" TmhoitEGON STATESMAN: FKIDAY, JTXE 13, 1010 r 1 Directory Tlie Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find ThemiThey're Worth While 0 Classified 1 $ J KORWICH UNION rflUS KSURAXCK SOCIETY njelscn, Roland Burghardt lament Afent 871 State St. SiEY TO LOAN . IWFRO FED FARM PROPERTY AT UWE3T RATES. KO COMMISSION THOS. K. FORD mimm Oceut FARM LOANS jTe teas money (or five years. Ws sllsw yea to pay 9100 or multiple en ths principal oa nT Interest data. Ws gloss sat loans promptly. i Hawkins and Roberts. Sis Xaaoale Bldg, Balsas, Ore, CISSDTEO ; AOTKKTXSKSCEXTS ,," Bate Per Word. first Insertion le Subsequent Insertions .He One week (six insertions).. ...,3c One month 9c Six months' contract, per mo.. Sc 13 months' contract, per mo... 7c Mo sect, opened for less than. 36c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of SOe announcing; "For Bale" "For Rent" "Booms" or '"Board." HEW TODAY. Each new; classified advertise- 4 mast will be run under "New To day for the first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear- under Its proper classification. No advertisement1 will be run nder "New Today" for more than one Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. PHONE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ior rent. Phone 1123. WANTED TEN LOGANBERRY AND , cherry pickers about July 1st. Nice grove, new campsheds. free wood and moving: to grounds. Pay 2c -for . picaing ana dodub to those who fin ' lab berry crop. Phone 3F12. Mrs. A. At Jones, uervais. Oregon. LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED Light acres very good picking. Good camp ground, water, wood and straw onea ror parking autos. Address E. Booth. Rt. 9. Box 117, River Road, oa.icui. - FOR SALE GOOD CLOVER HAY IN toe shock. 915 per ton by weight. 1 1-4 miles soutn of t'ratum. i red i ds Vries. Phone 23F11. FOUND POCKET BOOK. OWNER can have same by calling 813 S. 18th St. describe it and pay for this ad. 10U WILL FIND UPON INVEST1GA ; tion. provided you are located In the 'residential section, that you are com : pletely surrounded by policy holders in the Oregon Fire Relief Associa tion of McMtnnvilie. There s a rea son for the' overwhelming majority oi the people prerering the o. F. JR. A. for . fire protection;, ask a policy i holder, H. A. Johnson Insurance Agency, over L&dd & Bush bank, Sa lem. Phone 347. MONEY TO LOAN ON ANY. GOOD real or personal property. No delay. John H. Scott Realty Co., 404 Hub- oara wag. 35 ACRE BARGAIN 2S acres all In cultivation with new I .room residence and good new barn i - ana good wire fences. Most art- in good crop. 10 acres in fine clover. Located on, Howell Prairie near school and church. This is a swell little farm for 95500. 32500 cash, 5 years onlremainder at 6 per cent. The crop goes if taken before the Clover is cut. JOH3 H. acOTT REALTY CO. L - 40 1 Hubbard bldg. . SHERIFF'S SALE On Monday June 16th. at 2 p. m. there will be sold to the highest bidder. eight head of cows, some of them splendid milch cows, three young calves, seven shoats About 100 lbs. each and two brood sows. Sale will , take i Dla.ce at the saw mill on the Brigham farm about 1 y miles 3. W. - ot Hopewell and about 10 miles is. of Salem. For further particulars ee John H. Scott 404 Hubbard bldg caicm. Oregon. FOR 8 ALE 2.65 ACRES ON JEFFER- ; son road. 44 mile from car line, some Improvements. Will sell all in one piece or In one acre tracts. 91G0 pay ment will handle.: For particulars ! pnone owner 432R. FOR EXCHANGE 113 ACRE FARM 6 miles from good Willamette town. About 'A in cultivation, balance Das ture, good set farm buildings, good fencaa anj a r.mlli. r.rihnrH im) .m.ii f...i. . r, u r i.i.niin., close to good "school Price $950". Will take in aood residence in Sa-1 lem to $4000. This Includes 6 f ine cows, team and all farming tools and crop. - ... ' For Exchange Good 9 room house. ?ie in, ail furnished, now rented : for. good rental, want acreage near fcaiem. What have you to offer for 1 either of these properties. They will w investigation. Perrlne.and Markers, : 30 Hubbard Bldg. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK UK SALE HANDSOME SHETLAND! L Pony. Phono 794 or 2810J2. "'-i i ml" i " "M18CTANEOUS FOR SALE riANO GOOD AS NEW. cneap. take Liberty bonds. Box 67, OR SALE CHARTER OAK KITCH- n range, also small beater. 