TIIK OREGON' KTATFSMAXi TJirilSllAY. JCXK..12 J91tf If PUT IT ON TO-DAY WALK ON IT TOMORROW REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A UittHWful Itnuaorn of Harried IJfo WoDderfally Told by ADLLfc. GAJUilSON ms PRODUCT SOLVES A PROBLEM TO J.oti"o"h.here " T unsi4h":, worn " M opportunity for thi fine product to It's ! EaSV k!mnTf fn onnlo I !..: .i .1 -a - 'J - ' i absolutely waVerroof rC"Z,Sf)S Pe.autltul you ever saw , y , isicuiy wiuioui injury. j The name of this remarkable product is ' . ' SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL i i HERB'S nTTC ilPPPT) tn Trnrr . .W. J. PORTER, 455 Court St. riiAiTi-in crdxv I WAS IT "TIPPKll OFF" TIIK I t'ONSTARLK TO IrK'KY'S QI I- ::r- t kihnc? - ! j "JiWky, I think w r.tisht 'to leU j ihe Co.roves nf our ru.-picions now j "before waiting any longer." j "'Why file sudden -malms?" Dicky j lr.k-! up ay me w:on!erin;ly, from j Ihe rocking chair in his bedroom in j which he had emconced himself with j bathrobe." slippers an,i hook. "I Shoiiglit you had agreed with ; e Dicky went on riucronlously, j' that' we wore to carry thi.-t thins ; Ihiotiffh on ur own I for mm. j want the chance' of spoiling this lit- tie gat.ie myself. Time enough to j l t the Cosgrovos In on it when we j have 'th? vi:lliin? corralled." Uii k.v'r: to:l bflil the set obstinate, w.n Indian Appropriation Bill Passed by the House v WASHINGTON June .10. Enact ment of the Indian appropriation hill carrying $15,000,000. was com pleted today with adoption by the house of a conference report. The measure is the first of then npassed appropriation blla of the last con- ,f." to re sent to the president. ing the secretary of the interior to lease for the mining of Imetaliferous minerals, 30,000,000 acres of unal lotted Indian lands. . The leases will run forO years and the government "will receive a royalty of five, per cent on the.net returns of the niines. i Send- a copy of the Peace edition to the boys In the service, j Only a The biU included rider-authorir-t der eariy. 25 cent per cor. Quota of Men for Hawaii ; j Is Completed by Oregon j note which I knew there wa? no iis J in conilatilntr nnleps j wanted a J scene, ("ftt I tlit not answer him. Mily rat iIo'aii clitse t the stove ami 'warmed my hands, which were , treitihiinr as rnnch with exciteiuont j as from the cold. j When' I locked jjp found' licky watching Me narrowly. .Vmietlune's troubling you." he said. ' What's the great idea?" "I ni afniid of that woman In there; Hicky.". I returned. "She hajl such a ieer look in her eye When she found out I wasn't coming in for tea." "Fhe'll have a queerer one when we catch her red-handed, trying to get tho?e pictures." Dicky said grim ly. "I've pot everything doped out for tomorrow night. We'll throv her off the track completely! "Til plead a headache, and you go in and ask her prettily for two cups of tea. Faying that you think one will do, me goodl and .that you'll drink your with me. Look at some thing in the room so as to give her a chance to fix up the cups, and then hrfrg them hack in here and we'll nipt them and return her the empty cupe. She'll think we're doped Tor frtfr. It will throw her complete ly off her guard." A Long Night. PORT! Avn , ' " ! 1 nPf l. returned, making a Twt if Wcky and I spent the night as we Twenty-five enlistments were tak- had planned In alternate watches or en. at. local headquarters during the three hours each. When the first past week, setting the record since rays of litht came tve -wr- fc.i. tne close of the war. ' . - awake Diek h-e.,,.