THE OREGON STATESMAN. TUESDAY, AVGtST 10, 1010. 1. Classified Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While 4 nfifc-tp-S) NORWICH UXIOJI FIRS INSURANCE SOCIETY ThieUen, Kolud BJrghrdt QHaA Afeat 871 UU 81. MONEY TO LOAN . IMTROTKD riRM PROPKRTT AT foKST RATES. NO COMMISSION THOS. K. F0RPgtaa CARRIER WANTED FOR THE OHE- goman. )we w. it- Aturghardt, Jr.. 371 State street. OOOD SALESMAN WANTED KXPElt- lenceo in tractors and farm machin' cry. Salem Velie Co., Ifc2 N. Com mercial street. 5 lPERCPEH 2 CENT u CENT FARM LOANS We leas seeey for five years. We atU 7 to pay $100 or aiaitiple en tha ariaeipel ea say interest oat. We tlsss eat loaaa promptly. Hawkins and Roberts. : 114 MaMsie Bldf, galea. On. ( ffitiirD AY RTISMXJTTS Rats Fet Ward. First Insertion lo Subsequent lnsartlons Una weak (six Insertions) Se On month to Six months contract, par mo., to 11 months contract, par mo... 7o No sect, opened for lass than. He a neat card siren free with an advertisement to th extent of 9o TZ B.U VI -,t M 1 EMPLOYMENT 1XSIHASCE. AMMMWMWkMMhjkhhjl GILT EDGE KIKE INSURANCE PRO TECTION and up-to-ttb-mlnute in- suranca service, has always been- the leading policy of the Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMtnnvllle. Tha O. IC It. A. baa maintained an established Salem Agency for over twenty years, and we are here to give you service at all limes. 11. A. Johnson Insurance Agency, over ldd A Bush Hank. Salem. 1'hone 247. WANTED ONE LIVE A-l MAN FOR our circulation department. Can make Sa a Jay. See Mr. Palmer. oiaieaman on ice, at once. jmit BOTS BOYS, BOTS: WORK FOR THE statesman this summer. Make BIO money. Only boys over 14 considered. Appiy circulation uept. JUNK WANTED WE FAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your nousenoia goods. The "8a u are Deal' House Capital Junk Co.. 171 Cbemeketa St. Phone sis. EXPERIENCED HOUSE TO HOUSE canvasser. Exceptional proposition vtun c-xciurive territory and steady employment. Address Geo. 11. Men- denhall. New Houston Hotel, Port land, Oregon. I BUY JUNK OW EVERY KIND RAGS, bottles, metals. Iron, all kind of ma ehiaery, broken down aatomobiles sad pans of sutemobiles. Steiabock Jnak Co., 826 N. Commercial Hi- Salem. Phone SOS. ZiATITDKIES. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OK MARI ON COl NTY, OREGON. The boa:tl of equalization will meet at the court house fa said coun ty on Monday, SeptenxWr fcth, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. tu.. and pnb Icly ex amine the a&sessinent rolls and cor rect all errors in valuation, descrip tion or quality ot laau, iois or otner property, and continue la session un til such work is completed. All persons interested are notified to appear and examine their assess ments for the year'1919. and if not satisfied with the same file applica tion In wriiijg properly verified for a reduction or alteration oi me same WANTED BOTS THERE WILL. BE I HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- few good Statesman routea open this summer. List your name now ana get nrst cnance at a good route. Apply Circulation Department. Daily Biaiesman. alar washing dona at a rata every body can afford. For only IB cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-rour houiv. Pbone 1471. FEMALE "Board." WANTED WOMAN COOK AT STATE school for the deaf. Phone 446. CAPITAL. CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service, izot Broadway. Phone lib. SALESMEN WASTED X CW TOD AT. Each saw classified advertise ment will be run under "New To day for tha first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by tha adver tlser. Subsequent Insertion of tha ad. will appear under Its proper classification. No advertisement will be tub under "New Today" for mora than oae Issue under any circumstances ARE YOU A SUCCESSFUL SALES- man working among farm trade? Or are you ambitious to become one? Do you want to earn izv-9v a montn, wholesaling groceries to farmers Steady demand. Yearly repeater. Same territory. If so, give age, ex perience, phone number. Car re- qulredd. H. rl. Hunting, Box 2090. Portland. Oregon.