THE OREGON STATESMAN t THURSDAY, JCXK 12, 1010 i Vi 1 ii I DALLAS MAKES FOURTH. PLANS Curtiis Plane to Make Exhi : Bitipa : Flights, at Polk t County Seat ri DALLAS, Or.,;June 1 1. ( Special to. The. Statesman) Th Fourth- of Jul committee of the Dallas Com roercial club has completed all plans for holding a .big day's celebration L In this city on the nation's birthday Announced Tuesday that It has se cured an airplane, for several erhibi tlon flights that day. The plane' la of thfr Curtlsa type. In addition to making addition flights the machine i will- carry passengers for a ride in the air for a small price. The program committee for the Fourth has about completed the en tertainments for the entire day and it, promises to be one or tne mosi paying for the days celebration, is being liberally contributed by tne business men of the city. Not" only will the day be one of a celebration of the Fourth of July but will also be a welcome home af f air .for returned soldiers, sailors and marines of the coupty who partici pated in the past war. -Invitations have been sent to all parts of the comity asking them to participate in the iday'a joy making. FATE OF TURKEY STILL MYSTERY Impossible to Learn Plans of Allies for Dealing With - Ottoman Delegation v ,'' " TOULON'. Fraacet June 11. The French, cruiser Democratic arrived today with the Ottoman peace dcle-patton entertaining ever listened to by thel I ' Th. fnnH.fnrl :PARTS. June 11. Turkey'a fate is still clouded in' mystery. Although a Turkish delegation is expected to arrive in Paris, it seems impossible to learn from t any members of the allied delegations exactly what plana. If any, have been, outlined for deal ing with Turkey. 1 It has been made clear by the entente ! delegations that the Turk are coming to . Paris on their own suggestion. They come as consul tary!, r expert advisers, not as plenipotentiaries. France and Great Britain are now in control In Co.istantinoplee, It is reported In Paris that nnder tbo British and French censorship tb Turkish papers are not permitted to putflish; news iwhich might creaio sentiment for transferring Turkish .mandatories to any other countries. I Turkey in Asia is now thorough- ilv dominated by Greek, Italian' and (British; troops and the feeling is growing in Paris that the partition of Turkey Is an accomplished fact. Visitor -What lovely furniture! Johnny Yes, I think the man we bought it frdm is sorry now he sold Itj snyway, he's always calling. Tit-Bits. 4 ; : The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told by ADELE GARRISON Ah unprecedented success in its serial form, now to be read in a beautiful book. " 'Whether you are a man or a woman, married or single, happily married, or less hamrv than yon could wish, this throbbing story of a woman's heart will seize and hold, your deepest and sincerest interest. ' ' Actual size f the Library Edition ef "Revelatlem of a WKi.1 .V- - i " ,1- "IS" lj i. jaw ' . . . , t. i 1 il -A -! ' w p-5Tt--- I.--. . . ... " C .re. . ...V a -1 -'Si.' .fW'': . V. -i. Vk-r;i. n 3 ; i i 0 'J j 1 Y if-, ' - ... ' : '- ; . Jl ' . .--j- ''tv-.v-l .i...n - . 'Trom Her Heart to ' : - r i V - - 'i V r' -' ' 1 rf-Y &$P-- L Too are Reading the Great . Serial in The Statesman . you will be glad to avail yourself of . an opportunity to secure at a, nominal : price this handsome novel size edition . of the story. Hundreds ot letters have ' been received asking whether the story .had appeared in book form. To all " finch inquiries thb will be a welcome announcement. . - - - V ' i,v.''.r; .-Va''': -J"'. :I - 'Look at Me. Margaret!" : v You Have Not Been Reading, the Serial '.':'' 1 1 1 ! ; ! ' the book gives the great moments of this g ripping story in an ! attractive form. As a novel, "Revelations of a Wife" is an impressive drama right ont of real life. Hoy to Get This Great Story it of a Woman's Heart 7 MAIL COUPON .. . 