The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 17, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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1 ; SALAD ; 1 1
: : iv-cooking" : W$'
I " tORH PRODUCTS REFININ6 CO. ' T: ".l'-'- "Vr 1
i ma i
Why Mazola Saves Money in
Cooldna and Makes
! Food Beller
jNE ofjthatncst important things Mazola doei
for cooking is to take the place of butter.
la frying or shortening it gives the finest results.-
Andy poisd for pound, It costs considerably less. .
Foods cooked -with Marbla, or in which Mazola is used, an
wholesome, healthful, very easy to digest '
Use M to K less Mazola for shortening than butter or larA
in frying, use Mazola over and oyer again to the last drop
it never absorbs odors cr flavors. .
No smoking no soggy cooking. '
FREE Wlwderfnl Cook Boot '
V I : 7;yrit today for it, .):.
P.O. Co 131
New York
LOSING semester
in evidence these
recitals arel
days; and 1
'among ue most, enjoyaoie or
all was 'the students recital at the
home of .Mrs.. George ;J.' Pearce by
the pupils of Miss Porothy i Pearce.;
Bowls of pink climbtns , rpees were
gracefully arranged. , around ; the
rooms, and after the recital number?
Miss Pearce assisted by her mother
served light refreshments. All the
members showed good work and
careful training. Each little pupil,
for it' was tiie, tots who performed,
did splendidly. A unique piece was
the d net "The L4UIe Bird?" inter
preted by Rosalie" Buren and Joseph
ine Albert, , Miss Pearce was assisted
on the program by Mis3 ftose Boday-
Don't Spoil Your Hair
by Washing It'
When ' you . wash your hair, be
.careful what . you use. Most soaps
nd prepared - sbampoos contain too
ttoch alkali, which is very injur
ious, as It dries the scalp and makes
the, hair brittle. j
- -The "best thing to use is Mulsified
eocoanut oil shampoo, for this is
pore and- entirely greaseless, It's
ry cheap and beats anything else
U to pieces. You; can Ret this at
sny druj; Flore, and a few ounces
will last the whole Tatoily
. months. .. ' . ; ' ' : - 'l
Simply moisten the : hair i with
water and . rub . it . In. about a' tea
spoonful is all that Is required. It
makes an abundance of rich, creamy
lit her, cleanses thoroughly, and
rinses out easily. The hair dries
qnlckly and" evenly; and is soft,
frwh lookingr bright, fluffy, , wavy
Md easy to handle. Besides, it
loosens and takes, out every particle
of dnt, dirt and dandruff.
By Ruth Len ore fisher
The following was the program: '
Duet Mister Policeman (Cad-
man) ..Robert ..Bishop. Dorothy
Pearce. I '
Study -i-Ued (Bach) Josephine
Ajbert. . . f
: Study Bea,r Dancei . (Engleman)
.Rosalie Bnren..
Study March (-Bach) Rose Bo
dayla. , ..
Pndy (Kahler) j Robert Bishop.
Duet Merry-Go-tTound (Gaynor)
Josephine Albert, Dorothy Pearce.
' Shepherd Song (Crosby-Adams
Robert Bishop. . ".
Piet "Tae Little Bird." (Wood
Rdsalie Buren.. Josephine Albert.
Valse (Dehnel) Rose Bodayla. .
Vacation March (Smith) Rosalie
Buren. . " k .
At Xight f (Porter) JosephiQe Al
bert. "" .
Duet Country Dance (Xevin)
Rose Bodayla, Dorothy Pearoe. ,
. -
y i
Mrs. Gaofge H. Burnett was re-
"opointed jrrand chaplain at the
Eastern Star convention which con
vened in Portland the last week
T2ie delegates who went down were:
Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Ruth
Brown, Mrs.UTavel Bifhop, and j Mrs.
George Burnett. Friday Mrs. Bur
nett will go' to Eugene to attend a
reception given that night for the
worthy grand matron.
Mrs. Lou Watkin? of Mountain
for Home, Jdah0 is' visiting friends in
Salem. - -
;The feature for : Friday, June 27.
will be the -Invitational recital given
by Miss Minnetta Magers when' she
will present her most advanced pu
pils in recital., Friends of Mrs. Mar
guerite Flbwjer Ohlinger will be hap
py to know llhat she will appear or
the program; Other Salem artist pu
pils of Miss Magefs who will appear
! on the program are: Miss ITilder Am-
sler. Miss Minnie Schaller, Mi.s Jo
anna James. Mrs. William Harris
-urs. itarim. all of. Saiem.-nna
Mrs. Fred Kram,- ind Gaynell Kellog
juonntain . of ; Portland.
