- - r- i ; - . - :!"- j ! ; "1 i THE OREGOX STATES3IA5: REAL ESTATE n AUCTION SAL E Wednesday. June 11 1:30 p. m. I ' IJV I CONSISTING OP ' ' ( ; Fine 20-Acre Tract, Located 2 miles soifthwest of Liberty or 5 miles from Salem. Turn to the rightj at Liberty store. Look for sign. Described as follows: j ' . v'l. i.- i j ' ; ! .j i 8 acres of 8-year old prunes. - j . t 3 acres of , young prunes which are heavily loaded . i this year . . . r ' - 9 acres of oats. '. f . j r"" TERMS $1500 cash; balance arranged subject to -.mortgage oi Sfiwu. . U Harris, - Owner. M V 1 F. N. WOODRY, i j i The Auctioneer. Phone 510 or 51 1' CLEARING T j AUCTIOWSALIE Of : ';'.; : Beautiful . Bungalo Piano and ' ';. ; If ' ; THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1:30 P.M. 1255 North Cottage Street; Forms hing ' . , CONSISTING OP t - Strictly modern 6 roomed bungalo "with cement basement, cement floor, furnace, stationary wash tubs, fire place, bath nd toilet, built in buffet and kitchen, woodlifts, reception hall,' large liring room, large dining room, 3 bed rooms, back hall and clothes closets,, attic, and lot 49 feet by -feet with alley." This home is well boilt in every respect and! one i of the most complete in the city; facing east and Is suitable for the particular tmyer.r ; . ; ' ' ' ' FTRX1SIIIXGS' " ; j 1 '9xlt: Wilton rug, conventional design; 1 9xll Wilton rug. conventional, design; i 2 3x6 Wilton; rugs, conventional " design; 2 8x10. fibre rugs; 1 10x12 Inlaid linoleum; J ever stuffed 'davenport with cushions; 1 Jewett upright - piano, oak case; 1 mission oak dining, tabled & chairs and buffet to match; 1 mission oak library table; 1 3-section mission; oak book case; 1 oak reclining chair (poshi. button) ; 1 old hickory. . chair j.l.mlssion oak rocker;l mission arm chair; 1 4-section. "fire screen; all, leather) overstuffed rocker; White' Ro- tary drop-head sewing machine; .1 ; folding card . table; , 1 '' English breakfast table; maleable, ('hole range; lacecur- tains and silk draperies and window shade; 10 pictures; x 'TTudor -'porch" shades; 1 Birds Eye maple dresser, ,Erench . mirror .1. maple chlffoneer, large size. French mirror;; .1; oak , Princess" dresser; French mirror; 1 2-inch continuous post, y 'Vemns - Martin bedstead ; 1 1 l-in. continuous post' white . enamel bedstead; 2; white enamel bedsteads; 2 sets' of ; coil springs; .2 common springs; 3 floss mattresses;'! felt mat tresi; 1 oal: stand table; 1 15-volumes International Encyclo-; pedia; 1 odd diner; ;, 1 8-day SethjThomas clock; '.dishes alnminum .ware, -crockery, knives and forks, fruit jars, 35 quarts home canned fruit; 50 Jars Jelly and jams; T5 ' feet garden hose; . garden tools, books, electric light globes, table linen , sheets, pillow cases, goose feather pillows, blankets, comforts, bed spreads, electric iron ami many other things. -v TERMS- Furniture and piano, cash; home cash, balance monthly .payments at 6 per cent interest, note. - j This home and furnishings are high, class and suitable for the particular buyer, they will be" sojd absolutely without, reserve to the highest bidder as the owner are going abroad Come one, come all; nothing will be sold -at private eale- - liome' and furnishings now open" for Inspection. "'" r ;r I Home Will lie Sold 2:30 P. M. Sharp. RKOODRY, The Auctioneer, 1 ?i - PhonW 5ia or 511 ' . . I : - Arthur B. and Daisy D. WUson, Owners j Residence 1255 N. Cottage St. Phone t230 . ...... ..SHOES FOR BABY Beginning- with the sweet little darling as soon as he can wear those dainty little soft soles we have in all colors and pat terns up to the first steps, then the turn soles and finally the heavy ones. We fit all babys and satisfy j their parents presentation of the unequalled !- Wilcox Grocery m t A W a. sibllitie. for service o if m vecetable. by the practical rieia oi ' ..";:.; days ministry. 