The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 17, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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10 Bring Iavk IVisoner
Constable Walter De Long left
jaat fcdght for Idaho where hV will
et Jamea I Kasalek who Is charged
yrith non-support cf his wife, 'ho
jitea la (Marion county. ' Extradi
tion papers were f-sued yesterday.
leg Blanks
' Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on application.'
Oregon Electric Withdraws Trains-
Effective Saturday. '.June 14th.
tae Oregon Electric ftailway will
withdraw trains 23 and 24. Number
11 leaving Salem at; 4 p. m. will not
make local stops as heretofore be
tween Salem and West Voodr.
Meeting of Eastern Star - i
Tonight at 8 p. m. Initiation and
reception of new. members.
to be improving and the attending
physician holds out hope that paral
ysis may soon disappear entirely. The
cnim reu rrom a bed striking im Its
head, causing total paralysis of the
right side temporarily. The family
lives near the little Creek school
house. t
in which he Is taking Wolf t from
North Yakima. Wash., to Bakers-
field. CaliN. for triaL The machine
s the same t which Wolf Is said
to have attempted .escape, it being
found near San Francisco by one of
Sheriff Newell 'a deputies and used
la pursuing the-boy. - ,
Shaw Wool I'tKil
There' will be offered for sale 24 00
fleeces of wool to the highest bidder
uu jrriuay, June zu, at z p. m. at
Shaw. Oregon. The committee re
serves the right to reject any and all
bids. None but sealed bids will be
received. C.;j. Hunt, W. H. Down
ing. Lew Dtagen Cbas Hein, John
Smith, Sales Committee. C. J. Hunt,
secretary. - -
Child Improv
, The 15-month old son of Mr. and;
Mrs. Lewis Judson. who was par-j
uil Taralvzed Frid&v when hp fell
from a bed, was reported last night;
st ... W
'The Jw cf Men
Salem i Velie ; Company
'162 North JComxnercial street, now
prepared o do all kinds f auto re
pairing. Export mechanics. Service
station for Dort and Yelie cars.
- .
Hre I)oea Slight Iamagr
VA roof fire in the residence of B.
E. Cooper, 1336 Nerth Water street
t 12:00 p. m. yesterday was extin
guished by the fire department be
fore much damage was d-ao. , The
loss Is estimated at $5.
Good Used T la no .
Some good as new; almost ai
your own price. E. L.. Stiff & Son
OreRonus r. Perfect Cigar
Made in Salem.
"Thelma" Individual Chocolates
A Salem product made by The
Gray Belle distributed by George
E. Water? for sal everywhere, &c.
Orrgonus Cigar
A Salem product.
Standard Scale Hooka - r
In duplicate. Statesman Job of.
flee, ; r- f . ' i
are alleged due for injuries claimed
to have been sustained when the au
tomobile of the defenjjanj struck
the plaintiff. PartTof thT testimony
of the witnesses for the plaintiff was
taken and will be resumed today at
9 o'clock.
Thclma Individual Chocolate
Made in Salem, 5c everwhere.
BurrooghH Boy Ewcapea
Robert Burroughs, aged 10 years,
who escaped from the state training
school Is still at large. He escaped
twice in 48 hours from Special Agent
Ferguson. He ls considered an In
corrigible, j, t
Deputy Secretary of State
Kozer to Seek Advice
s from Brown
One Case of Flu Reported'. ;
One case of influenia was reported
yesterday by City Health Officer, J.
Ray Pemberton. The ailment con
tinues to .be la a light form but the
quarantine against it is rigidly en
forced. ; v
Dr. W. Carlton Smith
Has reopened his offices In the
Masonic Tempb;. Phone 4 40.
Receipt! Note and An Blanks
At Statesman lob office, i
Having IMppooed of
My drug store at 444 State street,
all those Indebted to me are request
ed to call at my old stand to settle
their accounts. Frank S. Ward.
red Pi an of
, Going fast. Grab one. E. L. Stiff
Irishman .Wants Citizenship
Stewart Thomas Bratty, . born in
Lurgan, Ireland, and now residing at
5 Laurel street, Salem, has filed ap
plication with County Clerk Boyer
for cltizeaship in the Vnited States.
He came to this country in Septem
ber, 1898, entering at Detroit,' Mich
; , j .: i ; ; j ,
A Salem Product .
