THE 6REGOX STATESMAN: FRTDAV, AVGVST Stf. 1010 sailed Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth While pas v NORWICH waiv WSSctlScb society I to una m uwiuwu JatAget 871 8UU 8t- NEY TO LOAN PHOTKO riBM PBOPKHTT AT IL r UiVli Beak. Salem, Or. eJ i s. I : LIVESTOCK FOJZ,SAhV1TSAb1' riGS- WEEKS FARM LOANS ri IO 16 Tors .n vou to oar 1100 or mul- tle on the principal on any in feat date. We close out loans jmptly. Hawkins and Roberts 314 Maeatiic Bldg., Salem, Ore. LAI SITED ADTKRTUKMUTS Bate re Wni trst Insertion 1 tbsequent taaertlone V4 ae week (six Insertions) Sc ae month jc lis months contract, per mo.. Sc t months contract, per mo... 7e i sect, opened for less than. Sic A neat card glvsn tree with an idvertlsemeat to the extent of eOc .announcing -For Bale- "Tor Kanf rRooms" or "Board." u 1IBW TO DAT. Kach new classified advertise ment will be run under "New To day for the first Insertion, aniens I otherwise ordered by the advr- will appear under Its proper classification. No advertisement will be ran under "New Today" for more then one Isaac under any circumstances NEW TODAY FOR SALE FARM MAGAZINES eeaeaeseiewai.i m ikWiwouxmmwtWMWWWI IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST ra paper, send lie to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial eubacription. Mention this ad. MISCELLANKOIJB rj""'"' ...... -r-ii--i PEACrYfcS EARLY AXD LATE CIIAW- Phone "l7o. "W UUBW IOF c"Bln PEACHES 'AND PEARS OVE tn.m tthex.brlaBeA 'oad. Phone 66F12. Moses 1. Adams. USED CARS FOR SALE ISIS MAX- . " T 1911 Maxwell, run 3000 miles. Cash or terms, 197 bo. CommerclaL Phone 399. BOOKS OF KNOWLETMie-i mu plete aet of 2 volumes, cloth bind ing, new. never unboxed. Will sell w b uu cose Aauwi Book, cars Statesman. PEACH CANNING SEASON NOW OX uur ooxes and get choice canning peaches at the Geo. W. Veek orchards, north of Salem. divine a, l enu oi pavement. CHOICE CAXNIXO PEACHES COME and pick them. Bring boxes. Only 91 a bushel. 8'4 milo. nneth r lem on River road. 1 miles west of nopmere. i. n. jones ranch. F. Mc- v-uruiicK, ni. z, uervais. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE 15 hp, 3 cyl, with throttling governor, heavy fly and belt wheel. Formerly used as auxiliary In electric light plane Good condition. 100 gallon tank goes with It. Scott Bozorth. opauiaioK mag, roruana. use. THE ROYAL. TYPEWRITER WAS DE- signea and built to meet the demands of those who appreciate better press work at a lower cost. It ends ex cessive repair work, stoos the trad ing out habit. It is a machine that enables the typist to do more work. do it better and do it with much less errort. Let us call and explain the twenty special features of the Royal Typewriter. Graham dc Wells, agents, Corvallis, Oregon. OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE! 349 North Commercial St. Phone til BUYS. SELLS AXD EXCHANGES A1.L manes of cars and parts, complete wrecking OrpartmrnL 5 passenger Chalmers, good mechanical condlton, $275. Studebaker Light Four, elec tric starter and light. fiS.0. 1917 Saxon "6 $700. Studebaker Light Four, $250. Maxwell Roadster, good tires. $a. 1 , ton Locoriobile truck. 6 passenger Studebaker. electric lights and starter, $475. Studebaker muk. 2Z5. IMS Maxwell, fine con dition. $500. woYEt wirss wmscaa UepsC Natteaal U else, M la, to W la. high. Palate. OUa aad Vat-mien. Stave HebaUlt aad ItewaUeedL loganberry sad -Has Us. aieas Verne Jt Btevs WtrU SM Cseurt St. rss U4 n. . rijatTJia. PROFESSIONAL cuiber $5.f0 bid. $2.60 asked; l and men 12.50 January $(0 bid. ..C2.60 asked. Brown-Petzel Lumber Co.. Kutter: Prints extras Sir: rubes I lumber for Stayton bridge extras 5fie; prime firsts 55c. Butterfai. Portlsnd delivery: sour cn-am C2e. Potatoes: Locals. Belling 2.Sl.Gr 1275. CHIROPRACTIC IF YOU WANT TO BITr. SELL OK trade yir old auto or aut parts see Stein bock Junk Co.. (Auto wreckers Izt North Commercial St. Phono io a. DR. O. L SCOTT. D. ORADUATK of P. 8- C Chlropractlca fountain head. Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the canss of disease. Office 400-T-S U. 8. National Bank Building. Phone 97. Residence 92IR. ATJTO KRTICal - - i 1 1 i n nj.rTajnj'xrxrijxruxrLn SHIPP-8 AUTO BKRVlCEr-CITT AND country trips. Phone: Day, 9l; nignt. orneoPATHT. TIRES RKPAIRKD TULCAHIZCfO GATES HALr-SOLB TIRE SERVICE Station. 17? South Commercial St. Phone ezs. DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Klrks vllls. Mo.: treats scute and chronic disease. Office 404-401 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Resides ce. is noris Hummer, pnons aia. CHTKESB rSTSICIAW BUSINESS CARDS DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN Ul B. High St. Phone 1SX. CHIMNEY SWEEPS "9easaWsasasWMUssse SALEM CHIMNEY SWEEP HAVE your chimneys and furnaces cleaned and repaired for the fall. Phone 19L WATER DRATI AlfD KXFRK99 LARMER TRANSFER WB MOVE AND store goods. Day phone 919. Night ! phons 1193. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COM PAST Phons 9S3. Salem 'a largest and beat equipped tras-fer company- Get ear re--daee4 freifht ratea ea esatera ahipmeata. Alao for atorace. aa we have three wire heaaea la conneetioa with baaiaeaa. Farai tare moviac. packing, aoippinc and a tor las ear specialty. Office, 220 Bute 8t. SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 391 & commercial street. For water serv Ice apply at office. Make all com plaints at the office. No deductions in bins will he allowed ror absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from d remises. Here after wster for irrigation will only bo furnished to regular customers us ing water lor domestic purposes. Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will please read -ror Duuaing purposes" under sched ule of rates. Apply at office for copy LEO AX. KOTICXS. NOTICK TO TAXPAYKRS OP MARL ON COUNTY, OllEGON. IXSITRAXCK. eaeaaaasasse CAPTIVITY OF THB OATMAN GIRLS This -true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells la graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatmaa family, of the es cape of Lorenso. and the captivity of saarv ana uuve. sxarv aiea or star vation and Olive was purchased from b ANTED PIN BOYS AT THE CLUB Bowling alter, izz is or in commer cial, upatairs. OR SALE 1913 FORD; ALSO FORD Bug. Oleson's Auto Exchange. OR SALE 12x14 TEXT. lZth, upstairs. 71S South THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR- nai. the biggest and best in the west. The live magazine for live poultry, men 75 cents a year. $1.00 in Salem. Send 6 cents for sample today. Ad IXE HOME FOR SALE LARGE bouse, plenty of fruit, garden and berries, near school and carline. Ad dress Miss Headrick, care Statesman, I or phone Zf 40. ACRE FARM FOR SALE FOR ITaln or dairying purposes; 9 room Souse and barn, first class in every particular. Phone owner 2440 or ad dress Miss Booth, care Statesman. rOR SALE SMALL HOUSE AXD lot 69 by 1Z0 feet in South saiem, $400 cash or will consider monthly payments. A gooc proposition for working man. Call at 0 South Church atreet or phone 1870M after o clock. it ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED. GOOD improvements, silo, 4 miles or saiem, on macadamised road. Only 1275 per acre, half cash. Terms on bai aacc HOUSE SNAP ROOM MODERN ' HOUSE. TWO baths and toilets, full cement base ment, furnace. This is a big snap. rive minutes walk from business center. $1,500. $1,000 cash, balance to suit. John H. scott Realty Co., 414 Hubbard Building. A HAP ROOMS, NEAR" CAPITOL. GOOD modern house, can be bought for 11.750 if sold soon. Will make lib eral tecjns. Take our tip, this house rill be sold this week. oei ousy and be the lucky one. John H. Scott Realty Co.. 404 Hubbard building. 4U. ACRES L FINE MODERN HOUSE. BARN, chicken house, hogpen, and garage. Just out of city limits. If U R look- Ibbt for a rood chicken and garden proposition, look at this one. $2,50?. good terms. John H. Scott Realty C 404 Hubbard building. HOI'SR SWAPS tWO S ROOM COTTAGES ON ONE lot. Bath, toilet, electric lights, con- Crete walks. This will pay U to in vestigate. - $1,750, good terms. ROOM COTTAGE. 