- " MSCEUiAkEOD8.'" BLACKBERRY PICKERS WANTED Inqure of O. L Martin, Macleay, Ore gon . Phone 26 4. HOP PICKERS WANTED IN MITOMA YARD Parties who have formerly picked at the Mitoma Yard are asked to register early, as well as any oth ers. We furnish, tents, wood, straw for bedding, tables and benches and hon baskets. There will be a store on the grounds and goods can be nurchased as cheap as in town. We have 114 acres of .the very best hops In Oregon and will pay 60c per box. You can make big money. Register at once at Adolph Brow. Cigar blore. State street or Homer 11. smith, aic- Cornack building. Court street. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN. 438 Ferry St. I pay top market prlee for chickens and errs. UOBa pfcoae 1333J Shop pboae 1S80J. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash, e per pound. 134 South Liberty St. Phone IS. MONEY TO LOAN. I GOVERNMENT LOANS AT & cent. W. D. Smith, 303 Salem Commerce. A PER Bank of LEGAL NOTICES. REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wooderfml f Married Ufa Wodrfmuj Told by AD ELK GARRISON REAL ESTATE IFOR SALI-: CHEAP HOUSE AND TWO lots. 195 H. 12th it Pboae 1141M. WANT TO LIST 3 TO It ACRSJ ranches with about 1 acres -t prunes, good lmpromtt. net eve miles north or west of Salem. Be colofsky. iiayae eutldlag. CHAPTER CCCLXX HOW MOTHER GRAHAM ROSE TO A PLEASANT OPPORTUNITY , "Where are you going, my pretty maid?" Harry Underwood sprang to his during the first fifteen days of such 1 entered living room. Of meeting, as no complaints can be re-1 course, Dicky and Alfred Iiurkee aa celved thereafter. Ben F. West, the game thing, but it was Mr. Un- A,TSiia County. derwood who wIth bl, long gtrlde ad . ... - " I , t-. i - m . . 1 .Ik... vancea quicaiy in iruni oi iu uiucn and barred my path, looking down August WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED at me with the Indefinable look In bis brilliant black eyes that always makes me shiver. Marion Creamery & Produce Co, Mld .. , an8wered , 'm0ckng a Salem, Oregon. Phone 2488 tone as his own: and courtesying low, sprang aside more quickly than be "Mf. I n derwood," the said. 1-five room bunualow close in Ing Ulllan and walking np to mn with a steely glitter In her eyes. "wlH you kindly escort me Into the li brary? I have something to say to you." There was nothing, of course, for the angry man to do but to offer her his arm and accompany her. 1 could not help but smile 1o myself a he went out. for he looked like a re fractory boy being escorted to the woodshed for summary discipline. In a frantic effort to gloss over the situation I Playfully caught np the hands of Mrs. Durkee and Ulllan. "Come and se the cbysanthe mnms Dicky brought for my table." I said. They were really beautiful blos- on paved street; szeee, part rasa. Fine large house one acre of land, fruit and berries, good location. It free. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. FOR SALE A MODERN HOUSB ready to move Into. Come out and look It over. 4 South. 12th 8L F. A. Krlxoa. 1 HAVE He CASH AND AN EK1HT room modern house, hot water beat, basement. Iiahts aid a a a. toratedl la the business d is tret .bringing In SI per month for 4 bedrooms upstairs: to trade for a farm. Address 17 a Court street. Salem. Oregon. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE SALEM MARKETS I LAST CHANCE The Federal Ap praiser Is here, if you need a Federal Farm Loan any time oerore January i. file your aDDlicaation immediately. It you delay you will be disappointed. A. C tMJliKBllMJl 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon. OPTOMETRISTS. FOR RENT NEW TODAY EXPERIENCED MILLINERY MAKER wanted. M. Buffe-Morrlson. the French Shop, Mssonic building. SEVERAL MONTHS FREE RENT TOr RENT TWO FURNINSHED DR. L HALL WILSON Special ist In the Modern Scientific Ap- I plication of Glasses for the aid of vision and the relief of Eyestrain and Headache. Office closed Saturdaya Office 210-111 U. 8. Bank Building. Phonea. office 145: res. 1244. ROOMS rHREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS S7 North Front. REPAIR SHOPS STEWART'S REPAIR SHOP 347 Court. Lawn-mowers sharpened. Locksmithinsr. Saw-filing. Knivea. Sclsaors ground. Umbrellas repaired. Rasors sharpened. for repairing house close in or would sell Also vacant lot for aale on ISth street. 