The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 12, 1919, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' . .-'. ------ ; - I
- ' ,
The Sutcffnuui receive tbe
leased wire report of. tbe As
auelaled Press, th 'greatest
and moat rc-liaMe re a
aoclatlon d the world. '
- i -
. (fair. Moderate westerly winds.
sAu:i.roi:m;ox, tiu iisiay jiwe 12. iuiu
prick fivi: ckvth
i - ' -
Ccpy of Treaty in U. ST Was
Obtained by Head of Red
; 'Cross to 'Determine Status
of Organization.
Lodge and Borah Declare AU
Assertions Proven and
Hitchcock Satisfied
How the peace treaty reached pri
vate hands in New York and thus
stirred tip a sensation was estab
lished today at a two-hour hearing
before the foreign relationscommit
tee. : ' - 3
Senator Lodge T .vealed that the
.copy he saw was 'shown him by Eli
ha Boot, a former secretary of state.
Mr. IiOUl tuiu me rinummre uc gu
H " from Henry P. Davison, a mem
ber of the Morgan banking house
and head of the Red Cross, and Mr.
Davidson In turn testified It was giv
en him in Paris by Thomas W. Laf
mont, another Morgan partner at
tached to the Americas peace ml3-
J. P. Morgan and Frank J. Vander
lip, retiring president of the National
City, bank, .also before the conimlt-
jee, said they had never seen a copy.
'With -that the committee ad
journed without setting a date to
continue the hearing and with mem
bers on both sides of the treaty con
troversy saying privately that the in
vestigation was apparently over.
Not Improperly Used .
Mr. Davidson said he had secured
a copy to clear up the status of the
Red Cross under the league of na
tions, and had never used It In a fi
nancial way. "He had shown it to
no one except Mr. Root, he continued,
aid had sent It to, him because he
knew thearmer secretary was be-
l4ol 4 Via American mis
sion. ' '
Mr. Root gave It as his opinion
that there wa nothing improper in
the way the treaty had reached him
aad that he was free to use It as h
chose. There could be nothing se
cret about it he told the committee,
because the Germain government had
' made it public. '; f
. Under questioning Mr. Root, who
(Continued on page 5)
June 21 Bargain Day
Merchants and Business Houses of the City Will Offer Un
usual Inducements to Patrons for This iYear s Big Event
It Will Be a Great Occasion for Economical Buyers as
Well as Fine Get-Together Opportunity.
1 i
' Bargain day, "when the wideawake
erchants of Salem will offer goods
; at the lowest possible figure, has
been set for Saturday June 21, as the
result of popular demand for a rep
etition of Bargain day of last year
"and tbe year before. The newspa
; pers have entered the lists, and from
day to day the Journal and The
" Statesman will give full information
about the plan, character of goods to
be orfered and all Information that
' the buyer will find useful.
Bargain day Is an annual event in
, Salem, this year making the third
time the proposition has been given.
Concerted action "is necessary to
make the event successful and it Is
r. assured. Every merchant in the city
who has reliable goods to sell will 1
o in tne uargam uay line on juhb
2l. and the manv from the country,
tillage, city' iand 'hamlet can find all
they want in every coneiveable line
or merchandise right here in Salem
t prices that will make him stagger
with pleasurable realization.
That, the bargains to be offered
will far outshine those of Bargain
.Day of last ! year i goes without say
ing. The merchants are profiting by
their experience of past years. They
nave purchased more heavily and
have their plans for the conduct of
their Bargain Day business so well
.outlined that the shoppers will ,; be
fforded a wide range of choice and
will find all merchandise so syste-?
.matically displayed that the task of
'hopping will be greatly . slmplifed.
.Extra clerks are also being engaged
nd patrons will not have to "stand
round Indeflnitelyl to be waited
npon. .. ;,;!. '.
; In speaking of last year's Bargain
ayi one of the merchants said : '"'The
flood of buyers that overflowed my
tore last year simply swamped my
taff of clerks and many a customer
was not waited upon simply because
. w bad not prepared to handle sucb
waal wave of patronage. This year
n going to show the people of Mar
lon and Polk counties what a real
200 Special Police
Sworn in Following
Bloodshed in Strike
t DALLAS,! Tex., June 11.
