T1IK OICKGOX STATESMAN: TIlfltSIlAY. SEPT II, 1P19. CITY MEW Special meeting of Salem Lodge No. 4 A. F. & A. M this evening. Work In the K. C. degree. Viistinz brethren welcome. - '-' Ouita State Hospital (George Uber, 51 years old, es caped from the state hospital for the insane yesterday by walking away from a wood cutting camp on the cottage farm. Uber was committed from Unn county in May, 1S1G. High Clara Furniture Auction- On Friday. September 12. 1:30 p. m., 927 North Fifteenth street. Don't miss it. X. li. Browit estate. ( Xnnn Has Itoush Trip ' It consumed six hours of Herbert Xunn's time to drive from Salem to Portland after the heavy rain. As Mr- Xunn is the state highway engi neer, he did not need this experience to teach him the value of good road3. The rains made the detours an new graes a mas of mud. but he says that one day of sunshine like yesterday quicky dries them out. Marine to Eihfhit Corporal Hish of the local, marine recruiting station is endeavoring to secure a marine exhibit for the state fair. If his efforts are successful ?TT- 1.V 1 VIVIAN MARTIN IN "LOUISIANA" nil rm Electric Machinery, and Engineering Company For EXPERT ELECTRICAL WORK 175 So. Commercial St. Phone 955 GOOD BUYS One 1918 Maxwell truck, A-l condi tion, liberal terms, $700- Also 1, 2 , and 3 Vx ton Bethlehem trucks, electric lights and starter. SAL.KM VEL.IE COMPAXY 112 North Commercial FOR SALE ONE BOWSER FIVE galloa stroke pump. One Bowser one.rallon stroke pump. One Bow ser 550 gallon tank, nearly new and guaranteed to stand the state test. WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 24 C State St. ; Phone 311 THERE IS XO DUTY That you more Imperatively owe to your children than that of having their eye3 regularly examined by a competent optician. DR. lu HALIj WILSON OptM-trtt 210-211 n. S. Bnk Buildlnir ione: Office 145. Residence 1214 Office Closed Saturdays . Let us outline our collection service to you which will handle your bad accounts Capital Credit & Adjustment Co. 416 Masonic Temple SALEM OREGON ICABO CORSETS 11.50 $2.00 $3.00 i ; THE REMNANT STORE - 245 N. Commercial St. MONUMENTS If yonr monumental work Is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for oar bmsiness card. Capital 3fonnmental Works, ' 2210 S. Com. St. . Phone 689, Salem Hraall Investment Ixmuis Realty txana House Rental Agency, General Property Dealing. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO, 404-405 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 264 Salem. Ore. Twr Hardware ?urnltur and Second Hand Oooda see CAPITAL HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. it you bav furniture artoves or earpts to sell, phone 947. or CaU at 283 H. Cmerelal Street WANTED J"araitare, ranges, heaters, tools la fact, anything yon nave to selL 1 boy for cash. Phone 610 or 611. W00DRY, The Auctioneer AVe Are Paying TOP PRICES FOR EGGS Also in the Market for NEW POTATOES The People's Cash Store Phone 453. 166-196 North Commercial St. there will be on display a compre hensive exhibit of the different branches of the marine corps. The marine corps Is enlisting an unlimit ed number of men and to the pros pective, :ecruit who i& uncertain as to whether he wishes to join the ar my or the navy, the marine corps offers a combination of both. a marine during his term of enlist ment is liable to scire on both lam and sea, in all parts of the world. Tills Week's Drapery Special Tapestry Table Scarrs. 20x54, reg ular $6, $3.59. Hamilton's. Idaho Officials Here D. P. Banks, state examiner of the state of Idaho, passed yesterday in Salem studying the budget sys tem now in vogue in Oregon. Chang es in the Idaho financial system are contemplated, it is said. All Who IkTamo Mpmlvi Of the Elks lodge this year are re quested to be present at the club rooms rmay evening. Sept. 12. at 8 oclocw sharp. Business of impor tance. No invitations. Entertain ment committee. Wanted Girl for parlor at Spa. Wanted, to ltorrow or Rent Twenty-five pairs ladies' silk hose extra large size for the Elks style show Elks day at the state fair. See Erastus Cooke Patton or telephone 17. Peach Canning Season Will soon be "over. Secure your supply at once. Buy the finest peach es grown, from the farm. Phone 4F3. Winstanley estate. Wanted, Young Indies Twenty-five of them, between the ages of 18 and 25. to pose in Elks style show, Elks day at state fair grounds. Sept. 25. Must weigh more than 195 pounds. Telephone 17, or apply in person to Erasmus Cooke Patton. "Tli el ma" Individual Chocolates A Salem product made by The Gray Belle distributed