TOE OREGON STATESMAN: TUESDAY, TXE 0, 1019 CITY NEWS WVdnesday night. Query's nal!. i TL Prime Jwnnles former of ftces of l)r; O. r Miles Bush bank bldg. Phones: Sffice 323. lies. 1601. ' fierl' Brother Wa Chief . . Ttarb'rd. who w-an , chief or. Dolice In Salem in me jan- s, ana,, Vfco uiod several , years ag v was a trothcr of Major (!? Jame . j(trhord who reren'ly has bee,n mad a ch-ief of staff of the American expe ditionary foros I u France. The army man has held important military pol Hit ions Jr a nuntber of years. ; lie is a cmisia uf Mrs. Dan J. Fry, Air 81 NAZ1M0VA ;" ' in 'OCT OP. TI1K VtHl' l'atlie , Tuniht Hanee at Moose hall. Tin Shop lU-OpetieI - r K. II. 'Berger haa re-opened his sheet metal -hop at 660 N. High St. Clackamas river to develop 11.70.", horsepower near Estacada. The pro posed project 'willcost $1,250,000. A fall of 103 feet will be utilized aad a ditch and flume 6.6 miles loug and a dam 400 feet long will b built. At the same time application was riled by the Cortland Railway. I'ght & Power company Mr the storage -if 40.400 acre feetff-om .Oak (irove wok io develop power i - . i . . . aiong me iiacKamas river. i ne cost of the storage reservoir lJ es timated at $300,000. Just what the relation is between the two projects is not known h.rei the' Oregon o'clock. Electric depot at 1 Dr. I. R, Springer, IMratl-t, Moor building, corner Court aad Liberty Th Junior Guild Of St. Paul's Episcopal church will ncet at the home or Mrs. John Caughell, 240 North. Cottage street, at 2:3w this afternoon. 28th Aero squad'on. has arrived In New York from Fiance, according to word lecelvcd In Salem. Ho I a son of Mrs. Nannie J. Wtltorn. Receipt. Note and All mnnks At Statesman Job office. Card of Tluuiks i We '-wish- to extend our sincere thanks to the kind friends who ten dered us assistance, sympathy, and offering Of flowers in the time of on- bereavement, the loss of our son and brother. Mr. and .Mrs. W. G. 'Miller und family; ' W.ik on IHpl:ty ! iV. .An exhibition-of school work dona toe state school for the I'ceble- at BUSTER 3 Prs. BROWN" for HOSIERS . -' $1.00 The Remnant Store, 254 X. Commercial St. - mmoed will be on display it the school Thursday afternoon and ev?ii mg. On the same evening the pupils of tfic school .will give a play en titled "A Day in Flowcrrtom." ay out line of which. was published in The Statesman Saturday morning. ! Young -Man Wani(Ml At Gray- Belle Confectionery. ! Irrigation for Ifl! - The system of dividing the city into two districts which proved so ; satisfactory last year, will be;. cantin- !-... - - - " - ... ued for the season of 1919. MrtWlTME'NTC .The houses which bear even Viunv lYlU-lU -111-11 IO" - bers on the streets will irrigate only If your monumental work Is solicit- on Monday, Wednesday. Friday, and d. kindly ask the solicitor fop our Sunday,! and the houses which bear business card. ' , f odd numbers on the streets irrigate Capital Monumental works, only on Tuesday. Thursday. Satur 2210 S. Com. St. Phn r89. Salem day, and Sunday. This plan Will - permit every house to irrigate four ? - " ' jday.s out of each eek. : Phone S52r Res Phone I532W By strictly .following this rule we . R. W. BALLANTYXK , are ablo to supply our patrons with Piano Tuner - " ' the usual amount of water under Wheeler Seaki Wednesday- Charles T. Wheeler will be the speaker at the mass meeting fo be held in the armory tomoiryw night when the .Salvation Army drive is launched under th-? auspices of the Salem I.odge of. Elks. Dr. Wheeler has recently retu-ned from France anu while serving with the American Expeditionary forces, had many thriv ing experiences which he will re late. There is no admission chars? the