Wtlh 200 special policemen
sworn in. the regular police
force working 12-hour shifts
Instead of eight hours.-five men
, in jail changed with murder
and $500, reward offered by the
mayor for evidence leading to
the - conviction of the slayer of
A. J. Fisher, a guard employed
to protect non-union workmen,
the electrical workers and sym
pathetic t strikers, the situation
in Dallas was quiet tonight,
after a clash today between al
leged union ' strikers and non
union meratfers. In addition to
the killing k)f . Fisher two men'
were Injured.
Today's was the Hrst blood
shed in the strike which has
been 'in effect nearly three
months.. A crowd of non-union
linemen was" attacked while at
work in a' thickly ; populated
residential district.,'. Fisher, a
guard employed by the Dallas
Light & Power company, against
which the strike is directed, re
ceived a charge of buckshot in
the head and died Instantly.
Five alleged union strikers
were arrested on charges of
murder filed by the police.
Right of Milwaukee Socialist
to Place in House to Be
Thoroughly Aired
WASHINGTON, June 11. In the
preliminary skirmish bearing on the
rights of Victor' L. Berger of Mil
waukee, to sit In the house of repre
sentatives in View of his conviction
for violation j'of j the espionabe act.
two outstanding facts developed to-
dayj indicating the hearing might
continue for months.
Chairman Ballinger of the special
elections committee, charged with
the investtgatjoh. announced Mr
Berger was to have a fair, fnIT and
impartial trial, even If that hearing
meant hearing all evidence presented
and excluded . from his trial before
Judge Landisat Chicago. The chair
man explained that no limit would
be put on the'.proceedlngs. :
: Henry F. tiochems of Milwaukee
counsel for Berger. who has already
intimated that the fight in his cli
ent's behalf would be long and bit
ter, challenged the right of the com
mittee, or even the house, to deny
the seat after, election by the people
of the fifth Wisconsin .district;
Mr. Berger sat with his lawyer
throughout the hearing.
live pale is. i I have loads of mer
chandise and let the buyers come
as thick and fist as they will, we will
rive them immediate service. My
entire stock will be bargainized
do not expect a profit, except the
Droflt of making ; friends among
those who visit our store
This seems .to be the general spirit
of all . the stores, shops and snows
that they hate put their shoulders
to the wheel of the Bargain day pro
position. They l are working in har
mony for the! upbuilding of better
and more friendly trade relations be
tween Salem ; and every other part
of Marion and adjacent counties.
Mingled with "this harmonious effort
is a good-natured business rivalry
as to which will offer the most at
tractive inducements to buyers. From
what has already been learned many
ingenious sale plans will .be put into
street on m.s.oay oi ... u, .
The followtog merchants have al
ready joined the Bargain Day move
ment. Others will be added from
dav to day. J
Price Shoe Company, ladies and
men's shoes. ;
Kafoury Brothers, ladies' furnish
ings. U. G. Shipley Company, ladies
Tli nooterv. men's and ladies'
shoes."."':'- " - ''
J. C, Penny Company,, men's and
ladies' furnishings, dry goods, etc.
- Xhe Farmer Store. A.W.
RosteLn & Greenbaum, ladies' furn-
ishine crbods.
Ray L. Farmer Hardware Com
pany., hardware, cutlery, silveware,
ete.'t -:" -
F, W. Woolworth Company. 5c,
10c and loc goods. "
; Peonies Cash Store, M. Solof, gro
ceries, clothing, shoes, etc.
E. T; Barnes, men's and ladies'
furnishings, dry goods, etc.
Salem Hardware Company, hard-
(Continued on page 5)
Resolution Adopted by Labor
Representatives at Atlantic
Ctiy Convention to Be Sent
to President and Congress.
Nearly All Big Organizations
' of Nation Allied Against
! Dry Measure
ATLANTIC CITY; N. . J; A reso-!
