TliE PRECOX STATES3IAM: .THURSBAY, AUGUST.. 2, 19 10. CITY Ifcmrr at Ilrookn Tmij;lit Salem's jazziest orchestra. M7 X in lrtlanl City Attorney 11. V. Mary did not go la Portland yesterday to attend the hearing of the telephone rate ease despite reports that he was in 'attendance. The council at the last meeting te j-nd the proposal that tbe city attorney and E. T. Hnselle attend the hearing. t. Iliff White A ut Isfs Masonic Teiuple at 7:30 Friday evoning for the Stayton dance A Salem Product Tbelma Individual Chocolates Se eVerywhere. ' Athletic Demonstration Yesterday A number of Salem citizens wit nessed the physical training exhibi tion which Lieutenaat Sam Weidon save in the interests of army work here yesterday. To go three miles. r V In "ROSE OF THE RIVER "THAT WEIX DRESSED FOR SALE ONE BOWSER PIVE- gallon stroke pump. One Bowser ' one.gallon stroke pump. One Bow ser. 550 . gallon tank, nearly new and guaranteed to stand the state test. . WOOD-ROSE MOTOR CO. 245 State SL Phone 311 SALEM VEUE COMPANY 182 X. Com'l St. Phone 1604 Dealers in Marion and Polk Counties for Automobiles, Trucks, Tractors, Lighting; Plants and Water Systems. COL R. ML. HABDINCT , .AUCTIONEER Who has conducted sales throughout the United States and Canada,- Best of. references Write or phone R. M. Harding SILVEftTON OREGON ,. OUR METHOD of examination is the result of years ot practical, scientific experience. Let us examine your eyes and fit yon with the proper - correction In ..- ,,f f",? ".'"lenses , . tKn;4 DR. H ILVLL WILSON' Optaaaetrlat ltS-511 n. & Bank Bunding? J'hones: Office 145. Residence 1214 , Offica Cloned Saturdays Let ns outline our collection service to you which will handle your bad accounts Capital Credit ft Adjustment Co. 416 Masonic Temple SALEM ' OREGON KABO CORSETS k. $1.50 12.00 $3.00 - TRIE . REMNANT STORK 245 N. Commercial St. MONUMENTS If your monumental work Is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for oar bttnaess card. Capital Monamental Works, .2211 S. Com. St. Ph"i f 89. Salem Salem Auto Radiator Shop -Radiators, Fenders and Gas Tanks Repaired Tractor Radiators a Specialty All work guaranteed. US g. 12th St. Salem, Ore. Small Investment Loans Keaity loans House .Rental Agency, General Property Dealing. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO, 404-406 Hubbard Bids. Phone 254 Salem. Ore. " Fsr Hardware- JTurnlture and Second Hand Good CAPITAL HARDWARE & ' FURNITURE CO. I It you have furniture stoves or carpets to sell, phone 147. or ' call at 289 K. Oaaaaereial Street WANTED Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools and. in fact, anything you have to sell. I bay for cash. Phone 510 or 611. W00DRY, The Auctioneer "We Are Paying TOP PRICES FOR EGGS Also in the Market for NEW POTATOES The People's Cash Store ' ; Phone 453.- H North Commercial St. 63EWS three styles in 15 minutes may seem to be aa easy accomplishment; but the Lieutenant rode a bicycle a mile, walked a mile and ran the same dis tance in that time, and challegened anyoae to duplicate the performance. Lieutenant v el don holds the army chanxponshlp title for this event, his orficial trine biog 12 minutes. He was handicapped : yesterday by in ability to secure .other than a coaster brake bicycle. Jazzola What is it? Come to the Stayton dance Friday night and see for your self. Marines Wanted for Fleet Corporal High of the local marine corps recruiting tsation is in receipt of an order that honorably discharg ed marines may re-enlist for special alignment with the Pacific fleet. Returns to Port land , Carl W. Roberta, a department manager with the iieir & Frank com pany ia Portland, has returned to that city after a week in Salem with relatives and friends. "Tlit-Ima Individual Chocolate Made in Salem, 5c everywhere. All Business House Will Clowe AH day Monday, Sept. 1st, Labor day. Card of Thanks The family of Mrs. P. A. Caspell, deceaesd, wishes to express their gratitude and appreciation to the many friends who so kindly assisted them in their late berieavement. The Caspell Children. . Condon Gets Hotel :. Articles of incorporation filed yes terday by the Condon" Hotel company indicate that a modern hotel building is to be constructed in that city. The incorporators are William Crawford, J. E. Crowe, O.