160 reel from Center street Phone 1081J. . WANTED A FIVE PASSENGER Ford body. .Pbone 4. WANTED A HIUH SCHOOL OR COL lege girl to work for room and board. Will pay wages until school opens. Apply at 690 N. Summer St. WANTED TO RENT A MODERN house with good yard. Address 22 Mill street. rooms. Breakfast it desired. 4i i. Summer Phone 1347 HOtJSKa FOR RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS and farms. W. i. wooo, state a treat. Phone 794. t TEXTS aahrfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasa FOR RENT A FURNISHED TENT (less covering ior oeaj jui norm ui tent city. A. J. uasey, jyewpon SECOND UAXD FCRICITCRS BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL YOUR furniture, stoves or carpets, you will rain br callina- on us. The Capital Hardware Co., 285 North Commercial St. Phone 847. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 171 N. Commercial. none Home oi bars-aina. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. We buy. sell and exchange. Highest, cash price paid for second-hand goods. WANTED KSCKiaaAJnEOUB OR RENT 5 ACRES GRAIN AND hsy Isnd. 30 acres timber pasture with running water; good buildings mmH M-ohrl H.V. (mill MIMint Of stock. Implements, hay. feed, and I WANTED FOR CASH GOOD SECOND aed to aell renter. Address Box I hand Ford car of late modeL Soco- 26, Route No. 1 Jefferson, Oregon. I lofsky. State street. fOR SALE PEACHES FOR ALL DO- 1 WANTED TO RENT MODERN FTVE room furnished oungaiow vy sepx- isi for six months or longer. T. j. coil man. Hotel Marion. SECOND HAYfD GOODS USED BEFORE SELLING YOUR Furniture or Cloth in sr. etc. see J. a. Rowland. I nay the bigheat cash price or will take in used goods for new. Call at 247 N. Commercial St- or pbone la. meatie purposes. M. P. Adams. Route 1, Box 10a. Phone 5tF12. OAT FOR SALE IS TONS CHOICE bay. D. C. Minto, Phone 1073. HOUSEKEEPER family of two. WANTED FOR Phone 1599R. r.iRIJ) WANTED AT THE GLOVE Factory. 1455 Oak St. Steady work. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL. $5.00 week to start. Call 550 State street. WANT UNIMPROVED LAND WITHIN IS miles of Salem. 20 to 160 acres. Want 15 or 20 acres good tillable soil, slightly rolling, balance timber. Write full description to Lewis A. Cobb. Salem. Ore- gen. del. - WANT A LOAN OF $800 ON $2000 city property, insured tor auu. in surance to be assigned to lender. Client reliable. Socolofaky. State St. WE BUT ANY KIND OF USED CARS. Phone 399. 197 South Commercial. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. SPICER, Manager. 23 State Street. Wa have taken the aeency for the Case Six. Monitor Six and Moore Four. SECOND HAND GOODS. WE hiH A-NDSELL SECOND-HAND goods or all kinds, pipe ratings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chains. Fred Bchindlar, i5 Center street. PAINTERS "MARTIN PAINTER. PHONE 784. F. H. KAYLOR, PAINTER. Winter. Phone 29. SIS SOUTH WANTED WOMEN AND GIRLS TO al, of whcn are Case products. Thsy work on nears. Steady worn, appiy Oregon Packing Co. Phone 22 FOR SALE EXTKSTOCK. l.nt.n n n i-1-1 ri - . will be bandied at our place of busi ness A few second-hand cars will sell at a sacrifice. 1917 Ford Roadster $450. sacrifice. 1017 Ford Roadster $450. 1918 Chevrolet $600. Studebaker Six $375. Both mechanically first ciaas. T m. t a aw. If ahU as Civ TRANSFER HATJ LINO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND or nauung. nonwaoia moving Jobs done prompt ly. Trv ma once. Timme. 471 State 8C Phone . Raaldence pbone 1122J. BUI I NO PRICB Bggs and Pomltry. Eggs, 42c. Hens, 22 to 24c. Broilers, 20 to 24c. Old roosters. 13c. Dressed hogs, 24c. Pork. Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, 19c Lambs, 10 to lie. 1 Beef, steers, 8 to 9C Cows, 5 to 8c. Top veal, 22c. Hay. Cheat hay, per ton $17. Oat and vtch hay, per ton $20. Clover hay, $20. Grata. Wheat. $2. Feed oats, 8 Sc. ' Milling oats. 98c to $1. Beans, nominal. Mill Feeds, Retail. Millrun. $44 to $45. Wholesale To Dealers, Cheamery butter cartons, 61c to 62c. Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem. 61c Frail Cantaloupes standards, $2.50 to $3 crate. Oranges, $5 to $1.50. Bananas, 9 ic Cassabas, Shbc a pound. Grapes, f 2.50 to $3.50 a crate. Lemons. $6.50 to $8 a box. California Grape Fruit, $6. Peaches, 75c to 90c a box. Watermelons, 1 c ' a pound. Vegetable. Cabbage. 3 c. Onions, $3.50 a sack. Carrots, 45c a ior. btrwenea. Turaips, 45c a dosen bunches. Lettuce, 60c a dozen. New potatoes, 2 Me a pound. Green peppers, 12 Me a pound. .Celery, $1 a dozen. Green corn, 35c a dozen. Tomatoes. $1.25 toll. 50 a box. Egg plant, 15c a pound. Cucumbers. $1 a box. Retail Price. Creamery butter. 70c. Dairy butter, 50 to 55c. Eggs, 5fc. Flour, hard wheat. $2.90 to $3.10. Floor, valley. $1.55 C$3. 8ugar, cane and beet, 10s. Insure that automobile, and do It right. Wa do tt LA FLA St A LA FLA R bad thought possible and lightly dodged the outflung arms with which he had made a barrier against my pansinr. The light, mocking elusion was part of the treatment of Harry Un derwood that I had long ago out lined for myseir. He was Dicky's best friend, the husband of my dear est comrade. Lillian. To take ser iously, or to show offense at the bur lesqued admiration which he con stantly ofrered me was not to be thought of unless I wanted a rup ture between the two families. "Foiled again, Harry." I heard Dicky say as I reach Mrs. Dnrkee's side and apologized for not bavin come sooner to greet her. The light laughter which accompanied his re mark grated upon me when I con trasted Dicky's indifference to tha badinage of Harry Underwood with his foolish jealousy of any other man who evinced the slightest interest in me. "Lucky Mrs. Durkee." Harry Un derwood returned extravagantly, and my greeting of the pretty, motherly little woman whom I genuinely incea was marred by the consciousness that the man I unaccountably feared was watching my every movement I did not alio nnon 11 he vagaries of Harry Under wood, however. I knew that If I could f?ave Lillian pain I must quiet ly warn Alfred Durkee and his m otn er. as well as Dicky, of the radical change in her appearance, her trans formation from a comparatively young woman to one of apparently advanced years. Little Mrs. Durkee proved her pos session of the pots and good sens I was sure he had when, upon hear ing my news and caution to evinca no surprise at seeing Lillian, she neither exclaimed nor questioned m concerning Lillian's reasons for ban ishing her atrocious mask or rouge and powder. 4M Unheard Bldg torn which Dicky had risen early to Call mm asp. get from a neighboring greenhouse. I knew that my husband liked me to appreciate any evidence or his thought fulness and I was rather elaborate in exhibiting the flowers when the sound of a taxi turning in to the driveway drew our attention to the door. When, a moment or two later. Robert Gordon, our last dinner guest. appeared, followed br Jim carrying two Immense flower boxes, my heart sank. If he had brought chrysanthe mum, and they were finer than the ones Dicky had given me. I felt I would not give much for my chances of a cheerful dinner. (To be continued) 144. TMKEE ACRES, EIGHT ROOM HOUSE bsrn, lota of fruit. In Salem. Price) $4a. (a ill take good a-room house aa partetar. 5 aerea. T-reora house, barn, family orchard, adjolalng Sa lem. Will take good house in ex change. Price $2500. Socolofsky. Sit State. ' - FOR SVXCHAKOg MOOTRJT a-BOOst COT- tag.. IV ta S acres ef fralt eaa Isilu, S peatery us. am tit creak creeses place, ereeateetal ehraeeery, sevea street eaa ea aerate walk, la live staaafactartag tewa -Osttage Grave, Ore. Far Beets BalesB pre party, satall rears er sereage. Bee er sail tar paste. W, U. Stateassea effiee. NOTICE We have several houses for sale that should interest U Reliable property agents. New Development Company Has $100,000 Capital What Harry Said. With a capitalization of $100,000 the Texas Land Development com pany of Portland filed articles of In corporation at the office of tae state corporation department Saturday. The inr. irpofators are Y. V. Drinker, John Noce and E. L. Cornrt. OtLer new fi rtne filing articles were: Pacific Accessory ft Supply com- pany. Portland; incorporators, G. Inl . I Churchill Cook. "Bert Pease and J. C. myself to dwell ' pukington: capitalization. $6000. Portland Window Decorating com. pany. Portland; Incorporators. A. C. Courtier. J. N. Pearcy. E. J. MendeL- hall; capitalization. $5000. Schwan Investment company. l-.rt- ant': incorporator, P. J. schtan- kovky. A. M. Epetin. Bradley Ew ers: capitalization. $35,000. Surer Lumber company. Suver; In corporators. Frank Stump. C. C. Pat rick. C. W. Davis; capitalization. $10,000. ic Ontario Home Builders company. Ontario; incorporators. A. L. Cock- rum. Don Taggart. N. Homan, H. L. Peterson. Evan Van Petten; capital ization. $10,000. Quintal Canning company. Port land: incorporators. Robert Hudson. Charles Swanson. Fred Gram; capi talization, $1,000. HANDSOME SHETLAND PONY FOR Sea this fine new car. sale. hone zateja. FOR SALE FRESH SWISS MILK 5 oat. Also one buck and one young oe. W. E. Smith. JTefferson. Ore. " FARMf MAGAZINES IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEOT farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE in Knrth Commercial St. Phone t6C BUYS, SELLS AND EXCHANGES A1.L makes of cars ana parts, compien wrecking department. Studebaker 30. $180. 1918 Chevrolet Sedan. $800. 191S Buick. first class condition. 6 pasbsenger Chalmers, good mechani cal condition. $275. Overland, would consider city lot in exchange. Stu dabaker Light Four, electric starter and lights. $550. 1917 MaxwelL $550 19l Studebaker at a bargain. I1 ton Locomobile truck. Flanders 20. fin condition. $250. 1910 Mxxwell, WALL PAPER, FAINT SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL Paper and ncture -framing. uw workmen. 465 Court St. Phone 485. FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL m.i nnaiMi ior enoica win ravw at Buren's Furniture Store. 17 Com- merclal street. WOVEN W1RB r ICDIO Depot National A Americas Fee U alaeo, ZS In. te S8 law high. Paints, oils Yarn la a. Steven RebmUt and Repaired. Legnnerry and Hep Heolta. Stavo Werkn. Zse cemrt St. Fheae xs R. B. rLEBLlU. I PORTLAND MARKETS I . aUSCELLAJIEOCS xwmwiwiowwxww 'www e FOR SALE ONE HORSE. ONE COW, 11 Inch plow and single horse culti vator. H. C. Howard, box 234. Rt 3. $40t. fad a t t.. no rr? i rF! NEW 191? I Harley-Dsvidson motorcycle and I rrtNQ TOUR BATTERY WORK TO I i, . w .wowvowwiixwxwi PROFESSIONAL ixijxju-uxrLfxannririrri CHIROPRACTIC M- vitrlal Chean tor casn or take automobile in trade. Box 53. Junction City. Ore. USED CARS FOR SALE 1918 MAX well good as new; 1917 MaxwelL run 8000 miles. Cash or terms. ll Bo. CommerctaL Phone 399. WOOD FOR THE HAULING AT COR- er Trade and South commercial, where the old building . w-kt ft im awsv aa Ion a- as it lasts. Salem Water Co. the Battery Shop. 263 N. Commercial , street. Phone 413. All work guar- j anteea. IF YOU WANT TO BUT, Of-Lij un trade year ia auto or uw X see Stetnbock Junk Co, At wreckers 324 North Commercial St, Phone 30s. AUTO SERFICBI ii' ii " ' ' " DR. O. L SCOTT, D. C, GRADUATE of P. 8. C Chlropractlca fountain head, Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the cause of disease. Office 40S-7-S U. 8. National Sank Building. Phone 17. Residence S2SR. "Send Alfred to me while yon speak to Dicky." she aald quietly. and as I crossed the room to wnere the three men were standing I blessed her for her thoughtfulness I wish to speak to you serious ly. Dicky." I said, trying to make mr voice gay and careless, "ana r Durkee. you are wanted at your mother's side." Harrr Fnderwood flashed shrewd, understanding glance at me a look which followed me as 1 stepped FORTLAVD. An 18 Grain fu- -ida wltB nicky. and which changed tures ii.lf: Oats, No. 3 white Au- .. mocking, bitter smile as Dickv :ust $?4; September -!: M.rley, I unable to control himself at my news atamlnnl ;-.d Aug i r xvimnnnAa a ion whistlinr note, ana t ember $64.50. Barley. No. 3 blue then, before I could stop him. de- . a A S a s . mk I . mr m a a August ana septemoer o.uu. tom TOanded loudly. "What in Sam riin NO. 3 yellow August anu aegwnuuci axa .v. An for" " - - USU DUV IW aae a - 373.