The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 17, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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    trade mark
, The City of J
M Goodrich m
4- AWrnn nhin Jj
i f) The Goodrich ?
More Mileage
Goodrich is making
the burliest, sturdi
est, most lasting
tires the rubber in-
i dustry has ever
seen; and Goodrich
knows it.
.In every test of road
roughing to which tires
. can be put, Goodrich
I Tires have unfolded an
endurance, an ability
to take punishment,
i which has run into
phenomenal mileage.
Confident in this knowl
edge and belief, Good -..
rich desires that all
, tire users share. in the
confidence of Goodrich,
and the big mileage
Goodrich Tires assure.
therefore, Goodrich an
nounces to present and
Jfuture owners of its
,' pneumatic tires an
i adjustment, basis of
6,000 miles for SAFE
'8,0 0 0 miles for
CORDS, instead of
the- 3J500 and 5,000
miles respectively,
heretofore in force.
Remember that a Good
,;t rich adjustment'' is a
fair one. r Goodrich
knows the mileage is
in its tires, and more;
' and to make you realise
you lose money in be
teg without Goodrich
, ! Tires, the new Good-
; rich adjustment is pro
claimed broadcast.
Buy Goodrich 1 7re
from a Dealer
Fetrica, - 6,000 miles
Ccrds . 8.0C0 miles
H t in wri g
" - - -r 1 r - THE OHBQOS STATESMAN t TrFSDW, JTYE 17. 101P " " L
. ; - r -' -
IT" ' ' "1 , A ' ' ' ,4y
! - " : I
(Continued from page l)
Alderman Moore, while Alderman
Vandcrvort aominated Mr. Welst.
The arraignment of the Pnblic Ser
Tice Commission started Immediately
after Recorder Race had concluded
the reading of the commisa on's or
der denying the city of Salem's ap
peal for. some suitable protective sig
nal at the Southern Pacific tracks on
North Capitol street. .
"This is the most violent distortion
of facts I hare ever read." hotly de
clared Alderman Weist as he jumped
to his fet to protest against what
he termed to be "rank iajustice "
"It seems to me that this Is an ap
propriate time to make use cf th
recall.", he continued.
Commission Is Scored.
1 Tn endorsing the sentiments ex
pressed by Weist, Alderman Vander
rort caused a roar of laughter when
he paid the public service bbdy
should rightly be termed the "rail
road protective association." Both
he and Weist were emphat'c in the
assertion; that the cnmmis?toa seeks
to . favor ; the public .setvice corpor
ations rather than the 'people . they
are elected to represent
The council passed the; ordinance in
creasing the salary, of he city treas
urer froa $1200 to $V3T)0 on third
reading. "As originally Introduced
the ordinance increased the salary
i to j $1800, but on rtcomir.ejdat o-i
I of 4he i rdinince committee, the
council last night lopped $300 a year
i off the proposed incease and ap
proved the ordinanca without oppo
sition. The . Elks -lodge was granted the
privilege of having free use of the
armory for two daacea to be given
during the Salvation Array drive. The
entire proceed are to be givea to
the Salvation At my.
1 Resignation Accepted.
Ttoe resignation of Alderman Rob
erts was Tead and accepted but the
election, of his successor, as well as
the resignation of Alderre an Thomp
son, was; deferred until the next
meeting, l 1
fMrs. Josie Miller, who was injured
to a fall on, the sidewalk along Miller
Street on March 20. presented a claim
against tha city for $100. The matter-was
referred to the street com
mittee for investigation. .'
Mayor Albln. who teminattd his
regime as mayor last night, leaves
Saleta today for his , farm at Philo
math, which he recently purchased.
Several members of the council took
occasion to express their , app:ecia
tion of his uniform fairness at all
times as well a? his keen interest In
all civic afafirs. He was character
ized as aa untiring, . conscientious
public servant. The mayor thanked
the aldermen for their kindly expres
sions and assured them that hte re
lations are.'being terminated with a
tinga of genuine regret.
"Thelroa" Individual Chocolates
Made in Salem. 8e everywhere.
