The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 10, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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24 c
Gilchrist, Sr.. home
if k "
from Oakland.
son Memorial church ial Torilizd-
A function In Portland tomorrow
Calif., where they had been vlKitins after ihov Voft einH m.u .rl i. c.. ml i.
nar laft mUK i i j ' - . - i . '
" - mov "iOUl iV ii V 1 UUU1C 11
ft , RS. Raymond Walsh, nee Jen-
I wl nile Fry nd her 8ma11 daugh-
ter, Priacllla, who hare been
visiting for several weeks at the
home of Mrs. Walsh's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Dan 3. Fry, left for her
home In Sacramento, Calif. Mrs
WaUh has brjeu delightfully enter
tained by her many, friends her
nd her departure for her home is of
much regret to Salem society folk.
She has been greatly missed from
the social life of the city since her
marriage a Tew years ago and sine
which she has made her home In the
southern state. s ;
' " .. . V.f- ,
Miss Cornelia Marvin, acompanied
. by Miss Todd of Monmouth Normal
school and Mias Foster of Wisconsin
are leaving; today for Seattle and to-
nigni sail on tue Empress of Asia
for a five months' tour nf tha Orlont
going first to Korea where they will
visit friends for a vhife. Frottf there
to Japan. Manchuria, vibitinr ' Pe
king and Shanghai, at Christmas
time. !-
-..!" - '"-''"'.-" 1
Mrs. J. N. Thorpe of Des Moines.
Ia,. arrived this week and will vlstt
fyr several weaks at the F. B. Soulh-
wlck home. ' '
I . ., ,
r. f & . -;
Mrs. William ' Page Douglass, nw
Ilsabelle McGilchrist, and her two
small children who accompanied her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Mc-
Oakland after a delightful visit of
several weeks In Salem with her par.
ents and brothers.
The C. ; W. H. M of the First
Christian church wl'l meet this aft
ernoon with Mrs. John Rlggs, at
her, home at 4H.!; orth L,am..:
ttrM t.
The following taken from yester
day's Oregonian will be Interesting t
Salem friends for the groom is well
known here arid a member of one of
the prominent pioneer f am il!i i
the state. - He is the son of Judge
William Galloway and a brother of
Charles -V." Galloway.' He is known
over the state as an attorney of ex
ceptional merits.
"THE, DALLES. Or.. Oct. 8.
Francis V. Galloway, district atlor-
nojr, and Mildred S. Cooper wero
married this afternoon at the Atkin-
frlencs h-jre. Rev. Flinti formerly i the tea for M'.st Alma Haines, bride
pastor of the Congregational church elct of Joseph McAllister of this city
or The Dalles, officiated.! Only th which Miss Mary Blossom Is giving,
immediate relatives of the bride and Maids and matrons of the Portland
bridegroom were present at the cer
emony, which marked the climax of
a romance of many year$.
Miss Coaper Is deputy" assessor for
Wasco county and has resided here
always. Gailowav is the son of Wfl-lia-m
Galloway of Saltra, former cir
cuit judge of Marion county. Dur
ing his practice of law he has jeen.
identified with many of the most im
portant casea fought through looa'
courts. He was formerly an Instruc
tor In Washington high school, Port
land. Attorney Galloway-Is popular
here, being now grand exalted ruler
of ths local Elks lodge,
Mr. and Mrs. Galloway
honeymoon nojonrn at
IJeach. Tillamook county
pie will reside here.
left for a
The cou-
JTOU men with an eye for smart,1
W distinctive style in clothes a suit
JUL that drapes gracefully to your
figure, or a snappy, shapely overcoat
at a reasonable price, listen !
We are tevday able to announce that we hold ex
clusive representation of theclothes whose name
has longbeen New York's bv&word for metropol
itan style at moderate cost Monroe Clothes.
JJR first stock of Monroe Clothes is on dis
play fort your selection and approval.
Until this fall, Monroe Clothes were sold only
m Greater New York and the vicinity. The min
ute they were available to us, we grasped the,
chance. Fori Monroe Clothes have a prestige of
appeal and "make-good" in New York as definite
and recognized as Broadway and Fifth Avenue.
CONSIDER this fact: Roc hundred thousand
Vr New York Men have bought JXConroe Clothes.
