The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 13, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    p ' jg ; TUB OgEOOy BTATESMAKl : FTODAY. irST. IX tt - -- -
for quality
Oar products -are; bur business ; representatives .and '.we are content
mild our reputation rtn the satisfaction they give.
Insist on! your :groeer sendiiu
I and have the pleasure of Meeting our chief repivsjL'utative
City, Baking Co.
The Story of a Honeymoon ;
: A Wonderful Romance of Man-fed life Wonderfully Told by
Dismay, chagrin." terror,, all these
swept" over me in rapid succession as
I listened to the- f ish warden declare
bis Intention' of arresting Dicky; and
fish .and
of sea-
me for violating the state
game lawa-by trouting .out
son. . -'
I knew that Mr. Cosgrove had pur
posely delayed ithe man in the hall
'and talked of. the matter in loud
tones to give us a
was coming, dui even the prepara
Hon did ! not still the tifembling of
-Jill' ' -I ' ' Z&gk ' '
' Ml
. 1 1
my limbs, (nor enable me to whip
any . color into my face. To think
that I. with my life-long reverence
for the law, should face arrest! ,,
-. I must have beenVan abject look
ing object,: indeed, for Dicky. -as he
beard Mr. i Cosgrove' 3 words, took
one swift glanc? at me, a A. reach
ing out 'his warm hands to my c)ld
ones, gripped ' them protectingiy.
possessively, and then swung me be
hind him. releasing his . right band.
Imt holding me with, his left as be
faced the warden.
"I'm 8orry, Mr. Graham.".' Mr,
Cosgrove said, as he entered the
warning of what'l H
warning 01 wnat 1 n fellow-boarders,
ven the prepara-1 ITTjsJL. L. iv ,
up to their own chambers, "this is
our. fish warden, Mr. Drake, and he
seems to think lyou've been casting
for trout. 1 I told him he was mis
taken, but; he's a persistent sort of
cuss, alwaj-s; has to have the last
word." ; -1 .
"Sorry to trouble you;' Mr. Drake
said perfunctorily, but the cynical
gleam of his eyes belied his words.
"I have warrants here for both you
and your wife, j I suppose, the lady
behind , you is Mrs. Graham, You
won't do her any good hy standing
in front of! her. l have.a warrant to
serve on , her, and I . certainly can't
do It through you.", . 4- . ..
' jLuncbeon has been prepared iaakirfchea cooled tar anJUctrie.1
FattfTliefan, is notable;, acl b now cooling the dining-room.
Here vou are eatinr 'af rnid-dav: meal in summer and in' verfect I
'eofoH. The thought that outside, on tlie strectj, the air is- suffoca
tmj, docs not occur to you or the fjmil y.' " - . .
You only know that you' arc quite cool, and that every thing: tastes fine.
iThe G-E ElettiriclFan
, serves comiort wuu every ii
- tivitics do not 'cease until you turn if the
twitch. Comfort becomes -mere matter
of a finger touch.'1 . " ' , r -; ' '
It is economy in summer to do that which
I wfll brinjr any relief from intense suffering
indoced by extreme heat. A cent an hour is
i atriflinj;"tipwto give this mealtime servant
Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company
v?rted hotly. "Ill answer; fsr her
appearance or any fine that she may
bave to pay,, if it goea that far. It
surely isn't necessary o trouble her
aow, and. besides, as my friend Mr.
Cosgrove informed yon, ' you - are
barking up the wrong tree. ' You can
have no possible proof that we. have
been breaking the fish laws." ,
"Don't take thinss so much for
granted, young fellow, you'll live
longer." drawled the warden in
tone that T knew must irritate Dicky
Mmost to the breaking point. "As it
happens we have the evidence of a
very respectable person who saw you
both catching trout, and says you are
old orrenders at ' (t, so you'll Just
pur on ynr things and come along
wth me."
"I wish yon joy of your unknown
luformant." Dicky Raid oolly. "He
has given you a choice collection of
misinformation which I am afraid
you'll have hard trouble to prove.
However. I Fee we are up against it
Just now. ' You. of course, will be
willing to wait until we' can get's
lawyer." "Mr. Cosgrove. Is there an attor
ne anywhere in the county who can
get here by anto in record -time If
ho 1ocn t have to consider ex
"Not a Man." ' ;
Mr. Cosgrove moved to the tele
phone, took down the receiver and
gave the numbej to the operator.
".lack Lewis can be; here In twenty
minutes if he's at home," he said
oer his shoulder.' '
"That lawyer business won't get
you anywhere' the warden said sul
lenly. "I've got to take you. before
the justice, and he closes court at
noon. If we don't get there before
I'll have to clap you in the calaboose
until Monday."
I am proud to remember that
did not give even a -tiny exclamation
of dismay when I heard, thia threat.
although for a moment I was almost
overcome with horror. 'But an In
f tarn's, reflection convinced me that
the man was Lluffing. that he was
simply a type of the "insect author
Ity" of Mark Twala's unforgettable
phrafe. .
