I L CITY NiEWS JUg Iance TourIu . At the armo;'4 " Dncv at Turner" Saturday -Sight Saleia music. Men 50 cents. Hnrhine Are Wanted i. Twenty machines are Wanted ''by tbe Salfm Commercial :tlub. for. the jUIng, Lambert; Tartarian-- ! use & tn mcmrwrs or f ne Grand I Mav Iinko Knft.h .k-.:!: - - M"-tS to watch for Pit to and heard . he wag at Brooks. Upon eo ns to that Place the shcrirr found that Pittoi had go.je to California. Two days ago the sheriff; learned of ' i return and the made Thursday. arrest was Fourth come a "We are in the market. Army of the Republic and the!r aux-j raspberries tor. pa ucipauon in the Brine them to our hi of July parade. It has be- S. P. Co nan, r .7, ft v on a m " fuuUC custom for riHzens ownine autonjopues ionan ineni to ine vet erans for Memoriar day and Fourth of July 204. Phex Co. Good Vtmd Pianos Some good as new; almost at your own price. E. I-. Stiff & Son. Standard Seal llwk In duplicate. Statesman job of flea, "Century Individual Chocolates " The tast'e lingers. 5 Cents at the Spa. We Make Our Ow i v Ice Cream a--The Spa. Monday, June 30th, 1919, you are to turn in at headquarters, 121 S. Com mercial street, your full reports, re ceipt books and Hinds collected. Therefore rttsb, to completion the canvass of Jour districts. 4iGentraI cnaries U. Art-herd, Exalted Ruler 336 11. P. O. E. i i - flea. Dr. Stott ; Ban k , ol Cora merca bild g. Ilig Dance Tonght . At the armory. 407-8. 3 Bic Ince Tough t At the armo:y. Pitt Taken t IV rt kind .Inspector tMorak of Portland lft here Thursday night with Kmrnajuil pitto, who i wanted in Portland on 'a charge of assantling , his "former sweetheart with Incnt to; 'kill. Tha name df the sjirt is not known to th. officera he-e Sheriff Necdhara re ceiTed ia request frora Portlard thie'? If. F.' Bonestc-elei Is wearing a smiTe that won't como off. - In addition to receiv n a car. load of Paige cars Thursday he received a car load of Modgo B:o t hers cars yesterday, and in thi3 car load there is one of the latest model Dodge, Brothers Sedans. It has inaoy little- refinements -overi last years model, and surely Is a f'ne looking rig. " . ! ' TheUna Individual Chocolat Made In Salem, '5c everwre. Lucile nation, Willamette Inilructor Js enrolling students In her sum mer courses in voice and piano. 59& N. 17th. Phone 15S8. fi -.-,. - - ; , '.! Irgal Ittna I Get tkem at the SUtesman Job of- cataiog on application Anto AVlteel Comes Off K. At Peterson, an autoinobie dealer of Portland, was sponsible for a lot of excitement at State and Commercial street j yesterday eve ning when the right rear wheel came off the big WSUys-Knigbt car he was driving and, rolling across State street, cvashed; through a glass door at the entrance of the Morris opti cal establishment. A large crowd was attracted. ; in department No. 1 of the circuit court yesterday, j 'Mr. Holman brought suit to recover $IC0 which he loaned to his daughter several years ago when she was living in Salem. In order to secure the money he placed, a- mortgage upon the lot just south of the Salem high school whtih was sold to the school district in 1916., The jury) 1260. - awarded him ALICE BRADY In 'THE BETTER HALF' Vaudeville Attitln Studeaker Owners : - Wc have now opened a repair shop clong with our . sale's room at 252 Stikte street with 'one' of the bet mechanics in town. k i We now have o display a three- qtiarter ton Stewart truck which re ! tails 137 Salem. It has a rjfed seal j Continental motor, Timken bearings 1 nd internal- gear drive, inae- for ' speed and guaranteed 100 per cent overload. And. we also have the At ..tcrbury two-ton truck. 252 State St, Biji Dance Timglit At the armory. BUSTER 3 Prs. BROWN for HOSIERS .