&0. Kastern oats ana com m "Your query Ia a perfectly loel- ouia: oats, .o. o u6uBi u or- j one m yOUng rriend." Mr. un tember $51. Oats. 38-pound clipped . , ,neeredt and , neTer heard August and September J. Lorn, . . oiem -Q unnleasant. "And I can No. 3 yellow August and beptemDe. . anawer pronto. She $74. Barley. No. Z August tQ miont one because she is sepieniDer "i. liutttr: PriJts extras oc; cuoes extras 54c; prime firsts 53c; dairy 3 Sc. Butterfat. Portland delivery; im. sour cream GOc. Potatoes: Locals, selliug price $2.10$3. JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 4e4 Ha a bard SUdg. FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE both farm and city, see C W. Nle myer, Maaoaie Bulldlag. Phone INS A SNAP AND SOME GOOD BUYS A good 10-acre tract, half In fruit, close In. at $200. See about thla. A num ber of 5-acre placea close to town, half In fruits, very good soil, fair bulldinge. $250 One of 10 aeree with good buildings, and will take a very amall town boose, or sell at $1250. A very good river bottom farm near ly half in cultivation. Al soil and a very chesp plsce and good buy at $75 an acre. Thla la away below the mar ket. Good Income place, and no rea son to aell except that the owner la a seaman and prefers the water. Tha Fleming- "Realty Cow 341 State street. A GOOD S ROOM HOUSE AND I0 lota, east front: good garden and bearing frwit and crops; a good barn and also a new garage, all lor $1150; one-half cash. Thla Is equally aa good a bargain aa the T lots at $140a. Another good bar of a S room bunra low. well located, cement cellar, fine oil and fruit; good large chicken house, park and lawn, aaat front large rooms, at $2000. Also a special good buy in a loganberry aad prune tract, close In main -bard surface road; can be conveniently worked from Salem. It la a good Income pro position; reanires one-half cash, bat It Is a dandy good Investment aad .buy. See at 141 Stata St. Fleming. GOOD BUYS The American Federation of La- tr-rt . ,.,-..,4. rock road. bor has undertaken to unionize the I close to Pacific highway. Price $:eae. telephone girls in all parts Of thelries. 5 acres cherries, 5 acres of apples Pnltd ctatea I sad cherries; good -room prswterea REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 5 Bun bath one used desired. North Commercial street. cottage, barn, chicken bouse, well, rock road dose to Pacific highway. Price $7000. acre tract. 1 acre loganberrlea, I acree of bearing cherries aad walnuts, good t-room plsstered bouse, barn and well; close in. iYtce : sieee sown. balance to suit at a per ceat iniereat. 98 acre farm located on Howell prai- uiuiu ril iroPVli I galow. fireplace, electric lighta, ?'"". ."" , etc, block to paved street, I '1i"1 ,l0 "- block to car line. Would take good "- r. w . Lw auto aa part pay part terms If CI? . " JT.. J. T . Inouire of J. W. Jones. 142 " " OSTEOPATHY . jLnjuxn nrn'i' 1 1 ...w mm is being 8HIPP-8 AUTO BSKVita-wii cvunirj 1 night. 869. . r..r t.klne- it I mniitrr trlDs. Phone: Day. ea. TIRES PEERLESS It 1 .i hu riv nil teit wheeL Formerly need as auxiliary In electric light riant. Good condition. 100 gallon ank goes with it. Scott Boiorth. 102 Spauldlng Bldg, PorUand. Ore. Bnnra nr vvnwt .-nrxi e A COM - - nit a if 9s voIubim. doth bind ing, new, never unboxed. Will sell - for less than cost. Address "Book, are Statesmen. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS Thla true atory of western immi- BJEPAIRED TTJLCANTX IHG DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE a mwi,i n ftchool Osteooathr. Kirka- vllle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic '.:. rirriea 4S4-405 U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence, 419 North Summer. Phone 414. GASOLINE ENGINE 35 - ' ' ' , 1 tIRb 's'e rViCE 1 Mt.tton. 177 South Commercial St. Button. 177 Phone 428. CHINESE PHYSICIAN LrLrxrxrxrxixri ix riwwwwwww BUSINESS CARDS n r. u htt CTTREa ANT KNOWN dlsaasa. 1S B. Mien bu mono WATER jLn.Ln.ixa.rxri nr. - - - - ll.TT:, . m-im ALEM WATER ).-FFlCE. 