The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 18, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives ths
leased wire report of the As
sociated Press, th greatest
and most reliable preaa as
sociation in the world.
Wednesday fir, warmer except
near the coast. Gentle westerly.
saij:m, pKECiox, veim:siv moum.j. JINK IK
Tentative Arrangements Are
Made for Three Day Festi
val in Honor of Soldiers,
. Sailors and Marines of War
First and Last Days to Be in
- Charge of War Mothers
of Salem
I ii 1 1 i 11 ii mi ii m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
If you want Salem to wel
come home. In a way befitting.
Itself and th nn, those 1506,
boys who served' you and our
Uncle Sam and , civilization
during the late war COME
The Fourth of July celebra
tion 13 to be the' official mes
sage of appreciation that Sa
lem is going to give, those
boy3. It - will take money.'
There Is not yet enough sub-'
scribed. COME ACROSS.
Take, send, or phone your
subscription to the manager i
of the Commercial club. Get I
It there any way you want to
i but regardless of how you
im .minimum mm
The first official tentative pro
rram for the Fourth of July eelebraT
tlon and home coming far the boys
who were in the' service last night
trj$ announced at a meeting ,of the
committee heads following the Cocir
mereial club open forum meeting.
The program covers the three days
cf the celebratipn although the part
cf the Commercial- committees, is
itrfctly confined fto the Fourth . as
July 3 and S are to be in the hands
of the War j Moth?rs, . . v -;
As tentatively arranged the fjrst
day of the f estlvltiesx will Include
registration of soldiers, sailors and
niirines, and. assignment fo sleeping
quarters. ; At night there will be
the official reception by state, coun
ty and city officials. In Marlon
(Continued on page. 2)
nn wwnwii i v i.m 'L mi
Dependable Luggage
For Short Jaunts
Or Long Service ..
Luggage conveys a silent
but forceful message- at
the train or depot In hotel
or guests' home. Is it not
most embarrassing to have
conspicuously shabby Lug
' gage?
We have cases and hand
bags to meet most- demands
from the very inexpensive
to the more masterfully fin
ished article. Vacationists
will do well to get our
; prices. .. . i
Former Salem Boy
Is GiverjL Command
of Giant Leviathan
-Commander Fred M. Perkins.
V."Sl N., has just been placed in
command oC the transport Le
viathan, thepargest ship in the
world, according to word re
ceied here yesterday by rela
tives of the young naval officer.
Until tran;f erred to the com
mand of the Leviathon Comman
der Perkins was executive; offi
cer of the : transport George
Washington which toot t'resi- .
dent Wilsons to and from' the
peace council in France.
At 4be. outbreak of the. war
Commander Perkins waa a
member of the naval transport
board as chef aide to Vice Ad
miral Cleaves, but wishing to
see more service during the con
flict with Jthe Huns he obtained
a transfer to the George Wash-'
ington, and was in several Sub
marine engagements during the
time he served as executive of
ficer of this transport.
Commander Perkins i. a son
"of M and Mrs. W. T- Perkins,
.former Salem residents. He en
tered the naval academy In 1902
and ha? received, rapid promo
.tions since entering the service.
, At .the conclusion of peace
Commander Perkins expects to
be transferred lo the Pacific
feet, which) according to recent
announcement of Secretary . of . ..
the Navy Dianiete, is to oe ma
terially entyrj,ed v within the
near future.
Return of Wires Delayed
v by Discussion in House
-.j ;
; WASHINGTON.- June 17. Plans
of house leaders for the passage to
day of legislation repealing the gov
ernment' wire control were '. blocked
unexpectedly Ty. prolonged discus
sion of a conference report on an ap
propriation bill.
House leaders expected the wire
repeal would be further side tracked
tomorrow for calendar bills, includ
ing that repealing the daylight sav
ing law. 4
V. S. Will Not Press
Claims Against Russia
"WASHINGTON, June 17. Owing
to present unsettled .conditions in
Russia the United States government
will make no representations at this
time with reference to the default
in payment of the $50,000,600 three
year loan made by American bankers
to the Russian1 government ia 1916,
and due June 18 and July 19, it was
announced today by Acting Secretary
of State Polk, i
iir.v.i,.v-j.,'::.ji'i..; J
La Victoire
"The Corset De luxe"
Few Women would knowingly give
up the graceful lines of youth, yet
how many unknowingly give them up
by too conspicuous corseting.
woinlerful advantage" they adjust so
aivd perfectly as -never to con
tradict the youthful lines with wlueii
they endow the figure. Their splendid
effect is never destroyed hy breaks in
the bust line and creases at the sides
or hack. Their graceful contours are
those of true youth that courts inspec
tion. . . . i .., " . '.
