A THE OREGON STATES JLtX: FRIDAY, JTXE SO,. 191.9 T BELGIANS GET VIEW OF WILSON ON LEAGUE . (Continued from, Page 1.) ognltion and as a welcome of elgium into; her new status of complete lav dependence to raise the mission sf? the United. States of Ame-ier. to Bel glum to the rank of an embassy and'. send an ambassador. This is the rank 'which Ueleium enioys la our esteem; why should she-not enjoy j It In form and In fact? . '"So gentlemen, wa. turn to the , future. . Mr. Ilyhians has "spoken in true terms cf the necessities th&t lie ahead of Belgium and of many aa- . other nation that has come through this great war with suffertag and with loss. We have shown Belgium In the forms which she has been generous enough to recite, our friendship in the past. It is now our duty ta organize our friendship along new lines. J ""'.'-"'.-v , j llelians Need Material. ""The Belgian people '.and the Bel gian leaders need only the tools to restore their life. Their thoughts are tot crushed; their pnrposes are not obscured. Their plans are comr. plete and their knowledge of what Ooldvryn ETcrures 3ia.v. rim Ths mlle-a-minute pic-, tcre, with real races to ' thrill you.: HERE TODAY Nvv'-' Mi 1 -: : 1 V ' 'I ' h ' W e Liberty JANE and. KATHERINE LEE in 'TELL ITTO TH -Yc-i; , The Wonder Children of the Screen. Also SUNSIIIN COMEDY ' LET'S GO! Canadian Pacific .; for that VACATION TRIP ,Take the Fairyland Trait to the East through the Canadian Pacific Rockies. V SUMMER EXCURSIONS TO ALASKA By "tli( "Princes! Une Steamem. Trains Steamers -Hotels None "- For ratc3, dates and other information ii apnly to 3Zq . .53 Third t- tttr s si " m q a m 9 c Vm-m 9 9 - w a Tfj Is In vol red in Industrial revival is complete. . f ' "What their friends must do Is to see to it that Belgium gets the necessary priority with regard to ob taining' raw materials, the necessary priority In obtaining the means to restore the machinery by which shei can use these raw materials, aad the credit bv "Which. she can bridre over "jf the years which it will be necessary I for her to wait to begin again." FAREWELLS SAID AFTER DAY OF MANY. FUNCTIONS BRUSSELS, June 19. The King land; Queen of the Belgians said good bye to President and Mrs.,Wlson to night, after a day of functions and sight-seeing that taxed the eaergies of every individual in. the American jarty. The president made three speeches and', an extended tour of the battle fields, attended a luncheon and a formal dinner by the king. Had there been any doubt relative to the feel- . ing betweea Americans and Belgians, it was removed In the. chamber of deputies when the lpresiden,t was warmly -applauded by the members and! those gathered in the galleries. FRECKLES IHft't Hide Them With a Veil; Re move Them With Otliine Double Strength, This preparation for the removal of freckles is . usually so successful In removing,' freckles and giving a clear.-beautiful - complexion that it is sold under . guarantee to refund the money If it fail. Don,'t hide your freckles under a reil ret an onnce of Otblne and re move them. Even the first few ap plications, should show a wonderful improvement, some of the lighter freckles vanishing entirely. Be sure to ask the druggist for the double strength Othine; It is this that! is sold on the moaey-back guar antee. . FOGH FORMS FRONT v ALL AROUND GERMANY ; (..(Continued- from Page 1.) led fa his recall and the entry of the United States into the war." Bemstorf f . however, does not wish to sign the treaty and thereby, per haps, make himself, the' best hated man n Germany, whereas now he is aow one of the most popular. Latest reports Indicate the ap pointment of Gustar Noske as pre mier which it is considered, would be equivalent-12 the setting up of a dictatorship. , f-t - ThV Spartacans are seizing the occasion to-tie np many of the rail roads wth the intention of impris oning the government at Weimar. AMENDED TEXTS SHOWS - - f ! CHANGE IN CANADIANS ' PARIS, June '19.-- The . amended text! of the draft of the peace treaty with Germa'ay showsja change in the Canadian delegates, f in the original document they werst named as Sir Robert' orden, - prime"; minister, and Sir George Foster, minisher of trade and commerce. In the amended text E MARINES' THEATRE jS t . . Colossal'' ' j'f' All Canadian Pacific Standard Better E. E.. PENN, v SLi rortland, Ore. is t CHINESE FIRM IX .RESOLVE TO SIGN IW1TH RESERVATION PARIS June 19.