The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 21, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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- .- ' - : '" . : 1 ' ' -
I- V - IT John RlMlinntnlln " T 1 ' J I - - -- '' I i i i i , m
A. Lodge No. 4, A. F. &.A. M.
r if this eveniag. Work in the
y F. r C. egree. ' Visiting
jUiren welcome. ' j
rjaTj the Old Home Remedy
vmvents operations.! bee i Mrs.
g, foorf Marion hotel.
T,!cht 8:3l
Cance st Armory.
that if ithe state will furnish him
thepower his "wagon" will carry
more passengers in a day than any
other elevator in tha state. "7
jiex Keep 'Otfuu.t
A gror of the.inps made from
4e first to the second and, third
Soon of the state house and to the
iome was kept by Alex Cotuoyer.
elevator operator at the capitol 4 en
rhnrsdav of this week. The record
iiaw?4 a total of 430 trips during
t day. 20 or which carried passe'a
prt to the dome The score was
upt at the request of George Duns
fard. superintendent of the building,
irho will nse tha figures In the ,in
jtillation of 'new. apparatus for op
eration of the elevator. Alex avers
. In -
"Get Away Kate
i .
Tonight' 8: 30 . -
Danjej at Armory. '
Dr. Mott -. .
Bank j of Commerce bildg. 407-8.
i ;. . ;. . : V
Used Pianos.
Going fast. Grab one. 'E. L. Stiff
& son
People to Help Kl
Calling upon the people of Oregoa
to lend all possible co-operation to
make successful the Salvation army
home service campaign to be con
ducted! by the Elks form June 22 to
30, Governor Olcott yesterday issued
an' official statement over the exec
utive signature. , j
Gooeberriel Strawberries and Ken
tish Cherries ; j
. 'are in the market. ' firing
them to our big plant, opposite S.
P. Co. passenger station: Phez Co.
Wallace Again Named-f . I
At a meeting of the state desert
land board yesterday Fred N. Walt
latfe of Tumalo .was reappointed
manager of the Tumalo Irrigation
projeetj In Deschutes 'county. The
position pays a salary of $173 a
month l and the manager is required
to give! full time to the management
of .the project. ,i v 1
John Sasstanoi
eler on public ft highway, stnik by
automobile. Of the total number
of accidents 469 were subject to the
compensation ict, 21 were from
firms and corporations that have re
jected ; the act and 17 were from
public utility corporations that ara
not subject to the act. 1
"Thelma" Individual Chocolates j
A Salem product made by The
Gray . Belle distributed by George
E. Water tor sale everywhere, 5c.
War M others Meet Todaj !
"The War Mothers will hold their
regular meeting Inl the Commercial
club auditorium today at 3 o'clock.
All mothers whose sons were or now
are In the service are. invited to at
tend whether registered with the
unit or iiot The principal business
will be the formulation of plans for
the homecoming to be held July 3
and 5 for te boys who served dur
ing the late war.
Lucil Barton, Willamette Instructor
Is enrolling students in her sum
mer courses In voice and piano. 598
N. 17thi Phone 1588.
B20WN '
HOSIERS - $1.00
The Remnant Store,
' 254 N. Commercial St.
J Xew Business Starts
3 Prs. The Northwest j Commissaries, Inc.,
0 j nas oeen organized ; Dy Kdwin J.
m t urke and ir. J. .Warner of Pendle-
ton and. David J. Sullivan of Port-
Jo Iiocked IV the Key
In his haste to get away to Port
land yesterday with half a- million
dollars in bonds for; deposit in: that
city. Assistant State Treasurer Joe
Richardson locked up some of. the
office keys in his desk at the state
house. It was a- little difficult to
get the day's work under way until
the desk was pried open and the
keys recovered.1 ,
"The Golden Rule" I
. As a rule of life will be the sub
ject of Dr. Kantner's address Sunday
evening. . i'
library Women Here ,
A group of yonns women froni
Portland, constituting a training
class in library woTt in that citj.
