8 I THE OREOX STATESMAN: WT:iKSIAV. .JUNE IB, .191 REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon , A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by ADELE GAItlUSOX ; CHAPTER CCCXX, i WHAT HAPPENED IN THE DARK- . NESS OF THE NIGHT u, "Oh, what a splendid idea!" I ex claimed -when Mrs, Cosgrove quietly advised that Mrs. Allls upon her return should be led to believe that her scheme had 'succeeded, and that Dicky, and I were safe In jail to which in her Ignorance she thought she had . consigned us by reporting out violation of the stale fish and game laws.'.' . ""V "I don't see just how yon are go ing to manage it." Mr. Cosgrove said dubiously. . His wife threw him the look which even the wisest of men sometimes receive from their life partners, the what-ia-this-I'm-tled-tq glance which every married mad and woman knows. V It's very simple," she said coolly. "Mr. and Mrs. Graham will go now for fear 'she may come back soon, and take their belongings and put them In our bungalow. There's a fire over there, and it will be very comfortable for them. It's very evi dent from: all indications that the attempt ta steal the paintings will be made tonight. We'll" get, our lights all in readiness, and after Mrs. Allis has -gone' to bed, presumably chuckling' at her success in getting rid of Mr. and Mrs, Graham, we can post ourseles at different vantage points and wait for, the trouble when it comes.""" 1 i " . ,"Do you think we'll need any weapons?" I asked. j " Dicky threw back his head and laughed heartily. v "Do get; her a poker, Mrs. Cos grove," lie said. "She' wants to be a real de-tec-e-tuv." k. . 1 1 saw the quick, involuntary frown which .Mrs Cosgrove gave Dicky, and my heart warmed toward her with the freemasonry of wives. It seemed so childish of Dicky to make such a speech when I had really been the first one to be suspicious of Mrs. Allis.' : At The Window.' ! . i . . I opened my lips to reply to Dieky's teasing, but forgot what I meant to say at the sight of ia door leading from, the parlor to a. bedroom adjoining,- slowly, being pushed ajar. With a quick, noiseless movement I sprang to the , door and pushed j gainst it. But someone; on the oth er side had greater strength than I. The door closed again. and a bolt slipped in the lock, and I heard the sound 1 of someone getting through the window.;. , ' , "Quick!" I gasped. "Who ever was in there has climbed through the window." The men dashed out and around to the side while Mrs. Cos grove and I sat gazing at each oth er. i f , '"Who could have been- in- there?" I asked breathlessly. "Do you sup pose it could have been Mrs. Allis?" - "I don't think so." she returned. "I am afraid it may have been Rob ert. We have been allowing him more libertyMately. but h,e never has come up to the house before. He has a hbrmr of strangers. I trust if it were he that he did not I understand what we were .saying. 'The thought of danger to his pictures might set him off again." M ' Hut when the men returned they reported no trace of any one. The ground was very hard and bare of grass underneath that particular window and no footsteps were visi-1 ble. The Whispering Voice. i The next few moments Were full of bustle. Dicky and I took the things wa needed from our rooms and went over to the bungalow. where, as Mrs. Cosgrove had prophe sied. Ve were most comfortable. The afternoon, of course, eeemed unusu ally long, but was shortened by the visits of Fred and Ned, who had been let into the secret, and who were bursting with Jboyish importance at each piece of news they brought us. i"Mrs. Allis has come back." Fred announced breathlessly about half after, five. "She knocked at your door right ajfer she came in, and then she came down stairs and aFked me where you were. Ma pre tended to' be awfully, sorry for you getting locked up. and wondered who could hgve found tout about you. Mrs. Allis said. 'Yes. I won der. in the queerest .way; and she looked so funnv when she said It, just like a cat lickingithe cream ofr the top of the milk. Ma said after ward." . . "Here's yoar supper." . Ned an nounced an hour later, bearing huge tray piled high with the sup per dainties his mother knew so wel", how. to prepare. "Ma says to make out a good meal, for we may be op very laie tonight. "Those boys will burst if nothing happens tonight," Dicky commented idly.,- ' - "Something will happen, never fear.' 1 returned, and indeed. I felt as if my excitement mas not less than that of the twins. As soon as Mrs. Allis" lieht went out. about 10 o'clock, we all took up the positions we had agreed upon. The