bara. woven I wire and ran fence. - mnes.irom Isood town, only an " I condition, li Royal Ann cherries ImHU f s:hU roiling. "'J0?0 u"' , SrUdglrtal'enaaV 1 gooa Beces- urr outbuildings, also tenant bouse. 1 fairly well fenced, l mile of town. spring and creeK water, roca roaa. $168. par acre. $ casn. oaiance per cent, . . . 8 acrea good loganoerry iann. an in I cultivation, closa to paved road. $12ta iz mcrm mi t in cuiinsii"n, m.sv i..il. family orchard bearing, good condition, best valley loam. 5 raales from center of Salem, (-room bouse, bara. other outbuildings, well fenced, close t school, personal property horse, z cowe. feed oa place, chickens.' separat - .lor.' wagon, hack, baggy, all ha Sllcultlvatora, 2 plows, harrow, a $5500; half caah. balaaee 6 p or, wagon, hack, boggy, all aarnees. z ii toots. per eent- IU acres all in cultivation, good lo ganberry land, oa paved road, i mile from city. $2100. 28 acres, mostly all bottom land. 26 cultivated. S timber. 8 room house, barn paved road. l' miles from town, all tha beat berry land, only $1100. terms on $2008. 30 acres, all In eultlvstln. all woven wire fence. cross feneed. anod bara. 2 road. 3-4 miles of town For a short time. $2358. have seversl eastern Oregon fsrms to evchnnge for Salem business or res idence property. 2t seres, lots of piling and tie tim ber. ' mile from lwa, 3 4 mile of oaved rued, will eschang for "aleia U rcsldrnre or good vacant lots. $1500. For Beat Ruys or Exchanges -See S0C0L0FSKY XII Slata StreeL a REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LARGE HOURS IX GOOD LO- caiiea. ia galea, for $5000. Pheae 141. EXCHANGE $ra.8t CHEAP LAND In Lincoln county. Ore., and soma ruh fer a sterk ef SMrcaaa4is. U. B. PuraalL Salem. Ore. FOR SALE THE BEST BAROAIX IS "A. lev. rail acre ef UaA. rioM U. S rwa fceeae. pM4 Sara, plraty water. Per H-k sale, 8I8O0. Terms. 828 Oregea Valid lag. 1L E. Boliager. I SIX ROOM BUNGALOW FOR SALE BY owner: fireplace, built-ln-kltchen. convenient arrangement. Will coav aider car la good condition as part payment. Aduresa I. O. Box 314. Sa lem. If Its LOANS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE See L-VFL-n A LAFT.AR 404-4-S Oregon Bldg. iuh b.u-iw mt rAitH ur ju aihu about 13 miles south of Salem and 2. miles from Oregon Electric de pot. Very best of bottom land, near ly one-half la cultivation, rest timber and pasture, liood orchard, fences and buildings. $75 per acre. Ad dress G5L" care Statesman FOR SALE 288 ACRES. HALF IN CULTIVATION, balance pasture, aaa asd oak timber. 1 mile from town, half mile off Pa cific highway. IT ice $55 per acre. Terms. SS ACRES. 4 IV BEARING TRUNKS. IS in bearing Royal Anne and Pine cherries, balance ia cultivation, good -room aousa. barn, an rente ed with woven wire. 4i miles out aa good road. Price $itt. Terms. D. E. Hart. 288 Oregon building. BEST BUYS 3d ACRES. -14 seres cleared. SO seres er saere partly cleared, 33 aerea tiasee. saeetly river Wttesa. S reesi keeae. bars, ea psvsd reed. 4 atilee .m feed ta. SeO per aere. $1000 eaaa, Valaare at S pee eeat. tit ACSXS. 84 liaW. 125 reared. 80 valley laaA, lit rier MUa. 7-reeaa heese. large bara. S ailcs freai geed leva. SAO per sere. 20O ACRES. l0 cleared. SO sleaaed, SO tiatber. family erehara, best ef soil. 49 seres tottea. 4ms heeaa,. large barm, feseed. 8 4 stile freei high seaL sa Jeiaisg Uvl Price S13S per acre, half eaaa. balaaee 8 per eeat. 28 18 ACRES. 21 ealtlvated. S 1-9 stesipe. all 8nisa cleared Bp and bereed. faaitly orchard, fair beeae sad bara. all feseee. ea geed siarsdaaiired read, ese-half at tie freai sekeeL A reel bargain. 371 SO. 137 ACRES; 0 caltiested. balaaee tiaVrr. family orchard, beeae sad barm, feared. eae sad a aair Bailee frees BilbUsiiry, 340 pr sere, termta If eeatrea. her ssd asatare. new hemae. large Vara. S sles la teas. $63 per acre. Terms 84 ACRES. S3 eehtvsted. IS timber, geed 7 r.oaa hesae with baaeateat aa4 water ayateaa. geed barm, cleae le arheel. 