were fn Salem yesterday as visitors
at the state library, i They were the
guests of Miss Cornelia Marvin, itate
librarian, who gav them informar
tion relative to the conduct of the
Btate library.. ! 1 ' ',
rell from a load, of ha and eurfueil son Way near Jffe-o.. Th toUl
rractures of the boaey in both fore- cost of the three bridges wli be
arms. J . . s approximately $10, 00. They are to
. ' ' " ' ' - be from 15 to 20 feet wide and will
Knicr orao A. llano I he of th nauarA rnncr. fnrm in
Some used pianos, almost ai road! tead of round. Fire bids fcave been
as new. Will not last.' Better rrab I wbmiited and tbe county conrt has
li. ami tt son. I mem unaer consiaeration. re
serving the right to reiect hit or
Accident on State Street I all of them
Friday forenoon a Vord far- A raw
ing a trailer "loaded with meat be- THUKW AWAY HIS CRUTCHES
longing to tue Midget market col- "Six years ago I had rheumatism
imea wun a street ca- on State o bad I was going on crutches,
sireei oetweea Liberty and Commer. I writes Annmt r.trundeU. Sitr rtv.
claL The street car suffered, a brok- Wis. "I tried several medicines and
?u imuer ana tne trailer a broken I doctors and got no relief. Three
wneei. . .. bottles of Foler Kidnev Pills cured
me. I threw away my crutches."
Have no equal for weak, sore, ach
Ing back, muscles or joints. . J. C
(Continued from page 1)
ThetmA Individual Chocolate
; Made In Salem, 5c everywhere.
WlU Is Probated
The will of the late Leah Moyer.
wno a lea June 7 in Portland, but
who as for many years a' resident
of Salem, has been admitted to pro
bate. Harry H. Moyer has been ap
pointee ex; cutor and Joseph Martin,
Koy Potter, and C. W. NMemever
What It Mean
fialfm V9 th firtt rltv In ih
have been appointed appraisers of tsUte, as far as can be learned that
the estats,
The estimated value is I
planned on a celebration. A move
ment was started several months ago
to provide a home coming for the
boys who went to war. Money was
raised and all arrangements made
to hold a grand event. Someone
suggested that we postpone the home
Executor's Flaal Acroont AIIowe1 'mi?F Fourth of July.
A Salem Product '
a "
"Tbelma", Individual Chocolates,
oc every wnere. .
In the matter of the estate of Sar
ah Jaae Clark, the final accounts of
the executor, William H. Clark, have
been allowed and approved and the
estate has been declared fully set
tled and closed. ,
AnpralHers Appointed--
M. C. Bliven, Thomas Brown, and
l. F. Hofer have been appointed
appraisers ef the estate of the late
Mary E. Daniels of Salem. The es
timated value' 'of the estate is
about $10oW -i i "
Corporation si Dissolved--
Dr. R. Ca-lwright, as secretary
of the Willamette sanitarium' cor
- ; Did It Ever Occur 'to-Tou'
- ,y THAT
ur priced on strictly high grade pianos
tr teis than it 15 poasibls for you to
fet elsewhere. ; The quality best and
term easy. .' . C.r--; ', ., 5'
the ynusr n.-axx&x co.,
il) Court St.. in the; Derby, Building.
land for; the purpose of operatlag pjration. filed resolutiojs yesterday
commissaries, stores, hotels, res- at office of Cornoration Com-
taurants and boarding camps and! miRJ,ion(ir schulderman disnolvint;
maintaining a general employment the corporation This action is mere
bureau with employment 'offices at ly the formal act of dissolving a cor
variousi I points. he capitalization poratlon and, according to Dr. Cart-
is 125,000.
