The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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" Issued Dally Except Monday by
215 8. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
"' '
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and also the local news published herein. ; .
R. J. Hendricks;
Stephen A. Stone. . . . . . . ..... ....
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. .. . . . .Managing Editor
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DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15 cents a
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Entered at the poBtoff ice in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
The first presentation of the Historical Pageant of Willamette
University will ?be on the campus of that institution at 8 o'clock this
evening.' i: -,-y'::' J:.. ' "
There will be another presentation on Monday next at 2, and it
will be repeated on Tuesday evening, f.
This presentation is in honor of the Seventy-fifth anniversary of
the 'University. . ". : . I , , ' " - '
The Pageant is a representation of.the history of thejUSnored
institution,; with special emphasis upon the beginnings, depicting
the early events of the "Oregon Country." "
In the story will be, woven the history of the State and of Salem
for Willamette University and. Oregon and its capital have grown
together from the beginning. t -
Prof. Delia Crowder Miller of Willamette University has written
and will direct the Pageant; She has had able assistance in working
out the historical details. , :
Here is a setting as The Statesman has said before, and repeated,
for the Oberammergau of the Oregon Country-
For the Bridge of the Gods of the West. -
Again, let the suggestion be repeated, that this may be made a
great asset for Salem, the seat of the historical University.
It is easy to foresee that in future years this Pageant may bring
people from wide distances to witness in moving show the great
story of the Oregon-Country. i ,
Joseph Kastner, the superintendent ot the Salem paper mill that
is fo be, is due in Salem. His household goods arrived yesterday.
He is coming from the East, where he has been looking over the
plans for the machinery for-the paper 'mill, and he will be ready
upon his arrival to take up the details. of the construction work of
the great mill. - " f
The f ederal Railroad Administration wants more people to
travel for pleasure, now that the war is over. But the first duty of
the Government is to improve the general service to render travel a
"pleasure: and not an ordeal. , Reasonable rates are demanded , and
with, a fairly efficient service the rpadswill have-no cause to com
plain of a lack of patronage."" .Exchange. The first duty of the
Government is to turn the roads back , to their owners, and all the
things needed will quickly follow. They can come in no other way.
The Navy Department has contracted for a dreadnaught that will
cost $2o,000,000 and take nearly four years to build. That craft
might make a good flagship for the League of Nationsr but there
ought not to be much other use for it. ' .
Next week may be brass tacks week hi Paris. It is high time,
mechanics love keen-
edged, perfect tools.
. Eyes are tools of the mind.
' j ' j
Like jail tools, they must be
sharp to do good, work and
- ' f - - I
resist destructive wear.
- !'(
' j ! -
, If your fyes are dull, let
us sharpen
Henry .
them for you.
Morris & Co.
Manufacturing Optometrists
305 Sta
415 Third
e St., Salem
St., McMinnville
Phone 239
divide. It now 'turns oat that he is
very -much alive) and that he has re.
cently defeated: a large Spanish
force. Ras is therefore back on tha
front page agaiia.
Now, the pageant.
iPronounce it pag-eant.
With the a like it sounds In fra
gile. V S
Salem school election and annual
meeting a week from next Monday.
Who Wants to be a school direct
or.? f .
Now, the fork, on the paper mill
will soon be under way.
There wilf be plenty of cherry and
berry pickers for everybody if ev
erybody will boost and cooperate.
But not otherwise.
Getting closer to the time when
VGermaay will have to sign or deliver.
The kaiser will have to stand trial,
according to the. latest dope.
1i "b
Willamette university has the
right of way in Salem for a spell
There should be nothing too good
for the honored institution, at the
hands of Salem, her historical yoke
U m m
The Reds are fadine away to
pale pink.
What has become of that "free-
dom-of-the-seas plank in the four
teen points It was the second, we
believe. We hear nothing about it
any more. Exchange.
If the "white man's supremacy"
is menaced by the League of Nations,
the white man ha3 suddenly become
a weak sort of creature whose fu
ture is hopeless anyhow.
Bombing Plane Lateit Entry' in Race Across the Atlantic f
' i ! V-
Three Fatal Accidents Are
Reported Daring Past Week
Three fatal accidents out of a to
tal of 386 were reported to thein
distrial accideat commission dcr
ing the week ending June 5. accord
ing to the Weekly accident report
ot the commusion. . Of the total
number of accidents reported. 556
were subject to the provisions of the
workmens' compensation act.