Former Secretary of State
Warns That5 Ratification
Would Mean Radical De
parture from Traditions.
McCumber, Republican; Will
Defend 'League Before
Senate Today
-A plea
against .hasty ; acceptajceU of 'the
league or nations was made to the
senate( today by Senator InoxKe
publican of Pennsylvania, in a care
fully prepared address analyzing fea
tures of the league covenant; and cau
tioning that its ratification would
mean a far departure from Ameri
can triditions. ; 1 , J
The league, declared thp former
secretary of state, would inevitab'y
result in a super-governmenjt empow
ered to act even on the domestic af
fairs of member nations and to pre
serve for , all time the tcrritorta!
boundaries shortly to be fixfd by th-'
peace treaty. He asserted j the new
Monroe doctrine provided would ef
face that policy from international
affairs and argued that the amend
ment adopted to cover withdrawal
of league members would make such
"wihdrawal absolutely impossible."
The speech marked the beginning
of debate on Mr. Knox's resolution
declaring 'the terms should be rati
fied without . delay and the league
of nations proposal left for later con
sideration. j
Would Analyze Terms, j
,"I ask for time,! said the; Eenator,
"merely to consider whether or not
under the' ccvenant as 'drawn, the
power to put us at war will still rest
with us or be placed in a body out
side our own : government, and if
placed "Outfide. j whether or not such
lodging of the sovereign powr . is
"I ask only for time to deliberate
whether or not we shall put it beyond
our power to fherease the size of
our army and our navy in times of
dire emergency without first consult
ing tbe wish or desires of other
countries. i " '
The Knox resohition did not come
technically before the senate and the
senator made "his address V'n the
midst t)f an appropriation bill debate.
Tomorrow the fist "speech agalust the
resolution will be made by Senator
McCumber of North Dakota, a Re
publican member of the foreign re
lations committee.
t Tour Flan Reveale!.
Additional plan3 for President
Wilson's sneaking tour for the
league were revealed today in of
ficial circles. It became known that
the trip probably would cover a pe
riod of three weeks and would fol
low directly the president's ' appear,
ance before a joint se3sion of the
.senate and house to present and ex
ILuin t tnistv onH tholiaeim cov
enant It was said Mr.,Wilaon would
leave France June 2 4 or 2 should
Germany, sign the peace treaty and
nrnhablv would arrive here about
Julv 3. i
Announcement that Germany must
act finally on the peace terms by
June 23 greatly diminishes? hopes of
bringing the Knox solutiifm to a
vote before tne treaty is signed ai
Versailles: '
Although -no definite course had
ben.'agreed on tonight, it is Jikely
there will -be a desperate effort to
have a test vote on some collateral
issue Friday or Saturday." An al
ternative suggestion under consider
atioa is the introduction of a Joint
' resolution to declare the war at an
end and thus relieve congress of
the blame for ! prolongation, of war
conditions whHe the ratification of
the treaty is delayed.
Four Held Charged With '
Complicity in' Robbery
ROSEBURG. Or., June 171 Three
men, two of them wounded, are in
jail here tonight charged, rith the
theft of $2.000in a hold-up or the
crew of i government rock crusher
near Scott3bnrg last night. The men
were wounaea vnen urea upon vy a
posse vf citizens. j '
. S. A. Ktemmer of Seottsb'irg also
is in Jail. ... He is charged jwi'th at
tempting to make away with money
dropped- by the robbers.
Mike Zeiocksaid by Sheriff Quine
to have planned the hold-up. has a
bullet wound in the thigh and bird
shot wounds in his back. John Ka
lis also is suffering frome wounds
in his back. '. . .1
A man .alleged 'tn have been, im
plicated in the actual robber- was ar
rested at Drain today. He jwas said
to be suffering fom a wojind oVer
an eyo where a small shot from a
shotgun plowed a two inch furrow.
Giant Dirigible Is
Expected to Reach
America on Sunday
MIXEOLA. N. Y.. June If..
Active preparation for recep
tion of the giant Hritish Uin?
ible, H-34,. which ' Is expected
here Sunday was begun today
with the construction of ten
concrete blocks, each ueven
feet square and eight feet deep 4.
to which ,the aircraft will le
moored! Roosevelt Field ha
been selected as the landing
place, as there is no hangar in
the country,' large enough to
house tbe airship which is643
feet long from nose to stern.
The dirigible will start from
Eft gland next Friday.
