TOE OREGON STATESMAN SATCRDAT, JTXE 7, 181 C lass DIr The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under, Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them -Theyyre Worth While ectory J KOKTnCH - lJJfI03f7' rntE EVSURANCE BOCIETY (luiaM. Roland Bnrghardt .t Agent 871 Btato St. 1 OONEY TO LOAN . TUFROTEO FARM PROFKHTT AT f auKST BATES. MO COMMISSION TH0S.K.FORD OmUMcBuk Bank. Salens. Or. J2CENTana O CEIJT FARM LOANS Wt loan ssoaey far fir year. We ailew te pay $100 or multiple ea tae principal oa say interest data. Wa iMt eel loans promptly. , Hawkins and Roberts, tit Mrr-1 Bldg, Salem, On. CLAJSIFTbU) ADTXRTTtKUXJITl Rat Fee War. - first Insertion ............... le Subsequent Insertions ...tte Obo week (six Insertions)...... lo One month ................... to Six months" contract.' par mo., to 11 months' contract, par mo... 7o Ms sect, opened (or leas thaa.l&o A aeat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of too announcing- "For Bala' "For Bant" "Booms" or "Board. . 3T6CW TODAT. . Each new classified advertised meat will be run under "New To day for the first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under Its proper classification. . tio advertisement will be ran ander "New Today" for more than ene Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY GOOSEBERRY I PICKERS WANTED rnone iri. . UIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR housework in country. No washing. I'hone it i. , - EEE MISS Li'.E.' GOODHUE AT 251 f 8. 17th street for subscriptions to all l magazines. Phone 741-n. WANTED GIRL. OR WOMAN FOR I house work. ! small fam'ty. Apply I 141 Mill St-. Sunday before noon. IV ANTED WOMAN SECOND COOK at State School for the Deaf. Phone 4. . IVAXTED A FRESH. DEAD LOOSE- kinned rat for W illamette univers ity pageant. I - Communicate' with Lawrence E. Da vies at once. ' , FflR SAI.F. , : IS seres of ' good farm, land 9 miles I from Salem, on rood road., 50 acres new land, fair improvements. $85 per sere, $5000 cash, balance long time at C ner cent. Look this UD. i acres, strictly modern up to date buildines. electric light and a high pressure water plant, good family urchaTd, 150 walnut trees, ground all under cultivation and in gooa crops. will make a, good price for quick sale. - John H. Scott Realty Co.. 404 Hubbard building. BETTER REALTY BUYS Elrht beautiful lots In the Oaks ad onion irestricteoi iioe eacn ana as sume street assessments.- Average price 550 each. A choice Investment ibist your lots with Niemeyer) Fully modern" nine room bungalow. built six years: ally lot: sz&ou. a fine buy. just off 8 Commercial St., I close In. it Am .mi. irtth 'KIIomVrt 1 acres with 7, acres 10-year-old - prunes. 3 acres 1 logans: 1 acre Tnerries: l-roum nouse, earn, etc.. $1500. (List your fruit tract with Niemeyer) 120 acres: 40 acres-bearing prunes. Small - quantity of timber; balance cultivated. Near Salem. $200 an acre. This a genuine snap. Illat vntir Anrhft rt with Niemeverl 110 seres all "cultivated except small Pasture, x mile from Salem on roaa to be paved. Excellent buildings and a fine farm property. $130 an acre. (Usfc your farm with Niemeyer) i acres adjoining West Salem. No buildings. 25 acres cultivated. - Fine prune proposition. 110.000. Bayers, bay from NIEMEYER ' ftn'a m the Broods, v . Branch offices at Dallas. Independence and Sllverton with a live sales force. Head Office. , 215-210 Maaonie BuildinK'. SALEM Salem Is the best little city In the 1'aclflc Northwest, if you only knew It. NOTICE OF SCHOOL KLKCTIOX Notice Is hereby given to the lcsa! roters of School DUtrict JCo.-. 