THE OREGON STATESMAN: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1119. ' f 4 Li LrtJ a Ei' let -Si lore it. 1 1 iint- mi- jt 1 :olcr tat4 aptl; V: i.. MEWS riease Ukuic by Xin ' jf the Statesman carrier misses you, please illume Ij.v 9 o'clock, and a copy will bo promptly sestt to . Use the 583 phoue. 4 ( i. s Pure Tonight 1 : New Auburn hall piece orchestra. Good i four- . Dr. WiiHam it. .iu i Formerly of Portland, announces "the opening of hi? offices in Salem, occupying the offices 'of his .father, . the late Dr. V. Mott, 407-403 Sang of Commerce building. Office phone 383, residence phone 696. , . Dr. 8. C Rtone--1 .- j Can be found at Tyler's durg stor !t ; 157 South Commercial steet. ( Truck Owner Warned -- i A. F. Mercier. superintendent of. the Southern Pacific railway com pany has pent; in letter to the public service commission j asking that th commission caution ! Francis O. Farr ney of Portland oa!nst violating the safety regulations of the railroads. The letter says that some days auo a truck belonging to Farney ran un der a gale at East .Belmont street. Portland, after the .'. towennan had warned the driver that a train was approaching. Mercier also has sent a copy of the letter to Farney. Mrs. Curtis Is Having A wonderful sale of fall hats, specially priced at $7.75. 123 North Might street. Nervous, Weak, Anemic, pale, you need , the pro nounced effects of that superlative reconstructive and restorative, TH'- '' -Tha Real ; : Ire pt irOll Iron Tonic Made by C. i. Hood Co., Lowell, Masa. who died Sunday at the family home on "D" street will be held this af ternoon at 2 o'clock, from the Ger man Lutheran church at Eighteenth and State streets. Rev. Mr. Kcehler officiating, with the Rigdon com pany in charge. The "body will be mid to rest in Mount Crest Abbey mausoleum. Student! Hear I .and r it At the Willamette university cha pel exccrclses yesterday morning the students were addressed, by Dr. Ira Landrith. formerly president of Bel mont; college, prohibition candTdate for .vice-president in 1916. and at present traveling in the interest of the Anti-Saloon league for world prohibition, lie gave-the students; a pppiy talk on "The Real Man," filled with real wit and humor. "Thelma" Jnd ivklaal Chocolates A Salem product made by The Gray Belle distributed by George E. Wate-s for tale esvery where, De Chief llutton of the fire department the blaze had its origin in the cen tral and lower portion' of the build ing, the flames damaging the wood lift and nearfey walls. NoTavtoVny Dua to the fact that the value of the estate was less than that to which the inheritance tax law applies ui tuxes of this nature are to be paid in the estate of Ida Mary John ston. Hearing at lb final account as filed by the executor. W 11. John- Eton, will take place November 2 4 The receipts In The estate are not ed as $3180. the disbursements are given as $118.65 leaving a balance of $3061.3... PERSONAL MENTION J W. A. Dalziel, deputy state seW of weights, and measures, returned here. Monday after passing Sunday at Portland visiting with . .his family. Charles V. Galloway, until a few weeks ago state tax commissioner, passed Sunday In Salem visiting with hU family, lie baa rented a bouse in Portland and expects to move his family there within the next couple of weeks. Mr. Calloway is now em ployed in the boud and trust depart ment of the llibernia Savings bank. It. p3 r. BEY ANT WASHBURN V In 1 PUTTING IT OVER" HAWAIIANS : I V" THE RIGHT .KIND OF GLARES Are the only kind worth having. That's the kind we supply, ; DR. I. HALL AViLSON Optoaitrlat ' 11S.2U 'f7. K. Rank Buildinar noe: Office 145. Residence; 1344 . Office Cloned Saturday ) .i A , 1920 ELGIN SIX f IS HERE Motorists -l-ho ar looking I for f a strong serviceable Cr with elegant bodr lines and interior specification that uaum maximum service " ana economy at a reasonable price should 1 ih this car. v ! LEE L: GILBERT, Distributor 1M S. Commercial Street ! Workers Meet Today - Secretary James McElvln of the local Y. M. C. A. has posted a largo notice on the association board ur gently