- i watch, and I lecane the excitement or waiting for we knew not what, had? jpiiMd me to waken. 'Tin sure there hasn't lieen a, ll'OII.sO stirrin ' ' l.m I'll I ju-t take a lk downstairs. I can pu tend to be rinding out what klud or weather it Is." He went down stairs without anr tteiiipt at concealment. I heard j him open the Trout door, go out on! the cittil.i. and a moiiienr later! come hack in again.- I knew he had! stopped in the living room and a mo ment later he came nonchalantly tip M lirs again. . " ' As he reached the top or the stairs I heard his voice and that of a wo man Mrs. Allis' I was sure and 'hen he came into the room, closing the door fiuietly after him. "I wish t knew what that woman up to.' he said thoughtfully "Why?" I asked. "I just met her Tully dressed, go !nr down the f fairs. She said she !ad to make a trip down lo Kingston, wouldn't be back until late, and that .-he was going down into Ihe kitchen Jo eet some breakfast. I heard thef rattling of the kitchen stove, so I ( cuppoe ome or the Cosrjroves are on the Job." "Something Tells Me " ' "I!ut ir I ever read deviltry in a woman's eyes it was In hers." Dicky went on thougbtriilly. ' The pictures are all right so far. I Just took, a look at them. Dnt that rtunt will pulled orr tonight I'll bet a cook ie, j "And something tells me she'll j pull some little private game or herj own on us. i don't know why I hr.ve that impression, but I have." D was in the middle or the fore- niM,n wnen Dicky's words were.' 'loiignt bark to my remembrance in a manner that I shall never rorget. The rorenoon hid been a dreary one, with a cold, drizzling rain efrective ly preventing our leaving the honse Mr. Cosgrovc had built a glorious fire of logs in the living room, and Dicky and I and our two young mas culine fellow boarders loafed aronnd u rea'iiag arter break raft. It was I who caught the first glimpse of the spare, stern-looking countryman In conversation with Mr. CoFgrove upon the veranda. As they turned and came through the front door Mr. Cosgrove's voice was pucnea louaer than I had ever heard It. - . . He kept the man In con versa tlo a for a lone minute In the hall Ufnr. SB SBSBS I r i I i i ' e A , . M . L " Just ' Received i SILKS - . Dainty Georgettes and Crepej.de Chinei, Nevr Chiffon Taffetas with, that dainty chiffon finish1 in all the wanted popular shades. Our silks are bought direct from the manufac turers at New York and represent the best in qual ity. You are assured of fresh goods,' a very im portant thing in buying silks. OUR PRICES ALWAYS tH LOWEST GALE &-CO. i Commercial and Court Streets. ; Formerly Chicago Store . , . he brought him Into Ihe living room, " -LJ f f . tr it and as I caught his first words ijOOjnIjjr ClUO at Li 0 bit . ....-r.i - . . . . . l mm' m m nut?w iiiiuiiiveiy inai ne was giving iiicRy and me a covert warning. "I tell you. Drake, you're bark ing up the wrong tree," he said. ' Of course. Mr. cad lira. Graham are stopping here. Ill take you right la to see them in a! minute. Bnt they haven't been breaking any laws or doing any troutlng that I - know a-bout, and I gueis I'd know if any body did." J "Tie a can tol that line of talk. Cosgrove," the other man admon ished grimly. "I've got the good on these folks. I've rot a warrant l for their arrest and I want em. "(To be continued) WA:Vt::K A.' :-:u:. ' ' " : : 1 