1118 ourt street,: DANDT 6 CYLINDER CAR FOR SALE -v Bargain in Al condition. 2385 N. -r ront. 0R SALE SANDWICH HAY BAJ.ER. self feeder, all complete, good as new. Ed Wekkers. Rickreall. Ore. Ski era, . . Jl11" 1 1 1 1 1 111 - '" . J LERS FOR SALE MADE TO "T""- Woodry's auction market. 'ry ana Ldoerty streets. Vr.M OF KNOWLEDGE A COM plsta set of 20 volumes, cloth blnd- ng. nsw. never unboxed. Will sell il'. .t,n cot. Address Book.- i. we otatesman. ! MISCELLANEOUS. mww. . ..... - ------inrirLlxrLrt USED -CARS FOR SALE lilt matt. wen gooa as new; 1917 Maxwell, run 3009 miles. Cash or terms. 137 Bo. Commercial. Phone 399. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE 35 hp, 3 cyl.. with throttling governor, heavy fly and belt wheel. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank goes with it. Scott Bozorth. 702 Spaulding Bldg., Portland. Ore. CAPTIVITY Or THE OATMAN GIRLS mis true story r western immi gration has been carefully revised, mtking a handsome little book. It tells In graphic terms of the massa cre of the Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 30 cents, postpaid. Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. POTJLTRT IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST rarm paper, send 10c to the Pacifle Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE WANTED WOMAN COOK AT STATE scnooi tor the dear. Phone 646 YOUNG LADIES WANTED FOR telephone operating; paid while learning. Apply, chief operator. The Pacificc Telephone & Telegraph Co.. 170 N. Liberty St. HAL IS WANTED ONE i LIVE A-l MAN FOR our circulation department- Can nake 95.00 a day. See Mr. Palmer at once; t CARRIER FOR" THE OREGONIAN wanted. See W. H. Burghardt Jr.. 371 State St. ' VV ANTED MIDDLE AGED MAN FOR oenvery. uniy man witn experience and reference i need apply. People's Cash Store, i BOYS BOYS. BOYS: WORK FOR THE Statesman thus summer. Make BIG money. Only boys over 14 considered. Apply Circulation Dept. before June lat.-- - l. WANTED BOTS THERE WILL BE a few good Statesman routes open this summer. - List your name now and get first Chance at a good route. Apply Circulation Department. Daily Statesman. MEN WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER MILLS 42e HCUB. 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR. H. A. SWAyFORD AT MILL OF FICE ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. GOOD HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20c; BEST MEALS 35e. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS. Good picking1. Good camp ground Address W. H. Sneed. Route 6, Box 132. Salem. Phone 1003. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS for 80 acres of berries, 4 miles east of Salem on Garden Road. Free wooo. straw and transportation from Salem to ranch. Highest market price for picking. Picking will begin about the 25th. Phone 1526W. Call at 1331 N. Wint erstfeet. Register at once. L. H. Roberts. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS for 45 acres of berries mile from carlme at Salem Heignts. free wooa straw and movine from Salem. Pick lng will start about the 23rd. . Price is 1 cents per cup wun . a cen bonus to those who-stay the season B. Cunningham, Rt. No. 3, Box No 121. Phone 21F2. FOR RENT . HOUSES ' -. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS and farms. F. u wooa, sti state street. Phone 794. WANTED sjn9sjassalMMsjMia livestock: WANTED CATTLE 'AND CALVES, any kind. Phone l&ibw. MISCELLANEOUS. WE BUY ANY. KIND OF USED CARS. Phone 399, 197 South Commercial. WANT TO BUYi EIGHT CORDS OF fir or ash wood. Phone 2154J. WANTED A MODERN FURNISHED house. Address G16 care Statesman. WANTED $1000 ON NEW TRACTOR outfit and next year's crop, pay s per cent. John Lorenz RickrealL HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press Koom states man.'.' ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY VUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS TO HIRE One QOllRr per nour. American Au tomobile Co.. 197 South CommerciaL Phone 399. ' , SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GEO. SPICEH, Mgr, SS State SL First classi reoair work. Fords a I ahprialtv. ' I Maxwell. Erood IS'tleV. $.j0. Vx ton 1 new delivery car, $275. 