requesting all workers in the present campaign to be present at the noon luncheon today. The time is designate ?! as 12:13 and'the place Is the wejLknown dining room h9jofjjce association ai t. nemeiceia and -Norm Commercial street si - Sailors May Get Button The local home service bureau of the Red Cross is receiving many in quiries from men who have been re cently discharged from the navy, as to whether the. Victory buttons are available for men in the navy. At present no ileflnite information It ob tainable but the ex-sailors will have a ruling on the question as soon as word . comes from Washington. - ac cording to Mrs. Alice 11. Dodd of the home service bureau." Lejral Blanks Get them at the S'ae?man Catalog on application. ob Chadwlek Cliapter Meet Tonight- Regular meeting of the Chadwlck chapter No. 37. Order of Eastern Star. Tuesday evening. October 21. at .8 p. m. Social evening. , "nark's Fnneral Today 4 The funeral of Herman TIarks. HAMILTON Hligli Will Build During the last few: days two en tries have been made in the proper ties improvement record In the city recorder's office. T. G. Dligh .will build a one and one-half story cot tage at 159 North Twenty-fourth street at a cost of $2500. II. M. Randall Intends to invest $1000 In Improvements on his property af 1845 West Knob Hill street, accord ing to the second entry filed. Marriage licenses "Four marriage lenses were Is sued yesterday by County Clerk IT. O. Hoyer. Mill City. Salem. Silver- ton and Gervais were represented by the couples, each pair giving a dif ferent city as the home locality, Hen ry C. Stafford. 29. farmer, and Vio let Felton. 23. were the Gervais nup tial elects. The second couple were ElbVrt F. Golden. 43. a lumberman, and Ada Lillian Sullivan. 22. They will be married today at Mill City. Th Salem couple were Darrell Lee Howton. 22. carpenter. 425 Sonth Winter . street, and Sarah Ross, lit, telephone operator. Joseph J. Dorf ler, 24. Silverton farmer.and Emma C. Darby. 23, Silverton student, were the last applicants for marriage li censes yesterday. Licenses were is sued Saturday to R. C. Sparks 20. en gineer, and Harriett M.. Raise, 21. nurse. Roth are residents of Salem and to Stephen R. McReynolds. 22. a laborer ot uauas, ana Daisy Dell Tuell. housekeeper, and a resident of Salem. THK FURNITURE MAX Will make and hang your drapes, i Largest Stock of Drapery. 340 Court Street. INSURANCE of all kinds, and prompt, efficient service. Capital -Credit & Adjustment Co. 416 Masonic Temple SALEM . OREGON For Sale House with O Rooms Plastered, no basement), barn, makes a good garage, 14 8 feet front. Plenty fruit, apples, pears.-prunes. cherries, four bearing English wal nut trees. SV. corner Market and Fourth streets, Salem, Ore. Phone 20S1J. Bonds, Mortgage Interest Bearlpg Investment J HAWKINS & ROBERTS! .204.207 Oregon Building -j S MITH' FOk MO IC E State and Commercial sts. S Electric Machinery and Engineering Company J ! , For V EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK 4H court St. 175 So. Coiimerclal St. ! Phone 955 MYRTLE KN0WLAND Music v and Musical Merchandise . Sonora Dealer in Salem1 Elliott to . Klamath Fall Conservation of the timber re sources of Klamath county will, be the subject of a deliberation by a forest fire conference meeting this week at Klamath Falls and which Is being attended by F. A. Elliott, state forester. Representatives of the Klamath Lake association, the Klam ath County Fire Patrol association, the United States Indian service, the United States Forestry service and the state department of forestry are attending the conference. Ralph Mercer IU-turn - ' 1 Ralph II. Mercer, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Mercer, arrived In Salem yesterday following his discharge from the navy after four years in that arm of the service. Mr. Mercer received s discharge papers' in New York, having served on a re ceiving ship at that station a few months prfor to his release. During the past year if his. service he has held the rating of chief storekeeper. He was stationed at a base in Scot land during -the last year of the war and had ample opportunity to observe the United Kingdom during war times. Telephone 352 . Salem, Oregon 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB Manufactured 1 toy j HENDERSON'S CIGAR Phone 319 FACTORY Let us prove to you that our prices are less. Some good bargains In new - and used pianos. 