(Continued from page 1)
ever, that the tour will carry him
Into the far west and will occupy
manydays. It was' said he probably
would devote most attention to west
en states where league opposition
h;si riined the greatest headway. ,
t As nearly; as officials here can pre
dict, Mr. Wilson will reach Washing
tun about July 1, will lay the treaty
formally before the senate and then,
possibly on Independence day, will
begin a swing around the circle that
will ; eclipse in extent and in spirit
all his previous direct appeals to the
people, j t j . . j
It is regarded as certain that op
position speakers
will follow the
president's train through the donbth
f ul states. j j
pppositton . senators generally,
however, declined j today from mak
ing any comment on. the executive's
plan of campaign.f The message de
clining to send the treaty text also
was received In silence when it was
read to the senate ,fut Senator John
son, Jtepublican of California. wh
i introduced the resolution making the
request, is expected to make the
president's action the subject of a
senate speech within the next few
days. ' j t
Samuel i L- Kramer, Box 95, Sell
ersville, Pa. writes: 'I bad kidney
trouble, for two years and had a
terrible backache. That is all gone
now after using Foley Kidney Pills
and I. feel well again." Foley Kid
ney Pills get results quickly and are
tonic in their healing and soothing
effect. J C. ; Perry.
(Continued from page 1 .
the cavalry column, supported by a
battalion of the 82nd artriry. ad
vanced, and at daybreak started
scouting over the lpw marshy fields
In the elbow of the Rio Grande,
south of Ysleta. Tex. "Capturing the
seven prisoners before 'reaching the
Villa camp, the cavalry was enabled
to proceed, dismounted, to a short
distance of the adobe headquarters
when fighting was begun by the Am
ericans standing in water up to their
knees, acording to 'cavalry officers.
Four Villa men were killed in tho
first . assault and the entire force,
numbering approximately 200 men.
mounted and escaped toward the
southwest with the cavalry troops In
pursuit. The rebels scattered into
small : bands and Colonel James J.
Hornbrook's fifth cavalry pursued
one band which continued toward
the southwest for a! distance or 33
miles ; before returning toward ' the
river.!.., j
i Cavalry i Routs Rebel
In the k meantime j Colonel Tomp
kins seventh cavalry. In temporary
command of Colonel Howard R. Hik
ock. deployed to t'ae southeast and
pursued another band of the Villa
men. During this pursuit troops A
and C of the seventh! cavalry execut
ed a pistol charge and killed a num
ber of the rebels, i The artillery
placed shrapnel shells directly over
the heads of the fleeing Villa force
and many were killed. ATter the
two cavalry forres had purcued the
rebels for a long distance,- they
formed a junction and returned to
the American side of the river, ac
companied by the artillery and
eighth engineers, who threw a pon
toon bridge across the river.
The cavalry, artillery and engin
eers presented a tired, soiled and
travel-stained appearance when they
marched to; Fort RJiss; tonight. The
men i: sat saddle-weary on their
mounts. Many had souvenirs of the
Villa pursuit. One cavalryman from
the mountains of Tenuesee obtained
the sombrero with . the" golden star
worn by Villa's "dorados" or gold
en guards. ! Another obtaind an old
'mauser" rifle from a; deadUoldier.
Private Woodell of the ninth engi
neers foraged a miniature mule and
rode it all the way to post. Offi
cers obtained silver spurs' and many
sombreros, knives and crude equipment-were
brought back.
The seven Mexican-prisoners pro
fes.ed to be either farmers in the
valley or Carranza soldiers, none ad
mitting having been with' Villa.
(Continued from Page 1.)
the finance, economic and ports and
waterways clauses,, including aboli
tion of the proposed Kiel Cana! com
mission. Assurance of membership In th
league of natiens in the early fufur
if Germany fulfill her obligations
At rtnton R H
('!; eJand 1 5
l;.eton 0 3
n.itteries: Covelskie and O'Neill:
V:iys and Schang.
At Nw York R II E
St. Louis . s l 2
New York 4 7 2
P.?fter!e: Gallia and Mayer. RI1
iiivft; Sha-rkey and Hannah.
At Philadelphia RUE
CHajrr 5 13 J
Pi-ildelrhia . . . . ,i 6 j
Pattere: Williams and Schalk:
Seiboid. Thompson and Perking.
At Washington R II F
Detroit 3 81
Washington ... 2 0
Batteries: Roland and Stanage;
Robertson. Harper and Gharrlty.
At Pittsburgh R H e
Philadelphia 5 12 2
Pittsburgh ... I 6 4 2
Batteries:, Watson. Rixey. Wood"
ward. Smith and Clarke. Cady:
Adams, Oooper and Schmidt.
At St. Louis R H F
Brooklyn ;..o 3 1
St. Louis ... ...... ; 5 j
Batteries': Mammaux and Kreug
er; Meadows and Snyder.