21, of Marron Connty, Oregon, that the Annual Election for said District will be held in said District, to be SlJ at the hour of two o'clock P. M. on. me taird Monday in June, Demg tne 16th day of June A. D. 1919, and holding until seven o'clock P. M. of said day. for the purpos of elect- isr one Director to serve for the term of three years. Voting Place 125 N. Commercial St. Store, formerly occupied by Pom eroy Wallace. W.; II. BURGHARDT, JR., District Clerk II L. CLARK. Chairman of Board of Directors NOTICE OF AXXVAL SCHOOI MEETING 5 Annual School Meeting of the chool District No. 24, Marioa Coun ty. Oregon, will be held In the High School Building, in Said District, Monday evening, June .16. 1919, at s:00 o'clock P. iL for the purpose ;of hexrln? the Reonrts of the Board M Directors and of thn District Clrk rt said Di3trict; and for such other osiness as may come before the 'aeeung. Dated, this 4tb day of June, 1919 Sliest: V. II. BURGH ARDT. Jr.. District Clerk. II. Is. CLARK, ' aairmaa of Board of Directors. NEW TODAY WANTED (JI Ms roit UKNKUAL OP- iio work. Apply 204 Masonic build ing i m. saturuay. . . v OVKH 50.600 onEGOXIANS NOW hold policies fn the Oregon Fire Re lief'Aiiin. of Meiiinnville; this repre rents' something over $43,000,000 of insurance now in full force and ef fect. The people of Oregon appreci ate, the high standard service, and dependable protection furnished by this -reliable old home company, as Is amply demonstrated by their loy al patronage. 11. A. Johnson Insur ance fYgency, over Land St Bush bank. Salem. Phone 347. FOR S ALE 1 9 NEW ZEALAND RAR- bits for $6.59. 2983 Portland Road. FOR SALE BrSHSESS CHANCES. FOR SALE FURNISHED APART- ment house.. Phone 2454 W. ONLY HOTEL IN LIVE COUNTRY town; 30 rooms: tinder present man- agement S year, for sale. Particu lars at 555 Chemeketa street. U. Yannke. -. .. msCKLkVAXSOVS mmm - - - -inruuLrin TRAILERS FOR i SALE MADE TO order. Woodrjr' auction market. Ferry and Liberty streets. FOR SALE FORD TOURINO CAR. perfect condition. Price $375. In quire of Marlon, garage. 233 South commercial. ; . i FOR SALE TEAM. WEIGHT 3000 pounds, harness and wagon. First class condition. ; Right price. Pboae . A ... - 1 ITS ED CARS FOR SALE 1918 MAX- well good as new; 1917 Maxwell, run 3000 miles. Cash or terms. 197 So. Commercial. Phone 399. FOR SALE. OR TRADE FOR WOOD I . . . -. . t ' - 1 . . class shape, also gs te and kitch en heater, Pnone &0JR. : FOR SALE iAUTTM A N-TA Y LO R l thrashing: outfit with clover huller attachment. Uenuine bargain. In quire Ray Farria, Rt 2, Box 23, Turner, ore. ( BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM- olete set of 20 volumes, cloth bind Ins;, new. never unboxed. Will sell for less than coat. Address "Book, care Statesman.? PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE 35 hp, 3 cy I., with throttling governor. heavy fly and belt wheel. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank goes with it. Scott Bozortb, 702 Spaulding Bldg, Portland, Or. CAPTIVITY . OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised. making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the maas ere of the Oatmaa family, of the es cape of Lorenso, end the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation end Olive was purchased from the Indiana five years later. The price la 20 cents, postpaid. ' Address Oregon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. pocnrHT IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send lOo to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention uis aa. 544 STATE ST. PHOXE 400. ! xivaauaBrtcrs tor ucuj cu icavs. urKuvran. . v- a r; a dott. Bent stork. Fnc reasonable. n. N. Xedhsn. Box 411 8aim. Om EfilPLOYRIENT AGENTS WANTED AGENTS BIO PAY AND FREE automobile introducing wonderful new gasoline saver, puncture-proof, five year spark plugs and other eco nomical auto necessities, outfit tree. Is. Hallway, 800 Sta. K.. Louisville, Ky. - ( HALQ WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM Address W. H. Egan & Sons nervals Oregon.. Rt. Noi 2. Phone 3F11. WANTED ONE LIVE A-l MAN FOR our circulation, department. tin make $5.00 a day. , See Mr. Palmer at once. ' ; . - : : , - ..