! Bertha Junk Daiby spent Thurs
day in Portland as a delegate from
the Tuesday Musical club to the bus
iness session of the Oregon State
Music Teachers association ; which
was held at t he Benson hotel.
4 Mr and Mrs. Edgar . Harrali of
Seattle', spent Tuesday of last week
at the honke of his uncle. D. P. Junk.
Mr. Harrah was in attendance at
be etrcerymen's association meet
log in Portland, he being president
of the buyers' association of Seattle
; - - I i
Charles 'Robertson, son of Dr. and
Mrs. C. Hi. Robertson is home from
Eugene ; where he has been attend
,ng the university. He has as .his
guest. Carl Newbury, a Sisma Nu
brother. of Klamath Falls, who came
down -with him. ' I
. i .':
There was a happy little party Sat-
tirday afternoon when Miss-Maxlne
(Jlover, j daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Glover, was hostess for
neighborhood party in honor of her
ninth birthday. Pink roses wer
used effectively throughout the
moms' and on the daintily appointed
dininfr table.- Pink an white were
used on the birthday cake with its
Mine small candles. Pink . basket
favors i and birthday postcards
maiked. places for the following
maids: Harriet Austin. Helen Ash
clman, Dorothy ' Twedale. Thelma
GtfpJcnJ Nellie Oupton, Mabel Cup
per. Venietta Edwards. Yvonne Au-'-npe,
j Barbara -Moorbard., Elolse
White, and the hostess.
Mfss Cann. a nurse at tho flood
Samaritan hospital in Portland, spent
the week-end with. -Miss . Hallie
Hinges at 295 North. Summer street.
.The junior piano pupils of Mrs.
Julia M. Weigel enjoyed a recital at
her 'home on South Church street.
Thursday afternoon, Ferns and car
nations were used in decorating the
rooms. Dainty , reiresnmenls were
served after the program which was
as follows:
Dance of the Raindrops (Adams)
Ye Merry Birds (Krug) Elfa Persey.
"Silver Threads Among the Gold."
(Del Campiglio) Deloise Hice.
The Shepherd's Dream (Heins)
Marjorie Wakey.
The Fawn (Scnlller) Ava Slagel.
Humoreske (Dvorak) Lorene
Gearheart. ' " '"
Pretty Moonbeawtsv' (Grenwald)
Mabel Irons.'
Dancing on. the. ' Lawn' (Reed)
Maxine Donaldson.
Barcarolle from "Tales of Hoff
man." (Of fen back) Alpha Holromb.
A Jolly Ride (Blake) Ethel Ger
niond. .
General Grant's March (Mack)
Grace Darling.
Le Petit Carnival (Streabbog)
Prett Dwdrops ( Green wald) Del
bert Viesko.
Vocal "Ding Dong Bell" Glenn
Weigel. . - ,:
Thine Own (Lange), Moonlight on
the Hudson (Wilson) Alpha Boock.
Duet-Approach of Spring (Llnd
f ay ) Alpha Holromb. Deloise Hice.
A pretty home wedding occurred
Saturday, at 12:15 when Miss Ln
cil Audrey Hinton becan?' the bride
of William Hollls Mills Ml e home
of the bride's sister, '7' .s. Addie
Hara at 31 North Winter street,
with the Rev. George h. Lovell of
the I'nited Evangelical church of
ficiating. The hride wore a beau
tiful gown' of light Mue georgette
and carried a shower bouquet of
rose?. After spending a tw days
in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Mills will
refnrn and make their home In Sa
lem where Uiey are both well known
Mrs. Mills having worked at the
rtate house for some time and Mr.
Mills having been employed at' the
Capital Journal.
A group of prominent Astoria wo-
i of Miss Casper's parents In Tnlon
I It will h a tafce r: follvuud
by an elaborate wt-dding dinuer. Mit.
Caspar was much loveI by all who
knew her here where she was thf
domestic science Instructor In lh
Washington Junior high school and
was a favorite a moil g students and
The wedding 1 Is the culmination
f a pretty romance begun hen
Loth were attending O. A. C.
..lieutenant Robinson has lately re
i ii'neu from the eastern state
where he was In the Infantry. The
y tiling couple will make their home
n North Yakima where Lieutenant
Robinson is a fruit inspector.
l.rwl Griffith left Monday for As
toria where he will work lit the lum
ber camps during the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hoff. and their
housctuest. Mrs. 11. M. Wandt. re
turned Saturday night from Portland
where they rpont the most of the
' week.
The Rev. Thomas Atheson of the
.'?wn Memorial left Monday for
Columbus. Ohio. Where he will at
tend the missionary centennial that
will be held there. He plans to O
away about a month.