1918. vv iu VFII I vximmerciai iwku ." CHIMNLY l . . offlc. Make all com ..............i... . . . Htuolnna In htiia will be allowed for absence or for any causes wbaterer unless water Is cut off from premisee. Here after water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us at for domestic purpoeea. Coat tractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will pleaae read for,, building purposes" under sched nle of ratea Applr at office for copy SALEM CHIMNEY SWEEP HAVE your chimneys mu and repaired for the fall. Phone 19 L flRATI AND KAPKSiSS k.a t- MMhillr I .. imia making a handsome little book. It larmER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND UUa in graphie terms of the maaaa- I -rood a Day phone 989. Night ere of the Oatmaa family, of the ea- 1 phone 1898. cape of Lorenso. and tha captivity of I , Mary aad Olive. Mary a lea or star- r,pTTAr CITY TEANSTZB COMPAFT " lmlm? 'rhe sss. 8.u--'. urr-i In the city train the conversation the Indians five rears later. The price la 20 cents, postpaid. Address Oregoa Teachers Monthir. Salem, Or. FOTJLTHT THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR nal, the biggest and best In the west. The live marailne for live poultry. men 75 cents a year. $1.00 In Salem. . Bend 5 cents for sample today. Ad dress The Northwest Poultry Journal, saiem. Oregon. Mention this sa. A-mA fralrht rates SB Ai for stArace. as we have. three w sre- boaees In conneetioa with basiaeas. rarni- tare moviaf. paekiar. -PP; lag ear specialty. Office. 224 8ttU8t NEW YOBK MARKETS. I Deals in Real Estate 1 anninped y?Mrl-rZZ-Z a Imnnrtant subiect of BKB)l V3X SS Bmaaa---,a--- - U r;u VU a,s--w - a- economy. Various views were ex pressed, Tiien, a small man in the corner said slowly: "A friend or mine ain't spent a penny in five Ellen Van Clere. Matilda Van ci ova At ni to A. T. and Alrin J Van Cleve 80.91 acres d. 1. c. W. W Morgan. Lake Labish. dlst. w. Ralph E. Thompson et ux to Herb ert E. Farrar, parts of lots 5 and 6 block 2, Meyer addition to Salem $2300, w. Frank B. Schrunk. A. W. Schrunk et ox to Minerva D. Reynolds, parcel block 8. Roberts addition to Salem quit claim deed. Ida L. and Guy M. Green to J. A to J. A. Dan, lots 7 and 8. block 8. Salem, $4200. w. Had the CUuIfied Ads. rXHASCIAL. . u--.-- -1 11 x FREE INFORMATION IF TOU WANT Information aooui any ibw - niurance, see J. F. Hatehason. dis trict manager for the Mutual Ufa of New York. Office at 871 State atreet Salem, ore. Office phone , resi dence 1I9C years." "What are you givin us?" "Fact." said the small one briefly. TTi he'll be out of Jail next week. Tit-Bit. naturally a fool, and the other be causA she wanted to make a billy goat of me. "Oh. don't! Harry!" a plalntlre roice sounded from the doorway, and I turned to see Lillian and my mother-in-law entering the room. I could not believe my ears. Sure ly that sad. pleading rolce. with al most a touch of timidity In its tones could not belonc to bluff, hearty Lll- vpw vrniw Ani. IS. Eraoorat- lian Underwood! Lillian, who was ed applies quiet; western 24c; Mate never at a loss for a witty, caustic 23 CD 24c. Prunes dull; -janiornias tnswer. ana owara wnum lOCi 20c; Oregons 14f'33. reaencs tongue ner nusoana oao '",. steady; standard 23c; cnoice 21c; 1 shown a great aeai 01 caunoua ic- fan--y 26c spect. . . wnat experience naa come 10 " dear friend of mine, strong enough lo rhang her so? Harry Underwood paid no atten tion to her protest, but twisted his lips Into a maddening sneer. "Quaint effect, isn't it? he drawled, lazily waring his hand to ward Lillian's hair, which, without the dve she had used for so many years was an ugly combination of drab and gray. "Quite like a rag car pet only the old lady wears It on her head instead of standing on It." I had suspected before that Harry Underwood, when angered had cold ferocity of temper, which was tr be dreaded. But I had not dreamed that, he would dare to make sport of his wire In the way he was doing. 1 saw Alfred Durkee and his mother flnfh in Indignant embarrassment. noticed the angry gleam In Dicky's eyes, and the involuntary clenchinr of his rists. which told me that hie friendship for Harry Underwwd would not stand anoiher slnr against Lillian, and then my mother-ia-law-cold. majetic. saved the situation br takinr sdrnt- nf her privilege as an elderly woman. : How He Looked. ner cent tatereat- Good 5 room modem bungalow, lo I WANT HOUSES TO SELL WHILE "iJ ' -- I claim the beat list In the tir lr . - ,... . none I want more.