- WANTED FIVE GOOD MEN FOR factory work. Long Job, good wages Immediately. Apply U. S- Employ ment Service, 128 S. Liberty St. BOYS BOYS, BOYS: WORK FOR THE Statesman this summer, uaxe mu money. Only boys over 14 considered. Apply Circulation Dept. before June 1st .' -. i WANTED BO 18 THERE WILL BE a few .good Statesman routes open this summer. List your name now and get first chance at a good route. Apply Circulation Department, Daily Statesman. , i MIS WANTED AT WEST LINN PAPER If ILLS 42e H0UB 8 HOUR DAY. SEE ME. H. A 6 WATFORD AT MILL OF FICE ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. GOOD ? HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN BEDS 20c; BEST MEALS 85e. MISCELLANEOUS, v WANTED COOK. SAUN SOUIE RESi taurant. Phone 644. MAN OR WOMAM WANTED, SALARY 824. full time. B0c an nour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Guaranteed Mills, Norristown. Pa. . CENSUS. CLERKS 1000 NEEDED, $93 month. Age iupwara. jcxperience unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations write J. Leonard (for mer government examiner) 1386 Eq quitable bids., Washington. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS for 45 acres of Derries roue irom oarline at Salem Hignts. Free wood. straw and moving from Salem. Pick ing will start about the 23rd. Price is 14 cents per cup with i cent bonus to those hostay the season. B. Cunninghami KC No. 3, Box No. 121. Phone 21F2. WANTED TO ENGAGE CHERRY nickers for the Thomas orchara sit uated one-el Khth mile iSouth of Odd Fellows cemetery on Salem Heights car line. Good crop. t-icKing win dc . cin between June 25th and July 1st. Children under ; IS years of ase not desired. Telephone S47M or inquire at 816 Mill St. ' . TEACHERS ARE WANTED FOR THE following positions: & ana s graaes. 7 and 8 grades; one teacher of music in the grades. Salaries $90 and up. Also good positions for teachers of either vocal or! instrumental music 1100 and ud. Coast Teachers Bureau Salem. Oregon, i. Mrs. Oh as. H. Jones, manatrer. I'hone ISiO.M. Read tHe Classified -Ads. FOR RENT i aouics - - i-ii--i-iiirn-nr-sMm.w.wni-n-ij-LrLn "OR RENT-HOUSES. APARTMENTS and farm, i F. L. Wood, 311 state street. Phone "94. T FOR RENT 5 IX ROOM HOUSE AT 4S North n inter street; n payee street: near creek. $19 per month. Apply at Statesman business office, or phone 23. - LOST AND FOUND LOST Lorfr EETJVEEM LIP.EKTV AND Keyser - suit of overalls, pair of shoes and cap. Finder please leave at Statesman or phone 108F31. LOST IADV8 GOLD WATCH, H UNT- lng case, on road between Mill City and Salem on June 1st. on Stayton. Turner and Mehama route. Photo in front case. Finder please notify Mrs. Henry Kapllnger. Mill Cit. Or. j FOlTfD - - - - -i-rri-i-iiMWwvwvinfwvum FOUND ON STREET BUNCH OF KEYS Bearing name tirace LatUn. Owner please call at this office. FOUNDGOLD WATCH. OWNER CAN nave same by calling at C25 N.. Cap ital and identifying- it and paying for this ad. WANTED LIVESTOCK. AA'1aweMeanawe"aMs WANTED CATTLE AND CALVES. any kind. Phone 157CW. MISCELLAKEOCS- - WE BUI ANT KIND OF USED CARS. "one hj, is? south Commercial. WANTED PURE AIREDALE PUP. btate age. Address t 14" States man. . HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press Room States man. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS TO HIRE one dollar per hour. American Au tomobile Co.. 197 South Commercial. Phone 399. f t SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE GKO. SPICER. Mgw 229 State St. We have buyers for i Ford cars. If yours is for sale bring it in. Maxwell, good as new. $550. ton new delivery car, $275. I 19K Overland. $475. Nice 'little roadster, cheat. 1915 Studebaker Six, 7-passenger, must go. ssav. Lntle roadster cheap. Over land roadster. $275. Ford, first class condition $275. 