Army md navy authorities
are (cooperatin wnh a special
force of Itritih naal aviation
mechanics seat here in charge
'of Major Hugh Fuller of ihe
Royal Air Force to establish .an
American base. Fifty Ameri
can naval aviation mechanics,
especially qualified for the
handling of lighter-than-air
craft, arrived here today from
Rockaway beach to assist in
the preparations, and 250 more
are expected from various' oth- 4.
, er stations in 'the east befora T
the ship's arrival.
i 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I l 1 t
London Honors Aviators Who
. Carried British Flag
Across Atlantic
LONDON, June 17. London paid
tribute today to Captain John Al-
cock and Lieutenant A. W. Brown
during a formal procession in honor
of , the two aviators -who completed
Sunday the first non-stop trans
atlantic aerial flight.
The aviators were carried on sol
diers' shoulders from the Euston
railway station to automobiles.
The parade and demonstration as
arranged, was tne . same as were
given for Hawker, and Grieve, but
excitement over today's event was
less apparent.
The parade proceeded from the
station through great crowds lining
Portland street and Regent street.
A band led khe way playing "See
the conquering heroe comes" and
"Rule riritania." Officers of the
Royal Air forces and members of the
aero club rode in flag-bedraped
Hawker and his wire were con
spicuous at the gathering at the sta
tion. Lieutenant Commander De Witt
Ramsey, staff commander of the
American-naval air forces In France,
bad a- motor car In the parade.
At the aero club Brigadier Gen
eral Robert M. Groves, deputy
chief of the air staff, read messages
of congratulations, from Major Gen
eral J. E. B. Seely, under secretary
for air, and Major General Sir Hugh
Trenchard, commander of the inde
pendent air force. In response to
wild cheering by the crowds outside
the club. Alcock and Brown appeared
at a window and made brief speeches
of thanks.
The journey of the airmen from
Dublin to London was one long
series of ovations, beginning with a
hearty send-oft at Dublin. At the
few stopping places large crowds as
sembled and ceremonies more or less
formal were, staged.
Phone Operators and Line
men Quit Work to En
force Demands
SAN JOSE. Cal.. June 17. T. A
ok s. local manager of the Pa
cific Telenhone and Telegaph com
tanv. anncnaced tonight that the
company will settle the telephone op
erators and electrical workers strike
Immediately bv granting all demand
and recognizing the union. The girls
and the men went out this morning
at 8 o'clock;
central and northern California un
ions of the International Brother
hood of Electrical Workers, includ
ing telephone operators and linemen,
went on strike today for Immediate
wage increases and the granting of
the demand in retrard to working
'conditions. Union officials estimat
ed 000 were out including the
southern California workers, who
walked out, yesterday. .
Hundreds of the inoo or more op
erators reported to have struck here
remained, in front of the exchange?
throughout the day begging other
employes not to go to work. Some
of the girls admitted to newspaper
men that they did not leIong to the
operators union here but struck
through ympathy.i
The' linemen here claimed a hun
dred per cent strike showing.
Exchange buildings here were nn-
(Continued on page 6)
Fear Is Felt for Safety of
American Citizens Living
in Northern Mexico; U. S.
Side of Border Patrolled.
One American Killed and 10
Wounded; Many Villista
Bodies Are Found
EL PASO. Tex.. June 17. Uneas
iness for American citizens in north
ern Mexico was felt here today. Be
cause of the expedition by United
States troops to Mexico Sunday night
to disperse Villa'3 forces attacking
Juarez, it is felt Villa and his men
will attempt reprirals upon American
persons and property In the north of
Mormon officials here and in Joar
ez were much concened over re
ports that Villa was heading toward
Casas Grandes, Chihuahua. This is
near the Mormon colony of Colonia
Dublan, where many Mormon fami
lies live..
Several American mining compan
ies have ordered their American em
ployes to leave for the border a3 3oon
an nnssible.
General Cabell's . statement Jiere
today that the expedition to Juavx
was a closed Incident wit accepted
at its face value here tonight and
no further development .of- that Bit
nation is anticipated. However, it
is felt that Villa or Martin Lapez
mteht attorn Dt reprisals on isolated
border towns on the American side
of tbe border. To anticipate ancn a
move all garrisons along the border
were stengthensd i and the patrols
OfHcial reports submitted to Gen
eral Erwin late today established the
fact that more of Villa's men were
killed by American troops than at
lirst estimated.
Between 50 and 60 bodies were
taken from the trenches near the
following the assault of
these trenches by the Twenty-fourth
iuruii InfantT and 36 bodiea
were counted in front of the race
track Monday morning, having been
,m.i i th artillcrv fire Irom
mo ,-! n pun an the river bank.