8 THE WILEY B. ALLEN C0.H?nty Water Applications Come " The following applications for wa fer rights have been filed at the of flee "6f State "Engineer Cupper: Al bert S. RobertR, of The Dalles, 500 second feet from Deschutes river for irrigating 100 acres and the develop ment of power for pumping and do mestic purposes; Mrs. A". M. DeWitt Austin. for the appropriation of water from Rig Rutte creek for the irri gation of a small tract, in Grant 519 Court St. Derby building WILLARD Storage Battery! i j SERVICE 8TATTp - 238 N. High St I Tel ephone 203 CITY CLEANING' WORKS "7 -i Cleaners , of Quality . j ; v Cleaning Dyeing BepalrWg rlHl SUte St, .i J Mphone; 703 lull SAliL UiCi I rinal TTonse gallon stroke pump. One Bowser l61 t onejrallon stroke pump. One Bow . ser 550 gallon Unk, nearly! new and guaranteed to stand the; state test. ' . - i ' i i WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 24$ SUte St. Phone 311 Salem Atito Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a. Specialty - Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12lh Sti Salem, ore. WANTED JUNK AND- MACHINERY OF ALL V KINDS w a also bur second-hand goods. If youhave anything to sell for a rood nrice caU 398. The Square Residence Is Damaged j Duetto the prompt response of the fire department, a blaze which threatened serious results was con- 'ined to a small space Sunday, after noon when fire was discovered In the J. W. Harbert residence at 464 Richmond avenue. According to H 3 ID STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD 2 Says Cream Applied In Nostrils J I Opens Air Passages Bight Up. ,i r Instant relief no waiting:' Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe' freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, head ache, dryness. No struggling for breach at night; your cold er catarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Elra Cream Balm from your druggist now. Ap ply a- little f -this- fragrant, antisep tic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the Inflamed or swallen mucous membrane and relief comes Instantly. I It's Just fine.- Don't stay stuffed up with a cold or nasty catarrh. HAM : 11KXTSON DEAD SILVERTON, Or., Oct. 20 (Spe cial to The Statesman) Sam Bent- son, son of Mrs. II. R. Bentson, died at his mother's home Friday evening His death was very sudden as he had suffered from no' previous ill ness. The cause was paralysis. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St. alem. Ore. Universal Ranges and Heaters E. L. STIFF & SON. Have you electricity In your home? The Paul Automatic Water Pump gives you. fresh water every time you open the faucet. T. C. WOOD, 12 N. Commercial Street . KABO CORSETS . 11.5032.0033.00 THE REMNANT STORE 245 N. Commercial Sti MONUMENTS! If your monuinental, work Is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor; for oar Canltal Monnmental Works,-. 2211 S. Com. St. : Phone 689, Salem WE WANT SHALL WHITE , s eais HIGIIE.ST PRICES PEOPLE'S CASH STORE 186-194 N. Commercial St. : "JTJsT vmi jfi jf J .Oaso AO f FOR TOP F V 1 TUm. BSBBBBSSBBBSSBBSB sSSBSSSBSBSSSBBBSSSSSSaSBBr CO CUTEST, Cafrt, fcellk tabr at M4eaM " print. Abltcl7 tlr9wt. Ceatrally Ieatr4. Oavealcat II earUaes. - WASIDNGTON AT TWELFTH ; , Prtla4. Orca Ot.RlfW R. W1TT0. Wirf. At Clancey's 123 North Liberty Mr. Frances Bouyer Lade Veze with a collection of. Japanese Prints and Fine Oils . " i TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Hardy 11. Wetou. a prominent Raker rancher, epi-nt yesterday in Sa lem conferring with state otficlals. Fred .T. Ducht-1. uiembt-r of the Oregon public service coiuminsiuu. went to Portland Monday to look alt' er matters in connection with the ap plication of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company