':'',.!.. ' h ! , . i . 1 ' - ., . - ' . . 5 . ' v - . xi .....- ! : ' 1 " - l " i " TniORl-lCOy STATESMAXf WEPXESDAr. JVSE 18. 101P ' " ' t -J THE OREGON STATESMAN Issued Dally Except Monday by THE STATESMAN PU&USHXXa COMPAKX 21S 8. Commercial St., Salem Oregon 3CEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS t The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication at all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited, lav this paper j and also the loca news published herein. : - ji - - ' . R. J. Hendricks. ....... . . . .. . . . . . , ....... .1 Manager Stephen A. Stone. . .Managing Editor e Ralph Glover. f . . t Cashier - W. C Squler. ................................. .Advertising Manager , Prank Jaskoskl. . ...... . . .... . . : . Manager Job Dept. DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier In Salem and suburbs, 16 cents a week. BO cents a month. DAILY STATESMAN, by mall, $6 a year; $3 for six months; SO cents a month. For three months or more, paid In advance, at rate of $5 year. SUNDAY STATESMAN. U a year; $ 0 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. i s ' WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued in' two six-page sections Tuesdays and Fridays. SI a year (If not oald In advance, 1 1.2 8) ; 80 cents for six months; 25 cents for three months. A TELEPHONES: Business Office, 23. Circulation Department, 683. Job Department, 683. Entered at the Postofflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter. 90 per cent of all HEADACHES are relieved by properlj fitted GLASSES ' ; Consult . ' HENRY L MORRIS & CO. Opfi Maaafaetariaa; 105 State St. striata. ' rbona 239 THE WORLD'S JEESEY CAPITAL AGAIN. actlonary influences In the ' stock market are now weakened by cir cumstances over which the hanks have no control. The heavy war in come and profits taxes still in force levy a big toll on the process of profit taxing in stock speculation; and this fact tends to make cap italists carrying large lines of stocks hesitate or delay selling! out and cashing in their profits as the prices soar upward. This tendency to hold on deprives the market to some ex tent of the wholesome Influence of occasional reactions in prices and the "shaking out" process Is im peded. There Is, however, a time-honored method of checking stock spec ulation when it la being recklessly promoted. The money-lenders or contraction of redundant cur rency oa both sides of the At . lantlc." . ' ir that is to be the program. It looks to be rather a long time to wait for the restoration of normal conditions. . In the meantime, peo ple who speculate in stacks must do so at an extra hazardous risk, In view of the lack of ordinary-re straints and danger signals for such operations. COMB AND BRUSH The .Department of Justice Is rep resented as Intending to comb the country for anarchists and apostles or disorder. The land should not only be combed but brushed. The quest should be as thorough and Insistent as the doughboy's search for the pes tiferous coMie. A .blunt-nosed Bol shevik! is ten times more malignant than a cootie and not nearly so amen able to reason. The Statesman has had a good deal to say about Marion county being the world's Jersey capital, i 1 1 The greatest, Jersey cow in the world, Vive La France, of Marion, .Marion eountv' Oresron. earned for Marion county this proud dis tinction hv the record which she achieved in a year's test, ending th banks can raise the money rates. in March ; as all of our readers know. This happened last Monday and Tnes- " It is scarcely possible to make too much of the distinction. day in New York -when call money - It turns the eves of the world of live stock breeders this way. . advanced to 10 and 11 per cent, caus- Now. there is another Richmond in the field. i ins h Immediate reaction nf from & At the great Carey sale, at Carlton on Monday, Frank A. Doerfler, to .20 , points in many speculative of Silverton, paid the highest price fever received west of the Rocky specialties, it was a brief , reaction. Mountains for a Jersey cow, $5100. 