The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 01, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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iic service is made
profession and an attractive
one in London. A brand new
scheme has been launched by the
Young Women's Christian Associa
tion., lit la called the "Home Service
Corps." a residential club has been
established for women and girls in
the domestic serrice. the members
v going out daily from It to their work.
They come back to it for ail their
meals and their free time and they
can entertain their friends, both men
and women there.
It, 1 located In one of the most
aitBiocrauc seciions or London so
that the domestic workers of the
neighborhood may use it as their
- business and recreational headquar
ters and even as their home. Higher
wages, shorter hours, with stipulated
. meal. hours, vacation half-holidays.
' week-end holidays and regular work
ing honra are Included in the work
that Is guaranteed by the employ
ment manager to all the women who
come to the elb.
.". '.'High wages and. regular hours !
ana. me general air of freedom in
the -munition' plants where so many
of the women of England have
' worked for the past five years have
domestic work in the old grinding
form; unthinkable to our girls who
. are now being discharged from the
munition plants." said Miss Reynolds
who has charge of the club. "They
simply won't go back to it! And
why. should they for England Is ut
terly dependant upon fho 'servants'
as she calls them and cannot cornpre-
; bend ' how the American .women In
so-called high , society can think of
. doing her own work. ...".
" "We hope ttS put domestic work on
inch an attractive basis that women
of all classes will adopt It as a pro
fession," said M!sa Reyuolda
Mrs. Eugenia Gillingham and Mrsl
, Campbell will be hostesses at the lat
ter'a house at 411 North Summer
. street for the C. W. B. M. of th
First Christian church this after
noon. An enjoyable time Is planned
and all of the members are masked
to be present.
Miss Ruth Orlffiti and Miss Eliza
beth Dyer left yeste-iav for Pendle
ton to be the jntests of Miss Kath
arine McNary, who Is a daughter of
ur. ana Mr, w. B. McNary of the
tavern Oregon st:V hospital.
.atem friend b'd farewell Tues
day evening t two well known famlr
Iliea who left at that time for Long
Bevh, Cal., where they will make
therr home, ,Mr. and Mrs.' J. H. Davis.
Misa Abble Davis. Mr. and Mrs. S. E:
Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. Davi
and " Mrs. ,1 S, E. Palmer left
by : way , of 1 train while , Miss
Anile Davis aad S. E. Palmer ac
companied Dr. an4 Mrs. Warren B.
Davla of Strasmore, CaL, In their
motor ear,:'-; : . ; :7 : '. : :;".V-.. .
Miss Abbie Davis has been Instruc
tor'for several years in the Loncoln
school and leaves that position to ac
cept one In the schools of Long
: . . "
Mrs. Marie Collins and Mrs.Ma
.Bunnell left . Wednesday for Oska
loosa. Iowa, where they will -UIt lor
an indefinite time. On their way
they will visit relarives in several
cities In MonUna. -.
Mrs: Nellie G. Neill of LaCrande
who has been visiting at the home of
her son, William Neill. has returned
to her home. Her daughter. Miss
Mae Neill,' who ''came, down with l;er
will remain for a longer visit wlb
her brother.
Miss Josephine Baumgartner left
yesterday for Monmouth where the
will be a guest of Misa Eva Ran
dall at the summer school.
Miss Bertha Bvrd has eonp to Elk-
horn where she will bo the guest of
Miss Oda Chapman wki with her
mother Is camped there. Miss By id
plans to be gone the month of Aug
ust. -
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Ra
gan will be pleased to learn that
their small son. Howard Raeain is re
covering from a minor operation at
the St. Vincent's hospital in Pert
land. . , . :
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Farrar and
baby have cone t. Newport for a
two weeks visit. While tJir ihpv
will be domiciled in the Dr. Griffith
. ;'-.
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Aschenbrenner
and daughter, Miss Gladys, and Mrs.
James Warner are !n Portlan.l foi a
short stay as the guest of Mrs. D. C.
Sherman. They plan to go np the
Columbia highway today.
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Kilia mid
daughter ICalhrine are home from
tneir vacation spent at Newport.
: ; ' ' :' ' ;
Miss Alpha .Rosenaueat anil Mlsa
Vera Rosequest are In Portland as
me guests or their sister. Mrs Rnv
Wesley Burton.
Mrs. Frances E. Ner md h,-
daughter. Catharine frnm Paklnnri.
Calif., .who are the summer mits
or Airs. w. K. WilsoTi have rcn lo
Portland for a week's visit wit
friends. . .
In honor of her mother, Mrs. Haw
ley. who celebrated hr 79th hi-th.
day last Saturday. Mrs. H. A. Iau-
champ of Stayton entertained a parly
or women at her pretty home on
Third street. The room were taste-
iuuy decorated for the occasion. At
the close of an afternoon of nlcaan-w
and -amusement, a, delicious lnncb
was serveo.
':- mmmmM . ''''
Girls! Aake "beauty lotion for
a few cents Try It! ,
' Squeeze the juicer of two lemons
nio a Dome containing three ounces
of orchard 'white, , shake well, and
you hare a quarter pint of the best
freckle and tan lotion, and complex
ion beautlfier, at Tery. Tery amall
Your grocer has the lemons and
ny aror store or toilet pnnnt win
supply three ounces ' of orchard
white for a few
sweetly fragrant lotion into the face,
neck, arms and hands each day and
see how freckles and blemishes dis
appear and now clear. nft sni
- - w a a j -
wnite the skin becomes. Yes! It is
uarmiess ana never irritates.