-B. Robertson, C. W. Harrs and Lester Wade. The capi talization is $45,900. Other new firms filin garticles yesterday were: Nursery Furniture - Manufacturing company, Portland; incorporators, Melvin A. Peterson, Dale C. Mnlhol and and John Manning;., capitaliza tion, $8000. Hub Cleaning works. S MITH' O FOrt V MO'KEW State, and Comanercial Sts. Electric Machinery and Engineering Company - For - EXPEBT ELECTRICAL WORK 175 So. Commercial St. Phone 955 WILLARD Storage Battery SERVICE STATION 418 Court Street. Telephone 203 Will be located at 238 N. High. St. About September 1 CITY CLEANING WORKS Cleairers of Quality . Cleaning .Dyeing- Repairing 1261 State St. Phone 703 0REG0NUS A PERFECT CIGAB Manufactured by , HENDERSON'S CIGAR FACTORY Phone 319 MYRTLE KN0WLANLV Moslc and Sfnsical Merchandise -- Sonors Dealer in Salem ' 415 Court St. Salem, Oregon Telephone .352 Let ns proTe to yon that our prices are less. Some good bargains in new and used pianos. THE WILEY B. ALLEN CO. 519 Court St. , . Darby building WANTED JUNK AND MACHINERY- OF ALL - - . - . . KINDS . . We also buy second-hand goods. If you have anything to sell lor a good price call, 398. The Square Deal House. . , . , ' ' CAPITAL JUNK CO. ' 271 Chemeketa SL lem. Ore. HAS A PLUNGING VACUUM DASHER It washes cleaner and quicker and handles the clothes easier than any nhv washer of this tvoe. It olunges. forrlne the hot suds through the clothes, removing every, particle of U1I I. . WELCH ELECTRIC CO. 379 State Street Phone 953 i rMTiir-iv -itt7a ia' Albany: bon-nnratnr. T f ,. c- E. Williamson and Lloyd Talbert" Capitalization 15000. The Sphag num Moss Products company of Port land has reduced Its capitalization from $50,000 to $20,000. Resolu tions were filed showing the dissolu tion of Ullenthai Bros.. Inc., of Port land. Peaches for Canning Place your order with Roths' Gro cery, C. M. Roberts, Foster & Baker for Tuscan Clings and Crawfords or phone 4F3. Winstanley Estate. Service Men Meet Tuesday To install the recently elected of ficers. Capital Post No. 9. American Legion, will hold a meeting Tuesday September 2. at 8 o'clock in the Comsnertial chib rooms. It is prob able that the delegates to the state convention which is to be held in Portland will be chosen at the meet ing. Retnrns from France Dr. J, H. Garajjbst :as returned from France and resumed his prac tice with Dr. E. E. Fisher, 514 U. S. National bank building. Captain Wygaat Home Captain R. C. Wygant has returoed to Salem after service of 18 months With the engineers in France. He was asociated with the state high way commission when he entered the tervice in 1917 going to the first of fice: training tamp at the Presidio where he won his commission. He wa sformerly a member of Company MJ. old Third Oregon, and served with it on the Meixcan border in 1916. Thin Week Drapery Special Full colo r line Sundour window drapes, values to $1.50 yard, special a 5c yard. Hamilton's store. Claim is Denial The claim -of Frank Iee Allen, a Portland shipyard jtxrker who claims he lost the vision of one eye because of a a, accident in the yards, has been rejected by the industrial accident. commision. Alien ciaunea sdoiu $S50. After investigation it is he!d by the conuiiision that the eye was rendered useless prior to the ship yard Injury. Statement sof a former empldyer and of a nurse who attend ed him at the time of his latest in Jury are cited by the commission. Evergreen Blackberries We are fn the nrsrrket. Brine them ro our big" plant opposite Southern Pacific company passenger station or phone 304. Crates furnished. Phez company. Pork Raiders to 3Ieet , Members of the United States Na tional Bank Pie club are receiving notices that a meeting will be held in the Salem Commercial club rooms at 1:30 v. m. Saturday. August 30. The office of County School Super intendent W. M. Smith was busy mailing the circulars yesterday. Crawford Canning Peached Now ready at Louis Lachmund' ranch in Kaiser bottom, 5 miles north of Salem. Bring your boxes- H. W. Bowden, foreman. Phone farm 29F3. How Does Yoni- Motorcycle Behave? Local motorcycle drivers and deal ers are inaugurating a campaign to discourage the use of