Classified: Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While S ' i J I NORWICH UNION I FIRS INSURANCE SOCIETY , ThleUen, Roland at Burghardt fetJdent Agent 871 But 8. HONEY TO LOAN Off IXPROTKD FiBM RBOPKRTT AT lOWI RATES. - NO COMMISSION TH0iK.FORDV FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS i - i 204-507 Oregon Building CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Eat Per Ward. Per Insertion" .. jc One week (six insertions).... Be On month ........ jjc Six months' contract, per mo. 10c IS months' contract, per mo.. 9c Minimum for any advert'a m t 25c NEW TODAY iiirv-j-j-fcjr)j Wanted Woman to vork in lcxch room, good Wsges, bo Snndsy work, i Champion's lunch room. 128 South Liberty MODERN HOUSE FOR P. O. Box 214, Salem.. RENT ADDRESS WAXTED---COOK FOR . YOCNd MEN'S .dab. Phone 1401. PTBLIO SALE OCTOBER lllh, 1 P. M. Between Scio and Crab tree, near Oilkey Station en Burning. Place. Three heavy young draft horses, nine good dairy cowa and farm machinery, wagons and buggies with harness. WANTED A LADY TO DO COOKING. Steady position, abort hours, and good aal sry, to right person. Dr. C. H. Schenk, Derby building. Court and High street, , ' Salem. ' f FOR SALE BCICK FIVE PASSENGER. foar cylinder, little nsed, in good condi tion. . Inquire at 277 Siorth Capital, 1 p. m. FOR SALE LARGE HOUSE IN GOOD LO . cation, la Salem, for $5000. Phone 163. FOR 8ALF THE BEST BARGAIN IN SA lem. , Fall acre of land, close in. 8 room' - house, good barn, plenty water. For quirk sale, $1000. Terms. 328 Oregon build ing. IL E. Bolmger. PURE BRED PLYMOUTH ROCK ROOSTER ' for Ssiej u. A. JU. stock, mono ioso T FOR SALE BXJSDTESS OPPORTUNITIES, 1 INVESTIGATE THE TEXAS INTERSTTATB j Oil k defining Company today. Drilling -- " ia profen Gusher! territory, 'and . building i - moderol refinery, i Write for particulara. United Seeuritiea Company, Houston, Texas FARM MAGAZINES IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST r farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a trial aubseription. Mention this ad. LIVESTOCK. REGISTERED JERSEY CATTLE FOR sale two cows and one heifer calf. i Phone 2125J. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN TEAM OF - mares, weight 1000 pounds; also , A horse colt, 16 months old. Phone 81F2 FOR ISALE EIGHTY HEAD SHEEP. Inquire of A. D. Jonea, two miles north of " Brooks, or E. L. Harris. Rickreall. Phone 18F12. SIISCELLANEOUS FOR) SALE 100 BUSHELS OF RYE. E.. L. Harris. Phone 18F12. FOR SALE BELI.FIX)VER APPLES. 1.00 a box. Phone 53F15 TOMATOES EXTRA QUALITY. 3e Ponnd. 733 North Commercial. i j W1NESAP APPLES AND OTHER LATE varieties for ssle on the trees. Pick them ' yourself, 50e per box. 849 Rural Arenue. BSED CARS FOR SALE 1918 MAX well rood ia new: 1917 Maxwell, ran 1009 miles. Cash or terms. 197 So. CommerciaL Phone 299. FOR SALE AT A BIG SACRIFICE A set of The Internationol Cyclopaedia, consisting of 14 volumes and i addi tional Year Books. Just the thing for school use. Mrs. A. L- Johnson, ,744 N. Cottage. Phone 653M, PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE S3 bp. cyl., with throttling governor, .heavy flv and belt wheeL Formerly seed as auxiliary in electric light Plant. Good condition. 100 srallon i tank goes with it. Scott Boxorth, J 711 8paulding Bldg PorUand. Ore. CAPTrviTT OF THE OATMAN GIRLS Thla true atorr of western tmml ration has been carefully revised. making a bandaom little book, lit tails In graphic terms ot the maasa- of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenxo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive waa nurchased from the Indiana fiv years later. The Price U 20 centa. postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or TYPEWRITERS THE ACCELERATING TYPE BAR AC lion roller contact escapement, dou ble shift . releaae. unitary carriage structure" and the personal touch ad juster are only a few of the special featurea that make the Royal Type writer the most practical machine built today. A trial will convince you. Graham ec Wells, Agents. Cor vallis. Oregon. f POULTRY TTJ tJ. r-,nw.wn.K.M vw-r-v TATTO nai. th biggest' and oest in tn wesi. ine live magazine tor tiv pounry men 75 cents a tr. 81.00 in Salem Send 5 centa for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon.) Mention this ad. WOOD. t FOR SALE WOOD AS LONG AS IT ; lasts. I 'hone 769. J EMPLOYMENT FEMALE WANTED AN Al CANVASSER.