THE OREGON STATESMAN: FRIDAY, AFGrST I. itl. lass The Wanta and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Heading So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While ; NORWICH UNIOJI MALE. nX INSURAlfCK SOCIETY want'w . getfcient Agent 871 bUU St. Jake $ a -dty., See Mr. Palmer. -Statesman office at once. T LIONEY TO LOAN EWIS!iSiPI E0iTaTkIO mSSm10 "EM WANTED-PALL8 CITY LUM taBJT BATES. WO COMMISSION ; ber & Logging Company. FaUs Citv Til AC If rOPn0 " -Or5OBa use fifteen men at ymd TtiUJ rUiWBMk. talea, Or. nd satins table labor; wage. 64 ana ft tenu per boar. 1 WANT ED tJO I S THERE WILL. BE , m ew rood Statesman too tea open KlPERd GPERfl iiuAi JzCEIITOCEIIT :TsWia, rAlUll LUAXlO WANTED-WOMAN FOR HOUSE- We Issa soy o five years. We work. 484 K. Liberty a tree t. in l a I WANTEp-COMPETENT WOMAN TO HawkmS and Robertl. ! S,rw 'or convalescent lady and do iTTnt. miT itl ' I housework for family of two. No t 814 IsUeeals Bid, Salem, Ore. washing. Good wages. Phone T2FU. I " : miscellaheotjsTT- 1 1 CTuaJtHTKO ADYXRTUXJLaUITS Bat Fa First tosertloo le Babsequent Insertions Ho One week (six Insertions)...... to One month to Six months' contract, par mo., la IS months' eon tract, par mo... 7e Me acct. opened for leas than. 3 So neat card riven free with an advertisement to the extent of I so announcing- For Sale "For Bant "Rooms-or Board." IEW TODAY. Each new classified ad vertl so nant wtll be run under "New To day for the first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under its proper classification. - No advertisement will be run nder "New Today" for mora than oae Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY WOOD FOR SALE PHONE 254 OR C23 I TWO EXCEPTIONAL BUYS IN USED cars. One 1917 Reo. A-l condition. $475. One Overland at your own twice. Salem Velio Co 1C3 North . commercial cu FOR 8 ALB CHEAP BUILDING 24x3$. smaii iou none loas J or 1Q2F13. FOR RENT I EXCELLENT ROOMS. both- housekeeping and single bed-1 rooms, rio children, call in the ax-1 ternoon. 715 Center St. CARRIER WANTED FOR THE ORE GON I NAN. See W. H. Burgrhardt, Jr, 371 State street. FOR SALE 100 HEAD OF1 STOCK sheep. J. T. BeckwItH, Jefferson, ; Oregon. Phone 7F32. WANTED LADY WAITRESS IN RES- taurant. South High across from O. E. Depot. FOR RENT SUITE OF ROOMS. WELL furnished for housekeeping. On firsi floor, modern conveniences. No chil dren. 555 Marion St. Phone 1524. A MONEYMAKER FOR SALE A LEASE ON IS ACRES set to strawberries and loganberries. I or will sell the land on easy terms. I can pay lor n out oi iirsi crop, ion can lease other land adjoining. John H. Scott Realty Co-. 404 Hubbard building. FOR SALE . FARM MAGAZIXES tsaTeesaaSaSssataa IT YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST . farm saner, send lOe to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. MISCELLANEOUS FOR BALE TOP BUGOT, IN GOOD condition. . Inquire $9$ South 16th St. FOR SALE BALED HAY IN FIELD, ne mile east of city. Phone 10F4. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE - st 210 4th street. Kingwood 1 Park. I west Baiem. A. E. Page. WB OFFER TWO FINE USED PIANOS at very low prices. These are real bargains, cash or terms. The W Hey B. Allen Co.. HQ Court street. A FINE PIANO FOR SALE. LOOKS like new with beautiful tone: Terms if wanted. Call at 610 Court street, afternoons. , USED CARS FOR SALE 1018 MAX well good as new; 1017 Maxwell, run 3000 miles. Cash or terms. 197 So. Commercial. Phone 300. BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM- r'lete set of 30 volumes, cloth blnd ng, new, never unboxed. Will sell for less then cost. Address "Book," ' care Statesman. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE 35 hp, 3 cyL, with throttling governor, . hesvy fly and belt wheeL Formerly nsed as auxiliary - In electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tt!k-A.' Jo" Bowrth. 