lution , expressing organized i labor's
disapproval ofl war-time prohibition
and.atrongly urging that 2 per
cent beer be exempt from the pro
visions of (the eighteenth amend
ment to the constitution and from
the war-time prohibition measure
which goes into effect Julyil, was
adopted today by the reconstruction
convention of the American Federa
tion of -Labor. A bitter fight was
waged on the proposal by dry ele
ments, especially by delegates from
Seattle, who based their arguments
on the benefits they said their city
had found through prohibition, but
was carried by an overwhelming
vote of 2.475 to 4.005. The voting
is proportional to the membership of
the unions represented. . '
The resolution will be sent to
President Wilson and congress, t
Nearly all the big labor organiza
tions of the country voted for the
resolution . The blacksmiths, spin
ners, stereotypers and delegates of
the Teachers Federation of America
all voted against it. The boilermak-
ers and Iron shipbuilders, the long
shoremen, and the typographical or
ganizations split their voteJ Aside
from Seattle, Chicago was the, only
one of the big city labor organisa
tions that voted "no." i
In the list of state federations
Florida, Missouri. Kansas and Vir
ginia voted, against it. The ; railway
clerks delegation refused to vote at
all, giving no reason, while the dele
gation from the Illinois state federa
tion of labor : declined to vote be
cause they announced their organ!
ration had taken no stand on the
matter, l ; . s . .
Immediately! after the passage of
the resolution , another was. offered
providing that the convention should
suspend Its session Saturday in order
that the delegates might go ,to
Washington on a special train to
participate jn the great demonstra
tion to be held in front of the capitol
there as a.protest against war-time
prohibition. This resolution was
adopted . almost unanimously, the
delegation from, Seattle being the
only one to vote against it. i
e Force Under General
Angeles ! Expected to
. Attack City
JUAREZ, Mexico. June II. With
advance forces 'of General Felipe An
geles :portd ! at San Augiistin. 16
milc3 east of Juarez and ' midway
between " this city and Griiadaulnpe.
32 miles east.' where it is asserted
the revolutionary leader haa a larg
force of men, a battle for te pos
session of Juarer is expected during
the night -or early tomorrow. .
At 4:15 o'clock this( afternoon a
skirmish! was reported few miles
east of Jua:ez between Mexicaa fed
erals and some Angeles men. proo
atly a scouting pariy.
General Franc;sco Uonzates. com
mander at Jaurez, said this after
noon that hia ; men were ready for
the fight. ' i ' '
In a skirmish between ; Mexican
federals Jind advance forces' of Gen
eral Angeles, a few miles' east of
Juarez this afternoon,' some-federals
are reported to have been killed. The
federals were picked off by snipers.
There was no report of -any casual
ties on the rebel side. .
Five hundred Mexican federal
cavalry, well armed. left Juarez
at 8:0 p.; m. moving eastward.
Reliable information s to the ef
fect that unarmed Villa and A"a
geles men have been trickling iato
Juarez during .the evening.
At 8:30 tonieht a ipexico North
western railway enginrj and several
stock cars wer-., moving! south of th?
station. It was a military train, but
Information , as to whfe it was go
ing could not be obtained.-
(Fhe city on the surface., is quiet
but feeling Is intense. I The name of
V?31a Is heard frsqintfer- on the
streets, something unlsual'sinee the
jVilla-CatTanza i split. AH;" officers.
jnen, quariermasiers v 3 wjj-
ter wore their side afs tonight.
t Impersonating Officer
in Order to Get Booze
Lands Ex-flop in Jail
Portland, or.. June n.
L. L. Adcox. promoter of an au
tomobile school here today was
held on a federal charge of vi
olating the Heed amendment
by bringing 13 eases of liquor
into Oregon from California
and A: A. Long, formerly a
member of the Portland police
force was also in the county
jail on a charge of personating
a government officer in an ef
fort to take the liquor away
from Adcox. ling's bail was
rixed at $200.
According to government of- $
fleers. Aricnx rlaima to have
made the trip to California for
the purpose of bringing back
some liquor which he had
stored away there n anticipa
tion of the coming July 1. Tbe
return trip was.nade by way
J of Madras, IlenT and the Col-
iimbia River highway as far as
The Dalies. He're Adcox and
I ' his companions went to sleep in
the car. only to be awakened up
by Long, who- flashed . a light
into their faces and demanded
the liquor.
Long stated today that he
took the liquor and hid it, the
police declared.
B. F. Irvine, Portland, Tells
Young People America
Is. in Their! Hands
Commencement Exercises
Are Seventy-fifty for
"It is up to the members of this
graduating class to help save this
country from the red rule of the pro
letariat which has made of Russia
a horrible thing." said'B. F. Irvine
of Portland, in his address to the
graduating class of Willamette uni
versity which were held in the Meth
odlst church yesterday.