- NICE huaineicf for the right woman. G(53, care Statesman. WANTED A LADY COOK N FARM. - for one man. Address Box U62. care . .Statesman. ': MORE WOMEN WAMTBU AT ONCE F. A.J Kurtx Evaporator. North Com merciai street. WANTED A GIRL TO DO LIGHT : housework for married couple. 455 : South Liberty. Mrs. Pari Jone. FEMALE GIRLS WANTED AT THE -Haiafc gi WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAID I e" HALB TEAMS WANTED TO HAUL WOOD PAX I tnake big money. Phone 6-9 '""-T--! WAJTT111 AT ONCE MEN AND MEN . ":m ior ranch work. Can wwK an winter. Houaeit, wood and t;,"'"' " lurnisnea without charga. . . inuepenaenee. Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. aai(,i- M1CN AND WOMEN TO ", cnrrois. 1'none 14F22 write "H. Jt" care Statesman. or MEN, WOMEN. $50 A WEEK SELLING i T , guaranteed against holes to friends and neighbors. All or part uiptiitnti! unnecessary, uuar anteed Milts. Norristown. Pa, VXAMED TO PULL CARROTS fOc A nacis. ana Doara or 12c and board yourself. Apply to C. E. Mcllwain at one mile west of the North Howell CENSUS CLERKS (MEN. WOMEJfi 4UU0 needed. (95 month. Age. 18-50. .experience unnecessary. Examina tions baiem. October 18. For free particulara write J. Leonard (former Government Examiner) 1386 Equit- uicouiiuios, nasnington. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR RENT A' ROOM WITH HOT WATER I heat, and lavatory with hot and cold wa ter. 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 1280. HOUSES FOR RENT -4 ROOM COTTAGE, LARGE ot Corset per month.! D" and Park street. $10 FOR RENT HOUSES, APARTMENTS . and F. L. Wood. S41 State atreet. Phone 794. f LOST AND FOUND aaaa m. i--s ' - i "aaTatUaTUaOl'rrxrtJT-X i LOST - "iVfcaiar-i nnnnnn nnn LOST SHOE BUCKLE IN BLACK and silver. Monday. Reward. Phone 2363 LOST A 15 INCH STRING OF PEARL Deaas at r'air Grounds or in city. Re- wam. ' rnone zma. LOST PURSE CONTAINING TWO checks, rin and Yale door key. Find er piease pnone 34W. LOST PURSE . AT BUSICK'S STORE, btate ana commercial, r inner please : turn to L. L. Busick, or Phone 2174W. Keward. - LOST ON THE GARDEN ROAD, BE tween Salem and Pratum, one high topped laced boot Reward. Phone WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED GOOD STEEL TIRED BUGGY, no junk wanted. ; Phone 1026J. WE BUY ANY KIND OF USED CARS. Phone 899. 197 South Commercial WANTED TO RENT MODERN FIVE or aix room house unfurnished. Ad dress "B." care Statesman. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TO RENT b to 7 room modern house. Phone 1323 or 263. Jno. H. Race. WANTED FOR CASH. STEEL SAFE and also typewriter desk. Room 216 Masonic building. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY BRINO) YOUR BATTERY WORK TO the Battery Shop. 263 N. Commercial street. Phone 412. All work guar anteed. IF YOU WANT TO BUI, SELL OK trad your old auto or auu parts ee Stem bock Junk Co., (Auto wreccerej 326 North Commercial SI Phon 208. - OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 N. Commercial St. Y. M. C. A. Block 26 used cara for sale ranging in price from $150 to 1350.t Today s specials; Ford Roadster good as new,- $450. Buick. you can't tell it from a new one, 81350. 1916 Maxwell, fine con dition, $500. , - AUTO SERVICE SHIPP8 AUTO 8ERVICIf CITY AND country trlpa Phone: Day, 863; night, 869. TIRES .REPAIRED VULCANIZING GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial Bt. Phon 428. LODGES Chemeketa Lodge No. 1 meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the I. O. O. F. HaiU BUSINESS DRAYS AND EXPRESS. LARMER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND stor good a Day phon 930. Night mi . CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANT-r- I ' Phoae 933. Salem s largest aad best eaaipped trsnrfer company. Get ear re daeed freight rate ea eastern shipments Also for storage, as we hare three ware houses tn connection witi business, rami tare moving, racking, shiwping and ator ine oar soeeisltv. Offic. 