6 MINUTES WALK from business district, electric lights, bath and toilet, improved streets, fin,, corner lot. 11.800. srood terms. ROOMS ON SOUTH COMMERCIAL ttreet. close in. $1,700. good terms, f la a lAaaa 4 I am cnvul Vi rf-klt ass I ROOMS. GOOD HOUSE. LARGE LOT r vun iruit. berries ana wamuis, V0. only $500 cash payment. John H. scott rteaity to, v mud ard building, 4 Bargains. HAVE ONE HUNDRED BUSHELS ef small peaches on the floor. Bring your boxes. One dollar a bushel while they last. Come quick. At the nd of pavement on the river road. Ueo. W. Weeks. The board of equalization will meet at the court house in aald coan- GILT edge fire insurance pro- ty on Monday, September 8th, 1919, tkction and up-to-the-minute in- I at 10 o Clock a. m., and pub icly ex- .u. .nn ktticc, uu aiwaya oeen u a.mine th assessment rolls and cor- Relief' Aviation of McUinnriiiZ "t all errors in valuation, descrip- The o. r. r. a. has maintained I tlon or quality or lajd, lota or other an esiaoiisnea Baiem Agency I or I nmmirtv anf rnnllnna In uu nn tin. over twenty years, and we are here f.. . 'JTTJT, --i-.-j to give von service at all timea. i. I HI UCh Work is Completed. A. Johnson Insurance Agency, over I All Derxcns interested are notified Ladd at Bush Bank, Salem, Phone 347. to appegr an(J examine their aness- ruents for the year 1919, and if not 'isatisfied with the same file applica- ZTJIAVC1AU the Indians five years later. The I vdco wm-knu m-mv . n.,tn t i. vtv t tA Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. FOVIVTRT -Lruin n.irxnji.ra.rinxst Information about any kind ef life a reduction or alteration of the same iw". k Til i, , i - itj f m I during the first fifteen days of such New York. Office at 371 state atreet I meeting, as no complaints can be re- saiem. Ore. Office phone 99, real- I ceived thereafter. Ben F. West, Assessor of Marion County, Ancust 17. 1919 dence 139S. itrxa JTJNK dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. I JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST Salem. Oregon. Mention this ad. BIPLOYBIENT FEMAIiB pries for Junk of every kind. Let aa make you a price on your household goods. The "Sonars Dear House- Capital Junk", Co, 371 Chemsksta St. pnone sis. WAITRESS Cafeteria. WANTED AT ROYALE WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAK- er. Gibson Millinery, 409 Court St. i but junk of evert kind bags, Salem, Ore 00. chiaery, brokea down aatomobilee sad carta ef an ta mobiles. Steisboek Jaak Co, 320 N. Commercial St Rales, phoae 105. TH0LE MILK ADD PB0DUCS WANTED Marion Creamery & Product Co., Phone 2488 SALEM MARKETS WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR house work in - countrv. Modern house, no heavy washing. Small fam ily itt. 3, box 187 PUone 311. lATnrosxES. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER ABOUT ten grown persons. No children washincr. Address Gervais. Rt phone 3F11. CARRIER WANTED FOR THE ORE- gonian. See W. H, Burghardt. Jr, a i state street. WANTED ONE LIVE A-l MAN FOR our circulation department- Can make $5 a lay. See Mr. Palmer, .statesman oince, at once. BOYS BOYS, BOYS: WORK FOR THE Statesman this summer. Make BIG money. Only boys over 14 considered. Apply circulation uept. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- ular washing dons at a rate every body can afford. For only 39 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four I now . Phone Z47L CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY I Vtuaiity work, prompt service. 1394 Broadway. Phone 15. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY HAH. 486 1 jrerry BL 1 pay top nark at price for raicksna ana eegs. Uoaae phoae seep psoas isavj. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash, c per pound. 13$ South Liberty St. scions as. 453.50 13.47 25.00 price COMMISSIONERS COURT (Continued from pare .) 3. SO 17.60 91.00 21.00 700 14.00 2S.00 10.50 146.20 1 MOSEY TO IXAJI. YOUNG MAN WANTED TO LEARN shoe business. Must be live wire. Good chances for advancement. Ad' dress G 39 care of Statesman. GOVERNMENT LOANS AT PER cent. w. 1. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. EXPERIENCED HOUSE TO HOUSE canvasser. Exceptional proposition with exclusive territory and steady employment. Address ueo. H. Men- denhall. New Houston Hotel. Port land. Oregon. WANTED BOYS THERE WILL BE I a few good Statesman routes open lhis summer. List your name now and get first chance at a good route. Apply Circulation Department. Dally .statesman. FEDERAL FARM LOANS 6 per cent interest. 34 V. Years Time. File your application now for your laii ana winter needs. Federal Farm Loan Bonds For Sale. A. C. BOH RXSTEDT . 401 Masonic Temple Salem, Ore. to FOR RENT BOARD AXD ROOM ffl0aaSSs9sh ROOM AND BOARD 495 NORTH Commercial street. Phone 1446. OPTOMETRISTS. s. UK. Ia HALL WILSON Sneclal- ?.N 1st In the Modern Scientific Ap i blication of Glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdays. Office 210-211 U. a Bank Building. it-none, omce us; res. iZ4t. MT STANDARD OIL COMPANY sales book on road between Lola and bridge. Return to service station or hone $37. Reward. . pOAN DURHAM COW. FRESH AND A aeavy milker; also pure bred roan Durham milking strain, now giving 2 gallons per day. due to freshen in February, bred to registered bull, al ao one large Jersey-Durham cow. ry heavy milker, due to freshen la November. Cherry City Feed barn. PERCHEROX TEAM FOR SALE. ock mares. C and 7 years old. weight I lit pounds. Sound, gentle and true. Cherry City Feed Barn. WANTED A SODA FOUNTAIN DIS- fr. Andrews & Kerr, Corvallis. none $9. WANTED TO RENT IMMEDIATELY fr permanent tenant. 5 or 0 roor furniahed house, close In, by man ad wife Phone 1532J. PEACHES FOR CANNING CRAW ford Muir. Just outside city limits, aorth on River road across roao "om Countv Poor Farm. Bring box a. Phone 2&02W2. M. Z. Waring. QOOD PIANO FOR REXT SEPTEM ber 3rd Phone 71. .JR SALE FIVE ROOM HOUSE. 1 JVnck southeast of Highland schooU J5 Elm street Call evenings af tr or on Sunday. . " n R OR FIVE DAY OLD CALVES wanted, c C. Russell, phone 3F3. 1 HAVE FIFTY TOXS OF FINE HAT w eeii. Phone 3F3. C. C. Russell. "ANTED TO RENT OXE OR TWO . within walking distance of 'atehouse. Address ALE, Statesman ' ROOMS FOR REXT TWO NICE SLEEPING rooms. Well ventilated. Call after noons. 715 Center. REPAIR SHOPS STEWART'S REPAIR SHOP 317 Court. Lawn-mowers sharpened. L,ocksmithinff. Saw-ruing. Knives. Scissors ground. Umbrellas repaired. ftaxors Sharpened. HOUSE FOR RENT HOUS: and farms. F. I street. Phone 794. APARTMENTS ood. 141 State T LOST AND FOUND FOUND FOUND ON TWELFTH STREET Wednesday morning, a rug. Owner can secure same by calling 108 N. 12th street, evenings. SECOND HAND FURN1TCRB BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL YOUR furniture, stoves or carpets, you will gain by calling on us. The Capital Hardware Co., 285 North Commercial St- Phone 947. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 N. Commercial. Phone 734. Home of bargains. New and second-band fur nishings and hardware We buy. sell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for recond-hand goods. WANTED KXSCLXtaAirEOITfta SstlejSsseassaBa19aa SECOND H1CD GOODS s1lasaaasSassa)rasssas USED BEFORE SELLING YOUR Furniture or Clothing, etc. see J. A. Rowland. I tav the highest cash price or will take in used goods for new. Call at 247 N. Commercial St or poe 1. MODERN HOUSE WAXTED PERMA- nent renters. Phone 1318 M. WE BUY ANY KIND OF USED CARS. Phone 399, 197 South commercial. WANTED TO REXT OR BUY SEC- ond hand drag saw. rnone m or call 500 N. Capitol, evenings. SECOND HAND GOODS. I WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Bchlndler. i&l Center street. built a pbicb Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 42c. Hens, 22 to 24c Broilers, 21c. Old roosters, 13c Dressed hogs, 2 Sc. Extra faacy veal, -3c Pork. Mutton and Beet. Pork on foot, 19c Lambs, 10 to 11c Beef, steers. 8)4 to 9C Cows, 5 to 8c. Top veal, 22c. nay. Cheat hay, per ton $17. Oat and vtch bay, per ton $20. Clover hay. $20. Grain. Wheat. $2. Feed oats, 85c. Milling oats, 90c. Beans, nominal. Mill Feed. RetaXL Mlllrun, $43 to $4 4. Wholesale To Dealers. Creamery butter cartons, 61c 62c. Batterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 61c FrulL Cantaloupes standards, $1.00 to $2.50 a crate. Oranges, $6 to $6.50. Bananas, 9 He Cassabaa, 2 He a pound. Grapes, $2.25 to $2.75 a crate. Lemons. $8 to $S.S0. California Grape Fruit. $5. Peaches. 