TTTE OREGON ST.tTKS3LlX ; YKDXKSIAV. AUGUST go, 1010. " f 1 if ied Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Ca a Readily Find Them They're Worth While T I . y-7Tl ,! NORWICH UXION FIAX INSURANCE SOCIETY rhlelsen, Roland A Bm-ghardt Resident Aent 871 8ut St. MONEY TO LOAN a nrniOTCD FARM PBOPERTT AT Lowest bates, no commission THOS. K. F0RDo,V,f. R1PERandRPER 32CEHTand OCEHT FARM LOANS We ku toaey for five years. We Itov yoa par (100 or utaltiple ea tke aria4pal aay interest a at a. We lee eat loans promptly. Hawkins and Roberts, 114 Misonlo Bldg.. Salea, Ore. CLaJIDIXD ADTKRTISKaKKJrrS Bate Pee Word. first Insertion 1 Subsequent Insertions He One week (six Insertions)...... lo One month ................... So Six months contract, per mo., to 11 months' contract, per mo... 7c No acct. opened for less tban.lSe A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 10c announcing "For Bale" "For Rent" "Rooms" or "Board. W TODAY. Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New To day (or the first Insertion, unjeaa otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent lneertton of the ad. will appear under its proper classification. - No advertisement will be run aoder "New Today" for more than oaa Issue under any circumstances NEWTODAY HOME FOR SALE S ROOM HOl'SE. not water, heat and every conveni ence; all kinds of fruit, garden and berries. I acre; on paved street near earline. Phone owner 2440. or call Market street. Garden road. FIVE SALESMEN AND COLLECTORS i wanted, young men preferred. See Klncaid. 337 State street. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FVU- nished house or apartment perman ently by couple without children. Will f lease.- Occupy immediately. Phone or write Salem Fruit Co. WANTED HEAD LAUNDRESS AND t two young women to have charge of little deaf children out of school hours. Mate School for Deaf. FOR SALE RIVER BOTTOM RANCH of 1l acres. 4 acres cleared, nouse and barn, hard cottonwood timber. j the finest kind of loganberry land at ( per acre. Will take some city property in trade. Terms on bal ance. rlin Harding at Salem H- 1 ware co. - ea srai: FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. HANDSOME SHETLAND , sale. Phone 2J10J2. PON FOR rOR SALE VRESH SWISS MILH goaC Also one. buck and one young doe. W. E. Smith. Jefferson. Ore. FARM MAGAZIXES IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this an. BUSCELLAKEOVS FOR SALE 40 TONS CHOICE OAT hay. D. C. Minto. Phone 1073. TOR SALE ONE HORSE. ONE COW, . 13- Inch plow and single horse culti vator. 11. C Howard, box 231. Rt 3. FOR SALE PEACHES FOR ALL Do mestic purposes. M. P. Adams. Route 1. Box 10a. Phone &8F12. rOR SALE OR TRADE NEW 1919 Harley-Davldson motorcycle and side car. Electrical. Cheap for cash or take automobile in trade. Box 53. Junction City. Ore. USED CARS FOR SALE 1918 MAX- well good as new; 1917 Maxwell, run tat miles, cash or terms, iti bo. CommerclaL Phone 399. WOOD FOR THE HAULING AT COR her Trade and South Commercial, where the old building is being wrecked. It is yours for taking it away ns long as it lasts. Salem Water Co. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE 35 ha, 3 cyl., with throttling governor. aeavy fir and belt wheel. Formerly ased as auxiliary In electric light - Plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank goes with it. Scott Bosorth. ; T03 Spaulding Bldg.. PorUand. Ore. BOOKS OF KKOWLEDOK-A COM Plata set of IS volumes, cloth bind ing, new. never unboxed. Will sell for less than cost. Addraaa "Book.' are Statesman. CArIt7nr r THBl OATMAN GIRLS ihils"tr.u 'orjr of w."werB ,mm'- gratlon has been carefully revised. anaklnv a dandantna ltttlo book. It tells la rraDhic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenso. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was ourchased from ue Indians five years later. The price Is 90 cents, postpaid. Address wagon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. rotruTRT aaaaamaaaai si - - --r--..