2A State St "iNSCIIANCEj BILT EDGE FIRE INSURANCE PRO- TFirrriON and un-to-thie-mlnute in- iir,p umc hu alWava been th leadinsr policy of the Oregon Fife Relief Association of McMinnVille The O. R. R. A. ha maintained an established Salem i Agency for over twenty yeara and we are here to give you service at all tiraea H. A. Johnson Insurance Agency, over Ladd A Bush Bank. Salem. Phone nSAXCIAUi i FREE INFORMATION IF TOU WANT Information atmut any aina ot im km J. V. Matchaaon. dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of New Yerk.; Office at 271 Stata afreet Balcm. Ore. Off ic phon , reai- dence 1896.1 JUNK JUNK. JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for juna: 01 every at no- mi w make yon a price on your household - rr1. amnmm Ft.. " 70000. - AUm .1- " . . . v w vv Capital Junk Co, 271 Chemaketa St Phon 898. I BUT JUNK OF EVKRT KIND RAGS. bottles B-etl,iron. all kiads ef ae- chief ry .""broke iHowa oomoblles sad porta of eateaioHilee. Bleisbock Jaak C. 129 N. Commercial 8U Salsaa. Pheaa 80S. LATJXDKIXS. I s&-s-aBg"fcl rr- Phone 188. f scz i... -!rkA jrt - chickens and eggs. Hoase phone 1S33J. BBop pboae 133 9 J. HOMES WET WASH LAUNDRT-RKO- ultr washing don at a rata very- body can afford. For only II centa w will collect, wash and deliver Tour washing within .twenty-four houiv, Pnono 247L i . SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QC1CK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. ec per pouno. lit ooutr. Liberty Sk Pbona St. MONET TO LOAN. -------------- -i I'l'iivwvintxfm GOVERNMENT LOANS AT 6tt PER cent. W. I). Smith. 303 Salem Lank of Commerce. , DO NOT LET THE NEED OF A BUILDINO loan for a home bother yon. I represent one of the largest Building and Loan As sociation in the Northwest and can sup ply your needs. A. C. BOHKNSTEDT iOl Masonic Temple Sa!em, Orrgoa O PTO M ETRISTS. DR. U HALL WILSON Special. .u isi in me oioaern ecienunc ad Dlicatlon of Olaasea for that aid of vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdays. Office 210-211 U. & Bank Building. Phone, office 145; res. 1244. SECOND HAND FURNITURE BEFORE YOU BUT OR SELL YOUR furniture, atovee or carpets, you will Rain by calling- on ua. The Capital Hardware Co., 285 North Commercial St. Phone 847. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 N. Commercial. Phone 734. Home of bar grains. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. W buy, aell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for eecond-hand goods. PAINTERS r. H. KAY LOR, PAINTER. tit SOUTH Winter. Phone 196. SECOND UABD GOODS USED BEFORE SELLING YOUR Furniture or Clothing, etc. see J. A. Rowland. I pay the highest cash price or will take- in used goods for new. Call at 247 N. Commercial St. or phone 16. WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND wood of all kinds, pip nttlngs. bar nesa, collars, collar pads, tool a, and chaina. Fred 8cbindlr. Hi Caster atreet. TRANSFER HAtJIXNO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND or -hauling. uonsenoia moving jobs don prompt ly. Try ma one. Timma 478 Stat St. Phon 968. Resldenc phone 1122J. WALL PAPER, FAINT iJSWss4aasaaasjaaaa BEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paver and Pictur (Taming, uoou workmen. 465 Court St. Phon 485. FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall paper at Buren'a Furnitur Stor. 178 Com mercial atreet. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Den Nattaaal Assert earn Fei all aiaea, Z law t as iav aiga. Palata, OUa aad Vara U aw Stoves RekaUt aad Repaired. Lacaaberry aad. H H4ia. RalrH irtac A. Steve Warfca. ! tSS Casirt St. Fhea 134 R. B. fXExno. PROFESSIONAL ' . CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. Lb SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. S. C Chirooracuca tountai bead. Daverport, Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8 U. 8. National Sank Building, Phon 87. Residence 828R. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. I M, HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 168 8. High Bt. Phone ibi OSTEOPATHY. eaaalSiaBaeaaJBBaasase DR. W. L. MERCER, . GRADUATE American School oateopatny. ri-iras- vllle. Mo.; treats aeute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 u. B. National Bank Bldg. Phon 919. Resldenc. 419 North summer, rnon sis WATER ALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. $01 A Commercial atreet. For water serv tce apply at office. Make all com Jilalnts at th office. , No deductions n bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unleas water Is cut off from premises. Here after water for Irrigation will only be furnlahed to regular customers us ing water for domeatle purpoeea Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will pleas read "Tor building purposes" under sched ule of ratea. Apply at office for copy WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co, Salem. OreeorL Phone 2488 SALEM MARKETS BTJTEVG riUCB Bggs and Poultry, Eggs, CCc. Hens. 22 to 24c t Broilers, 22c Old roosters, 13C 1 Dressed hogs, 25c. Extra faacy veal, 22c Pork. Mutton and Beef, i Pork on foot, 16c. ' -Lambs, 10c. Deef, steers. 8 to 9 C Cows, 5' to 8c. Top eal, 23c Hay. Cheat hay. per ton $17. Oat and vtch hay. per ton $20. Clover hay, $20. Grain. Wheat, $2. Feed oats, 80c to 85c. Milling oats, 87 to 90c Beans, nominal. Hill Feed. Retail. Millrun. $43 to $14- Wholesale To Dealer. Creamprv butter cartons, RSc. Butterfat. f. o. b. Salem, 68c. Frmu Cantaloupes standards, $1.00 to $2.50 a crate. Oranges, $6 to $6.50. . Bananas, 9c Km hi ATlllMx llll f JUJJiJL 1 1 S 1 1 U The Storv of a f ,1 ! " , A Wonder'tal Rornance of Harried Lift) WOTederfally Told by AUKLa OAKiuaoa CHAPTER CClCCXIV WHAT MADGE REALLY FEARED MOST OF all; I do not believe that ever in my life have I felt bo utterly helpless aa I did when I finally' hung up the telephone after my controversy with the manager of the Crest Haven Taxi -company, in which he had re iterated his Inability to provide any conveyance for Dicky through the terrible drifts which rwere piled be tween our house and jthe Crest Hav en railroad station, j ' . I walked to the door, and, open ing it, fared for a moment the full fury of the etorm which dashed the snow into my face so etrongly that I'lould hardly stand against it. The pot-ch was piled with drifted snow, the drifts gleamed whttely every where against the dim light thrown out by the street lamps. "Missis Graham, are tou crazy?" Katie pulled at my dress, and fairly dragged me through' the door Into the shelter of the hall, closing the door with diff icultr after her. "Yon eot nolinz on your j head, no coat. dose slippers on feet, Vot you want to do? Keel yoursett?" "Oh. Katie." I clung to the gin In helpless desperation. "I don't know what to do. J can't get any word to Mr. Graham, and the taxi company won't do anything to help me; just say their taxis are stalled on account of the trtorm." "Dot Jim. he eould go down to his brudder, get a tiorse. but it s tree miles down dere. and Jim, ne got so bad cold ' . . "That le not to be thought or. Ka tie." I replied promptly, and was elad that she had no way or know ing how strong atemptation ner pro position was to me. But Jim had narrowly escaped' a serious Illness in the attack of grippe lie had naa, ano sending him out In the storm was out OI lue que.t". i "Oh yell " Katie's tone held all the stolidity with which the foreign peasant mind1 faces j physical tasks. "It bad storm, but Meester uranam. he not babee, he not be killed If he do have to walk. 0t Marvin, now, dot dangerous, railroad, track ana jase and brook, and no'bTldges. but Crest Haven, all streets. ; houses. Ana u not cold. He ho 'freeze. . Oder way I guess. I tink he have rot you say a hot neck by time he gets here." t What Katie Meant.: Vnr & moment I ' was bewildered hv ihA elrl's aueef expression and then as the meaning of her words came to me. I could nott repress a smile, worried as I was. "You mean Mr. Graham' expres sion 'Hot under the collar," Katie." "Yes. Dot's it." Katie returned. Cassaba3, 2 c a pound. Grapes. $2.25 to 2.7 5 a crate. Lemons. IS to SS.