4 L'; The. Oregon Statesman has arranged to dis tribute, a limited number of a Special Library Edition of; the Revelations of a Wife' bound in cloth, appropriately stamped, containing 378 f pagcs'of easy to read type printed upon regular . Quality; of book : paper, for bnly $1.60 per copy. 1 ; -' REMEMBER, the supply is Hraited,' therefore ! S1 Too desire to possess and to read the "Reve- I if 8 of a Wife ' in its most attractive form come now to The Statesman fR. U?m.;;f! nd get aeopy of the book containing i the outpouring, of a woman's heart that has gone straight to the heart of humanity. THE OREGON STATESMAN Salem, Ore. i i i Enclosed please find $1.05 for one copy pf "Revelations ot a WiTe." : Name Tbwn Street or R. F. D. No. INDIANS ENTER ATEETIC MEET McCaullie, University of Ida ho, Looms as 440 Yard Dash Champ TORTLAND. Or.. -June 10.- Geor?e Phllbrock. manager and coach of the Multaomah Amateur Athletic club track team, who is man aging the Pacific Northwest Associ ation championship gathering Bat- urdav. received the entrie3 from the University of Idah.i and the Che- niawa Indian school today. The University of Idaho will be represented by three of tbo ftars of Its northwest conference champion ship squad. Richmond, Irwia and Mc Caullie. all Dotnt winners. Richmond ts considered the best college sprint er ". In the 'northwest and won the conference title by breaking the tape in the 100 in ten seconds flat. feat that he has bc?n turning all season. Richmond will also enter the 22 yard dash. Irwin will enter the field events and is recognised as the premier shot putter of tha northwest. He has a mark of 128 feet in the discus and throw the jave- Ha 160 feet McCaullie will handle the 440 yard dash. BOY IS AWARDED $15,000 VERDICT John E. Melvin, Aged 6, Gets Damages for Injuries from Dynamite PORTLAND. Or.. June 10. John rJ. Jfciemn, agea , won a veraici for $15,000 from a jury today ia a damage suit against the Standard Rrick and Tile company. The young ster lost the sight of his right eye and three . fingers were blown off when a dynamite cap left in an un locked powder house of the brick ex ploded in his hands. The trial was on for two days. The -'powder house where the acci dent occured was at fcylvaa. Oregon. There was evidence that the door had not been locked and In some manner the child, playing in the vi cinity, picked up a dynamite cap. The suit was brought by K. E. Meivtn. father ot the boy. and asked for $25,000. Navy's Float in "Panorama of Victory" Sailing New York Streets Mi M , 11 ' - - '- , . v. : -. r I 1 t i' t .. ' ": i!.:iiZ3, - I- . lirT t.-'.'r - - p. ,7 ;'.. . . ; v. '', ,7- " ; '".''.""'H '"7.i. " --"-l.--" - j Optometrists Organize Western Association PORTLAND, Or., June 10. The organization' of the Western Opto- metric ABsc?ciation was effected to day at ,the' North Pacific congress of optometrists here. This assocl ation is open" to accredited optome trists; in any- state, but the charter members will be drawn from Ore gon, California. Washington. Idaho and Montana.' The session today was given over to a lecture by: Dr." John & Eber- hardt of Dayton, Ohio on "ocular economics and dynamics in their re lation to the correlated binocular functions." ; - j State Hygiene Work Highly Commended by Harry Moore Governor Olcott has received the following letter of commendation from Harry.' H. Moore of the Emer gency Committee for Social Hygiene of Washington, D. C, touching upon the efficiency v of the work of the Oregon Social Hygiene society. "You will be interested to know that the work of the Oregon Social Hygiene society has come to be known widely throughout the roun try. 