75c to 90c a box. Watermelons, 1 c a pound. Melons Santa Clans, 24c a pound. Vegetables. Cabbage, 3c. Onions, $3.00 a sack. Carrots, 45c a dox. bowcnex. Turaips, 45c a dozen bunches. Lettuce, 60c a dozen. New potatoes, 3c a pound. Sweet Potatoes, 8 ',4 c a pound. Green pepers. 10c a pound.. Celery, $1 a dozen. Green corn. 30c a dozen. Tomatoes. 90c to $1 a box. Egg plant, 15c a pound. Cucumbers, $1 a box. Retail Prices. Creamery butter, 70c. Dairy butter. 50 to 55c. Eggs, 45c. Flour, hard wheat. $2.90 to $3.10 Flour, valley, $2.55 $3. Sugar, cane and beet. lie. Sugar, sack, aone offered. May. R., do May. R.. dumping scrapers. . May, R.. loading scrapers . . Mar. R.. dumping scrapers. . Miller, P. II.. blasting stumps Miller. P. II., powderman . . . Miller. P. H.. blastlnK Minner. John, helping pow derman Morris. Will, work on grade Neuenschwander, Ernest, do. Neuenschwander, G., grading Poole. W. H., freanoing Ramsyer, Crest, grading Schunegger, Dan. do Shumaker. W. H., loading wheelers 26.25 Sowers, Abe. grading Surface. Floyd, do Swenwold, Lud. do Teter, M. J., do Witsel. C. C. do Wood. Everett, do Adams, J. T-, trimming banks etc Ballinger, E .C. do Branch, Ames, holding plow. etc Chalanger, A. L-. work on grade Chases, Clyde. dumping scraper Craig, J. D., work on grade Darling. II.- E., clearing right of way , Dawson, Ralph. Clearing r- of-w Doty. C. T., trimming banks. etc Drager, Alfred, work on grade Eskew. M. L.. do Elander.' Norman, do Feller, Fred, work on grade Feller, Fred, do Feller, Geo., loading fresno Fullerton. R. L-. trimming banks, etc Gardner, Clarence, clearing r-of-way German. D. F.. foreman . . . Knox. W. J., grading ... Kobow. C. A., foreman A car hire Lachelle, Carl, clearing r-of- way 80.50 Loey, P. M., loading scrap ers ... Marshand, Roy, work on grad Mcllwain. Lester, work on grader McMillan. Arthur, work on grade McMillan. Willot. do. ..... Minner. John, clearing r-of-way Morris, Will, work on grade 161.00 l-a a m . a ai p A a iseuenscnwanaer. brnest. ao. sa.uu Ne u enddE wan d er. O., clear 4 ing r-of-way 85,75 Odell. C. II.. work on grade 126.00 Poppe. R. M.. clairing r-of- way Ramsden, C. J., foreman and grademan Ramseyer. Crest, work on grade Richardson. P. K., rod man. Sowers, Abe, clearing r-of- way Surface. Floyd, do Swenwold, Lud. work on grade 14.00 Teter. M. J., blasting stumps. etc 101.00 Wltzel. C. C. foreman and auto hire 132.00 Fowler, L. it. hauling lumber No. IGlggey. E-. operating ferry-. Hammond Lumber Co., ce ment Hint. A. B.. hoe. picks, files. etc Ransom A Co.. boat pitch, etc Kuseell. R. M.. county clerk. freight on lumber 57.53 Wade, D. A., board and car fare Wade. D. A., board aect. work nn Slirtnn tirtite ..... 14.00 wade. D. A., foreman, work 31.60 at ferry 4.00 1 Butler. Isaac, work at ferry. 48.00 Pat ton. R. O.. do 63.00 Gilbert. Glen, do Oman. J. V.. do 87.50 Newton. W. B.. do 14.00 Hays. 8. It., do 7.00 1 Wsde. D. A., work on Stayton 14.00 bridge 51.00 jStatts. J. M.. do 98-00 IBahlkln, Fred, do 84.00 Davidson. David, do Lewis, Ray, do Gedney. Joseph, work on Stayton bridge 12.59 Brown. J. Work on Jefferson bridge Butler. Isaac T.. do 27.00 3.55 13.4C 3.00 3.40 9.38 3.00 7.02 7.03 7.02 3.75 3.75 11.75 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 at r-o cmkjd altomoiiili: poit Salem residence, or clwoe la acreage. Phone 1431R. FOR SALE A MODERN HOU8K ready to saove Into. Coene out and look It over. C4 South 13th SU F. A. Erixoa. FOR SALs LfT AXD TWO HOUSES close In. Terms If desired. Ala, owe power washlag machine. Apply 449 State street. Lersser Transfer Co. A DANDY S ACRE TRACT. IMPROVED tor sale or trade ror gooa stales) residence. U. F. Booth, 41 Masonic building. FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 OR S ROOM cottage, central toratioa. Btod era con venience, large Iwt. fruit, sardesj. ear paved street. Phono ItliK. C1UMT ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR sale, at Its North 12th. between Court and Mate: opposite Soprease Court building. Call forenooaa. or evenings after 7 o'clock. W. IL Cook. WAXTED TO BUT FROM OWXER FOR cash, naodern small hoase, a to 7 rooms. Address C W. S, rare States- 2.00 8.00 87.50 11.00 98.00 92.50 138.50 Clement. Clint, hauling gra- 91.00 vel 15.00 Curt. Cal.. do 7.90 87.50 Gilbert. Glen. work on 87.50 bridre 8.00 Hale, Oscar, do 2.00 Hays. Robt.. do 2.00 Kottoff. Frank, do 5.C0 Leverich. Wm.. do 8.00 Newton. W. H do 8.00 Solander. H. D.. do 8.00 Stiencipher. J. T.. do. 6.00 Wltherite. Del. do. 7.00 Witherite. Geo. hauling era vel 9.40 lllarrllastos llrMgea Brewer. John W.. lumber.. 