4a opantaing. xuag, yoruano. ore. 1 . CAPTrVTTY OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS This true story of western lmml- gratlon has been carefully revised. tells la graphic terms of the maasa- ere of the Oatman family, of the es cape or borenso, ana the captivity or Mary and Olive. Mary died of star- SSTLSSSSSX v the Indians five years later. The '. price Is 10 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. BARGAIN LATE- MODEL FAMOUS "Apperaon" Jackrabbit car, four - passenger chummy roadster type, all dolled op; probably the best looking car In town. Has many extras such as bumper, plate glass window In Tear, heater for cold weather, grad ometer, spotlight, and many others too numerous to mention. This car will not appeal to everybody but to some discriminating buyer, it will be a distinct find; and the price; -look at the car, and you will say it Is a enap. Phone S4F15. : r .. ... FOCXiTRY - f? THE NORTHWEST POULTRY JOUR nsl, the biggest and best In the west. The live magaxine for live poultry, men 76 cents a year. $1.00 In Salem. eaa cents for sample today. Ad dreas The Northwest Poultry Journal, Baiem. Oregon. Mention this ad. mPLOYlIEIiT baAaAAeew AMMMMMaMMWMmm BlTUATION WANTED AS STEAM AND rss trsctor engineer and expert fire - I LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED at Indian Hill farm, rpod berries and I ff-PVwSSfJ J'Hv pTd to those .tay- the miaii. a kia.1t. frotn end of 12th St. car line. Phone ais. t. u utTiaion. HOP PICKERS WANTED IN M1TOMA iaku fa rues who have formerly picked at the Mitoma Yard are asked to register early, as well as any oth ers. We furnixh. tents, wood, atraw for bedding, tables and benches and hop baskets. There will be a store on the gTounds and goods can be Sur chased as cheap as in town. We ave 114 acres of the very best hops la Oreaon and will nav COc sr box. I You can raaka bis; money. Register I S; ,,VI 7 tB ' State street or. Homer H. Smith, Mc- I FOR RENT MAMIMMAWMMMMMMaMI I '- ' " - BOi mwvmm. - mJ2&&5S2X' S08 desirable location. 495 North Com- mercial. Phone 144s. , ROOMS ; FOR RENT TWO LARGE SLEEPING . rooms in nieaaant modern hom on S. 14th. Gentlemen preferred. Also garaa-e same location. Phone 1234. HOUSE tage at 1023 N. 17th. $10 per month! FOR RENT HOUS APARTMENTS aad farms. F. L ood. 341 State street. Phone 704. WANTED SSISGELLANEOUS. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. CALL WANTED TO RENT I OR 7 ROOM modern house, will take year lease. can Z2is or az. 1 WE BUY ANY KIND OF USED CARS. Attoae f 0 1W7 South' CommerelaL AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE tiEO. SPICER, Mauttr. Z2S State Street. We have taken the agency for the Case Six. Monitor Six and Moore Four, all of which are Case products. They will be handled at our place of busi ness A few second-hand cars will sell at a sacrifice Just received, the new Monitor Six. isee this fine new car. IF YOU WANT TO BUT, SELL OR trade your old auto or auto parts see Bteinbock Junk Co.. (Auto wreckers) $20 North Commercial St. Phone 305. OLESOH AUTO EXCHANGE leie xr-tt. rummmiii tit Phnn. fcKfi (BUYS. SELLS AND EXCHANGES ALL makes of cars and parts, complete ' wrecking department. 1914 Overland. $158. Studebaker 30. $1S0. 1918 Chev rolet Sedan, $800. Studebaker -ton truck. Overland, would consider city lot in exchange. Studebaker Light Four, electric starter and lights, $550. 1917 Maxwell. $550. 1918 Studebaker at a bargain. One ton Locomobile v truck - $400. - 1917 -Ford, first class condition. .Flanders 20, fine condi- . tion, $250. t -.- .- BRING TOUR BATTERY WORK TO the Battery Shop, 263 N. Commercial street. Phone 411., AU work guar anteed. - .! 4- . WANTED LEAKY RADIATORS TO repair. Baiem Auto Kaaiaior onop. 198 8. 