Many more bodies wre reported
;n th weeds and wheat fields on
k. ride of town. Burial par
ties were busy all day burying the
two days battle and
the expeditionary assault. Many Vil
li wounded were also found In the
...rri.ttnral college One American
soldier was killed and 10 were
wounded during he lighting Sunday
night and Monday according to of
ficial repcrts prepared at military
headquarters today.
Salem Man Vice President
of Joint Lutheran Synod
SEATTLE. June 17. At its con
cluding session here today the Wash
ington district of tne joini
Synod of Ohio, representing tha
states of Washington. Oregon and
, ttritiah Columbia, ia-
iuauu mm . . . .......
dorsed the founding of a Lutheran
hospital at Spokane. Wash. Officers
elected were as follows: Reverend
J B Cronek. Medical Iake. Wash.,
president; Rv. George Koch'rr. ! Sa
lem. Or., vccpr-id.-nf. Rot. v U
liam Schoeler. Wilbur. Wash., sec
retary. Rev. C.eose Panschert. Spo
kane, treasurer. .
I Late Governor of Washington
Laid to Rest m Family
Plot at Tacoma
TACOMA. Wash.. June 17. The
remains of Governor Lister
ar at rest tonicht in th? famlU
nlot. Tacoma cemetery, close to the
ravA of his father, following a fu
neral today such as this city has nev
er before seen.
While a blanket of silence hovere..
over the markets and lDduti of
this city, political pejudices wen
laid aside and thousands from all
parts of the state gathrMi to pay
tribute to the mcnioiy of the Tacoma
citizen and sixth governor or th;
state. .
Following Impressive, church ser
vices six companies of the Third
Washington infantry. national
guard, led the corteg diverting all
traffic from the line of mirch and
clearing the way for over 2.000 an-toraobll-.'
that followed.
Service at the cemetery blended
the military ceremony with the Ma
sonic ritual.
Radicals Schedule
New Bomb Outrage
For July 4, Rumor
Rumors of a new outrage by
radicals to be attempted Inde
pendence day have reached the
department of Justice, which Is
taking all needed precautions to
forestall the plotters.
Officials were very non-committal
regarding the discoveries
but it was evident that nothing
was being left undone to make
the attempt a fiasco.
Attorney General Palmer Is
giving much of his time to the
Investigation of the plots.
NEW YORK. June 17.
Warning that general anarchis
tic disorders might be expect
ed in tbjs country during the
first week of July waa issued to-,
day by tbe American defense
society in letters sent mayors
. or 250 cities.
Asserting that radicals were
planning to take advantage of
"discontent" engendered by in
troduction of nation-wide pro
hibition on July 1, the letters
urged the mayors to form im
mediately special forces or for
mer service men in order - tto
put down any "uprisings which
might occur.
Discussion nf RftTliv?ri'
UlJCUSSlon. OX BOlSneYlSm;
Most Bitter in Annals
of Federation
Amid a general uproar, delegatej
attending the convention here of th
American Federation of Labo- todarf
refused to endorse recosmitinn
soviet Russia, although urging rec
ognltiaa by the United States of the
"existing Irish republic." and voted
against the general strike proposed
ror July 4. In behalf of "Tom" Moo
ney. Convicted ;in connection with
the preparedness day bomb explo
sion in San Francisco.
Discussion of Bolshevism devel
oped when the resolutions committee
reached a resolution asking with
drawal from Russia of American
soldiers but refused to report others
demanding recognition of soviet Rus
sia and lifting of tbe blockade of
Russian ports.
The debate was said by veteran
labor leaders to have been the most
bitter they ever heard. It followed
rejection by the convention of the
atrenuouj protest of the radical
group of a proposal to change Amer
ican labor day from tbe first Man
day in September to May 20 in an
effort to unite all the world labor
into a "universal brothethood."
Samuel Com per s. president of th
federation, led tbe fight against th
May day resolution, asserting that
American Labor day was a day fo?
American labor and not a "political
event," as it was In Europe.
$100,000 Fire Destroys
Big Sawmill at, Toledo
TOLEDO. Or.. June 17. The saw
mill of the Flach-Scorgy Lumber
company situated here was complete
ly destroyed by fire early tonight with
an estimated loss or $100,000, with
$50,000 insurance. After the plant
uao. c.osea aown ior lue day. an
explosion, which was not violent, oc
curred In the center of the mill,
caused by combustion from greased
woodwork about the machinery. Fire
quickly enveloped the main sawing
rooms and made its way outward
from the tenter of the building. A
mass of cinders, swept t-y a high
wind fell on the Toledo bank build
ing and set fire to the structure
but the blaze was extinguished with
out loss. J. O. Scorgy of Tacoma.
