The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 17, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    Stage Hands and Fiddlers
- f: vlS.r?-?-'-
IE Dm fil
Linen they are for flax makes
linen, and flax makes '
Go Oat on Sympathy Strike
, .
NEW. YORK. Aug. IS. Blase
hands and musician tonight statkcu
from from New York playhouse In
fcvmipathy alia ytrikiug ;.'aa foc
whom they previously had set 'the
stage and played the fiddle.
You've never seen linen in this form before, for tbey are the
only linen rugs made. Woven of strand upon strand into a
thick, heavy floor covering, they possess extreme durability,
the unmistakable family trait of linen. They have the added
economy of being reversible, mothproof and easily cleaned, and
their colors are the rich, soft shades that are both harmonious
and restful. They belong in every room in your house. Drop
in to see them today.
340 Court Street Salem, Oregon
0. A. C. Expert Toars State
Checking on Wheat Harvest
THE DALLES. Or.. Aag. 16.
Paul Mehl. of the government bureau
of market located at the Oregon
Agricultural college, arrived in The
Dalles today. He is on a touv of the
-date in the interest of the work of
the farm bureau. Mehl came here'
from Pendleton, where the wheat
harvesting is over. The blight was
quite severe to this section of the
country, according to Mehl. and cut
down th total production greatly.
Umatilla county ha a great deal
of smut and the total crop is only
about two-thirds of the exrted
yield on this account. In Wallowa
county there la practically no tmnt
and the harvesting here ia just starting.
Vast Reservoirs Yield Every
thing from Gold to Fruit
and Wood
AMLKlLATia rifc.AU WUKlvi
President Bessoa Gives All
Encouragement to Farms
in Back Lands
PARA. BRAZIL; July 25. (Cor
respondence of The Associated Press)
The ending of the World war has
given a new impetus to the work of
opening up the great reservoirs of
natural wealth, from gold to fruits
and valuable woods, which He in the
valley of the Amazon. Several expe
ditions of exploration are being, or
ganized here, one of the most import
ant of which Is under the direction
of Henry S. Fleming of New York,
United States Customs Receiver at
Para, who will shortly start on a
three months trip devoted to exlpor
ing the commercial possibilities of the
vast region watered by the Amazon'
us maze or tributaries.
The advance guard of another im
portant expedition of scientists, head
ed by Dr. Hamilton Rice of Boston
and his wife, has passed through here
on its way to Manaos which will be
headquarters of the venture. A spe.
cfally equipped 5-foot motor launch
will accommodate the party which
pians 10 navigate tne Rio Negro to
its junction with the Orinoco In Ven
ezuela. ;
Teddys River Explored.
General Rondon. the well-known
Brazilian explorer who accompanied
Colonel Roosevelt on his famous trip
down . the River of Doubt, now
named the Rio Teodoro by the Bra
zilian government In honor of the for
mer American president, has return
ed here after spendiirg almost two
years in surveying the. wilds of the
state of Matto G rosso on the borders
of Bolivia: The territory explored by
him, lies to the southwest of the
Parecis Range, northeast of which
lies the Rio Teodoro. General Ron
don reported the discovery of three
new mountains and several new riv
ers. He also reported finding much
evidence of rubber, caoutchouc, ipe
cac, cacao and other valuable forest
products and said that he traversed
large areas of gojd-bearing country.?
especially In the region of the head
waters of the Sao Miguel river. .
President Backs Development.
President Pessoa, the newly-elect
ed, head of the Brazilian Republic,
Is reported to Intend devoting "con
siderable attention to the . work of
sanitation In the Amazon valley and j
Vo'a xnresged his Intention of afford- I
inn fiy governmental protection to
investors who help to develop Bra- ,
ill's natural resources and to en.,
courage desirable colonists. The re
gion comprises an area of 2.000,000
square miles, almost five.sixths the
extent of all Europe, and its climatic
conditions are almost identical to
those of Southern Europe.
The only Industry which has beeff
developed to any extent ip to the
present has been the production of
rubber and this is now in an unsatis
factory condition owing to the com
petition of the Orient which has re
duced the price of the product below
a profitable margin. In consequence
attention is being paid to the other
resources of the valley which include
gold, platinum, oil, titanium, vana
dium, aluminum, tin, rare cabinet
woods.' nuts and apparently inex
haustible supplies of cacao, fibres
and kapok.