&O. California Grape Fruit, $6. . Peaches, 75c to 90c a box. ; ! Watermelons. l4c a pound. Melons Santa Clans. 214c a pound. Vegetable. Cabbage. 3e. . Onions, $3.00 a sack. Carrots. 45c a dox. buwfies. Turalps, 45c a dozen bunches.' Lettuce. 60c a dozen. New potatoes, 3c a pound. 1 ' Sweet potatoes, 7 Vie a pound. Green pepers, 10c a pound. Celery, $1 a dozen. Green corn. 23c j a dozen.. Tomatoes. $1.75 a box Egg plant,. 15c a pound. Cucumbers, $t a box. , Retail Price. Cren.uery butter, 75c. Dairy butter, 50' to 65c.. Eggs. 65c. t Flour, hsrd wheat. $2.90 to $2.10. Flour, ralley. $2.55$3. Sugar, cane and beet. lie. Fugar, sack. Uone, of f ered. -4- P0RTLAND MARKETS I PORTLAND. Or.j Oct. 9.- Butter Prints extras 66c; rubes extras 61c; prime firsts 60c. Butterfatr Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream 67cl Potatoes; Local, selling price $2 C.$2.25. . No grain session, today. XKW "VOnK 3LItKFrrs. NEW YORK. 'Oct 9. Evaporated apples dull. Prunes, snore offered. Peaches lifeless. i 20 Acre Tract All in Cultivation; Acres TfJ.;in.s. 10 Acres Cherries antl Ajlesi. (Jooil 5 room Plastered Cottafre, Barn, Well. Four Miles South oil Kotk noad, r Price r 1 i - WeH. Grabenhorst & Go. 27a State Street Ilk A VJ M Vfl aTP 1111 U Honevmoon but with no answering chuckle such as usually accompanied one of. her attempted witticisms. The thought crossed my mind that I had not heard one of Katie's irrepressible giggles for weeks and I mentally re solved that when Dicky was home again I would find out the reason for Katie's lack of spirits. "I am afraid he will be pretty an gry, Katie," I said, f'but it cannot be helped. Tell Jim to be sure and keep the fires going so that the house will be warm at 2 o'clock. Leave the teakettle on the back of tb stove, and lay out as 'good a lunch as you can. I will fix up something in the chafing dish If he's extra hungry, and have some hot coffee ready at any rate. You and Jim do not need to stay up. I am going to try the livery stables now." Katie -departed and I spent the tfext hour at the telephone trying to persuade - the proprietors of livery stables, grocery stores and other es tablishments to furnish me, a sleigh for the last train. I even called up the local fire and police departments, to hear polite voices express every shade of astonished amusement at my request. A Latt Effort. ' C Then as a last resort I sent two telegrams addressed to ' Dicky. one to the Flatbush station. Brooklyn, and the other to the Pennsylvania station. New York with requests that he be paged just before the last train. and humiliated bu desperated, called the taxi company again, hoping that the night man instead of the mana ger would be on duty. My wish was granted, but I am sure the manager would have been teanly gratified If h could have heard my humble petition to his as sistant, ' ' , . , "This is Mrs. Richard Graham.' I explained. Mr. Graham is com- 'ing t Crest Haven on the last train and expects a taxt to meet him. I will pay you the same fare you would receive for ths trip If you will meet him. at the station, explain to him that the taxis are not running, and -tell him that I asked you to take ear of any bundles he may have, until to morrow." f "All rUht. Mrs. Graham. Ill do the. beat I can." Not until I had hung up the re ceiver upon this final feeble effort to save the situation did I face the real reason for my frantic efforts. realized that while I was deeply