krfv' Mil CUPERT HtidHET Wroto It !!! TkGreatesl Siqiy of the Ipi picturizedTinto Ihe i totcst notion Mmethe Screen has ever seen ! the idst inroMNr noiiON-ricruRE mm : THIS SEKSOKJ PRODUCTION of Ail TIMS J 1 AnMstaiCk 7 Jt X7-rt MattMooie-MaiyAlden EdwmStcns-falBceta tW TIIHODO ROOjTEVELT Liked It U Vv: The Mother Inrtinct as i V- Droducod lt!H CLAHCHE JEET m. mm m. m m m. jxarroatnnui A max KKPsrar msmsf r ! i MARHALL N2!UAfst, Directed It!!! in iPCKTOn And thcpublic has, acclaimed ft bthe rapturous throngs that have flocked to the theatres m evrrv Pltv iin -nrhfob it !V,-.r. ... ; . . LIBERTY : THEATRE STARTS TODAY '! ' ! ' . i' Matinee 25c; Evening: 35c: All Children a t ' Holds Competitive lied NOKLE. June 1 l.SpeciaI toTit Statesman The cooking dub V 1 n exhiwt Thursday mooting ,5 wSich tijue six plates of bi were displayed in the competition for psizea. -Loraine'Hogg woa fL-J prlxe. Grace Danagan. second asl Averitt Danagan third. Mrs. Char; Jones, of Salem. Judged the contetL A picnic was hM n t.. v . ror the pupils of the schooL 3in. M- I Falkerson, school supervi and Mrs. Jones enjoyed a good Ez. with'thespujiils. Fridaw evening the closing exer cises wee given at the schoothoiue, the follofwlng program Uing gJm: oag: f'June Song", by the co:L Recitation: -The Dear Old rur DiCIe Richter. " Dialogoe fiertha. as teacher. Recitation The Smrv .v.. t . tie Red len Irene Dunaraa. Sonr? : I'll T.k. u. t- . . j 'j Aijm lag ii Home." Lioralna Horr. - Recltauon: "My Dog.- Joe Cei Dialogue; -The Yankee AnaL- itecuation "The Second Tall, Averitt Dunagan. r Rird.- Loral ne Hogg. . . tuSfS?'?'' 'Va,eJlcorr, Versos 1 the school. .Th? '"wing children la tks .re 'n,lt,ed 10 cerUfkral. for bRenl or the-eats Tffi TV" Ve". UoUie. Bay. and Ruby Juchter and Loralne Horf. , FrtBT.,Ut! I!tlllB8r 'ter so. fum -Phrt. W kar bees visiting relative o, ... months la Los Angeles. Calif., re turned home Sunday evening. g metr daughter. In Salem. . Mrs. S. Lutrcri who has been la Kt-ne 4ne past winter with her laughters jhar returned home. J1,'. " 'I children vLsited relatives Ifl Portland on Satnrday. Mr. andTMr. James Cray and fan ly went to Woodburn Friday to see Jher son Floyd, who parsed throsck in ere on hs nr m i... Floyd is in th I discharged Vfore loag. - c. i loa went to TortiaaJ Sunday to visit his wife h i. i a hospital Jthere. Anton SmoIke ninnl v ... Week fmj r- wk rron overseas, where he has fcwn for several months.- Leo Well nau has afs arrived h.m. n. never sent- Mem. t ... v ington. li. r . anH v- - . . the time. Mrs. Roxie Trask -ri - . u- ren Cf Lyons are vUltin. .,1 . . at Crooked: Kin- Mrs. GUI Gier thn nur.itl On at the ilri-tnn v uuiyiwi u wea Is rentier iIa.t.u.1. Tom Malor of pnM!..4 .. ..v. ,D 'Pn,.hlsJrlace above Scotts Mill. tt-..J carried the mail t Ullhoit Friday In Mr. Cray's piact- Mf and Mrs. E. II. Lawrence aad n. illle. and Miss Goldie David eon visited at Molalla last Sunday. Mrs. L Tifm . tf .nj4..i v . n w luaj II - t. u convention held in Salem last Thursday ha via- iuajt Alfred KarfMir rnAMMf . Wisconsin, is visltinr Hike land ing. - HUt:il HKIC UTTIJ GIRL Children need n v.i. . ror growing.. A Unrein- m i'ns them. tra , . i-K.t Route 4. ?C. M.n. j-t.v.. , n wrlte: "Foiev'a Km. . .-a Tr enred nr lti nrt tlcklinc coufh' mM i j.it I ' w Sill MIVb - reier from trstresslng. racking, tear tng roughs:4 Booth. v-.i. J. ) Shows start at 2 p. 4 p. nx, 7 p. m., 9 p. m. O. Perrv. Read the Classified Aj.