" " r "w"lwl,l,'""wwwwM,,,, n,-,-, m'-him m iujhi. i""imni n i mmi uj . in i . . i g. J i - 11 1 ' - ' "' ' '"' , .. . - j j i v ' THE OREGON STATESMAN: SUNDAY. jrVE 22, 10t . i The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under; Proper Dire Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While II Classified ';' NORWICH innojf mus insurance: society Thlelsen, Roland. BnrshATdt HONEY TO LOAN . tPHOTKI r ABM PBOPCTTT AT W " wn AsrJ4 naTA tlA MUST war I ItlUJ. A. fUlW Bank. Salem. Or. NEW TODAY MISCELLANEOUS. MESO.UITE HAY FOR. SALE. $18. . tier ton.. Fred TMVri& 22F11. S11 BUU HI, V ANTED TEN LOGANRERHYI PICK- crs. thady rmp grounds. good water ana accommodations. tree portation. 2 cents per hallock. 37F3, 1 Emmett Dougherty. Kp'ule 4. Box 40. Salem. Ori-guri. j i-uulty FOR KENT lt'i MODERN 5-ROOM cottage, at 727 South 12th atreeC Immediate possession. Apply at the Statesman business office, or phone Zi. . I trans- I DUCKS FOR SALE PHONE 2381J. I'kw.n.. i 1 ir zuu rv jn j. i j uax 4 rax uaot farm paper, send 19c to th Pacific . Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention tais so. WOOD. SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE ;ko. SPICEIt. M(t, 22 Stat U First class repair work.' Fords a specialty. . Maxwell, gooa as new. s-ov. .'s ton new delivery car. $Z7b. 1916 Overland. 1475. Nice "little" roadster, cheap. 11 Studebaker Six. 7-passenger. must go. $J75. 1S1 Studebaker Six cheap, lit tle"' roadster cheap. Overland roadster I $275. 191 Ford. $375. Ovrlsnd road ster, good as new. . i nree two for sale.- $275. Chevrolet. $t0. Others to pick from., , WOOD TOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A WELL, OM and second growth. Get It now. 02CE!ITana OcEIIT FARM LOANS Wa loss mossy for fiva years. Wa Itov yoa to pay S10O or aaltipla ea tbs prtaeipal aa say laterest data. Ws class sot loans promptly. Hawkins and Roberts. - 114 Itatwnla BUf, Salem, Or, f improved Lane ; county farm, with or without stock, fcrop and implements. Terms at percent. F. Barber. 642 N. Liberty street. Salem. Oregon. . FOR SALE ONE SPAN OF EXTRA laree mules, sound, true, gentle; also one Overland delivery car. new tires and tabes, srood body, with top. llut- bard Creamery .Co.. Hubbard.' Oregon. ROOM FOR YOUNG MAN TO CARE for garden. Hone zjait. WANTED LOU AN BERRY PICKERS srood rmo eround. wod. water ana shed. Oood picking. Two miles east of asvlum. McKinney yard. Ad dress W. H. Srheed. route . box 122, Salem. Pnonei 100F3. -Tel. 2it 6.50 and $7.50. iiverv maae. EMPLOYMENT rXMALE WANTED WOMAN CtX)K AT STATE school -for the deaf. Phone 41 WiANTED WORK ,AS HOL'SEKEEP- er, boy 3 Mrs. J. P. years old. Reed. OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE Early de-li North Commercial St. 1hne BUYS. SELLS AN EXtllAXUKS AL.U makes of cars and parts, complete wrecking department. Chalmers 2 ton truck. 151 Overland $475. White ' ran S Dassenzer. $S00. Flsndcrs 20. fnn - Mnlin bur $325: model 9 Overland $;$3; 191 Overland $0; t nsi.pnir.r. Ktudebaker 11 ST.: 1917 Ford, first class condition. nair inn Vnrit Iriirk II7S: two lslS Ford Sedans, one with Cray & Davis slf tarter. l.a ana isvw. oeo us tor bargains. . 664 Ferry St. CLABStJTJCD ADTKBTISKIUCXTS . Rat ret Wsri. First Insertion . . . . . . . lo Subsequent Insertions ..,,.,,Uo T One month ................... c Six months' contract, per mo.. 8 II months' contract, per mo... 7o No acct. opened for lea than. Sac A neat card given free with aa advertisement to the extent of 10c announcing "For Sale" "For Rant" -Rooms or "Board." HgW TODAY. . .-- I , Each new classified advertise ment will be ran under "New To day for the first Insertion, unless othevwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. win appear, underwits proper classification. No advertisement will be run under "New Today" for more than on issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES 5 room modera: house, large lot. east front. bearing fruit bariv. gravel Istreet-T Price $1400. $50 down, balance 6-per-ent Interest. , room modern houso located at Zuj S. lth street. Price $3a00. 7 room modern house, basement, fur-1 nsce east front lot: paved street bear ing fruit. Located in. bouui oaieni. Price $3600. , i'i ' ( 8 room modern nouse corner ioi,t uuiu streets paved. ' Price $2500. i i 6 room modern house located at 93" South- 12th street, - price . $li50. $i50 down, balance terms at per ceni in- 7bom modern house located. at 121S E street. Price $1950. ' , . Fine view lot located .on r airmounv hill, paved street; lot .75 by "150 feet. Price $1550. . : . 