- 1 have the! J"'"' i11?. TiTIJ' hurML For the next aixtv dlTI I ikk ihu, ow " special offel t- .VXrJ! IrLVJtU Call or phone for appointment. C Saln: bulldlnga. Price W. Niemeyer. 215-214. Masonic build- lmem ' 'VIT VJl!, . Ing. Phones isos ana iei. I : 'zTz'Z-zZ V" T" iI "1 ..- I urinaria bo . i , .- if you want to buy or trade, aee CHOICE 24 ACRE TRACT. ALL UN- I W. H. GRABEJlHORST & CO. der plow, paved highway, bearing or- I " ra.aivw a m. vv. BOARD BUYS PROPERTV. S1LVERTON. Or.. Aug. 18. (Spe cial to Th Statesman.) At the spe cial school meeting of district No. held at the high school building the hoard was elven power to purchase the Wolf lot adjoining the grade school g-ounds back of the Wolf res idence at $2750 with street assess ments paid. chard, four room -cottage, good barn and well steos. II acrea cioae in. all clear $2250. 20 acrea close In, lo ganberries and peaches, priea right. 4 room bungalow with basement. rood location $1500. 7 room bungs low. good location. $2500. 850O cash IS acr good ba Improved. F. L. W 37$ State street BEST BUYS 20 acres. 10 cultivated. 1 acre timber. ir.Mi W AIM, ., . .- K . ea loganoerriea ana prunes. 1 - . tidings, cloee in. 100 acrea .. gooa rota, mtiea (rets m- 91200. 3 room house $550. . , ,t , 00a. xtsyne ouwoiag. some prunes, close in. all the citv ad- U CANT GO WRONG ttM acres, all under cultivation, fam- I vantages, paved road. $I0 per acre. 4e acrea, 20 cultivated, balance tim ber pasture, prunes, logsns. fair Im provements, well fenced, paved road 7 1 (i... tr. ir.iir.k frimA am .I-" ". J . I .- -A ...... ..... .. U. 1 1 7 wciwu, i"vi w-i.i. -" imit terms. well. 14 mllea from achooU rrice I iiood room bunralow In fine locs- 500; terms. Itinn. paved street, rioae to ear and, aa acre, ui nrr cuiuvn, mllea south or Fialem. at lia per acre. No Improvement a. Terms. lit acrea on mowcii rrairie. ia per acre. Terms. 11 tfc acrea. close in. goon improve ments, a fine chicken rancb; $!; one- half caan. 5 acres, close in, lair improvemenia. 2 acres prunes, gooo israuy orcnaro berries and grapes: IZ3V" 4 Ke lla ble properties c JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY CO. 404 Mabbard Bldg. CrUS-IM-U-BUY Or Exchange Your Property ISO acre farm all In cultivation; farm bulldlnga. orchard, good soil, nesr town, well watered; for quick aale. $20,000. 11 rr.i writ imnroved. close in. f fi ll jr orchard. 8 acrea la clover. Snap. 47s. . 7 room bun a a low. paved street, fine Inniina tiSeS: 8500 cash, balance easy. aa rlnu In? la acrea bearing prunes, gooo puuaings; sioca, iu house In Salem. crop. school, shady lawn. $3200; $1000 down. oaiaace to uit 3 acres la Salem, good buiMlaga, fruit sad berries, own wster system, gravel street; cheap at $eee. 10 acres sll In crop. ' mile saiem. family orchard, barn, hog bouse, well; crop and stock goea at $15M. S room bungalow in food eoaaltton; pavement, fruit aad garden; yoerv chance; $1400; amall payment. 32 acres. I mile town, gravel road, best soil, all cultivated 7 acrea clover, family orchard, buildings; priced right at $Iet0. - - ' 7 room plastered house on gravel street, car line, large lot. fruit; $180e. flee down. 40 acres nest vaney loam, cieareo; 7 room boasa. barn, spring aad well, rock road. 3 milea city limits; oaly $20e per acre. ite acrea. iz cieareo. ramiiy omtra. bulldlags runnlnr water, rock road; $175 per acre, one-half caan. 4 acrea in no wen j-rairia. one-nan cleared. 4 acres prunes, 0 room hotaee. barn, new woven wire rence, running water; can be bought for $1000 down. balance at a per cent. 10 acrea in Lake couaty to traae tor v-. - mmiMn Mdece. eloee in gar- aa. fina lawn aad shrubbery. Sacrl- lice price. . . ..... . VnM Mil... I" IOI llff. X vonm hnnM' Brood lot: fruit: $850. 5 acres well Improved, close la, $5000 13 acrea. highly improved, oae-half 4i. town Am n HISS. We have several choice bargaina In farma. fruit tracts, city property, acre- Call and see our list. rERRiR KtBrntai. Uahnara bms Move late (-room furnished buaga- low; $15oe. . rwm house cloao to the Eaglewood school. 3 lota, garage; $1150. SOCOLOFSKY S41 StaU tret FOR REXTF A RMS. FOR RENTSTOCK AND GRAIN farm, ttce J. . Jiuiarmaa, rge HoteL 4