4 milea . from Salem. 83M per acre, half eaaa. bal aaee a per eeat. SO ACRES. IS cmltivated. 10 Wartag praaee. S pasta re. all gead setl. hemae. kera, ea 3 reek reads, emir STIeO. I j ACRES, 4 I I bearimg legaes. 4 miles art. I 833SO. This caa be arerted freas the eny aad la a e-awd tavestmeat. 10 ACRES. im Ugaaa, S I I elerriee aad praaea, half acre eak grab. 34:50, emsy terms. 105 ACRE farm far real. $130 rata rest, 878 meat be paid la mesey ssd 878 ta be paid ia eleariac work ee ta. raach. BEST HOUSE BUYS 7 ROOM medera kemae. ea.t fn-t. m.e.4.m- ed street. 3 keta. bear! a r frail. 83SOO. 5 ROOM medera baagaiew. maeadamised street, est liaa, S20O0. easy terma. 8 ROOM eottace. 8 lata, leta ef fraiU $lO0. 820O davm. balaaee 32i per sats. 7-ROOll kemaa, well bmilt, paeed atrect. 78- (m . fr.aU lets ef frail. 8230. . 3 TOO rata, balaaee ta aait at 7 per eeat. t ROOM svedera plaatersd boa, 81273, aalf eaam. kalaar. le aait at m par eeat. S-ROOlf baarl. eaat freat. tlhOO. $Va Wvm sad balaaee ta aait st t per reet. 5 ROOM weU beiit plaatered m4era baeaa. , leta ef trait," eaat freml. cleae la acaeel. S1750, Urm ea . Tar Bet Bars See S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street BEST BUYS ' I ACRES cloa to paved road, all la cultivation. 86$ per acre, easy term S ACRES, half mile from streetcar, all la cultivatioa. well fenced. Mark gravel anil, the beat of berrr lead. $!. $fctt cash, balance to sulL 18 ACRES. 6 cultivated. $ bemah and timber, running water, lots of Ever, greeen blackberries, the best of If ganberry soil. $2258. halt cash, bal ance eay terms. IS ArilES, fair Improvements, all la cultivstton. all the beat of valley loam, family orehard. feeiee4. t wa miles from city limits. $(540. Terms If desired. 13 34 serea. IS rahivaled. .36 timber. g4 haute, barm, family orchard, gmed wet, reek raad. mad ramie, twm miles frem city, staea sad eemipawal lacladed. SS5O0. terms If eeaired. 20 ACKKS. S acre Italian proses. S Petite. 2 11 Wtaaberriea. bmaaee stamps paatare. all the beat of soil, em maeadamised ramd. eld kw asd harm, eikt miles freai Samai 872 w. Terma 20 ACRES, geed 7-rmsea VearaWw. teaaat k.aae. an aeeeaaary emt baiUiac. welt f raced aad cra.a Ira'ad with waves wire. 13 seres ra frmit. 10 ia bearimg praaem. balaaee walaata. apptem, peaebea, am rmrk rad elaae tm Paieaa. 810.&OO if se44 sama. Prir aaltjeei la ehaagm wHbemt ma4im. 20 ACRKH. all cahlvated. well drained, (he beat ef sail. 3 seres lexaaa. fair bamam aad harm, fsmily err hard, atack aad eemtpmamt imeladed. eleae le paved read ea raek read. 3 mile emt. f 5o0. Urate ea trxxx. 38 ACHrS.t clear, fsmily evraaH. aH tke beat ef river btteai laam. em rmeK rmam. rM te aeammt. S ream amagaUw. fair barm - aad areary emtamildiasm. waves wire femes. Price 86500, aati eaaa. Va'-aarm terma als per eemU 3 ACKKS. 4 12 Weariaf ImraaVerTiee. kalf rerAy. rlee ta Falem. A spWadid laveav meat. Only SO. , 3:o A CRKS. ZOO raltiraled. gmad soil, fair (wpreeemeata. 4 milea from bet temn la Pk Coaatr. ealr $11 per acre. 82 ACRKS, 70 cleared, balaae aastarm. faaa- Ur arnAtrd. (4 beeae asd bara. femeed. 4 1-3 miles red tew a .ackemUea pUcm. 8 10.000. 114 ACBK!. SO rleared. PS timber. 4 Wfmm berrtea. 1 mearbea. 1 family mrrhard. sH rieer bettam l. e4 aeaae aa barm, well feared. 14 milea frees eehel 863 per aere. ka'f eaa. bafsaee per eeat. 87 ACRLA. 14 beansc praaea, 10 la rm.tl vatias, balaaee timber raek fre4 4 1 S milea ef "alem. $ JOO ar arfa vAU ao eept kmee. aa part pajmesU aa war pmjmeai. . Saya 1 1 SOCOLOrSTCY ' 34t hiaia StrMtl Tc Beet Bi 1 Oftf) gcrea. 4 miles from a city of lO.flOS located In the Willamette val ley. About 70 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and limber, land roll ing, plenty of farm bulldlasjs. family orchard, good stock ranch, fine prune land, watered by rprlngs. Price f 3( I per sere. i cash. U trsd. balance .on timo. Klimnrth picket!. 31 Ma- I sonic Temple, Salem, Orcjion. -r8P 1