$1.00 J The Remnant Store, 254 N. Commercial St. pid It Ever Occur to fou 1::;;l';''vTHAT oar prices on strictly tilth trade piano arc le thaa'at 1? poible, for you to iret elsewhere. Tbe quality beat-and terms ey. , . THR WILEY B. ALLKX'CO. 119 Court St., in the perby Building. Home Made Ice Cream - Like mother used to nr:ake. The Spa. . . . ' : At Mol liers 3teet Tolay .There will be a business meeting of the Salem War Mothers today at 3 o'clock in the Commercial club auditorium. Plans for the Fourttuof July celebration and homecoming will be discussed. i Try Northern Flour ; I It's a Bear." i Every sack; guar anteed. At your grocer's. ; A Salem Product ' "Thelma' Individual 5c everywhere. . Chocolates, T All Colonel And Captains of the. Elks Salva'lon Army hone service campaign, atten- MONUMENTS . .,. If your, monumental work is solicit ed, kindly ask the solicitor for oar business card. Capital Monumental Works, 2210 8. Com. St. Pb A ;89. Saem At a Bargain Real , Merschaumf Genuine Ambers. less than Today's .. . Cost.. . !, : .; SMITH'S. FOR SMOKES State and Oomtiierctarstreety Salem4 Anto Radiator Shop ' Radiators, Fenders and Gas ' a Tanks Repaired, .Tractor ltadi&tors a Siieclalty i All work guaranteed 19S S. 12th St. Salem, OrcJ Cars called for n1 delivered. Day and MARION AUTO LAUNDRY y PUMAS BROS. Proprietors We are now prenared to dn ft r n u iiilc Al lOL.lMIII.C ffive u a trial. Satisfaction Ruamnteed hone 362 . Manon uarage Small investment lnn ttealty : . txjans House Hen tat Agency, General Property Dealing. -OIINII. . 8CDTT REALTY CO 404-405 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 254 . Salem, Ore. Western Junk & Salvage Co. We buy all kinds Junk, hardware, furniture, tools. . machinery. There is hardly an item we do not buy Phone 706. -403 N.' Commercial fit. For Hardware Furniture and ... ! Second Hand CJotxle ce CAPITAL HARDWARE & : FURNITURE CO. Ifiyoa have" furniture stoves or carpets to sell, phone 947, or cs.ll at 28S W. Cesaaserelal Street WANTED Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools nd, in fact, anything yon hare to elL I buy for cashT Phone - ; 510 or 511. W00DRY, The Auctioneer See Our ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Welch Electric Co. r - 370 Stale St. Phone 'Jo i We want to buy ! . Good Potatoes Rest Market Price We furnish the sacks and call fpr the potatoes at your, place. PIPES HrowneN IIanc i Khileil A wire was received .yesterday by T. VI. McCroskey secretary of tfia Salem Commercial club that the air plape which will be used ln; Salem and Silye'tcn during the Fourth of July . celebrations by Lieutenant Brownes 's shipped -last night, from Los Angeles.. The plane , will prob ably arrive here. late Mondar. The machihe is a new Ciirtiss witli a ca pacity of fire passengers. .. J ; .;; .. , . ;. "Century" Thei best Individual' chocolate made. 5c at Tbe Spa. Vlavi tbe Old Home Ilemedy Mrs. A. G, l'oar Marion Hotel. f , , Klmer Honk Home Corporal Elmer I Itoss, whoso home is at 333 South Seventeenth street. Salt in, aad whose father is J. H. Itoss, is borne from Nevers. France, where he had been for IS months withp Salem's old Comany M boys. He parted from the 16 of the Salem bunch who are still" left at Nevera about, a month ago Cor poral Ross was mustered out at Camp Mills, New York. He was a printing v pressman before enlisting! and" he expects to follow, his trade again. He worked for a time in the press room of The Statesman, bit more for Elliott, the prlnTtr, In a Trading Mood?- If yotu want to trade In a used pi ano. for a new one, we are ready. E U Stiff & Son. KirthV Reportetl . A son was born Wednesday to Mr. and rMrs. E. M. Rulirsoh of 1620 State street. i j Passed Had tle-k. Charge : erne Ooodiia of Henton cunty, who Is harged with bavins; written a'eheck without sufficient funds, ha put up bonds for his appearance and will have his hearins Wednesday be fore Judge Unruh." edited by Frances Nlmmo Greene. "Adventures of Reddy Fox" one of the bed-time stories by Tjornton Bur gess. "Running Eagle," the story of a maiden warrior of the Dlackroot tribe, told by J. W. Schultz. who was adopted by the islackfoot Indians. Ibioks for the Young Patriot With the approach of our patriot ic season, me patriotic story is the best kind to read. The library has many of which the following are sug gestive; "Children's Rook or Patriotic Sto ries,", by Ada Dickinson. 