12th. AUTO SERvTCBfl uianj-LTLiirinri r -,- - SHIPP'B AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. mono: . way, asi night, 389. TIRES RS1P AIRED VTITlAjriZIJta GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. II? ou commercial e&. Phone 411. f BUSINESS CARDS uuULrLrmrui'irir r-n-i.n . ....... CHIMNEY SWEEPS I g . t ttt Sr fHIMNEY SWEEP HAVE your chimneys and furnaces cleaned and repaired for the fall. Phone 191. and repaired "CLEAJriSO A2TD PnBSSI3fO innnn ssrxruy'erets-ri,,i" ' In EZRA SPARKS. OFFICE 1855 STATE street. Telephone 60S. We call tor and deliver work.' ! DRAYS AND 3EXFRKSS - " LARMER TRANSFEB-Wa MOVE AND store gooda. mr puone vtv. nia;a phone 1898. . I CAPITAL CITY 1 Phone 083. - TRAKSFEB COMPANY Salem's largest aad bast equipped transfer company. Get ear re duced (reirai rates oa canara uiparaw. Alas for storage, as wa bare three ware houses in connection with baaiaeaa. Farai tnre awing, packing- shipping aad stor tag ear specialty. Office. S2S BUU 8t. . TTSAJf CIAL, LTLanri-nriru-ii-r- ..... . FREE INFORMATION IF YOU WANT Information about any kind ef life Insurance, see J. F. Hutcbason. ais- Sea? iSI&Vnlt&liSUi Salem. Ore. Office phone 99. rest- dence 1390. ', insurance. mwxovwmmxwwww I GILT EDGE FIRE INSURANCE PRO- I TECTION and .up-to-the-minute in- T-.HinV firv of th oVeaon Fire Relief Association of McMJnnville. arestsbSbed- Slem"Agency- fo? ever twenty Year, and we are nere to rive you " au i 1 . A. ohnson lMurance Aren tun lnninnM Arency. over Ladd a "Bush iuBiB. i BalemT Phone It7. JUNK JVIK - " " ' - irinnnjuuui-i. JUNK WANTED WB PAT HIGHEST yric lor jiuK or every kind. Let us make you a price on your household vuua. mi ; Bauare Dear. Ho vttFiUr?0' m I BUY JUNK OF EVERT KIND BAGS, w , ?""- aii aiaas et rae- ehinery, broken dowa automobile aad ?5!?l.of estamobilea Steinbeck Jaak Co, 828 N. Comierciml St. Baleaa. Paoae ao It LAOTTDXXES. lUaUB WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing don at a rata avarv. body can afford. For only It cents wa will collect, wash and deliver your washing, within twenty-four iuii fauna ssi. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY I vuauiy worn, prompt service. , 1284 HOP LEX EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN. 4S6 . Py sop marKet pries for eaicxens aad errs. Hoes pkoaa 133SJ. Shop phoae 19J. SALEM 8TEAM LAUNDRY ODICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. e per pound. 1I( South Liberty SU MUBSiewncs PRUNE TREES WE STILL HAVE A limited number, which will book for all is so long as they last, frune trees are scarce, with a great de mand, book your order now before It is too late. Don't be disappointed. Ask for nursery Price List, also Wal nut Booklet. Carlton Nursery Co., nun, vrtKua. OPTOMETRISTS. DH. I HALL WILSON Special t 1st In the Modern Scientific Ap Sjzr" plication of Glasses for the aid Of llnn anil tri. ..II. A D... nri vi-.k.. rrrt i o.. j" Office 210-211 5 U. - B. Bank Building. nice rea. izt. FEDERAL FARM LOANS. . , . , - . - feral loan a for fall iicmIi hnnlf ?PPralsement ia j ewdlya. Lol" maae in aiarion, roik. senton. Linn, Lancoin. iimnui and Clackamas coun ties. Write for full information. Oreaaa Katieaal Faraa Lean A C 1rhrVatlt Rr . t . tV.. . , V". inrntelt. Secretary-Treasurer.! tiargest In the Northwest). 401 Masonlo Temple, Salem. Ore. SECOND HAND FtRNITURB BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL YOUR rurntture. stoves or carpets, you will a-ain by calling- on us. The Capital Hardware Co.. 2S5 North Commercial Bt inone 947. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 171 N. Commercial. Phone 734. Home of bargains. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. We buy. sell and exchange. Highest cash price paia for second-hand good a SECOND BAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND roods of all kind, nlna flttlnra. bar. VeSeae effu1 1 al lease ea A m evl m a m A I M -r wir"i .r wvsa. uiu i atFrd 8cWndlr - 1 WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF rjBXD I ?55 :1 WL ni. f1? trade orl wwSSST irAl I nan in a cioining. eee J. A. HOWiano Furniture Store, 147 N .Commercial, I rnone is. ' PAINTERS -MARTIN" PAINTER. PHONE 704. F. H. KAYLOR, PAINTER. $10 SOUTH Winter. Phone 300. TRANSFER HATJLINO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND of hauling. Household moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Timme. 