1910 Ford. $375 Over land roadster, good as new, $550. Oth ers to pick from., j OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE 349 North Commercial St. Phone 886 BUYS, SELLS AN EXCHANGES ALL makes of .cars and parts, complete wrecking department. Chalmers 2 ton truck. Ii6 Overland $475. White gas 5 passenger. $600. Flanders 20, , $260. Moline bug $325; model 90 Overland $585: 114 Overland $450; 5 passenger Studebaker $185: 1917 Ford, first class condition. $450; half ton Ford truck $475:1 two 1918 Ford Sedans, jone with Gray Sc. Davis self starter, ! $675 and $800. See us for bargains. . t WANTED LEAKY RADIATORS TO repair. Salem Auto Radiator Shop. .198 S. 12th.' : . .. . i BRING YOUR BATTERY WORK TO the Battery Shop. 263, N. Commercial street. Phone 413. All work guar anteed, i - - - i USED CARS FOR SALE IF YOU want to buy a car, come and see as. If you have, a car to sell, we will sell it for youJp Used car dept.. Marion Garage, opposite Marion hotel. Phone 363. : t IF YOU WANT TO BUT. BELL OR trade your old auto or auto parts .see Steinbock Junk Co.. (Auto ' wreccers) 326 North Commercial St. Phone 305. I AUTO 8ERVXC8I 8HIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND . country trips. Phone: Day. 868; night. 889. , t i TIRES REPAIRED VmLCANIZUttl GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 1T7 South Commercial St. Phone 488. ' REPAIR WORK . K. HUTCHISON 246 STATE STREET. Phona 811. Overland eerviee sad gsa eral repair shop. i BUSINESS CARDS ! FINANCIAL, FREE INFORMATION IF YOU WANT Information about aay kind of life insurance, see J. F. Hutchason. dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of New York, i Office at 371 State street Salem. Ore, Office phone 99, real dence 1396. DRAYS AND EXPRESS LARMER TRANSFER WE MOVE AND store goods. Day phone 880. Night phone 1898- ; i CAPITAL CITY TRAS8FER COMPANY Phone 033. i Salem a largest and beat eqnipped transfer company. Get our re duced freight rates oa eastern shipments. Also for storage, as we have three ware- aonaes ia connection with basinets, t oral tare movior. packing, shipping and stor ing ear specialty. ' Office. 226 State St. JUNK. JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk or every Kind. Lt us make you a price on, your household goods. The "Square; Deal" House- Capital Junk co 371 cnemexeta et Phone is, i ! i I BUT JUNK i OF EVERY KIND RAGS, bottles, metals, iron, all kinds of a eciaery, ; broken down automobiles and parts of automobiles. Sleinbock Jsak Co., 826 X. Commercial St.. Salem. Pboae 805. LAUNDRIES. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt service, iztt Broadway, Phone 16a. HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN. 430 Ferrv St. I car ! too i market price for chickens snd eggs.; House phone 1333J. : Shop phone 133 9 J. ( HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO niar waahlnr done at a rate every- body can afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four houiv Pbene 87L i SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash. 6c per pound. 186 South Liberty St. Phone 8. i i" Read the Gassified kii nOSKT TO LOAN. FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5i PER rent interest, 34 'i years time. Lib- eral prepayment priviTeges. Inans on city property. Home builders loans. A. C. fohrnstedt ' 401 Masonic Temple Salem. Ore. R, W. BALL-NTTNE PIANO TUNER. Players a specialty. W ith Cberrlng ton Piano House. 41 S Court St Sa lem. Oregon. I'hone 352. Residence phone 1532W. ' SRCOXD HAND Fl'HSITl'BE WE WANT YOUR USED FURNITURE, stoves, carpets, and tools as we pay , fair price for everything. Call 94.. The Capital Hardware and Furniture Co.. 235 N. Com'l SC PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 N. Commercial. Phone 734. Home of bargains. New and second-hand fur nishings and hardware. We buy. sell and exchange. Highest cash price paid for second-hand goods. SECOND BAND GOODS WE BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and chalna, Fred Schlndier. 