-Mrxr-u-u-u-)J-)j- THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR , "aL, the biggest and best In the wesC: ine live magasine for live poultry, men 73 cents a year. $1.00 in Salem: Send 8 Cents tnr aamnl tnriav Ad. dress The Northwest Poultry Journal. wegon. Mention this ad. EMPLOYMENT FEMAXaB tt'LKKEEPER WANTED FOR A family of two. Phone 1599R. :'U1 WANTED AT THE GLOVE rectory, lljj Oak St. Steady work. EXPERIENCED MILLINERY MAKER wB'cd. M. Itulfe-Morrinon. the Tench Shop, Masonic building. wanted a high school or cou JKe girl to work for room and ; boerd. Will pay wages until school "Pens. Apply at 690 N. Summff-SU Rwd Ihc Classified Adii i--)i-irnnnn CARRIER WANTED FOR THE ORE- D a n 2- i r iI s . - 371 State street. JOOD SALESMAN WANTED EXPER- ivnceu in tractors ana farm machin ery. Salem Velle Co.. 162 N. Com mercial street. WANTED ONE LIVE A-l MAN FOR our circulation department. Can make $5 a Say. See Mr. Palmer. Statesman office, at once. BOYS BOYS, BOYS: WORK FOR THB oiaiesman this summer. Make BIG money. Only boys over 14 considered. Apply Circulation Dept. EXPERIENCED HOUSE TO HOUSE canvasser. Exceptional proposition with t-xclurive territory and steady employment. Address Geo. H. Men denhall. New Houston Hotel. Port land. Oregon. WANTED BOYS THERE WILL. BE a rew good Statesman routes oDen this summer. List your name now and get first chance at a good route. Apply Circulation Department. Daily oiaiesman. MISCELLANEOUS. HOP PICKERS WANTED IN M1TOMA YARD Parties who have formerly picked at the Mitoma Yard are asked to register early, as well as any oth era. We furnish, tents, wood, straw for bedding, tables and benches and nop baskets. There will be a more on the grounds and goods can be purchased as cheap as in town. We have 114 acres of the very best hops in Oregon ana win pay 60c per box. You can make big money. Register at once at Adolph Bros. Cigar Store, State street or Homer H. Smith, Mc- uornacK building, court street. FOR RENT IIOOMS THREE TrtCSEKEEPING ROOMS 687 North rroiu. FOR ItEST TWO FURNINSHED rooms. Breakfast if desired. 455 X. bummer Phone 1317 JBousea FOR RENT HOUSES, APARTMENTS and farms. F. L. Wood. 141 State street. Phone 794. T TEXTS FOR RENT A FURNISHED TENT (less covering for bed) just north of tent city. A- J. Basey, Newport WANTED KIS CELLA1TEO U S. WANTED A FIVE PASSENGER Ford body. Phone 794. WANTED FOR CASH GOOD SECOND hand Ford car or late model. Soco lofsky. State street. WANTED TO RENT A MODERN house with good yard. Address (3 Mill street. WANT A LOAN OF 1800 ON $2000 city property. Insured for 3800. In surance to be assigned to lender. Client reliable. Socolofsky. State St. WE BUT ANT KIXD OF USED CARS. Phone 399. 197 South CommerclaL AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. SPICER. Manager. Z2 State Street. We have taken the agency for the Case Six. Monitor Six and Moore Four, all of which are Case products. Thy will be handled at our place of busi ness A few second-hand care will sell st a sacrifice. 1918 Chevrolet 3609. Stude naker Six $375.. Both mechanically first class. erf 33 A Just received, the new Monitor bix. jSee this fine OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 Nortn Commercial St Phone fc66 buTS. SELLS AND EXCHANGES ALL, makes of cars and parts, complete wrecking department. Studebsker 30. $180. 1918 Chevrolet Sedan. $800. 1916 Buick, first claas condition. 6 pasbsenger Chalmers, good mechani cal condition, $273. Overland, would consider city lot in exchange. Stu debaker Light Four, electric starter and lights. 8a0. 1917 Maxwell. $550. ton Locomobile truck. Flanders 20, fin condition, $250. 1916 Maxwell. $10. BR I NO TOUR BATTERT WORK TO the Battery Shop, Z63 N. (Commercial street. Phone 413. All worn guar an teed. IF TOU WANT TO BUT, SELL OR trade year old auto or auto parts see Stein bock Junk Co.. (Auto w reccersj xzt North Commercial St. Phone 30. atrro serticbi BHIPP'S AUTO BERVlCaV CITT AND country trips. Phone: uay. night, 889. - TIRES REPAIRJCD VTJLCAHIIIHH GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South commercial . Phone 428. BUSINESS CARDS CHIMXKV 8 WEEPS SALEM CHIMNET SWEEP HAVE vour chlmners and rurnaces cieanea and repaired for the fall. Phone 191. DRATS AMD KXFRCSS rARMER TRANSFER WE MOVE store gooda Day phona 888. 