4 , In his charpe to the graduating clas3. president Talbott held ear nestly before them the h!h oppor tunities and ideals of th?ir life work. After the presentation of diplomas President Talbott announced the awarding of the Stone Scholarship prixe to Mr.CJofcn William Warrell. This Is a gold medal which Is of fered each year for excellence in rhr.iarshlo. bv Rev. R. . Stone, an alumnus of the Institution Hardware. Cooking Utensils, ire delivery, twice daily. Thomas Block.' Nye Be&ch. Newport. Oregon. LaBranchV Lunch Pari:: Brand ew: . Opei Jum 20 Quick Lunches at reasonable price. Beach St.. y, block Ifrom Natatorium E. U im tXHi, Prop. 8c Cigar The "Pacific" Strictly Hand-Mcde American Havana Tobacco S. 8. IIITC1IIXU, 31fr, Newport. Or. f of the company to be on hand in full force at the armory eve:y Mon day eveaing between now . and the time of mustering. ,The re-organization of the guard is now on in full swing and infor mation has been received that Com pany M will receive ils full equip ment, some time this month, which means the men will be provided with the latest Enfield rifle, automatic revolvers, a Aew issue of uniforms and, in fact a complete modern out fit, I'..!- In addition to Company M Salem will, in the future, have the adju tant general's headquarters here, as well a3 battalion headquarters for the third battalion. It is expected that frequent battalion drills will be held in this city which will give everyone. an opportunity to watch troops maneuver. Company M is working; hard to make itself the crack company of the regiment, and with full turnouts for drill should have no trouble in making? good. Marion County Student ', ! Wins 'Medal for Debate 3. Kenneth Armstrong of Jeffer son, a junior inthe .University of Oregon, has been awarded the alum ni! medal Tor the best individual de bater in the university at a recent contest held at, the university. Arm strong won two first places and one second against threeo ther men.; The question he debated was. "Re solved, That the United States should not cease its experiment in the oper ation of the railroads short of a five year period." j The men drew lots at the time of the debate for the side they were to uphold since ther had prepared to uphold either side. There was no team work, each man being judged on his individual work. Arm strong debated the affirmative side. - Big Irrigation District Is Formed in Lake County Formation of the northern Lake County Irrigation district Is an nomnced in a letter recived from of f icials of the j new project by State Engineer Cupper. Engineers are now completing surveys for the big irrigation system, and the plans are expected to be filed for approval shortly with -the state engineer. The land sought to be reclaimed hv tho nonr In-laHmi rtsm lloa in northern Lake county and composes I . : 8 more than 30,000 acres. It is planned to divert the waters of the Sycan river and Silver creek for the irrigation ditch. The cost of the pro ject is not known. ' - LINCOLN COUNTY JUBILANT OVER COAST HIGHWAY Rally Held at Newport to Celebrate Voting of Roose Velt Road DENOUNCEMOSSBACKS" Hundred's Attend from AH Parts of District Davis Is Speaker i - NEWPORT. Or., June 7. (Spe cial to The Statesman) One of the greatest jollification meetings ever held in Lincoln county was the good roads jubilee at New port Wednesday night. Ilundrt-ds of flower bedecked automobiles loaded with people from Toledo, Elk City, Siletz, Yachatz, Wal port and Chitwood came pouring into Newport about 7 p. m. and were met by a band of Newport citizens in Indian costume who held a "war dance" as a recep tion of the visitors. Everyone then went, to the city park where they, were addressed by Carl S. Davis, secretary of the local commercial club. , After a few words of welcomee Mr. Davis Introduced Dr. F. M. Carter of Siletx and LeBter Martin of Nawport who spoke in praise of the public-sp'ritedness of the people who had supported the Roosevelt Highway bill and in con demnatioa of .those who had voted against it. New Era Predicted, Mr. Darts closed the speaking by thanking' the , people for their at tendance saying: "This la a great day for Newport, for Lincoln county and for the entire state of Oregon. it lsne aawn or a new era an era of prosperity aud advancement The good roads bills have carried and (Carried . strong.