Country Rich and Boundles.
The banks -of the Amazon are In
undated for three or four months
each year and are said to afford
splendid opportunities for the culti
vation of sugar cane, mandioca. rice,
maize, beans and other
products. Back of the rivers and be
hind the forest walls there are vast
tracts of savannah suitable for cat
tle raising. An excessive rainfall at
certain seasons of the year which is
followed by a prevalence of fever is
the chief drawback to the climatic
conditions and the hospital accom
modations in the region are very
(D) por mni
Here is an opportunity to buy HIGHEST QUALITY FURNITURE at LOW PRICES
t - aw,...,. :
The Victrola stands pre-crni-ncnt
in the phonograph
"Since the days of the old cyl
inder records, the Victor ma
chines and the Victor records
have lead all other makes.
You tnake'uo mistake when
- you huv a Victrola
fill- mf
.it. ii Hh. 1', !?
vmm i'l i-!.
U'ijl -iH .1! ' W
The world s greatest artists
make Victor records exclu
sively and it is only on these
records that the world's best
music is reproduced.
Buy the genuine VICTROLA
and save disappointment. No
other machine is so perfect
" in every respwt as the Victrola.
scanty. The reported intention of
thr- porernment to tackle this prob
lem in a comprehenslre manner is
eipected to remoTe one of the prln.
cipal obstacles to successful colonisa
tion. President Pessoa has frequently
spoken of the United States in most
enthusiastic and friendly terms since
his return home and commenting the
newspapers throuhodt the republic
shows that Brazilians are looking to
the i'nitd statM more than to any
other country for financial and other
aid which they need la the develop,
ment of their national resources.
Socialists Refase to Join
New Rule Under Archduke
UU DA PEST. Aug. 16. via Vienaa
Paul aramft, the Socialist leader,
and other Socialists announced to
day that tbey would retuse to enter
the new government of Stephan
Friedrich. unless Archduke Joseph
Abandoned the regency.
Blaze 10 Rifles Wide and 30
" Miles Long Sweeps Lock
saw Resenre
LKWISTON. Ida., Aug. 16. For
est fire in the Selway national for
est have gone beyond control. To
night headquarters at Kooskl re
ported that the dense smoke limited
the vision to half, a mile and it was
Impossible to reveal the exact con
ditions in the various tones. The
Locksiw creek fire Is now SO miles
long by ten miles wide. The Fish
creek fire has tonrned over 10,000
ofm ntvMn Kooskia and the
iAknw creek fire here Is a fire on
Teet Kinsr f reek tharfWtltrees to
spread. In the Indian feas: oisinc
on Meadow creek a fire, ha burned
over 12.000 to 14.000 acres, embrac
inr all the territory within the drain
age of that creek. This district lies
on the Selway creek slope doui ia
miiM from Elk CMtr. There are one
million: eight hundred thousand ac
res on the Selway reserve and it lies
between the Clearwater reserve wtin
997.000 acres and the Nes Perce re
serve with 1.117.000 acres. This
timber all lies on the. slopes. of the
Clearwater and Salmon river in iaa
Reports from all headquarters give
no confirmation that men nave lost
their lives fighting fires, despite per
sistent rumors.
Mexican Committee to Meet
at Border to Investigate
MEXICO CITY. Aug. 1C The sen
ate todav named a committee of
three to confer at the frontier with
the sub-committee named by the
United States senate to investigate
the Mexican question.
Three Hart When Gas Stove
Explodes in Restauran
PORTLAND. Or., Aug. 16. Three
men were injured, one seriously
when a gas stove exploded at a local
Broadway restaurant tonight. The
injured men are George Johnson-
cook, leg fractured and burns abonf
the body; Joe Maybuimm. helper.
burns about the face and head; Da
vid Hankins, dishwasher, burns
about the face and neck.
The cause of the explosion was
not known.
Bandits Who Attacked Gob
Reported Killed by Fellows
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 16. Sevei
of the Mexican bandits who on July
6 assaulted a party of American sail
ors from the U. S. S. Cheyenne when
they went up the TamesI river have
ben killed, according to press dis
patches from Tampico today.
Santa Barbara Prepares to
Greet 20 Ships of Armada
Twenty ships of the Pacific flet
will make their entrance into Santa
Barbara channel Tuesday afternoon.