6 room -modern nnum ,:"-n.lf -I'.X". IChemeketa street. Irice $3150. $100 down.- . ,. ai rl! - 5 room house locaieo. i "S'W-.iWA street, paved street. Price $1800; $500 down; balance to suit. Fine modern : nome incnw m State- street price $1200: $1200 down. balance terms at DW'?'n13lVt ism 6 room modern home located at N 6th street, two large lots, paved street. Price $2500. . . If you wisn to ouy a nnuw . W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 27 5 State street Good, Better, Best Buys WANTED AT ONCE -GIRL OR WO. man for general housework. Persia- ment- Phone 1296. Call 890 Oak: St. WANTED FIVE .BRIGHT. CAPABLE ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. $2a to &0 per week. Kail road fare paid. Write at once. Good rich Drug Co.. Dept. 827. Omaha, Nebr.- , - IF YOU WANT TO BCT. SELL OR trad ysur old auto or auto parts wt Rteinbork Junk Cft- (Aulo wreccrs 836 norm commercial bi. Phone SOS. . AUTO SKRYlCss REVEAHONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful RonuuK- of Married Lif Wtmderf rnllj Told by AD ELK OARlUSOaf i MALb) - WANTED TRUCK SALESMAN. EX- erienced. Apply Marion garage. ' WANTED ONE LIVE A-l MAN FOR our circulation department. Can make $5 a day. See Mr. .Palmer. Statesman office, at once. BOYS BOYS. BOYS: WORK FOR THE Statesman thia aummer. Make BIG money. Only boys over 14 considered. 1 -Apply Circulation JJept. v WANTED AT ONCE MEN IN EVERY locality in Oregon and Washington to handle confidential matters spare time. Criminal Secret Service Wrk. A worthwhile position. Write Box 1139, Pocatello, Idaho. SHIPP8 AUTO BERVICB CITY AND country trip. pnone: j way, ; night, St. 2 ' TIRES REPAIRED V TJLCATt IZIH H OATES HALF-SOLK TIRES BBKVItn Station. 177 Sou to (Commercial at Phon 418. ' CHAPTER CCCXXIV WHAT HAPPKXEL) WHEN HOB KKT SAVAIUN SAID "THAT RESTS ENTIRELY WITH THE LADiV , If the woman lio had pretended to bo Robert Savarin's wife pos retired a vivid imagination she must have had a swift meatal picture of lerrlf in the prisone:' dock of a courtroom as the cold, pitiless words of the man who had once believed h. m self to be her husband fell upon her ears. There was an absolute lack of emo tion In the ton.s of the man who I had suffered so terribly on accouut I r.9 IKft wnnian Iia wa. rnnfrnntinf as he outlined the offence against hui. of which she had be-en guilty. - I had a flashing mental picture of the terrible sufferings which must have been this man's 13 years be fore. "A waif of the studios" his t which she must have undergone at Robert SavarU's words. To have the man ,bj had worshipped ber show by his words and tone that .he REAL ESTATE Msassasaassasasasasasas FOR TRADE 1 AtRES WITH GOD) improvements lor, a rises sw lent Give full dscrlptka la rirs letter. C Wolf. GalU.Cai. CLOSE IK ACREAGE S OH ACJtxa. isPrave.' f ar saU r r. l seres lav rest. Hn ewaer. Gtoa L. Asaats. Pheae 44 W. ... WANT TO BUY A 41 ROOM STUICTLY modern bungalowtwith not ls insn two large lota with fruit and f1? to car on or on pavrd street. 4,'aJl 97S between 9 and It a. m. was less to him than the rug upon I LIMITED TIME FLCRU BARGAIN Which he Stood, that no word or look I unusually attractive place of 35 mm m -. BA -f . e m wm " merit. S acrea cf prunes. 4 heavily , -ropped 1 of stra brrUi 2 f logan berries 4 heavily loaded), balance in sunt and Ml, I good t-taad. dark, ssndy loam. vefy small part grav elly, but not to Hurt. New six-room plastered bungalAw.. a cxrannxiwu. barn and implement shed, hot; hw es. rhKkrs house 2 tin well, no white land, rock road.; half a mile rVom Marlon and school. iTtce for a lim ited time only with -all crops $Ssf half cash. See vr nu. Fleming. Bayn Bldg. - . BUSINESS CARDS CARPBXTRRS CARPENTER. CONTRACTOR AND builder, alteration, estimate, w. Dusbabek. 647 Center St. Call after 6 p. m. WANTED -MEN. 835 WEEK. information on all automobiles in your town, number, address, etc.; per manent. Itex Stock tondotisers. Box 1427. San Diego. Calif. WANTED BOS THERE WILL. BE a. few good Statesman routes open this summer. List your name-now and get first chance at a good route. Apply Circulation Department, Daily Statesman. - DRAYS A1CD EXPRESS GET I LARMER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND store good, uay pnon is. Migai phon 1898. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFEB COMPANY Phon P33. Salem s larfsst aa best equipped transfer company. Get ear re duced freight rates ea eastern shipments. Alss fur Horace, as vi have thre wsre- hnnaea la eonoactios with bssiaess. Farai tnr m.inf. packiag. shipping and stor inr oar specialty. Office. 226 But St. FOR RENT WEBER GRAND PIANO. Phone C1ZR. FOR BALEi-A HOUSE POWER HAY press. li. Alford. Route C. ,iC.Slem. ?j I North Salem. $1050. hrtuse4 nearly ! new. LOGANBERRY PICKERS MAY" REGIS- I Front- street. $a0 ter at i. v. Loelle's. Dick Simpson's Id place, near Powers dryer. East ' ;"DH street. Al. E. Getter. FARM BARGAIN 100 ACRES ALL IN cultivation, block from highway, half mile East Monmouth Hi miles west Independence. Good buildings. Good buy on easy terms. Phone 1804 Alon- 'm mouth., U. G. Hefflej-, owner. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework in the country. ' Phone 38F12. II. G, Klnff, Route 6. v'Salem. ; ,j . -. j, , WANTED THREE, LfXJANBElUtY and cherry picker. Pleasant camo- , ing place, furnished cabin and wood free.. Route 4. Box 23. J Phone 3F4. J. E. brothers. WANT TO RENT ONE OR TWO rooms by a lady employed,. Address ' E. L. A." Statesman. " A POOD JOB AND FIRE' INSURANCE protection are both very important factors in the successful career of : every individual: the former is nec- ' esssry to produce the funds to ac . fluir the property, and the latter la Just as Important to protect your . holdings already acquired. The Ore- ron Fir Relief Assm of McMinnville as assisted thousands of Oregonians , to, re-establish their home, that had been destroyed or damaged by fire. H A, Johnson Insurance. Agency, over ldd & : Buh Bank, Salem. Phone . A nice six room cottage and two lots mrt, Hoarincr frnit trees. East Salem. $25". A fine lot and cheap house at iGANBERRY . . . . . i a A . r. ... k(v I . .... Box I room bungalow; good lot. bearing trees Iioe inree ruum good lot. North Good six room house. South Commercial street. $2500. Seven room bungalow. East Sakem Tor $2250, Choice; five acre tract, good house and bearing fruit tree, close to oar line. $2500. Ten acres close . Stlverton roSd. $2200. 140 acre dairy rarm six miles-out on paved road. $7a per acre. A fin large lot corher Mar lon and Summer streets, with fsir house, very cheap. Houses for rent. Want a strictly modern hou'ie. eight rooms. In good district- F.l L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. , ; :'.: - 1 . ' mSCELLA$EOC9. - LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED. Good accommodations. Bedding ' all thafa needed. Route 4. Box 33. W. H. Harris. TDtAHCIAL. jf hrs would ver have power, to stir him again, was a bitter enough draught for any woman to swallow. Hut lo have her fate turned over to me for decision I well know that she would almost rather go to pris on than to owe her deliverance to me. "Don't a Fool." 1 n rl oH her answer tj the words - - of her fo:mcr lover showed her feel- "She may do whatever she wUhea she snarled through stiff whit lips. "I will not ask ber one little fa- vor.: i .hrank back into Dicky's srms from the venom of the glance she SOME GOOD BUYS la farm aad clty property. a W. Lafler. 4IS and 4I8 Habbard Building. Phoa 1641 or 2122. nislo- had railed the woman with trhnl al nie whom her brother had fallen madly j Please make them let her go. In love, whom he had rescued from' Dicky." 1 whispered with my cb'fek PICKERS WANTED at Indian Hill farm, good ber r its and 2c oer box will bo paid to tnose stay ing through the season. 3 Mocks from end of 12th St. car line. Phone S16. T. L. Davidson. WANTED HOPVILLE SCHOOL Dis trict, No. 63 want applications Tor first class teachera. None need p nlv nnlr those who have had exper- eince. Address Mrs. W. G. Shafer. Independence. Oregon. GOOD HOUSE BUYS BEST BUYS S1 acres. 5 cultivated, balance tim or. family orchard. room box house, u it Ylealty Coi lair, barn, at school, at small country! bard Bldg. - t i Point, irrwul ar.it 1 ttcnn . I 1 - u . will J acres an cultivated. 2', 2 strawber- 5 rooms., large bathroom and closets. KimimmiI furnace and laundry, good lot with fruit, berries and garden. i I WANTED-LOtJAN block from car. 1 block from -school. I for 80 acres of be close to capitol building. iJaWj; cash, balance to suit. This is a Tine property ' . 