"Thelma" 'Individual j Qhocolates,
5c everywhere. ' i
Open Foram Meeting Tonight '
The regular monthly open forum
meeting of the Commercial club will
be held in the club auditoiiuui to
night at 3 o'clock. A lively mating
is anticipated and after the business
session, the social department prom-
ioea an entertainment of more than
usual merit, to be followed by
Senator Xorblad Here
State Senator A. W. Norblad. ajc
rom-nanicd- bv his wife and son
massed through1 Salem yesterday on
en automobile trip to California. Sen
ator Norblad' represented Clatsop
county in thy upper braach of the
last legislature.
Before Educational Bill Can
Become Operative Must Be
Further Defined
BROWN fori
The Remnant Store,
i 254 N. Commercial St.
Farrar Home From France1
After more than a year's service
ln-F:nee with an engineer regiment
Russell Farrar has returnad to Sa
lem and is at the home of his un-V.
lie, AOia'auii rusiuiuicr juuu rat-
rar. He is the son-of the late Squire
Farrar, former postmaster of Salem, 1
and is well iknowu In this city.
Goowberriea. strawberries and Ken
tish Cherries
Regular Meeting' of Cbadwick
evening, June ' 17th. at 8 o'clock
Initiation amd . social - evening.
" : Did It Ever Occur to Tou
our price on atrlctly hlgJi grade piano
art ) than it possible for you to
get elsewhere. The quality best and
tenna easy. . ".-. j
(It Court SU in the Derby Building.
If' your monumental work is solicit
ed, kindly ask the solicitor, for our
business card.
- Capital alonnmental Works,
2210 S. Com. St. , Ph'i f 8 9. Salem
Salem Auto Badiator Shop
j Radiators, Fenders and Gas
. Tanks Repaired
Tractor Kadlators a ' 8pc4alty
All work guaranteed.
198 S. 12th St, : Salem, Ore.
Bmall Investment Imons ICealry
Loans House Kental Agency,
General Property Dealing.
404-405 Hubbard Bids.
PhOBe 254 ' Salem, Ore.
Postage Conwea Down July 1 ;
Postage rates will change on Ju
lv 1 ta the former schedule of 2
cent an ounce for letters and 1 cent
Until August 1, 3- .p,
cent staitvped envelopes ana -ccn
nnstcards may be exchanged at their Uer For Visit
r9 value for other stamped paper Frank Meredith, former secretary
on the new rates, but after August Cf the state fair board, is visiting
i s-.ivt Ktamned enveloncs will be friends in .Salem on a visit from
In view of the vague and uncer
tain provisions of the w.ldier' an'1
sai!ors educational aid bill, passed
by the people at the recent "special
election. Deputy Secretary of State
Sara A. Korer has requested an opin
ion from Attorney General Brown as
to intents and purposes of the act.
His office i now receiving many in
quiries daily concerning the meas
ure. "In view or the fact that the pre
visions of this measure are somewhat
indefinite, it is not poslble to advise
'nquirers just exactly what proceed
ure Is necessary -on their part In order
to secure any benefit' sccru'nsr un
der the provisions of this act." iaU:
Mr. Kozer.
In the flr't p'ace. an 'nstnM. i:
"f learcinr. public ok. private, a"
therein ment'ered I" nowhere 1-
fined. Further, the act provides tnt
all honorably discharged somer
bailors and marines are granted the
A picture of Lore and Sentiment
Sequel to "Three Weeks.
ML ;f
5 A
ajre in the market. IMng rirht and privilege of state financial
them to our bic ilant. opposite S.
Co. passenger station. Pnex Co
rtfomoi) onlv at the stamp value oivnroia. Wash- where he is secre-
and the pottcards at 75 per cent of tary of the Washington slate fair, retary of the state shall pay over
aid to an amount not exceeding $2
for any one month and not more
than $200 for any one year for a
reriod of not more than four years.
Yet it further provides that npon
the approval of the soldier's appli
cation by the executive head of the
Institution he derires to attend, the
Confessed Uoy Murderer Here
Roy Wolf. IS years old, who is re
ported to have confessed to the mur
der of a stage driver in California
about three weeks ago was. in Salem
for a few hoturs yesterday being held
in the, county jail while Sheriff D.
B. Newell "of Kern county, Calif.,
had repairs ntade to the automobile
W estern Junk & Salvage Co.
w huT all kinds Junk, hardware,!
furniture, tools, machinery. . There
Is hardly an Item we do not buy.
Phone 706. 402 N. Commercial St.
their value.
A perfect cigar.
