SUMMARY OF INTERNATIONAL SITUATION The peace conference baroir.:t.r, which for some time has been vacil lating between p?situiam tnd opti miim m to the probability of an early apreeuieut by the council of four on the atiswcr to the Gerraiu ty," again reglsWts aptimlsm. v. From Paris coues iht almost def inite statemeat that the repl- of the allied (and associated governments to the Germans is complete and allin.-.riU' that 18 now required to end the tease Thfe W(.mt vouncil has informed sanation is to -draft- the ainwer.j Adniral Kolehak.. . an;S-Ho!sl,eiki prenent It to the U-rar.uns and aw.iii Kr jn . Rl,esl that ,,is reply tr - me days for the. r final reply wheih-j Ug f of aiod fnpfint in the er: they accept or reject it. , I eampaiRn gainst the lU'-olshevikt According to a statement tnnde i j ; , sstiS!raot(,rv ;Thls is reKardtHl as a responsible -quarter in Par s. Biranin ,lo fact(, rcopnition by tb.? agreements in principle on al the aviated p we a of the 'disputed points have bon reached Qn , govern uint neadifd ly Kn- v. ... " , chall arSfJ th.. rui-Bi,s)iin3r or muni ment' is to be set up in Austria Sna day "and that the Austrian commu nists will ally themselves with the couii:unUt faction in I'uusary. ' In fJr-raiany Gusiav Xoske, minis ter of defense, ha? thrown down the gauntlet to me radical nia jdrity socialists who have Ix-n; tr force hi.i resiijnaiion ind that of Premier Scheideinann from tre ex- ecutlV3 committe of the majority ; BIG LOAD STARTED whether Germany is to become a 4 tion and Fupnlies for KoUhak's cam ti.ii h,. wn 4 imr.ffrcial- nied a report that British troops Th British governmortt has de lya the- date for presentation of the reply to the Germans. la Austria-Hungary th.? political situation is eon!id-red eiicis, Ke .parts are that a communist govern- aro iiiH-rating asamst Ktirotrrau. : Sea'ioas antl-JipaM-st? agitation ia China which may develop! into' a fee'j eralf anti-foreign movemi nt I is re ported from Takio.- i REFRIGERATORS El: ' JIB We sell the Famous i ICE KING and Century $18 to $35 Now is a good time to . buy a refrigerator, and the above makes axe 'among the best on the market. Come In and. See Them. FRANK E. RICHTER Complete House Furnishing ' ltuy, sell and exchange'all' articles of utility. i -:-: Phone 217 - ; , ; 373-377 Court Street ' .. Trade In tYoar Old -Furniture LADIES' SUMMER ASH SKIRTS UncIe:&imr-"GIddap .ItV.heavy mi I have never .been afraid of the devil; but it frightens nie to think o having a tooth pulled Ed Howe. : 270 North : Commercial Street Rfl ' il H O mm i 270 I North ; Commercial Street 1 SPE GIAL Folge 7 r s mEE;iELIVERY On all orders for 50c or over PHONE YOUR ORDERS Golden Gat Steel Cut C OFFEE Vz pounds.-. . . .' ., 65c 2 i pounds . . . . . . . $1;35 - With Ik FRKK. ! 5 pounds . . . ... . . . . . . $2.70 With' two 12 lb. cans FREE I AMERICAN LEAGUE At . Washington- R H t' Cleveland ' 5 10 n Washington 17 2 Batteries Coveleskie and O'Neill: Ayers. Thompson and Gharrlty. At Nqw York R II E Detroit , 18 0 4ew York 6 1 Batteries Ehmkc, Cunningham and Stanage; Shawkey and Hannah. F ARMERS REMEMBER, is is a ra rmers Store We buy your produce for CASH and sell you goods at LOW CASH PRICES. Trade where your neighbors trade (of course that's SCHRUNK'S) and be sure of satisfaction. ' ) WANTED ' " r . " ' ' ' ' ' 5 ' : '''N-'.i'.' off fire miles on the road early in the morning. The champion went through his exhibition before a crowd that parked the tented walla of the Maumee Bay camp. There were nearly as many women in the crowd as men. There were no new developments in the referee situation except that it is considered certain that. OIlie Pecord. the official referee of the To ledo Athletic club, will officiate ; in pome capacity, either as alternate referee or one of the Jndres of the contest, if the army, nary and ciTil- At Philadelphia R H El,an board ot boxing control decides Kt. Iuis 5 8 0 to appoint two judges in addition to Philadelphia 0 7 3 a referee Batteries Gallia and Mayer; Nay-! . At Boston R Chicago 0 Boston 4 Batteries Faher. Kerr Schalk; Pennock and Schang. H E 3 2 8 0 and I COAST LEAGUE At Portland R II E Salt Lake 2X0 Portland 10 16 3 Called first ' half