7 rqnmodern bungalow, full base ment fireplace laundry., large lot; one hlock fromtreet car. A swell home. $3000. cash, balance to suit. 6 room, good! plastered house on Gar den road, with 1 acres ground, shod and Sicken house, good gsrden and - n.k.ri close to school ana :.Jr r. S1X00 $1000 cash, balance 01.1 cub T t04room cottage, barn wood house and chicken run. with 1 acre of . ' '"t-class fruit, 3 blocks from street car. A swell little home. $1500 cssh. tlnnft. 6 room gowl bungalow for $1900. $1200 cash, balance, to suit., 7 room house close in on S- ;0"tri: clal street, with fine corner lot. $17 j0. a good investment. r Two five room cotUges on one lot. Buy .ZJL .A nt one. $1700. Good terms. 5 room coftsge on the Portland road, ne-rr7ewCp-Vking tfcnt. . " fruit and garden. 1400. trv. liMIAXRERHV PICKERS WANTED, 2c box. apply A. W. Mize. three.- -' nnart.ra mils south of end of South rvimmereisl street carline. : Gowi haiiv eamn eround. water and wood free. Phone 31F3 or address Box 129. liU 3. Salem. . W ANT ED LOGAN BERRY 2c a box. 1 I'hone 35K24. the life she had been living, to whom he had glvea an unparalleled devo tion and the shelter of -his name, and who lu return had deceived him In regard to a previous marriage, mined him by her extravagance and escapades, and had finally desTted him when he had nothing more to give her. 'And now, after years lost to him with the clouding of his brain, h l-hati at last found li?r In the home of the sister who had cared. Tor Dim a very thief In the night, attempting to take the pictures which were all that remained of his life's work. I think the realisation finally reached the woman comrontlng him that every vestige of her pjwtr over Him was gone, and that the altitude " . . a i. .a i in which he now stooa dmo..) FREE INFORMATION IF YOU WANT I was that of a Just and emotionless information about any Kind or ni H., in whom pity had no part, insurance, see J. F, HutehaW, dla-1 Je wnj P"X n lfc trlct manager for the Mutual Ui or 1 saw :. " - . New York. Of flc at 371 Stat street j ,er tonguo. and then tvhe spoke. Salem, ore. Offic phon t. rei-1 s,eadjy enough, for all the deadly dence 1396. - I c h-.t -a nrMRssed her: W : jtrmmL I "WelL" she said, tonelessly. you wmmw.i'i'wiwiiiw I .-Manttv hirs all the cards ir your JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST " . Whit are VOU going to lo?" prlc for Junk of vry kind. Lt us I hands. What are you goins nuit von a nrica on roar uouicquiu 1 goods. Th "Squar Deal" Hous I Q lne Hands of Madg. rton : , And thrn Robert Savarin made I BUY JUNK OK EVEKY KlXri BAGS. mQst amallnK reply; m"' "-. """'""- "That r-sts entirely witn me iaj rninfrr iimk aawn . isionnDiiri anv I - ' - carta af autemobiles. SteiatecK lnx y. 82S N. Commercial St.. Salem. Phoa 805. against h's. "Hut don t ask me to say anything. You talk o tlwm. "There, there, sweetheart! Dicky said tenderly, holding me o that my face was hidden from that or th? other woman's. Then I bard his voice.,cutlng s n whip lash: "If It rested with me. Mrs. AlH.' he said. "I am airaid you would decorate a prison cell for many dayt . rtnt t runot allow Mrs Crahamlo be dragg-d Into the jjj. ; roK, HXCH ange-i a liclty which would accompany your AboMt , eUitivation prosecution, fo you ana your com panion are free" as far s we ar con cerned that is. until after Monday. Tondav you must go to tne Juatice s iturt and withdraw the ac cusation you made egalntt Mrs. C.ra han and myself to the effect that w. FOR EXCH4SOE MOD It X S-ROOaf COT tag, m S. S ers ef fratt aad ari.a. Pltry Imm, saaatt erk tt plae. raasMatal arbry. paved stres aad eerax walk, ia.Uv atsaafaetariaf Umm Cottars Gree. -Or. ftf 8U Balaaa ppapertSv- aamall raarh aersag. - M u pa. W. C SST. . Btatsssas fUe - . . A OOOD BUT Hi 8 1 FEET OM EAST sid Commercial strost. oa door T aorta of Stat street. Balsm. togathar with prptual rttStt of way ever tae 14x6Vs fset tract xUdlas from thia property to Stat street. Tra. Apply Scott Bosorta. 711-8 Spaldiag Bldg, Pertiaad. Orgoa. 118 ACRE FARM amett town. valion. balanc pas ture, rood set (arm buildings, good . fences and good road, family orchard, and small frulta, R. F. !