Mr. Meredith is heing mntioned as
a nosalbla successor ta the waraen-
Ehip cf the Btate penuemiary.
'.lifting le c'.inuii. Ion In Port
iu u . i 8. Ikciu: of the gen
eral shortage of paving equipment,
the highway commission will ue its
own supplies for this work and the
or.ttactora are expected to submit
bid much lower than usual becau.e-
if this.
1 !: i.'h.-r i:irr ;vinir p.iect to
;ivih.!1 . the July meeting 1
.. fl'imi i i I !fhv.-;!v b- teeD
sw-n : i ! K!u'T.;e. n i'Srne
m.-. " ;
Ot! :f ' ' i r e ar-.xrdl include: ,
M:-..-;turi7ir.r t-efveen Canyon
.!Ie rd Gile-vP'e. 10 miles. j
(".r-n!'r.c cf Cfr.yon sertion f Da-;
l:r rr.-d. 4.5 miles.
CJ-r.uirtr Yr!la road. 2 7 miles
-. !h f Yrnrtlla
?t an alo nnnriuneed that the
!?('le eut-eff between Mrrtle-Creek
ii 1 Cnnrtvil'e. will be completed
this'rear. With a new bridge across
be Umpqna river at Myrtle eree.
this will shorten the distance on the
Pacific highway a little more than
three miles.
strcctcd In 1915 had becrme cte of
the largest Invitations ot 1U Wl
In the valley.. The company' had
spent $10,000: the past wiater for
new machinery, and equipment, most
of which !s apparently ruin d.L Roy
O. Pushong. seretary of the com
pany, has announced that the plant
will be retniltat once.
r.meral' Off ice Open
i .urn. Tiartonl Willamette Instrnctor The office of Adjutant General
Is enrolling students in ner ura-i gtafrin whicn nas oeen mofea w
mer conrses in voice and piano.
N. 17th. Phone 1583.
Farm Brings $10,000 ,
Sarah E. Miller has Slid farm
property fa sections 1. 13, 14 and 23.
all in tha Lake Labish district to
j. 'o, Hayes for a consideration of
S 4 0.0 00. The deed to the property
was recorded yesterday.
Salem has been opened up by Major
A. A. Hall. The general nas noi
yet arrived in this city. The office
is on the fifth floor or me aaiem
Bank of Commerce "building.
to such Institution monthly, a sum
nn i n atll th lntltU-
tion is required to provide loagm. MAvr. IUU A DAU DAUfVI
board and other necessities required
7TYm WT yrar HClirn.. n iwnmy n
paeksr ( Mother Urmr's AJlOMATIC-IXAr.
Iks pkMiil SM4iriBsl ls for iwmiin that
Usw Kir. s4 all mrc ftlnt ( the
rr. If yr kidavr -t I trri7.
r Miom is painful an srsnir. Arsw sUe-Lsaf
Is Bleasaat sad ths ht laiu laiaiir. At
to malrrtain themselves, and further inw.tsjar hT iu r fkek.
bv such applicant to pursue the
course or eowrses of study he desires.
KManv of the soldiers desiring to
avail themselves of the privileges and
benefits of this act doubtless wish
Company M Men Reach New York
Sixteen men, former memoers or
Company M, 162nd infantry, have ar
rived In New York from severs.
France, according to word received
resterday by Mrs. warren ,elDorn
from her husband Corporal warren
Welborn.who Is in the detachment.
Notice s
We hav opened a- first-clas re-
1.1. ai.-.n win river the motorine
nnbllc the very beat of service. Open The men went oversea in .December
rtlrrlt 111(1 (HT.ana MlUOlB, JUUJUI nil. - I
Garage. Thone 362.
fn TrstHlnT Mood?
If you want to trade In a used P-
nn fnr new one. we are reaay. r.-
U Stiff & Son. ' .
Elk Committee Meets
The executive committee or tne
Elks Salvation Army home service
campaign met at . a luncheon at tne
Hotel Marlon yesterday to discuss
plans for the drive, i Everything is in
readiness for the opening of tne can
It. Ii. Clark Called By Deatbj
In the Sunday issue of the States- vass June ZZ
t rm armr wna made in aBnounC-1 '
Atw f Mr H. T Clark at "V Men Make Plan
vwiianH 4 it was printed as Mrs. Plans for the county Young Men's
v. - I n . t A . t I .