3 AND Night phone 189S. CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER COMPACT Phone 933. Salea s largest ana neai equipped trsasfer company. Get ear re dneed freieht rates en eastern shipmenta Alas for storage, as we have three ware- feoasea in eonaeetioa wita besiaeaa. rami tar movine. nackioc hinninr sad stor iae ear specialty. Office. 228 6tate SL IXSUMA JfCE. GILT EDGE FIRE INSURANCE PRO TECTION and uD-to-thrs-mlnute in urine service, has always been the leading policy of the Oregon Fire Kelier Association oi jicjiinunim na o. R. R. A. has maintained an established Salem Agency for over twenty years, and we are here to give you service at all times. -A. Johnson Insurance Agency, over Ladd A Bush Bank. Salem, i nono . -i n niinrii-ii-n - - -- -- --- JUNK WANTED WB FAT HIGHEST price for juna or every kidq- tt. -make yo a price on your household roods. The "Square Dal House Capital Junk Co, 371 Chemeketa St Phona . I BUT JUSK Or KVERT KIND RAOS. bottles, eietsla. ires, an aiaos m hr. hrnkea down - nnlootwbiles sad n.r t anlamohilea. KtinWk Jank f ana N. Cnmrnerrtal St- Salem. Pfcwaa n5 Read the Qassified Ads. CTXAVCXAl FREE INFORMATION IF TOU WANT information about any kind ef life Insurance, see J. F. Hutchaaon. dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of New York. Off fee at 371 State street Salem, Ore. Office phone t, resi dence 1396. LAUNDRIES. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing dona at a rata every body can afford. For only 16 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing; within twenty-four houta. Phone 3471. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN, 436 ferry Bt. I pay top market price for chickens and erft. Hoate phone 1333J. Shop phone 1339J. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. 6c per pound. 116 South Liberty 81 rnone ze. MONET TO fuOAll. GOVERNMENT LOAN'S AT 5 PER cent. W. 1). Smith. 303 Salem Bank of commerce. LAST CHANCE The Federal An Preiser is here. If you need a Federal farm Uian any time before January 1 file your aDDlicaation Immediately, it you delay you will be disappointed. A. C BOHHNSTEDT 101 Masonic- Temple, Salem, Oregon. OPTOMETRISTS. DR. U HALL WILSON Special ist In the Modern Scientific Ap plication of Glasses for the aid or vision and the relief of Eyestrain ana Heaaacne. Office closed Saturdays. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank Building. Phone, office 145: res. 1244. ki:pair SHOPS v STEWART'S REPAIR SHOP 317 Court. Lawn-mowers sharpened. lcksmithins. Saw-filing. Knives, Scissors ground. Umbrellas repaired. Razors sharpened. SECOND HAID FURKITDRH BEFORE TOO BUT OR SELL TOUR furniture, stoves or carpets, you will pain by callicg on us. The Capital Hardware Co.. 285 North Commercial St. Phone 947. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 N. Commercial. Phone 734. Home of bargains. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. We buy. sell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. IECOXD HABD GOODS USED BEFORE SELLING TOUR Furniture or Clothing, etc. see J. A. Rowland. I pay the highest cash price or will take in used goods for new. Call at 247 N. Commercial St. or ploe 16. 8ECOXD HASP tiOODS. w"e Buy" and-sell-si;condhXd goods of all kinds. Dine flttlnn. har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Schlndier, 3(8 Canter street. FA13TTKRS MARTIN" PAINTER. PHONE 704. F. H. KATLOR. PAINTER. Winter. Phone 28. SIS SOUTH TRANSFER HAtTLUG AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. . Household moving lobs dona prompt It. Try me once. Timma. 47S State St. Phone 913. Residence phone 112XJ. WALL PAPER. FAUTT BEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing, oood workmen. 486 Court St- Phon 488. FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice wan I'aper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial street. WOVE WIRES FEHCISO Depet Watlaaal at Aaaerieaa Feavee. all alaea. 14 la. U 48 I, blah. Pal at a. OUa and Vaataav Steves Reballt and Repaired. lAgaaberry and Hap Heaka, Salens Fence Jk Stave Warns. ZSS Cenrt St. Phone 1S4 R. B. riEnKQ. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. 