-. telephone, cloae to good school. Pric $95. Will, take In' good residence In Sa lem to $ltt. This include C fins cows, team and all farming tools and crop. 1 For Exchange Good ' room bouM. close In. all furnished, now ranted for good rentsli want acreage near Kalem. What have jou to offer for either of these properties. They will bear Investigation. - J'errin aad Msr.ters, -3t Hwbbard Bldg. . m.a ik. rim laws. 1011 ran say you were mistaken, or any thtig else that occurs to you thai done. 1 do not car what become nf VOU. I "You are not above romp. pdlBS : t sneered Mrs. Aius. ;.,'; nt a little afraid to COIWell located, nearly that, my gifted friend?" Not in the least. Dleky returned ii.tv "i am making no bar- rsirir(wij. - BETTER REALTY BUYS new. t room bungalow. Corner lot. paved street. full basemewt. fireplace, 4 bedroom, attractive living and dining room no furnace: well finished - through out: carpets on stairs and living FIAXO TUIC1XG njtrv niQjssniii-sjvnri,-'sJ- BERRT PICKERS berries. 4. miles east of . lom nn c.irdMi Road, r ree wood. straw and transportation from Salem to rar picki the N. Wi Ik H. Roberts. i .. . TERSOXAL i- ' " - ' YOUNG LADY. 21. WORTH $60,000 . . ' . .. . I.: 1 whom you t:led 10 aoarg so a few moments ago." he said. As ror myself, the knowledge that 1 am free from you. that you nav .V 7,.r-T.-Uir IR. W. B LL-INTYNK PIANO TUNEH. tfy no claim lipoa li.e, aou i..- PICKEUS.I i.i. . va-l.llv .With fherrinar-1 ' . . t 1 j .1 In ef- tVn Pl.no ifouse. 415 Court St, si- my Mnai , . .u '-f'--V" ' m. Oregon. Phono 52. Kesidenc 1 rectuauy iiirir.n t Tw 1 ic, ion. 1S32W. Inoving me again is all that I wisn. Rut this lady's wishes are.anotner matter. From wnat erain with YOU. uo it or n j room. iuoo. r , .0 promises that I 78 acre with $ acre hearing prunes. please. I mage no J". , he $ miles from Salem. $30 an acre, will never use the know.edge 1 navo u ur(IL,t, arre. bearing prune, bal- ln uiv haada. 1 shall simply see IHl anc in young trees - and log.n- 111 uij .,. -nmnanlon are kept berrie; fully modem bunglow; fin you and jou: OTOOn'0 YL wter aystem: good barnf ll twpl. .re nnder guard until llonaay. io Went and machinery, team., cow. 1 room I Ph icn.: nignesi ioriw-i i" I CAPITAL CITY ng. Picking will oegin jisjji - oVality work. 2itn. Pnone 1 I Kroadwav nt erstreei. is ici a . 1 , LAUJfDRIES. STEAM lAUNDRT prompt service, lift Phone 16a. HOP LEF EXPERT LADSJDRY MAN. 43 Ferry fit. 1 psy top pnre ir rhir.nay and eges. House pboae 1333J. Shop phon. 1330J. cash7city property also, would marry I HOMB WEx WASH ULUVDRY REO- hnnnran centieman mim. 2316 Temple. Los Angeles, Cal, tY hrd 1 understand that yon havt 1 " given 'her much needless trouble and annoyance If choose, to use MARRY' IF 'LONELY; FOR RESULTS try nie: b-st snd mojt suocessful . u.li.r"- hundreds rich . wish marriage soon; strictly confidential: most reliable; years of experience: x.rUtinnn frre. "The Successful Club." Mrs. Call. Box 556. Oakland, California. " MARRY FOR SPEEDY MARRIAGE, best, largest in me counuj, ,,7. the evidence he has In her nana, against you I have n allfrnatlve but to consent, for I upde. stand fiie has been Instrumental in saving my pictures.' - 1 . I cannot Imagine a pnaishment ... . . 1 .. .1 wni.l who more bin ?r to tne - - - ular washing don at a rat very body en afford. For only 84 eesjt w will collect, wssh and deliver noSrs.WpnonV4WLtbltt tW9Utrtor Utood before us than the humiliation here lll ihn r!n as vou cnwr advise yon. however, to choose an ap pearance at the Justice court. rMrs. Allis lm.ked steadily at him. I do not believe even Irl her dfipfT ate extremity she would have yield ed, save for the despairing ejacula tion from her accomplWe: "Oh. my God. woman!" he said, "don't be a fooK Remember. I got babies to think of:" - Mrs. Allis aros front her chair and faced Dicky mag.titccntly. "1 agr? to your terms on one con dition." he said, "that yr-i do, not let me set eyes again on that wir of yours." (To l continued) chickens etc. I1S.AS9. S -acres all cultivated) small family or chard; land lsVs well, right rloee to carline. A fin.; horn site. $1275. C W. flIEMEYER: 211-216 Mssonk Building.' Also at IMllis 4 Independene. ALRM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and carerui worn- ury wasn. c per pound. 11$ South Liberty SU Phon Si. MOHET TO LOAH. aaiwailstsiS PROFESSIONAL sss.irr. -...-.