475 Bute 8t Phone $. Residence phone 1122J. WALL PAPER, PAINT SEE porter for paints, wall I .workmen. 46$ Court St. Phone 416. m. ofs 'yr FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper at Burea's Furniture Store. 179 Com mercial street. WOVEN WIRE FEN CINQ Deaot Natteaal Aaaerleaa an atsea, xa law to as ta. aassw Faints, OBa aad Yaralah. Steves Reballt aad Repaired. Loasabniy and Hep Hooka, Saleaa Femea ek Steve Worka. XSatoartSt. Phoao lid B. B. ITJcai.lQ. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. 8. CV Chlropractics fountain I bead. Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the causa of disease. Office 400-7-8 U. a National Bank Building. Phone 87. Residence SZSR. r MTJSIO TEACHERS R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1$$L OSTEOPATHY. DR. W. X MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Klrks Tllle. Mo.: treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-40$ U. B. National Bank Bldg. Phone 019. Residence, 419 North Summer. Phone 014. CHTNESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease, its B. uig-u ou none ass. BIDS INVITED. Mawwwawwwwwwwwiwwaaaaaa WATER SALEM WATER CO OFFICE. 801 & Commercial street, ror water serv ice apply at office. Make all com claim a at the office. No. deductions in bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever .unleea water Is cut off from pre mis ae. Hare- after water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us ing water for domestic purpose. Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will please read "for building- purposes" under sched ule of rate. Apply at office for copy BACK FROM WAR. DALLAS. Or., July 0. (Special . . fPV. CA,mfln TIai-nlil IT Rich, a prominent young Dallas bus! inefs man. who enlisted ta the army ah.rtlv after the declaration of wsr I with Gemany and who haa been sla- I ttpned In . Siberia for more thana I year, arrived home Saturday after p. weeks' Tor a re on the Pacific Elmer Matheney. another Dallas boy wj,0 was Wjth Corporal Rica, is ex- Pted home ltb.n a. shortUme. I D..J - . $k lea4aaf - Al vcau , wis vaah, "u WHOLEnLK- AND PRODUCE WASTED Marion Crtamery' & Prodwt Co, baiem, Oregon. : Phone 2488 SALEM UARKETS I BTjrora PRICE Ben and Pomltrr. Eegs. Ate. Hens, 22 to 25c. Broilers, 24c. Old roosters, 12c. ' Pork. UatUm aad-Boaf. Pork on foot, 20 to 20 e. Lambs, 10 to lie. Beef, steers, 8 to IVe. 1 Cows. S to 8c. Top Teal, 22c. Hay. Cheat hay, per ton Oat and vetch hay, $18. Clover hay, $20. i unia. wheat. $2.10. Oats. 80c. Beans, nominal, KOI Feed. BetaO. ilillmn, $46 to $47. Wholeaale To Dealers. Creamery batter cartons CI to 62elcony looks pretty cood to me. Buterfat, f. o. b. Salem. 60e. I fruit. - I Cantalounes. standards. 12 50 to $3. SO per crate. Oranges. $5 to $1.60. Bananas, 9 Me. 1 Lemons, $7.50 to $8.75 a box California Grape Fruit, $6. Peaches, $1 a box. Waterniflons, 2c a pound. Cabbage, 4c. aCk. Carrots. 45c a dos. boweties. Taraips, 45c a dozen bunches. Lettuce, 60e a dozen. New potatoes, 2 He a pound. Retail Prices. Creamery batter. 70c. Dairy butter, 50 to 55c. Eggs, 45c Flour. hard wheat $3.90 to $3.10. Flour, valley, $2.55 Q $$.. . . 8ugar, can and beet, 10a. ! PORTLAND LLARKETS 1 ,1 PORTLAND, July 31. Grain fu- tures bids: Oats. No. 3 white feed August and September $59. Barley, standard feed, August $68; Septem- ber $88.75. Ba-iey. No. 3 blue Au- m! ST a T At 0 a A gust,, s3orL7tr . wr 4 v ora 1 No. 3 yelhw August $76.50 Septem- ber $77. Eastern oats and torn in hnllr OatalCn 9 wtilt l.n.t I Cora I - .,. .mW m st . n.i. . ii dLl AnimiitlwMMj other people following our ex- $7.50. Corn, No. 3 yellow. August I and September $77. Barley. Ko. 2 August and September $55 25. Sales 100 tons August feed barley at $68.50. I Butter: Prints extras lc; cubes I extras, 57c; prime: firsts v6lc... I Butterfat, Portland dellvety: No. I 1 sour cream 61c. Potatoes: Locals, selling price I $2.50 ,$3. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK. July 31. Evaporat- ed apples quiet. Prunes In demand. wrnn Firm. i - - - s I COAST LEAGUE I At Oakland RUE Vernon .... f Oakland 5 " 3 Finneran. Tromme, W. Mitchell and DeVormer, Cady; James. Krem er, R. Arlett. Weaver and Mitze. At Salt Lake Seattle Salt Lake Reiger and Sweeney; Stroud and Byler. At Sacramento San Francisco . . R H E ... .4 10 01 Sacramento Couch. Bromley. Seaton and Mc- Kee; Prongh, Vance and Cook. At Los Angeles R H 4 7 E 1 1 Portland 0 Los Angeles 5 Sutherland and Baker; Crandall and Bassler. AMERICAN 'LEAGUE I At Washineton R II E St. Louis 3 7 1 Wsshington 2 7 1 Shocker and Sereld; Johnson and PIclnlch. At Boston R H E Detroit ... ... .........1 10 1 Boston 2 12 o Ayers and Alnsmith; Hoyt and Schang. At New York R H E Chicago New York ... ... .....7 13 1 2 5 I Shore, Small- Kerr and Schalk; wood and Hannah. A NOBLE J."" BJJtD. i-er The rooster is a noble bird, . He's master of the chicken herd: He leaves his stamn on every chick. And that's !why they are thin thick. . . ... But when the chicxs are naicaea gum. . - . t . That dear old rooster's work, Is done; And if yon leave aim m ine iioea, The eggs are almost sure to rot. Go put him in another pen - Till breeding season comertgaln? ' Or if he's Just a common scrub. You'd better make him Into grub. R H E .....1 5 0 2 5 1 REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A WaDdcrfol Bonase of Usnidd life WondertaHy Cold bj AJ)KUS QARRISOlf CHAPTER CCCLV 0 . WHAT DICKY DID WHEN HE DIS COVERED MADGE WITH DR. PETTIT. "Reserved seats! Say! Where do yon think yon are? You're lucky to be alive without spouting about re served seats." An undersized, rather anaemic looking youth, whose truculence was in Inverse proportion to his dimen sions, lowered at Dr. Pettit when the young physician proferred hiin reserved seat coupons. I I ma jin e Dr. Pettit, under all his professional calm, has a quick tem per. I saw his fists clench involun tarily at the usher's Impertinence, then the fingers relaxed, and he said quietly to me: "That is better still we can sit anywhere we please. This little bal- He indicated a whole section of raised seats Just at lbs left of the entrance and commanding a good mew not only of the speaker's stand. but of the whole hall. Curiously enough the seats were empty. The people coming In from the crash our1 side were hurrying as fast as they could toward the floor seats in the main body of the hall. The usher who had spoken so Im pertinently stood directly In front of the little gate-like entrance Irsdlnr to the section of reserved seats, as Dr. Pettit and 1 started fnr the seats he stepped back and spread his arms wsrding us away. ' "Can't co In there. he growled "go on down In the middle of the hall where the rest or mem are. "What's the reason? Dr. Pettit demanded. "I thought you said thr vr no reserved seats an? more "Don't rive me any more of your ,..' the youth repeated; "I tell Ton UP you can't go In tnere." Dr. Pettit reached out a sinewy hand! grabbed the youth by the. col- i". and witn a quica him around ana v.- wnicn "vt .Tf iore me iau roum '- lne pnyaician nau ci"U kMW . . . A hurried me Into the topmost row of the section of raised seats. I aaw the bOT Whirl arOUnd and .nr toward us: then, as he taw ample trooping into tne section inav we had already Invaded, ne scrairno. his head In bewildered fashion- shrugged his snouiaers una wrnw again to his work. . "Why do yon suppose ne was determined we should not come up here?' I asked. "Oh. a dozen reasons, ur. peuu rejoined lightly. "He may hare been instructed to hold them for some po litical club; ha may nave wame simply to display his petty authority. whr worrr about the workings of such an apology for a brain as is tha vouth we have Just ntert)d. Just watch this crowd: ...i.. a it" srrav-v rn me m in a. iau a. a It was Indeed a sight worth record ing In one's memory. From every