7 ; nowever, ror the money rates This Cow will eo into the already famous Doerfler herd of Jerseys aroppea to 6 per cent by midweek, near Silverton, and Mr. Doerfler will go out after a higher record the market rebounded and many new than was made by Vive La France. i v f ugh recorcs ror the year were made There are Others. pejoro the week-end The Pickard Bros., who own Vive La France, for instance. I "P19 incident has called special at May there be a free field, 'j tention to the failure of the federal And may the best cow win. . - J reserve system to function properly And this all fits in with the wonderful revival in dairying in the under the prevailing conditions, and United States, due partly to the recent scientific discoveries eon- even its inability to function prop cerning the absolutely essential use of milk. and milk products m 1 er,y- Th federal reserve board lt- me development anu maini-enauce 01 a virue race 01 people. 1 owmo w mum lais as a iact, There must be more and more milk. .1 tor in a statement deploring the! ex There must be more and mOre dairying, i cessive speculation in stocks. It said: The great breeders are doing their share, as has been said before I "Ordinarily, a sharp check would be by The Statesman If all the common bnndle cows in the United State's can be bredlof tne rate3 or rediscount at the fed- up and replaced by cows such as Vive La France, the butterfat of eral, reserve banks. Suca a check for the country will be doubled; trebled,! and quadrupled, and more, Ithe novement encounters some dif without increasing the number of dairy cows. j ficulty as long as the federal re serve (; banks deem it - necessary to ; Yesterday was the 144th anniversary of the Battle of Bunker promote the 'absorption of Liberty Hill June 17, 1775. Today is the 104th anniversary of the Battle Man securities by mainUining low 01 w aterioo ; June 10, iojd. . rney were great battles in point 01 in-1 . Tne puduc now has no trou iluence . upon, thel' worlds; history. In terms of magnitude, how-D in obtaining money by xchang '"ever, as compared with the battles of the great war, they were mere Jms Liberty bonds for cash on easy BKirmisn engagements.. ,.- 1 terms 10 use in buying merchandise w J IMP "&rv THE 6rED BOYS A company of American engineers threw a pontoon bridge across the Rhine in forty-one minutes. It was 1500 fiet (in length and staunch enough for the- passage of a fleet of motor trucks. 1 This was in less than one-quarter of the best time the Ger mans were ever able to accomplish the same task. The more airholes they let in Prussian efficiency the more flimsy It becomes. In order to make a complete cleanup the enterprising Americans made all sorts of wagers on themselves and their tlm and s gathered In about $30,000 la real money. Now they will proceed to show the Germans how to play pin ochle. LEST WK FOI.'GETI The tumult and the shouting dies The captains and the kings depart Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice. An humble and a contrite heart. Lord God of hosts, be witt as yet. Lest we forget lest we forget! IN A SOCIAL Bjr BCTH Lexore fisher A clean, comfortable kitchen all year 'round With a good oil cookstovc and Pearl Oil you will cook in comfort all year round. Gives all the convenience of gas, without the dust and dirt of coal or wood. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts economically. J lights at the touch of a match. No waiting for fires to come up, no unnecessary work, no Waste. Concentrates a steady heat on the cocking leav ing the kitchen cool and comfortable. Pearl Oil, the Standard Oil Company's; kero sene, is a most convenient and economical fuel. Easy to handle. It is refined and re-refined by our . aperial process which removes the impurities. It is clean burning. , ; Pearl Oil is for sale in bulk by dealers cvery I where. It is the same high-quality kerosene as I the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl i O IL , : j ' We recommend New Perfection ! and Puritan Oil Cookstoves J( KEROSENE)' HEAT AND LIGHT i Ti ft ANY daughters and sons of ! XVX 1 known families of Salem SLVt rwil at mA a1U... l a , uvw-uu mil will mrwA II.aU iiL In the passing of Dr. W. Cusick. Salem loses one of her oldcstly refusing to lend bo freely on tbel their Daren t - mim m., Al and most prominent citizens. In his early days, Dr. Cusick was one I bonds. . But there are obstacles to berts arrired Sunday night from Miss of the hardest worked physicians in all Oregon. He had been an 1 thi natral course. i Catiin s school in Portland. Miss Lu- outstanding figure in this State f or .