12 . T1TE Or.ECOX STATESMAN: SATITIDAY. SEITEMIIFn It, 1010. ii (Formerly The Hubbard Building) S t i I j I: i i FOR BARGAINS IN Real Estate -4 SEE JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. Our List Comprise Choice Farm, and City Property. H you are in the market for any kind of real estate, see us before you buy. 404 Oregon Building S. T. RICHARDSON Attorney at Law 409-410 Oregon Building OREGON ELECTRIC Pool and Billard Pari ors CIGARS, SOFT DRINKS AND CANDIES A Pleasant Place to Spend Your Leisure Honrs ' 1 mUVOCK, Proprietor Vi . f f Under Oregon Electric Depot ' ' 1 Basement Oregon Building TOMORROW To Our Patrons: In appreciation of your patronage we are going to give an especially good show tomorrow and Monday. A full page advertisement would only begin to tell you about the good things we have in store for you. Special Feature Pictures and Orpheum Feature Act GO ' ' " . fell 0 n urn 4 i T ,1 5?2 -Vv ..Li 1 - V, JlSl n. 0!f1i if J3I XHk r rii rdi 3 n V 1 f .mJ t....j ; i. Ell I o 1 J YiLWTvvI,' r We Are Now Located On the Second Floor of The OREGOW BUILDIWG Hawkins & Roberts W. have fatal ottice rMm apd suites for t wUch we be pleased to .how prospective tenants 204-207 Oregn BuUd, q Day Phones f , f. . , I j i ' Night Phone I 13 and 839 rv . , I II - I 4 Jf Res. 1331 I II KAPPAHAHN TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO I . Automobile ad Anto Trucks for Hire I II Baggage Transferred I II CONFECTIONERY ctw, ' r , I If S 'WS CIGARS TOBACCO I jj J Try Our Soda Fountain , ' I I OREGON BUILDIXQ l t i CTlTO 11 4 f STATE AXD HIGH STREETS I II WHEN YOU ARE BDYING-SEIXING-EXCHANGING REAL PROPERTY o REG0N REALTY EXCHANGE VESTMENT COMPANY Hi-40& Oregon Building SALEM, OREGON E6, OREGON 1GHZII Murray Wade, Pnbliiher, Room 223 Orejoa Building H. E. BOLINGER :i28 Oregon Huilding GENERAL INSURANCE SURETY ONDS LOANS Xw Is The Time To nnil.l or Bay A IIOJIE Let Jfe Furnish The Money NEW LOCATION Next to Oregon BIdgl come , muybuw ,nd ook over Sa,fm. IHmtaje, modem store Suits, Drensen I)ra ni 1 Il"e.ar i oats, rese. Drew (Joods and Silks, Udies' Sho and Millinery " ver in our hktory have w had so lar fv a..d our customer,, know that they are ,ur of hib.t nuahty gocls at priee, weI w7th"n! - are proud of our n,w .tore and will I plea.sed to hoir von around QUALITY GOODS REASONABLE PRICES LATEST STYLES Next to Oregon BaUding ' WE SELL THE EARTH v LAFLAR &FAFLAR We Had to Enlace and Now Oecup 407, 4M Oregon IluiUli,lff J If It'a Insurance And It can be writ ten we ran write It e represent seren big old line compan ies. Automobiles a Specialty Phone lCli H Iff Loam ' And you need more money to build your home, come in and w will glre ft fo youWe have it on T payments. If Ifi Real EiUU We deal la bargains and have a large list but always want more. We have city and farm property and good business chances. Come up. WE'RE HERE TO STAY 1 i