8. C Chlropractlcs fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the cause of disease. Of rice 464-7-S U. 8. National Bank Building. Phona 17. Residence 12SR. OSTEOPATHY. DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Klrks vtlle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. 8. Nstlonal Bank Bldg. Phona 19. Residence, 41t North Summer. Phone fl4. CHIXKSK PHTSICIAIf OR. I M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease, 1st 8. High St. Phone SIS. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 101 8. Commercial street. For water serv ice annlr at office. Make all com plaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Here after water for Irrigation will only be furnlahed to regular customers us ing water for domestic purposes. Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will pleaaa read "for building purpose" under ached nle of rates. Apply at office for copy LEGAL KOTICXS. XOTICK Ti TAXPAYERS 4K MAUI OX COUNTY, OUEGOX. Tha board of equalization will met-t at the court house in said coun- .ty on Monday, September 8th. 19 IS at 10 o'clock a. m.. and rub iciv ex amine' the assessment roll and cor rect all errors in valuation, descrip tion of quality of laad. lots or other property, and continue in seooion un til such work is completed. All persons interested nre notmed to appear and examine their assess ments for the year 1919. and if not satisfied with the same file appjica-j fion in writi-ig properly verined lor a reduction or alteration of the same during the first Tifteen days or such meetinE. as no romplalnts can He re ceived thereafter. Ren f. West. , Assessor of Marion County. , August 17. 1919. Read the Classified Adi WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Greamrw A PrMni n" Salem, Oregon, Phone 2488 I SALEM MARKETS I butixu mica Kffgs and Ponltry. Eggs, 42c. Hens, 22 to 24c. Hroilera. 20c. Old roosters, 12c. Dressed hogs, 24 c. Pork. Mutton and Beef, Fork on foot, 19c Lambs, 10 to 11c. 1 Beef, steers, 8 to 9)4 e. Cows, 5 to 8c. Top veal, 22c. nay. Cheat hay, per ton f 17. Oat and vtch hay. per ton $20. Clover bay, $20. Grain. Wheat, $2. Feed oats, 83c. Milling oats. 90c. Beans, nominaL Mill Feed. Retail. MJllrun, 43 to 4 4c. Wholesale To Dealers. Cheamery butter cartons. 61c to 6ZC. Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem. 61c Frnlt, .Pol.Ui.. .. t J 1 r . I -v,...wl.VCB oiauuaiuo, 10 ji Oranges. $5 to $6.60. Bananas, 9 c. Cassaba3. 2c a pound. Grapes, J2.50 to $3.50 a crate. Lemons. $6.50 to $8 a box. California Grape Fruit, $8. Peaches. "3c to 90c a box. Watermelons, lc a pound. Vegetable. Cabbago. 3c. O.iions. $3.25 a sack. Carrots. 45c a doz. bbmes. Turnips, 45c a dozen bunchea. Lettuce. 60c a dozen. New potatoes, 2e a pound. Green peppers. 12 He a pound. Celery, $1 a dozen. Green corn, 35c a dozen. Tomatoes. $1.25 to$1.50 a box. Egg plant, 15c a pound. Cucumbers. $1 a box. Retail Price. Creamery butter, 70c. Dairy butter, 50 to 55c. -Eggs, 0c. Flour, hard wheat. $2.90 to $3.10. Flour, valley, $2,55 0 $3. Sugar, cane and beet 10a. PORTLAND MARKETS PORTL VXD, ORE., Aug. 19 Grain futures bids: Oats, No. 3 white, Aiipust $ i; September $56: October $57. Barley, standard feed. August $64; September $65.50; Oc- tober $66.50. Barley No S. blue. Aug- ust $64.50: S entenib- I6G: Oct oh- er $67.50. Corn. No. 3 yellow AuzA ust $74; September $74.50; Octob- of mockery. And the look in his eyes er $74.75. Eastern oat and corn la n Poe puzzled and half rright bulk: Oats No. 3, white August ened me. U w unlike any other u.iiu sepiemoer z: uctoberi $52.50. Oats. 38-Dound clipped. Aue- ust $53.50: September $54.50: Oe-I tober $55. Corn No X yellow. Aug- ust $75.50; September and October 176. Harlev No. 2. An eust 162: Sen- temper and October $C3. Hatter; Prints extras 59c: cubes extras 54c; prime 'rsts 53c. Butterfat. Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream. 60c. Potatoes: Locals, selling price $2.10 to $3. XhYV YORK MARKETS NEW YORK. Aug. 19 Evaporat ed apples quiet. Prunes steady. Peaches dull. T1K1E TABLES SOUTHER?! PACIFIC CO. Kerthbeand No. SI Oregnnlan 1:00 a.m. No. IS Oregon Express 4:64 am. No. 2 Willamette Limited .. 9:17 am Nn. IS Portland Passenger .. 