'Lest We Forget," a collection of world war stories, by J. G. Thomi son. "The Flag." the story of a boy who once spurned the flag, by Ho mer Green. v "Ifayette." by C. D. Crow. . '01d Glory," how one man thought .he could give up his allegiance to it. "rsaval Heroes of Today." by , t rancis Collins. HE THIS KW A Y A Y HIS CRUTCHES "Six years ago I had rheumatism so bad I was going on- crutches." writes August Ctrandell, Sister Ray. Wis. "I tried several medicines and doctors and got no relief.-' Three bottles of Foley Kidney I"Hls cured me. I threw away my trutches," Have no equal for weak, sore, ach ing back, muscles or joints. J. C. DISTINCTIVE DRESS. yon hare not studied yourself in this matter it Is wrth trying. : - Alice Freeman Palmer said that It is not wise to wear clothes that put a distance between us and those with whom we associate. So the place where we are liting will hare much to do with the number and kind of dresses needed..! - ' - ' - Read the Classifier Ads. ltascball Sunday - Salem Loju vs. Waconda Colts at Waconda. Come. Xo Condensed Milk. tr Cream Used in the , manufacture of our ice cream. The Spa. "Tlielroa" Individual Chocolate -. A Salem product- mad" Tjy jThe Gray RePe distributed by George E. Waters for sale everywhere!, 5c. Uuihling Permit Issued- J A building permit was issaed yes terday, to the John Hughes company for the remodeling of the . Hughes two-story brick building formerly oc cupied by the Spencer Hardwiare.com pany. Thej sum of 4000 will be spent oa the alte-.-ations. which will consist of entire "remodeling or the two store rooms and putting in two 'large front show windows. c Kafoury Brothers will occupy' the Jtmilding when the alterations are completed. x LADD & BUSH, BANKERS V Established 1S63 I ' ! . ! . . - - .. ' . r 1 General Banking Business j Commencing June 16th banking hour will bo - 10 a. m. to 3 p. m4 Marriage License Issiictl A marriage license was is?ued yes terday to E. A. Lee and .. Lil'i Boehmke, both of Salem. As the youag woman is oaly 17 years old. her mother appeared and gave her consent to the marriage,. Appraisement Comp'eted J. W. Hyett. A. Lindholm and J. IL Riches have finished their ap praisement of the. estate of, the late Taylor Markland and have found the value to be $S98C.10. aecelpts. N"tew and All R3nks At Statesman Job office. A i -1 , ' ' In ' I'Yance with Marines ' M. jVeraon Parsons, (fOrmer Eu gene lawyer! and member" of the stat legislature kt the session of 1913. was in Salelii yesterday, having Just returned f -"dm France where he serv ed with the United States marines. Mr. Parsons holds therankjof lieu tenant. He is und'ecjded as fo his futurei plans except that he; will go on a fishing excursion shortly. He has not yet returned to Eucne. ' ; ,;,;'-. i -i ; i ' ": ;-.;-:,' At Tbe Sin 'Only I I. Century individual chocolates . tie- St-vffle- in Klamath FH Percy Streyffled, one or the mcm beis of Company M. l2Kd Lifantry. in France, is with the highway com misFion and is with a party working on the Klamath Indian Reservation. He is well known in Salem. AT THE URBARY Anto Repair Shop HOME of the VESTA RATTERY Battery Repairing and Recharging ' L. M. MILLER, Prop. 245 Center St. Phone 927 IORL AO TOIRIAG CAR Just completely overhauled and re painted. At a bargain for somebody. Also some Kfod buys in other makes tit secondhand cars. ton lumber trailer, Thayer-Shafer.