1916 Overland. $475.- Nice little" roaasier. cneap. uu I Studebaker fcix. -passenger must go, a7.v 191K Studebaker Six cheao. tat tle" roadster cheap. Overland roadster 1275: 1916 Ford. $375. Overland road ster. srood as. new. $600. Three Fords for sale, $27 a. enners to pics, irora. USED CARS. FOR SALE IF xuu want in ru a car. come anu rs un. If you have a car to sell. we will sell it-for you. Used car dept Marion Garaere. oPDOsite Marion hoteL Phone 362. OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE si Vnrth Commercial St. Phone 6fiR BUYS. SELLS AN KXCHAnUtS auu makes of cars ana parts, compieie wrecking department. Chalmer 2 ton truck. 1916 Overland $175. White ran 5 najscncer. $600. FlanderS 20. $260. Moline bug $325; model 90 Overland $583: 1914 Overland $450; K r,,n7or Studebaker $185: 1917 Ford, first class condition. $450; half ton Ford truck $475; two 1918 Ford Sedans, one with Gray & Davis self tarter. 3li75 and $800. See. us for bargains. , WANTED LEAKY RADIATORS TO repair. Salem Auto itadiator onop. 198 8. 12th. RRINO YOUR BATTERT WORK TO the Battery Shop. ZbJ im. wmmrrcm street. Phone 413. Ail work guar anteed.' - IF YOU WANT TO BUT, BELL OR trade your s old suto or auto parts see Steinbock Junk Co.. fAuto wrecccrs) 326 North Commercial St Fhone 30j, AUTO SERYlCaa 8HIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone: Day, 9(3; sight. 399. TIRES REPAIRED VTJLCAKIZlsTo" GATES HALF-80LE TIRE SERVICE station. 177 Bouth Commercial St. Phone 439.! BUSINESS CARDs FINANCIAL, -J FREE INFORMATION IF YOU WANT information about any kind of life insurance, see J. F. Hutchason, dis- ' trict manager for the Mutual Life of New York., Office at 371 State street Salem. Ore. i Office phone 99. resi dence 1396. i i DRAYS; AND . EXPRESS LARMER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND store goods. Day phone 930. Night pnone isss. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largest and ,best eqnippea transfer company. Oct our re duced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage, as ws hsve three ware house in connection with baainess. Furni ture moving, packing, shipping snd Stor ing our specialty. Office, 226 State St. JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co.. 271 Chemeketa St. Phone 193. BUY JUNK OF EVERY KIND RAGS, routes, metals, iron, all kinds of ma chinery, broken" down satomobiles snd psrts of satomobiles. Steinbock Jank Co., azo it. uommerclai t.. Malem. rnon 505. ' LAUNDSXES. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY - Wuality work, prompt service. 1264 Broadway. Phone 165. j HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN, 438 ferry bt. : I pay top market pries for chickens and eggs. Hon as phone 1333J. Shop phone 1S39J. j ' HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- ular washing done at a rate every body can ; afford. For only SO cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within ! twenty-four noui . ft one Z47L 1 SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery snd careful work. Dry wash. 6c per pound. 139 South Liberty St, fnone 'xe. . ' MONET TO LOAH. atkw FROM 3500 TO 3800 TO LOAN ON good security. 2385 N. Front. FEDERAL ' FARM LOANS 54 PER cent interest, -34i? years time, cral prepayment privileges. Lib- Loans on city property.! Home builders loans, j - A. C. Bohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple k , Salem, Ore. i I 'i PIANO TUNlJfO R. W. BALLANTYNE PIANO TUNER. Players a specialty, w ith Cherrlng- ton YMano House. 415 Court St.. a lem. Orctron. Phone 352. Residence phone 1532W. I SECOND HAND FURNITURE WE WANT YOUR USED FURNITURE. stoves, carpets, ana tools as we .pay fair price for everything. Call S47. The Capital Hardware and Furniture Co.. 285 -N. Com'l St j . PnPI.K'S FURNITURE I STORE 271 ' N. Commercial. ; Phone 734. Home of bargains. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware, i We buy. sell snd exchange. Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND sroods of all kinds, nme fittings, bar- neaa, collars, collar pads, tools, and chalna Fred Schindler, 354 Center street. j . - WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF JSED furniture. Will buy. selL trade or exchange household furniture. Will pay the highest casn price, i sjso handle clothing. See J. A, Rowland Furniture Store, 347 N .Commercial. Phone is. w. SHOE BEPAIBIVQ wwwwwweiwwwwMWMMeAaaMe THE HAZELW00D ! i .- I: First class shoe repairing. Only best eather used. All work guaranteed. Bring us i your next jobi and see for ourself. 1 3zl N commercial street. PAINTERS . H. KAYLOR. PAINTER. 319 SOUTH Winter.) Phone $. ! WALL PAPER, PAINT irnsess1"Wssss9alsnssjsSsjsis SiFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and ud wards for choice Wan paper at Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Com mercial street. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing, uooa workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 485. TRANSFER HAUXINO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE.! ANY KIND of i hsuiing. 1 tiousenoia CJMXSS moving Jobs done prompt- W lr I lv Tr mm once. Timme. 47B State St. Phone 963. .Residence phone 1122J. i ' WOVEN W IRK FKNCING Depot National Americas Fence, all slsea, 3 la. te S8 la, high. Paints. Oils an. Varalata. Stevee RebaJIt aad Repaired. Itaaaberry aad Hep Heeka. a Stave Warka. 2S4I Ceart St. ' Phone 14 i R. H. FL.K9iI.VW. . PROFESSIONAL : CHIROPRACTIC LTUTJ-iJ-unjXriJjnjns "I- - aaaaasshm shshaassnam DR. O. I. of P. 8. C i Chiropracuce head, Davenport, Iowa, i Chiropractic corrects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8 U. 8. National Bank Building Phone $7. Residence 828R. f MUSIC TEACHERS R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1383. i OSTBOPATHT. iwMMieewewewe DR. W. L. MERCER, GRADUATE . m ohnnl nitMinita. Kiril villa, Mo.;, treats scute and chronic j lasted until J2. The music was fur dlaease. Office 404-495 U. S. National I .Rh-a hv Mrs. Gertrude Smith and Bank Bldg. Phone 919, Residence, 419 North Summer. Phone 614. CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. L. m. hum cures ANY known disease. 153 s. High SL Phone zs. n - . - . , S.1 I Read the Cl&SlijCa Aa. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. S01 8. uommerclai street, ror water serv ice apply at office. Make alt com ?laints at the office. No deductions n bills will bo allowed for absence or for any causes whatever 'unless water Is cut oft from premises. Here after' water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us ing water for domestic purposes Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under sched ule of rates. Apply at office for copy j WHOLE MILK AND PE0DUCB WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co, Salem Oregon. Phone 2488 , SALEM MARKETS i BUYING PRICE Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 38c. Hens. 26-27C- ' Broilers, 28c. Old roosters. 16c Pork. Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, 1840. Lambs, 1 2c. Beef steers, 8 to 9 He ' Cows, 0 to 8c Top veal, 18 He. . ! ' ' ' Hay. Cheat, per ton. 1 2 4. - Grain. Wheat, 12.10. Oats, 82c-85e. , Beans,. nomlnaL Mill Feeds, Retail. Mill run. 43 to $44 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS Creame-y butter cartons 58-59c. . Butterfat, f. 0. b., Salem, 58c. FrtUL Oranges, $5 to $6. SO. Strawberries (Salem) $3 craie. Bananas, 9 Vic. 1-emons, $6 to $7 a box. California Grape Fruit $S. Vegetables. Cabbage, 5QpMc Onions, 16 a sack. Carrots. $3.25 a sack. Turnips, $3 a sack. Retail Price. Creamery butter, 65c. Dairy butter, a5c Eggs, 45c Flour, hard wneat. $2 90 to $3.16. Flour, valley. 82.5612.90. Sugar, cane and beet, 10c. Potatoes, sack lota, $2.25. I PORTLAND MARKETS s Iairy rvotlure PORTLAND, June: 12. Butter: Prints, extras, 56c; cubes, extras, 43c; prim firsls, 52c: dai-y 42c. Butterfat. Portland (delivery: No. 1 sour cream 56c. i lYates, Pot a toes: Locals, j Belling price, $1.