- CHIROPRACTIO roui 1 ished 1 4 years. thouands .wvaUh y. FEDER ATj FARM LO wishing early m"'"00 Interest. $44 y X'lKTA ...I,he ,ld Ma'diaon! .l prep.rment prf, FOR SALE ..ujuirnn-i '' ...wi 1 "." T " LIVESTOCK ! t - - - -nnn Barr" - I r S 7 rpom house, fair barn, only JxEAM OK GOOD MUl-ES TOR SAUE. Fbone osr.. j w KTBl. . St in trrain -. 1 iui.na c An house, fair barn, family orchard, close to school, at station. $2250. V i if.rl cre Prunes 5 room house, red hill soil, only $1950. "acrea -an cultivated. Joining town. 13500 i 34 acre.. 2t ipr. .nitiv. t .mM. orchard, best of river bottom soilj good I for SALE OR-TRADE FOR TOWN l..room OMnsralow. fair barn and out I lot. one pair young horses, light- vuaings, splendid snap, only $6500. 1 Frank Ferguson, phone t?JJ. nave a number of good ranches on I . ; - 'ry wnieh residences in Salem ran Ha an- I : , . mt a riri.I. A9KO C S . Plied as first payments. For beat buys I ' n - ICw."- rdence property, see I FOR SALE CHARTER OAK RANGE Socolofaky; Bayne Cldg.v , 1 F with horWater coils. Good ir. $40 Also garage lor rentj x ' street. .-' j flub. Mrs. W ruteli IJI waaiaon. Oakland. Cal. Select members, both sex. strictly. LOANS S M ear time. vilegea. TER Lib- FOR RENT Ioans on city property. Horn, builders loan. 1 A. C. Bohrnstcdt 401 Masonic Temple , Salem. Ore. DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. 8. C Chiropractic fountain head. Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic correct the cans of dUs- Offle 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building. Phoa 87. Resideoe I2SR. Peaches, $2 a hoi. TegeUbletk -Cabbage, me. v Onions. S5.SQ a sack. -Carrots. 45e it fos. bunchea. Turolps. 4ic ;a dozen bunches. Lettnce. 70c a dosen. Old potatoes J J a, hundred. New potatoes; IS a hundred. Retail Prtcfw. Creamery batter-C5c. Dairy butter.: 55a? Eggs. 45e. j -i Flour, hard ti. ft to to f X.1S. Flour, yalleyj 13. Sugar, cane snd -beet. lOe. " - , Potatoes, sack lota. $1.25. MTJSIC TEACHERS qTj-UTJT-nj-i n -- r r ------ juuu-Lnnru-ini-- -- -- - i ROOMS 1 jLU'-injv' ... ...... . ......in... pnn it f: NT FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms. 482 South High St. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE for one or two. Bummer rates. nunc - 1480R. i GOOD BUYS ' "er fruit ranch, 80 acres of 7- yesr-old Italian prune orchard In first ciaas condition, good crop of prunes: 20 of cherries. -8 acres more culti vated, balanc Umber and pasture; run--11 wt'r. good house, barn, garage. I' crP. stock and machinery goes; t" on Q acres which would eo. - Price $45,000. aa kcre of fine river bottom land; so acres cleared, balance timber and v "71 c"cs 8-year-old peach or chard, full crop; English walnut fill ', r,; acres loganberries, one acre of rPf- ITice $16,000. for one week. : J'Si acYe.farm located 74 miles southeast of Salem: 110 acres in cultl VSllOn. hllinr.. t m K . v n.tiirc' bouse. brn, well, spring water in pas- t1"': 0 per acre. lt acre river bottom farm, 100 acres In cultivation., bent of aoil. balance tim ber; house and barn-.-' This is below vslue. Price, $110 per acre. 4 arrea of S lr..-lan nrune and bcr- rr land, all cultivated. Price $1000; down, balance terms at 6 per cent Interest 1 ; is 'acres of first-class loganberry land, running water, all - cultivated. ItIc $200; term. - Well improved 10 acresr 5 acres, of 4-yesr-old Italian prunes. 2 acres of loganberries; good 5- room plastered bungslow, barn, hen house, well, fam ily orchard; 4 miles south. Price $1000. 44 Sere, tract. 30 acres cultivated, the balance timber and pasture; hssise. barn. 2- acre of loganberries. 8 acres 4-yesr-old prunes. 10 acres of whest. 2 acres f oats; sll crops go. Price $400. $17-S down, balance per cent interest 98 acres located on Howell prairie. -5 seres in ' cultivation, balance pasture and timber; house, bsrn. orchard. 10 - c.ted on main gravel road. Price $12. , '50O. - ' - . ' 1?A arre farm? So acrea of DloW land - balance timber and pasture; hue- nd - bsrn. ; Price per acre. : - -, 17 acre trsct located 64 mile outh of 8lem; 8 acres of loganberries, Dai anre apDlea. - r VY. H. Grabenhorit & Co. 1 . . $7$ Stat Street FOR SALE 1H TON TKUtav. .1 feet condition, uuuu t1,?1. wrd terms. Also one good J 1917 r touring car. H. F. Bonesteele. corner Commercial and Ferry streets. PEERLESS .OASOUSB; Bsuwj-" hekvy f ly and belt . wheel Frn?ri: used as auxiliary in eUctric light plant. Good condition, i 100 gallon tank goes with It. Scott Bosorth. 