elehth account f Art Tlf I1DCC BatteriesDale. Mains and Spencer; Penner and Baker. - A Hew jliipint-tit just KVfrived in white tJahar.linej and fancy utrrjicd, a spU n.lid aort incnt for your flirt" Mujr-L 98c to $6.45 OUR PRICES ALWAYS TljE LOWEST GALE & 'CO. Commercial and Court Streets. Formerly Chicago Store . t ; I places In the dual i nc-t htweeu Stanford acd the Tnlrerrity of Cali fornia. &Uo arrived todky and will compete under tlH rolor of the Mnltnomab club. Ent-ants frjm oth er Pacific coast cities also arrived today. v Iris--llow'd pretty Miss Goldet- logue conic to tnro yoa djva? Tyruj-Coafound It. I told ker she was ja "synthetic beanty".6tj A meant to ay synipath?tjc" I stroll ratnrday NichU LADD & BUSH, BANKERS Established 1SCS , t Ccneral Banking Dusjnoss Commencing June 16th banking; hours will be 10 a. m. to 3 p. mi ! At Spattle R H E SacraniPnto 7 11 oj Seattle 8 9 1 Batteries Vance. Plercy and Fisher; Bigbee. Mails and Iipan. Division of World Series Money Is Not Made Public CINCINNATI. June 12.--A'tcr t brief session today the national base ball commission adjourned without making an announcement relative to the division of money of the world'3 championship series next fall. The questions cojsldered by the supreme court of baseball whether the old rule, dividing a thare of the world's series money between clabs finishine third and fou-th in both major leagues should be continued of whether only the clubs finishing second should be allowed a share of thrf receipts. 1 II At Oakland, Cal. R Vernon . 3 7 4 San Kranclscb 4 10 2 Eleven innings. .Batteries Fromme and Devor nior; mith and Baldwin. McKee. TO BUY BEANS Also your Butter , Eggs, Fruit and Vegetables Phone 721 THE .FAR M EES' c. RE Phone 721 At Ios Angele3 R II E Oakland 7,16 2 Los Angeles 4 17 6 Nineteen innlngs. Batteries Falkenbnrff, Kramer and Mitze; Fittery, Crandall, Caldera and Bassler. NATIONAL LEAGUE At Chicago RUE Philadelphia ..0 7 0 Chicago . T . . . . 3 8 0 w Batteries Jacobs and Adams; Al exander and Klllefer.' At Cincinnati New York . . . . . . Cincinnati . . .... Batteries Barnes and Eller Rinjj and Wingo. R II E .2 6 1 .1 6 0 .McCarty; E At Pltsburgh R II Brooklyn . . .. 4 8 r Pittsburg n , .r, 10 0 Batteries Smith. Matmnarx and O. Miller; Kreuger. F. Miller and Schmidt. At St. Louis Boston . , . . . St. Loii is . . . . Batte:ie.' It 11 E .1 7 1 3 13 2 Northrop and Wilson: Meadows and Clemons. Dilhoefer. Willard Boxes Six Rounds In Training Exhibition 1 toluuo, 0.. June 12. Workin? under the burning rays of a sun that seemed to affect everybody except the champion himself. Jess Willard boxed six rounds today after reeling Redmond Athlete Entered in Northwest Contests PORTLAND. Or.. June 12 Ar thur Tucfe the 17-vear-old hlrh school athlete who has won several track niets singVehanded for his school, the Redmond. Or., high, a rived In Portland today ajd vlll compete Saturday. In the Paeifie northwest track and field champion ships to be held on Multnomah field. Willard Wells, who won four fint BU S I G SALEM SILVERTON C. O. D. Orders 108186 Mail Orders 456 State St SPECIAL SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ON FOLGELS GOLDEN GATE COFFEE l'i lbs. for pric of J lbs for price of . . . G lbs. for price uf . . s ,.. 1 1 lb. 5 hx Don't Miss This Sale a: HULL CAP o FRINGE SHAPE MUMMHAK A1A.SHAM4, rvrrr told-tkht ka wrr evAjuirrrr! ot mr" fniwnto. rinj at rucn rAvvKun 1 tlw ir. t cxnmi aurn.1 rouu wiura , siat& cuccs ' - r' 1 ' Tr- I'g'Mt.-'.!'!'. I MONBOff ARRO COLLARS THE BEST AT THE PRJCE CfK. Pat-d Cbw Uc Tn. Jr. T. SOFT Graniteware We bave a fine new stock of blue ami white graniteware, TRIFLE COATED, HEAVY STEEL BASE, BEST QUALITY This includes everything needed for the kitchen. Priced from 15c to $2.00 Glas sware Just reeeived a new shipment of plassware, TUMBLERS, GOBLE WATER SETS, GRAPE JUICE SETS, ETC. A large variety. alright prices. Don't fail to see this, fine selection of glavswar'i GET JULY 4th i We are ready for thejboys with a big : n ' ' stock of FIRECRACKERS,; FIRE- WORKS, CAP PISTOLS, ETC i -i i ? DRY GOODS, HOSIERY NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. SAIPSQNIBROS. 152 North Commercial Street r I