the open cut out while traveling- through popu lated districts. It is claimed tbat much of the sentiment against the one track machine is caused by the careles driver who goes roaring along city streets and boulevards with muf fler wide open and emitting smoke and back fire explosions. The mo torcycle is befog recognized as a gen eral ntility machine and was widely used in the war. Lieut. R. L. Knos, transport corps. United States army nd with the, American forces in Eng land is In favor of the nation-wide APPLES APPLES "We are on the market for your cull apples. Don't let them' lay and rot. Remember a few ex tra dollars always coroe in han dy, so piek up your good cull apples and take them to the Commercial Cider Works Phone 2194 3010 N. Com! St. P. 11. GREGORY, Mgr. bid you read this advertisement? Our experience and extensive re search into the science of our profession man tles us with the authority to serve with a wise discretion. a7HWI4!llMiU iq-1f.-lH:W-:M move for the Gentleman-Mctorrrrlttl and ; has stated, that the motorcycle is not regarded "as a noisy toy in the United Kingdom' and that the open out-out is unknown there. Local Local ahaps and garages are display, ing the following placard. , 'Cut Out' the Open Cut-Out ;" "Don't Be an open Muffler Boob" and "Gentle man' Riders Do'Not'l'se Cot-Outs." The Dance with Pel At Brooks tonight. Fire on Mlsk.n street The fire department responded to a call last night at the Cros resi dence. 1533 Mission street. The de partment was. out for over' an hour! and succeeded in confining the blaze to the second" story and roof, which was badly damaged, most ot the con tents of the house being saved. Son'! Hern A son was birn yesterday to Mr and Mrs. J. C. Armpriest. 332 North Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Armprlest is with the Barr Plumbing shop. "Tli el ma Individual Chocolate A Salem product made by The Gray Belle distributed by George E. Wate-s for sale esverywhere. Be Three Fout Keri tiralnate Ray A. Fasching. Warren E. Para ges and H. II. Wagner, all o fthe Price Shoe company, have received notice of their graduation from the! American school of Practlpedlcs ot Chicago. The grade of all was 9"; per cent. The course covers all phas es of shoe fitting and the study of malformations of the feet and their correction by proper footwear. Wanted to Buy front oirner For cash, modern small home. " to 7 rooms. Address C. W. S., care Statesman. Teachers Are Elected Five teachers were elected at a h":ief meetiag of the Salem school beard" Tuesday night. They , were: Miss Anna Boentze for the element ary schools at a salary of $00 a month; Marie Barber for the high school at $120; Jenne F. lluggins Tor the high school at S120; Josephine Barber for high school at 1 110; Juan ita Moores for the library at $35. Receiver Given Authority On the petition of J. F. Morris vs. the Gates Mill company et al Judge Percy R. Kelly yesterday signed an order empowering She:1fr W. I. Need h&iiu receiver la the case, to take ac tion againts the Southern Pacific company to release funds held by the company .for the defendant. Legal' Blanks Get them at the Statesman office. Catalog on apphcatioa. ob Recorder Still Employment Agent City Recorder Earl Race is meet ing with much Success in his volun tary efforts to find employment for pe.sons desiring - Jobs. Yesterday there was a call for peach gatherers, there' beiag work for about 12 men. All Salem citizens can help in the cause by liaing up, the.menh?B Jobs and Jobless men for the city recorder. Employers neeuing additional neip should file their requirement with Str . Race. This Week Irauery Special Full color' line Sundour window drapes, values to $1.50 a yard, spe cial 9ic yard. Hamilton's store. Religious Meeting .Utarted A ph,one call to police headquar ters at 8:30 last night requested that an officer be sent to quiet some boys who attempted to break up the Apos tolic Faith esrvices being conducted in a tent on Fourteenth street near North Mill creek. Oficer Morelock hurried out to the scene of the trou ble but found that the distu;Wrs had disappeared. Try Xortherm Floor "It's a Bear." Every snck anteed. At your gorccrs. guat- Marine Return V. M. Elwell. son of L. C