They bought because a look at a Monroe suit, or
a Monroe overcoat, and a look at the price-mark
told them a look elsewhere would be wasted.
Come in and look at them yourself, and mark
the prices $25, $30, and $35, for suits and
overcoats you must go at least $ 1 0 higher to equal.
MONROE Clothes embody New York's
smartest style at its best; and they get;
New York style to you. while it is still style
in New York. .
Make your fall suit, your new overcoat, Monroe
Make; then you will understand why knowing
men hail the arrival of Monroe Clothes in our
city, and why all will realize their importance
ill uie euu.
- t j. ' . ; 1
Come in to-day," ' r -
G. W.
U. S. National Bank Building
Salem, Oregon
; - Hi m
j , '" 't
; A; pJ : : " ' Tpld Our . City ;, i ' ' '
; .-, :- - ....r, .-, . r . - ..... . ,
smart, set numbering 0 are on th
inritation list.-
. Mrs. E. S. TillinghaJ't !s visiting in
Portland with friends.
Mrs. Charles Gray Is visiting for
a short time at Camp Lewis.
Mrs. Irwin Griffith and Miss Har
riet Grirflth spent yesterday In Port
Jand Visiting friends. "j
Mr. anj Mrs. Milton L. Meyers
and Mr. and Mrs. George G. Krcwn
Jar spending fw- rtsyg in Eugene
as the guest of friends.
' .-,
Mrs. .A. C. BohrnsteHt -ieft ye'r
'day morning for Portland to visit
with her brother for twa weeks.
' '."
Mrs. C. It. Fisher who has been
visiting rrlends in Salem left yester
day for Portland fir a brief vllt be-;
fore returning to her home in Klam
ath Falls.
' .'
Mrs. Etna Emmlli'.who has' been
visiting her sister. Mrs. Fred II.
Thompson left last night for her
home in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Coon have
just returned from a tonr of the east
and south being gone six weeks.
They visited friends in Illinois and
Iowa and then went down' into the
southern states whsre they visited
relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Coon planned
to, spend the winter traveling' but
because of the ill health of the for-
mer they returned home after a very
short sojourn in California.
' r r '
Mrs. W. II, Darby returned last
night from Stayton where she .has
been visiting relatives for several
Mrs. Walter 'Huchner - spent yes
terday in Portland visiting friends.
Mrs. I. M. Tipple and Mrs. C. R.
Dell left yesterday for a visit In the
middle west, t Mrs. Tipple 'going tr
Del mar, Iowa,' to visit her son
VranV Tlnnl. Mm will vl.ll
. .... a f a a 0. .;!! n a . , .an.
in OniTha, with friends for several
Dr. .Alma Cannon who has been
visiting friends in Salem for a short
time left for her home in Eugene
Interesting to Salem peole Is the
announcement of the marriage Wed
nesdav of Mr. C. C Jefferiea -. to
Westerner Houghton at Great Falls
Mont. Mrs. Houghton is well known
la Salem. She is the mother of Mix.
A. E. Laflar and Bsrt Jefferies of
this city.1 Mr. and Mrs. Houghton
will make their home In Lewiston
Mont., where the former is engaged
in Dusiness
What You Need is Vinol
1 V
War conditions Have made the demand upon a
mother's time and energy unlimited. In their zeal
to do all in their power for their loved ones, they
continually overwork and are soon in a nervous,
run-down condition. Vinol, the non-secret cod liver
and iron tonic, will build you up and make you
.Wkitmaa, Mam.
"1 sufffred from aeerrooa, run
down cooditioa aad loss of strength
so it was hard for tna to (ret arotmd
and do my work. After other medi
cines had failed to help me Vinol re
stored my health and strength aad I
heartily recommend it to anyoo rui
feting from a Berroua, rna-dowii
condition." Mrs. R. alTLlttle.
CWrcIaaJ, OUoJ
" I keep boose for nry hosbasd aad
myself aad got into a weak, run-down
condition, no strength, languid aad no
ambition. After doctoring for awhila
and getting no better 1 tried Vinol
and to try surprise It bciit n cp and
strengthened nay wboU system. It
is eertalnly a good tonk. "Mrs. Wra,
D. Dawson.
Let "Danderine" save your
hair and douBle
, its .beauty
. -If y ?
