The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 17, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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' " - ! ''. ' - , ' " ' : , -
-..V ! ' :" . r .-.--!. . , - .. .
- : - . i . , r ' , . ,
l'ilPjPL Citizens ,
are invited to loin with Salem in this
Everv citizen in Salem
will be tt;J-ifeel-' " job and every person in Marion
cqiintpsin the perfect
WO M;-&Q:M In g
for the boys who went to war; This is the people's celebration.
Come and greet the boys make them feel proud to have worn
the uniform make them feel that you appreciate what they did.
! , J. F. HUTCHASON, Chairman.
in Taffetas, Sirzes and Silk
Poplins in aU tlie wanted
i '
shades and materials. ,
A splendid assortment for
Ms i
i ; i
Commercial and Court Streets.
Formerly Chicago Store
Tlie Story of a Honeymoon
A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by
- i m WOT n ii nntoAu 1
Tb very air of the Cosgrove farm
house parlor seemed vibrant With
tragedy as Mrs. Cosgrove's voice
rose in her denunciation of the wo
man, who bad ruined her brother's
life. All around us on the walls of
the Toom were the wonderful paint
ings, the work of her brother's gen
ius before madness clouded his
brain. It seemed a fantastic thing
to me, one hardly belie veable that
the man whose bands bad created
the marvelous beauty before-me was
chafing his life away in the little
hidden enclosure , but a few rods
from where we sat.:
Mrs. Cosgrove voice went on
with the pitiful story, steadily with
out a tremor. But I guessed that
under her unmoved exterior the wo
man's whole being was aflame.
t "I-had I not Been Robert for a long
Boute your"f reight via
Willamette Valley Transfer Co.
Express service, at freight rates.'
Long distance hauling only.
time before the ; break came." she 1
said. "Before that girl came into
his life he had come to Fee us often,
and he left these pictures with me
from time, to time. 'Some day after
I am dead, they'll make your for
tune,' he used to say with a gloomy
gayety that frightened me. He was
always so disappointed over his
work poor Robert! . '
"But after he married, he
was either ashamed to come to me or
she wouldn't let him. had never
decided which was the reason. At
any rate I had heard nothing! from
him for month when one of his
friends, porer even then himself,
carae to us and told us that for fom
time Robert bad been in a sanitar
ium, supported by the contributions
of some of his friends, each of whom
needed every dollar of his own slen
der means. The treatment, more
over, had done Robert no good, and
he' having found but by a search
through Robert's things, that I was
his sister, came to me (to see what
was to be done. ' ' , .
"I had no means to keep him In
a sanitarium, and I could not hear
to have him sent to a state institu
tion. This place was a great deal
lonelier then even than now, so Mr;
Cosgrove fixed up that little green
house and the kennels, and built
the little house. He gave it out
that he was raising rare flowers; and
blooded dog3. and got quite a repu
tation for crankiness afld snobhish
ness because he wouldn't let people
fnspect his greenhouses. ;'
"It was awfully hard to keep Rob
ert's presence a Fecret at first, but
since , the .twins got old enough 16
ney had left, after a dinner which
was a revelation in thu culinary art.
the Cosgroves. Dicky and I went Into
"executive session." as Dicky ex
pressed it. to complete our plans for
the evening. .
I was amused to see the venom
which Mr. Cosgrove displayed to
ward the absent Jfrs. Allis when be
learned that Instead of being at
tracted by her she had been deliber
ately planning to i rob bis house.
That his wife thoroughly understood
and maliciously enjoyed his feeling
I could tell by the quiet smile that
hovered around her lips when her
husband was especially vehement in
his denunciation of the absent woman.
"Won't that Jezebel smell a tit j
when sne comes dsck ana iinas you
two be re instead of in the calaboose
where she meant you to spend the
night." he demanded at a pause In
the discussion, and his wife's Hp
were not the only ones that twitched
at the epithet. She thought by pay
ing you were old offender the Jus
tice would lock yow up and get you
out of the way at least until her lit
tle job was finished."
"Why let her find them here?" hl5
wife asked quietly.
(To be continued)
Girls! Make beauty lotion for
a few cents Try It!
Squeexe the Juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white, shake well, and
you have a quarter pint of the best
freckle and tan loUon. and complex
ion beautifier. at very, very small
Your grocer has the lemons and
any drug sto're or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of orchard
white for a few cents. Massage this
sweetly fragrant loUon Into the face,
neck, arms and hands each day and
see how freckles and blemishes dis
appear and how clear! soft and rcsy
white the skin becomes. Yes! It is
harmless and never irritates.
help me, and Robert has grown qui-i quiries she micht make. But I don't
eter, it has been comparatively easy, i suppose she ever made any. She dls-
" . a t i a a
And the best thing about it all fyT ., fUoruJr ,ore n,s m,no
that J everybody believes Itiui dead.j oke" -
No one. not even his wife, gae.wd i She rose from ber chair. Her
the real ftate of things. His friend.i hands went out to the pictures on
who took him to the sanitarium, j the wall in an eloquent gesture,
brought him here; I never appeared j "And now the light sterns to be
In the matter at ,811 and they all : breaking at last! she said Joyous
hated her cordially and could be de- j ly. "Robert fame has come to him.
pended on never to gratify any In-and his brain seems less clouded
-.. t tbee fast few weeks than it has been
j in years. Only once In a while
i nnre since yon hare been here he
sets on on of bis terrible weepine
j fits of melancholia, then one of us
j keeps constantly with him until h
I is over It. That is the reason for my
I deception concerning the twins. One
: of them was with his uncle that day.
j but to avoid remark I created the
impression that both were at break-
"Hiit'l smell those ducks.. It
j would be a sorry return for your4
! Kindness and Interest to let your
dinner burn."
She hurried out to the kitchen.
and 1 sat revolving in my mind the
tragic story to which I had Just lis
tened. The most of It 1 had guessed
and I felt a foolish little thrill of
pride at my own Insight. i
Dicky. Mr. Cosxrove. the warden
and attorney came back from the
Justic conrt 'ln short order, bring
ing with them tremendous appetites
for Mrs. Corcrove's durks, and the
news that our case had betn set for
Monday. :
opening for a ,few live re
turned service men to make'
TERESTING work. . Any
man with 'PEP".can make
$5.00 a day. See Mr. Palmer
.at The Statesman office to
day. , " .
Death Calls Prominent
Silverton Business Men
SILVERTON. Or.. June 14.
(Special to The Statesman) Two of
Silverton's well known business men
passed away during the past week.
W. A. Reynolds, promiaent with the
Silverton Lumber eompanv since
1906. died at bis home on Mill
street Wedh'esday; Mr. Reynold fa
survived byt his widow, son Charki,
and sister Mrs. William Service. Tki
services wiU be held at his forcer
home. Mountain Home. Idaho, by U
Masons of that city.
T: Marklaad died at Stanfleld, Cr,
Thursday at the ! age of 73. L.
Markland had left for SUnHeld Fri
day on. business connected witk
land deal, j His death was sudfet.
He was on; the street at the time M
occurred. r (
The funeral services were' b:i
Thursday afternoon from the -Chrl.
Ian church! condscted by Rev. J.
Bennet. ;
July 4 and 5 to Be Hcrzecca
ing Cerebration $12C3
Fund 1st Raised .
(Special toti The Statesman) Asm
city welcoming has been given tit
boys'returne4 from the service It his
i -
been decided, to have a Joint cele
bration and homecoming on July 4
and 5. " r
With thlft in view' committees bar
been namet and plans are well s
dr way. The common council of
Silverton his drawn S300 from its
treasury to (banquet the sailors, sol
diers and marines at noon on July
4th. On the Sthj the people of
Silverton wUl banquet the boys. Tb
banquets are In charge of Xn
Ccurll and i will be given at the
Woodman halL j
1. I Robinson was elected presi
dent' of tb4 committees and F. E
Callister Secretary-treasurer.' ". Tas
committees with their chairmen is
eludes": s - i
Land J.?W. Welch; finance.
Glen Loomif ; sports. L. C. Eastmaa:
program. Glen Loom is r eoncessioa,
H. E. Broinie; decoration. Elmer
Olsen; dance. L- Davehport; base
ball. E. Rowland: Maypole. Mrs.
George tiavis: speakers. Mr Me
Iendon andfE. Browne; auto parade.
C. Bell; fireworks. T. Lukens aa
Mr. McCollugh; float, parade, T.
Ristugen: chairman of the day, ReT
Ceorge Henritksen.
Walter T(oxe has been secured ts
give the address' of the first day.
The finanr committee has alreaty
soloclted flSOO.
It has bM-u decided that a street
dance will W held both nights ol
First street between Mala and Oak'
streets. ;
Fireworks will be discharged oa
vacant lot oh the east hilL
Some Saving V9 jsays the
! Good Judge
j . - - . -
You men are saving
every cent you can. You
ought to know that this
quality tobacco costs less
to chew not more !
You take a smaller
chew. It gives you the
good tobacco taste. It
lasts and lasts. You.
don't need a fresh chew
so often.
Mrs. Cosgroves Suggestion.
When the warden and the attor-
Put t in two stylts I 1
RIOHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
WB CUT is a long finc-cut tobacco"