8(8 Center street. WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF V8ED furniture. Will buy. sell, trade or exchange household furniture. Will pay the highest cash price. X else handle clothing. See J. A Rowland Furniture Store, 847 N .Commercial. Phone 18. HOE REPAIRING THE HAZELW00D First class shoe repairing.' Only best leather used. All work guaranteed. Bring us your next Job and see for yourself. 321 N Commercial street. PAINTERS F. H. KAYLOR, PAINTER. Winter. Phone 398. S18 SOUTH WALL PAPER. PAINT eFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL and upwards for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture store. l9 com. mercial street. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 458 Court St. Phone 488. TRANSFER HA ULXN O AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND of hauling. Household moving Jobs done prompt- Ir. .Try me once. Timme. 478 BUte St. Phone 168. Residence phone 1111J. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Deaot Nattesial A Asaerteaa U1 sine, Xe lau to as In. sdgtw Paints. OUs and VarwWaw Stove Rebuilt end RepalseeL . L era at berry sad lie Hssks. Selena Fence St Steve Werka. 834) Ceeurt St. 104 R. B. FXEXTNu. PROFESSIONAL CIUROPRACnO DR. O. Is. SCOTT, D. C, GRADUATE of P. 8. C Chlropractlea fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic corrects the cause or aisease. office 406-7-8 U. a National Bank Building. Phone 87. Residence iiik. MUSIC TEACHERS R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1888. OSTKOPATHT. DR. W. Is, MERCER. GRADUATE American Bchool osteopathy. Kirks vUla. Mo.: treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence. 410 North Summer. Phone 614. CHIMES IB PHYSICIAN DR. Is, M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease, lis B. Higu 8u Phon WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 801 S. Commercial street. For water serv ice aonlv at office. Make ell com plaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unlees water la cut off from premises. Here after water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us ing' water for domestic purpoeee. Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will please read "Tor building purposes" under sched ule of rates. Apply at office for copy LEGAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OP REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marlon County. In the matter of the estate of Mary A. Mclntire. deceased. Notice of Sale of Real Property. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to an order of the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, du ly made and entered ou tho 23rd day of April, 1919, In the cause aforesaid, the undersigned Admin istratrix will sell at private sale, the following described real property be longing to said estate, to-wit: Beginning at the north-west cor ner of Block 23 In Capital Park Ad dition to the City of Salem, and run nlng thence southerly along the west boundary line of said Block. 96 feet; thence easterly aad parallel with the north line of said Block. 10 feet: thence northerly and parallel with the west line of said Block. 96 feet to the north lice of said Block; thence westerly alon; the north line of said Block, 108 feet to the place of beginning. . An undivided oae-half (H) In terest In Lot No. 11 in Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2 in. Marion bounty. Ore gon, as the .same appears In the plat thereof on file In the office of the County Recorder.. The sale will be made on or afte the 9th day of June. 1919. Bids will be received at the office of B W. Macy, Attorrey for the estate, 202 Gray Block. Salem, Oregon. . Terms of Sale: Ten per cent of bid at time of sal-, aad the balance upon confirmation of; the sale by tho Court. ' Dated this 10th day of May. 1919. IIAZLE M. KEWGENT. i Administratrix. Read Uie Qasslfied Ads. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Salem, Oregon. Thone 2488 SALEM filARKETS I BUYTXa PRICE Eg? and roeUtry. Eggs, 27c Hens. 30c. Broilers. 