. a.' f ; . . . V
Oh, girls, such ' ah 'abundance of
thick, heavy. Invigorated hair; a per.
I feet mass of avy. silky hair, glori-
cusly fluffy, bright and so easy lo
in. n a .o
, Jutt moisten a cloth with a little
'Danderine" and carefully draw It
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; this magically re
moves all dirt, excess oil and grease,
but your hair is not left brittle, dry.
stringy or faded, but charmingly soft.
with glossy, golden gleams and ten
der lights. ' The youthral glints,
tints and color " are again in your
"Danderine" Is a tonlc-beautifler.
Besides doubling the beauty of the
hair at once, it checks dandruff and
stopa falling hair. Get delightful
Danderine for, a few cnts at any
drug or toilet counter and as
a dressing and mvigoraior as toia -n
bottle. ; - I
Dack Hunting Season Looms
and Hunters Want Licenses
An average of 12 hunting licenses
is taken out every day now that th
rush of the first part of the season
has subsided. Another Jump is pre
dicted with the opening of tha duck
hnnfinir season.. October 16. On
sportsman took out a license yester
day in anticipation of the duck sea
ron. stating that there are many of
the quackers on the sloughs and
strrima. L. H. Gecr of Salem, se
cured a fishing license yesterday.
Hunting license were issued to the
following: Walter KoWe. Pratum:
wir.l mi KI-on. Portland: J-hn S
Kreb-. Wililam Sherwood. O. R. Le
Dick Sfhafkraan; Joe Painter, A. C
Stclttka. r. S. HlMin. W. A. Shutt.
Alton Vanderhoof. N. V. Vanderhoof.
V.vntt Van Osdel. f. R. Maddox. J.
K. Sampson, U M. Wabb, of Salem.
141 North Commercial Street
: Factory Samples of Ladies,
Suits and Goats
Various stvlea in choose from
8iiit at . .', . . . . ..... $23.83, $32.50, $45.00 to $65.00
Coats. i 1 $33.50 to $345
These must be mtu to Ik aj)reciatM as they are exceptional
gootl values. .
We are unpacking a .shiptnent f Ijal.-' Skirts and Waists
that will he priced to yon at our .tiMial' low prices
You Do Better Here for Less
- .
Outing Flannel
Speial good grade all eolors, a yard 25c
These ffKxIs cost more rnonev- wholesale, a real gotxl quality
and you arc not limited m your purchase?. They will not rt
with us long, -o he on time, . .'.,..
Reached Sheetings
(Jood 0-4 htcached hc
etiJ- at, yard. . .
Sheetings are hipli, this. jnality i.s quoted in Portland stores
from VQv to a dollar a yard. J
Turkish Towels, a large assortment, pretty patterns from
.-. 35c to $10
Marseilles Bed Spreads
All iecial gool value, ;and sure to you. Scalloped
and cut corner, 76x81, weight .1 rKtind.H. price $3.50
ilarseillcs hed upread. TGxKfi, weight, 11 1-4 iHunIs. price $2.75
.Thce gootls are made from ujerijr staple cotton and war-rantt-tl
to give satisfaetion.
Reed Table Linen
i . .. , . . ..- .,.......- - , . -
2 yardn wide, far Ik-Iow present wholesale values at ard
........ i ........$2.00, $20. $35, and $3.50
Ileal table linen, CG inches wide, at........;.. $1.75
"Mercerized tabic cloth from 0e a yard tip to $123
. AH -good values
- !
Iure staj)Ie cotton, GGx), white, tan or greyigoMl weight $3X0
Nice plaid blankets, pretty iatterm, GGxK, "at. . .$6X0 a pair
Kxtra large blankets ec plaid patlcnis. 74xM at.. $725 pair
Harge Silkline Comforts, 100 per cent Pure Tard.-d Cotton $3.75
240-246 North Commercial Street
I 11 T?-7'-l,t
I I ?srrvVkV?
The Cigar Supreme
At the price r lor DC HCLOA is
better, bigger and more pleasing
than any tmld Havana cigar!
Comma om i fC OrntMSnza
Sctxcroj azr I 3 Dirrztr Mucts
Ask your 4alr for ywor frtt '
Urfst In&ipin&r OjW faclor in th VferVt