QF course you will
iron electrically this
summer. It saves coal
for the nation's needs
and is far easier and
I cheaper for you., -
To get lasting service the proper
selection of the iron is important
For three-quarters of a century Landers,
Frary & Clark have manufactured per
fect equipment for household needs.
You probably now possess something
marked. - -
Look for that trade-mark
on electrical appliances. It
assures you that the quality
of the goods so marked has
not been sacrificed for
quick profits.
August 1-2, 1919
We want to cut down our immense stock before we take our semi-annual inventory early in August. And although the prices on shoes
are soaring (some lines have advanced 50 per cent since January 1st, 1919) and hid fair to continue to raise. We are so anxious
to reduce our stock to its lowest point before Invoicing, that we are going to make some .
Big Bargain Bulletin
Ladies' $5 to $7 Patent Pompt, to CIoe Out $2.95
Ladies' $5.75 Mahogany Brown Calf Oxfords, Pre-Inventory
Price $4.35
Hare White Neolin Soleg and Rubber School Heels. Tery comfortable
Big Girls' $6.25 Brown Kid Oxfords, Go at $4.85
rather Solo anH
Have Leather Soles and Common Sense Heels, neat, trim, yet easy.
'i -
frf 8 Red Cro" Brown Calf Oxfordi, Mihtary Heels, $6.35
r High grade goods, all sizes, are novr really worth a pair. .
i '
Men's $13.50 to $15 Stetson Oxfords, During This Sale Only
, Either Browns or Blacks. Kid or Calf, the Very Elite of Styles.
Men's Brown and Black R & B Oxfords $8 to $10.25
Men's $3.25 Elk Outing Bals, Black or Brown at $2.59
Some places are pretending to sell these "cheap" at $2.95. , .
" :
Boys' $3 Elk Outing Bals, Black or Brown at $2.20
Pine Summer Shoes for Boys to play and work Jn v
goIT' ;45 Brown Cusw Rubber SoIe Shoes at $1.15
Good Heayy Soles and Very Easy for Summer.
n Boy,s 5L45 mtt Tenni e Shoes at 95c
Good Heayy Canvas. Black Rubber Soles. -
" ' L.
MiW J2.50 White Canva, Ankle Strap Pump 11 to 2 $1.95
Mutes' $1.75 White CanvaJ AJde'strap Pump 11 to 2 S1.4S
Mie, $1.75 White Canvaj Two Strap Pump II to 2 $1.39
Child' $1.75 White Canvaj Ankle'strap Pomp 8 to 11 $1.35
Child'. $1.50 White Canvaj ArickStrap Pomp 8 to 11 $1.20
Chad', $1.45 White Canvaj Aride'strap Pump 8 to 11 $1.15
Infant,' $1.45 White CanvL Ankl'e Strap Pump 1 to 8 $1.10
Want,' $1.25 White Canva, Two Strap Punl to 8 95c
Tr ' t i
There wiU Be a great many other special, in price, both
a . Low-Shoe, aad high shoe Many will be offered at $1 to
below present day cotU.
At the Elect
Slaughter the Whites
LoU 182-288 Ladies' $6.50 and $7 White Nuhuck Lace $4.35
French and Military Heels, nearly all sizes. An Extra Good Bargain.
Lots 185-184 Ladies' $5 to $6.50 White Fahric Lace Shoes
$3.35 -
All sixes. French Heels. Relgnskin. Nile Cloth and Polar Cloth,
Lot 183 Ladies' $4.50 and $5 White Canras Lace Shoe $2.89
Good Sea Island Canras, French Heels.
Lot 295 Ladies' $5.25 White Sea Island Lace Shoes $3.85
Light Hand Turned Sole. Military Heels. Excellent Summer Shoe.
Lots 287-291 Ladles' $5.50 White .Clo th Lace Shoes $3.85
Military Heels. Neolin Soles. Dandy Growing Girts Shoes. '
Lots 283-284-286 Ladies $3.75 and $3.95 White Canras Lace
$2.65 ,
Low Heels for Big Girls or Ladies. Very Ccmfortahle.
Lot 282 Big Girls' $3.45 White Canras Button $1.95 "
SSI 2 Snly a ftwrT 1" ,B,t th lB' to
Lot 919 Ladies' $3.85 White Canras 2 Strap Pump $2.35
Light Turned Soles. Covered French Heels.
Lot 472 Ladies' $4.25 White Sea Island Colonial Pump $2.90
White Covered Square Buckles. Covered French Heels.
Lot 545 Misses' $3.25 White Relgnskin Lace Shoes $2.60
An Extra Good White Shoe with White Soles and Heels, sixes 11 to 2.
Lot 647 Child's $2.75 White Reignskin Lace Shoes $2.20
Rame as aboTe lot in sixes S to 11.
Lot 0541 Misses' $2.85 White Canras Lace Shoes $2.10
Splendid Style English Last Leather Soles and Heels, sixes 11 to 2.
Lot 547 Misses' $2.50 White Canras Lace Shoes $1.95 i
V hlte Soles, English Lace, sixes 11 to 2.
Lot 0647 Chnd's $2.15 White Canras Lace Shoes $170
Same as above in sixes S to 11. T : :
" - -- j-
' 101 650 WmU1 $1.65 White Canras Buttons $1.35 "
Turned Soles. Wedge Heels, sixes 5 to 8.
sameK650 ?L4S Canra, Button $1.15 vV-
Same as above la sixes 1 to 5. """ fi.irf
- .
Misses' $1.10 White Canras Pumps, Runner Soles 89c X,
Child', 95c While Canva, Pump,, Rubber Sole, 79c u
a: n-'f - -
167 N. Com! St"
J. B. Littler & Co;