-a generation. v ; I There is. of course; the desire not wihi w 5 . to hinder the Industrial recoTcrv t "T" ' u". A lot of hays is coming down. Will 1 the weather traA Ttlpnsn fnlro I the "country or force nartiAl nnom. I rrinnt.rf fmm ti.. ki , - . i , O X - I I . nvuuvi VI III UB1C notice and send sunshine, . . - , : . - ployment upon the neoDle such as t the UnirerBity of Chicaro. Thu .But.Ml88e9 Etael and Harel McGilchrist. STANDARD GIL COMPANY IC -A. L. I K O R. IN I 'A.) i B. H. CAMPBELL, Special Agent, Standard Oil Co., Salem, Ore- Come to Salem July 3. 4, 5., Canada fa after her BolsheTikL Here Is ;wUhing ber .luck In the pro cess of getting rid of the pest. Portland people propose to cele brate with their neighbors. They are all Invited to' come to Salem. 4! -The world understands well that Germany will sign only because she must All the camouflage will de- ceire no one.- - ; -; ' Carranxa has Nothing to say . about American troops chasing' Mexican bandit . troops ".across the border, There" is nothing to say. Let him keep his bandits at home. L Some advertising comes high. f rinstanca the offer of a local moy-Ing-picture management of a prize of $50,000 for an airplane tip to Australia. We should hate to hold our 'breath until some daring avia tor wins It Los Angeles Timea was .experienced last wlntpr n.. ; -i-v !fr ,. t u t- 1 f'umujcui wi ueiia ueua tins at a Prophet by saying it will not be Us loaas for six month, at 4 per I 2d5T SS t tlr'nmrnii done. It will be done and prob-1 cent to promote the wide dlstribu ably within a. very few' years. - . V j tion of the last Victory note Issue, and that arrangement -would be We are In favor of the nomina- more or less upset If they were now tion in 1S20 'of. the man who re-J confronted by an increase above 4 duced the high cost of living if we I per cent for rediscounts at the fed- are, able to Identify him. Los An-1 ral reserve. This is what the fed- geles Times. . ' I eral reserve i board had In mind In Great Britain charged $81.75 per! maintain low rates on account of man to carry American soldiers over-I the Liberty bond situation. Xo doubt seas . to . fight indicating that the the explanation i3 ,a good one, but English were not too busy fighting I it has to be admitted also that the Doris Churehill is another girl who was In Eugene at the University that is home for the summer. Miss Ger trude East is home from the Oregon Agricultural college to spend the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs: S. S. East. Kenneth Moores who graduated with the June class at the University of Oregon, is home sayfag that It deemed it necessary to hom. Wyndam Boren also Is home Huns to look out chance. -Exchange. The pure bred Jersey breeders of Marion, county . Are growing - more blooded. They have a right to be. for the main I federal reserve system is unable to function properly in checking reck less stock speculation and that mon ey inflation ; cannot be curbed - by normal banking methods. swva a. . mat-mere is danger in such a situation is clear. The evil should from the university at Eugene. ' Salem. music lovers will save Mon day. June 23, and Wednesday, June 2j for the delightful musicales giv en on those nights by Miss Beatrice Shelton when she will present her advanced pupils in recital. Miss Shelton's musicales are always most enjoyable and these are being looked for to with great anticipation. . Mr. and Mrs-Frederick Deckebach with the world's -greatest Jersey cow, at Marion. Marion county, Oregon. j be acknowledged and put up with. I will entertain the active members of j gronpg of tourists, one Including noon and the women of the congre gation are looking to a very pleasant afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Giesy and daughter, Madeline, are home after being guests of friends In Portland during the Rose show. v Miss Naomi Beckwith' spent a few days in Portland visiting rrlends. Derrell Rexford. a former Willam ette university student returned to te Bremerton navy yards arter be ing the guest of friends In Salem for a short time. On account of the death in the family of one of the members of the Thursday club, the meeting will be postponed until a week from Thurs day. Mrs. R. -Monroe Gilbert went to Portland Tuesday for a short stay. Mrs. E. E. Waters Is spending the week with her daughter. Mrs. Wil liam C. Knighton at her home In the Trlnrty Place apartments in Port Among those registered at the Ho tel -Marion yesterday were several I BITS FOR BREAKFAST I are This county, will produce a greater, before . long? is the guess of the writer. . . I . , - FACT S About