con corned for the physical Inconven ience, ths possibility of taking a se vere cold, which Dicky might meet yet. overshadowing, these fears was the dread I had of his anger when ha should find that he had to walk from vresi naven inrougn the snow home. ' (To be continued) Wheri a.; Want Ad : Working For You is You'll not need to be anxious about whether or not that fur n5shed room Is to continue to be a source of income to you for the want ad. will quickly bring you an affirmative an swer. Not many desirable tenants ever seek or rent any but AD VERTISED furnished rooms. TUUE TABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Neetbbonad No. 84 Oregonlaa 8:08 a.m. No, 18 Oregon Expreea :68a.m No. 28 Willamette Limited .. 9:17 am No. IS Portland Passenger .. l:S0pm No. 24 Coos itay 8.2S p.m No. 14 PorUand Express .... .7:48 p.m Seathaoaad No. 82 Oregonlaa 8:18 a.m. No. 22 For Eugene 18.08 a.m. No. 1$ California Expreaa ...U:0Sa.m. No. 17 Rose burg Passenger .. 4:08pm. No. -27. Willamette Limited... 8:44p.m. No. 1$ Baa Francisco Pane.. .18:08 p.m. I1LEX-CKF.H X.INM Vo. 71 Arriv at Salem 9:18 a.m. No. T4 Leave Salem ........ 4:08p.m. ALEX. FALLS CITx A WE8I IKS 11 Leave Salem, motor .... 7:00a.m. 148 Leave Salem, motor .... 9:11 a.m 18 Leave Salem, motor .... 1:88 p.ta Through ear to Moamouta aad Alrlle 171 Leavea Salem 8:18 p,m 12 Arrive at Salem 8:28 am HI Arrlvee at Sa.em 11:0 am lt8 Arrive at Salem 8:28 p-ra ,17 Arrlvea Salem 7:4 ava Close to Tacific Highway. $7500 See REAL ESTATE I SALE 4 ACRES WITH BUILDINGS lad orchard. 3 12 nile east ef Salem. ..Oriaua. Pbeae 1113. SIX ROOM BUNGALOW FOR SALE BT ,owner; fireplace. built-in-kitcben, convenient arrangement. WIU con sider car la good condition aa part payment. AdJress I. O. Box 214. Sa lem. I NOTICE THE JOHN II. SCOTT T.E.VLTT OO.'S business baa grown so that they have tound it necessary to move Int larg er office rooms. They are now tnov. in r to rooms number 2:6-22;-2:S JOregon building. Just at the top of the stairs on th second floor. FOR SALE ONE FIVE-ROOM BUN. galow. electric lights, screen porch. , and cooling room, nice frent porch, bath room, chicken house 14x29. Stable and two side sheds, woe-dshed. two lota SOxlSS each, good chicken vara ana garoen; tuacanvrriea. lofts . berries, atr aw berries. gooseberries. and other fruit;-$1S: terra. Call Waller or Paul D AuUwsaont. 4 48 court atreet- MORE GOOD BARGAINS FINE Urge ssodera bsagslew. elese le. ii fine leratioa aad choice rrty. 8ea0. 7 kOOM plastered bms sad 2 flae Iota, aU aia4s of f raits. Price 1 18M; terms. ' CHOICE S acre trset close la. sasa 81 WO. ll.M. eerearart close ia. ail ia good War ing orchard, fair aaildiaga. Bargain $3300 terms. GOOD 150 acre stork ranee aear Salem aa paved road. Pin bar far til. SOU. Ten CHOICE, aaedera 7 room resideaee elese ia. fiae loeetma. sarabbery and flowers. $4So0 fOR SNAPS ia aU kiads ef property, see PERRINE & MARSTERS 212 Gray Black - WOODS BARGAINS Fin five acre tract Hollywood. $1188 a acre loaanberriea. aood buildinara 3oa. - , 12 acres prune and cloae in. lluAO. 24 acres, cloae In. modern boos, 000 208 acres east of Salem, mostly tim ber, $88 per acre. 19 acrea cloae to small town, good nouae. 911 . 98 acrea. good buildings, running wa- I ter elosa ta tnwn. llOOtl to acrea. river bottom lan. aood Duuainga, sia per acre. zi acrea bottom land, cloae to town. new bungalow, ijvte. S acrea bottom land. Hit Five room cottaa. Bear 8. P. depot. iee. a room nunraiow. cioaa in. sziii. 8 room house, aood location, two lota $2000. Btricuy modern - Bungalow, cioae ia, ftooo. 