'Many . of Its publications have been used by numerous state boards of health. The state of Oreron has certainly done pioneer work of Ines timable value In the undertaking the campaign In combatting venereal dis eases in 1911," . . . . I , . V. New Yorkers and thousands of visitors have lined Fifth avenue time after time to witness one magnificent military parade after another. All but one of these has been In honor of returning soldiers. The big ex ception was the "Panorama of Victory" staged rtntly by the .'army to help along the victory loan drive. An airplane "taxied" the length of the avenue, the spectators were !'gassed." they got a taste of smoke screens, they saw liquid fire In J fact alt the paraphernalia , of, warfare. Just so the navy's part In winning, the war should not be' forgotten the "Victory Ship." a float created by the embarkation service at Iloboken. railed along In the parade. It Is seen here Just after passing; through the Victory Arch at Madison Square. ! on theatreets with a pressure tank iuus assunnr a eood lob inH nun that will have a tendency towards making the roadways practlcallr as good as hard surfaced highways. Board of Conciliation Completes Organization PORTLAND. Or.. June 11. W. F. Woodward, of Portland, was today chosen to be the third member of the state board of labor conciliation. created by the last legislature. The object of the law is to provide for adjustment of labor issues when pos- sioie ana tnus avoi strikes. J. K. Flynn. representing the employers, and Otto Hartwlg. president of the Mate Federation of Labor, renr. senting the employes, had been ap pointed under the law by the gov ernor, and the two now have chosen the third member. , City Streets of Dallas '. to Be Given Coat of Oil i DALLAS, Or.. June 11. fSpecIal to The Statesman) At the last meeting of the Dallas citv council that body authorized the purchase of two carloads of crude oil for the pur pose oi owing the streets of the city. For the past two years durlrnr the war the streets have been Romowhat neglected during the summer months ot their usual coating of oil and the wearing surface ot the streets have been considerably damaeed a . . suit. This year the nil win ni,..y Old Ewing Ranch Nea Dallas Brings $15,000 DALLAS. Or.. Junw 11. (Special to The Statesman) The old Ewing ranch located a short distance east of Dallas was sold last week by Pe ter Springer of Salem to W. II. Mc Daniel, a prosperous Polk county farmer, the purchase price being somewhere near the $15,000 mark. The land Is some of the most produc tive In the county and contained 100 acres of apple trees until about two years ago when they were pulled up and the ranch planted to wheat. Mr. Mc Dan lei who for the past quarter of a century or more has lived on the old McDaniel farm on the Dallas Salem road will move In the near fu ture to his new farm and make It his future "home. Forest Fire in Polk Is First Blaze of Season DALLAS. Or.. June 11. fShecIal to The Statesman) The first JTorest fire of the season broke out last week In the timber In the vicinity of Rridgeport but was extinguished be fore any damage was done. The Tire warden of the county Utes that he has most of the tel phone lines to the lookout stations In the tim ber completed and repaired and that several of the crews of men are How at work cleaning out the fire trails. Button to Be Presented by Uncle Sain tot 2,000,000 Boys Who Hctped Him Beat tis lb - . v - ' - , 9 As fast as the boys who xought for Uncle Sam are discharged Iron U service they will receive a button ot this design. It was deaimed k Adolph Weinman; well known in American rt circles and to the genn. public as the designer of the new dimes. ' the Rose Festival celebration. A canvass of the various state offices yesterday showed those Interested In giving the Cherry City a creditable showing at the Portland festival, re sulted in finding an unanimity ot opinion favoring cloiins up the of fices, i Each department will retain Just enough deputies during the day to transact the routine business, while the others will board the trains lor the city of roses. : Temporary Settlement c! rWim SfL Rmrt- r fc 'fc DETEOIT. June 11. A tear ary settlement of the street er strike was effected tonight whci tu city council and officials of the De troit United Railways reached i: agreemeat nnder which cprtica are to be resumed Immediately team ing