-Gutley make, nearly new. at one-half price of new trailer.;. . - ' '.. ., - Wood-Rose Motor Co. 246 State St. f - ; Phone 311 MYRTLE KN0WLAND Mnslc and IMasical Merchandise Konora Dealer In Salem 4 15 Court St. Salem, Oregon Telephone 352 WANTED JUNK AND" MACHINERY OF ALL ; KINDS We also buy second-hand goods. v If you have anything to sell f6r a ?ood price call 39 8. The Square Deal House. ! . . i . CAPITAL JUNK CO. : i 271 Chemeketa St.- Salem, Ore. Gov rnment; Will, Sell Silk . " , The surplus pfopertyj division of the , war department is advertising for sale several million y'ards or pure silk cloth in severaT weights and weaves, manufacturede by the-leading silk mills or the country. vVhen it appeared . that the war might go oa for several years the silK was ordered to hold the charged, ror the big gnns, and now that there is no use for it the ' government will sell the silk. The bulletin on. the sub ject saVs tt-ls suitable To" men's arid women's clothing; for curtains, d-ab-eries and Jfeahgings. Canned vege tables in cases of 24 cans to the case are also advertised for sale. C.imtvrn SifDlHi Headquarters for tents, cols and rull equipment for campers. See window display.. E. L. Stiff & Son. Our every pn feHsional act is performed in a satisfactory man ner. Our experi enced m e t h ods and the Justness of our business ronduc t are above criticism. A. E;' F. Enlistments to Enct No enlistments for the 'American Kvn.-dieionai-y forces will be accepted by the recruiting service arter July 5, according! to instructions received yesterday by Corporal iee i.re;u nn wha is Sn charge of the locaV ar mv -eeruitiiie offices in tk- D'ArcY building. Men may be taken up t and InclUdLig that date Tor service in. Franc' or on the Rhine but not . . i Tli Different Kind --We. are t:te only one In thv? rily making ourj ite cream. The bpa. ',:-' ' -f 1 '!- : H' i ' i.-,.li. li l-liieiiieerj . wniari IV- Grimes of Scio enlisted in the engineers yesterday through the Salem jarmy recruiting 3tat:on i tbrf mrcv building, lie win go ko Portland Tuesday Eft.'' twd Piano r i Going fast. Grab one. &! Son. 'i E. L. Stiff "Imperial England," an interpre tation of tbe ritish empire, which is termed by the authors "the greatest and. on the whole the most satisfac tory political organization the world has yet known."B written by two pro fessors in Grinnell collegek Lavell and , Payne. "" ':..' i The Day of Gtory. -continuation of the story of "Home Fires in France" up to the day when France celebrated the signing of the armis tice, by Dorothy Canfleld ! isher. "Makine of the Movies," a descrip tion of the difficulties in training the movie actors and taking the pictures for the scenarios, told by Lrnesi Deneh. "'''.' Teach Growing." the whole sci ence of setting out a peach orchard - caring tor u, ana nurncimg tu fruit, is given In.detaU by H. P Gould.'a pomologist in the service of the -department .of . agriculture." "Garden Steps." a lull stoiy or the. production of each of the com mon vegetablKtold ror the amateur gardener, by Ernestj Cobbn "The Burgomaster of Stuomonde, a new drama of the war by"MaurTce Maeterlinck. I'The man Nobody Knew," an, after the war novel, by II. K. Porter who writes undenthe name of Holworthy HaJl. : t "f '' ' "The Secret City," a gripping story or Russia duting the revolution; it continues some or the characters of "The Dark Forest", both by Hugh Walpole. For th'o C Thildren -My Country's yoice," i collection of patriotic and historical selections Henry Turner Cailcy. in one of hb Chautauqua lectures, called attention to the fact that God did not give the elephant and the butterfly the same color. This fact suggests that in choosing our clothes, color is one of the first points to be considered.. If you will observe the best dressed persons, you will find that those who are large wear quiet colors, because these call less attention to their size. A safe rule to follow Is to make the predominating color of your dress match your hair or eyes, i Then use some harmonizing