In the Ktory about Miss AbLre S.
Davis In Sunday's l.-siie it was mea
tioned that she tatight two years l.
the .Yw Park school she also taught
four years in the Lincoln school af
ter teaching In the Yew Park sc hool j
making it six years that she has I
taught In the Salem schools instead
of two.
The missionary society or the Ja
son Lee church gave a silver t-a las"
week at the home or M:m. Phillip
Asplnwall on North Cottage street.
The members and friends of the
First Cogregatlonal church will hold
a basket picnic an the beautirul lawn
of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Miller. 1500
South High street on Wednesday.
June 18. Women are Invited to
edme out In the afternoon and the
men to' be there at 6 o'clock to the
lunch which will be enjoyed under
the large cherry trees. These pic
nics have become an annual event
and are looked forward to with much
pleasure by the friends of Mr. and
Mr. Miller;
Salem Children Receive 465
Calmer Method Buttons
and 190 Pins
.1 !i;U"t!:!ii;;i! "
i! I'l ,! 6 1 li: m! H
V.! ilViUvi.
Be Sure to Get
HE wax -wrapped
sealed package
upon It . ls a guar
antee of j quality.
The laitcst chrto
cum factories tn the
world the largest
4 . -
selling turn Un .the
world: that Is what
WR1GLETS means.
! .. .
The Flavor iLasts!
The return for the year's work In
Palmer writing In the city schools of
Salem is as fellows:
There were 14 silver star pins
given to the primary grades at
Grant. This was the only primary
grade in the city to send in work
and they received excellent results
Four hundred sixty-five Palmer
method buttons were received by the
children In the different schools.
This button shows that they are well
started in business writing.
One hundred ninety-one progress
pins were given to show progress in
the work as about one half of the
course is finished when they are re
Below is a list of diplomas given
for completed course and superior
ability In writing.
Washington Junior High.
High school diplomas Wayne El
gin. Dorelle Anderson. Florence El
gin. Alta Zlnn. Eugenia Savace.
Faith Gilmer. Mary "Peek, Bertha
Vincent, Margaret Smith. France
Ingles. Edna AuFrance. Ethel Cam-
field, Alice Ida Mu. Ella Hop U-e.'
Zola. Botts. Leah Hoppes. Hem lai
Sun." ivadel Crotier. Ruth Knhn.
Ethel Hepner, Ruth Peck. Marie
Washington Junior High.
Student's certificate Marie
Bounk. Loyal Gray. Coralla H. E.
Dwltz. Thusnelda Koehler. Esther
Ackley, Esther Richardson. Neva
Millard. Ellen Steffen. Elirabeth
Tart. Charles Crosby. Gladys Boif
rum. Margaret Smith. Verna Martin.
Hilda Lents. Helene Gregg. Vera
Carlson. Ethel Hepner. Norma Cros
san. Otto Albers. Eugenia Savage.
Faith r.ilmpr Annetta Hendricks.
en were In Salem last week while HaroId Runrt Dorothy Brant. Mary
Grant Junior high school Bessie
Grant elemeitarT- Marie Haven.
Richmond Pauline - Find ley.
Edith Findley. La Verna Lind. Dor
othy Johnson. Angela Sundla. Ge
neva Sundln, Eunice Robinson.
Highland Walter Stryker.
Garfield Kenneth Hewitt. Bnrt
Hoffine, Deryl Meyers. Gladys Albin.
Two Teacher let Diploma.
Two of the teachers of the city
schools took the teachers course
given by Palmer method writing
company and received tbelr diplomas
They were Miss Greta Phllipps of
the Garfield school and Mrs. Fanny
Douglas of the Washington Junior
Senator Vinf,on Acts as
Covernpr for Ttso Days
Billy Viatorn president of tha sen
ate and acting ' governor for yes
terday and today believes that Don
H. I'pjohn. private secretary to Oov
ernor Olcotr, ran be relied upon to
; steer the rhipc of state throuch any
hazardous thqals which might loom
in the offing daring the two-day il
sence of Governor Olcott la Califor
nia. When ( Informed by long distance
telephone at hi -home la McMinn
vllle today, thht he had become act
ing governor if the state the moment
Governor Olcott flew across the stat
line on his airplane flight to Mather
Field, Caiiiornia. Senator . Viaton
took the honor to suddenly thrust
upon him wltj a langh.
"I'll just appoint Mr. Upjohn as
assistant governor with full power te
cct." declared the Yamhill solon.