447.43 Burch. Fred, work on bridg- 80.00 28.00 10.50 49.00 66.50 164.50 84.00 87.54 3.50 144.00 198.00 18.15 42.00 147.00 4.00 147.00 49.00 52.50 Portland Ry.. Light Pow er Co.. Willamette bridge lights Wilson. C. O.. lumber 1005.19 Ames. S.. nails and spikes.. 32.95 Deggeller. William, hauling lumber Fischer. Phillip, mileage .. Fischer. Phillip, work on bridges Krenx. Julias. (J., do Mangold, F. A., nails, shovel etc. Robl, Joseph, work on bridg es Sand berg. Charles, gravel . . Silver Falls Timber Co., lum ber Silverton Lumber Co., lum ber I load District No. II Huntley it Covington, lum ber Hall. Henry, mowing weeds, etc Durant. L. W., patrolman . . 17.25 10.50 22.65 126.00 80.00 9.03 50.00 2.0ft 2V06 C.12 18.35 6.00 8.6 (Continued Tomorrow.) PAINTERS I PORTLAND MARKETS 4 AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY F. H. KAYLOR. PAINTER. Winter. Phone Z90. Sit SOUTH JXnJnJJymBrlmYr avswaa. SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. SPICER, Manager. 22S State Street, We have taken the agency for the Case Six. Monitor Six and Moore Four, all of which are Case products. Th-y will be bandied at our place of busi ness A few second-hand car will sell at a sacrifice. Rturtehakee six. $375. Both mechanically first class. Just received, the new Monitor Six. See this fine new csr. PORTLAND, Or.. Aug. 28. Grain futures bids: Oats. No. 3 white feed TRANSFER HAULING August $52.o0; fcept ember ana ucio- wwwiww' I hir SSS P.arlpv standard feed Aug- AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND I t ' .,T 361: October $62 moving lobs done prompt-1 o. J Diue August auu scyieuiirci lv. Try me once. Timme. I IK?- October 862.50. Corn No. 3 yel 471 State St. Phons 943. Residence 1 ,ow Aug,,st 873.50; September and phone 1122J. I f.t ntvi, Fitern oats and corn lli: bulk: Oats. 36-pound clipped Aueut 849.50: September and Octo- ISEE PORTER FOR paints, wall ,. cjo. Oats, 38-pound clipped WALL PAPER. PAINT !er V 5 1.50. Corn. No. 3 yellow Aug- BRINO YOUR BATTERT. WORK TO F1FTE EN C ENTS AMCBU gnst $73; September $73.60; October the Battery Shoo. 203 n. commercial "r Vrnl turV Rtora. 179 Com- 7 3 - VSLTier, no. 2 aeptemoer ana street. Phone 413. All work guar- ft rfB fj,.rnitttr Btor om October S58. Corn. No. 3 TeUow De- .a--.-, a S EHISTEIbU B3U S3s w " REAL ESTATE 63.00 125.25 133.00 96.00 28.00 44.00 A Coming Biz InTCstmcn PEARS are coming to annreclatloa la the Hat of fruits. 935 a ton Is some little advance on around 920 a ton. The near growers 1 remember felt highly la ted on getting as high as $24. sad said tney paid well at that. 1 have 9 acres soon to bear. In good district, at a very reasonable figure. It will be worth while to see me oa wtis. A special deal. Wm. Fleming Realty Rustler S41 State Street. REAL ESTATE D0NT TAKE A CHANCE Insure that automobile. and de It right. We do It Call sm ataw LA FLAK a LAPLASt Hubbard Bids. SS44. MOOTBUT S-StOOK COT- ef trait and harries. FOB. KXCHAStOl lege. lHltl S poultry Shrsebatf. seeed walk, la live sseefa flreve, Ore. Fee aea ee W. CL aaaa omafa Balass seeeeety. semes Ssj See ee eeil far f 1. Slilasaisa efOee. arrease. FOR BARGAINS Cf REAL ESTATaT" both farss and city, see C W. Nle sayer. Masoals Bunding. Phoae lOOS WE HAVE IT! THE HOUSE UR LOOKING 4 S rooma. g baths, full cenaeat hmmm. meat, furnace, strictly mod era. close la. , rei saap. iss; itt cash, balaace to suit S rooms, basenaeat and toilet tvte la a first-class bona, aarge lot. alce. 12. 