Tonight 8:30 j
Dance af" Armory.
wright, does not disband the insti
tution which will continue to do bus
$10,000 Building! Planned
The EtrnalM-
Who Is dot interested
in that
A cohtract has!beej signed by the! vi,!.!. wm? - Woar hnnt it at thA
tt'iu a o.ii. .i.nriii;.i
Aiciuicnrisi, jr., ior ine eretuua ul 1 a 'm Sundav
FfnMTIMFNTQ . I a brick; and cement building on High. li
lUViiwuuMiiv...". I oti-AA ihotwroatt f Vio TWrhv hnildinel .
u ib " - . an1 in k rnnn nnnprTHKMip oanure. . i --r n
? .SfJard 80 ncltor The stmcture. which wilrbe Skilea aid M.N. Lewis, asking
hslness card. I ment with a Dressed brick front to I Ai ...
Capital Monumental Work., ; correspond with-the, Derby building, lZ ?fc ST.-" uTr.
z:ia S. Com. St. rprtrf. .saiem wate- a frontage tf 6sftx oa ZZWFZ ZXZ' ""Z
Hicff street ana & aepm ot v, ieei. i o-- jioj- -Mtff
ine comraci caus iyr ic j,t in favor cf the nlaintiff.
r-rm AnlA. lioHiatnr Khon - I lion M.ine ouuu?u6 u
Eafilalors, Fenders and Gas ;
Tanks Repaired , :
iractor Radiators a Specialty
AH work guaranteed.
131 8. Uth. 'St.: - Salem, Ore.
Good Used Plane
Some eood as new: " almost at j
vour own4 price, i E. L. Stilt &. Son.
i - i
Dr. Porno roy in Stat
Mrs. R. E. Pomeroy has received
word that her husbaad. Dr. Pomer
oy, ar-ived in New York yesterday.
Dr. Pomeroy is in the medical corp
of the navy 'and has been overseas
fimll Investment lxans Realty
, Loans House Rental Agency,
General Property Pealing;
404-405 Hubbard Bldg.
Jtose 254
Fotir Forms
Of the Golden Rule wm be pre-months. He Is now on temporary
sentedi and discussed at me nwi dat. In York, t
Congregational cburcn sunoay even
intr I ' Cam Is Dismissed J
The case .of Collins its. vnuea
Thn Accidents Fatal : -,, I Rrnkers which was' up for trial in
Three fatal accidents were report-1 nartmmt No. 1 of the circuit court
" Salem, T Ore. 9& to jthsy state I industrial accident J yesterday, resulted in voluntary non-
commission for tne wee enamg sit on the motion or tne puuuii,
19 out of. a total 01 au iuumui..
rr . a n i 'r 1 .ialti4. TheS fatal cases ve.
li CCltni JmiK CC salvage O.!,, P-Tucv Rainier, stevedore;
Thinking that more people could get
away on the Fourth than any other
date it was decided to wait. The
word was sent broadcast that Salem
would hold a homecoming i on the
Fourth. So far no other town or
city In this part of Oregon had
planned on celebrating. A number
of little celbrationa. have come to
life since that time, but Salem was
the first. - Whatever Inspired these
other celebrations is of small eonse-.
quence and Salem has already forgot
ten that there are other celebrations
and will do all In her power to make
this celebration and homecoming the
biggest event in the history of tbe
capital of tha state. The city has
ApraiM-tnnt Marie-
Paul W Johnson, T. A. Rinehart,
and C. A. Vibbert. Appraisers of the I opened Its doors to every man who
estate of I ouisa Forstner, have con-1 wore a uniform and made everything
eluded their laveixtory and r possible free to them. . We want
ment and have found the valve of them here where we honestly feel
I '.. . . I II A. 111 - A 4 V Ia.I.I.
the estate to be 17.091.50.
Marrlasre Iceen Issued
Marriage licensed were issued yes
terday to Gilbert Undtahf of Port
land ind Resale M. Sundvold af Sil-
I r . . i.
verton. and. to Joseph Spaniol of W"'B8 r "
that you will ret the most entertain
ment and where you will be provid
ed with everything yon can possibly
wish for or expect. The Salem Com
mercial club, the War Mothers and
the War Community service are all
entertainment of
Stayton and Freada M. Allis, also of
Standard Scale Bool
in duplicate. ; S tat earn aa Job office.
your friends.