- In Newport, lout ot m votes cast (only six were against "good roads." We will fol low the old custom of the American Indian and, burn them in effigy at Stocker'i Meat Market - Everything in the Meat Line. Center of Business Section Beach SlreeL THOLS BLACK, Xy h Newport, Oregon. Agates Cut and Mounted Watch Repairing; 23 years In business A. iJ T1IOMAH " Newport. Oregon GROCERIES FREE DELIVERY TWICE DAILY Crocerle. Fruits, Vegetable. Cooking I'tewJI. Cigar. Tohacro, Light Hardware, Vic. . WALItAD. & PA Y.N' B Post OTfice Block, Newport. Oregon. VAN'S FISH MARKET Dealer in fresh and salt fish, oys ters, clams, crabs, butter, eggs, gro ceries, lunch goods, buttermilk, fresh vegetables. Glad to welcome you at store on Front street or fill your mail order during, shipping season. . C. E. VAXDEUPOOL Newport, Oregon. DrJ Lena A. Boone Chlropracl or Now at Nye Beach. EEEE Cottage Two Doors South, Episcopal Church Newport. Oregosi AGATES CUT AND MOUNTED Pniu in and mv stock of polished acates ready for mounting, wor done on short notice and at reason able prices. V. IL IKHXJB. Prop-. Beach' Kt . Half block from the Waves Agates Polished and Mourt-H Our equipment enables us to do tt, work quickly and economically, ju. our stoCk of polished stones. moit-M ana. namouniea. i matte ail c. Iowa mountings. CIIAS. E. WAIT Agate Gutter, Manufacturing Jeve! '. j Minthorn's HOT SEA BATHS vlider Lanageneiit of , W. T. Crocker Just across the street from the C..? House. Jlousekeeping rooms for rttt Within k stane's throw of the wiret k"EM"IOIlT, OKECOX Writi for farther infonnaUov x NTCK'S DELICATESSEN AHU QUICK LUNCH I If von feel like the Old Nick eat at Nick's and you II ieei nae a jouuk Nick. Strictly home cooking. Eeat lit here or take It home with you. I Mr. Nellie I. Nicholson. y ueacn Beach St.. Vt Block, from tne avea Nye Beach DELICATESSEN ANH BAKERY Horse-made pastry and llr.it lunches. Delicatessen goods. JAS. SIcADAM.4 "ewport, Oregosi NYE BEACH NATATORIUM Warm salt water swimming pool; continuous circulation; kept at an even temperature. By analysis by Prof. E. T. Parnot this water is pro nounced as pure as any water in the West. Competent swimming Instruc tor. Special care given children and women. Right at the ocean's edge. E. M. BAKER, Proprietor. Ny Beach, Newport, Oregon. 1. General Prosperity of p Oregon Residents Shown Never in the history of the state was general prosperity more in evi dence than at the present time, acJ cording to the' bank statement made public by Will H. Bennet, superin tendent of banks. The report shows that deposits now In the banks of Oregon aggre gate $51,210,000 more'than they were at this time last year. A gain of 121,000,000 in bank deposits has been made since March 4, this year Totat deposits now held by banks, of this state are $245,520,942. An interesting part of the report shows that an increase of more than $10,000,000 has been made in sav ings deposits alone during the year. This indicates, say banking officials. that the saving habit as impressed upon the public during liberty loan campaigns, has taken affect upon all classes of persons. Thereupon a dummy was tied to a stake and a big fire soon left not a trace of what represented those who would eland ia.the way of progress. ' OCEAN WAVE ROLLER RINK v Hardwood floor 50x100, feet. -Good Music Top of Hill near postof flee. A. C FORD, Prop.. Newport, Ore. NEW CUFF HOUSE-At Water's Edge Nye Bead i 37 outside rooms, overlooking the oceanJ A place where you win like to call home. Pleasant rooms, comfortable beds, unexcelled table. If service and location means anything, we have the best. I W. V. WHEELER, Prop. Newport '(Free bus from boat to Cliff House) Oregoa ENGAGE YOUR COTTAGE EARLY SEA - CREST CpTTAGES Neat, coxy 2, t and 4-room cot tages, nicely furnished, provided with city water and electric