for an increase In rates. II. H. Corey, of the public servicer commission, left hut nixbl fur The Dalles and Condon where be w:il con duct several grade crossing hearing. Will T. Kirk, member of the slate Indastrial accident commission, wi-nt to Portland yesterday to testify In a state case In the circuit court. J. W, Ferguson of the state indus trial accident commission passed Sun day in Portland visiting with his Ltm Ur. Harry Clark ot Portland passed yesterday in Salem visiting with friends. r.. r. Carleton. assistant state su perintendent of schools, will -leave heje Sunday night for 'Burns where be will attend a teachers' Institute which opens there Monday. C. L. Clancey of Harrisburg, Pa.. arrived in Salem last night to pass a few days.. .He formerly resided In Marion county but left here four years ago for the east. . Fred Wiiliams of the Oregon pub lie service' commission left last night for Prinevllle where be will Investi gate applications for road crossings in that vicinity. Miss Vera Smith, daughter ot County School Superintendent W. M. Smith, spent theweek end ia Salem. MUs Smith is attending school at Corvalli. A..Petzel of Quinaby spent Mon day in S-'alem. Miss Minnie Nibler and Miss Marie Mangold of Gervais visited In Salem yesterday. S. V. Ramp of II rooks was a Sa- I lem visitor yesterday. I liritt Aspinwall of Gervais, well I Known as a loganuirrr jtunn, " - in Salem yesterday attending the hearing of the loganberry cases now on trial in the circuit court. , O. Riling-visited from WooUburn yesterday. Mrs. J. Brooks ot waconaa was in Salem yesterday. Clvda , LaFollette ol neauana was another Salem visitor' interested j in yesterday's opening of the logan- j berry question in the circuu xouri. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney. president oi Willamette university, returned Sat urday from a business trip to Bend in the Interests of the university. H. W. Gard. John Henderson ana T. N Vibtwrt. board of directors ot the North Unit irrigation district, to gether with A. D. Anderson, secre tary of the district, called at the state engineer's office yesterday In con nection with affairs ot the district. Louis H. Compton. state parole of ficer, returned yesterday Irora Port land. He left last night for San Jose to return a parole violator named L'ucent to the state penitentiary. I.. C. Rnlifson is back In Salem after having been discharged from I the service. He was overseas 13 . months and part ot the . time with the army of occupation. Herbiert Nana, state highway en gineer, left yesterday for Portland. A. J. Vance, representing the Jor dan Valley Land it Water company, was in Salem yesterday. J. A. Churchill is attending a teach ers' institute at Enterprise. C. A. Arundell. federal attorney in the Hyde-Benson land fraud cas es, called at the office of Attorney Genpral Brown yesterday. Dr. William House of Portland, mental specialist, was a guest ot Dr. L. F. Grlfllth. superintendent of the state hospital- for the insane, Sunday. Roy A. Klein, secretary of the state highway commission, is in Portland. E. E. Blanchard of Grants Pats stopped In Salem yesterday on his way home from the ast. He was a member ot the 1911 snd 1913 ses sions of the state legislature. In Chicago he visited his son, Paul E. Blanchard, an attorney of that city and a graduate of Willamette university. c a package before .the war; . c a package during the war ypc a package THE FLAUOR LASTS SO DOES THE:PR!GES, 1ST from the architect's fee. until the au- thorities ascertain whether the heat-1 lng system is adequate. Question was raised as to the manner- in which this was constructed. M. W. Lorenx Was the' contractor and Lewis I. Thompson the architect. The boys' dormitory. . the other new building, was accepted several weeks ago. The legislature appropriated 954.000 for the two bullclngs. Neither Is yet complete, but both can be occupied. and completion will require further appropriation. The hospital dormi tory as far as it has gone cost 126. (02.75. and the boys dormitory f 2C,- 69 1.1 S. a total of $53. 293. 