702 Spauidlng Bldg., Portland. Ore. FOR SALE OAT" HAY IN SHOCK. Fifteen dollars per ton. Begin cut ting about June 20. Near Macleay. X. H- Litchfield. Route 6. Salem. Ore. 1 BOUSES, jnj-u-Lri.rii-ii-i-i- - 1 w FOR RENT rA NEATLY FURNISHED bungalow or seven rooms nt hort- for July and August. Phone 1480R. - FOR RENT-HOU8ES. AJAJtTMENT8 . -4 r.rm. - ir. iv Wood. 841 State . Phone 794. - - ' LOST AND FOUND ----L 'L -II ' - 1 1 FOUND ' TAKEN UP AT MY PLACE. 6 MILLS east , of Salem on tne old inapun land claim. 50 head of shorn ewes n4 tamha more or less. - Owner may have above described property after SECOXD HAKD FURXITTRB BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL YOUR furniture, stoves or carpets, you win gain by calling or u. The capital Hardware Co.. 285 rortn wororaerciai St. Thone $47. PlflPI 17" VT-rtVTTURE STORE 3.T N - Commercial. rnon in. nom m H.rraina KV and aecond-hand fur nishings and hardware. W buy. sell and exchange. Highest cash, price psid for second-hand goods. 8ECOXD HAHD GOODS wwwwwawawaMaa m WE BUT AND BELL SECOND HAu good of all Kinds, pip rulings, ner ml collars, collar pad, tools, and R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phon 1811 - TF.PTnT. rse of study for domestic art. Thursday Aftemosi flrammar. georgraphy. stenogra phy. American literature, physics. Typewriting, methods in language. tfcMi for nrlmanr certificate. , vHtav Korea oon I "Is' the honeymoon over? Theory and practice, orthography! "I guess so.i !ITs U ken op golf fsnellingl. physical geography. Eng-j again and she's begun to take aa iitt literature, cneraioiu. ; KrUUy AftenHHHi interest Press. DR. W. L. MERCr.lt. UKaUUAJS inur f Ht hOOL IMltODllOT. tll. Mo.: treat aeut nd ebriK , ntendent. Nat!--' ' School law. geology. AJgebra. C1t il government. . Saturday Forenoon Geometry. boUny. Saturday Afternoon General history, bookkeeping. V. M. Smith. County school super- politics." Detroit Fre i i TIME TABLES Aimmmm. Office 4S4-408 U. 8- Bank Bldg. Phoa lt. Rsidef 419 North Summer. Phon 614 . CHTTESB FHTSICIA1V DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOW v dtaeas. 1(8 8. High St. Phon WATER j-.-ij-.r.i . . . . - chains. Fred Schlndler, Z$ Cntr gxxjai; WATER CO. OFFICE. $! t street. WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF 'JSKD furniture. Will ouy. sen. tria' rhinn hnuaehold furniture Win nav the hlahest cash Prlc. I alao handle clothing. Be J. A. Rowland Furniture Stor. 247 N .Commercial Phon 16. . - rAINTERS BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM 0Virrr. . a wninmM cloth bind- Rli. never unboxed. Will sell to?' less than cost. Addxa -Book." car Statesman. aying for damsges and advert iana. I uxnnrLru-u-inril-B. . . , ..... to in pasture , mree-iourina m i r H KATIiK.' PAINTER. e-iJ i m mile east of Chemw on m. j- i winter. Fhon 296. - She Heardsley's Weiss. place. tTnmmareial atret For water s" lc apply at office. Mk all c.t plaints at th offle. No ddurtln In bill will b allowed for abn- pr for any caoae whatever ol-a water I cut off from premUe. IJe. - ftr wtr for Irrigation will o--b furnlshd to rcgulr customers Ing water for domestic purp" Ctrctor for sidewalka. brie work or plastering, will pi r-' "for building purpo" under arh.e via of rate ApolV t offle for WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED t iVsrion Crtamery & Producs Co, in, Oregon. Phone 2488 : : SALEM MARKETS I nuxiTra nucx Regs sutd rotUtry. SOI7THKRV PACIFIC CO. . KerfhlMa4 No! B4 Oregonlsn 1:00 a.m. No. It Oregon Express ...... 6:58a.m. No. 28 Willamette Licaited .. :17a.m. No. 18 Portland Passearcr 1:66 p.m. Nn. 24 Coo Bay ............ 6:36p.m. No. 14 PorUanL Expras .... 1:46 p.m. lUMIkiMsl No. 63 Oregon ia ........... 8:1 a.m. No. 23 For Earene ....... ...1S.S5 a.ra. No. 15 California Express ...11:05 a.m. No. 17 Roeburar Paenr ..-4:48 p.m. So. 27 WtllamAt Limited... 6:44 p.m. No. 12 Saa Francisco Pas. ..18:6$ p.m S.tLEM-CFF.R LIE No. 73 Arriv t Salem 9:10 a.m. No. 74 Leav Salem ........ 