Elwell of the state highway department, re turned yesterday after a. lojg penou of service with the 11th United Slates marines. He arrived overesas two weeks beofre the signing of the armistice and returned July 2. He was discharged in Virginia. In the Sfarket' for Prunes Highest prices paid. A. F. Kurti phone 11SS. Walker Returns H. Stuart Walker, former Salem hjrh wbnnl lad. has returned from France to his home east of Salem. Mr. Walker saw IS months service in wane and vai with the famous beios a member of the hospital corps of that branch of the service. With his organization he was in several active campaigns and was . recently with the army of occupation in Germany. t Dance at Brooks Tonight Salem's Jazziest orchestra. Harry Levy has:. returned from T-lnnr wharo ha vent TuesdSV OS information from ihe Salem police that, his car wnicn was wwn i Friday had been found by Portland officers. " Much credit for the early tsnlen machine is said to be due to the prompt manner in which Chler or ronce, ruej A-4nn-vn matter to the po- lice of neighboring cities. There has j . w .x.iutnra aa to the dent-: ity of the Ford's purloiner. a popu lar conjecture being that the car was picked up by the escaped ?,t; Wyater Willis. Willis had made bU getaway on the afternoon of August 2 The car was found on1 the east side' in Portland .havlag evidently been abandoned when the fMn in the task was exhausted. .Other wise the car was in as goid condition as when taken. Lot One Tale cvrer . . For Nash car. Finder pleaea lev same at the Wood-Rose Motor Co. of fice and receive reward. aaaaaaaaaMaaaHaaaaaalfeBBaBVaaavaaaS-BwaaaaaaB ' "Don't target the old tavlag that he laughs best who laughs last.' - . "You're wrong: it'sHe laughs best whose laugh' lasts " Utlca Globe. SALEM PERSONS WILL BE HEARD Dr. George F. Holt and Hazel Todhunter' Speak at State. Convention PORTLAND. Or.. Ang. 21. Bap. I tist young people of Oregon !!! meet on the Gladstone ChjiiiaM".ua ground near this city betwej August 30 and September 1, in their first an- nual institute or umAruer tw-riibl) . A great three day iirjgram has beea prepared by State President 1 tar ley K. Hallgren. which iBclHd.-s address es by several prominent Pacific coast Baptists. Rev. T. II. Hajren of Seattle wi: speak Saturday night. Uev. Ceo. re F. Holt of Salem. Sunday morning; Dr. W. It. Hijson of Portland. Sun day afternoon: Rev. W. Earle Smith nf Ijos Angeles. Sunday night; ML.- Mabel Mines of Ixs Anegles. Mon day morntnr. and Dr. AIjuio M. Pet ty of Portland. Monday night. The following names alo appear oa the program: Oorgi F. Holt Jr.. and Miss llazel Todhunter of Salem; V. A. Vinrent. president of the Wnt Willamette association; It. II. Hark- ett. president of the Rogue Hlver as sociation, and Dr. O. C. Wright. ge;i eral secretary of the Oregon statel convention. , The institute will be the biggest! B.Y.P.U. event of the year. It Is announced as fourfold In purpose educational, devotional, recreational and inspirational. Delegates from a.l over tne. state nave aireaay rois tered. By Sundy an attendance of 1000 Is expected. Camping facilities have been provided. Several minis ters and their wives will direct tne camp life. TO KEEP THE OlrLDRKX WELL Mr; Amanda Flint "New Philadelphia. O.. write: l heartily recommend . - ley" Honey r.d Tar. It reiierea my little" irfrl of the worst tick tin rough. She wu so badly annoyed at night I tried a reat njany thing". "IO,"'1 nothing to help her nntll 1 sot Foley's Honey and Tar." Contalna no opiates. Best for any -cold. J. C Ferry. ; GOVERNMENT OPERATION OF RAILWAYS IMPENDS (Continued from page 1) nleht for Bar? tow. wBT-re almost 200 passengers' are stranded as the result, of the tie-nip of five overland passenger trains. t , 4 RUM TEACHERS ARE GIVEN HELP Manual With Coarse of Study Gives Suggestif e Time Saying Program Rural school teachers who have all of the eight grades In a single room receive special consideration In the new manual covering the course of study for elementary grades Issued by State Superintendent J. . A- ChurchllL The manual contains rural school program showing how claspei may be combined for the be economy of time of both pupil and teacher. The course of study has Just been received from the press by Superintendent Churchill and its dis tribution among the teachers of the state be ran yesterday. Concernlnr the several subjects covered In the course Superintendent Churchill says: "One o( the most important new features Is the supplementary work in the course of reading. In addition to the basal text, the teacher is tn choose one of four adopted texts tn be used for supplementary wotk. At least one of the supplementary texts be purchased by the school board for -the use of the-pupil.