, Continuing, he said: "The princi
ple of tbe responsible government is
on the verge of disintegrating. When
that happens, who is going to answer
'o Almighty God for it? Today in
Russia people are ready to go back
to bloody tribal life and make war
on civilization. The dictators are
striving for higher government but
their efforts as exemplified In Rus
sia, itself, has resulted in the most
awful eruption the world $ias ever
seen more awful than war a so
cial cataclysm. . '
"There is a fear In Paris some
suppressed apprehension that the
mob 'niay arise nd demand rule by
me .proletariat. :
Calling attention to the troubles
in Seattle, he declared: "Thank God
they are deporting that alien element
that does not belong to thfs country.
You must have an organized and re
sponsible government or you can't
have civilization."
Ameriranixm Urged
"America is not finished. We're
bettering this country all the time
Tbe thing for you graduates to do Is
to be citizens. Do yon want me to
tell yon how you can do it? Be the
same kind of 100 per cent American
you were during; the world war. We
nave learned tnat America Is worm
while. We have learned that the
Stars, and Stripes is not a mere rag
We owe it to the dead in France,
the hrave women of the war to per
fect our nation and then to preserve
The exercises opened with a piano
nrelade by Miss Florence Shirley.
Rev. R. E. Gornall gave the lnvoca-J
tion and Dr. Henry J. Talbott the
scripture lesson. The men's glee
club sang Farmer's "Gloria in Elcel-
(Contijued on pae 2)
PORTLAND. OreUune 11. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) The Cher
rtans of Salem and their Victory
float were easy winners of first
nrize for organization and first prize
for float in the rose festival parade
here today. ' They are in a fair way
to take the sweepstakes away from
Seattle, their only strong rival but
late tonight this prize had not been
awarded. .
J Everywhere the Salem representa
tion went along the line of marc h
eyes centered upon them and bat
teries of movie cameras 'canned'
their glory. They were, "without
doubt, one of the biggest, features
of the monster procession.
Next Chapter in Controversy
Expected to Center Around
Attempt to Put Solons On
Record Regarding League.
Every Effort to Be Made to
Bring Resolution to Vote
Before Treaty Is Signed
WASH1.VGTOX. June 11. After
a short period of comparative quiet,
the senate fight over the league of
nations appears certain to be re
sumed tomorrow or Friday with a
fury that may eclipse all previous
st niggles growing out of the contro
It is around the resolution of Sen
ator Knox. Republican of Pennsyl
vania, proposing to put the senate
definitely on record regarding the re
vised covenant of the league that
the next chapter of the fight' Is to
be wtitten.
Supporters of the resolution hope
to gather enough strength to give
waruing to the Paris conference that
the treaty cannot be ratified here
in its present form, an eventuality
which the treaty supporters expect to
fight to a finish.
The foreign relations committee
today decided to take up tbe resolu
tion tomorrow morning with the
prospect that It will be brought into
the senate as soon as it meets at
It is considered likelx that the
fight will begin when tbe resolution
is called for passage Friday. Even
its friends do not expect a roll call
that day and some senators are pre
dicting there will be none for many
days to come. Senator Knox will
make every -ffort to bring it to . a
vote before the treaty is signed at
Paris and in this he apparently will
have the backing of Republican
Leader Lodge.
1AENVER. June 11. Resolutions
endorsing the league of nations and
instructing the president of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
and Enginemen "to advise President
Wilson and the premier of Canada
by wire that this organization favors
adoption, of the league of nations
rovenant" were adopted at today's
session of tbe triennial convention of
the brotherhood here.
An address by Walker D. Hines.
director of the railroads, and resolu
tions asking the release from prison
of Eugene V. Debs and Thomas J
Mooney, were the other outstanding
features of today's session.
A caution against adopting radi
cal legislation was given to the con
vention this afternoon hy President
W. S. Carter, just before he left for
Washington to resume his duties as
director of labor of the railroad ad
ministration. Mr. Carter called at
tention to the industrial unrest now
prevalent over the world and urged
the convention to consider carefully
and act wisely on all matters com
ing before the organization.
Albin to Quit Monday as Gty
ExecutiveWill Move
to Philomath
The resignation of Mayor C. E.
Albin will be submitted to lb clly
council at . its meeting Monday night.