Clark died, instead or ir. uiara, i v,nrisuan Atocianua ouugei vui-
Mrs. Clark was fo:tnerly miss iaei i paign were aiscusea. yesieruy n
Rotan. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J
A. Rotan and is well known in 6
meeting of the committe in charge.
The meeting was in the association
rooms ana a iuncn was servea.
Tor Hardware Furniture and
Second Hand Goods See
If yro beve furniture stoves or
carpets to sell, phone or
call at 23 N. C"aaerelal Street
' at
Tobacco Smoker's Articles
Or. M-ott
Bank of Commerce bildg
"Six years ago I had rheumatism
so bad I was going on crutches.'
writeB August Ctrandell. Sister Bay.
Wis. "I tried several medicines and
doctors and rot no relief. Three
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills cured
,. ... i.iw.-v me. ,1 tnrew away my cruicnes.
sowier.ini, HaTg nQ al fQr weafc BOret ach.
ing back, muscles or joints. J. C.
Try Northern Flour
"It's a Bear." Every sack guar-i
an teed. At your grocer's. .
very few Institutions of learning in
the state are equipped to furnish
beard and lodging to students. - It Is
with a view of reconciling the reveral
apparently conflicting provisions, as
well as securing a legal determina
tion of the intent and purpose nf the
act that the attorney general s opin
ion has been requested.
'Under the existing- eond'tiona It
' poaclble only for this office to pro
vide Inquirers with a copy of the Isl
and advise them of the fact that it
nrovisions are more or less Indefin
ite and" consequently referred to the
attorney general for a legal deter
mination. It Is the desire to nave
the attorney define the scope of the
law. an Institution of learning as
contemplated thereunder, how the
funds and to what extent they mav
be available, as well as wheh the
benefits therennder begin to oper
ate. In due course, publicity will be
given the attorney general's opinion
in order that all soldiers and sailors
who desire to avail themselves of
this act may be fully informed."
$ 40,000 Fire Destroys
Meat Plant at Albany
a .
ALBANY. Or.. June 16. A fire
early Suaday morning almost com
pletely destroyed the parking plant
of the Kebergall Mat company Just
outside of the city, entailing a loss
of about 140.000. Approximately
half of the 1j?s was covered by In
su ranee. The plant, which was con
T k A
(rainless Parker) i
Ma kiss; artUleUI teetk aUtM
. to a aajartaMr. Taa steea stet mmt-.
far wlta laeae ylatea taat bmti
Wit Sa year aaeata wWa yoa
talk e eat TaeVe the K. R.
rarae tyate-ae eaaaiaUate la taie
wark luUt aetata
laa te Its hisaeat retat,
Parkerf ;
Dentist f
state ana
, Streets t; "
a 'ti" i -ii it im j
raraltnre.' ranges, beaters, tools
and. in fact,' anything you have
to aelL I boy for cash. Phone
, S10 or 611.
W00DRY, The Acctloneer
.Auto Repair Shop
Battery Repairing and Recharging
Jj. M. MILLER, Prop. '
245 Center" St. .Phone 927
GAIX, 300. Just right for making
a Bmall trtfrk. Also some second-
j hand ; Fords; for sale.
Woorl-Rose Motor Co.
246 State St. Phone 311
The discharge from the Union ar
my of David Demarest bearing date
Tni ii ikk- was recoraea bi
the court house yesterday by his
eraSdson. Corporal Clyde C. Demar
est of Woodburn. who also recoraea
bis own discharge from the service
in the late war. The corporal served
with tne supply company. 162nd In
fantry in France fo.- 14 months and
his grandfather served with the
Third, United States cavalry from
December 29, 1863 to me.oaie u
If yon hav any Junk or aecond
hand goods of any kind, tee as
Drit.- .
71 CbexnekeU SU ;; Phone 898
Sonora Dealer in Salem
Better j Grab m Piano
Some used pianos, almost a good
m new. Will not last. Bettif grab
them. E. L. Stiff Son.
Dr.William A. Cusick Suc
cumbs at Age of 82 Years
at Home in Fairmount
With the pasing Monday at "12:15
of Dr. William A. Cusick at his home
at Lincoln street and Fairmont park.
it , ti n si Kein Salem loses one ot ner De anown
Mnale and Inslcal MercliandLie J . Th euJt for I5J20.30 damages physicians and most loved citizens.
f mr Addie R. Dane asainst Don- I Dr. CusicK was xz years 01a ana
Highway Commission An
nounces Other Contracts to
Be Awarded
As a means cf effecting a saving
in the paving of the Pacific highway
between Eugene and Junectlon City
contractors who bid on the work will
be Instructed to make an allowance
for the use of state paving equip
ment on the project, according tc
announcement made yesterday by
the state highway commission.