br Oeoree E. Water's for sale esverywhere. Be Prune Grawrr in Oty Edwin Weaver, one of the best known prune growers in southern Oregon, was a visitor in Salem yes terday. Mr. Weaver owns 150 ac res of prunes, and has always re ceived the top-notch price for his product. Young Business Man Wants large sunny room close in. Private family. Would also like garage if possible. Address box 196 Salem. IKwgbvs Attorney Visits George Neumer. district attorney at Roseburg passed yesterday in Sa lem. He previously served in both houses of the state legislature, and was appointed to his present posi tion by Ex-Governor West. Wanted Girl for parlor at Spa. Alhers Brothers Expand Permission was yesterday given the Alber Milling company, of Port land, to Issue and sell $1,900,000 worth of preferred stock by Corpor ation Commissioner Schulderman It is understood here that the com pany contemplates the erection of a large mill a Spokane in addition to the one now operated in Portland. Legal Blanks Get them at the Sfa'pman ob office. Catalog on appiicaliuu. FOR SALE Buy from - owner, modern five room Cottage, close in, paved street. Terms. Phone 743 R. M. HARDING AUCTION EER Livestock Farm Sales and Real . Estate a Specialty Many years experience. Red 27 1 Best of references. SIIVKUTOX. ORE. s MITH' . FOtC MO K E s State and Commercial Sts. W1LLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 418 Court Street. Telephone 203 WiU be located at 238 N. High St. About September 1 CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleaners of Quality Cleaning Dyeing Repairing 1261 State St Phone 703 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CI GAB Manufactured by HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY Phone Sl MYRTLE KN0WLAND Music ad V Musical Merchandise Sonora Dealer in Salem 415 Court St. Salem, Oregon Telephone 352 Let us prove to you that oar prices are less. Some good bargains In new ' and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 519 Court St ',' Darby building WANTED JUNK AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS We also buy second-hand goods. If you have anything to sell for a good price call 398. The Square Deal House. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St salem. Ore. HAS A PLUNGING VACUUM DASHER if i It washes cleaner and Quicker and handles the clothes easier than any other washer of this type. It plunges. forcine the hot suds through tne clothes, removing every particle of dirt. WELCH ELECTRIC CO. 79 State Street Pbone 953 Will Exploit Myrtle Wood The famous myrtlge wood of Coos county will be exploited by the Oerd ing Manufacturing company which filed a:ticles of incorporation yester day at the office of States Corpora tion. Commissioner Schulderman. The company will have offices at Coqnille Its capitalization is $25,000 and the incorporators are J. H. Oerdins. Walter F. Oerding. Georpe E. Oerd Ing. H. H. Oerdinc and Charles H. Oetding:. Resolutions of absolution 'were filed by the Harbor-Sound In vestment company of Florence, Lane county. E. J. Adams, former mem ber of the state highway commission, is interested in the company. Dr. Morehouse. The Veterinarian Has returned from his vacation. Anyone wishing his services can ob tain them by phoning his office 2199 or his residence 1510. '" lrifi ttaJ j I OUR conduct is deeorus and polite. Our services are ef ficient and satis factory. Our bus iness fairness is well known. mr m. i - w w i i - h a j . i m Bonds, Mortgages Interest Bearing Investments HAWKINS & ROBERTS 2O4JS07 Oregon Building Salem Auto Radiator Shop Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty Ford Radiators for Sale 198 S. 12th St. Salem, Or?. APPLES We are in the Market for all varieties of Late Apples. Call lip up. MANGIS BROS. Warehouse, High and Ferry St. Phone 717 Office 542 State St. Salem. Or. APPLESAPPLES We arc on the market for your cull apples. , Don't let them lay and rot. Remember a few extra dollars always come in handy, so pick up your good cull apples and take them to the Commercial Cider Works rhone2194 1010 N. Coral St. P. M. GREGORY, Mgr. ' Did you read this advertisement Mr. IKtdd Return. After a week's absence, Mrs. Al ice H. Dodd Is again in charge of ehe Red Cross home rerylce bureau. Many soldiers and ex-service men find the bureau a first hand place for advice, information and aid. On of the main tasks of the office is to help te soldier solve his problems in regard to delayed allotments and also to assist in clearing up insur ance tangles. liligh Hotel Ilarber Shop Now running two