&3 ani $2.25; new Califomias, 54 and 6'. (No grain session, holiday.) XEW VORK LRKETS NEW- YORK, June 12. Evapor ated ; apples firm; prunes scarce; peaches firm. ' ' CORN HIGHER ON STRONG DEMAND Adverse Crop, Reports Chief ly Responsible for Bullish Market Conditions CHICAGO, June 12. Demand for corn broadened out ta an unusual extent , today owing largely to un favorable crop conditions and to talk of falling-off in rural consignment. The market closed strong, 3',c to 4c net Usher, with July $1.71 4o $1.71 and September $1.64 to $1.65. Oats gained 1 V Ij 2Hc and provisions 37c to $1.35. Highest prices yet this season were reached Jn corn by the July de livery, which with other months closed at virtually the top level of the day. . Excessive moisture and predictions of more to follow had led tj many bullish estimates on do- mystic crop losses. At the same time I mentg. It was with the Idea of gitr frious results from drought in I , nBrons sn oDDortunlty to France and Great Britain, attributed a gooa-aeai or notice, ssieep ircnn e re a. at X- ftlfiuius id Luc laiuv vri uvea i.uuu further td stimulate buying of corn, td stimulate buying of corn, sition which toward the last a dispos was greatly Increased on accoust ol 1 advices that shipments from, first hands next week would undergo a big cut. About the only important selling was to realize profits. cats Ariae was uiutu cuuijto, and sentimeat bullish. Adversj crop conditions appeared lo be chief ly v. responsible. - Lard soared to a new top record . price and carried other provisions sky-ward. Moat of the Impetus came from the strength of grain and hogs. n Silverton Confectionery Opening h novel Affair SILVERTON", Or., June ll- tSpe- rial to The Statesman.) The open- Ing held at the Cozy Candy shop on Tuesday afternoon was something a little from the usual of Silverton oc- enrrances. Dancing liegan in the con- rHnir-v .t and continued untillx I f . nnan- , 4 and Continued Until I I ,? , ..Lt wn ne.ln and - 1 '. tl n v r- -o Vernon- Luckow. . The Cozy confectionary has long been ooDular at Silverton but the j proprietors. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cun- ntneham. have had the shop reaec- orated. Twelve new booths have been uia i..u . a t " ""w" " - w added besides several other imprort - SrnopV f the Annual Statement sf lbs The Continental Insurance Company f New York ia the Male of New York, on the 3 1 at da f of Deresaber, 191. made to the lniuranre Cotnimaatoner of lie Stats e Oregon, psrsaant lo law: CapttaL Amount ef capital stork paid np : 110.000,000 OO I aeons. Net premiums received during the rear 913.853.412 OO Interest, dividends snd rents received' daring the year... 1.703,127.52 Income from ether sources re ceived daring the year.... 1.920.001.54 Total income f 17.536.541.00 Disbarsemsnts. Net losses psid daring the year including : sdjnstmeat . expenses $ 5.378.313.31 Vividends paid on capital stock daring the Tear 1,400.000.00 3,538,703.10 584,334.40 Commiaaion snd salaries paid during the rear I Taxes. licenses snd fees paid during me rear Amount of sll ether expendi tures 3.224.993.10 Total expenditoeea . .113.626,363.94 Assets. Value of real estate owned (market value) $ 725.000.00 aluo of atorks sad bonds owned (market value) 30,226,791.73 Loana oa mortgages snd col lateral, etc Cash in banks snd ea hand.. Premiums in course ef collec tion written since Septem ber 30, 1918 Interest snd rents due snd ac crued 2.700.00 3.06,378.7S 2.291,577.13 188.058 63' Totsl aasets ..$36, 500.504.28 Less special deposits in sny stste (if sny there be).... Total saaets admitted in 42.316.87 , Oregon .38.458.187.39 liabilities. Gross claims for Joases unpaid $ 1,243,302.58 Amount ef unearned premiums on sll entatsnding riaka .. 13,112,441.19 Dae for commit ton snd brok erage 233,853 80 All other liabilities 1,695,572.33 Total liabilities, exclusive of capital stock ef $10,- MM.tM0.iiO ' 316.283.371.89 Easiness la Oregon for the Tear. Groas premiums received dar ing the year S 96.439.10 Premiums returned during the year 16,236.98 Loaees paid during the year. . 23,337.40 Loaaos incurred daring ths year i 22.4oO 40 THE CONTINENTAL INSfKANCE COMPANY, Henry Evsns, President, Ernest Htorm. Secrrtary, Statutory resident attorney for service: W. A. Vtllliama. I'ortland. Ore. W. A. Liaton, Reaidenl Agent Srnopaia of ths Annual Statement ef the Fidelity-Phenix Fire Insurance Company i of New York in the State ef New York, ea the lat dar of lAreember. 191.. mads to the Insurance Cmmieaioer ef the Stste ef Oregon, pursuant to law: . casual. Amount of rapitsl stork psid P ..r .