entrance men and women were pour ing Into the hall as if they were borne upon the crest of a steady re sistless flood. j A Surging Mob. There was an open spaee extend Ing from the spesker's stsnd clear across the hall, which was free of chairs. Into this went the more en thusiastic of the crowd, ana, m sn j ncre4ubiy short time It was packed as closely as an experienced employ . ..nUn eannlna factory couiw I Atntm lt ti, rat of the ehsir space on the 0 nor was onlcklr filled and tnen the crowd started for the tiers of gallery seats which surrounded the Garden auditorium. T aunnose It really was t longer - . . . . time, but It Seemed Only two Or three . v-.Am n aoat In the bsl- rV .;d nnor of the Immense hall was filled, sua people, in uenauw. all fire regulations, were packed the open space between me uwr the Seats. Then the Ingress or people ceaacu suddenly. Thar hava closed the doora re - 7 . n.... .-.a vi.h time. ' .... .. msraca ui- . T ij 7v. msracu ... too. W onder where they'll hold trie overflow meetings. There mu - 20.000 people snut out. i did not want to appear ncrwu-. but a very real fear at my heart made me put a tremulous question to m .sim rvn n inn. i "Suppose a fire should break oat, wouldn't there be a ternoie paaio here? rurora answerlnc ha turned ana swept with a practical eye the gallery . .-..11 mnnil an- haia- or m and a small, round en- naA anaea Inst above US St US right, in which a band of musicians were stationed. TXTnan DlrVv Annesred. I - ' - - . .B? . . . .. .11 V. yes, no uOUuv mere wwui oriB returned, "but there need oe no Man ear for bl It WOUld be UO tssa I.. -Ti n. t. nmM na Into the ii a iv - . ojjband sUnd. and from there It wouia Ih hnt a aten to an exit, we couio . .. .h. bulldlnr In a Jiffy i Tj..,nred. snd at the same time scoring myself mentslly for my sen lahneas in belnr relieved at my own immunity from peril, when it might nm an near ta the Others in nail, X tamed my attention to las brilliant, shifting kaleidoscope of col or snd light before me. The vast auditorium waa ablaze with light, glowing with flags and banners. From the center of the great dome ceiling to every post, sap- porting the galleries were Strang lines of American flags swaying gent ly to the faint breeze. The speaker's stand, the musi cian's stand, the railings of the bal cony, every possible place was swsthed with trt-colored bunting. It wss a scene r;ever to be forgotten. snd I sat revelling In It. There were a few people in the speaker's stand who kept standing up and looking toward the rear as If in expectation of someone com Ing. They're looking for the presi dent's party. said Dr. PettiL "Want to see them? He took a pair of field glasses from his pocket, and after adjusting them, leaned toward me and pat them In my hands. As he did so his hands touched mine and our faces of coarse, were close together. At this moment my eyes fell upon a man who was rushing wildly about the floor, gazing up at the oceapants of the raised seats. His eyes met mine Just as my hands and those of Dr. Pettit met In the transfer of the field glasses. It was Dicky! (To be continued) SILVERTOX BRIEFS SILVERTON. Or July 30. (Spe cial to The Statesman) Miss Cora Satern. Miss Ruth DahL Oscar Sat- ern and Harold Satern motored to Portland Sunday where Miss Emma Moe Joined them and the five mo tored over the Colombia River high way. Miss Moe returned with them to Silverton. She will remain home I a few weeks. fM'". rhousa left for east- ern points Saturday morning. Miss Corhouse expects to return to SH verton sometime in August. The Trinity Home Circle met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Larson Sunday afternoon. THE WICKED FLEA. Twenty educated fleas, valued at $6000. perished In a conflagration at Long Beach, CaL. and their owner is iSCODJKMaie. HIS OCCUpauoa lSlfrait eolt mala rock road. 3A miles rone I from Salem. $150. worth $17$. Cloee in And yet there be those Who hart seen the time they would gladly hae paid $6000 to get rid of a alngle, nn- educated, Bolshevik - dlspositloned flea! REAL ESTATE SIX ROOM MODERN COTTAGE AND Household furniture for sale at 1023 N. 17th. Price $1300. Terma if de aired. Owner there till 7 p. m. todsy. GOOD INVESTMENTS 30 ACRES CLOSE IN. FINE BUILD- ings. runaing- water, young orchard. paved road. $4,000. $0 acrea eloael" OJ4f vf.',x- In. paved road, good orchard, new I Urge lot oa car line neap $4ia. bungalow, swell location. 