--(By The Asso ciated Press) The Chinese delega tion to the peace conference remains firm in its resolve to sign the Ger man peace treay with reservations. When the German rights in Shan tung were awarded to Japan in structions were received by the dele gation from the president of China and the Chinese cabinet not to - ac cept this settlement. These Instruc tions have not been altered. Members of the Chinese mission say they are constantly receiving messages from China which show that the feeling Is so bitter against -J the, Shantung clause in the treaty that the delegation could not sign he document unreservedly. . TRAVEL OF MILITARY AGED -ENEMY RESTRICTED ON RHINE COBLENZ, Wednesday, June 18. 18. (By The Associated Press). The graning of permission to Ger mans of miliary age to travel to tin occuwpied Germany has been stopped by orders of the intelligence office. In view of he uncertainty of the peace situation. ' '' ! There have been some Geraan movements opposite the Americans in the last few days. These have not been in great numbers, however, and the Americans do not expect op position if they. start ahead. But they will go forward prepared for a real war with all its consequences. , MEASURES TAKEN TO STOP . HUNGARIAN RED IN VASION COPENHAGEN, June 19. A dis patch from Vienna received here re ports military ' measures have been taken to counteract a plot of' Hun garian red guards to invade German Antria and proclaim a soviet ropuD- 11c. . '.';:.' ' ' ITALIAN GOVERNMENT QUITS FOLLOWING ADVERSE VOTE ROME, June 19. The Italian government resigned . this evening following an adverse vote against it In the" chamber of deputies. , Premier Orlando, in announcing his resignation and that of, the cabinet, said King Victor Emanuel had reserved decision as to accept ance. ; I' The chamber of deputies had by a vote of 259 td 78 rejected Premier Orlando's motion in favor of dis cussion the question of confidence which related to the foreign policy of the government in secret session. SITUATION , COJIPLICATED i RY ACTION OF ITALI.VXS As an addition to the uncertainty prevailing with regard to whether Germany will sign the peace treaty has come a crisis In the Italian gov ernment to perplex the peace con ference. :, Failing to .secure a ; vote of confidence In the chamber of deputies in Rome on a demand by Premier Orlando that the chamber III secret, session . listen to the gov ernment's ..explanations of its. for eign .policjw the,..Italian cabinet ; Is expected to. follow precedent An par liamentary affairs and forthwith re sign Such action probably would still further, complicate the work of the peace, conference. The vote of lack of confidence in the ' government was an overwhelm ing one,, being 259 to 78. ': Prior to the vote the premier announced the various economic and financial ques tions . concerning Italy! had been solved or were about to be. solved. German' Feeling Changes. , While- the members- of the German peace delegation ' are still reported unofficially, as iolently opposed to signing the treaty and ! the greater part of the German cabinet to be of similar mind, latest indications are that the general feeling in Germany is tending toward recognition of the fact that the allies demands must be met. i American peace conference circles In Paris have, revoked j intimations that to meet the requirements 'of the allies there must, come a change tne aiues mere must, come a cnange in the personnel of the! recalcitrant German leaders and that a request for a short, extension of time from Monday , may be asked in order that a plebiscite In Germany can be held to determine the consensus of the masses. These Indications, how ever, seemingly point toward the belief that the Germans; in any eventuality, will sign, j Foch Is Ready. ' ! .Meanwhile, Marshal ! Foch con tinues his preparations to meet any contingency that may rise. The concentration of allied troops along the. Rhine will be complete Satur day in readiness to invade Germany further. In case the Germans remain obdurate up to the time! of the ex piration of the time limits. Foch is reported also to have extended his line to the Danube. i . " ! Governor Finds Thrills u ' in Trip by Aeroplane Upon returning early! yesterday from Sacramento where he made the trip from Portland by airplane Gov ernor Ben W. Olcott recounted a number of thrilling experiences that heretofore have not gotten into print. One of these was the flight over Cow Creek canyon where Colonel Watson, commander of the air squadron, de clared was one of the most difficult in his experience. A difficult land ing at Cottage Grove was another thriller for the governor.! Governor Olcott decided to contin ue the Journey from Oregon to Sac ramento to take up with the authori ties the question of the practical use of airplanes on the coast in. the fu ture and will communicate with the Oregon delegation In congress rel ative to a forest patrol by airplane. Amendments Considered , Qualified in California SACRAMENTO, Calif , June 19. It was believed tonight at the-office of the secretary of state the-ef-erendum petitions against the nat ional prohibition ratification and the Parrish enforcement " act ! passed by the last i legislature "had i qualified beyond doubt." 