Attitude of tne People
i Every person In Marion and Polk
counties is Invled to come to this
homecoming. To my mind the first
Fourth of July was up to this time,
the most memorable event In the
Taxi Drivers Arrested nistory oi tne unuea states, mis
v- rtf onrtn oi juit comes next ana we
Thompson arrested WilHam Albright hould deem It our duty and pleas-
and L.. E. Davis, taxi drivers, t. Ji""rt"""
cha-ged with not parking their ma- T,- J? . ru C .1. T,1 .R
.w ro --! w make m u. iw iti.ctji
U,V:i,r IT; ties and anyone in the state who de-
c n t.b. v:. I v I vvuib "vivwuk uu """"
us V : - w to be here and assist In entertaining
Is: ranees olessina
and the Good
Come and see the Wonderful New rroduction
1 'i.
You will be delighted with this exquisite product, unsur
passed for cake filler or frosting. Delicious to eerye-over fruits
Canteloupe Market Gone
to Pieces, j !
Bargain Prices Prevail Today i
Wtpant quality, 3 for 25c ; Extra large, 2 for. l.25c
Canteloupca by the crate $3.25 and $3.75
Fancy Apricots, basket L,75c
Watcruielons . . . . 1 . ,: 5c lb.
Uiiy them now
Oregon Berries ,
California. Tomatoes
Hot House Tomatoes ......
Cucumbers ......... ...i.
Head Lettuce .....
Riverby Asparagus
Wood burn Asparagus
New Potatoes, 4 lbs. for . .
Telephone Peas ".
C & IL Berry Sugar ......
,10c per box; $2.00 for 24
. .-. . . . . . . . . .i; .15c per box
.-.2dc per. lb.
.4.. 25c per lb.
.. .15c and 20c
....;.t.. 10c
.....J... ...... 15c
'.,",.!:....... ...25c
.4. J..15c
Wehayea tremendous Stock
SOAW and WASHING POWDER bought at very low prices.
"See us liefore buying. t
fore Judge Race.
- r
the boys. Special written invitations
have been sent to all the boys whose
names could be secured. It you know
of a soldier, sailor or marine who
did not receive a written Invitation
Wages Attached '
The Business . Men's Adjustment
company -has attached the wages ot
Mis. Grace Wlleox. an employe at plea8e tell him that this article Is
. m 1 m- 1 lit J I w
tne cannery, xor uuis augeu ae j bis Invitation. lie is Invited and you
various mercnanis m tne ciiy. Mrs. 1 Can In vita aim. Don't fall to see
Wilcox maintains that the bills are that he Is notified that he Is to be
her husband's and not hers and that here, and that he win be well cared
rho is not liable for them . . for with room and board and enter-
' - - ; I talnment for the three days.
Receipts, Note and AH Blanks I . The One Thought.
At Statesman Job offlca. I If you had a son or brother or
i . . 1 1 ' - - I father or uncle or nephew or friend
Roys Chanced With Stealing Boat I who wore the uniform and that per-
buy all " kinds Junk, hardware, I Fred jRichmo Jd "Knappa, logger;
furniture, tools; machinery. There!,. ; -
'a VnrrtW an m wn tin not bllT. 1 A O.W THE
Jhone;! 402 X Commercial &L LK'S SALVATION ARMY!
"I'or Hardware Furniture and
- Second Hand Goods see
If yu bav furniture stoves or
. earpU to veil, phone ! 847, or
bU at tbS IV. CMBcrelal Street
State and commere w
, . I . . Auto Repair Shop
umip f the VESTA UA'rxwa
Imunne Hall Fund Grow
Gifts of $500 each from Mr. ana
Mrs. J. O, Golt-a or Salem have "ooen
made to the Lausanne nan iuna.
Both Mr. and , Mrs. Goitra, as i wen
as metr two aiusuirn, Mv -
tn. are graduates of Willamette uni
versity. . . . ' "
Interesting Caie Today '
'A case especially Inte-estlns to
the residents of Woodburn is the
damage suit of Mary Hackett vs. J.