2c. Old roosters, 1 6c Pork. Mutton and Beef. Pork on fot, IS tie Lambs, lzc. Beef steers, 8H to Stt Cows, 0 to e Top Teal, 17 -sC iur. Cheat, per ton. $24. Clover, per ton, $21 Grsia, Wheat. $2.10. Oats. 85c to 90c ' Beans, nomlnai. MM Feeds, ReOJL Mill run. $42 to $44 per ton. . WHOLESALE TO DEALERS Creamery batter cartons 5 8-5 9c. Butterfai. f. o. b Salem, SSe. Frail. Oranges. $5 to $6.50. Strawberries (Salem) $3.25 crate. crate. Bananas, 9 c. Lemons, $5.25 to $5 75 a box. California Crape Fruit $5.00. Vegetables. Cabbage. 5 6 5 He Onions, $6 a sack. Carrot. $5.25 a sack Turnips, $3 a sack. Retail Price. Creamery batter, 70c ' Dairy butter, 55c Eggs. 45c. Flour, hard w&eat, $t 90 to $2.11 Floor, valley, $2.55 012.90. Sugar, eane and beet, 10c, Potatoes, sack. lots. $2.25. PORTLAND MARKETS I a Grain. PORTLAND. Or.. June . Grain roture bids: Oats No. 2 white feed. June and July. $52. Barley, standard feed. Jane $52: July, $52.r0. Ba-.Iev. standard "A Jane $53; July $53.75. Eastern cat and corn la bulk: Oats No. 3 white. Jane and July $19. Oats. 38 potind clipped white. Jane and July $50. Corn. No. 3 yellow. Jme $67.50: July $67. Cora No. mixed June $67; July $66. Dairy Produce. . Butter: Prints, extras. 53c: eubes extras. 51c; prime firsts 50'.ic; dairy 40c. Batterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour creanx. 52c. Potatoes. (Potatoes: Locals. sdUag price, $1.75 012; new Californlas. 7 8 7 lie NEW YORK MARKETS NEW YORK. June 6. Hops. frm er; state medium to choice. 4if 55c; 1917, J25 , and 33c; Pacific coast 1918. 51 and 5Sc; 1917. 30 and 37e. ' Hides and wool unchanged. Evaporated apples quiet; prunes steady; peaches firm. Corn Market Weakened by Reduced Holdings ' CHICAGO. June 6. Redactions of holdings to comply with the 200.000 bushels maximum limit In force af ter tomorrow did much today to weaken the corn markeL Prices closed nervous. 1 Vic to 1 e net low er, with July $1.6S?i to $1 69 and September $t.59Vi to $1.59. OaU lost half and He to le. Provisions finished all the way from 35c de cline to a like advance. Although occasional rallies took place in corn, they failed to hold for any considerable time. Oats gave way with corn and as a result or the excellent -crap out- olok. Seaboard baying hod bat lit tle counter agency. 'Exaggerated talk of government re-selling put a weight on th? pro visions market aha intensified the depressing effi-ct from downtnras of grain and hogs. Packers bought on the breaks. CHICHESTER S PILLS Pumas feud s4 W.I t.' US was Stae Ma.Y aase. or ocv r . Ask tmC Ht rrra-Trm d wan Julia n riLAA, a sa ssi.Ai yanuie sold n sCugoistj nimm .MmnmimMHiMmniiiniiiniHnmtMM CUP THE COUPON Clip the accompanying Coupon and mall to The Statesman. Office today. . 25c the POLK AND MARION COUNTY PEACE EDITION OF THE OREGON STATESMAN t Copy The Oregon Statesman, Salem, Oregon. Enclosed fihd . of the Teace Edition. (Your name here) Tost Office Address . for REAL ESTATE I AAMMsigawjsisaaweA rVAl !KIt.uOUP Vl".:M,.,-AS.StliroR SALE-40 ACRE RANCH CHEAP-. mtuii tTkVt'on. Ada 40. Turner. Ore. FOR KALE MODERN FIVE ROOM house at 1393 North Sth street, large corner lot, barn, fruit trees, pave-d street: no Incumbrance, for 1590. Inosire Gilbert Grocery. A GENUINE SACRIFICE A GOOD little fsrm or 20 acres: At soil, run ning rreek. family feretaard. good grass In the paature. some wood, all crops, stock and implements with the place. A big seer I flee for special reasons, ftee Win. Iteming. 811 Slate street. i:oom i. tflOMT IN THE CENTRE A 7 ROOM bouse with full basement end open fireplaces, furnace, paved streets. I corner eaxlse. shrubbery. A comfort able bome place, two blocks from the p. a. Two rooms additional could be finished easily. At a bargain. See v m. Fleming, special aent, 311 State KL, Room 7. GOOD INVESTMENTS For Sale Modem 8 room house, large lot. pared street, cement walks. 