The thre fatal accident! were to
C. F. Price, an electrician at Ho
sier; S. K. Kntrickea, a painter of
Portland, and John Sharrcr. who was
struck by a railroad train near Jefferson.
LEST we roircETi
The tnmnlt and the shouting dies
The captains and the kings depart
Still stands Thins sacrifice.
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of hosts, be wil s jet.
Lest we forget lest we forget!
Middle-aged and older persons li
apt to puffer from overweight or
weakened kidneys and bladder.
arren Dyer. Ark port, N. wrli
-I ued;oiey KJndney puu t,
weakened kidneys and pains la c?
back, aqd they gave me relief. A!,
ter Ukiag Foley Kidney Pills I fed
younger and stronger.- J. C Psrrj.
Read Itne Qassified Ai
Let it be said, and said boldly and
without fear ' of. successful contra
diction, that, like the i late Grover
Cleveland, President Wilson has
congress ; on his hands. '
!A million dollars has .been voted
for the Olympiad games in Antwerp
in 1920. The people in' the civilized
world are as strenuous in peace as
they are in war.
This lbs the season of commence
?nent gowns and the annual talk of
limiting them in price to about two
bits, only to have parents indulge
ia about the most expensive thry
can buy. j 4V'e must keep up with the
neighbors, you know. 1 -
Chairman II. Hays of the Re
publican National Committee says
that contributions to the national
campaign next year must be limited
to j flOOO each. Dut we presume
there will be, no objections to any
number of times' that sum may be
repeated.; i 1
Boy Scout week aext week.
Get redy to pick the berries.
Another case of "yet'!r
Is on again In Mexico: 1
The Letts are driving out the Bol
shevik!. Let's let 'em.
Germany may be shown the dotted
line on Monday, and given five days
to ; get har John Haacock there.
do in-the street car?- Exchange.
They snrelywill, if they kaow their
business. V
Donlt kick! If you had been some
where in .Africa a few days ago yau
might have seen that eclipse of the
sun. ' .' ' ;
How easy it is to bd optimistic
when you don't have to go out. In
the open- market and earn tho
There to yet much for aviators to
learn. There are mauy factors In a
ong flight add one of the unexpect
ed' things, was the fact that when
Lieutenant Commander .Read lost
the sun for a few hours on his way
to the Azores he went forty-five
miles out of bis way. To what ex
tent this j was due to. a .variation of
apeed, to compass error and to anil
Is difficult to determine, yet la
two hours he was off course that dis
tance, j i
Frojt and 1 berry pickers will be (
scarce; but enough can be had if
there is co-operation and forehanded
work." ' V
What has j become of -thfe
Man of Europe"?-Exchange,
is dead, and will stay dead.
With equal suffrage In effect will
male officeholders get. up and give
the ladies their seats as they now
Keep oa unscrambling, and get
back td first principles and down to
brass tacks as soon as possible.
That's jwhat will be best for. this
country, and . for the whole world.!
Fifteen years ago President Roose
velt electrified the world with the
declaration, "Perdicaris alive or
Raisuli dead," and until recently it
seemed to be understood that the
Morocco bandit had passed over, the
IJ AVE you ever seriously considered our
ability to serve your banking needs?
I t'j something you SHOULD DO for a little
thought on the subject will: convince you of
our ability and capacity for doing so.
I When yon think BANK let the name
mind, - - ',
". -.Ji , , 1,1,!,, ,
5alerrt Oregon,
Congress will be asked to amend
the farm-loan act to -include the
financing of home-building under
onditions that cannot be undertak
en by the tanks. Ia- England, France
and Belgium laws along this line
have been passed. American com-
- i
munities ! may learn a lesson from
government housing ot shipyard
workers and similar housing under
takings Uto which the government
was drawn by the urgent needs of
war industries. ' ' ; l f K't
i m I,
Senator Reed, a pro-Cerma'a par
tisan befp:e the war and now an un
compromising foe of the League of
Nations, worked himself into hyster
ics on the floor of the Senate, de
nouncing the league because It has
not seen fit. to draw the color line
la admitting members. Mr. Reed had
a horrible nightmare in which he
saw the Caucasian nations crushed
undor the iron heel of Africans and
Orientals who were to impose their
yoke upon us by using the League
of Nations and its machinery to that
end. Mr, Reed even taw a vision of
Liberia ruling the United States.