4 room bouse, two lots, $S58. Choice acre tract. S17S. F. L. Wood, Bayn building. For. Sale A Snap In Houses That strictly modern and well-appointed home at 404 North Church street (corner of Center and Church streets). The location Is every thing that can be desired; the business district Is convenient also the vari ous schools and churches. In fact the lot may be considered a really choice one. The size Is 6 feet by 85 feet. - Beautiful shade trees surround the house In ad dition to several varieties of shrubs and roses. All the rooms are large and have high ceilings. Furnace heat throughout. There is a nice entrance hall; commodious draw ing room and a cosy din ing room. Telephone re cess; two very large bed rooms with roomy closets; bathroom: well-arranged kitchen: fine pantry. The basement is full sized sod has a cement laundry room, (fruit room and garage. A good supply of fuel In the basement goes with the property, also a com bination gas. coal - and wood range and a , gas heater. Price $4,650 The property may be viewed at any time by ap pointmenL C W. Niemeyer 215-216 Masonle Bldg. Salem. Oregon Phones 10001014 ELSW0RTH PICKELL j Sells Real Estate $01 Masonic Temple Salem, Oregon OKXX30S KLBECTKIO .KtSwatlvo Oet, Sat, IS IS. Traia Leave Arrive Arrte Salem Kegeae 10:ltam 19:88 pm 12:80 pm Salem oaiy 4:18 pm 8.88 pa 8:40 pat , 8:88 pa 8:87 pm Salens oali No. Tortlaad S Ltd.. 8:11am T 18:48 am 9 B:tm 18 Ltd. 4:4$ pra IT ..... S:8pn IS V:Z0pm 11:28 pm Salem ostly North Bank Station (leave Jeffer oa Strt 1$ aad 29 miaate later.) Nertba-emad Trala Leave Arrive No, Kugaa Salem ..... 7:18 am 1 Ltd.. T:2Sane 9 48 ana 12 ..... 12:08 pm 18 Ltd., 1:8$ pm 4: pm 18 Salem only 8:10 pm 22 4:28 pm 7:8$ pm Arrive Portland 9:2 aw 11:1 aar 8:2 pm 8:88 pm T:t par 19:08 par Nrtb Bank BUt Ion (errtv Jeffer- sna Btreot 11 ml a a tea aarueel. CorvaUl. , . cosvALi-rs cosnrccnoNi NerUbenad Leave OrvaTlla Arrive Sale S:2 ass :4S asa S:8 psa 4.-OS a -8:18 pat T:8$ pat eauaeaa Leave Selosa Arrive OerrsQs l:lt sea 1I:IT aa ' 4:19 pa 8:4l psa :40 pat ' S:0 aa REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO HOt'SES. AND T ted era. fine lecaUea. Call 1027W, TO EXCHANGE $)0VS.t CllSAr LAND la Uncolawcounty. Or-' ana oome rash for a stack -ef asercaaadiea O. B. DurdaiL Salem. Or. rOR SALE MT FARM OF 11T ACRES about IS anilea aouth of Salens and 2 miles from Oregon Electric de pot. Very beat of bottom land, near ly one-half ta cultivation, rest timber and pasture. Oood orchard, fence aad buildings. $78 per acre- Addross ot. car btstesmaa. FOR SALE 82200 TEN ACRES GOOD frail laad, 1 dear, rest stempa. keasa, barn, three geed eewa, calf. S hers, feed ratter, engine, taapleaseate aad Soo base- els ef waest. by ewaer. IL SL ScawU. Mar tea, Orrgoa. FOR SALE RIVER BOTTOM LAND situated 18 miles north of Ha lem. of lit acres, acres cleared. Hard and cottoawood timber, houae and barn. The finest kind of loganberry land at $i per acre. Will take some trade. - Merita Harding at Salem Hardware Company. fOR EXCHAXQC MODES a-aOOH COT- tage. 1H Ml acres ef trait aad karri .a, S pealtry aeaaoe. ssbsH arsak srsana place, eraaasoatal skrakbery. pared atreet sea l me walk, la Je staaafaetarwf Ureve, Ore. re BmU reaecty. sssaa raaek or Sea ee eaJ for aketa. W. CL Ststsemaa etfla. ir IT'S REAL ESTATE OK INS CHAM CM ar prepared ta err you. If yon . want to buy property. It will pay you to exea'ne our lists. LA FLA R A LAFLAR, t$ Habbard Bidg. I'boto It 4 4. TWO VERY GOOD BUYS A anaa In a S acre bear las- larts. berry and prune .tract on hard aurface road: a aood lnem nroBoaltioBu Prieo loganbeiTie,IS:A: mlnutea from car Una - 1 acre 1 arm. over a eaerea in cul tivation, fair buildiars- 8 miles from C at E, depot; $4to; a very good buy. oe wax tieming. or the tltrelng Realty Co. Room 7. at 241 btate street, for Real Eatato la all its variety. Just at present of special interest is th list of town houses, a vary- large list to elect from. CalL FLERIING, Realty Rustler GOOD BUYS $ acrea 100 bcarinsr oraaa trML family orchard, bouse barn. well, cloao in. tic just; 8i8 down, balance at $! per year. 8 acre tract, 18 acre bearing log an- berries. In first-class condition' 14 acrea ia prune orchard. Price $L800. Vi acre tract, bouae and orchard, good location, about 2 blocks from ear 1 la. Price 800; $I0 down, balance terms. Nearly 1 acre aood 4 room houeev food, well, ao