4:60p.m. i IM P.I.IC VvTif-J-S rem r- T! 1 FOR SALE 1918 MAX- ww- J - . . i .11 .... well gooa as new; jh tnaa mitea. Cash or term. 197 oo. Commercial. Phone 399. , WANTED BARGAIN LATE MODEL FAMOUS "Appcrson- jacaraoon. passenger chummy roadster type, all dolled up: probably the best looking car In town. Has many extras such as bumper, plate glass ; window In resr. heater for cold weather, grad ometer. spotlight, nd many other too numerous to mention. .This car will not appeal to everyoooy M9CTLLAKEOC9. j WF. BUY ANY KIJCD OK USED UARS. t none ui ooum vumimitivi-m nTfirrvs-r rimt PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags, press kobb owuw man. . i WANTED 4 OR 5 ROM TTRNISafED house with yard. Best or local reicr- ences. mono its. -: . some discriminating buyer, it will be tnd: ana . me; pnet t the. car. and y't wtlfc aay r. 11 will ur . - - - .nf r . . T . j. .1 I S ITTfllinnil I." IllllLI I I1LV a oisiinci una. "SI V. : All I tlfllUDlLt IslrVEtV 1 Jk A sax v mi- Phone 31F15. WALL PAPER. FAT?rr KfTREM CENTS -A DOUFLK I'.OI.I. and upwasas tnr tnon-. raii -1 at Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Com mercial atrtet. i SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Pictur rrnming. - uwi workmen. 466 Court St. Phon 46 TRAHSrCR-nArlIIO , AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND as follows: Commencing Wedne.y moving Job don ijompt-i m . ron,(nu!nc r.til SatuttHy IV. AS BISW n,aa m 478 8tte Ft. Phon Ilk phon 11J1J. 1 count "- roun'y. fr xaniin-i 'o- - v h - Vl ! ... r"""",r nx'-rjnlj for s-e certiflraies at 'he ."aim htRh srlm-.! snap. iiTLn.niinjBi - -- - - - - CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS 'This true tory of western Immi gration ha bn c- flly revised. I making a hndom . . 1 book. It tells In grspbic term of th ma cr of th Ottmts family, of th -rap of Lorenno, and th esptlvlty of Msry and OHv. Mary died of tr- autos wmiOuT drivers to hire One dollar per-hour. American a- tomobile;Co 197 South Commercial. Phone 399. ' .WANTED LEAKY RADIATORS TO repair. Faiem Auto Kauiaior tnop. 198 S. 42th. wovev winn rnnctna ixruxn.Ln.i n. ii.n.ru-n-irirM--i- ------ --- Iept IVatlanat A AmerteW Few, -alt alaea. Its. M la. Mglu Paints. Oils aad VamUh. Utevea Reballt and Repaired. I-acanberry and Hka. Sales Feae A Stev Work. ISO Cenrt St. ! 114 I R. H. W1.BBIir(H. vstion and OHv ws purchased from IpRiKO YOUR BATTERY WORK TO th inaisns Iiv yeara : laier. l the Mattery tsnop, z r. v,omniri-iii '"' vs r 1 SI IpSycnoiOgy. iiitio'ih m nvm,tmytt prlc U cent po.tpld. AMrM. street. Phon 413. AU .w?rk $ur- DJ. 1.m ClaSlliied Adl. mechanical drawing, domestic art. nteed, . : . ., -r. , t. mm Reidnc June 2. 1t10, ?t I:"' P- We-lo-I.v I iM-eir-Mtn V. S history, wrltins ipeniuan ship, muair. drawing. Ve-dne-Mly Afternoon rhysiolngy. re-tdinc. m-mual train Inr. roniDosillon. do.meMlr science methods in reading, course of study for drawing, methods In arithmetic. TRurxlav Forenoon Arithmetic, history of education. psychology, methods in geography. Oregon Teachers Monthly, Aslem, Or,' ::-. r.7 io ssc. . ll os. 1 to 26c. Pro.lrr. 1 iid roosters. l(c INtrfc. Mat ton and IWf. Pork on fiot, 18-i to lV4c limhs. 10 to 11c. r steors. V4rU Cows. 6 lo 8c. . ' Top teal, lc. flay. Cheat, per ton. ZZ. Urala. Wheat. t:.io. Oats. 80c. Iieaas. nominal. Mill Fee1. RHafL Mill run. 42. 43 per ton. - Whole-sale To Dealrra. Watermelons. 3V4r a pound. Creamery butter carton 5C to 57c Hutterfat, f. o. b.. Balem. 55c. rmit. Cantaloupes, Standards, crate. Oranges. $5 to t & Strawberries (Salem) $ Bananas. He. Lemon. 17. 5 a hot. -CallfornU Grape Fruit. .J5. SAf.EV. FALLS CXTA WSTTERW 161 Leave Salm. motor .... 7:90 a.m. 168 Leav Sal am. motor ... 8:11 as. 16 Lva Salem, motor .... 1:66 pm. Thronrh car to Mo month aad Air It 171 Leave 8lm 4:16 p.m. Il Arrive t Salsm M 8:26 a nu t4 Arrive at Balsm ....... .11:0 a.av ICS Arrive t BaUa 3:24 pa. 173 Arrlv S)m 1:48 p m ORKCOV ELECTRIC Eff4lve Qt. l.C ISIS. . Trt Tv Arrtv . Arrive No. Portland SUm .Ear 8 Ltd.. 8:11 am 14:16 ar 18:34 pns T 10 46 m 33:6 pm saim only S:S6pm 4:16 pm . 4:81pm It Ltd.. 4:46pm 40pm 8:60pm IT ..... S:6pm 8 07 pn 81 sm only II :lis 11:28 pm Slmowly North Bak Station (lav Jffr- on 8trt Is aa i miata llr.) B)tkbe4 rev , Arrive Trala No. KQgn rsiem ' ' 7:1lm ts Ltd.. T:ilam :44m 12 11:06 prrt 16 Ltd.. 1.1$ pm 4:M pm I ..... Balem only 8.80 pm 19 ' 4:36 be . 7:66 pm North -Bank Station 4 arrlv jaff.r. n Street 1$ mlvt rllr). Lav CorvaiUa. Arrtv Portland - 8:39 ra 11:19 so. 3.20 pm - 8:69 pm 1:40 tm II 00 pm S3 crale. coeyalt.ih romrgcnoKf Xsrtsbeaad -Lssts Ci-riris irrlv g;a l: m ; 1:41 m - 8-.9S pm - . . 4:Oo -pm :ia ' : t:5 SrtkWmad Laav Salst Af-rlv (Vt l:1-ss iV.tT 1 S-4 V l:M;a 4 I