200: 8500 cash, bafaaca? teraaa. S rooma. cloea ta aeaooL aaa4 street., f i;0. Modern cottage. S rooms; It's the beet Salem; 3275s. f 1500 cash, baUaco wi mm. 5 room modern cottas-e. a beaut v it goes for $1350 cash If sold aooou room cottage. 9950; half cash. John H. Scott Realty Co. 494 Hubbard Building. to HEX V CY Either a farm or borne, buv from some one that gets U roar mufi worth. We sell rood armertu.- ir. m e.nd make a little money for your- i room modern cottage at 81350. a-reoaa plastered, good kaarment, large lot with nice frun. at T2200; 500 casbw 1J? plastered. 2 lots. 21490. $490 cash, balaace terms. ... room modern bungalow. 32000. o,ea't joe, when yu bay from John IL Scott Realty Co, 404 Hubbard BMg. Without doubt I have the largest number of town houses of any dealer la the city 190 at this date. There are some. In fact quite a few. good buys among them. A buyer may aspect fair square treatment as well as seller. We ask no more than the owner's price. In cluding the customary sale fee. We can atll use resMeaees of medium price oa easy terms, and particularly Install ment terms. Have more demaada than we can meet. Reining, The Really Rustler T. yaw SUdg. WOOD'S BARGAINS 7 room bungalow all ready to move Woods. Evart work on grade 1 1 9.00 1 . 32500; 95o cash. 5 room bungalow Xfi..-Ji... SeLn. I close in on paved atreet. 32200. 5 room cottage oa paved street. 912S0. room 23.05 150.00 1.1S 59.50 4.26 . 268.27 4.50 29.65 12.91 135.61 22.50 MJsrHlaneoas Accounts Archerd Implement Co.. Charles R.. gasoline .... Ashiby. Claude C, scarifier and grading Barr. Theo M., repairs for oil tank Beers, A. C. helper on truck Culver. W. J., adv. for auto hire, express, etc Domogalla. F A, hauling of material, etc Drager. D. G., adv. for feight on tools, etc, . . Elliott. N. D., printing truck rCJrOrt" r e e oaueeeee. Farmer Hdw. Co., Ray L., forge, etc Great Western Garage, gas. etc Heck man, Chester, worked on trucks Herren, J. H.. car service, etc Hodson-Feenaughty Co.. Cor nish rolls mounted on truck- 1000.00 Iowa Machine Shop, black- smitahtng 10.80 Kobow. Louis hauling gravel. 1266. 56 Korb, D., cement work 75.25 Lockwood. C. M.. gasoline. . . 36.90 Portland Marine Ways A Boat Co.. extras for Indepen dence ferry Quarkenbush. G. G., tractor oil 553.89 Kamsden, Lloyd E.. motorcy- cycle repairs Road Builders Equipment Co, injector for roller Salem Water. Light Power Co., water at tool house. . Scott. Harry W., motorcycle repairs Smith. B. R.. motorcycle cop Snyder, Bert A., operating of Buena Vista ferry Spaulding Logging Co., Chas. K.. lumber Standard Oil Co.. engine dis tillate, etc State Industrial Accident Commission, contri. aect. accident insurance Valley Motor Co.. 2 ton truck and repair work. White. Eva H.. making tran script accL market, rd. pro ceedings Yamhill Electric Co.. lights Newberg bridre Joint With Una Co. Albany Lumber Co.. lumber. Bowser Bros., moving tools bungalow, good location. 91900. 3 room bungalow, good location, scoo. 7 room modern house, two Iota, good location. 9000. 33 acres river bltom land, new bungalow, 31000. 3 acres river bottom land, half clear. 9(59. 0 acres of fine prune land, nearly all clear, 9(0 per acre or trade for modern home. 34 acres, all clear, on paved road, fair buildings. 8900. 50 acres, good build ings, close in. 9 acres prunes, some miaed orchard. 317.50. 5 acres all In orchard, good buiidnga. 32150. 200 1, s so I usx. i eras ic? ci uivsiti sin fww s, i ltw-r I close to Salem, at 9(0 per acre; timber win pay ror the place, two lota with bearing fruit, building 25x24. that could be made Into a bungalow with little money. Price 9l20e List your property with me. F. U WOOD. Bayne Bldg. C-R-Lut of Boys & Exchanges B-4-U-Inyejt ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LARGE lot. fruit, good location Bear aw-hool. 92.200. 91.Z00 cash, balance 12 per month without Intereet GOOD 7 ROOM HOUSE. 2 LOTS. FRUIT ''. on ear line. I "rice si.Cfre. room modern house and large lot Close la. airei atreet. 111 aa 50 ACRES. 20 UKAH1.SU ORCHARD. good buildings. 