twins, fleetest and lightest of foot, and most acute of hearing, were posted at each approach from the road to await the coming of tha men who were to help Mrs. Allis In her woik. Dickv and Mrs. Cosgrove. effect ive hidden behind the locked doors of a massive old clothes press ad joining- the parlor, waited for the scrimmage which they, foresaw might come as a result of the evening's ad venture. While I. in a hall behind I a drapery, and Mrs. Cosgrove in the Wining room, kept our ears open for Mrs. Allis entrance to the parlor. . It was nearly 1 o'clock, and we were all stiff with our enforced vigil when the eerie note of a screech owl sounded in our ears. The twins had an almost uncanny gift of imitating Japanese Lunch Cloths 1 i i A New Shipment Just Ilectivod ! " . t i 42x42 i i $1.43 each i - ' "'" -' , nil l l .ii i .Ml.H l.m.m M 1L "...1 1'B. in n n IT r?D fl h Yfu '" ' .' , v J , 4 , ' ' "... I :. ' : ..- ''. I Co) THE DEMONSTRATION I TH AT THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR Uliiini Iftirsp J - To our friends wlio bave been patiently -waiting for the Ideal'V demonstration we wish to extend a most' hearty invitation to? come &d enjoy these interesting" and in structiv lectures and demonstrations. Come- and" learn all about fireless cookery; learn how to cook more delicious and wholesome food at greatly reduced cost and with the saving of many hours of drudgery every week.. The "Ideay is the best cooker on the market' and that is the reason those who, Sell other kinds try to induce the public to believe that their 's is as goodas the "Ideal." All of which only goes to convince the people more readily that there is no " just as good as' the Ideal . ,' Our best advertisers for the "Idealf are the hundreds of satisfied and enthusiastic users of ihe "Ideal." Jlore milail.i " ... ! . aslsif Tuo Days Only Ideal Cookers are leing used and more other kinds of cookers discarded and "Ideals'' installed in their place than -ever j before. . Do not make a mistake, but buy the "Ideal'' and you will have for once and all the cooker that f . .. you. will eventually want. , The Ideal Cooker is made in single, double and triple comport sizes a size and price to suit all and separate cover with patent water-seal top and steam condenser for each .compartment. The lininps and utensils iii this cooker are pure seamless -Aluminum, has perfect insulation an" heat control and an other feature wherein the Ideal is pre-eminent is that this cooker has a solid oak, raised panel vulcanized case this is the conslruction'that makes Gt oers uy Your Cooker on the Club Plan Cash and $1 Per Week, or $4 Per tyionth At the Net Cash Price Come to the demonstration, bring your friends. We have chairs provided for your comfort. We do not insist on your buying a Coker or anything ele, .but when you learn aboiit the merits of -these Cookers you will not be without one. The saving in drudgery, and fu I will in a short time pay for the Cooker, besides-your Having more delicious food. ; ( ' - : '-...i',.; 't . ' :'- ; " - '.; ... DEMONSTRATIONS TWICE DAILY--10 TO 12 and 3 TO 6 P. M. The Ideal roasts, -bakes, steams, steers, fries and boils to the "Queen's Taste,' to; all of which you, heartily agree when you have sampled the tempting food which Mrs. Perry serves.). - - ' ) 4 4 i Cs... n. ii m m www arm m a m m t , mm - w m m w m m -ma.w njv m . ii iuwito. i ikmmmyW otores ' II , - . i ird ju-- - , n -V $1.93 each i "Our Prices Always the Lowest." - i GALE & CO. 1'hone 1072 Commercial & Court Sis. Formerly Chicago Stort the cry of the nocturnal. bird, and it! had been agreed upon as the tignai for the approach of anyone to the farmhouse. I do not know by what means the man outside conveyed the know led Ke of his presence to Mrs. Allis. Of course she was watching for him from her room upstairs. bat the nifrht was too dark and rainy for her to distinguish much in the shad ows' of the yard. Itut, however, she managed it. It was only two or three minutes after the hoot of the owl when I felt a draft of air. heard an almofl Inaudible whlnperj and re alized that someone had descended the stairs without my hearing the footstep, opened the outer door, and had admitted a second prson. (Tp be continued) MThelma Individual CbocoUtes A Salem product made by The Cray Belle distributed by George E. Watero for sale everywhere, Lc MOSS VERDICT IS SET ASIDE BY HIGH COURT Conviction of Harney County Cattle Man Reversed by Supreme Court PROOF NOT CONCLUSIVE J." W. Knowles affirmed. Opinio by Justice Jjohns. ; State of C heron vs. Adolpa Newlin.' appellant, appeal from I'nioa county, violation o( the prohibition, law Finding of Judge J. V. Knowies modified and1 case remanded for re- scntenclax- af defendant.; Opinio by Chier. Jubilee McBride.! Associated Oil tompeny . Sends License Tea Check The ffatc-tiient of he Afsociated Oil company, filed In the office of the secretary of state June 17, 1111. shows the sale during the month of' May of 431 JJ 40- gallons of gasoline and 40.290 gallons of distillate, oa which the tajc of. le and c per g&lr Inn. respectively, amounts to II.