81860. terms. For Sale Fine 7 sere tract close In. peved road, set bidga. Snap 1:200. win naaaie place. For Sale Well Improved 7 acre tract 3 miles out good bldgs. and orchard. snsp $iee. B-tU-lU-y-O Perrlne V Marsters 306 Hubbard BUg. BETTER REALTY BUYS Bungalow, strictly modern. 7 rooms, well located. $3500. Good terms. 10 acres with house, barn, chicken houses, fenced park. etc. all culti vated. 82900. Make your own terms. it acres bearing prunes In fine con dition: with strictly modern bunga low. A rare buy, $8750. Good terms. Exrhinrc strictly modern room bungalow as part pay for prune orchard 40 acres with 33 in crop; fair build ings, complete with Implements, team, stock, chickens, etc. $4500. Good terms. C W. NIEMEYER "Just Reel Estate." 21! -216 Masonic Building. Phone 1009 GOOD BUYS Well Improved 10 sere tract, modern Souse, barn, all ' In bearing fruit oa main Pacific highway. 4 wiles from Salem. Price 8fc5ee. A. acre tract all set to prunes last rear and located nn main Pacific high- war. Price IlJte. 17 acre tract, house, bare; 10 acres bearing orchard mostly prunes, on the main highway. Price 65ea. Terms. 26 acre tract all cultivated, good bungalow, barn. 8 acres prunes. 6 acres f loganberries, family err hard, some strawberries. 4 miles Irom Salem. Price I suae. 140 acres of first class farm land. 100 Seres In cultivation and in crop, al- ... modern house located Price 8220. 11.21 acre tract all In cultlvstion snd In crop: 6 acres of grsln. balance beans, corn and potatoes: house . and barn. Price 82500. IS acres of Italian prune orchard 1 first class condition, located on laciftc highway. 3s miles eoeta. price seee IS acre tract, rood bungalow partlT finished. $ acres In orchard and ber ries. $ miles south. Prjee 31706. Good 7 room modern house located close in. to exchange for modern house and several lota. IT Ice 85060. 2Vs acre tract. 13 acres in eeanng fruit, mostly prunes, balance cultivated lino. 8 room house and large lot. esst front, bearing fruit, barn. Price $1460. 50 down, balance 6 per cent Interest. W. H. Grabenhont & to. ITS Ktst Stret VACATION DAYS i will soon Le here. Get in line to make MONEY this sumfner. No preminras or prizes. REAL CASH! I! List your names "with the Circulation Manager before June 1st he will tell you all about it. H PARENTS Let your Boy earn his own spending money in a clean legitimate war. Initiate a BUSINESS INSTINCT in him. Keep him out of mischief. A few hours walking in the open air each day What could be healthier 1 . f Open to boys over 14 yeari old. , - Circulation Dep't. The Oregon State Jinan 25c the Copy which please mail me .... copies aV6464 Boys! Boys! 1 ' h REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE 16 ACRES WITH GOOD improvements for n ranch near Ka- lere. Give full deerrintton in first letter. C Welf. Gait. CaL CLOSE IX ACSFAOtt-t OR S ACars. imyreved. fee saU rt real 10 seres fee rewf. nee owner. Ciena L. Adams. Faeee 666W. j FOR SALE 40 ACHrJ FIXE LAND. se per acre or will trade for close In house. Uood pls-tered bouse near Marion Hquare 8J:1. Sis room mod em house, good location llle. le alrgreunds. paved road. 322S0. It acres all tn prunes, good crop In sight. S- room buea-aiow. peted street. 315JS.' Modern bouse for rent. F. L. Wood. Bsyne Bids-. 1 S0SIE GOOD BUYS In farm and 4lty property. a. W. LAFLER. 49$ and 404 Ha. bard Bulldlsg. Phone 1644 or 2023. rOR EXCH15CE MODES S-ROOU COT eee, 1 te 8 serve ( trait sad serriea. peeury seeaee, SuU creek creeses plsee. eraaaMatal shrakeery. paved street sad eeecrese walk, is Je ataeafaeraruiff JewaCeuege tirwve. Ore. For Soeta peny, email raseh ec See er eail for pkete. W. C. Statesmen effice. I A OOOD BUY 3Ixl4 TEXT ON EAST IJiw ... eae doer orth of State street. Salem, together wtk perp.ui rlt.t of way evw the 14x60Vb feet tract extWiag from this property to State street. Terma. Apply Scott Bosorta, 161-8 Sneldlaa BidV. Portland. Oregon. 