-, ..Those If 0M M00RE BURN THE TRACKS "THIRTY A WEEK" See the Sensational Auto RarH at Slieephead Bay, New YorkJ The WorM's narertevll iwm era In Act km A Thrill Second Now Show lag YE LIBERTY. RATTERY TROUBLES HERE OtJIt WORK MUST, SATTS YOU OR WE' DON T WANT YOUR MONEY . 1 BATTERY SHOP 263 Nl Commerclar SL 1 BRING YOUR adopted for this purpose are Liters tare Readers.' Younr. and Field Lit erary Readersi Merrill Readers; audi Riverside Readers. ' " , '"For the language in the -fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and 1 eighth grades, the teacher la referred to the coarse of study -in elementary Eag lifth which arompanle the adopted text. Potter. -Jeschke and Clllet's Oral and Written English. This man ual Is furnished free to all teachers. "Id geography the same text a used last year will be followed until Ihe changes In the boundaries appear In Ihe map of the newly adopted texts of the Tarr and McMurry ser ies. The are expected to be ready for ps-j at the otvaing of the schools in the rati ot 1220. . "fn Amer'ean history the outline for the first four grades follows that piveu In the report ofhe committee ef Hght. The course In the first two grades Is planned to given the child an ltpre?rk.n of primitive life and an appreciation of the public" holi days. Tb? child is taught to enter Into the spirit of all public holidays and to respect the .historical back ground that taa made these days ponible. In the third grade the her oes of other 'hues are Introduced, and is tit ' fourth the pupil Is present to b:tuit(3l u od'Vad ptrtoni In American h'sli ry. - The work of tb-xe first fcur shades prepares the war ft r tb i.t -iC3 or American his tory and the American beginning in Europe taught in the fifth and sixth grades, and for the more complete and detailed study of American his tory of the seventh and eighth grades." Bess And does he really love her so much? June Why, he couldn't love her more if she hated the very sight of him. Boston Globe. . D0NT The Canning Season is Close a few days to fill all canning FITTS MARKET 444 Court Street Newport Fish LADD & BUSH, BANKERS . Established 18C8 . . , ' General Banking Bnilrieo ' Commencing June 16th banking hourr will b 10 a. m. to 3 p. in. Crawford Pree Stonei, Rrit for Canning $1.50 and $L75 per Bushel . DeliYered' NorUx cf Mkxioa Phone your order WARD K. 2335 Front Street Do yon want to get your freight and express cut cf Portland quicker than yon erer Hi before? Route It Yia Willamette Valley Transfer Co. Phone 1400 STATE P. STREET 31 8 We Want Evergreen Your BlacRbernes , - .a s a. . . WE BAKE CAKES . Made from purest ingredients, haketl in our elect rie ovens by our own sanitary method. Rich fillings, and always fresh. If you have'nt tried Bake-Rite Bread DO IT NOW. BAKE-RITE SANITARY BAKERY 457 State Street Publisher What literary- experi ence have you previously had Applicant I've been writing- the screen text for the moving pic tares. Publisher I'm afraid you won't do. Our man must have some knowl edge of grammar and spelling. Lire. "Did you get the bill for my bath ing suit, rather deaxr "Yea. The bill was a great Im provement on the suit." - , "In what way?" "It was- so large," Washington Star. FORGET at Hand. We will be ready in orders. Fresh Daily RICHARDSON " ' Phone 434 Peaches Dr.G.B: aNeffl - OPTOnETRIST-OPTICIAN f .LaddBush Dank BuMn . Tftar Stale spd Waal W tion625v dtiOc Alt Varieties O c Blackberries, Bring them in er'en if you haTe only a few pounds. "We furnish' boxes and crates. "We are also in' the market for canning and eTap-. orating apples. . .. - Come And See Us Before Ton SelL MANGIS BROS. Warehouse High and Ferry St. Phone 717 Office 542 State St. Salem, On i