I Flares and Flickers l - 1 ";- lM J (Seraldine at rrar fpent live wnoie i a cnaracter singing offering -which Teeki in the heart of the Wyoming he calls ''Song lm personations." He jtockles during the course of produc- wa formally featured with. Boyle inf her second uoiawyn. picture "1116 w ooiroiK i A'arlety Fair. At the Hell Cat. It xoiues to tbe Liberty I BUgh today. toatre, beginning next Thursday. Vaudeville at the Blight today. One of the bits which will delight til in "Daddy Long Legs," the Mary pickford company picture featuring the famous little star, isthe perform ance of a dog who drinKs part of a lag of apple Jack. Audiences at the Liberty theatre where this picture vill be seen early In July will see a new type of humor In the antics of this animal which gives a first rale Imitation of a tippler trying to make his way home after a too liberal im bibition.;; - v May Allison, one of the most dodu- lar and : talented! screen -stars, will be Been, in "The Test ins: of Mildred Vane," a fMetro lay which will be shown at the Liberty theatre on Wed nes dayi for a onei-day engagement. Charlie Chaplin's latest big come dy, "Sunnyside."', just released, will be .shown at Ye (.Liberty soon.. Abyssinian Three are a mixed trio of colored entertainers consisting of two men and a woman who present an offering which they bill under the title of the "Darktown Circus' so arranged as to give splendid op portunities for displaying their abil ity and versatility. A special scenic ret at the Bligh today. Ben Mowatt and Blllle Mullen who have youth, ability and versatility. present under the title of "The Sun brlte Pair" a combination novelty offering consisting of a little sing ing, talking and uantnng with a nov elty finish. At the Bligh today. Bewitching Bijlie Rhodes! In "The Lion and the Iiamb" is seen in a play that will delight and stimulate the most jaded fancy by its humor, thrilling situations and sensational At the BIJgh starting Tues- finalei day. Bud Mclntyre, a Jolly chap with a beautiful f Sessiue Hayakawa, undobtedly i belL tenorv voice presents the most interesting and virile dra matic personality of the silent drama I has never done a stronger character- ization than Goro Moriyama, the roie he asumes in !His Debt", his lat est at Ye Liberty today. THE TTT AW in his latest and best :. ..-.. - V " " 1 - V t , I Cecil B. DeMilleV production 'For Better, or For Worse," shown today and Monday; at the Oregon One man. a soldier, 'young, eager. brave! and loyal! faced the Hun, was terriblv disfigured and prayed for death, but duty bade him live, and bravely he faced the world. Another, a doctor, remained at home;: to care for the sick and was scorned as a coward by friends and the woman he loved. This, in thl$ . great after-the-war Jilin story of the true heroes of Am erica.: Cecil B. DeMllle strikes mighty chord" on the human heart. In j the brilliant cast are Gloria Swanson, Theodore Roberts, Elliott L Dexter, Wandai Hawley, Raymond Hatton, Sylvia Ashton, Tom Forman and Julia Faye. '. 1 "For Better a For Worse" is De Sessue Iltryakavn Uaworth-JJulual Star, SESSUE HAYAKAWA 1 Cast u Moriyama, merciless, cold oriental, the keeper of luxurious gambling house in "HIS DEBT" The, story of a gam bler who collected in full as he paid in full. Special Oriental Music by Miss Roberts on the- . Tipe Organ HERE TODAY i 3 Days Only i YE UBERTY r A tv l- i - I II . TODAY AND TOMORROW TWO DAYS ONLY T7 Fj " v 7 CECIL B. DeMIIXES V ' f (n folfl fl I r for wm horse - rT 1 1 . - Dainty Bits of Musical. Chatter t sif " SHi; v:'.- ,t n" mm . " ? r" e L ite m - mm r - i II II n. r - ' J sriiprK & nnn III 1 1 i S yS ' l p .e.vi, I I III II V-a 1 v'-- ;- 1 k ! i Dome uog wuw ovutv i i a.:.. Vi?-'V ' " ' i I : : .'X ' , ' r : '' 1 ill I ; .vv,. I CUmiiUY K I III li c hi I I r r it u . , ' 7 h . S "Welcome, Little Stranger" -t- f 1 -ii ;' : 1 L " I ill vi i'r iii i rAitiL ncwa ni-iuruAi. .1 II Snir- . W"-f I ' I II fsaiass j ; . t I Note: 0ur Ventilating System is completed. We give - II hi . . Jl 0 1 . r ' III t' v,,., ,,.v -,v, . r. ' -:-w,.-, ' ww..vr.-r--:- J I JTUtt WMUCU BIT W1U1 CVCiy BCttW i I I I II ... 7i7 :- . i J . : , ; -Li ill Cu..:.. rin cw.... r Ait ii-w. r k I Theodore Roberts Sylvia Ashton ' V 1 Wanda Hawley ffTjll 10 a III - Halla Mn llaMi M "III. II WIVKN hllH NhW" II i1 --r V I 11 l II V VI I X I . I " I 1 1 I I or "DONT CHANGE YOUR HUSBANDS" 1 1 i r ) i' ..-,.'.