1:40 p.m No. 24 Cooe Bar i:l(am. No. 14 Portland Expreaa .... 7:4Sp.m. thbMaal No. S3 Oregon ian 1:11a.m. No. 23 For Eugene 10. AS a.m. No. IS California Express ...ll:0Sa.m, No. 17 Rnseburg Psssenger .. 4:0Sp.m. No. 27 Willamette Limited... 4:44p.m. No. 11 San Francisco Paaa... 10:01 p.m. SALEM-GEF.R LIJtE No. 71 Arrive at Salem 9:10 a.m. No- 74 Leave Salem 4:00 pm 8AI.KM. FALLS CTT A WIITKRH 1(1 Leaves Salem, motor .... 7:00 a. m 1C1 Leaves Salem, motor .... 0:21 a m 16S Leave Salem, motor .... l:SSp.m Through car to Monmouth and Airlie 171 Leavee Salem 0:14 p.m ICS Arrive at Salem ........ 0:21a m 1(4 Arrives at Salem ........11:00 a m 1(( Arrives at Salem 1:20pm 171 Arrives Salem 7:40 p.m ORKGOSf KLKCTRIC SZffecttve oet. 1st. ISIS. Train No. S Ltd. 7 .... Leave Arrive Arrive Portland Salem Eugene . S:lSam 10:lSa 11:10 pm . 10:4Sam 1S:S0 pm Salem only t:0Spm 4:lSpm (:SS pm 4:45 pm (:40 pm S:S0pm S:0Spm 1:07 pra Salem only 0:20 pm 11:20 pra Salem only II Ltd.. 17 19 North Bank station (leave J err ar son 8ireet IS and 10 minute later.) evthboead Train Leave Arrlv Arrive No. Eugene Salem Portland 0 7:lSam 9:30 am 1 Ltd.. 7:21am 0:41am 11:10 am 13 12:05 pm 2:20 pra i0 Ltd.. l:SSpra 4:0pm. S:S0 pra 30 Salem only S:30pm 7:40 pm 33 4:2Spm 7:SSpm 10:00 pm North Bank Station (arrive Jerrer. son Street IS mlnutee earlier). Leave Corvallla. corvalt.ts roinrccTioss Herthbena Leave CrvalHs Arrive Saleav t:4S aaj 4:on pm T:SS pai S -?l as 1:15 pm . IS pat Leee Sslei 10:1 sat 4:19 ptn :40 pm SesUbeaad ArrWe CervsTIlo ll:T a at 1:40 pat 1.-O0 9U REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Ronaanc of Married Ufa WoadejrfmDj Told by AYJEXJE GARIUSOX CHAPTER CCCLXXI My forebodia was realized. Rob ert Gordon had brought me ch.y- ranih-:nuniB. anl leside their ag- nif cencs Dicky: yellow bloi,-r.. beautiful though they had appeared, were hopelessly outclassed. I had never seen such .re.E blossoms as met my eyes, when, af ter Mr. Gordon had removed his hat and coat, and had been introduced to Lillian and the Durkees, the boxes were opened. Hose-pink. lilac snow-white, golden and a wonderful barbaric variety with each dark red petal possessing a gold-tinted lining- their flaunting beauty fairly daxzled me as I lifted them out. "How perfectly splendid!" little Mrs. Durkee cried, and I was grateful to her for the exclamation. As for myself, a spell of silence seemed to have fallen upon me. The gift Mr Gordon had brought was too mag nificent, entirely out of proportion- I did not dare lo look at Dicky, for I was sure that he would consider the man of mystery, who was our cues. J for thf, day rMt presumptuous. I do not know what I finally stam mered when the necessity for thank ing Mr. Gordon In some way became imperative. Whatever it was, lha words were fatrly taken out of mr mouth by Harry Underwood, who came in from the library, whither lie had unwillingly accompanied my mo ther-in-law a few momenta before at her request, after his unpardonable rudeness to his wife. "Ily Jove!" he exclaimed, "those certainly jolt you right between the eyes. Who's the princely giver? What! You here. Gordon? How are yon? Might have recognized your fine Italian hand. This is a gift for a nneen." Running through the speech I de tected the undercurrent of malice which accompanies so much of Harrr Lnderwood's nversatlon.., I had seen before that he was in an unus ually vicious mood on account of Lillian's altered appearance, and. of course, the caustic little reproof which I knew my mother-in-law ad ministered to him in the library bad not improved his temper any. Ha was ready for any mischief, and had quickly seized the opportunity to ex aggerate the Importance of Mr.. Gor don's flowers. - - - You flatter my poor offering." returned Mr. Gordon, with the touch of the old world pomposity which Is part of his manner sometimes, "but even If It were a gift for a queen, as ou Mjr 11 "wonId "tm "nworthy of 1,8 fa,r recipient." He made a low. formal bow. In which there waa not the least touch -m uumci cu. "lit. oh. how I wished he had not answered Harry t nderwood s speech whatever would Dicky tnink or Mr I Gordon's rediciilou