C. Wageman. asking Judgment In
the sum of $1000 for alleged slan-
riArnnn remarks. The cafe is rauea
l. Tnni.i.o ani Tfrhareine 1 in nvinck this morning ia ae
Xjaiiei -" I . '- . -r, tna Mrruit eoiirt.
Jj. M. MILLER, Prop.
245 Center St.
Phone 927
Fnmlture, ranges, heaters, tools
od, la fact, anything, you have
to tea,, i buy for ' cash. Phone
510 or 511.
VfOODRY, The Auctioneer
If you want to trade In a used pi
ano for a new one. we are
L. Stiff & Son. .
imt irnmnlctcl overhauled ana re
painted. At a bargain for somebody,
il,. Kitiannd huvi in other mtkei
cf Bwonrih&nd r. tV ton lumber I TArtition Given-
trailer. Thayer-Shafer-Guller make ' case of Carl Griffith and
nr ot Anchitf nrica of neW I 'la ine Cl&c, "I ' . . .
trailer. . j .
Wood-Rose Motor Co.
24S State SLi Phone 311
U 70s have any Junk or second
Band goods of any kind, see us
71 Chemeketa St. Phone 998
others against' Eugene McMahon and
Dn virdpr for nartruon oi iauu
I . atv Anna I oars, as prayed for in
l.tninttf rnmolaint. was maae.
W A Jones. Newton Savage.2 and
Jefferson Scrlber were appointed ref
erees to make sucn pa"
i - .. . ;;: - f . Urooferty involved consists of ahut
Ejvawas t avi-va, , -
i . iridnrM
. - MaK m m-v i f r - jmi iiris
415 CPUIX St. . airm, u.c6UU pwi. r'.l" rnhn Tweed. 'a
Teiepnone a i I J.I "J cia veste-nlay
r rtn or i Tine iicai ..
iaiiv ' .
See Our
recft Electric Co.
3 State St.
Phone 053
i We want to bny -r-
Good Potatoes
- Best Market Price
Jnrnlfih the sacks and call
tot the poUtoes at your place
Tie People's Cash Store
Phone 453
ISS-lsc North Commercial St.
Our strongest
belief Is In im
partial Justice to
all and It fol
lows that every
'-one receives the
same earnest
courtesy. Our
. business dealings
are above
reproach." "
is the keynote of
; Of
. ' and Carol Hollowaj i
Head Typical Vitagraph.
Serial Cast of Thrill
Several young. boys were arrested
verterday and taken before .Judre
Unruh, eharaed with stealing a mo
tor boat. They asserted that they
thought the boat ' had been ahaa-
"doned and that they were not com-
mlttinjg a theft in taking It. They
will have' their hearing , this morn
ing. i - ' .
son was attending this home coming
where he can be shown that his peo
ple appreciate him and what he did,
you would make an extra effort to
help. You have Just that reason for
being present in Salem. Some sol
dier or someone who wore a uniform
will be here and your presence Is
necessary at thl time to make the
borne coming what It should be. Ton
nn't wrlrnmA tha bova bv selfishlv
Discharged Soldier in Sanitarian sUying at home. Arrange to come
cma-ies it. Daroy, or Animsviiie. I ana ceieorate wun mem. ion owe
a recently discharged oldier. is in it to them and you owe II to yourseir.
the Willamette Sanitarium recover- If your son was returning from tne
ing from an operation for append!-1 front, yon would drop everything
citis. Tha ooeratioa was nerformed I and meet him at the train. He would
only three days after he was dls- teel hurt If you were not there to
charsrod from th aprvlr anil th ! creet him. Come one come an ana
komfl sprvieA riVnartmpnt of tb titA 1 let us 'welcome home the boys and
Cross Is endeavoring to have the 1 maae tnem proua inai incy wore me
government Tav f or the o Deration. I ur.orm.
as the condition which necessitated
it must have existed prior tt his dis
.1 r
Fisher's Blend Flbur
The only strictly Hard Wheat Flour sold in the city of Salem.'