$ 2.500,000.00 income. Net premiums reeeived during the year i2,i,:ii.ai Interest, diridende and rents received during tse year... S3,se.l Income from otber sources received during the rear... S83.S38.31 Total income $14,039,724.84 DUbursements. Net losses psid daring ths T,ir Inrludinr sdiuatment Mpenaes $ 5.069,922.93 Dtvidenda paid en capital stock during the jear S50.OO0.00 3,406.779.59 I Commiasiona snd sslsries paid durine the rear Tsxea. lieenaea snd fes paid 47I.523.iIl 1.142.397.54 durinr the rear Amount of sll ether expendi tures Total expenditures $10,640,825.33 V.lne nf real eatato owned (market value) $ 413.500 00 Value of storks snd bonds owned (market value) ... Loana on mortgagee and eel lateral, etc 17,174,903.23 IS.. ".on o 2.651,184.84 Cash in banks snd on hand.. Premiums in course ef collec tion written since Septem ber 30. 1918 . Amount recoverable for rein surance on paid loaaes 1.927.381.74 53,3.12.66 lo7.397.43 Interest snd rents due sad se emed Tetat sasets $22,347,599.94 Less special depoaits in sny , state if sar there, be) .. .$ 43.583.92 Tetal saaets admitted in Oregon $22,304,214.02 Liabilities. Gross claims for losses en- -...,, paid 9 Amount ef unearned premiuma en all outstanding riaka... 11,725,306.77 Due for eemmiaaioa snd brek- ,raf 48.380.50 All other lisbilites 855.700.00 Totsl lisbilities. exdnaive ef capital stock ef $-.- 500.000.00 $13,771,528.84 Business In Oregon far Us Year. Gross premiums received dnr- ing the yesr t 81.077.49 Premiums returned daring ths year Loaaca paid daring ths year. I im-amil durinr ths 16.773.97 " 16.960 77 FIDtLITY PHEXIX FIRK IXPCRAXCE " COMPANY OP XEW Y.1RK. Henry Evsna. Preaident. Krnrat Sturm. Seceretary. Statutory reaident attorney for service: W. A. Williama. Portland. Oregon. K A. Croaaan A Ce, Resident Areata. I imnrorements that the open- I w sr i ln was neid . n m n i 100 AlTVlOneS tOSS UVCT Silverton on Way North SILVERTON. Or.. June 11. Spe- cisi to The Statesman.) Two of the sirplanes enroute to Portland for tha Rose show passed over Silverton on Tuesday afternoon, one to the east I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III CLIP THE COUPON Clip the accompanjlng Coupon a, 25o FOLK AND the PEACE It ,. , , ; , , Copy THE OREGON STATESMAN 4 The Oregon Statesman, ' Salein, Oregon. i Enclosed find $ for nhich please mail me J. of the Teace Edition. . . ! (Your name here) ... Tost Office Address i sa 1 . en M ,,,,,,,, ,M mtm MMHM4MMMMHMMMM Hf REAL ESTATE I CLOSE IN ACHEAGt S OR S ACRES, eree fee isaprsved. for sale rr rant 10 rest. . Bee evaer, Cleaa L. Adaaia Pbsae S8W. FOR SALE MODERN FIVE ROOM house at 1393 North ith street, large corner lot. barn, fruit trees, paved street: no Incumbrance, for 3150. Inquire Gilbert Grocery, j A REAL GOOD BUY GRANTED that four rooms are enough I offer the best little home place for the money 1 believe to be found in the city. Flowers, shrubs snd fruits ga lore. Price $0. half caah will do, possibly less. Expect bargains If 1 say so. I know this place. Wm. Fleming. 341 State SU i BEST BUYS 2 acres, S room house, barn, fruit- In Falls City. 3200O. 9 33 acres. 5 cultlvsted. $ timber pas ture, house, barn, fruit, . la country town, good road. $1409. 24 acres, house, barn, stock. Imple ments. & acres logans. 6 prunes. 1 mile from station. S7999. Would take acre age as part pay. 37 acres, 39 acres ta prunes. S logaaa all equipment, rock road. S room house, barn, spring water, 119.909. t 22 acres, the best of soiL 7 room house, barn, all la cultivation. Joining town, tjsoo. i -30 scree all cleared, fenced. 1 mile from town. SZ350. i 1 acre, good 4 room house acre logans. on car line. $1359. 91 acres all cleared. 55 cultivated. 31 pasture, small house, barn. 1 miles from town. 379 toer acre. i . 320 acres. 299 cultivated. 39 pasture, well fenced, good improvements, family orchard. 4 miles from town one of the best farms la the county. SO seres In clover, best of crops always on this farm, rrly site oe racre. t Have large number of small tracts with and without buildings, located nnr 3m.tvm, ior If you want a bargain In a ranch or residence, see Socolofsky. Barse Udg. G00D BUYS Good T room modern house. ment, furnace, paved street; bearing fruit, east front let sightly location. Price $1499. t Good S room modern bungalow, pav ed street, good location. Price 11299. Good $ room modern bouse, located on paved street, corner lot Price $2599. $ acres small house; two acres logan berries: 4 miles out; good location. price Hies. We have several acre tracts Just out side of the city limits, all in bearing fruit. Price $599 per acre, easy terms. Good Improved 19 sere trsct, good room plastered bungalow, i barn, ben house. 