Mayor Albia has purchased a farm
near Philomath and as the present
owner is in ill health and uaable
to care for the crop it is necessary
that the mayor move to the plac
at once. He has already resigned
as traffic manager f the Pbes com
pany which position he has held
since September, 19 IK.
Mr. Albin came to Salem in 1908
from Corvallis and took tbe position
rt generaJ agent for the Oregon
Electric railway. Later he was as
sociated with tbe industrial acci
dent commission from where he weni
to the Ph?z company. He waa elect
ed mayor in June. 1918. it being
his only political venture.
As mayor he ha . been active in
bringing about many changes in the
city. He was instramejtal in the
vacation of Trade and Watr streets
to bring the paper mill to Salem
and also worked hard to encourage
the establishment of the Valley Pack
ing company plant. ,
Hpon thev acceptance of his resig
nation Mr. lbla will move his fam
ily tj Philomath.
(Contljued on page 2)
Further Reduction
In Size of Army Is
Proposed in House
WASHINGTON'.' one 11.
Further red action in tbe ze of
the army to be maintained fr
the next fiscal year was tenia- (
lively agreed upon by tbe hous
today In deciding to base appro
priatfon3 for pay and mainten
ance on an army of 300.000
iacn. instead of 40.000 as rec- -ommended
by tbe house mili
tary committee. The war de
partment had recommended
provision, for an army of -09,-0'0.
The controversy over the
army's size was brought to a
test vote when a J Item of f 2.
f.03.000 for the pay of Ifne of
ficers came up for considera
tion. Representative Laguar
dia. Republican, of Nw York,
moved that it be reduced to
$20.200. 00. making It in pro
portion to anarmy of 200.000.
After two hours debate , the
amendment was passed by a
vote of 59 to 57.
Supporters of the amendment
contended that tf provision was
made for-400.0O the war d w.nld make no effort
' to carry on the demobilization
as rapidly as might be possible.
Winnipeg Mayor Declares
That Further Riotmg Will
Necessitate Militia
r WINNIPEG. June 11. Mayor
Charles F. Gray made a formal an
nouncement tonight that any further
street rioting of a serious nature
will be the signal for him to call up
on the militia. He intimated the
question of Invoking military aid
was discussed during yesterday's dis
turbances In conference with Gen
eral Ketehen. commander of the
Manitoba military district, and Colo
nel J. Stearns, commanding the
Royal Northwest mounted police
forces stationed here. .
It was stated at the city hall that
the street fighting resulted In a
large increase in the number of ap
plicants lor special constable . duty.
Mayor Gray declared the city
would accept another thousand men;
In fact, would "take every eligible
man applying for police duty.
The day passed without demon
stration of any kind on the part of
the strikers and their sympathizers.
T. S. Morson, special returned sol
dier constable, was accidentally shot
In the leg tonight. He and another
special policeman were set upon by
strikfe sympathizers and were de
fending themselves vigorously when
a citizen ran to the scene to aid
them, pulled a revolver, aimed for
the legs of the rioters, but hit Mor
son instead.
The police commission today
passed a resolution relieving the
chief of police. Donald fcPherson of
his ofrice. Chris H. Newton, a
deputy chief, has been appointed act
ing chief.
Former German liner Is
Rammed by Cargo Boat
NEW YORK. Jnn 11, Tb-
steamship Graf Walderscc. a former
German liner taken over by the Unit
ed States shipping ; l-oard. was
rammed one hundred mile off San
dy Hook at U:4i o'clock tonight
by the steamship Redonda. a cargo
boat, according to a wireless mes
sage- received by tbe navel romuinnl
rat 'on service. A later niessag?
said the Graf Waldere had six
feet of water la her : engine room.
A wireless message said the steam
ship Patricia was taking off the pas
sengers and crew of the Graf N alder
see. The engine room and fire
room of the former German liner
were flooded but the message said it
was believed siie would remain
afloat and a request was made that
tugs be sent to her assistance.
Parade and Flying Circus
Open Portland Rose Show
PORTLAND. June IK An tadua
trial parade which '.required two
hours to pass a xivin poiat; a flying
circus given by six army airplanes
whkh had come from Mather field,
near Sacramento to glte it. a pub
lie reception to the festival goddess
and motorboat races ton the river
were the principal features of thi
opening day of the Rose FestHa
here. Weather condition weie iter
feet aad visitors thronged the city.
