12 THE OREGON STATESMAN: SATURDAY, AUGUST . WW. THE OREGON STATESMAN Issued Daily Except Monday by r THE STATESMAN PUBLISHING COMPANY 215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon - MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication r all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published herein. R. J. Hendricks . .: Manager Btephen A. Stone. .t. ... . .Managing Editor r . i v. r l n n- .... f!nhlpr niytt uiuvn .... - ... .i. - - - -- -- -- -- W. C. Squier - AdTertislng Manager Frank Jaskoski. . Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cent a week, 60 cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, 6 a year; $3 for six months; 50 cent a month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $5 year. SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1 a year; 50 cents for six months; 26 cents for three months. WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued In two six-page section Tuesdays and Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid in advance, $1.25); 60 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department. 683. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. SALEM THE DEHYDRATION CENTER OF THE COUNTRY Sounds good, doesn't it? How many of us realize that the opportunity to accomplish that end is right up to us now f How many of us know that we have every natural thing here to do it with ? Fresno, California, is known as the center of the raisin industry. Los Angeles, orange and lemon industry. Grand Rapids,-Mich., the furniture industry. Chicago, the meat packing industry. Minneapolis, the flour industry. Richmond, Va., the tobacco industry. Boston, wool; Astoria, Oregon, salmon; Butte, copper; Battle Creek, prepared foods, and so on down the line of all our every day necessities. How did it happen to all those cities? In -most cases, nature laid the foundations, and men took ad vantage of what nature started and did the rest. ' - -MEN. ; SALEM, THE DEHYDRATED FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CENTER OF THE WORLD. Have we got the men? We have the industry started. The industry is well started to make Salem the dehydration cen ter. Will the men come forward to cinch it for Salem? We think they will, once they are awakened to the situation. Salem has millions invested in stocks and bonds of industries and municipalities all over the globe good investments, true;, but why not in Salem's industries? We will not only get our 5, 6, 7 or 8 per cent., but we will get all the indirect profits that come from a growing community and growing industries, to say nothing of the satisfaction of seeing our money work and make things grow. Salem has made a good start. i Let's keep going. It's our big chance. SALEM DEHYDRATION. . SCIENTIFICALLY CORRECT MECHANICALLY TRUE Are the lenses we grind. We ex amine your eyes and grind the lenses. This means SERVICE and SATISFACTION HENRY L MORRIS & CO. Eyesight Specialists 305 State St. SALEM Idaho wants the United States left to do what it pleases. That's all the German emperor wanted. That's all Nero wanted." Otherwise, no doubt the senator from Idaho is all right. Arknsas Thomas Cat. - HE .MUST I5E A GOOD EXPLAINER The Democrats want a candidate for president. He must be a good explainer. Yes, above all things, must be a good explainer. He must justify all the acts of the administrations during the past eight years. Both McAdoo and Joseph r.s Dan iels seem likely aspi ants for the hopeless job of running; but can they explain what became of the $600,000,000 appropriation for air planes all spent, though up until the end of the war American airmen flew in machines discarded by the British and Ftejch? Can they explain why, with the federal control more complete than ever before, food profiteers are en joying a greater orgy of robbery than ever? Can they explain the brutality scandals in the army? These are merely a hint of the hundreds of obvious and apparent questions that the Bourbon candi date will be expected to talk about. 1JORX EVERY MIXUTE. Profiteers have got so accustomed to taking big gains that they have apparently despaired of breaking people of the habit of paying the gouge. Philadelphia P:ss. Salem is the City o Welcome. Show the editors, tomorrow night, that this is true. Why not have the trial of the ex kaiser In Verdun? He would cer tainly get justice there. The very thing he does not want. Stop, look and listen, lie at Wil son avenue at 7 tomorrow night, with your auto, to help show Salem to the editors. If England can prove that Sylvia Pankhurst has received Russian gold from Beta Kan to promote Bolshev ism In England, then England ought to sbip Sylvia to Russia, and see that she stays there, with due notice that England will hang her if she comes back. hands; to keep If decent and orderly, after its dose of Bolshevism and so viet rule. You a.-?, pinched. Hold up your bands. If you own an automobile, you must be at Wilson avenue about 7 tomorrow evening, to. help show Salem to the editors. GO THE LIMIT. The dryest of the drys will have little to complain about when the house gets through with the prohi bition bill. About the only thing that has not been done is to knock the "booze" words out of the dic tionary. Omaha Bee. EASING A DOUBT. waiters are in earnest the people will be slad to lead their approba tion of the revolutionary idea. UAH! I OR THE IXFAXTRV. Uncle Sam is a wise old guy. He figures that a lot of the doiiRh boys wiho married French or Ger man wives will be glad to stay In the army and to arrangements are made Tor the creation of certain special regiments of them to be stationed at designated gove-nment forts. An elastic ;barracks system; will be built which can be expanded to suit increasing families. 'For this reason one would natur ally think they would all be infan try regiments, but not so. The cavalry and artille:y are also representei. These soldiers are pleasantly referred to as the F. F. V.. but in thii case the initials stand for Fathers of Famlies' Veterans. The official estimates now are that about 20,000 American .soldiers married roreign 'brides. This Is a rather small proportion out or an army of some two millions of susceptible men exposed to a flock of ardent and lovable young women, but nev ertheless it is a sufficient number to create a problem which Uncle Sam must solve in a moral and upright manner. The army has not been a suitable career for a married private, but it must be made so. Therefore, regiments of men who married French wives will be created and they will be bar:acked so that all can find -congenial companionship. There will be no need for a man's deserting either his wife or his regi ment. This Is another Infant indus try that will have the backing of the general government. It has been figured out that a rain alarm can be made by- stretch ing silk wires between the wires of an electric bell circuit. It is also possible at all times to detect rain by looking out of the window, and that is good enough for Oregon. A London couple inaugurated a new fashion by smoking cigarettes as they walked from the church aft er their marriage. A cynical neigh bor thinks the chances are that the tobaco trust paid te bill for the wedding. Rumania must get rid of her mania or do without food and raiment. She has exceeded her bounds in taking the pest out of Budapest. Though the world will have to admit that the Hungarian capital needs strong P -esident Wilson tells the railroad strikers that they must go back to work before their claims will be considered. That sounds like Mr. Wilson has been taking something for the stiffening of his backbone Hope he may continue the treat ment. , It seems to be decisively estab lished that President Wilson either will or will not be a candidate for another term in his office. With ths much cleared away the world may go ahead with its business of canning peaches. A MAX'S JOB. If the president is- going to stay in Washingtin until the cost of liv ing is pulled down to the point where it can be reached without using the fire escape the Pacific coast might will give up hope of seeing him for some time. Los Angeles Times. ALL SAME AS HUNS. Williams a!nd Borah are at sword points over a league of nations cove nant and the German treaty. In the debate Monday Senator" Williams charged that Senator Borah had been a "Prussian junker at heart, believ ing in sovereignty unlimited." These are his words: "The senator from 5 BUYING A BILL OF GOODS IN remitting the price for stocks purchased at a distance the merchant or tradesman finds it much more convenient .to obtain a Draft from the Exchange Department of the United States National Bank than to ship currency. We have correspondent connections in other places whose services are available to our customers. nil!! Sil IMteclStates Salom Oregon. HAXD 'EM AX AX! Senator Fall says that if our troops along the Mexican border could "cut the cable to Washington" they would put an end to raids in short order. Indianapolis Star. THE HAXISOME WAITER. Some of the waiters in eastern cities are leading a movement for the abolition of tips. No one ever expected a thing of this kind from the handsome waiter and, like every other odd clrcustance, it will be charged or credited to prohibition. Unless a patron is fairly primed with cocktails he is not disposed to be lavish vith the person who serves his table. Nearly all the rich tips were 47 per cent alcohol. There Is little jollying of the waiter under the numbing influence of this half of 1 per cent stuff. In a bone-dry world the waiter wants his profes sion elevated to a salary and com mission basis, with only the propri etor to deal with. It was easy to show a bland sub servience to a portly scout who was all lit up with gin fizzes, but it is hardy worth while to take a chance on a frosty pa:ty who has merely been lapping up a beaker of butter milk. , Even the union waiters In Pitts burgh a city of magnificent tips- are in this movement for the abol ishment of an jage-old systems They want yo bo placed vn 'a straight salary basis, and of course they will want big wages in accord ance with the demands of the hour The public will pay the tip just the eame the proprietor taking his place as a middleman. But if the TVTVWtK DATES. August II. IS. and 1C Elks state convention at Klamath Falls. . September JJ-27 Fitty-elghtB Ore goa state fair. BITS FOR BREAKFAST 1 ; Bring your auto. Meet the editors tomorrow even ing. "a "la "a And help show Salem to them. Of course, you will not be a slacker. a "a "a The advertising of the Phez line is attracting nation-wide attention to Salem. a "a "a It is bringing people here to ralso loganberries and other fruits, from all over the country. a S The great advertising campaign for dehydration will accentuate this putting of Salem on the map, and keeping it there. It will start more rple this way. J The Phez people are still receiv ing some loganberries; but not enough to press. They are being sved for jams and jellies. Now they are to commence on blackberries, some of which will be pressed Tor he juice for jellies, and some saved for jams. v - By the time the berry season 1 over, they will commence on apples and the tonnage of apples received at the Salem plant for Applju will be much greater than ever before. a "a "a i Applju. as perhaps the reader knows, is the old fashioned apple cider with a college education. It i? cider rle luxe. It is cider with the worms left out. It is cider laund ered and ironed and dressed up for Sunday, with a sparkle like cham pagne. It is the cider that allows the epicure to "drink an apple." just like it was picked off the tree. The more apples the Phez people use for Applju. the greater will spread the fame of the Oregon and Washington apple. W "a The esteemed Jap, like Shantung silk, appears to be smoother than ever. a Speaking of a ruler in America, what is the matte- with the Ameri can farmer. Exchange. a "a Do you know of a single thing that can be bought with a nickel these parlous days? The ordinary reformer usually is strong for those reforms that do not trench on his private preseves. a "a "a A friend at the. writers' elbw sug gests that if that covenant of na tisns contained any provision for the elimination of the jazz band there would be less opposition to it. "a "- About the next thint we see in the comic opera line will le th Shantung incident. There is a ereat opportunity for composers. But Gil bert and Sullivan are dead, and they left no successors. a -a "a In London the folks are iying in to raptures over the ukeleles. Out English brethren are slow. Over here the Hawaiian instrument is con sidered something with which to In riict almost unparalleled tortu:p. a "a S The average married man has ever been of the opinion that there should nik an installation of the budget sys tem In his hou!"eh-ld. He then might be able to figure out where the mon ey goes. Under the present arrange ment the situation is hopeless. Grnuinc Old IWore Your Time Kidney trouble tends to "slow up" men and women in middle life and they fear oncoming old age when it is only the kidneys that are at fault. Foley Kidney Pills assist nature lo restore a sound, healthy condition and to banish backache, soreness, lameness and stiffness, puffy eyes and other symptoms. J. C. Perry. A Salem Product Thelma" Individual Chocolates 5c everywhere. 548 State St. 103 S. Com'l St. 299 N. Com'l St. Phone C. O. D. Orders 198 and 186 Mail Orders 456 State Street COFFEE SPECIAL Saturday Only. We have a lim ited amount of Royal Club cof fee to sell at the following price wliieh in 5e per pound less wholesale priee iu ton lots. 1 pound tins, per pound. . . .45c 3 pound tins, per pound.-. . .44c 13 pound lots 43c Buy any quantity yea want. First Come, First Served. M. J. B. Coffee, pound.... 55c M. J. B. Coffee 2 Us...$L35 M. J. I. Coffee, 5 pounds $2.65 Folger's Shasta, 1 pound.. 50c 3 pounds $1.45 (j olden Gate, 5 pounds $2.65 Power Coffee, pound 47c Pcaberry, pound 48c Lipton's tea, U pound 40c Bulk Sweet Chocolate, lb. 32c Ilershey Cocoa, pound. . .. .40c Shasta tea, f-2 pound 20c Dependable tea, U pound.. 22c Golden West Coffee 60c Yellow Bau Milk, can 15c Yellow Ban milk, dozen.. $178 Yellow Ban Milk, ease, 4 doz en , $7.00 Aimour's Milk, can 15c Arnrour's Milk, dozen $1.80 Armour's Milk, ease ?.$1.10 Gold Crest Milk, can 16c Gold Crest Milk, dozen. . .$1.85 Gold Crest Milk, ease $7.20 Eagle Brand, Sweet 27c SYRUP Log Cabin, 65c size 60c Cncle Jons syrup.. 60c Bob White Corn Syrup No. 5 tin 50c Xo. 10 tin 98c KARO No. 10 White.... $1.12 Xo. 5 White .57c Xo. 10 Amber -..97c Xo. 5 Amber . .48c Xo. 5 Avousdale Cooking Mo lasses . .43c (oking Oil, bulk $2.20 Red Salmon, 1 pound 30c Red Salmon, pound. . .20c Seatort Oysters ...17c Fountain Oysters '..20c We lister's best Oysters 20c Otter Clams, 2 for 25c Pierce Clams, tall 17c 5fc size Instant Post u in. .. .45c 30c Size Instant Postum...25c 25c Plain Postum 23c 2 Post Toast ies 26c 2 Kellogg Com Flakes... . .27c 2 puffed wheat ..2c 3 Armour's Corn Flakes.. J7e 2 puffed rice .28c 12 Armours Com Flakes $LD5 2 packages Jell O. -.. .22c 2 packages Jiffy Jell ,.22c 12 or. Royal Baking Powder 36c Large Cottoiene. . -.- $3jg Medium Cottolene $L23 3 pounds Crisco .". . ,$L27 6 pounds Crisco $20 Small Wessons Oil Z5e Medium Wesson's Oil 72c Large 2 qt. Wesson's Oil $L67 6 bars Savon Soap........27e 2i oz. Gold Star Lemon... 22c Swift's White Soap, 4 for 25e Large package Gold Dust. .27c Light House Cleanser 6c .6 boxes Matches 35c FRUIT JARS Mason pints 90g Mason quarts ...95c Mason 2-quarts ..$L22 Economy quarts 1$L3D Economy, 2-quarts. . . . . ; .$L70 Economy, pints. . . . . . 4 ,.tli Cane Sugar, 100 pounds. .$3.50 Snow White Flour $2J55 Oregon Fire Losses Are Totaled by Mr, Barber Klre 'osses in Oregon outside r.T Portland during the month o." July totaled $421,220. according to the monthly report issued yesterday by State Insurance Commissioner A. C. Barber. The total number of fires was 58 of which the most Ferions was at Ilrownsville. where the loss is es timated at $100,000. Forest GroTe had a $5,000 fire, a lumber mill or the oHoth-Kelly company of Kugene was destroyed at a loss of $25,000. the Oregon Lumber plant at Hood River was burned with a $20,000 loss and there was a $25,000 loss in a lumber mill fire at Medford. A grain field near Pendleton Is esti mated at a $23,000 fire. California Hangars May be Brought to Local Field MJor Albert 11. Smith, command er of the airplane forent control squadron that is to operate In Ore gon during the summer, may be asked by the state board of forestry 'o bring to the Salem and Roseburg bases canvas hangars that were nsed on the California flying field. The state has been asked by Major Ar nold, commander of the air service for the western division to provide hangars, and he advised against tent hangar?, but it is explained by State Forester F. A. Elliott that by the time permanent hangars could be provided the fire season would be nearly over. The forestry board met at Mr. El liott's office ye-tterday and the ques tion of adequate protection for the airships was, the main question np for consideration. " State Forester El liott was authorized to go ahead with whatever arrangements he could make and stated after the meeting that an erfort probably will be made to secure the army hangars on lb California fields. The fact that per manent landing fields have not yet been established Is another condition that stands in the way of construct ing permanent hangars at present. Funeral of Lawrence Sims to Be Held Sunday at 2 p. ternoon at 2 o'clock rrora the Webfc Clongh chapef and the body wCl be laid to rest in the Odd FeIoi cemetery. lie ws 18 years old and made Lis home with his mother. Mr. M.-IL Sims, on rural route 9.' on a f arm. H leaves to mourn his untimely deal besides his mother, five brothers. L Verne, Henry. Robert. Thomas asd William, all ot whom lire at home, two etsvers. Mrs. Harriet otwin. of Calipatria.. Calif., and Mrs. Mary Se vits of Portland. lie IVrpaml for VaoUfaia Ills Change of food and water some times causes indigestion that leads to sick headaches, biliousness, bloat ing, sour stomach, gas. bad brealk The funeral services of the late coated tongue. Foley's Cathar- August 7 at a city hoepital following 1 .TlSVbTrV.'S. an operation win pq beiq bnnday at- and wholesome phytic. J. C. Perry. LADD & BUSH, BANKERS - . S " EsUbluhed 1863 ' General Banking Business Commencing June 16th banking hours will be 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. GROG ERIE FREE ONE QUART OF MARSHM ALLOW WHIP FREE WITH EVERY $5.00 PURCHASE .63c Creamery hutter, er jmjuihI IVaberry Coffee, freshly ground, jnr Iwud 4 Roman ileal, per package 35c Swift's U.ck Bacon, er pound 45c Mpkoii Fruit Jars, :. gallons, do:m $1.20 Li Id iy 's I'ork and ilea us, 2 can; 35c Sweet In art Toilet Soap, :j bars 25c Wheat i;ts, per pekag.- ?0c Koyal Club Pure Honey, per jar 23c Diamond Salmon, can.. 25c Toilet Taper, ."i rolls for 25c Cream of Wheat, package 25c Good Trade Coffee, freshly ground, per pound 40c 1 5oti Ami powder, per can .12c C risen, :i pound can $155 Sunny Monday soap, 4 for 25c lUtrux Soap, Chip, package 30c Booth's Sardines, J cans 45c Sea Shore i-lain. per ran 18c White Libby Tomatoes, can 15c Watermelons on Ice 1 3-4c a pound NO-VARY GROCERS Phone 403 THE QUALITY STORE 383 Court St.