1A CP TO DATE A 7 1 ROOM MODERN xtiltLZZZ .""naaiow oa Patrnaowt Hill, cement bearreesit funure. open fireplace, stationary wash tubs, good oeauuiun puill In buffet, beam ceilings. Penrled diaiaa- rMnT very complete, at $3750; paving paid. "7p,cm"1 value. $S0 today. in. Fleming. 341 fitau street. BEST BUYS 2 acres. " S room hous .n. a. In Fall City. lltfOO. Terms. y t i: acres all 1st eall,9il. c ?"ueVb"- utbuildbags. 1, acres of strawberries.-6 grain. 1 potatoes, full equipment, stork, rmusehold goods, canned fruit, feed. 80. sooo. 14 acre Chicken raieh v hm.r,m" f h,ck?,. housed. ' -ill cultivated. 8 miles from Salem, sote logans, $. 21 acres. 16 cultivated, all atwir . Hipmenv. iogsns.1 a prunes. 1 mil. from station. 6 room house, hare, chick en house, greenhouses only 70v0. S2 acres all cultivated, all fenced. T on house, barn. If void monrt n Ixoea. Joining town. $4590. half r-K and I kalf at 6 per cut 1 I . 1 e acres su cultivated, all worn, wire eed . mile fromt town. 82350. half h, half at 6 per cent. 80 acres all cultivai uw v-.n barn. 6 miles from Salem, all the beat of soil, no Isnd in vicinity for sale for t less thsa $260 per acre; price of this place $160 per acre: 11000 cash, balance at 6 per ceat; you state the lime. 320 Seres, best artn In PoTV rim.l. 296 eultivated. best of soli, good Im provements, all woven wire fenced. $0 j acres In clover, fin lot of growing - .svwws, st viny ivt Ol crop goes, only f 160 Per acre. EXCHANGES. 10 seres sll cultivated, a-nnd T room hotiee. family fruit. f mile from Salem, win exchance for South Salem vmI. dence. price $3500. I . 23 acres Irrirated. IS In alfalfa, near Patterson. California. will exchange for ranch near Salem of about equal value: price iif. Illvat 34.61 acres all eultivated. the beat ef soil, sll stock, equipment and growing crop, fair house, barn, well fenced, 6 miles from town, close to store snd a cheese factory: will take acreage near C-l m. D.I.. 11. 1 i m kw i.iw. 'I 45 acres. 40 cultivated, well fenced. I old house, new barn, i miles from State Normal school, will itake Pil.m resi dence as part. pay; psice $(000. Have for sale at a Uow nrlee two of the finest modern houses in the city et ItJfcOe each. If you rwaat a home In Salem you sre the lfser If you don't Itser tV or iook tnese over. Tor best burs In ettr or farm oroner. iiy see iwoioiiny, uaprne uulldlng. t ... TIME TABLES OOmiERV P4CIFIC CO. Xerthbeiusd JrsTolan ..J... 8:66 a.m. No. 1 Oregon Kxpreas ...... 6:65a.m. 2- :l iv"r.u t-'ted .. 0:11 era No. 18 Portland Passenger .. l:(6pm No, 21 Coos Bay 6:38p.m. No. 14 PorUand Express .... t:4tpm. SMlkWu.J So. 53 Oregonian ...t....... 2:16a.m. No. 23 For Eugene .4 16 68 a.m. No. 1$ California Express ...11:61a.m. N.- l ?.?ffbfa- Passenger .. 4:68 pro. N- J.. Ilia met te Limited... 6:44 pm. No- U San Prsneiscof Pass. ..10:62 pm. Vo, 73 Arrive at gaim 0:10 a.m. No. II Leave Salem t... 4:00 n.m. S ALEX. WALL S CTf .' A. UTtmi w !!1 Salem, meter .... 1:00 a.m. 18 Leaves ftalem. me tor .... :18 a.m. i-envea baiem. me tor .... 1:11pm. Through ear te llasnantk anil aiviitt 1 171 Leaves Salem 6:16 nra. 163 Arrives at Salemi 8:26a.m. 1 164 Arrives at Salemi ..11:66 a.m. 166 Arrives at Salem! 8:16 pm, jsxrivea naiem .k. ....... 1:44 nan 1 ORJECOS EijtCTRIC 8Cffeettve Oct, laL-lSla. ' IssUihsaU. XTkia IiMT Arrive - No. aporUand Salem Eugene 11:16 aa 13:84 p 12:60 pm Salem on t Ltd.. 8:16 T ..... 10:46 ..... I:Hm- e:s 1 :0 :0T 11:26 :lipm 6:11 ? 18 Ltd.. 4:4$ pra pm 8:6? pm Falem ' , . pm Saler- . IT ..... 6:06pm 18 1:11 tm North Bank Station (leave son Street It and 36. minutes la Verthbeend Train Leave Arrive 4 No. Eugeaa T:1S am Salem ' ana t:llsnr 4 em t:4is' ' Pm 11:65 f '0 pm ef mIdb 16 Ltd.. 12 - 16 Ltd.. 1:86 pm 110 Salem ealy 1:30 si ..... :udpi l:t ieffer. Korth Bank BtaUoe Leave son Street XI minuter Corvaliu. COXTAXLIS r Xer' Jrrlve Bales 4:oo pm 1:55 pm Leave CnrvsWg , 0:20 am . 9 :86 pm 618 flT?cr'nis Leave talent ':7 ia : pra .-00 pot 10:15 a 4:18 r :o ; HIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHMIIIIIIHIHIHHIHMHMim