' 2 ' THE OREGON STATESMAN TUESDAY. OCTOBElt 21..1P10.. a : THE OREGON SITESMAN i f Issued Dally Except Monday by r -k r-, 111 THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPAJCT ll I Jll S. Commercial BU Salem, Oregon " ! V , MEMBER OF TB ASSOCIATED. PRESS . . - Tie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication t all osws dispatches credited to If or not otherwise credited la this paper sod also the local news published herein. - ' i ; '.u j :'" R. J. Hendricks . . , ;t . . ;. , Stephen A. Stone-. . f '4 Ralph OloTer . .;.;............ Frank JaAoskt.". . . . i . .t ...... DAILT- STATESMAN, served, by carrier in Salem) and suburbs, 16 cents a week, S IT cents a monthh-1 , . r ? i v, i ' : .'is DAILY STAT15SMAN t mail, $'a year; $S lot six months; So cents a month; For three months or mere, paid In isdysnce, st rate of $6 7ei. SUNDAY STATESMAN, 1 a ear; SO cenu tor six months; -25 cents for . three, months.,- " f ' : .- v..s ' . i5- r " : WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-pare sections Tuesdays and 1 Fridays. S lya 1 year (if not pald in advance $1.25 ) SO cents for six months; 2S cents lor three months. , . k TELEPU0N,E3: " Business Office,' 23." Circulation Department, SSS. Job Department, 583. Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, i BOLSHEVISM BRED AND BORN IN FILTH Eleanor Franklin Egan, writing in the Saturday: Evening Post, , draws an alarming picture of filth not mere dirt, but plain obvious filth tolerated and complacently accepted' 'as perfectly proper-concomitants of life Jfv vast huassci "of the oeople'of Eurone;; Notrtfiftil we : have personallyf meir nomeircies can wc Americans conceive wnai mm reany means, and what a peculiarly gioridusly clean 'nation is "our"own; ' , The author reminds us that it is rout:oftlus complacent 'filth that Bolshevism has been torn, thai' it is among the unclean peoples of Darkest Europe, that it has thrived sufficiently to become a men ace to the world. " - - ' V' " , Wherever Bolshevism is strongest there is filth filthiest. Those peoples of -Europe have no conception of sanitation and hygiene as we know it, either in "their personal habits or their house hold customs. '""'".. -: ' ' ' ' ' ' - Indeed, there seems to be a very5 general attitude to 'regard cleanliness as ridiculous affection;": V s . .' . : We know that such Bolshevism t . .1 oesi among iiiese unciean. joreign elements. There is a natural affinity between1 filth" and Bolshevism: - Both hold the creed of doing' whether it is the cause of . personal, and -home cleanliness or earning .one's wages. "'J':1'""" ,;. ' - ' . The wholesome ;Amerjcan in' his healthy, hygienic home, has no more use for Bolshevism witfe its- self Uh idestrnctiveness: itk. coni temptible sabotage, its wanton victimisation of the, general public for us own uiny enas, man ne nas ior , stenches and unthinkable filth from which it first raised . its con taminatinghead..i . ' 'r" . - . Wherever BolsBevism'is in powr the wholcstandards of living are at, their very lowest, always the: wholej community; is,leveleid downward, for mo man can'' Maintain nimself clean where filth is the accepted standard All around him. '". The Statesman's ; Salefa' Slogan i?Sge of Thursday- will show that milk products are necessary to maintahiAa virile 'race of people : and . iri l i "... i t r -. i. . " ...... inai.inis w ine Dest aairymg, country uairyiug litre luuius , large. " 'Justice -Darling.' one 'of the best known jurists of Great Britain. . holds Jhat;the wif er is the master, ancient rule,' that the husband was Hirani Johnson canceled Ms was to haye spoken in Madison Square Garden Saturday night ;Said he was tired;' Ditto;' the people of the United States, with too much Johnson." . . ..." it you have - an .idea .that ' there is any camouflage about the scafeityof - houses in Salem, - you tiy to. rent one. - - - - . f ; " . . . -Of course, the genuine sky. pilot was bound to' win. Send in your slogans. ' PreaidentWilson is getting well of all the new things he gets, about as fast as he gets them. ' " I Headline from a dally newspaper, lD"6-r-"The English ? ; Government Tkes Hold of the Irish Question' in many cities of the country wom en Are to be given the Jobs of census enumerators. As the principal work of the enumerator is . to ask . ques tions, a cynic at the writer's lbow 1 7. It!a been a busy and fretful day. Brain fagged.nervea frayed and body" eidustedcohscious that tomorrow is fraught with new trial and tribulations, he realises the imperative need of a refreshing . 4 j nio-ht'jB rent. '.Yt. he hesitates and dreads toVn to i i i oea lest Da wan lik etur aba,. IU(m U auhatluitaa, braakfaat ftria. baan for ta day', artiritia.; rested atnMtita onettied ainca yon were a boy. aral tamo: rettshabJ p . ! tiae aad an excellent atimiilaat to the riervoae arstem. It re-" i be-a fcraia, far and phyaical .1 , '. xhaaatMm; b a 1 1 d m that' 1" ...j I it mtm: .atrntbeM taa imn. -, b eWawdrehabUttatoiTO.rmu,,K th weak.- irritabi and -rara . - ert.( Aak. -mar rfpnrriet for , feottla todar e lid at, allMaihU. r . LTKO IIEDICINECO. Hw lark Kaaatt Ctty, Me, . . ..: ......Manager .Manatlng "Editor . . . . . .-. . . . i i Cashier . : : . . .Manager Job Dept. Oregon,' as second class matter. , visited some of these peoples inJ as there is in this country thrives t 1 ' ... . nothing: one can get :out of doing. me rampant, lice ana cooues ana in the world. -So the future r of the. household contrary.to-the it. lie s a darlmg, to be sue New York engagement, where He says the propriety of their selection is at ence apparent. Last call. Let Uncle Sam get his name' on the dotted line of the peace treaty, with or without reasonable reservations. ' Chehalis sawmill workers paraded yesterday to protest against the put ting on of 17 Japanese laborors by a local mill. We are4 getting a race question very fast in this section no rou ana xoss mroagnQui me nignc.-, rnxomrtmac the koranoi niehtmMSAad foanmia? " Ar rou troabled wiU wakafaL rat)M night? Xovoart p ia tb omtbiok f elina- mora tirvd tbao when rev -want to .. bad. bacauaa your rest U o disturbed and Jbrokaat .Xbaa. try - The Great GeneraI:Tbh!cvi;'.-V . Th hoar of bci-ttBi will ooo ioe ita terror nf yfw win berin to seek jraqr eooch with plcairarabia anticteation of a niht.(FM from, disturbs ncaa. LVKOi wiU t yon it weet. Bound an4 peaecivl alnmber and brine yoo down tMka tabla in the mentis in Rood apirita a ad fa Schtina; tad refmbad in body -s . and mud. attd wiu,i . -STt- 2 f ;v f - I v iiO-: f A I' - TS ? f 0 - r WANTED Younp man to learn the mechanical end of the optical business. Must have had at least two years of high school. HENRY-E.: MORRIS & CO. ' ! EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 305 State St. ! ' Phone 239 And it will last longer than any or us, too. 5 : Prof. William Howard Taft has re turned to his duties as professor of law at "Vale university. Intending to crowd all of his work for the year into the first semester. Is anybody calling him higher? Salc-m grows more self sufficient and self determining as her. factories Increase. Pretty soon, she will be able to lire np to Oregon's motto. She will fly with her own wings; and fly high; too. ABOUT THE Y. M. C. A. Editor Statesman: Since returning to the United States and' to Salem. I have been many times asked by my friends as to the work of the Y. M. C. A. during the" recent 'war. At first I gave the matter no attention, but after listen ing to 'the tirades of abuse heaped upon the organization in question. I wish to submit to those Interested two different viewpoints of the mat ter. My own service consisted of 18 i months in the1 states and less than j 10 months in France. For this rea son the accompanying letter from a soldier who had a greater experience than by own is presented. This man makes some statements which many of us who wish to give the M Y" a square deal think a more reasonable view of he matter. At another time the question as to the mercantile' enterprises - of the Y. M. C A. will be submitted for publica tion. '! The main point which I desire to make clear in dealing with this question is this: A few. facts can as sist In' correcting a few distorted ru mors, but time will prove that the Y. M. C. A." accomplished the greatest friendly act in the world's history. And further: As time does reveal these things, critics will realize that no i defense , for ' the organization Is needed, because no matter what task was encountered by the "Y", success was the final outcome. The follow ing letter first appeared in the sol diers inewspaper,r "The Stars and Strtnes," published February 14. 1919,' and was later ' reprinted in a March, 1919, issue of the "Literary Digest." While the "wriater's name is not published, it is in possession of the war department and would not have been accepted by the military publishers of the "Stars and Stripes" had the article been submitted anon ymously.' William . L. Carver. (Following Is the article mention ed above:) THE Y. M. C. A. To the Editor of The Stars and Stripes: I am not the guy who really won the war, nor did I see all the fronts. but there are a lot of birds in this outfit who didn't get as far toward Berlin as yours truly. Having intro duced myself to my enthusiastic readers, stand back and allow me to begin. My subject tonight will be a few words about the Y.M.C.A. Some of the lads don't seem to like It, and have started in to make the crowd back home think It's a false alarm Now, Ed, you know that it's an easy thing to scatter the vitriol here and there, and there is a certain class of young volunteers who would rather do it than eat. I'm one of those peo ple who like to crab a little myself; It's a habit I learned around the scuttle hut (ask the gob what mean), but these vitriol boys are on the wrong track this time. They are citing Isolated cases that have hap pened during7 this year and a half, and making a mountain out of a mole-hill. This puts the entire Y.M. C.A. on the witness stand in self-defense, and that Is a thing that should not be. Let's drop off a few points. jibe, and look around. What do we 'see, mate?, We see hundreds of men who could have kept the home fires burning In the U. S. A., and earned a good wage along with the slackers and the gen nine non-drafted men at any number of good paying positions. What did they do? They came to France and kept on the job morning; noon and night every day of the week.1 They kidded the brawny igbters in the S. Q. S. with movies, candles, cigarettes and: decent words. After yon have done that about $000 hours, more or less, you begin W get sick of it Back In the S.OyS,. We transportation was available;' and the supplies came Into the canteens. Bilt up at the front, when yon were1 IucBT ttf'get clothe and chow. It was pretty tough V proposition, and whatever did come up1 to the Y'. It: C.'A. was nabbed by the guys on the special details ! and various trains back with division. Soma of it did get up to the front, but not enough to create a panic. But that wasn't the fault of the Y.TVLC.A.; It was the Inevitable' result of a constant for ward movement in open' warfare. I suppose some of our heroes wanted "A DAUGHTER 1 11 I Si tJr:i$h:: Scene from (he 'Hawaiian .MuJcal Play, "A DnujUiter of, thy San,9 at tlie Grand Opera H oune, one night The Hawaiian Islands are the home of the Kanaka. He is a son of the tropic4 and has evolved many things typically his own. The most pro nounced of these Ms his music. The sad and plaintive melodies tell of his own isolation in the midst of. the Pacific. - Hawaiian music has swept our land the past few years as noth ing of the kind ever did before. We hear it everywhere and every one seems to enjoy Jt. The new play coming to Grand Opera House, Wed nesday . evening, October 22. "A Daughter, of the Sun." a tale of an Hawaiian Butterfly, written by Lor in Howard; and Ralph T. Kettering Is vanced outposts bv aimlanes. Ifs too bad about those kids.' Since I've been up with machine guns- I've never seen anything of this chocolate ration that the Q. M corps serves out troops, and I don't expect to do eo either. Nor do I feel any anguishi because the Y.M.C.A. didnH feed me in a fox-hole, especially when I know who had the monopoly on available transportation. There was a lad named Wilbur who was the secretary assigned to our battalion. He had been turned down for the' army because he had one eye. So he sought the lucrative and luxurious life of the Y.M.C.A.. thus hoping to be of some service to his country. When he found that ft was impossible to drag chocolate bars and cigars over the top with machine gtins, he gave first aid to the wound ed under shell fire. He had the time of his young life, and no, one had anything on Wilbur when It came to courage: The Boche winged htm up at Blane Mont In Champagne, and he got a bllghty. I ' There were lots of Wilburs in ttie Y.M.C.A.. Jf yonj start Investigating! I hate to see a lot of crabs Ignoring them. too. ' , When we started on our marathon via France. Belei Um T.nnmfuinrr and Germany, we were lucky to have our emergency rations keep np with us. Then we settled in various cas tles on the Rhine, and the crabs be gan to scream for the Y.M.C.A. Where was H?t Ask the army about that--ask why the trainloads of stores were sidetracked so that more important things could come np. But now ; our. soldier . boys are" getting enough candy to make each and ev eryone sick, and enough cigarettes to totally destroy the lungs. I have purposely failed to touch upon the work of the women in the Y.M.C.A., because , I couldn't , ade quately express the appreciation that we must all feel for their sacrifices and their infinite patience with us They come from the best American womanhood, they are the finest type possible to obtain, and their refining influence among us has been evident in tvery camp that they have graced by their presence. They have been an inspiration to many of ns, con scious or unconscious of that Inspir ation though we may be. ' Just consider what they' have giv en np at home to come over with us and to slave for us. yes slave for us. Do ynrj think It easy to put up with our general indifference and constant demands and continual kicks and to smile and be pleasant and truly sym- pametlc? Well, it Isn't easy.: and If we try for a moment to' put our selves In their place and cater, to the A.F.F we shall get the point. Ain't it'.wful, Mabel, did you hear CHILD'S MOTIVE Look t Tongue: r, lmore Tolaon From Stomach, Liver and Bowel.- e. . - . V Accept, "CalifornIa, Syrup or Figs only look for' the name, California on' the package, then you are sure yonr child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stpmach. liver and bowfls. Children - love Its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's doae cn each bottlv Give It without fear. " Mother! You must say, "Califor- amurupriiia OF, HtE;SUN7 mm sv I ' f - ij only, &iurply. Ucluot-r zz. the latest play founded on these is lands of the Pacif ic. The story abounds In mystery and Intrigue. The secret service of the. U. S. A. is in troduced combating the machination of the Jap. The cast is one of unusu al size. The scenery is massive and beautiful. The volcanic eruption in the last act is the acme of stage mechanism and realism. The com panvy&lso carries a troupe of native Hawaiian singers and musicians and the atmosphere of Hawaii Is main tained throughout. The' Mutual Play Co., the produc ers, have spared no expense or effort In making this a play really wArth while. F that the at my Is going to try three secretaries who stole money? .We don't call that "salvaging." do we? N. we dont. Three out of how many f haren't the figures at pres ent hut Prbet my steel Stetson that the percentage is negligible. On the other hand, how many of our criif-aifrs nave ret ten the yellow ticket