words following nis extravagant glflT lie wouio surely believe his mother to be justi fied in her wild conjecture that Mr Gordon was in love with me. Lillian's Gentle Aid. I. on the contrary, would have slaked my very existence upon the assertion that whatever the hidden powerful emotion animating Mr. Gor don might le. it was not love, at least not the love of a "man for maid." 1 believed that Mr. Girdon must have loved my mother hope lessly. That he entertained a simi lar feeling for me never! Hut I reflected grimly, if he kept this sort of thing up I would never be able to convince Dicky of my belief. "You said a mouthful then, old top." Harry Underwood adranced toward Mr. Gordon and gave him a resounding clap on the shoulder "Nothings good enough for our . . r. " v - , rharmlng hostess, not even her bus- band. eh. Dicky-bird? What Dicky might have answered , . . . i j it t in rrpiy to nis uirnu nmin iini. raillery we were never to know, for Lillian, always to be counted on in any emergency, social or otherwise. ; rushed to the rescue of the situation. "Dicky, 'would you mind getting me a glass of waier?" she asked. "My throat Is troubling me a bit." Her ruse succeeded. Dicky hur ried away to do her bidding, thus leing saved the obligation to make any comment whatever upon the flowers, an omission which I was sure puzzled and disturbed Mr. Gor don from the look, half-wondering-half-resentful, which he sent after Dicky. "Madge!" Lillian turned to me "I don't -blame you for being over whelmed with these gorgeous things, but might I suggest that you cannot stand there all day holding part of them? Suppose you tell me where to find some vases or Jars, and well arrange them. Won't these wine- gold beauties be stunning on that table between the two windows? Harry's Cruel Glance. She lifted from the box the rare blossoms with the red petals lined with gold color, and held them out at arm's length with all the worshipful love of color which I knew was hers CHICHESTER S PILLS . PUIS ta KUd aa M4 mmikV aae w etaaa. nv avyaaf 'er on nia-nra; m UM MtkB rilXa. b. sawka Vw- n TrrC sold n aTOuCTS niRrwant Dear, dear Lillian! Forgetting her own pain she bad stirred me lo ac tion, soothed Mr. Gordon's wound ed vanity, gotten rid of Dicky, all in a moment. I was glad, too, that her manner had been 'bat of her old sslf assertive, loving. domineering. Irdid not fancy Lillian In the rolejnr which I had seen her but a few moments 1 K .1 .l V- V pea ranee. And then I saw her suddenly droop and shiver, almost as if she had re-1 1 celved a blow. She hastily put t flowers down, muttering something I about findlnr a viu and went awifl.l K- r .,-. ri-v-L .... . " with the glass of water for which I she bad asked In the doorway. (To be continned) HELPS FOR THE IIOUSETVIFE. SW. da . aa 10 lean r urniture. uid ma hogany pieces and reproductions In new wood can be cleaned easily by wiping with the edga of a cloth which has been dipped into lukewarm white soapsuds. After wiping, a good furniture pol ish should be applied, and in polish ing; rub with the grain of the wood. Be sure that the furniture polish is a good one. A little good polish will go farther than three times the amount of a poor mixture. Good Chocolate. Two ounces of Chocolate, four tablespoons sugar, I nlM .hm nv v I r Ms.m, arwa. WUV pint boiling water. Use one-half square of chocolate and one table spoon sugar for each cup of liquid. Break chocolate into pieces and melt over hot water. Add sugar, salt and boiling water, and stir until smooth and glossy. Let cook about fire minutes. Add part of hot milk, and when well mixed pour into rest of milk. Let stand over fire about fire minutes. Beat well with, egg-beater. Less water and more milk, may be nsed if desired. One-half teaspoon ground cinnamon may be mixed with either cocoa or chocolate when an gar is added It additional flavor Is liked. or one-half teaspoon vanilla may be added. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CHEAP HOUSE AND TWO lots. lfcJi S. 12th SL Phone 1111M. SLVERAL MONTHS FREE RENT for rrpairing house close in or would sell Also vacant lot for sale on 10th street, lea feet from Center street. Phone 10S1J. WANT UNIMPROVED LAND WITHIN 10 miles of Salem. 