90. TOBACCO HABIT DANGEROUS Part rnr Cotmt. frmrty af Jsm 2Uy kia k.tai. TkxuMt f mm affvni.g fr 4Ul 4iT ia h ia pmrlrtt kkfe Nlar vra it a4 tmr ikm 4m4f 4rac m--fitnp ik kl'll MW flar tt'ft l Utf. Il'a a timp4 prmrtt t rti rmrl at ttie laUarr fcaUt la r tara. J4 at4ai 4rut Mara a4 r m Ml laMTa; laka aa aa 4irni aa4 Vu; tk m irinm fcabit aarkly vaaiakr. IrBrcla rf4 lk rv tt lky faU. Ha aar ia rri larr 4 ivmMai maiaf meat ay Ixrtt- raaar aaaa la appar ia ihia rap"- It " af tka Saafvr af air, tin aMtia( aa4 ta aaas H. Ia I a aeuaa try Mtal takWu; jmt will ka wr..ri4 at 'K t It. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY WEDNESDAY, IXTOHER S3 (Not a Moving Picture) THE HAWAIIAN MUSICAL PLAT SSSSSBa'naaaBSBSaank-BjajB..B mm j 1 a . a alrnl HATTVT UVELRS VIXYULST 5mues and oatkzr. k.4fen I STCaTV C- T AM r As Fsscinatlnic as "The Bird of Paradlne" PRICES: 91 Jn. 14o. .W. Sats cn Sale at Opera House pharmacy A cordial invitation to come and inspect this exhibit ia extended to Salem's Lovers of the Beautiful a Maaaaaa a j ' HOTEL ARRIVALS 4a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a4 - email investment Loans ealty IjoansUoujse Rental J Agency, . "' General Property Dealing. J JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO ' 404-405 Hubbard Bldg. Fhons Hi Salem. Ore. Hardware PMrnlture and Sacond Hand Oooda ae . . . ' i CAPITAL HARDWARE A , : FURNITURE CO. .ft you have" furniture stoves or carpaU to sell, pbano 47. or cail at S8S H. Oaaaacrclal Street POTATOES Burbanks, American wonaers, : Netted Gems, Pride of Multno mah, Garnet Chili, Early Rose. We will he ready to commence shipping as soon as you have fully matured stock to. of fer.; Phone 717 or address 542 State ; street, Salem, Oregon. . : RIANGIS BROS. : ' If I IS A CREDIT TO ANY HOUSEHOLD WAN TED Furaiture, ranges, heaters, tools la fact, anything yon have to selL ' i buy for cash. - Phone ' 610 or 611. ' TOODRY. Trie Auctioneer LONG DISTANCE AUTO, TRUCKING WILLAMETTEVALLEYj TRANSFER CO. Phone 14Q0 THE n o t a b 1 e quality of our . . professional el forts is their dig nified character. Our unfailing po liteness, is all times favorably commented upon. Our services are faithfully performed. . I Bhsnf . ltllliuiniiiuimiiiliiiiH.iiiiBiiimim"miB If you have,1 any thouuht of having a washing machine in your home, be sure to tee the LAUNDRY QLEE.V The best Dolly type machine, SECOND TO NONE WELCH ELECTRIC CO. 379 State Street BLIGH V. P. Harris. Bend: W. A. Hills. rWttle; F. Moore. Phlllipp Hold en. F." Stewart-Portland: T. O. Bunch. Chicago; W. C. Sager. wm- mon, S. D.: H. A. Ingl. The wanes: i Mr. and Mrs. Helmrich, Seattle; J.j D. Wins, Albany; Mr. and Mrs. S. Lindsey. Canby; Mr. and MrsJ G. Trott. Saskatoon. Sask.: D. H. Simp son. Corvallis: John Battuello. Jo seph Forners. Beuld, HI. . XRGO Ed Wlnt, roniana; ciem R. Russell. Bulger. Pa.;' Fred Znehl ke. AV. Adams. P. W. Van Doren. Woodburn: Una Darby. Silverton. MARION -Samuel Ross Moffet. Portland: A. D. Anderson. "John Hen derson,. Madras; M. S. Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fischer. D. Cadman. Portland; R. W. Nelson. Eu?ne; Geeorge Archibald, Salt Ijike; C. T. Keromerer. Washington. D. C: Geo. Barr, Canby; J. T. Sullivan. F. Isaac son. Portland: Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Mac Donald. Chicago: F. H. Deshon. Portland: Mrs. C, Meybell.' Mrs. G. Kurti. Portland. Final PayminU Made on Two New Stale Buildings Final navroen was made by the state board of control yesterday on a hospital dormitory, one of the two n-w buildings at the state Institution tor the feeble-minded for which ap propriation was made by the 1919 legislature. The sum of $250 was held back, however, from the con tractor's' fee. and the same amount LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1SC3 General Banking Basinet Office Hoyr from 10 &. m. to 3 p. a. STATE g STRllT U.J SI o Dr. CB. O'Neill OPTOilETRlST- OPTICIAN - ladd Dush Dar Bul'di id tlxfCar. 6l3le apt There Is No Better Bread , Than BAKE-RITE BRED Try A Loaf Fresh From Our Electric Ovens BAKE-R1TE SANITARY BAKERY 457 SUte Street 1-2 f t