1 ' 1 . i Doherty, minister of Justice, named with Sir George Foster. OUTLOOK BRIGHT FOR FARM FUND :- "" i! " j Chairman Boise Confident Oregon WiU Receive ! $500,000,000 Aid j PORTLAND. Or., June 19. Con fident that Oregon will receive her share of the 8500,000.000'wliich con gress soon appropriate for recla ta rnation and settlement wort, Whit ney L. Boise, chairman or the Ore gon land settlement commission, to day returned from Washington. D. C. He was enthusiastic from the en couragement he received while in the national capital and aid Oregon would rap great bine fit f cm the b proffrim of development includ ed under the bill for reclamation of arid and swamp , lands and es tablishment of farm settlements un der government supervision. While in Washington be held con ferences with Franl4in Kl Lane, secretary of the interior; Dr. Taylor, chief of the bureau ef farm develop ment of the department .of agricul ture; Senator C. L. McNary and the Oregon con greasm en and nttendel conferences of va ious committees Republicans- and. DcniKrats are supporting the $500,000,000 appro- .piiatioa hill, Poise said. Diplomas Awardsd to 44 al Oregon Normal School , i At the annual commencement ex ercises of the Oregon Normal school at : Monmouth." Wednesday, diplomas were awarded to 44 graduates. They were: . - I Meda Angell, Portland; Roberta Ballard,-Monmouth; Gertrude M. Bil- yen, Albany; Augusta M. Bradbury, Baker; Edith Gl Brown, Salem; Ha zel C. Calbreath, Independence: flat tie Case, Hillsboro; Mell E. Carter. Ontario; Helen. E. Coe, Portland; Fern B. Daily. Med ford; Merle Dav enport, Portland: Hattie J. DeBorde, Cove; Grace S. Egvert,' The Dalles; Goldie L. jEverest, Newberg; Helen L. Hanson; Portland; Esther M. Hal rorsen, Portland; Myrtle-M. Hoff man, Bacona; Charlotte Klnnaird, Hood River; Lenora L. Kirkpatrick. Portland; Anna J. Kendall, McMinn- ville; Mabel M. Kennedy, Portland; Marguerite Kerr, Portland; Sylvia E. Kraps. Salem; Neita M.' Lewja. Day ton; May belle K: Lloyd.' Portland; Jennie E. Millican, Greshatn; Lulu V. McNees, Wallowa; Mabel cJ. Nel son, Buxton: Arty N. Nettleton, Cor- vallis; Esther Normanson. Sher wood; Sara E. Perry, Houlton; Ha eel M. Richardson, La Grande; Kath- erine Christina Smith, North Bend; Daisy Slate, Tangent; Rosalie Smith, Monmouth; Mabel Jane Smith, Mon- mouth; Minerva L. Speer, Albany: Mrs.' Mary W. S to well. Cashmere j Wash.. Edith V. Sumner, Uandoni Audrey A. Tolls, Merrill; Marian M Vhite, Oregon City; Mary E. Wither Amlly; and Florence. "Withe, Amity., Band Concert Program lor Tonight Announced Program for the band concert at 8 o'clock tonight in Willson park is announced by Oscar SteelhammerJ director. The program follows: March Battle Royal, Fred Jewell.: Selection Chimes of Normandy,' Laurendeau. ' Walts Wedding of the Winds. Hall. Intermezzo Nokonia, Leach. Selection Serenade, Victor Her-' bert.. Garden Dreams Lincoln. ' . Walts Beautiful Ohio by request Medley Overture Superb Dalbey. March Big Ben, Allen. . Star Spangled Banner. If r a , r LlCenS6 tCCS Are rOumig Into Commission's Office i License fees payable annually by corporations in Oregon are due July X and are now being received at the office of Corporation Commissioner Schulderman at the rate of about $3000 a day. About $50,000 In fees has been received by the commission er since June 1 and it Is estimated that upwards of $100,000 will have been received by July 1. All color ations are not prompt in paying li censes, and while the fees are due July 1 they will come In heavily fori several weens following the date set; u law. i Articles Filed for Big Organiation of Growers jvrticies or Incorporation of the) Oregon Growers' Packing association! and the Oregon Growers' Cooperative: association, full details of which wera published at the time the organ! za-i lions were perrected In Portlands June 10, were filed at. the office of Mate Corporation Commissioner! Schulderman yesterday. The form-i er organization is the packing con4 ceni and the latter the selling, agen-i v-jr. inn capuaiizauon or tne pack- Ing concern Is $1,000,000 and for! the cooperative organization, a meni-l bership fee of $10 Is charged. Rob-i ert C. Paulus. manager of the Salem Fruit union, was instrumental in the formation of the organization which embraces the growers of ,the north west.. The directbrs named in the' articles are Isaac D. Hunt, B. W. Jonnson, E. L. Klemer, J. O. Holt, i 1. 