(.,'' ' t . -,.' . i t " 'i-' - 1 M - -3L.. I. ...IB m .J wxmm ii , i iliiiiii 'H n , l m 1 1 i mmmmmrmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm : , ' , mi .. - - iirir-i-i - -- - , , , ,. , j Mille'8 masterpiece. To miss ft is to miss the big screen romance of reconstruction. Chase and Janis in dainty bits of musical chatter are one of the vaude ville attractions at The Oregon to day and tomorrow. 1 The feast of the Tied Lantern light the procession, of .the War Maiden of China! Anything so fan tastic and .weird has never before been embodied, in -a play but you can see it all visualize the strange ceremony in this vivid picture Of the Far East. : See it for yourself In the "Red lantern" at the Oregon thea tre, with Xazimova. the inronmarable j star In a dual role of strength and power. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES 'IIHillitll r i - THE LOXG EXPECTED Harvey's Gteater MlnsfTels head- led by Ed.TolUver and Clarence Pow ell, iboth natural comedians, is due here soon. They are both natural from the fact that they act natural. Just what they are, the regular dyed ; in the -wool negro comedians, and they do their best to create laughter and create a furore of amusement at every performance. Traveling in their own eighty foot car; this company or 40 coiorea ar tists are playing the principal cities and towns oft the state and Judging from press comments and verbal criticisms heard, Harvey's Greater minstrels is more than making good. This company plays at the Grand opera nouse isvionaay, June Z3ra Parade at 4r?p. m. It's a hard, life for lovers, but when it's soft it's very soft. ;That is the idea one carries'' away from viewing "Where Love is Blind," the new Paramount-Mack Senett comedy. May 18 saw the . release of "The Knickerbocker Buckaroo," a special production with Douglas Fairbanks, according to Artcraft schedule. The picture cost more than $230,000. A-Paramount-Mack- Sennett com edy edition of ''Uncle Tom's Cabin". threalens to be .the funniest comedy ever filmed on the Sennett lot. A big western dance hall scene at a Glendale location has kept "Fatty" Arbuckle busy for the past week This scene by far the largest ever shown in a comedy, will be part of his new Paramount-Arbuckle picture "A Desert Hero." ! Read the Classified, Ads. yiAiUDEIL,LE fifk Dt w 9 I ' H I wh wah y i i I I i i - h. f. bonestele Dealer In (j Son E&JjROTHERS ROADSTER s The ffasolioe coxuumption is nnraally low. The tire, mileage is unuru&Uy high. j . Paige Caxs : The most beautiful Car in Ametic. -. MOLINE UNIVERSAL TRACTORS A proven success, built and backed bj the Moline Plow Comp&nj, s. $19,000,000 Concern. BUY A THRIFT STABff f Re'enlistments Increase . on Preference Privilei ABYSSINIAN iTHREE PRESENTING If A DARKTOWN .CIRCUS" MOWATT and MULLEN "THE SUNBRITE PAIR" BUD MclNTYRE "SONG IMPERSONATIONS" A THRILLER - i ' - i it l The Perils of Th under EVI o un ta i n ii OTHER FEATURES, TOO ALL DAY TODAY LIOH BREST. May 14. (CoTea.. ence of The Associated Prs -T! privilege of Mating thej.r. prefen-t.t . t j units in which they wish to k i . upoa r'venlistment has now been en to soldiers who sign up for :i other term in the army. Th'a ? nounceraent has brouyht a ux. number of re-enlistments ir Eighth Infantry which is ermir i.i to be made a part cf the tamo Second Division aow in the cmy j occupation. I'ndor the -cn'is mrnt r.td t m"ii will giv n t'n ir niilccp.1 Nmt Yo l" ' ' '" ' "" -r . J'1- enlKtnient in tbr t"i t ' ' itrl t'.i sixtr doil.rr mm - d n W furh.im? ' ' " " ' OP r.--.x I . - . ' . ! '' All-' ago. I'ov mi. : .;it fi' I or ;iu j imar arv s..i ii'p to K an-e flam the first 1'iace cf ruKt;nent.. NVhon." ril a d2.:shjy. as h read the order today. "A montas Xurl"'ieH ,', moii'-v to pnd. 'Sixty dollars, why that won t 'as & vr.k in Kt-tnf jur-i i.w. .,a;u another dotmhboy norf.ch.- dtKc. edly. He enliated in New ork. Sixty dollars! Vs hat d :joi mefta? Two 1-nndred ant' twenty dollars for yours t: uly." replied the (nrmfr. He had enlisted in ' San GRAND OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, JUNE 23, . PRICES 0c to 1.00; War Tax Ad Jed R. II. Harvfy Prescnis ! .v"nn( sS ri i And Creole Eeauty ChoiW THE LARGEST AND HIGHEST CLASS MINSTREL ORGANIZATION EN ROUTE N A GUARANTEED ATTRACTION 40 MINSTREL KINGS AND QUEENS Including Famous Ballad Binrers, Entranciaxr Dancers. Nov elty Entertainers, Expert Comedians, Instrumental and Vocal Soloists. .A 20-Piece Bana, nvery Man A Soloist. 10 VAUDEVILLE ACTS 10 Francisco. ; Watch for the Parade! Read the Classified Ad r