At Chicago R II E
New York .......... 4 10 2
Chicago "..3 6 4
Batteries Barnes and Smith; Mc
Carty; Douglas and O'Farrell.
Boston at Cincinnati, rain.
Spanish War Veterans
Plan for Encampment
Arrangements for the entertain
ment of the 150 to 200 delegates
expected, to attend the annual en
campment of the United Spanish
Var veterans which Is to be held in
Salem July 2 and 2 were made at
t '-"nK 01 committees in th r.
mory last night and a tentative pro
gram was adopted.
Hal Hibbard camp No. S and its
auxiliary will entertain the guests
with a banquet and dance on the
night of the first day of the encamp
ment and on the second day follow
ing, the business sessions, whioh will
be held la the legislative chamber.,
the visitora will visit the state inati-
- ' I
.. . . - .
The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe and . Cigarette
Have You Tried the New
- V
, it a aott ana piiaDie 'decreases
in size aa the tobacco is used
package nodigginf it out with 4
If y the finger. Keep the tobacco
tin. Now. don't roa owe it
ft I 1, f f
ge and give Tuxedo a J J
trial 7 Not quite aa
much tobacco as
in the tin, 6a
also packed in the
famous green tins
as heretofore.
t f . I
v 1 i
- j! .
I : - t .
LA Wheat straw tb LW. tW.
LbmL Hieatert ciavette pper in all
j thm worUL Roll m Tuscd cif ttt witk '
I' .LA CROLX ppcT.
Finest Burley Tobacco
Mellow-aged till perfect
i plus a dash of Chocolate
- - ' . - f.
t ; - i
f . "
- '
Cu r. t a n e-1 h-r
. - J
tutions and other noints ofint
The tlin Will b miH In nnmn.
biles. The Commercial club has
turned over it rooms to the dele-
gaies lor their convenience.
Don't suffer from biliousness, sick
headache, soar stomach, gas. bloat
ing, or other results of Indigestion
Foley Cathartic Tablets clear th
stomach and bowels, enliven the
liver, and hare a rood tnnio tt-t
on the whole Intestinal tract. They
relieve tne heavy feeling so dis
tressing to stout persons. J. C.
Future of Salem Held to Be
in Development of Pres
ent Industries
St. Johns Elevator to Be
Bmlt by Force Account
PORTLAND. Or.. June 16. Dy an
agreement reached here today . b
tfn the public dock commission
and the Grant-Smith company, which
ntratted for the construction of
the 1.000.000 bushel grain elevator
:nd operating houFe of the St. Johns
municipal terminal, the . contractor
has relinquished the contract to rtie
commission- and the latter will com
plete the work a aa emergency Job
under force, account.
Oeorge Uoachke. consulting engi
neer, has been employed by the dock
cm nils? ion; to have full charge t
:e vork of completing the elevator
tin a.wi ier?t!ne hu-. He in
formed thet commission today Out
1-'I u? ih9 buildings ready
oj th f-torare of gram toy October
1 or In time to handle, this year
crop. t
111 i ' U ... Ill
The future or Salem and vicinity
lies in small fruits according to
George Quayle. secretary of the state
chamber of commerce who was one
of the speakers of the Commercial
club lunch at the Marion hotel yes
terday. He declared that the pro
motion of new industries Is frequent
ly a fallacy, that wisdom lies In the
development of those already estab
lished. He spoke In high terms of the spir
it which Is being shown In Salem and
mentioned the Improvement In con
ditions. Charles Hall, president of the
state chamber of Commerce srtke
t'rlefly on the value of organization
md declared that when Oregon is
organised and Is working In the
;Plrit of progressive conservatism
the state will have arrived.
Thomas It. Kay presided at the
meeting and introduced the speak
ers. It was decided that In the fu
ture lunches will be held once earh
nith fntM nf every week as has
been the custom.
Motor Trucks
I For Said
Heavy Units for Road Work
Also light Trucks
Greatly Reduced
Spruce Production Corporation
I I i
rHMAjaMtie Maxim
tm W HAM Or TM
1 MUK j
TIM ana t 1 1 i .
itruwntaT; atVL7I 2",ttw m
smats. ""TV vou,ao a siaxx culm
"Vm tunH-ed at Alice ft. ...
going with that fellow long enough
to kow better than to marrr him !
Tes, but too long to do better."