20 to 140 acres. Want 15 or 2 acres good tillable soil, slightly rolling, balanoe timber. Write full description to Lewis A. Cobb. Salem. Ore., gen. del. FOR SALE 3 ROOM y""'"?1 Bungalow, fireplace, electric lights. bath. etc.. a block to paved street, one block to earline. Would take good used auto aa psrt pay part terma If -desired. Inquire of J. W. Jones. 1S2 North Commercial street. FOR SALE CHOICE 2 ACRE TRACT. ALL UN der plow, paved highway, bearing or chard, four room cottace. good barn and well 1(000. 13 acrea close In. all clesr 12250. 20 acre cloae in. lo ganberries and peachea. price right. 4 room bungalow with basement, good location (1500. 7 room bunga low, good location. 12500. (500 caah. 15 acrea loganberries and prunes, good buildings, cloae in. 100 arres Improved. (4Z00. 3 room house $550. F. U Wood. Bayne build. ng. U CANT GO WRONG 20H acres, all under cultivation, fam- ,,y orchmri. room house, barn, good well. l4 miles from school. Price C- l"m- . ,.,.,. I acres, all unner cultivation. seen milee south of Salem, at 175 per acre No Improvements. Terms. izo acrea on Howell Prairie. Ilia per acre. Terma. 13 Vi acres, close In. good improve ments, a fine chicken ranch; 11000; one half caah. S acre, close In. fair improvement a. 2 acres prunes, good family orchard. berriea ana grapes: iziee. 4 Reliable properties C JOHJT H. SCOTT RKtLTT CO. 44 Hnbbard Bid-. C-US-Byt-U-BUY Or Exchange Your Property 180 acre fsrm all In cultivation: farm buildinga orchard, good soil, near town. wen watered: for ouick sale. i; 13 acres well improved, cloae in. fam ily orchard, 1 acrea in clover. Snap. 11750. 7 room bungalow, paved street, fine location. 12500: !. cash, balance easy 10 acres close In: 10 arres bearing prunes, good buildings; stock, tool and crop. (12,50. Fine moderen residenee. cloe n. gar are. fine lawn and shrubbery. Sacri fice price. 4 room cottage: nice lot: liooo 5 room hou.e: good lot: fruit: 145 S acrea well improved, cloae in. Sieeo 13 acres, highly improved, one-half mil from town. Snap. Cjae. We have several choice bargains in farms, fruit tracts, city property, acre age. Call and see our lisL PKR"IE A MAFteTTTRS. 3M Habbard M. run rkxt-rawwa. FOR RENT STtWK AND GRAIN farm. See J. 11. Lauterman. Argo Hotel. TOR RENT 45 ACRES GRAIN AND hay land. 20 acrea timber pasture wilh running water: good building and orchard. Have email amount o stock. Implements, hsv. feed, end seed to sell renter. Address lox ;t. Route No. 1 Jefferson. Oregon. REAL ESTATE WANT TO LIST X TO SO ACTtH ranches with about IS acres of prunes, good improvements, not over. a miles north or wat of Katem. Sa colofsky. Bay ae building. FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW CLOSE IK on paved street: :. part rash. Fine large house one acre of land. iruit ana berries, good location. I4MS. r . L- Wood. Bayne Blag. FOR SALE A MODERN HOU8K ready to move Into. Come oat aid look It over. Hi South 12th St. A. .rtxon. I WANT HOUSES TO SELL. WIMLE I claim the best list In the cfy r none 1 want more. I have ta burers. For the neat sixtv dsvs I am making a special offer la owners. Csll or phone for appointment. C. w. Mietneyer. zi-zit. Masonic build ing- Phones and 111. have $! cash AND AX EIGHT the business distret .bringing In t per month for 4 bedrooms unslalrs: to trade for a farm. Address 17t Court street. Salem. Oregon, , D0NT TAKE A CHANCE Insure that automobile. We do It lend do it righL LA FLA It Jt LA FLAK llakbard Bid. Call a sua, 1S4L IMHKB ACRES. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE earn, lots or rrult. In Kalenv. Prlca !. Mill take good a-room boas as part pay. acres. 7-roona house, barn, family orchard, adjoining Sa lens. Will take good house In ex change. lTlce ilist. State. rOR EXCHANGE MODEK1Y a-KOOX COT- lege. 1V te S acres et trait aas berries, t pealtry asena, saiaTI creek crissn place, area BMBtal ekrabaery. paved street sad eeeerele walk, la Ue aaaaataeteriag town 4ttace Oreve. Ore. far Seel Salaam rsatr. saieO raaeh er eeraafa. M ee eau far aaaU. W. C iiiea NOTICE We have several houses for sale that locrreai. u iieueoie property t(DU. JOHX M. SCOTT RK4LTT CO. 44 Habbard Bldg FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATB both farm and city, see C W. Kle myer, Maaoale Bnlldiag. Phona 1009 A SNAP AND ROME GOOD BUTS A good 10-ocre tract, half In fruit, close in. at IZvOe. 