light On the brink of the oeean, net. center of business section of Njt Beach. "For reservations address CHRIS ARMS, Newport, Oregon Company, M Will Have self any - r f ' " t r . . ' , 4 i reaerai inspection The inspection will take place some -v-" " Monday evening, but just when la i it -m - -. , - ; V .Company M, Oregon National yet determined; consequently it (luard has received -orders to hold It- will be- necessary for ready for federal inspection at I ' r c i . time betweea now and June 13.1 increase in Kates DOUgM by Big Irrigation Concern all pysv Shoe Srurdy, fine looking and right, fitting shoes' of satisfaction. '. Brown .English Bals Black English Bals . .....$4.75 ...,.$4.f30 An increase from $1 to $2 per acre. members foot is sought by the Central Ore- cation filed, yesterday with the pub lic service commission. . The com pany now charges $ 1 per acre for the maintenance of ita irrigation sys tem, and it asks permission to dou ble, this price to consumers. In creased cost, of labor and other ne cessities are given as a reason for the increase. I Thee -Central Oregon .Irrigation company is one of the larsrest in Eastern Oregon-and furnishes water to thousands of acres of farm lands In that part ot the. state. Black Round'Toe, Neolin Soles ..-.$3.75 The youth's sizes. from 9 to 13Vs : I are proportionately less j SPECIAL , Boys Elk Outing Balls, ' Elk Soles,. Sizes 1 to 5, $2.45 ' ; I h L S. . . KIMBALL SCHOOL GRADUATES TWO J. W. Warrell and George R. Abbott Complete Their Theological Courses Thursday and Friday were -the closing days of the school year ht Kimball School of Theology, On Thursday at 4 p. m. was held the annual communion; led .by President H. J. Talbott, a season full of dep spiritual interest to faculty and stu dents. Friday was Commencement day. The exercises were held in the Kim ball hall of assembly at 2:0 o'clock. The academic procession, . which opened the exercises, was led by the Kimball chorus, under direction of Rev. H. N. Aldrich. The remainder of the program was as follows: Invocation President Carl Gregg Doney ".. ine scriptures Acts 20:17-35. Rev. Thomas B. Ford, D. D. Hym'a 6:30 Commencement Address, "The Min istry for Our Day" Rev. R. H. Sehuett. S. T. B.. D. D. "Christ and The City'. . .-. . .Buell Kimball Chorus Charge to Graduating Class ...;... President Henry James Talbott, A. M., D. D. Hymn No. 105. ............... , Presentation of Diplomas , President Talbott Prayer and. Benediction " The graduates for this year are John William Warrell and Georgj Roscoe Abbott. The commencement address by Dr. Sehuett was a vivid Carter's little Liver Pffls YouCamotbe.K A Remedy That Constipated and Happy 6mU Pries 1 I PILLS. I Sc3 1 A BSENCE of Iron la the many . colorless . faces Makes Life Worth Living for BARTER'S IRON PILLS "t rruj crcfcthy help most pal-faced dcooIm i - . t" V- A piano in your home adds an air of refinement. Today without musical instruments your j home is not complete. :tii'i i - 7 9i i . i iui.ii .h- i,.ii:rt. :iv,ii;n is i i ii ii" , sSi .. rrar i w.vm Jm .-..-' I A jwpiare ileal i.t always given the purchaser who liuys a piano at our store. We represent our instruments' jus as they arc and our prices and terms arc. right. Our pianos arc well known to the musical public AprtTica v M. Y 'liliillClStUt an no tQ1"16 extravagant statements fLo loost them up, lut only need to lc seen and heard, to" convince one of their superior merits. i Put sense with your dollars when you luy a piano; then youllluy viscly and econom ically. We offer you the lest of the world's pianos and many styles to choose from. YOU'LL LIKE THEIR TONE. THEIR ACTION, THEIR BEAUTY and THEIR PRICE Remember o sell plionograplis and records. It ' n show vou our beautiful VICTROLAS. Hear these instruments and compare their tone with others, then there will he no doubt in your mind as to the superior tone qualities of these phonographs i . GEO. WILL .1 is. L.Ai ' . 'T Sheet Music Musical Merchandise V ' Band Instruments t ! J' V V