This paring project. 13 miles ti
length, will le awarded at the next I
and all
kinds of '
Wc are contracting
Royal Ann Cherries 8c lb.
King, Lamberts .1 5c lb.
.....5c lb.
....12c lbt
....12c lb.
....10c lb.
, 8c lb.
..8c lb.
Other varieties .. 2
Strawberries- ....J ....
Red Raspberries . : . . . .
Hlaek Cap Raspberries .
Blackberries (Lavftons)
Bartlett Tears .. j C0 per toa
- ; ,
We furnish boxes and crates. , '
Strawborrr elrates" for. sale. :
Come and see u$ before you selL
Warehouse II ijrU and Ferry Sts. I
Pbone 717 j i
Office M2 EUlc St. I Salem, Ortgca
415 Cou rt St. Salem, Oregon
, Telephone 35Z
See Our '.
Welch Electric Co.
373 SUte St. Thone
i V . 10 Days ;"
75 cords I5ig Body Fir "Cood
at $7:00 per cord.
60 cords 2nd Growth Fir
wood at $6.50 per cord..
G. H. Tracy Wood Co.
; Phone 520
- We want to buy.
Good Potatoes !
Best Market. Prico r
We furnish the sacks and caU
for the potatoes at -your place.
The People's Cash Store
- Phone 45 J. j
1SS-19C North, Commercial 'SU
M. - I I L 1
lyflrrinf. 11
I I ill lil i".
LliiltTrmi II f I II I iniiiiimiiujtiiimiili MLlLn
- n 1
r Baa-r '
all aUaa.
aid W and B. J. Mile came up ror was a nauve oi unnois. coming iu
trial in department-No: 1 of the cr- Oregon in t853 with hi parent on
cult court-yesterday. The damacea'an immigrant train. In 1K58 and
T1S39 he attended the Dalla acad
emy, and Bethel college in ibu. Al
ter this he taught school for one and
a half .years later going on to the
Zoiand medical college in San Fran
cIpco and then the medical depart
ment of Willamette university.
Dr. Cualck'a was tho first name on
the list of; Willamette university
medical department. In 1885 to
he served on both the regular
and special sessions of the Oregon
state leJoMature. Later he served for
two yearn as post sunreon with the
United State army at Camp Lyons.
Idaho, and for about three years was
consulting physician at the Oregon
'state hospital going from there to
J penitentiary physician. which office
I he filled for five years.
j Cn October 13. 1S he married
Marcia M. Williams and ensared in
civil practice for 30 years retiring
from active service in 1 9 1 R. He was
a member of the Fidelity lodge A.
F. & A. M.. Cervals. Oregon, and a
member of Multnomah Rojal Arch
M-"n. Cahnter No. 1. of Sal em-
He is survived by a widow and his
son-in-law. Dr. W. Morre. The
body Is at the Wehb4 Clough under
taking parlors. So far no (Tefinlte
funeral arrangements havo beca
Our strongest
belief is in Im
partial Justfce to
all and It fol
lows that every
one receives the
same earnest
courtesy. .Our
business dealings
are above
reproach. ,
Boys! Boys!
will soon be here. Get in
line to make MONEY this
Rummer. No premiums, or
prizes. REAL CASHH1
List your names -with the
Circulation Manager before
June 1st he will tell you
all about it.
PARENTS Let your Jk
earn his own spending
money in a clean legitimate
way. Initiate a BUSINESS
INSTINCT in him. Keep
him out of mischief. A. few
hours walking in the open
air each day What could
be healthier 1
Open to boys over 14 years
Circulation Dep't.
The Oregon Statesman
a a m
Re-arrangement In Closing Hours
Y ESTO0 AY &e Salem batiks inanirj
rated the plan of dosing the doors at
three o'clock in the afternoon instead of at
foar. Yhile this may cause yorjj to set your
time of calling ahead a bit, yon can 'appreci
ate that it will enable the clerks to handle
the CTcr increasing "after-closing" routine
without hardship.
l J-
. 1
Financially youts,
6lem; , Oregon,
laBaa aaaa. aa ---t
, , n'.IHP -WajJI Jl
Prlaa4. 9rfm -
. . j. . - .