3 acres 4-year-old prunes. 3 acres loganberries, family orcnaro. arice $4909. ci sere rarm. an cultivate, nouse. barn: $ miles from Salem, Price $159 per acre. . . sere trsct nil cultivated and in frnit. good bungalow not all finished. Price $1499. . 69 acre tract all cultivated, room house, bam. orchard, located on mala road, best of soil. Price $19,999. h room house, barn bearing fruit, n large lot, 71x119 feet, eaat front, gravel street. Price $1409. $549 down. 14 seres ef good land located within the city limits of Salem. . Prce $3399. Terms. ... . ...... Good 7 room modern house located two blocks from state. house. Price $3I0. Fine V; block locate! on Falrmount hill. 159x159 feet, sightly location. Price $1399. 9$ acre farm located on Howell Prai rie. 59 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and timber: $ room hru ee, barn, orchard, located oa main gravel rosd. Price $12,509. 4 room modern house located at 939 South 13th street. Price $1359: $559 down, balance to suit at per cent In terest. W. H. (Irabcnliorst & Co 37$ State Street 1 jand lQe otbe. tQ ln(. west of the rty Mrs. P. Naberg motored down front Woodbarn Monday to have some dental work done. Mrs. Laura Hubbs and dooghter. Miss Mlna Hubbs. will ears for Min nesota as soon as Miss Hubbs classes her turn of school teaching at Saltm. Mr. and Mrs. EL La Duke have pur- V I -. . V &. .ft (uiku ui4 aiviv ivi vu un hill from Frank E. Dark. Mr. and Mrs. LaDuke expect to build a bun- galow on the tracL i Deals in Real Estate j D. C. Sanders et nx to J. J. Joan son et ux. lot in Phelps addition to Silverton. $1000; W. A. C. Cleaver et ax .and Charles B. Cleaver to Grace E. i i jt t. mm 1 I, . .'. .. ,6 ""r ! uioca it, cnsievooa auuuiua to Da le m; W. a-i-iu,;k uvir, oaiu iirj iimui er at the horse aale. "that's a niMP ?! tT ' . . horse, my-my m-ra d-d you want for The owaer looked lovinglyq. "And a beauty he Is. sir. he urged "a horse I can thoroughly recommend. Hut you must make the offer." j "Well." .said the stutterer. "1111 g-R-Kive yoU r-f-r-f-f-r - "Forty pounds? Hone:" said the dealer. ' "G-g-good! closed tha stutterer. I was ttrying to sa f-t-f-fittyt"- Answers. I II aad mail to The Statesman Office Z i ' W MARION COUNTY EDITION OF 25c the Copy . copies n i REAL ESTATE aBujBSaBsSSja lrvR BALE BY OW'NKK LOT SSlt9. I rnm l Vknn. 1 e tl i FOR SALE MY? MODERN FIVE room cottage oa paved street, close In. Phone 135C. . j FOR TRADE 19 ACRES WITH GOOD improvements for a ranch near Sa lem. Give full description la first letter. C Wolf. (ialU CaL i revn pick of $ a no houses from 1250 to 119.999 by actual count of listinga You) should surely find something to suit? you. Wm. Fleming 341 State St, " I ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE HOUSE. . rooms. large corner lot, close la osj South Commercial SC. street Im provements all psid. Ji. bargain ft John H. Scott Realty Co, 494 Hub bard bldg. ACRES ON HOWELL PRAIRIE Excellent farm property, all-under cultivation, fair Improvements, team of horses and s4me machinery goes In deaL 54 acres of crops goes, f 149 per acre. John IL Scott Realty Co, 444 Hubbard Bldg. . FOR SALE 19 ACRES FINE LAND. -$39 per acre or Will trade for d.'Ska in nouse. uood pBastered house sa Marion Square $259: Six room bo era house, goodi location $1359. 19 scree near Fairgrounds, paved road. $2299. 39 acres ;all In prunes, good crop in sight. 4 room bungalow, paved street, $liS4. Modern bouse for rent. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. ' 11 SOME GOOD BUYS Xa farm sad. city property. O. W. 1-AJXER.' r " 4(t and 49$ Hubbard Building. Phone 3444 or 3923. 