.. I- TITE OREGON STATES IAN i SCXDAl JTXK "i010l ! - - !w . Even GOD fould not forget-COULD :N0TFQRGM 1 ' . """?V ' WTatchlt; Virginia Dorcas. Arthar . T) j L iL. .f U ' ryjiL HamiltOJ and lieleue C c?s: mm--1,lPninCria LKn "ef ,I1U1 bers of the board of auditors and Darid Adolph. sergeajit-at-arnis. CUuwe 1Imv Picnic. ' This week Vill aee a nnmber of class picnics Xrom the high Kiool. Each gronp will take the afternoon off t3 go with instructors to a chos en spot near the ' city for lunch. Catarrh of the Throat ft lonel Leader Speak i. Colonel John Leader of the ITni- Tersity of Oregon was the principal speaker at tho closrac program at Jeffersonf high school Wedhesday night. Seren pupils were girea their diplomas. ' ,w , Tuer ..Hhth' C1. :' '7 Six graduates, tecelred tbelr -di plomas frorm Tnrner high" school at the exercises Thursday night. John V. L. Smith addressed the class raid County School Superintendent W. M. Smith gava out the sheepskins. TurtM-r To Hate Meet Inc. Prof essor ' Barrows of C'A C)s to be at Turaer tomorrow night to speak at a meeting at the h'.gh "Vhorjl and answer questions regarding -tbq requirements for bringing athools under the Sniith-llughes . act.-. The district exiects to pat In a course in vocational agriculture. it tt W -wJ - ii i3 -Sk 1 1-' S - e1 r '1 fj JfJ - ' r. I ? Junra !frMig5jn0ii:sae'. .-isiPuijL-, -J LIBERTYHEATREy 3 ?&0 THURSDAY, JUNE -1 2 "T -pJTl Alumni Give Pnrnra. Foiled, By Heck" was the title of the farce comedy staged at the high school F;1day afternoon by the alum ni. Those who took part were Itnby Welch. Catherine .Glbbard. Roth Ross. Armlj Perger, William Harris and Leslie Springer.' Another fea ture of the program was a song b- Miss Ada Miller. After Years of KufTrrinjc. Thla ImAj Soaght and lmsd 1 telle f la PE-Rl'.XA, the Great Catarrh Remedy. .-. .While there Is nothing unusual In the experience of Miss Louise Bruec ker of 32$ East Twelfth- St.. East Oakland. Cal.. her letter cannot help but be an Inspiration- to every suf-' f erer from catarrh. This is what she says: "Diphtheria left me with ca- tarrn or tne throat, j Alter years i of suffering'and disappointment. ' I gave up 4iope until I heard of PE- RU-XA. I tried It. FoUowed in structions and have had ao catarfh since. Now. we always keep PE- RU-NA and MAN-A-LIN i in house. j ' It ts not necessary for any one io go on year after year suffering with catarrh In any form. PE-RU-NA lsl just as effetelve for catarrh of the stomach. bowels, liver and ether or gan as it is f or -coughs. colds and ! catarrh of the nose and throat. It Is I by regulating the digestion and aid ing elimination that PE-RC-NA in sures -a rich supply of pure blood and nourishment - being - carried to the mucous linings everywhere. By keeping the mucous membranes healthy, the body Is better able to repel disease and ward off such troubles as th eGrip aad Spanish Flu. PE-RU-NA Is of extraordinary value tn rebuilding the body to normal health aad strength. Tablets or Liquid. Sold Everywhere. , , ISIS S t!v ' Tit AO C MARK - W ' The City of fQ W GOODRICH vl ! WV f i nLt. V H the i ill iinnnrirn r i ww ilirf'1 ava 'i ilnrrn liiui c ; 111105 ; 1 rruiicmiauuii: lit iBe it known to every autbmobile, ! M ' owner and driver in n I A " " ' T - - - 11 KerrlteK at St. Paul. St. Paul school held its closing exercises Friday night, at tli.ie displomaa we-e presented large class of graduate. r3i YOUTHFUL PRIZE VINNERS GO TO :SUT.1T.IER SCHOOL Rnjr WIim at Cooking. Third place in the judging of bis cuits entered in the cookery clnb rontest at the Noble school east of Scotts Mills was won by a boy. Lor- nlnA Xrrrr wa r i Ton firvf CI mi Du-aagan. second and Avenlt Duria- I School . SuDerintendent U. A. gan, iniru. a picnic mica was at' I . . . , terward served by tbe club irf" a I Lhlirchlll NamCS Those Go- UM J I 4 inz to lonrauis Two Stile Id h Reeelved two large shields won by it as Wil- GREAT INTEREST SHOWN lamette valley and Willamette uni versity basketball champions. They have been bung in the principal's of fice for the present. They are of silver with two bronze figures and are mounted on large dark oak shields. This Form of Rewarding Con- testanti for State Fair Show-' I ings Crcatext Interest 3 Jom the Great Army of I Economizers .T See THEUNIVERSALTIRE FILLER Guaranteed 