a final settlement of the fa- controversy to arbitration. Mmm SOLDIERS & SAILORS TUP: STATESMAN has an opening for a few live re turned service men to make BIO MONEY. CLEAN, IN TERESTING work. Any wan with TEl, ean make $3.00 a day. See Mr. Palmer at The Statesman office to CIXITHKS WILL CXST 3IORJ3 KANSAS CITY. June 11 Ordin ary suits for men next sprtjg will cost the wearer from 5 to $75 each and the public Is ready tu pay that for a suit. Ludwle Stcln. pres ident of the National Clothing Man ufacturers' association declared to day befar? th. mid -west reconstruc tion conference of retail clothiers meeting in this city. Mr. fiteln de clared that cloth woull be ararce because of a lack of labor. He sa!d that the tend-Mcy In men's styles is turning slowly back to plain models. Battleship Oregon Oat of Commission at Bremerton DltKMEltTOV. Wash.. June 11. The Famous old . battlethip Oregon weal out of commission today at the Puget Sound navy yard, and will remain here pending dccUioa by Ore gon as to whether that state do Ires to take over the vessel for ihe Ore gon naval rllitlv Officers and mn of the Oregon have ben assigned to other duties or : el eased from service. Portland to Give Badges to War Veterans Today PORTLAND. Or.. June 11. Port land will give five thousand medals to soldier and sailor sons tomorrow at the military parade of the Rore Festival. Six thousand more will be given out later, when all of the 11.000 young men who Joined the colors from Portland and Multnomah county have returned. The boys who apply for medals to morrow must have their discharge or separation certificates with them. The utmost care is to ! exercised in distributing the badres to prevent them from falling into hands nn worthy. The medals are of two de signs, the first for the army and thej second for the navy and marine corps. Jnne Troop Movement to Break Previous Records PARIS. June 11. General Persh ing has advised that he proposes to transport 375.000 men homeward during the month of June. This breaks al previous records for mov ing troops overseas and exceeds tb.e number Great Rritain moved across the channel In any month. TO imiN'G SATTKRWIirrE BACl PORTLAND, Or June 11. E tradition papy? were prepared t diy by Ihe district attorney's oa here for Lester Fatterwhlte. wk was aprehnued several days ;! In Fresno. Calif- arter a search tj local authorities for the pst U-' years. -Satterwhlte- made s sess tional escape from the city ixll ten November 11. 19 U. - I Boys! Boys! Army Captain and T' Man Prisoners on Transport NEW YORK. June 11 An armv captain sentenced to serve a virtual life sentence for refusing to lead his company over Ihe top and a for mer T. M. C. A. worker accused of having embexxled CS.ooa francs were among the 30 prtirners brouxht back on the steamship Fintsterre to day. The names of the prisoners were withheld. , ' State Offices Will Close in Honor of Rose Festival An unnrriclal holiday will be ob served by slate offices today while state officials and deputies hie them selves to Portland to take part lajbonor. Californian Elected Head of Pacific Coast Ad Men PfirtTfivn rr i..... 1 1 rk. a a . a i tid 8. Mathews or Stockton. Cal was electd rrnident o.f th? Paciric', Coast Ad Men's as-Mxiatinn at the! final ar&tioa lasting late into tonight) and Stoeaton wast cho4j as the! place fov holding the l!i20 conven tion, defeating Los Ansilcs for th? VACATION DAYS . will -soon be here. Oct is line io make MONEY tbU lummer.. No premiums or prucs. EEAL CASH 11! List iyour names with th (Jirtrulation Manacer befort Junei 1st he wUl tell yoa all alut it. PARENTS Let .your Bo cqrn his own gpendieff money in a clean legitimate way.i Initiate & BUSINESS INSTINCT in him. Keep him 6ut of mischief. A fcf houri walking in the open air f'aeh day What coulJ be healthier! Open to boys over 11 yesri old. I 1 Circulation Dep'L f The Orecon Stateinsa '. ' ' " " . ! ' . ' f 'j ;:.,). ; j '',."! ' - ------- - . . '" ' - - ' - r , ' 1 , 1 1 ... I