To gree them thousands of people
of the city, county and state will as
semble along the oceaa front.
is vacuum packed by special
process which preserves its
strength and rch flavor
The most economiral
coffee you can buy.
Renumber Our Gaarante
vmr tup 1 1 irp ttvt n iti
1UA llUIllblVUiWWUl ir i
Sam of Money is Found
in Mrs, Brummetfs Room
That Mrs. I M. Brnoimett, who
was accidentally killed Friday at
!ui and Winter streeu heo struck
by an automobile driven by Arthur;
Jaurttson. was a woman of some
means was ascertained, by Chief of
Police Varney and Officer Lee- More-
lock when they visited a room sh
had occupied at the Ma:ton apart
AAter searching among her belong
ings the officers, found I4X6.T5 ia
money, besides some jewelry. Also
letters were -found, affording mean
which will probably enable the au
thorities to get into touch with ac
quaintance iu other cities. Titers
was no money oj the person of Mrs.
Brummett whn she met her death.
Until recently Mrs. Braminett's bom
was at Astoria.
At Louis R II
Philadelphia T 1
S. Louis 4 8 4
Kinney and McAvoy; Koob. DaveJ
port. Weight and Severeld.
At Detroit R . II E
New York 2 9 0
Ietroit 3 7 1
Thormahlea and Roel; Aytrs and
At Portland RUE
Oakland It II 4
Portland .... 11 It 3
rj Cartn. Krrmer and Elliott; liar-
At Chicago R II K
Boston i . X 0
Chicago " 12
Jones and Srhang; Lowderndlk.
Mayer and Schalk.
W At Seattle -
P First ranae. H II H
Yeraoo : 3 S 1
Seattle & 2
Dawson and Brooks; Schorr sad
At Portlasd
frond game. R II K
Oaklaad .- 11 IS 3
Po-tlaad 1 S 1
HoMing and Mitxe: Dally sad
At Los Angeles R II K
Salt Lake' 3 C 1
Los Angeles It 2
Gould and Spencer; lerttca a -id
At Saa Francisco R 11 E
Sacramento 3 12 2
San Franrisco ..2 2 0
Larkin and Cook; Seatoh. Couch
and Baldwin. . ' - -
At Seattle - - .
Second game. R HE
Yernon 1 11 2
Seattle 2 ( 1
Mitchell and Brooks; Blgbee. Gil
ligan aod Lapan.
S1LVERTOX. Or.. Asg. 1. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) New nn-to-date
prune dryer has nearly bee
completed at the Byberg farm a tnlh
south of Silverton.
Miss The Jensen spent her vaca
tion at Portland with relatives sad
friend. Her little niece. Ml Yiv
tan Buenos, returned to Silvertoa
with her.
Miss Althea Meyers Is spending a
few days with relatives at Wood
barn. The harvest of the erergree eroa
has commenced In earnest la this vi
cinity. - ' -
Little Miss Alice McKlnsey who
has been spending several weeks
with her sunt. Mrs. Ed Gasderson.
returned to her home la Portland
Cannon Ball Baker Starts
on Record Ride to New York
LOS ANGELES, Cali Aug. 16 Er
win G. -(Cannon Ball) Baker will
leave here tomorrow morning at 6
o'clock for New York City in an ef
fort to break the trans-continental
motorcycle record of seven days. 16
hours. Iff m-inutes. according toa an
announcement he made tonight.
Denegri is New Mexican ,
New York Counsel-General
MEXICO CITY. July 26. Ramon
P. Denegri. formerly Mexican consul
general at San Francisco, ha been
appointed consul general at New
York, succeeding Adolfo de la II aor
ta, who has been elected constitution
al governor of the state of Sonra.
All Shoes will be Higher Next Month
We are going to protect oar customers a gain t the almost dally raises with cur
immense stock bought in adrance of these numerous raises. - If you want to par
ticipate in this great money-saying event get your shoes now for the entire win
ter as shoes will not be cheaper under two years and will be much higher before
the end of that time. We are turning out hundreds of pairs of shoes each week
and we would advise an early purchase if you want to get these high grade
shoes at reasonable prices.
Expert Foot Specialist Always in Attendance
Hanan Shoes
Sclby Shoes
Fox Party
Pcmps .
Bergman Boots
Witch Elk Boots
Ball Band Boots
Wizard Foot Appliances
Next to laid & Bath Bank, 326 Slate Street