1 Lewis. George S.' Zimmerman. E. vv. Matthews, Seymour Jones and iu si. John. Rigid Enforcement of Traffic Law Declared Because -of so much blocking 3trcets, especially on band confer nithts. the police .department has decided rigidly to e.iforce an o:dlni ance in regard to the operation of motor vehicles, which was passed by the city council last August. , i Srclion I of the ordinance reads: "It shall be unlawful for the dxlr- ' 8U85k v.-.. ydmrJ)M Mm feist ? I Cora Vr i f Ju '' ,J r'f rV,r"r'' ''.i7 If Real Put United States Tires under lyoui cox and you'll find them the real thing. Sf They're built to wear to give you1 the kind of economical service you want; And that's just what they do. ; 1 M , -; ! i - !1 ' ' i i . . r - Hundreds of thousands of regular users will vouch for that lots of them right flrniinH fiorn - L- U1VU11U X1V1 There are States Tires or use. We have are We know United States er or operator of a vehicle to drive. operate or stand the vehicle uuder his control, by the side of. or abreast of, another vehicie in or upon the streets and public ways of the city of Salem. The provisions of thii section shall not be construed to prohibit oae vehicle from passing an other vehicle, or the parking of v hicls in compliance with the provis ions of Ordinance iso. 1531." Section H.of the ordinance read;: . "Any person violating any of th j provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be pujished by a fine of. not less than $., no more than $."0, or by imprisonment in the city jail, one day for each $2 of such fine." To Remove First Signs of Old Age Th infalliMe nisn of old aire is the agKknff cherk muwlw" raya Mme. I avalivrl. hw fame ma a bvauty cul turlat ia -scarrrly Ic-aa than that of a aona-strraa, Theae are nure difficult and arrioua to treat than wrinkles." fh continuea. ,-Th ajins rnuaclra indicate th- have grown too weak to remain in place; they must be assisted, strengthened." The peat way to strengthen them Is by bathinir the face in a lotion made by dianolving an ounce of powdered axolit in a half pint witch hurt. Thia createa a freer circulation to the parta. oesidea cauninar m uncles and skin to contract. Saxolite. procurable at every druif store, has long- been possess remarkable toaic and astrina--ent pniertie8. valuable In trcating flabby tisnue and wrinkles. Blazing Wheal Drawn to , Water Tank and Put Out HOOD RIVKR. Or.. June 19. Wlhen the wheat in a loaded car In a freight train caught lire rnronto laat night, the crew stopped at a tank near M osier and flooded out the blaze, according to word brought here today. About 10.000 hish-J of wheat, valued at over $'?n,O0O were ruined by lire and smoke. United Thing five distinct 'types of United one for every need of price exactly the ones States Tires . -. i Good Tires Tires are Good tiresi That's Qnackenbush Auto Supply and Vulcanmng- Salem Vulcanizing Works W. M. Hughes A. L. Bones, Turner C. O. Miller, Jefferson W. J. Pierson & Son, Marion Further Redactions Made in Idle Ships of Coast PORTLND.Or.. Juno 19 F.ir ther reduction in idle woodej ton nage here was recorded, today when assignment uas announced of the UNITED STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION J" - -WALKER D. HIXE8. DIRECTOR GENERAL OV RAILROADS -SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAlLROAli I (LINES NORTH OF ASHLAND, OIL) Summer Excursion Kates . tO . ; If - Oregon and Northwest Riesbrts " Plan now for a quiet summer vacation. for yourself and the fam ily at the seaside or in the mountains Special excursion fares are in effect for the summer. - ; Newport , Season tickets from Salem ; ; '. . . JCS . i ' Week End Tickets from Salem Corresponding fares from other polnt. -; - Tillamook County Beaches 1 Season Tickets from Salem :...$7.7o" Fares to Neah-Kah-Nie. Manianita and Bay ocean slightly higher. Corresponding fares from other points. f - Detroit ; f Season Tickets from Salem .!.$LOO " Corresponding fares from other points.' - McCredie Hot Springs - ! : Season Ticket from Salem .$."..$-33 - Crater Lake I . Season Ticket from Salem J..-2Xjlo 15 day Ticket from Salem .fSQ.lO Corresponding fares from other points Park will open about July 1st. ' luaxuie uaus oi uregon Season Tickets from 15 day Tickets from Corresponding fares Various . I SjK-ctal Fares In elfect to Columbfa River Deaches. Mt. Rainier National Park. Shasta Re sorts, Yellowstone National Park and Glacier National Park. Inquire of Ticket Agent. Joha 5L Scott, General Passenger AgenL - i ' - 5 - - v for youi can why we sell jhem. Co. J; II N I tteamcrs Kane! and Iinshnxi in nA tailroad ties for the United Kln?d m; Both vessels wer built at Vancou ver. Vaah Announcement also was made of th tuhsututlon of the steamer Fort cott for the Alettor, rrcviously asslgied to load ties here for the Atlantic! I Salem . Salem , from nthor nnintr ,.$11.05 .913.30