fct the san e thing; commis sioned and otherwise? Oh. but now you are attacking our set, and that Isn't fair! : Well, here's one old timer who got a square deal from the Y.M.C.A., and it's -an Irish Catholic who says so. Take a straw vote and see what the conservatives think about It. Silent Sufferer, U.S.M.C. . I : BITS FOR BREAKFAST I Still raining apples. V There are 21 veterans of the great war going to the public schools of Salem. ' I -. They range in age from 18 to 23: but they are all veterans. The Increase In public school at tendance in Salem this year over last is T2. so far. -That means something like 2090 more people In Saleni'thls year than last year. Prof. J. W. Todd, superintendent of the Saiempnblie schools, told the men who lunched with .'the Salem Commercial club yesterday some things they will treasure and think about. The ' Salem public schools are doing much mora than mark time,, in progressive methods !n ways, in fact. The domestic scl-nee BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Mm. Graf Says Ylnol Cured Her Darlington. Pa. "I suffered from bronchial Asthma so badly I would often have to sit up half of the night or lean over the back of a chair, and so. weak I could .hardly walk across the floor. I had spent lots of money lf.or different Asthma medicines with out help but Vinol helped me so 1 sleep well, and am so well and strong ram doing all myork on the farm." Mrs. Emma Graf. i Vinol Is a constitutional remedy which contains bfjand cod liver peptones, jron and manganese pep tonates and clycerophonphates. We strongly recommend Vinol. Kmfl A. Schaefer. and druggists everywhere jvh ndic sua iruuuieiia lumber. ry oaxoi &aive. Money nac ir It rails. ...... i- i t i STARTS TOD AYr-THREE DAYS TV- FT M Piekf mwt. 7 REELS OF FUN AI(D PATHOS . ALSO VAUDEVILLE BL1GH THEATRE. HOWARD FOSTER PLAYERS-THURSDAY, FRIDAY V Last Timcs:Today and Tombrrov; j j f '1111; H rvv &&&& ' '.Stows 2; 4; 7 and 9 Ye LIBERTY Wct'C:' I . ' department and the occupational training department are doing prac tical work; fitting boys and girls for the act-til work of life. An4 they are paying their way They are' not a charge upon the taxpayers. Even the new domestic science build ing Is self-sustaining. So is the cafeteria, where lunches are served more than paying Its way. If the rate of progress keeps up, before lng SaVnf will be able, to boast truthfully of having the beit public fQools In the United States and this program Is already well along on its way. Thjee.NeurLmber Firms ' FUe Corporation Papers Xhree lumber companies with cap ital Vanning from $5o00 to f ISO 000 filed articles of incorporation here yesterday. . They are: Swiss Timber company. Portland: Incorporators. K. W. Mcravreau. AI bert KIdgeway..E. A. Johnson; cap italization. 1180.000; logging and timber. j; Shotgun Timber company. Mable Lane county; Incorporators. E. It. Leckiey.' A. H. Volck. George Engles- ny; capitalization. HuutH y-Covington Lumber com- Ipanr. Ifortland: Incorporator. J. V. ;af ; IN Huntley, G. L. Covington, A Kidd; cauitalization $5000. Articles were filed by the csnpany. "Inc.. of Portland, vl will co an automobile buMness: T incorporators are J. C. Crcn. E. rnlM)'inn ard Grover Hcjcn, i the capitalization S $3000. STOPS BACKACHE I IN FEW ME Huh Lumhacn, IViIn. SorrwenA. Si bw Eight Out With fc. Jacob's f J&imrU" Whfn jour bar h sore as4 U r lumbago, sclat'ca or necr.'os I joa Mifren-I up. oc-'t arir! small trial bottle o? o!J. fcotttt -Jacs.Lr.Iraent" jt any drt- : v pnr r a lltt!e in your hand acd ti: rt&"i Into the pain or atbe. anl the time you count fllty, the ar-t ani-!amrnc3 is kmsc , Don't T.tay crippl.-d; Th!s 3oifc penetrating liniment takes th at" and ; a!a rt;ht out nrd end iV .: cry. It. Is rr.a.fiics.1. yet abi's'. ham'eV tnd IoesVt Lurn orslic?-t!-e fkia. - - x ,..K e,l4 Rf0?J luml.Ig'J. H;' -IcJ ajft Xzag fotX Sfccry f a prcsr I ,uih. - u up diapioi'" x -) '" r- I to. get hot chocolate dropped on ad u" - ...