me fruit, cloae to car line. Price $1100. tt acre farm, beat or fruit land, rood bouae and barn, good road. Prtca $io. oown, oaiance t per cent interest. If acre prune relisrar Fkcr tt ftara. I acrea 8 rear a. Vs acre 'anvil r- or chard, rock road. 4 miles out, orchard la first-claae sbape. Prlca $0. " 17 acre tract, located oa naia Paci fic highway: 1$ acrea bear in sr orchard. moatly prunes, aorae apple -aad, sher ries, houae aad barn; 4 miles out. l'nce 142 acr farm. 198 acrea cultivated. balance pasture and timber, best or soil, good 8 room bona, barn, family or chard, rood road. 8 milea cut. Trie 8t per acre, 10 acrea of rood bottom land loeated 8 milea from Salem, all cultivated. rrnaU ouiidtnga. some rruic Price t:woi $ acre tract. 1 acre of lorana. mim cherries, house, barn. well. 8 miles' out. tTice tisot. $1 acre farm nearly all cultivated, good prune aad loganberry land.ood house. ITIce 8180 per acre. li acr tract located on main rxclfie highway. 1 mile from car line. 10 acrea bearing prunes, family orcbard. Prlc $800. at t HOCBE BCTS. 3 S room bunralow loeated at tZt So. 18th atreet. Price Uil. 8 mom modern bouse located at 1170tat street; furniture go a. Prlca $i0. a loom bouae and large lot. t block from car line. Price llttt. 8 room modern home, large lot, oa Aved atreet. car line. IT lee $le1 8 room modern home, large lot, oa paved atreet. car line, price $ J J S. Oood 8 room modem houae. Torated rlna in, basement, lireplaoa. at paved Street. Price 8 lie. 8 room modern housa. good loeatlnn. Prlc SUM: $0 down, balance $ pr tiMnth. 8 per cent interest. I 8 rom modern hnuM mt 1 C 1 1 Kntatla Liberty street. ITlc $2848. W. H. GRABENHORST tCO. t78 Ft street , BEST BUYS ACRES cloae to navod rol .n 1. W10- rer a-re. easy trrms At-KEit. half mile from streetcar, all la cultivation, well f,arMt -vi.rir fraael aoii. the best of berryelaad. - SlSaa. f cash, balance to euTt. 18 ACREit, $ cultivated- i hru.k 1 timber, running water, lota of iTver , greeea Black berrtea. the best of lo ganberry ao.l. $2i;. half cash, bal. 'Slice essv terms. 19 ACRES, fair Imorovementa ill i , cultivation, all the best ef valley loam, family orchard, fenced, two milee from city limit. $;. Term If desired. 1138 acres. S evttivated. tiBBker'. ae4 mmmw. wmm. iaBiiy erevra. weei. roek ra4. auil r-t.. two miles f ross nl r, stork d eeaipsieat iacladsd. SSJOO. terasa aVaired. 1 . JK 20 ACRKS. S acre ItsUaa aeaaea. S PrtitM 1 t-2 loeaaberrwa. baiaae stawpe psstar. all the bemt of s4l. oa aseeea'esaMed rs. J4 km, sad bars, eight si froaa, Saleaa $72 V. Terms. 4 2i ACRES, goad 7-reosa banrsWw. eteeaat aoose. all rc-ry mi WsjWiac. we!I feneed aad rrw framed with wevra wire. t acres ia frail, in la beariag peoaes. Valaaee valnats. apples. peaHiee. oa lk r-a4 ! to hm. $10.MW if al4 saea. Ftir subject ta ebaare witbeot notice 20 ACRK14, all raMeated. well drained, t0 best ef sl. 2 acrea loess, fair bowse aad bara. faaailv or-kard. ,.wk aad eaenpaiewt Iarra4c4. rloe to paved ra4 mm rock reaA. 2 anile ewt. S'i.Vio. temts ea Sf 2S AfKRJt. 2 rV-er. fa-tily errkare, an t best of river bnttesa Uaas. oa rark rs4. em ia sckvel, 4 roeat bssxaUw. fair bar sad aeceary oatkailAisg. wovea wire feee. Price 8tV0, half cash, he'iasee terms ais per eeet. . S At K.K5". t 12. Keariag legaaWriea. k.lf rkr. cl t- 8,1cm. A apleadid aarese sseat. tSily fil "-O. 330 ACRFS. M raltirateA. good aoil. fair iatpreTroieats. 4 sail froaa bet towa ia Plk C-oat. -ealr 8125 ae acre. ?Z ACRKR. T" rUarrd. bat a sc. eoalare. fam ily orrkarA. fM beae aod bare, frac4, 4 1-2 ssilea f "o Iowa .sckeol ea pls-e. 8in.rno. , I ia Al Rr.a. SO cleared. timber. 4 W. berries. 1 pesckea. I family ercburd, a river l-m'tfn ami. olt bae ss4 bar, well feacv4. 3 t an lies from sckamL ti per ST-. keif ra.k. balaace S per e4. 27 ArRtS. II besriag prase. 1 is eerl. .ratma. kolaaee ttmber rwk raoA. Ill sue ef as.em, ajoo per aire Vi i.l to rM kavs es psrt pa; meat. Per Best Da a socoLornrr - $41 btate 6.reet F