I'll endorse arryhtins he wants to do
from moving the capital from Salem
to McMinnvllie .to purchasing a Xlur
tls airpUne foiphe governor of Ore
gon." if " ; "
Senator -Vintoa said be .would wot
come .to Salens during the short time
Gotemdr Oott Is outside the state.
The tovernnr Is exp-cted lark from
Lis air journey. Wednesday morning.
t 1
JUWE19, 20,!21.
on their way home from a motor
ing trip through the Willamette and
Umpaua valleys. In the party were:
Mrs Rosf Farr. Mrs. McKenzle. Miss
Sadie Craig, and Miss Winirred Van
Disen. '
The recital planned by Miss Beat
rice Shelfon's Junior class has beep
indefinitely postponed because of
the Influenza conditions. A delight
ful little program had been arranged
and each pupil was to have one in
vited guest. jThe pupils who have
during the semester won the high
est marks were Lena Meddler Mar
garet Blumenbnrg. and Derril Mey
ers with ten stars each. Maxinc
Mevers deserves mention also for
having-eight stars during her first
year's -work. Miss Shelton's annual
recitals will be elven Monday. June
23. and Wednesday. June 25, In the
First Congregational church, and the
pupils will be assisted by some of the
best local talent, t
, Mrs. Joseph Albert and Mrs. John
Griffith were In Portland last week.
Mrs. E. C. Small who has been vis
iting her daughter. Mrs. Thomas
Hopkins in Albany returned Monday.
Mrs. H. M. Wandt of Los Angeles
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. P
Hoff. Mrs.' Wandt Is a former Sa
lem woman. 'Entertainments will
be given for her during-her stay In
. .
. A wedding that will be an event
of June 25 Is that of Miss Elsie Cas
per and Lieutenant Charles H. Rob
inson of North Yakima. Washington
Luring the war. millions of
women have been at work in voca
tions into which they have never
before been called. In munition
factories, chemical works, metal
works, street railways, and as ari
bnlare driver-, barbers, and eleva
tor girls. ' Undoubtedly thousands
of others have longed to serve In
this way. but because of female ail
ments, which had fastened upon
them, were not able . to do so
Women In. this condition should give
Lydia E- Pinkham's Vegetable Com-i
pound a trial and find health and e.. f.rnr .
strength, as thousands of other , r : , '
have so done. 4 Th-lma- Individual Chocolates.
Peck. Helen Chung. Rita Aiaire.
Frank Relnhart. Louise' Findley.
Dorelle Anderson. Esther Erlckson.
Marv McKinnon. Ruth Kuhn. Ixmlse
Nunn. Iris Page. Lillian Bamnger.
Katherlne Hartley. Elsie LIsy.
Charlotte Zieber, Prudence Patter
Grant Junior IHgh.
High school diploma Jessie M. i
Starr. Alice Roth, Lorraine Fletcher.
Leon a Weber.
Students certificate Veda McCoy.
Bernice Roberts. Geraldine Collins.
Bessie Taylor. Mary Warner. Mar
garet Frohmader. Ruth Williams.
Lorraine Fletcher, Leona Weber.
Alice Roth. Dorothy Kappahan. Ella
Llneoln Jon lor High.
High school diploma Florence
Jones. Lois Fellows.
Students certfiicate Winifred
Lucas. Helen Pollock. Helen Arpke.
Hollls Vlck, Alice Falk. Helolse
Plank. Macyle Hunter. Florence
Jones. Lois Fellows.
rotore Pin Awarded.
Names of the candidates who have
successfully passed the test prescrib
ed for the good posture pin of the
American Posture league are given
Washington Junior high school
Helen Chung. Lenta Baumgartner.
Clara Homyer. Marie Rostein. Alice
Wedland. Dorothy Lewis, Florence
Washington elementary Richard
Ftrawsbaugh. Florence Powers, Le
one Fisher. Genevieve Barbour.
Yvone AuFVance.
Lincoln Junior high school Don
aid Edmundson. Helen Commack.
Violet Peters,.
Lincoln elementary Myrtle
a a. m ' . m rr 1 1 r - a j ,i. , am - s
Trade Follows
Electric Breezes"
'G-E electric fans have increased
my summer trade," said a blunt
spoken business man. who gives
credit where it is due. His store
reflects his wisdom. Men and
women will go out of their Way
to shop where
G-E Fans
Make the Breeze
You can, at a small daily cost,
keep your store cool from show
window to office, increasing your
trade and the efficiency of your
store service. A fait in your home
will extend the same comfort to
your leisure hours. Let us show
you what we have in stock that
you ought to have in use. -
: Portland Mirav L'ht &
Power Co.
r Vyv
which will take place at the home