or contrasting col or for trimming. -Suppose now we have twcUed on the colors we should wear. How shall we have our clothes made? It has been said that the best dressed per sons attract the least attention. Few of us could wear the extreme stylec without attracting much attention. So, for most of us, an adaptation of the season's styles which does not proclaim cur size or personal defects will he most becoming. Long lines for short people and short lines for tall people is the general fnler What material shall we choose? Would is not be better to have a few dresses of serviceable material, made so well that we always feel dressed appropriate for the occasion, thaa several ; dresses of material so poor that' tney look shabby after being worn a few times? If we are not good Judges of materials most of us have friends who would be glad ta help us select what will ; wear well and be likely to keep its color. Why Is it that soma women wear furs and velvet hats in summer and in winter the thinnest of waists and si raw hats? Does this kind of dress ing express qualities of character which a . womaa should possess? Surely, plain common sense is need ed in. tbe matter cf dress if we are to keep the respect vf our associates and the community in which we live.' Why not stick to the old-fashioned idea of dark material of good tex tire for winter, with light material or not too sheer weave ror summer? Be not the ttrst by whom the new Is tried. Nor yet the last to lay the old aside," Then, too, if we wish !to express stood... sense wo shall drss for onr work or for" the occasion. Personal neatness and appropriate dress sure ly exert a wonderful influence. If One Accident Fatal out or a iota I of 470 accidents re ported to thle atate ,toc'd"U commis sion ror th wecr ending June 26 only one wfes fatal. ThU was the, rait oT Olcl L. Jensen or t Portland, who, w"as accidentally ki'hd ta a shipyard, hi the total number of casualties i sported 4 42 wrre subject to th pni ifions ot the workmen's comptnsation act, 13 were from the firms and corporations that have le jeeted the p.misions of the ac and 13 were rri.i public nUMy; Corpora tions that are not subject o the law. K i . f J 1 :':-':. . ' T , LAST DAY ' GERALDINE FARRAR '-!'.- ' In a story of the Far West HELL THE iT A T It's One of Her Best PARSONS COMEDY Pastry That Has i Flavor This is tbe kind of Bread, Ties, Cakes, Doughnuts, tc, vou , . want. That's the kind Peerless mafes. . PEERLESS BAKERY Philip. Winters, Prop. 170 North Commercial Street. Phone 247 i ,, 1 Save Your Time rand jVitality! Why lrtige with a broom, vlien you ban clean in one-, third the.tihie without effort with the s a1 i Electric Suction Cleaner! Ilundretls of local house wives thank, us. for calling ihis remarkahle electrical servant toitheir attention. It enables tnost1 :uncxiected economies n time, labor and ckming epsts.3 . . Arrange With Us for a FREE TRIAL in Your Own Home .. You'll, ever know'" bow much helpjthe APEX will be in YOUli i'roc untii you've Iried it. And a trial costs you nothing ! Ask us to send one out, try it to your heart's content. IIEN decide! Telephone 29, or call at onr ! store. Hamilton 1 340 Court Street1 Electric Washer and Wringer 0 jlX"- "j, j y ji 1. a j! '. The latest development in the. "Dolly" or tub type of electric washing and wringing machines. No chains, no belts, no exposed shafts even, j . I . . , . . . . ' -. , i ' v Therefore, almost noiseless and absolutely safe. f ' ' I i - - ..''" . - ' I No need to worry that "baby" will get his or her fingers cut or crushed, cr r garments torn or greasy, or that you will either. - ; Sold on intallmcnts." Easy payments. Por 1 1 arid R ail way Light & Pot The People's Cash Store 'j ' pbnne 453, ' 1SC-196 North Commercial St. 3 Holman Awarded riM The caie of John B. Holman raimt hi Meyer of daug'ater. Mrst-Carrtiyn San Fraaclsco, was tried i