mottin-r. Xevr Schedule Kf feet IVe June lf Commenclag Sunday. June 1 t the Oregon Electric Kailway train No. 12 will leave Salem 12:05 noon in stead of 12: 1"'. and will reach" Port land 2:20 iLstead of 2:25 as formerly. Yonnjt Mun Wnntrd fct Cray-llelle Ci.nfe tioncry. Fire 1K)Oh Slight lhimnge A fire caused by falling sparks cccured In the oof of the residence at 457 North High street at 1 p. in. yesterday. . The damage wat tliglU. , . ' IH-. I. Scott Chiropractic Sonologist is now in F'ortland. His offices in the I'nited States Dank building are open, how ever for the making of appointment.!. I1i1cUii Irmtel ..The temporary appointment of Dr. It. E. Ijee Steiner as warden of th state penitentiary to succeed Robe'. L. Stevens and the elevation of Dr. I F. (Jriffith from the post of rirst a&slttant to that of superintendent of- the hospital has necessitated fur ther changes in the hospital staff. Dr. J. K. Evans becomes assistant to Dr. Griffith. Dr. Princ? W. Dyrd second assistant and Dr. C. E. P.atei third assistant. All the changes mere made officially by the board of con trol Saturday. t"hfrlng Text-books To' select text-books for use in the Oregon schools for the next six years the state text-book commission is in session here. Its work may be ter minated today. . Th.i members are Ma'gret J. Cosper, Salem; Mrs.' A. b. .Ivanhoe. La-Grande: Harrison (1 Piatt, Portland; Alfred C. Schmidt. Albany, and F. A. Tiedgen, .Marsh- field- ' ' Two to CJ. Oterten '. Jeorne Sacks qt Uosehura has un listed in the infantry and Harold J. Pope of Salem has entered the med ical co-ps through the Salem army recruiting station in th D'Arty building. ,Sacks -will go to France while Pop? has chosen service in the Philippines. They Went to Portland yesterday for their final "lamina tions. ' ' lkm't Forget That F. E. Shafer Harness rtore. 170 South Comercial street, has a full line of Doston bagi and fi'tt cases. See them. Cae I limti1 " ' , The cas-i of W. A. Roiebraugh was dismissed by Judge Race ia police court yesterday. He was charged with speeding. Funeral for Old lie blent Today Jaus F. White, an old resident of Salem, r.nd an invalid for a num ber of years, passed away at hi home. 1009 Hroadway stcet on Sat urday. The fune"al services will le held at the chapel of Webb ft-Clough at 2 o'clock this afternoon and bur ial will be made in the I. O. (). F. cemetery. He leaves his widow and three children, Mrs. Philip Painter, of Salenl, Mrs. R. A. Looney of Ne vada, and Herbert White of Cali fornia. Rev. G. 1,. Lovell wi'.I con duct the service. x i a PLATERS A SPECIALTY With Cnerriagton Piano House, 41S Court St. Salem. Or. Salem Auto Radiator Shop; Radiators, Fenders and Gas . . Tanks "Repaired Tractor .Kadiators a Specialty All work guaranteed. lit S.,12th St. : ; Salem, Ore. more satisfactory conditions. Sea son Irrigation bills will be discount ed 10 per cent if paid on or before June 10th. Salem Water, Light & Power Co. ttmall Investment Lmans- ReaJry Umuw Hcmae Itentai Agency, General Property Pealing. iOHS H. SCOTT KE.LT! CO, ; 464-405 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 254 Salem, Ore. Unknown Man Killed The public service commission was informed j ester day by the Spokane Portland & Seattle.. Railroad com pany that an unknown trespasser was killed by extra train -No. 2,105 at 10 o'clock: Sunday near Trout- dale., Western Junk & Salvage Co. V,'t buy all kinds Junk, hardware. furniture, tools, machinery. There U hardly an item we. do not; buy. Phone 70. 402 X. Commercial Kt. A Salem Prodact "Thelma" Individual Chocolates, oc everywhere. .-; Csed Piano?