4- rOK EXCHANGE aTODTKN 9-ROAM COT tags. 1 te S serse ef fruit sad sanies, S peal try senses. sssaTl creek araaaas place, ornamental sknkbery. paved street concrete walk; is 3e saaasf act aria Oreve, Ore. fer Seeta property, ami B reach er acreage. ; Bee er sail foe saese. W. C Ceaasr. , Btstaumsn ef flee, ft i . A GOOD BUT 2t$9 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, ana door i north of State street, Salem, together with perpetual rtteit of way aver the 14x59 V -feet tract? extending from) 4 this property to State street- Term. Apply Scott Bosorta. 191-3 Spalding -Bldg, Portiaad. Oregon, WANTED I aNTED I WANT A 19 ACRE IM- roved place in exchange for a town, louse and will aam fair anmint What have rott In trade for a lte near Bledgett sttme cleared and most all logged off .eacept a few acres of timber, bdgs. A medium sfsed noaae for a large central, commodious one. located two blocks from the P. O. See Wm. Flemiag; 3(1 State 8U FOR SALE 239, ACRES OF FINE land located about 7 miles of Salem, on good road, rwllh 34.999 cords of f ood wood whioh will enure than pay or place, at the right price. For Sale Uood dairy farm close In oa ?aved road; good set farm building. 49 acres of lad. with Is fine dairy owe aetrl all she erep goes with peaco for $1L149. . This is a bargain. Look this over. See. Pevriue 4k Maratere for farms, timber and city property. 39$ Hubbard Ltdg. BETTER REALTY BUYS Eight beautiful Ms- In the Oaks ad dition (restricted! $199 each and as sume street aeesmenta Aversse price $549 each A choice tn vest men (List your lots with Niemeverl Fully modern nine room bungalow. built six years: airy lot; $259. A. fine buy. just ff S. Commercial St, close la. (Ltst your hods with Niemeyer) 13 scree wtth.7 seres 19-year-old prunes, x acres logans; 1 sere cherries; 4 -room house, barn, etc, $4599. ! - (List yur fruit tract with Niemeyer! lie acres: 9 seres bearing prone. Small quantity of timber; balance T . cultivated. Neat- Salens. $299 aa acre, t This a genuine) snsp. (List vour orchard with Nleanererl 119 acres sll cultivated etceat small i pasture. mllea from Salem on road to be paved. Excellent buildings aad f a fine fsrm property. $134 aa acre. , (List rour farm with Niemeverl 49 acres adjoining West Salens, No buildings. 3$ acres cultlvsted. Fine prune proposition. 114 - In t , trtrf rrtrret I DayCTS, DUJ iTOm NIEBIEYER1 I He's a-it the roods. tirsncn or rices at uallaa. indepeadenea . snd Silverton wHh a live sales' force, ' Hes.d Office 2t5-216 Masonic Imildinr. SALElf " Salem la the best little city la the I Pacific Northwest, tf yoe only know lt- Tim TABLES SOCTlfKRX PACIFIC CO. Koethb ad MiCkelson.lNo. $1 Oregon) an $ 99 am, :SIavm. 9:17 a.m. 1:19 p.m. 1:11pm. 1:45 p.m. 1:11a.m. 1 1 is t vnoa r-xoreaa " N- Willamette Umlted No. 1$ Portland Passenger No. 34 Cooe Ber . No. 14 Portland 'Express .. hleaa4 - i.ii, a , irr rm im ... .19 95 a m. .! n ,.,,K I Nv , California Expreea ...11:44 am. -m! Uow mnch No. 17 R'vseburg Passenger .. 4:4$ p m. t it? No. 27 Willsmctte Limited... 4:44 pm. ed his animal OTerlN- 11 rrsrrtisco Pass.. .14 42 p.m. " tttLKWrF.W UXB No. 73 Arrive et Salem 9:19 am. No. 74 Leave Silem ........ 4:44 p m. KXMM. FALLS CTTti a 161 Leaves Ssleet. motor 163 Ijeaves Satesn, motor 15 Leaxvee Salem.' motor .... 1:94a.m. .... 9:38 am,' .... 1:44 p an, . tw. M a a , I arosis car to aessMtu and Airlie 171 Leaves Saleta ........... 4:14 p.m. 143 Arrive nt Rstera ........ 8:14 anv- 144 Arrives at Salem 11:94 an 148 Arrives St Salem ........ 3:19 B.J-t 173 Arrlvea Salens 1:44 I eanme nra.-rmc . SCffectlve fe. lot, 399. tMlkkeaaa. Train Leave Arrive No. sportland Salem ' .?f i Ltd.. 8:13am 19:l$sm 13:34 pm T 14:44 am 13:49 pm asm fir 9 3 44 am 4 .11 ess 4:14 pm 113 Ltd.. 4:4$ pra 4:44 pas $:44 pre II 4-44 pro 8:4 7 l-aissaon y 19 9:39pm 11:14 Salernoaly eMerth Baak-liaiiM (leave Jsrrer- eoa oireet is aax is aaiawuo - Vetaaastd rtaaad Arrive Arrive Tral Laava Arrive t No. t Kuaeae'' Saletn ,t 7:11am T:2$ars . am , it pm Portland 9:29 sm 11:34 am .! pm ' 4:44 pm 1:44 sin is Ltd.. it 18 Ltd.. V44pr 39 Batemoaly I ispm 33 cilsn i-4 pm 19-99 pm North Reek Btar.oa (arrrva Jeffer. 1 1 sem Street 1$ missies earlier). Lnavs . uorvs-Lua. COEVALT't COnTtTCTXOXt Jkbeaad -Leave OcvslHa ; Arrive Selesa S:o ea 9 si, ass Mie :1$ pet Leave Ssesi 10:11 sss 4:11 pel f . pa 4:00 pss T:$$ pta tatnalrsmad irHve Cerrsnia 11:37 sat :49 pss 1:00 pm -1 i .