-..Try It. ., . ,
$3.25 per sack.
Bear Flour, elegant bread and pastry flour, par sack . . .$3.00
sion's grain rate complaint against
Walker D. Mines, federal railroad ad
ministrator, affecting points in tbe
Columbia River basin will be given
a hearing in Portland July 31. The
hearing wfll be at the same time and
place as the hearing of the complaint
against Hines by he Inland Empire
Snippers league and the Portland
Chamber of Commerce. In Its com
plaint the Oregon commission seeks
a differential In rates between Col
umbia basin points and Portland be
cause of the- low cost of haul as com
pared with the haul over 'the moun
tains to Seattle.
Try Northern Flour
. "It's a Bear." Every sack guar
anteed. At your grocer's.
No Flu Reported Yesterday-
City. Health, Officer J. Kay Pem
berton announces that there were
no cases of influenza reported yes
terday. There "was, however, one
case of scarlet fever reported.
Grain Rate Complaint
- to Have Early Hearing
The public service commission re
ceived a telegram from, Clyde B.
Aitchison. chairman of the Interstate
commerce commission yesterday with
information that the service commls-
Paal Manrer at Camp Mill J
Paul C. MauTer, i former member
of Compajy M", 162nd Infantry, and
later ; first sergeant of Guard Com-1
panyNo. 1, army service corps, has I
arrived at Camp Mills, according to
word received .by his -parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Manrer.- Sergeant
Maurer stated that he will be mus
tered out at Camp Mills and expects
to reach home July 3..'
Daughter Is Born
A daughter was born yesterday to
Mr. and : Mrs. C. R. Goodwta" of
South. Fifteenth street. The little
girl has been named' Blanche. Mr.
Goodwin 1 Associated Press operator
for The Statesman. . ' . . -. , '
Ttradeon Takes Posltkm .
-Victor D. Bradeson, who returned
a few days ago from University of
Oregon, has taken a position at the
Gray Belle. He was first sergeant
ot Company M,. 162nd Infantry in
Legal Blanks' . . 1
L Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. 'Catalog on application. .
Cffunfy Will Bnild Three Bridges
Bids were erceievdetashrcnishrdl
" Bids were received yesterday bf
tbe Marion county court for the con-
jjslructlon oi three bridges on Jeffer-
(Painless Parker)
Iat twrmt Jmr (rrtk Ilk tr
raildrra. Sttirt car Jm bet
ter teeth thaa mmr rfeatlst eaa
Make mm4 ywm eaat k rmr
beat with decayed. brkrma
teeth. Uat esleet theaa tHI
tMthaehe drivea rm tm the flrat
tfeatlat la alcht. Have theaa fi
aaUaed tT hr R.
Syateaa afflee mm have the aat
lafaetiaa mt , haawlaa; that th
wrh will he Mat reliable at a
very aaeara te eaat. . .
. Parker, :
Btate and
, - CoiSmerctal
Srad a roTTT of tbo Pear edition
to the boys In the aerTke. Only
limited namber of copies left, so or
der early. 23 rents per copy.
Coast Scientist Hear
, llrt, Roberts, Astronomer
PASADENA. Cat. Juae 20. Mrs!
Dorotha Klumpke Robert, noted as
tronomer of San Francisco, delivered
the special address today before the
Pacific division of the American As
sociation fcr the Advancement of Sci
ence, which opened a three-day con
vention here today. Mrs. Roberts
detailed the work of women In the
advancement of astronomy from the
time of Hvpathia to the p reseat day
and laid stress oa the persecutions
cf women In past centuiles for their
engaKlng In this science.
Pastry That
Has (Flavor
This is the kind of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Doughnuts, etc, you .
want. That's the kind Peerless make!
Philip Winters, Prop.
170 North Commercial Street.
Phone 247
Established 1868
General Banking Business J
Commencing June 16th banking hours will be
( . . 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
- Eoute your freight via
Willamette Valley Transfer Co.
Express service at freight rates, j
Long distance hauling only.
Phone 1400
: ;7;