Flu Before taking up the different types of flu we wish to note that . the diagnosis of fin . li not always easy, but there, are some symptoms that are usually found in true flu. The onset of disease Is usually sud den. usually by chill, followed- by a temperature that rises to 102 to "104 P.; a rapid compressible pulse; ri severe frontal headache; backache; wtery eyes; catarrh of the nwier air passages; and marked weaknesV Thj depression following j fin Is out of all proportion to the fever. If - .rroperly treated the disease should J be aborted and the patient able to be ... about his usual vocation within a dT,J but, if allowed to become oP seated, or, ifw properly treat. ea, the disease usually developes ln- udo 01 we types already men tioned and a description of which louows la our next. 1 DR. A. SLAUGHTER Naturopath Room ; 2 1 0 U. 8. . Natl Bank ! Bldg '- ' . rhont 110, X MARKET DANGER SIGNALS . (The fallowing editorial in the Springfield .Republican of one day last week la worthy of the careful reading of every thoughtful man of affairs:); It ! is to be hoped that no 'one Is running his business or financing en terprises or borrowing money , these days on the assumption tht normal conditions , have already returned. Normality remains to be achieved by economic developments spread per haps 'over several years. How far away we are from the normal was sharply illustrated by last week's stock market aid money rates. ; Tne prolonged speculation on. a rising market, which has continued since early February witn scarcely, a check, was beginning to cause ap prehension in the big banking circles where call money is loaned to stock traders. It . must be remembered, for ode thing, that the odinary re- : : S : . FUTURE DATES. . June IS, Tuesday School election In Salem. - June 29 to July lJtMethodlat Cen tenary celebration at Columbua, Ohio. Jon J Ito .30- SalTation Army fund drlT br Elks. i July 3 and 3 State encampment of United Spanish war veterans in Salem. AuarnMt 14. IS. and IS Elka state convention at Klamath Falls. r September 21-7 FiXty -eighth Ore gon state lair, however, according to the June letter of the Alexander Hamilton institute. which was evidently written before last week's, stock market experience. The statement Is so fraolc as to be worth scrutinizing: But is it n.ot better to toler ate money inflation until labor Is well employed and industry fas been converted to a peace basis? Rather lhaa force de flation of the currency by re- striding loans and Increasing banking discount rates, it will be more desirable to bend every effort townrd increasing pro ; t'fiction and employment bnd So permit currency inflation to correct itself gradually, so far jas tha United States is con 'cerned. Already, treasury dis bursements have dropped from $2,000,000,000 - a month last December to about $1,000,000, 000, and la 1920 this amount should be cut in hair. In 1920. also, our food expjrt3 should , decline ' and we Should make ' loans abroad pemittinT Euro pean countries to obtain gold from our reserve banks for the purpose of 'thickening their di luted currencies.. The: release of gold to Europe and the reduc tion of treasury disbursements, in time,. will automatically cause deflation of the American cur- rency, and the latter, combined 'with increased industrial pro ; dnctlon, will effect a decline In (prices. During the next two years we must look to an expan sion of world production of cot- ton. food, wool and other raw materials as the main factor in price deflation. Ultimately this tendency will be accentuated by the Apollo club at their beautiful home on D. street tonight. After the business hour cards and music will be enjoyed. ' ; ..! Flowers and messages of sympa thy are finding their way to Mrs. William A. Cusick into whose home bereavement has come so recently. v ' ; Mrs. W. F. Campbell of 1860 North Summer street will entertain the women of the Jason Lee Memor ial church at her home this after- W0M EN r DRY CLEAN THINGS AT HOME Try it!: For a few cents you can i dry dean everythine. Save fire to ten dollars quickly by dry cleaning everything in the home with gasoline that would be ruined by soap and water suits, coats, waists, silks, laces, gloves, shoes, furs, draperies, rugs everything! Place a gallon or more of gaso line In a dishpan or washboller, then I put In the things to be dry cleaned. then wash them with solvit soap. Shortly everything comes eut look- l lng like new. Nothing fades, shrinks or wrinkles. Do not attempt to dry clean without Solvlte soap. This gasoline soap Is the secret of all dry cleaning.