Wash.. Is principal owner of the
mill. He announced tonight that the
riant would be rebnilt.
WASHINGTON. June 17. A sep-,
arate and immediate inquiry Into the
disiosition or surplus food stocks by
the war department was indicated
today by developments in both house
and senate committees. C. W. Hare,
director of sales In the' department's
demobilization organization, was
questioned at length bv the senate
military committee in this connection
during hearing on the army appro
priation bill and later a resolution
calling on Secretary Baker tor de
tailed reports as to quantities 0r food
Mocks h-Ad In storage' was intro
duced In the house by Representative
Trcadway. Republican of Massachu
setts. The house special committee to
investigate war department expendi
tures met today and appointed five
sub-committees each of which will
handle a separate part of the supply
and material expenditures.
The Trcadway resolution seeks in-
i :
Unofficial Reports of Recep
tion of New Pact Vary as
to Whether Huns, Will or
Will Not Accept
German Delegation Said to
Resent Alleged Cruelty .
of Modified Terms
PARIS. June l7. The extension
of time grantedi the Austrlaa de'.e
ga,Hon for technical consideration
or certain of the, peace trms expired
today. Dr. Karl Renner. the Aus
trian chancellory, has sent a long
memorandum to the peace j confer
ence. Li which he seU forth argu
ments that the proposed treaty with
Austria- is unfair.
PARIS. June; 17 A pe:ijd of
waiting has settled over the peace
conferenco hll the Germans at
wlmar are making no their minds
king np their
whether to accept or rejtct the
slightly amended .treaty of 'peace
handed them Monday. '
While the Germans are discussing
the situation President Wilson Is to
make Ills long promised visit to
Belgium and Premier Lloyd George
will go over thej. Verdun battlefield.
Botl1 President ' W'Uson and Lloyd
George are expected . to . return to
Paris Friday and meanwhile it la
anticipated that little work will be
done. : V .
Accoums of t4 at Wel
rar of the amended peace- treaty
and the coverinr:note written by Pre
mier Clemencead are that thve was
deep pessimism fend resentment over
the alleged cruelty of the terms.
Berlin la Ignorance. '. -
A telephonic message rtcelvtd at
Weimar from Versailles shortly arter
the treaty and the nota -wire placed
In the hands of h Germans charac
terized them las extraordinarily
rough and overbearing and declared
the Germans had; been granted! small
er concessions than they had ex
pected through the readipg or unof
ficial forecasts 6t tne Jermn of the
treaty. t .
At last accounts Berlin was la
Ignorance of the -terms of tee treaty.
.Unofficial reports t7
whether the Germans will or will
not sign the treaty. A London dis
patch, quoting a message from Ber
lin, says' seven rtembera of the Ger
man cabinet arfSin favor of signtng.
but that the other seven re opposed
to such action. tA Paris newspaper
asserts that one tt the German peace
delegates -declared tefo- he Jeft
Versailles for W imar that Germany
would sign because it was realized
dire consequents would follow re-
fusaL . I
ApnlocUe. for AM.
Considerable rrsentm prevails
at Weimar by reason of the fact that,
the German delegation, leaving Ver
s&iTiea. was booted by a crowd of
hoodlum and two members of the
dIceatlon wertt tuck by stonea.
Premler Clemenctaa has written a
letter, of apology to the chief Ger
man plenipotentiary.
The council af five met Tuesday
and considered I the clauses In the
Austrian peace tjreaty.
The Turkish delegation, was heard
by the council of-ttn. Tbe main plea
of the Turk ws that the Tnrklsh
empire be ootj -dismembered, the
claim being putjforth that the Turk
ish people were not responsible for
the country's entering Into the war
on the side ofjthe Teutonic allies.
Premier Clemebceaa promised to
' (Continued on page 2)
formation, not air as to food stocks
on band, but rlso as to offers re
ceived for the'S.urp!aa and details as
to contracts usder which these stocks
were acquired Director lice's
statement thatthe food administra
tion had refused to purcbaw war
department ssii'lus Mocks off bacon,"
but latef had bought similar sup
plies consirnedj to 4 Italian gov
ernment, drew the attention f com
mittee nr-iuVr and Mr. Har az.-et
to give details, of the transactions
later j . j
Director lfarf estimated the value
of tut war tperlala la this coun
try owned by tlje government at twj
billion dollars, j
Chairman Wfds worth of the sen
ate military committee announced
tonight that hearings on ths army
till wouli clos4 tomorrow and that
the commute hpd to have, the bill
ready to report to the senate late
this week. I