8e about this. A num ber of S-acre places close te town, half la fruits, very good soil, fsir buildings. 12S00 One of 10 screa with good buildiaga. and will take a very small town bouse, or sell at 12250. A very good river bottom farm near ly half In cultivation. - Al soil and a very cheap place and rood bay at (IS an acre. This is away below the mar ket. Good Income place, and no rea son to sell except tnat the owner la a seaman and prefers the water. The Fleming Realty Co, 111 Slate street. I A GOOD C ROOM HOUSE AND TWO Iota, east front: good garden and bearlnr fruit and crops; a good barn and alan a new garage, all for IlliO; one-half cash. This Is equally as good a baigain aa the 7 lota at SI 400. Another good buy of a S room bunga low, welt located, cement cellar, fin soil and fruit: good large chU-ken house, park and lawn, east front, large rooms, at $2000. Also a special good buy In a loganberry and prune . tract, close la main hard surface road; can be conveniently 'worked from Salem. It is a good Income pro position; requires one-nair rasa, nut it la a dandy good investment and buy. bee at 111 Stat SL Fleming. GOOD BUYS 1 sees tear alt .-till lv. 14 rwlr ma ciom to Pacific highway. Price zee. 20 acres all cultivated. 4 rles. S acrea cherries. S acre of apples ad cherries: good l-room plastered cottage, bar a. chicken house, well, rock road close lo Pacific highway. Price .see. S acre tract. 1 acre loganberries. S crea of bearing cberriea and walnuta. good S-roum plastered house, barn and wen: cioee la. price steee: siste sowa. balance to auil at a per cent Interest. ft acre farm located on Howell prai rie. SO acre cultivated, good building. oca ted oa mala Silvertoa road. Price 12a per acre. 1 acre all la bearing orchard. Price 1(00; S10 down, balance te aait at S per cent intereat. cjood h room modern bungalow, lo cated on South High street. Prlc 275. 1 acres of bearing Italian prunes. rock road, good location. lrice 1550. so acre farm located C-i mile from Salem; buildinga. Price SlOO. 11 acrea of firat-class land all culti vated, bouse and barn. 4 milee nut. some orchard and berriea. Price 12750. If you want lo buy or trade, sea W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 17S State street BEST BUYS 20 acres. 10 rultivsted. 1 acre timber. family orchard. Oiouse. barn, at station, school, good road. 1 i miles from Sa lem 1125. 4 acres, all cultivated. 15 logane. some prunes, close in. alt the city ad- ' vantages, paved road. 07 00 per acre. e acrea. z cultivated, aeianee tim ber pasture, prunes, log a as. fair im provements, well fenced, paved road 7 milea out, (7000: 11500 cash, balance on easy terma ' Good aix room bungalow In fin loca tion, paved at reet. cInm to ear and cliool. shady lawn. 13200; 11000 down. oaiance to suit. 3 acres in Salem, srood butldinaa frutt snd berries, own weter system, gravel street; cneap at sieee. 10acTee all In eron. 5 mile Salem. family orchard, barn. bg house, well: crow and stock oe st 1150. room bungalow In good condition; pavement, fruit end garden: your chance; 11400; small payment. 22 acrea. 1 mile town, gravel road. best aoil. all cultivated 7 acrea clover, family orchard, buildings; priced right at (see. 7 room plastered house na graveled street, car line, large lot, fruit; 1(0. (J down. 40 acrea beat valley loam. 30 cleared; 7 room house, barn, spring and well. ro-k road 3 mile city limit; only 20a per acre. ite acres. 125 cleared, family orcaiard. buildinga running water, rock road; (175 per acre, one-half cash. 41 acres In Howell Prairie, one-half elrared. 4 acres prunes. S room house. barn, new woven wire fenee. running weter; ran be bought for 1100 down, lulanre at S per rnt 1(0 acres in Lake county lo trade for house in Salem. Move Into l-room furnished bunga low; 1150. room bouse cla to the Englewood schooL 3 lots, garage; 11150. SOCOLOFSKY S41 Stal Street. I I! 0