chairs. EvcTgreea Blackberries We are In the markcu Cring them to our big plant opposite Southern Pacific company passenger Station or phone 304. Crates furnished. Phes company. Building Permit Issued A permit was issued yesterday to F. A. Anderson, who is a carpenter and will construct his own residence at 720 Mill street. The cost as giv en in the permit is $1000 but Mr. Anderson says the completed cost will be about $500 more. Card of Thank To the many friends who so kind ly administered in her illness and for the beautiful flowers sent for Mrs. Ella M. Jory, these and many other acts will ever be held in gratc- ful remembrance. Oliver Jory. Lew is Jory. Mrs. Emma bdmunds, Mrs. Inez Agers. Salem. Sept. 11, 1919. IM C. S. St on? Can be found at Tyler's durg storp 157 South Commercial steet. Ikm't mis it Friday night. Stayton dance. Aldrich Anto Stolen While standing in front of the Graybelle between 7:30 and 9 o'clock last night, the automobile belonging to L. P. Aldrich was sto len and has not been recovered. The machine is a Dodge touring car bearing the license number 66866 The police are on trail of the machine. Every Article In the N. B. Brown auction sale for Friday is just the same as neew. Einele Reaches Xew York Phillip R ingle, son of W. P. Rin gle. paraded in New York yesterday with the famous First division. It is believed, as he recently arrived over seas with the unit. He was former ly a member of Company M, 162nd infantry, going overseas with the organization in 1917 but was later transferred to the First division. He saw action in practically all the ma jor offensives and was stationed in Germany after the signing of the armistice. Wanted Girl for parlor at Spa. targe TV-art to the Fbes Company In the recorder's office yesterday a warranty deed was filed In which the. Phcr Company acquires posses sion of the J. W. Hubbard tract of 2 OS acres in Mission bottom. The amount stated is $6000. Wanted . $4100 loan on $10,000 security. 3 or 5 years security at 6 per cent. So colofsky, Bayne building. Smafthen at Court and Liberty Court and Liberty streets seems to be the Jonah locality for autoists yesterday afternoon. A ear driven by a Portland man claimed to have the right of way OTrr.a local dellv ery machine. Both cars came out of the mix-up rather the worse for the experience, the fender on one car blng broken, the other gettinr a dished wheel. Two hours later an automobile from Bellingham Wash., disputed the way with the Chemeketa street trolley car the au to getting a smashed. wheel and bent running gear. There have been number of accidents of this charac ter lately. In the Market for Prone Highest prices paid. A. F. Kurti phone 1165. Speeder Arrested Fred Kayser of Dallas was arrest ed by Officer Morelock yesterday afternoon and charged with exceed ing the speed limit. The Dallas map was reported to" have been travelllnr north on Commercial street at the rate of 34 miles an hour. Carload of Trucks come A carload of one and one-fourth ton Bethlehem trucks was received yesterday by the Salem Velie com pany. These trucks are of a size difficult- to secure because of the heavy demand and are mnch used bv fruit growers and farmers gener ally. tin Turned On The gas supply is now being turned on again for the 430 Salem homes that were deprived or that fuel for nearly a week while the sup ply at the gas plant was being re plenished. Representatives of the company were busy yesterday yes terday afternoon turning on the sup ply and this work will be continued and probably be completed today. EDISON Alkaline Storage BATTERY Particularly Adapted for FARM LIGHTING SYS TEMS PHILADELPHIA Diamond Grid Storage BATTERY Built for STRENGTH and LONG LIFE THE BATTERY SHOP 263 North 'Commercial Sidewalk is Ordered A block of Portland cement side walk is to be constructed on South Church street between Ferry and Trade streets. Notices carrying the directions of the city council have been served upon the Klinger estate and upon Frank Meredith and Mrs Jennette Lockhart, the owners whose property is affected. Mi Think that Crescent Baking Powder Is Fine" Cresceat preface !,fit, tweet. Wholesome, fiu bekia. mm It mm- ml m m lu ml This Week's Drapery Special Tapest:y Table scarfs. 20x54, reg ular $6. $3.59. Hamilton's. MTheJma Individual Chocolate Made in Salem, Be everywhere. Looking For 1I Karl Fisher, who has resigned as county assessor of Linn county to accept a position as secretary of the state tax commission, has been In fealem recently looking for a suitable house where he can move his fam ily. Like other newcomers to Sa lem Mr. Fisher is experiencing much difficulty in finding a house, there being practically no houses to rent- Fancy Madronette (Herd Full line of colors, regular 65c and 73c. special 49c. Hamilton's. Are Cutting Wood About 1600 cords of wood for the several state institutions will be cut at the cottage farm by inmates of the state hospital for the Insane. A crew of about 20 men Is now fen paged In the work which Is progress ing rapidly when the weather is fav orable, x Fancy Matlronette Overdrapr Full line of colors, regular 65c and 75c. sp-cial 49c. Hauiilton's. To Attend I'alverfclty Miss Florence Engstrom. a Port land young woman who has been serving for some time as stenogra pher and clerk In the office of Ad jutant General Conrad Stafrin. has returned to her home. She will pre pare to enler the University of Ore gon as soon as the college year opens the latter part of this month. liny a Tractor And do your work Tor les money than von can with horses and get your fall grain In before rainy sea K9;na rharia T? Arrherd Im plement Co. has Jnst -fceived another shipment of International iracxors. Get one now. Rotate i Appraled innni.ra hive olaced a valua tion of $10,995 on the estate of the late Permllla A. Caspell. The home place, a Tarm of 110 Is val ued at $10,000. Mrs. Caspell is sur vived by 13 children. The apprais ers were J. C. Hunt. Adam Burns and W. E. Thomas. TW Jwr, Oaarrirt Bklua Pmmm, Imt mat CM Book: I aJway WCTa-d ! r"t min (t-t mrm, ' cf lie mm4er rm mrrt. Cut mK Ctn- tn I K lw cl year TLm- Pj-rir tVt I 4tk mni Ij twT-i iVc 5 pmJ tm Im mm 4nw I ui 2Vc mm evrnr on-:"t rtS pr. ckac. kd I mmJ Lrr J c. mmk Am Cmnl Ba-, fmmdwt m im-C Ymm grace caa mapmfy ymm. Crescent bwder Baking P ters now married and two son. both over 20 years of age. The complaint alleges that Katie Barnes deserted and abandoned the plaintiff In June. ju, ana nas not been at or near her home since that time. Itoagla Judge' Ifee - D. J. Stewart, 'county judge of Douglas county, passed yesterday in Salem conferring with Governor Ol cott and other state officials. II stopped off here enroute home from Portland where he attended a meet ing of the state highway commission held Tuesday. Ir. Stone's Io4on ,k rmedy At once relieves and soon cure. Sold by alt drnreists. Pups Thorobred Ollle Pun A playmate tor your child. $10 each. Phone 663. County Paving Affala After a four-day lay-off because of heavy rains the county court again has the pavinc plant at work on the Salem-Turner-Stayton road Aslang as weather permits the plant will be kept at work on the high way. Most or the state projects are again under way in -western Ore gon with the1 cessation of rains, in cluding the plant on the Salem-Aurora stretch. A Salem Prodoct "Thelma" TndlTldnal ChoceUtif 5e everywhere. L'.- Un llormfcrkrrt Want Hartley Craig yard. MInto's Is land. 1 minutes walk from Com mercial street car. Phone 17S7 or 151 6V. Another Soldier IWnni Wallace Brown H the latest Sa lem soldier to return from overseas service. He served in France for 1 months with the First, division He left yesterday for Camp Lewis and expects to receive his discharge in a few days. Friday Xlght Big time at Stayton dance. Auto truck leaves O .E. depot at 7:20. Ask For a livorce In a complaint filed at the cOnntv clerk's office yesterday. Zack Barae asks for a divorce from Katie Barnes The couple were married in St Louts. Or.. June 19. 1883. The pe tition states that there are four children of the marriage: two daugh- Last Time T A fin T A l OF THE APIS, BLIGH THEATRE We wish to dispose of onr Billiard Room equipment consisting of 1 Standard Bil liard Table, 2 Pool Tables, 1 Rack, Cuei, Balls, , etc, T Refreshment Counter and 1 Back Bar Fixture. HOTEL MARION CO. cc PtGROMeill STATE g STREET rz. o - OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN - lflrir1&Brih BankBniMfrfY NEWPORT FISH Wholesale and Retail Fi-esh DaHy ' Ling; Cod Salmon Hslitrat FITTS MARKET 444 Court Street t ; Phone 211 WANTED rJ 1 B"h!l?n BT High CUu Clothier Away From Salem. State Experience, Age and References. Confidential. Salary $50 Per Week of 50 Hours Address "046" care Statesman zzzZ!zr" . LADD Be BUSH, BANKERS Established 1863 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Healthful Breacl Ours is without question the ist flavored l.rca.1 on the market. It has that goodness aiwut it which is characteristic of home-made bread. It is as seet as a n it and as pure as pring water. ill FRESH EYERY DAY Try Our Koils. Cakes and Paitry Bake-Rite Sanitary Bakery 457 State Street-