Now, white Mr. Reed is thus mak
lng 'a spectacle' of himself by declar
ing, that the league is "a "colored
league." some of his fellow-oppon
ents art loudly proclaiming that the
league is nothing but a militaristic
alliance of the leading nations, Brit
ain; -'United States a ad France," tJ
rule the ) world.. Other antagonists
ten us tnat the league; is to be the
means by which Japan is going to
conquer the United States. '
Taf any Intelligent person Mr.
tteeas outburst Is the silliest , that
hasjyet been heard in opposition to
the league. . Some of the others are
almost equally ridiculous and th
fact that ifiey coatradiet each oth-r
Ranse Demonstration
Set of aluminumware or one 11-picce set of
We will give away free with every range sold
week one of the above sets.
Pjtox cooking ware.
during demonstration
Make our store your store. We will serve free lunches during our
demonstration. Don't neglect coming in and sampling some of our
eats, lou are welcome. -
Range that will earn its cost dozens and dozens of times over in what it saves for yon. Besides the SIMPLICITY which w
wus we mosi popular range omii nere are otner advantages now offered yon.
jEeit to Buy a.
rurt ot n r cm gas J
OMrrcoNTBOuxa 1
rou covens rt
rmc box .
lpokcr oooa
STAflrrp ron
a cast iron boov
f 111 , tl I I
' - ' . ... J ,
i I W i
,- I, ' A
ir- . : ji ji i f ..vwa i
i V- f I lMiV5rtAl I I !
j: WC a . ... , . .. . Jt -j
SETS IN 40 )Q1 SPfcCC 4
toon.) woto
. roRCAs
uhtt return aim
20 Strong Seasons Why It Is
Simplex Universal Combination 20!
A COOL kitchen in summer by using gas a warm kitchen la
winter by nslng coal or wood with or without gas a saving ot
fuel regardless of which fuel yon use ideal cooking results al
ways and an endless amount of trouble and brain work done
away with all that Is yours when yoai become the delighted
owner or a Simplex Universal Combination!
1. Compact Complete. It occupies less floor space than any
other 8 hole. It-Inch oven Combination flange made. Ideal for
small kitchens or large ones. ij
2. It is Maitary. All surfaces smooth and comparatively
free from niches, cracks and other Inaccessible places.
.3. It is durable no other combination ranee that we know
of is so admirably designed and constructed. The pride achieve
ment of experts of over 40 years of proficiency.
4. It Is economical. It has a modern scientific construction
that does more work per heat unit than any other range In exist
ence, i
5. It has four gas burners and four -holes for coal, all of
which can be used at the same time. j
6. It has an oven flue large enough toj give complete free cir
culation and to take off all poisonous gas fames and disagree
able odors. a -
7. It has one three ring cover. i
8. All gas berners have adjustable orifices. ,
9. Gas cocks have white porcelain bandies with spring to
take up wear and make them leak proof, if
10. It has a standard fire box for coal or wood, with re
versible duplex grate. . -
11. Gas burners and drip pan removable. Easily taken out
for cleaning.
door with sanitary 1 white Dorcelain nanel
12. Nickel oven
and thermometer.
13. construction Is stroni niulr nj h.- k..i
terlals throughout. i
14. Gas burners are far enough apart so 'that large vessels
may be used alongside each other without congestion.
15. Coal fire box easily fitted lth water Trout or coil.
16. Stove can be furnished with back tall or btgh closet.
17. Gas kindling burner may be hai at slightly additional
cot. 1
18. It has a full size square oven 18x18 Inches.
19. Oven Is explosion proor, fool proor, safe.
AH gas adjustments made automatically, unerringly a range
that thinks for Itself. . j
20. All gas-burners are so designed that they will not flare
Dack. ! i
With Every Range Goes a Guar ante1 e Bond
: ; 1 ; I
Trade fti
1 " "
" - '. , 4 -
. -mm mm mi n i , n i ,aj--.-T-;J-,.n, .,
: n . ; ? i ' .
adds to their absurdity.