110.540. 10 80. Cs for Barg aiaa. Perriao dt Mar acrea close la paved road. $200. $20 I sters. 308 Hubbard balldiag. acres improved $11.50 per acre. 100 acrea Improved. $4,200. 40 acres. $2,600. 10 scree with bulldinge aad orchard $1050. 2 acre prune or chard. $9,000. t room house paved street, close In $600. 3 room house, new. $550. Strictly modern niae-room house, close in. $12,000. 6-room bun galow, elnao in. $2,000. 7 -room bun galow, $2600. 40 acres to trade for home. F. L. Wood. Bayae beildlag. TlllE TABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Xerthhoand No. 84 Oregoalaa 8:00 a.m. No. 10 Oregoa Express 4:66 aaa No. 38 Willamette Limited .. 9:17 a-aa No, 18 Portlsnd Paaseagar 1:60 p.m No. 34 Coos Bsy 8:16 p.m. mo, it r-oruaaa Kxpreae .... i:ua No. $8 Oreroaiaa 3:10 a.m. i . . n K.wn w . m-n, lNot 1B California Express ...11:01 am. I No. IT Roeebure- Pssaeaxer 4 :0I a.m. No. si For Eureae ..10.00 a.m. u-ued... 0:44 .., ArTriT.-"" 9io No. 14 Leave Salem 4:00 p.m. I .-,, ... m. amevav 1 1(1 j-'ee Salenuioter . . 7. 7 "oo aTm. 11 Leave Salem, motor .... 9:28 a-m i its uaavea aiem.moMr .... i:e p m T.Ma mr wm nna A 1.11 I -rat-oam car to aaoamoata aaa. Ajruo 1 1 ' " Vrs suuem s:i p.aa I il) Arrive at Salem S:J6a.m Salem 0:16p. ;.j -j -j- i1Tt jLTTfrm alem 7:40 p.m Oe. 14. 10 IS. I Train Leave Arrive Ne. eportlaac t Ltd.. 0 16am Salem Eerane 10:16 ass lliita T ..... 10:4t aaa . . . . 13:60 pm Salem oaly 4:18 pm 0:86 pet 4:40 pm 8:64 pat 8:07 pm Salem oaly 11:20 pm SeOeeaeeUy ila jam,. 4:t it $ p, I P Norta Bank Btatloa (leave J after- Street 14 aaa so aaiautee laxar.j Train Leave 1 No. Xugaae Salem Portland 9:10 aaa 11:10 am t-iif 14 LU.. T:llass .4:4$ am II Pm 14 Ltd.. 1:88 pm 4:00 pm 3:20 4:64 Pi 34 ..... Baiem eaiy :itpm 1:44 pi 38 4:36 pm T:0PSS 14:00 pm North Baak Station (arrive J offer. I son Street 14 sslaetee earUerL Laavt . I -.m. i COXYA1XXS COSTTXCTIOTl MerthOsasa Imii tVevallla I Arrtr 4:te aaa : em t:S pas 4:e pm 4:14 pea . t: pst Ilm m Arrive CsrralQa 11:07 am the I 10:1S em 4:19 pea 4:40 pm 140 SSS i Siva am REAL ESTATE r BARGAIN SIX ROOM HOL'SE, GOOD rlumbtar. barn two lots beariac - - - - . . ...vv. I Wood. Bayaa bundles. FOR BALE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS close la. Good reatdeac district, on - raved street. Address tils.' care, talesman. WANT TO BUT CHEAP PLACES IM. Kertn Kaiem ror caah. Address W C M." care Statesman, FOR SALE $ ACRES IN ROSED ALEL a muea south or Baiem. 4-roon heaa good barn, chicken house aad garage. rxtce siava. Hair aowsw One year. C$7. care Statesman. TO EXCHANGE N'T CE MODERN SIX room cottage In Spoke a for Salem property, will man or take dtf- . fereace. Call at 477 Center atreet or phone 1040J. FOR 8ALE ONE SIX-ROOM COT- tage with fireplace and furnace. Al so, one eight-room house. Both have gas aad electric lights. Within three ' blocks of state house. By owner. A. , J. Basey. (1 a Capitol street. FOR SALS ABOUT S ACRES SLIGHT ly improved, oa the Jeffersea road, half mile from carllae. Good logan berry lead or weald be an Meal chicken reach. A small payment will handle. See owaer. lilt Court SU rnie liitt. !0 ACRES. 0 CULTIVATED. JO"'" crve (me mi, family orcnar room modern house, good bam. at barn, well fenced. 0 acrea N clover, lays well, best of soil, g acres grub oak, family orchard, a itock No, 1 rood road. 4 miles from good town. tp- ciai price lor short time. Ill per acre. Socolofsky. 341 State Street. rOK EXCHANGE MODTXN S-SOOM COT- - tage. SH to S acres ef trait aad berries, S pealtry 0 eases, email eraak bisii : place, emiawetal skrasbery, pared straa -aad eeaerate walk, la Jive atsaaiaetarUf Uwm Cattage Grave. Ore. fee Saeia Baleaa preaerty. eaaafl ra-h or eereata. - avee ev eau rar ahete. W. C. at FOR BARGAZXS in real estate sou farm and city, see C. W. Nle myer. Masoale BuUdlag. Phoue 110$, GOOD HOUSESHEAP - . . TWO GOOD HOUSES. ON S ROOM, oaoo room. $$50 each; paymeat like WANT TO TRADE FOR GOOD CAR. LaXlar d LaXlar. 400 Hsbbard bldaw SELECTED BARGAINS A good river bottom farm at $7$ en sere, half in ealtivatioa, commodioae 5 room bun c alow, fruit, came at cellar. $2000. two-thirds real value; one-fourth) cash, balance monthly. One of the beet buy. ". r boVka on y a on our oooas. a fine Fairmont Reft"? l"rZ!?"Lu ttZl I 1 acre loaaas and other fruits. icoaaMiou koH near f. O . i&ast . I terms easy. Large Hating- all kinds of l.y - rV "s wmTFiemiarT .1 Riir co m state su Bargains In Real Estate FOR SALE 24 ACRE BEARING Or?- chard, mostly pranea and efcerrlea. S mllee from town, good land and a , money maker, on an. $: terma. FOR SALE 0 ROOM MODERN HOUSE and nice large lot. good paved street oaly $1400. $600 cash, belaace easy . payments. FOR EXCHANGE GOOD 10 ACRE farm, rood tmprovemeats. about 3-3 cultivation, aaisaee timber aaa pas tare, creek aad wells, waat elooe in acreage or good reeideace prop ertv. FOR SALE NICE MODERN BUNOA- low aad large lot, paved etreef, cloeo to car line, $2 tea $50 cash, bal ance month It navmeata. FOR SALE FOUR ROOM COTTAGE. BEST BUYS .: - 87 acres. 11 miles from Lebanon. 14 cres cleared. $2 acres rut over, eld house aad bam. spring: and well. $2200. . 40 seres cleared, red aoi L IS err a s- r ear-old pranea, large house and bare, ft mtlee from Salem. Price oaly $7600. 41 acres srvne lead. 4Va milaa Salem. 20 acres yar-ld praaea 8 acrea of strawberries set la prune rows; IS acres more cleared, bat all tillable, $6500; oae-hslt cash, lie acrea. muee baiem. good soii. good location. 70 acres cvltivsted. bal aace brush pasture, tillable well and creek, well Improved, oaly $190 pet acre. 11$ acres. 28 cleared. 30 slashed, bel see stump pasture, family orchard good condition, rood house aad bar a. I runnier water; cheap at $70 per acre. For Real aetata bargain, see . . SOCOLOFSKY S41 Stat S tveeO. - GOOD BUYS $0 sere tract, 20 acre of prunes. S seres of pear, some timber, pasture, good house, dryer, located four mile eon lb of Salens oa good read. Price Ii .. - 1 room modern heme located s hiock from the etate bouse. Price $1000. 6 acree ef rood berry land located a miles south of Salem, all cultivated. Ir. Ijood location, rock road. Price 31000 10 acrea. all cultivated. 4 acre ef bearing; pruaea. rood crop, belaace ef land would make first class pruea. lo ranherry or strawberry land. Fries) $1400. - 164 acre tract, 84 acres bear lag Ital ian pruaea. 20 acrea cherries, food pruae crop, balance of land In timber aad paitara. good boas, barn, stock, machinery aad heaeaheld goods goes. rnce i.ece. . Good room modern buaratow, lo cated at 1294 X. Winter street. Frtcw" $1700. . . e Good 4 room modern bunralow. eloae to achool and car Una. Price $130 ? $500 dowa, balaace to suit at 4 per. cent intereat. Well Improved 14 acre tract, rood room modern house, bearlar frutt and walauta. eloae to ear lie, sightly loca-' Uon. Prtc $14,000. 4.40 acre tract, aearlv alt cultivated.' good house, beat or eril. several chick pmlea houaea it ice 2ie. Term. It acre tract 14 acre at beenar er, chard, moetly prunes; hone and Mri., located on mala Pacific highway. Price $i&00. Terma 363 acre farm, 90S acree wader cat tlvatioa, balaace timber and pasture,' hnaw ead bar, located near S-lver- ton. about IS miles from Baiem. Price -$100 per acre. 10 eeres ell cultivated, rood 4 roota , plastered buaralow. bar a. well 4 acrea ' pruaea. V e-ree la logaaa. 4 mllea. (rora Salem. Price 3160, It you wast to buy or sell, see W. H. GRABENHORST h CO VI SUts 4troot , i . t i man, -u 15" cars suteoman.-