100,000 'Miles!, j Does away with Pnnctures, Blow outs, Inner Tubes and Air. 1 See it demonstrated at 311 N. Commercial Street n HERE AND THERE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS and of his boarding with her-fath- l T-V .lillmii Mil. ized the reaf personality of the great emancipator more ' than ever artet this talk. ; Enzlewoocl Ha l'icnlc. A " picnic supper was served at a prettily decorated table set out on the F.nslswood school lawn Friday aftcroorm when the 6 A class enter taired Tor the 6Bs. Clasgball game) followed the spread. The school has 16 graduates this ear. STATESMAN CLASSIFIED ADS ONE CENT A WORD Projjram at AVnshinaton. " Wednesday afternoon Washington school jwill have a closing p ogram mafie up of musical selections and other numbers.. At this tinie a num ber of jPalmer certificates are to be jp resented. ; '. " ' - r" Speaks on Lincoln. A recent visitor at the Highland school was Mrs. Constancy I.e'lSare. la ai interesting talk she to!d the children of Abraham Lincoln work ine wlthvher father makioiL' rails. - - Ml IMI I 111 Miss Laura Pell of Garfield school was stricken ill with ptomaine pois on Tuesday night and has been con fined to her home ever since. She is reported much improved. A. A. Iee lve Talk La3t Tuesday during their regular .recitation period the 9A class In Occupations at Lincoln junior high enjoyed a talk on abstract aofflce work given by A. A. Lee. (lass Knjo) Picnic. A class picnic was given by the 9 As at Lincoln school Friday after noon. M-b. F. S. Francjs. the Eng lish teacher. accompanied them as chaperon. ' 'J ! awn Is An Asset To Your Property. A few minutes each evening will keep it that, way if. yoa have the proper ' : . !. equipment. ' Ve huy garden Jibse in 10,000 loot quantities direct from theactory and can save you three to five cents per foot on your needs. . Ijtst Mee4ine f Ysar. The la3t student bo'!" "ting of the year will be held ter Wednes day when the program will be give by the 9A class. . . . The new officers fox next year are Hbcrt Seamster. vtesident; ; Olen RJnto. vice-president: Florence Jones secretarr-treasu-er; Eldon School II an Picnic The -hlldre'j'of the" school enjoyed a most" delichtfnl time at the falr- irroiinl on Tuesday noon. The oc; casidn 'being the.' annual picnic. i. 1 2.-- A, GARDEN HOSE .- -t j-V'W- Student IVmIv Kleets. Election of 'officers of the' Wash ington junior high student body va' held this week. Frank RlneHart is . ...ti(iil. Afarla fiihllt. . io Bf?rr cs iicam"1 . 'j..h' io.npM'iHnt- Ruth Kuhn secretary: Frank Hettic. yeiriead-ler Shipbuilding er; Charles Zleber. editor of the launched today ELKS PREPARE FOR - CAMPAIGN Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. J. A. Churchill. Is completing sending to the summer school at Corvallls. the boys and girls who won the capital prizes at the Oregon state fair last September. At tbe state fair each year, boys and girls contest . In about twenty different subjects, such as corn growing, potato growing, vegetable gardening, poultry ralsng. canning and , sewing. Four different prixes are given by tne state, fair manage ment, but the capital prize In each 43 ft Connhr Htadmiarters Eltah-1 project Is provided for by donations . - I rm rt a 1 t - ftnnHntArir1anf L fi n w ri !T1 hshed for Salvation Army ' I by, public-spirited -men and .women Home Service-Drive Headquarters for, the Elks Salva tion army home service campaign were opened yesterday at 121 Kouth Commercial street with Walter IX Tooze. manager of the campaign In charge. ' The room has 'been com fortably fitted up and will be used for a meeting place of the workers. The campaign begins June -2 to continue until June 30. Tbe city and county' is being organized by Mr Tooze in order that the opening day for the drive may find all in' readi ness for the workers. The campaign Is a national movement 'and is being conducted by the Elks throughout the country. A meeting in the Interest of the campaign will be held at Woodburn Monday. June 16. Large numbers of Salem. Elks, including the Klks band, will attend the meeting. Mrs. Hallle .Farrish Durdahl will render vocal numbers. ANOTHER BOAT LAI XCHEO PORTLAND. Or June. 6, The S ft 00-ton ,teel. steamship . Mount Evans. 21th hull to go overboard from the plant of the Columbia Riy- company, was IestX'otton, l inch . . . I5cst Cotton 74 inch ........ Good Grade Rubber,., inch Good Grade ftublVr, M'inch . licst (irade Rubber, v's inch . licst Grade Rubber, :fi inch . ... i .15c per ft. ...... . ..18c per ft. .18c per ft. . .20c per ft. . .20c per ft. L . .. . .25c per ft. We also nave-cheaper grades in both Cotton and Rubber., SPRINKLERS and, NOZZLES - - : - : 25c to $2.50 Cor. Court and Commercial Sts. b'nvi rnDMfco unwr Phone llrtl ! I rllliVII.ll IIUWU. VU. IQI We wish to thank the people of Salem for the great interest taken1 in our MAJESTIC . .! , ; RANGE DEMONSTRATION. - Baycr Tablets of Aspirin" proved safe by millions for Headache . Toothache Earache Neuralgia . Rheumatism Colds Safe and proper directions in each Payer tuefcace- .Take without fear if you see the "Bayer Cross on Tablets Genuine! Boxes' of 12 Bottles of 24 Bottles of 100 All droughts. : Aspirid is tac trad marV of Bayer Uaaufactun of Moaoacctkaudester f SalicyUcaci4 of Portland who are "fcarticnlirlr in terested in this work. . These, f hlld rea come from all parts 'of Oregrm. Shortly after their school closes. they are sent to the agricultural col lege for a two-weeks short court with all expenses' paid. This form of prize serves as a great stimulant to the club work and is a sourre ot Inspiration to boys and girls, as the records show that' those who hare been attending this summer school daring the past two1 years all plan to complete the high school course and to go on to college. The dates for the summer school this year are from June 23 to ffuly" 4". Those who hare made contribu tions to Superintendent Churchill for this work for the past year and have thus made the club work possible are: ; Union Stock Yards Company. Un ion Meat Company, International Harvester Company. Oregontan. Tel egram. Judge Charles Carey. Port land Seed Company, Hicks-Chatten Company. Portland Clearing House Association. Meier and Frank Com pany. Foster and Kleiser Company, Rootled ge Seed Company. '.Western Farmer. A. C. Tluby, Portland Imple ment and Vehicle Club. N. D. Simon, Kerr. Glfford Company. A. H. Det ers. M. II. Houser. Albers Brothers Milling Company, lion R. N. Stan Held. - ; " The prize winners who will attend the summer schovl this year are: Vera Owens.' Me ford. Or.": Ralph Clark. La Grande. Or.; JCertrude Hardt. Falls City. Or.; Helen Lee per. Oakland. Or.; Russell Jones. Sheri dan. Or.;' Celena.Tremayne "Oregon City. Or.; Donald Mauer, Uolalla. Or.: Elmer Roth. Salem. Or.: Nichols Itrlnkley. Salem. Or.; Theodore Resch. Aurora. Of,; -Grant "M!Itl lam Oresham. Or.; Ollrer Fuectman. Sa lem. Or.; r: Benlamln. : Cerrals. Or.; Dlllow. Smith. Tillamook. Or.: France '.Johnson.' .The Dalles. Or.' Ruth Renne. Gresham, Or.; 'Maud Spain. Union, Or.-EUa-Klrby. Sain- Iko. Or.: Dora Johnson. The Dalles. Or.; Helen- Gafrney. Oregon' -'City; Or.; Otto ninme. Albany. Or.'.Erelyn Glad. Tillamook 'Or.: : Constance Rordwejl. JacksonTille, Or. " - - - T V. . ' Send a copy ml tW Prce elllion to the boys to the errtcw Jhily a limited number of ropie Wf, so or. I der eau-ly. S5 ceata per npy. MAXY IlOXOn, noosKTKLT NEW YORK. June 7. More than 35.000. persons from erery state in the unton attendM the Rooserelt Memorial, exhibition at Columbia UjlreraltT. which he it known to 'every autpmobile. owner a i) a driver in the UniU4l. States to (iwHlrich Dealers " : that Goodrich SAFETY TKKADS , stand rcrtdy to Jeliver 6,(Ki miles, and -SILVERtOVYX CORDS IWJO; under , proper usage. . t That 1 every Safety ! Tread in? user and in a (Jondricli Dealer Store,' Lsmnderwritten j to 1 adjusted at 6.000; miles, .ai?d every SIL-i TERTOVNCOIlD at ! 8,000 miles-r . , ; 13' The new adjustment ; i.4 hasedj upon what - j GootlricU knows its j tires will de,! and : Goo!rich knows from ! rai!n and miles of road testing that Aiooilrieh I Jires ait the. Strong est, the liest, the rub ber industry has pro duced, j j- . . v ... t ' : ... They pre " so good that (iodrieh increases its' adjustment mileage to ehotj its' patrons they eajinoi afford not to shard in their match . less Service and Security. 1 , Buy ' Ooodrich Tires Fnjm ; Dealer Adjustment- Fabrics ; 1000 Miles Cords . .8,000 Miles-. y Goodrich Tires from a Dcaler RDTlRESil CO 1 "BEST IH THE :ff irs - . . - v LL Nb RUN. M : K at jt l r f j sf . closed-today r- j i