- 54C.8S. ') The moneys received from - laia tax are immediately turned over t the state treasurer, who under th law credits same to the state algb way fund for use in road eoastrae tion throughout the state nnder 11 direction of ihe state highway coa mission. I . "Now tha your brother Is-back, what are v golnj to di whi yoar service flag?! "We'll put It In the window agzl when be nets married." Judge. A NERVOUS BREAKDOVJtl La Grande Bootlegger's Con- . viction Affirmed But to Get Lighter Sentence The conviction of V. 7L. Mos. wealthy eastern Oregon cattle man charged with cattle stealing, im re versed by the supreme court In n opinion written by Justice Burnett and handed down yesterday. Moss was indicted and convicted in take county before Circuit Judre Conn. Testimony introduced at tha trial showed that about CO head. -of cattle were found grazing with cat tle owned by Mofs. These strays f had the Moss Cattle brand on them and also showed evidence that other brands had been mutilated. In setting aside the verdict of guilty, the court says that the evi dence showed that the Moss cattl were grazing on a public range and that the presence of strange cattle among the Moss herd is not prima facie evidence or the theft of the cattle by Moss. The opinion holds that it might as well be reasoned that the owner of the 60 stray cattle had stolen the cattle belonging to Moss. The conviction was obtained un der a statute defining the actual lar cency of cattle. The court holds that should Moss have been prosecuted for chancing the brands of these oth er cattle the result might have been different, but nnder the pleadings he cannot be convicted of cattle stealing. ' Two convictions of Adolph Newlin. a ta Grande druggist are modified in opinions written by Chief J untie McBride. Newlin was indicted for violation of the prohibition law. He was. convicted and passing sentence the court took Into consideration prl? or convictions for bootlegging.. This was an error inasmuch as the indict ment did not plead prior convictions, and the court.. In an opinion by Chief Justice "fc Bride, remands the case back for re-sentence. ; Other opinions were: State of Oregon vs. Adoph Newlin. appellant from In ion county. Vio lation of prohibition law. . Judge J. W. Knowlcs reversed an-1 ease re manded for resentencing of defend ant. Opinion by Chief Justice Mc Bride. William Hanley Company, appel lant, vs. Harney Valley i irrigation district; contesting validity of nr- ' ganization of irrigation ditrict. j Jude. Dalton Birrs- reversed and case remanded. Opinion by Justice Bean. State of Oregon vs. W. Z. Moss. ap- pellant, appear from take county: i larcency of cattle. Judgo Conn r"- j versed and case remanded for fur ther proceedings. Opinion by J.n tice Burnett. Minnie Herr. appellant, vs. Iteere McAllister et al. appeal from Union county: Inolvinr the disposition of D. A. McAIlUr, deceased. Judge Mis Kelly Tel! How' Lydla E. Pirvkham's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health. Newark, K J. "For about three yean I sullered from nervous break- , ! . down and pot so weak I coulj bardi T,, S stand, and hadhead XV' ehcw erery day. I 7 tnea evervuunff I could think of and was under a phy sician's care for two Tears. A girl friend had used Lydia EL rinkham's Vege table Compound aad aha told m about-it- Prom the first day I tookitlbegaa to feel better and Dow I am well and fcble to do most any kind of. work. I have beea reeora- mervilntr tKa Cnnw pound ever since and give you my rr ; : . . . . i- . . . m - - - diisaHu pQDisin Ltus iciier. ansa Flo Kult 476 So. Hth St, Newark, The reason OiTs f amoos root and herb remedy, Lydia EL Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, wi o successful in UUs Kelly's case was because it went to the root cf ber trouble, restored her to a normal healthy condition and aa a result her nervousness disappeared. NEW SHOW TODAY ,",-'! BERT LYTELL in s "HITTING h the HIGH SPOTS" p Mr. and Mr$.' ' Sydney Drew i Comedy : r '. I . Thursday I "TIIE I EACINO STKAIH! i ! - It's nliollicr 4?roiiv of (hi- c -.-16. JJ LIBERTY f IJ f . ! '