- - ...-. ! A package of Solvlte soan contain ing directions for home dry clean ing, costs iittie at any a rug store, i ury ciean outdoors or away, rrcm I "Thelm" Individ aal Chocolate flame. V ; Made in Salem, 6c everywhere. Miss Flora Douglass and Miss Mlola Douglass of Bremerton. Another party consisted of Dr. and Mrs. Gar rett Hogg of Edna. Texas. They are touring the Pacific coast. Another group of people who are touring the coast. and were at the Ho tel Marlon Tuesday included: Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose; and Dr. and Mrs. S. R. Anthony from Vancouver, Bri tish Columbia. . Miss Cella Wilson, a student at Oregon Agricultural college, and her mother. Mrs. Clara Cribble, are vis iting Mrs. Charles Spencer. The Countonme Class of the First Baptist Sunday school of which Mrs. G. F. Holt is teacher will hold Ha regular monthly meeting this after noon at the home of Mrs. C R. Gregg. 2270 Mill street at 2:30 o'clock. ' . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Eatln returned home after several weeks visitinr old friends and relatives in eastern Ore gon and Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. George Waddington, or Seattle, are at the home or Mrs, Waddington'e cousin. Mr. A. A. Un derbill. They are on their way home after touring the east for about two months. ; - Mrs. J. B. Littler left Tuesday af ternoon for a few days with friends In Eugene, i Mrs. Lee Gilbert left on a visit to Portland yesterday. story- of one of America cleverest women. No wonder peoph "holier" when the carrier boy misses them. Germany may have to have a taxis of invasion.' But not likely, f Never did the country look mors beautiful; or richer in . expetaUoa of abmdant, crops. Th ouatry around Salem. ?S The site of the Salem paper tdI2 will awn me busier aspects from diy to day. It will put business across South Mill creek, and perhaps over the hilL ' It Is getting so now that if a w- People who are reading "Revela-1 man marries a self-made maa sss Hons of a Wife" are finding some absolutely refuses to worship his cre excltlag chapters "now, in the great 'ator. s - Woman Tlireatens Suit Against Druggist Because He I Sold lier Substitute For Nuxated Iron Case Is Brought To Attention of PhTsipani Who Warn Public fcaaa raat m 1 1 Cm. TV. s Jlaro yen " subscribed. Subscribed tj what there so many things? S To the Fourth ef July fund. . .That is the important drive now. S S 'And not a Salem man should re fuse. ' Now Turkey Is up to the snubbing post, at Paris. Who cares much what happens to Turkey? S We rtrt t lMttr tW hfwl and vr (hat tW Strength Power and t rr ar fa-4usI of sfW taViae if As Organic Iroa Nazatad I irH an-1 mrta6 irq aa4 aaca f-ca fa t ta otU ta vial nwrp, atrcsra yty sa wIwhS I . T?. i Iron, li y ar act strif .h.rJ ub.titte for -- 'on . it to oor-U to snake ta lotto- wave of indi a ora.ticc frrs ta Ike itralfk Imo to am ii I fct ' " mrf a d 9m M4 ii ' 1 1 Pc r-w. s.M, M 1 rr wlmaufc. aioil aor. m-wmm mt Bnmm m-U a--J Kl I. vl r mrmm m aw X,.v"rl " c" fr r caa wi-k vi:aot accM UrH. rnaUoa arrr lb etatry arsmit Kt t4k w trgmn taints af Naawi cta-ie tkat instead af ehumif ,w , rmri and ivBrov4 k;:k akc bad 'a-ilk tka tra- 'aa'rd lrrn. a vaa terioatlr Sprt ard in fart became i I a rrtnlt ef jsinf ta aabatira-c iack mmancea as ineaa 1 rJ ptarr.ans mm- cmm Uoacd k-low te emphavixc tkat kealt ofS- oo mm i ctals nd dnrtars wrywhtt shouli caa- S" ta cSl-e ataiaat eeetii( aaboitoira V.,"?,,! lor MiMfr-I irm. Thoae who fe- t .imo.wmh m , t m reed of a Krnirk and Moo4 aaKler aaoaid - on I th mm at m. -; k ov ra to their family doctor, asd ob-, a pr- r-H?il2TlIZJ SLT 1717713 ZZ?t o-rp-.oa fr orrannc iron N.T.ted aVSTIaill mlZt, TIT JT-T "at. - Iron end prearot this ta their drocriat ao mm imm fo mn x m t i . mm bif tS pfer-r article. Bot if they d m Tl ik to n M tr trnnhle nf eetag a ar TniTif iT7 acrinttoa for Nnulnl Im i!m ihM hli . . bold by Daniel J. Fry and J. C. Terry drurr storrs and all other druggists. -,- J Carter's little liver! Pills You Cannot be 0v A Remedy That 1 : m w o r Constipated and Happy Van Doaa CARTERS! f ITTLE IVER Makes Life WorthLiviii BSCNCK ef Iron la the a a. tuwi ia m many coloriese faces tpARTER'S.IRON PILLS bt rra greatfy help kaot p!-tred peo)? .f: ii