"You'll get there - before noon.
interposed Mr. Cosgrove, after
brief colloquy with the man at the
ether end of the telephone wire
"Jack Lewis is coming right away in
his dependable old flivver, and he'l
whisk you all over there in no time
Better leave your roadster here
Drake. go over with Lewis, and then
come back here for dinner. We're
going to have some fine young ducks
baked after one of Mrs. Cosgrove a
pet recipes." ' , .
"I Wish You Joy.
. ("Just . leave. Mrs.i Graham out. of.
tit if you'll ibe. so kind." Dicky re-
Girts! Make beauty lotion for
a lewxenis--Try It! '
Squeeze the juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
of orchard white, shake well, and
you have a quarter pint of the best
freckle and tan lotion, and complex
ion beautifier, at very, very small
cost. . , f ' -
Your grocer . has the lemons and
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply three ounces of orchard
white for a few cents. Massage this
sweetly fragrant lotion into the face,
neck, arms and hands each day and
see how freckles and blemishes dis
appear and how clear, soft: and rcsy
white the skin becomes. Yes! It is
harmless and never Irritates.-
The sullen look of thwarted au
thority: Taded from .' the warden's
face. He grinned sheepishly.
"Can't resist that combination."
he; said. "But I won't . leave , the
roadster here. You come. along over
with me, and Lewis can bring, these
t "Now you've said . it!". Mr. Ces
grove replied jovially, slapping the
other man on th back. "I'll he glad
to go over, i-i waaLUo Had out who
the lad is that's been circulating Ilea
like- this around." r
The warden looked embarrassed,
and the flush on his cheeks deepened
to a brick- red. .
"Well, you see the truth of the
matter is." he explained, "it wasnt a
man that tipped us off, but a wo
man. - She r asked me- to keep her
name out of it until Monday: said
she'd appear and give her evidence
then; she had to go away today. But
it doesn t seem quite fair to you
folks not to know the name of the
person who makes he . complaint
against you," he added virt uously.
. 'Especially as it n.aturally would
be the 'first thing our attorney would
demand." Dicky said cooiy. "But
we already know the namo of your
I n Cor man t, Mrs. , Allls--'i'a I not
;.. "3uite correct."' the ,warden re-tarned.-
. .'
' (To be continued)
Many Masters
v?10 serve the nation by provid-.
ing its meat have many masters. . !
There are hundreds of thousands of:
stock raisers, asking for a quick market;
and a high price for their stock7
There are the millions of consumers;
looking to us, through tens of thousands;
of retail dealers, for a constant supply df
meat at as Iowa price as possible per pound J
There are the thousands of wage
earners properly eager to earn more. I f
There are the 25,000 .holders of
Swift & Company shares 8,000 of theni
women who have a right to expect rea
sonable returns on their investments. ;
There are the hirridreds of competitors,
big and little, alert to; discover, for their
own advantage, any momentary break
down or lapse in our service. - '
In all our activities we try to deal
on a basis of equity, so that all may bene
fit and none be injured by the advantages
that go with organization, wide scope,
and efficient management e!
And this service of Swift & Company
is performed at a profit of a fraction of
: ; a cent per poundi
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
A -m' m
ftS7 d 0J lt
A SatemProcluci -
"Thelma" Individual
5c everywhere.
No Special Session for
the Suffrage Amendment
Governor Olcott has no intention
of convening the Oregon legislature
in a special session for the purpose
of ratifying the federal suffrage
amendment The governor yesterday
received a letter from Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Catt, president of the Na
tional American Woman Suffrage as-
I ,oaay ana
Y ' ' r " ! if:
, a - -. .. ... ... . , , i
IV. . I - J , ,i ,, .. . U
:;:-;' ; -r ',- ' v 3
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i-rjui-iiii - -i i i . hut -jp4mmm iifci :i.''r " ' "" " " 1 1 ' '" ' '" " '
" ' ' . - r . f
iTo inn o rir o w
am a
e i
1 1 e
soclatlon, asking if he would be one
of 22 governors to call a special ses
sion to make this ratification.
The governor telegraphed the fol
lowing reply: 1
"Legislature but recently adjourn
ed. Think it ill advised to recon
vene an extraordinary session.
Some weeks ago Governor Olcoft
publicly announced that a real and
serious emergency must be appar
ent before he will consent to call a
special session of the state legisla
ture, g
One of Those Lloyd Comedies
Star Pro
duction of
"Tbel" Individual CbecolaUs
Made In Salem, 5c everywhere.
Helen ; Hoar, Student
of High School! Deal,
Miss Helen E. Howr dle4 Tharsday
at 2i North Cettage street- after
a shortUners. Miss Hawk died of
erysipelas. She, was attending Sa
lem high fcchool W. lt. Howx, her
father, lived at Shaw.
The funeral services will be hld
at -the Rigdoa . chapel and burial
will be In the evinetery at Tnmer.
As yet no date -has been set far
th, funeral.
Read the Oauifled Ads.
i 1 Copyright. i:
ILL FtjC oO ) , -j -
l rxi fLDVJTLR )
; VflHDOW Si LL TOfSt oiorn, Y
V ( OO 1HM .rtOM!. -