2 miles from town. 94.500. Will take Salem residence as part pay. 130 ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 4t bearing orchard, price 91.0eS. term a. 30 ACRES CLOSE IN. 0 ACRES BEAR- ing prune. Oood buildings, near ecaooL liar ea la 17 sea Hat your property with as foe results. rrmaj et maretev. sou Ke board BUdg. BEST BUYS 332.70 10.35 9.10 1.62 9.90 99.69 .75.00 3.88 214.34 2.71 . Cont'd 10.00 4.13 62.00 19 acres blsck loam, all cultivated, st school. 3 miles Salem; 9150. 157 acres. 3Vs miles McCoy. 21 acres cleared, running wster. stock barn, good pasture: only 955 per acre. 24 acres good valley soil. 14 cleared. 10 acres or young prunes and logans, buildings; stock and equipment goes at 37000. 40 acres X miles Wood burn; trad equity for Salem residence or srre sse close In. 3 acres H mils city limits, good soil, buildings, family orehsrd. Price 9100. 349 acres. 155 cleared, good buildings, silo, arrtng wster. close to Oak U rove Price 321.909. 24 acres red hill soil. IS acres trull buildings, spring. 7Vs miles Salem. I1Z.V00. 10( acre dairy and grain farm, on reck road. 4 miles italem. fine build ings. alio: only 320.000. 140 seres in Lake coanty to trade for hciiae In Salem. 40 seres beat valley loam. 30 cleared. 7 room bouse, barn, rock road. 3 miles city Imits; only 3200 per acre. Move into room furnished house for 31500. 15 acres 4H miles Aumsvilie. sll cleared, family orchard. 2Vh acres of strawberries, buildings, one-fourth of a mile to school; $1900, with stock sad equipment. 233 seres bill dairy. 310 acres cleared. good hoaae, dairy barn, spring water; one-rourtn mile school and station only flOo per acre. 10 acres all cleared 3 acres logans. red shot soil, good bouse and bam. H miles Kaiem; gees equipped at lli. 11.71 acres red bill soil, slightly roll ing. family orchard, buildings. mil school : only 310. 10 acres n iruit. logans and cherries. cloje t ialem: size. A good buy. 7 room low with baaement bendy for man working at oil tanks lli: 2100 down, balance oa laatall- fienta For 1KST FUYS see SOCOLOFSKT, 311 Htate M'ft Phone 97. FOR MMTwfARML FOR REXT STOCK AND GRAIN farm. See J. rt. Laulermas, Argo MOlCfc, GOOD BUYS 3 acres, house and barn, well berres and cherries, located t salles ' south of Salem. Price 9100 10 acres good loaraaberrv LaaaV all cultivated. Prlee 3110. Well improved 2 acre tract hmI bouse, barn, ttesHng fruits, gravel street. Close la. Irtce 31400? Improved 2 acre tract. - anlla rai car line, six room house, bearing fruiL W . . WW w . In Droved 10 acre tract, rmtu nalwa house, family eechard. timber aaa aaa. ture; cloee in. Price 9500. SO acre tract located 4 mllea aonlk 2 acres prunes, 5 acres or peara. sow timber and pasture, bouse aad barn. PrTcTsiftoo'0 C," . I e acre tract located on car lino, good house, prunes and cherries, her. nee. bam, paved road Price 3750. 1 acre all cultivated, good $ room plastered bungalow, cloee to car line. I rice 2 acres all cultivated. 4 acre bereries, 5 acres cherries. 5 acres cher ries ana apples, good a room plastered cottage, barn, chicken house, well, rart road and cloee to highway. Price 37. Oood 5 room bene alow located at tie 8. 11th street. Pries 91(50. 0 room bungalow and two flao lots on paved atreet- Price 32500. Good 5 room modem buaealaw laeal. ed In South Saiem. oa saved alreel Price 3275. . Oood T room modern bungalow locat ed at 14 N. 17th atreet, baaemeat, fer ace, garage, paved street, vacant aad ready to move Into. lYice S1950. S room modern house, corner lot. both streets psved. located la the south part of Salem. Price 3250. 4 room modern bonralow loeatad la South Salem. Price 31500. 145 acre farm all cultivated: arood aet of modern farm buildings good road. best of soil. Price 1M per sere. 815, e down. S3 sere farm nearly sll cultivated; bouse end barn. well, orchard, five miles east of Salem. Price 3150 per sere. is sere ef hearing prune orchard. 0 and rears old. rock road, t - aailea out. This orchard Is la f irst-claae shape. I vice 950. 20 acre tract located 4 miles out, small bouse and bum some cherrlea, neunes and peaches, several acres of fins bottom land. Price $1500. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 37 5 Stats street r n J d ) r I VI1C. , UitCVVl. I.