Tb flying circus will; be repeated
tomorrow and a military and .naval
parade will be given. i
Jews Parade m Protest
Against Alleged Pogroms
Nearly 10.000 Jew marched through
the down-town streets hero today as
a protest against alleged pogroms In
Poland and elsewhere In which tt
has been charged many Jew were
slain and others ill-treated.
Union Leaders Declare First
Day's Response to Call for
Nation-Wide Strike Gives
Promise of Tie-Up.
Reports from Yarious. Sec
tions of Country Show Busi
ness Little Affectedt
CHICAGO, Jjine 11. Cnion lead
ers declared tbnigbt that the first
day's response ;ta the call for a nation-wide
strike of. commercial tele
graph operators gave promise that
jth tie-up Jrould be complete In
three days, despite claims of com
pany officials that the strike has
Report received by the Associat
ed Press from iany towns in various
section of the tountrj indicate com
mercial tek-grapb business was jot
seriously interrupted Jn most dU-
A statement by President Carlton
of the Western - Talon Telegrapa
company that about on!y ICS oer-
sons, izi of theui - operatois, an-we-Bd
th strfke call, btought from
i. J Konetkaiftp. International pres
ident of the Oommercial Telegraph
ers Lnlo.l of America, a remark that
more than tha number of Wesurn
I nion employes in Chicago alou
had joined the strike by aooa to-
Report np to late today point to
a jjlaety percent response ia Xhi
Jfeslal Telegranh cjnn,an 'w.......
and a 0 De i eont rnr.r. .
isifcm Lmoif mDloTHL" vr..
nenkamp iA asttem?nt to the As
sociated Presai tonight, "The east
In tie southeast alone the nur.iU-r
or strtktrrs now. exceeds 3.u0y, Tel
ephone workers hare aaa . .v..
Iiria number in pki!.i.i.:
n UTeaM- Columbia. S. C... and .
Brunswick. Ga; When the eiectri
workers oa a naifn-
strike Mondari additional telephone
worker also will go out. Ita:oal
telegraphers lojall parts of th- coun
try are ttfu3lng commercial busi
ness, and trouble anew Is Jn.netidlap
in Canada because of
nadiaa telegraphers to handle Amer
ican buslaess.'
In a statement declaring oa!y few
Western Unioi upe:atoia had quit.
Edward F. Wch. deputy tlci-prc!
nent of the Association of w ..,. .
m . " wos,.
cnion IEmploe3. said the ana
members of that organiration were
not concerned -with the Ccmmercial
leieKrapners' Union demands Sixty
five per cent of all Western l'nirt
employes are represented la the as-
NEW YORK! June 11 FA.
Reynolds. genJral manager iti
Postal T?leg;bh system. iinued a
statement tooight -declaring the
strike as far as his company Vu con
cerned, "is practically at an end
Mr. Reynolds said the Postal com
pany had not exDerieacjwt t.-r
oiis trcnble in handling Its business
Mr. Reynolds! declared the Postal
- - " v...rinCTi it uuiair luai
thy should hea tbe burden of "rar
rylnr on a fight against the West
em 1'nion company, wbich was tho
origin of the strike. .
SN FRANCISCO. .June 11. Pa
cific eoapt commercial telegraphers
in the Western Union. Postal and
smaller companies failed to fully re
spond to a national strike orce, ef
fect iv-. today, i
Union official said that before
the night wa over hundreds more
would be ;ant. Western Un.on ex-
theii Jorc?s intact In spite ct t:s
nons picketinc-at many points. Ths
Postal company r admitted it tras
crippled, but continued to receive
busines without reservation.
In San Francisco. Spokane. Ta
coma. Portland. Los Angeles the
other big centers, it wtl determined
to be badly crippled.!
Jerome. Aria., was reported to be
isolated telegraphically when the en
tire staff 3f three quit their posts in
the Western InIon office. It was
first report of a complet? ti-np.
Practically, alT: of th Denver Pos
tal employes were re?ortM tf h8
left their posts., whlli' at Tucwn.
Ariz,, the service was badly crip
pled. In the smalbiri Arizona and
Wyamlug center, the operators were
said to have all reported for work.
Union officials here expressed t
opinion that th -strike would ext.d
to Canada and It hat the brokers and
railroad operators would loin In toe
moTemenL. 1 ?
(Coctuo4 on page 2)