- Going fast. Grab one. & Son. E. L. Stif: Tonight . Danco at Moose hall. Mm. Sinteml I teo, neat tied Estate -vvitb the exception of $20 to each of his chjildren. Mrs. Emma C. Sim eral inherits, all the property of he- late husband, Wilton L. Sinitral. Toj property is valued without 'appraise ment at $9,800. Th; will was ad mitted to rrobate yesterday and Mrs. Simcral was appcunted exwutrix. Th will was made February 11, 1S9S. Coiirtcil U PowtHncd - Because it .was Impossible to ob tain a quorum at the regular in-jet-ing or the city council last night, the session was postponed until S o'clock tonight. Good Used Pianos- Some good as new; almost at your own price. E. L. Stiff & Son. Dance Wednesday night. Qn-?:y'3 hall. Former Resident Here (George Post, an a:chiteet of Port land was in Salem on business yes terday. He : was formerly in this city. . Mr. Post is with one of the larjre firms in Portland and among other work he has done ince leav ing Salem is that of superintending the construction of Hendricks' ball at University of Oregon. Baby GIrl Arrive- Mr. and Mrs. Hans Christensen are' the proud," parents of an 11-pound baby girl, born yesterday morniug at 4:15. She Jtas been named Helen Maxine. Notice . We Aavj opened a first-clas re pair shop aad will ive the motoring pnllic the very brat of service. Open night and day and Sundays. Marion Garage. Phone ?C2. Mr. Hockley li Mrs. Harriet N. Hockiey died last night at 6 o'clock at the home of II. C. McGuren on the Garden :oad, three miles east of town, at the age of X2 years. Funeral arrangements have not been made but the body will probably bo shipped east for burial. It U being kept at th? Rig- don parlors. Mrs. Hockley came to Salem about five years ago Regular Meeting or Cltadwick Chap ter, Xo. .17 Order of fie Eastern Star, Tues day, June 3, at S o'clock Initiation. For Hardware Furniture and Second Hand tSood : eee ' CAPITAL HABDWtnE r KI HMTIKK tU If jr-M have furniture toves or carpta to sell, phone 9i. or cull at IKS X. C"ii Time Clock Install d A time clock . was installed yes-te-da In the office of the stat in dustrial accident commission. The clock shows the number of en:p'oy?s and each is required to "punch his or her time at quitting :i time and time for going to work each day. Dr. rott Bank of Commerce bildg. 407-8. Guardian at Law Appointed Gabrlalle Clark was yesterday ap pointed gua-.tlian at law of Freda Krneger, a minor, who is the only heir of Elizabeth Kreuger, Seeking Her HaHliaml Governor Olcott Is in receipt of a letter from Mrs. Harry A'thur Tra vess, whose home is In New York. To Meet O. A. t. lk:ok Today on Sweetland field at the University ths Willamette ball toss ers Will meet th O. A. C. rooka. Willamette has won from the Che mawa team twice and last we-k the O. A. C. men defeated the Indians 10 to 2 so this game is expected to be a fast one. Coach Mathews ex pects to take his mh to Co:vallis Saturday to meet the varsity team Satisfaction for the sweet tooth. j Aid to appetite and: digestion benefit and enjoyment In LASTING form. ? And only 5 cents a package. . ! aakine if hp Is nhl to plv hpr a clu to the whereabouts of h?r hus- Tho8 wh wl Pla" today re: balid. Tae 'letter says he leased a ,er c.Dlmick p.. McKIttrick 1st b.. house and property aear Portland several yars ago. Tires,. 40 Percent Off ' Carry them away.- Clarks Tire House, 3,19 N. Commercial street. R. Dimick. 2 b.. Davles 3a.. Olson; 3b.. Powers, rf., Hickman, cf., and Austin, If. Salem Woman PawNex Away Mrs. Effie Naftzger, aged S4 years, passed away at her home, 1542 Broadway street yesterday. Death She is sur- L. Ij. Is L. YIH Meet W. D. Smith, general flsld officer was caused by influenza in the northwest fo- the Loyal Le-jvived by her husband. Charles V. gion of Loggers and Lumbermen. I Naftzger, and three children. Wil- I will meet with. the, Salem local Fri- liam. Ernest, and Ruth The body (Flaw i&mr i i - - J - it and atoy speeulatlve the- Tonight Dance at Moose hall standard Scale Books In ! duplicate,. Statesman Job of-. Ice. i "Thelma'V Individual Chocolate Made in SalemLSe everywhere. 1 WAN TED Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools and. In. fact, anything you bare to selL I buy for cash. Phone 110 or 511. W00DRY, The Auctioneer Try Xorthern Flour . "It's a Bear." Every sack guar anteed. At your grocer's. NOTICE If yon have any Junk or second hand goods ot any kind, see us first. .'-;!; CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 CLemeketa St. Thone 308 Big? Projects lHanneil . (Applications covering two project. to cost an aggregate of $1,550,000 along - Clackamas river are on fil? with the state engineering depart ment and will doubtless receive fa- VO'able consideration in a few days by granting of the permits sought The Clackamas Power & Irrigation company has filed application to us? 1000 second feet or water 'from Public Offices Close Today ,The state house offices and the city and county offices will le closed today,! this being a legal holiday. The county clerk's office .will be open but not for the filins of papers be cause it is a non-Judicial day. The office of the sheriff will also remain open. , j day night. The meeting is called for reorganiatioa.. a general discussion of working conditions in th north west and to hear a report from the board ot directors. The Peace Edition 25 cents per copy. The Statesman will attend to the mailing of them without extra charge. Dance, Wednesday night. Query's, hall. Miss Wrlborn III Miss Viole Welborn. stenographer in the office of Governor Olcolt. is I slightly ill with influenza at he home. Miss Maud Savage ia sub.ti luting in l er place. ;Kj3- r i .- Xurse lleud 6imes Tinlay- . Misa May Loom is of Seattle, head of the nursing bureau of the north- weste'-n division lof the American Red i Cross, is expected attend the meeting of the board of directors of Willamette chapter today. She will discuss the nursing problem, espe cially as it cpneerns the influenza situation. I liano Recital 1 v Hear Miss May Micky ingraduat- ing recita!. this evening at Christian church. 4:15 p. m Public Invited. We want to buy J . . ' Good Potatoes " - ' Best Market Price V The People's Cash Store ! Phone 4S3. 1IM98 North Commercial St LAST DAY GERALDINE FARRAR "Tlielma' Individual Chocolates A Salem -product made by The Gray- Belle distributed by George E. Water for sale everywhere, 5c Will Call For" Bid At a meeting of, the state hihv.-ay commission in Portland on June 10 bids will be opened for equipment needed Tor the big motor trucks that are to be furnished the departmen by the government. Bids are askd on 100 hydraulic hoists, 100 dut..p bodies and 25 cabs. is at the Webb & Clough undertaking establishment until funeral arrange- ment have been made. EDITORIALS OF THE PEOPLE Is the only one of th? proposal uiea- j however, no analogy between Chrls ures carrying this provision and; tian Science and Spiritualism or be- there should surely be no objection to a proposition of such utiluy. whereby Uaele Sam match: a doLar for every one we appopriate. The measure will bring the ccasl countries out of their somewhat pres ent isolation as feeder will Inevit ably follow an thereby indirectly benefit the whole state especially the Willamette valley and thj South ern portion of the state contiguous f the coast. Vote 310, yes. -rA. X. M. i (Th Statesman Is tld to orlnt communications upon topics of general interest at any urn. Tber is scarcely any limit to the topics of "seneral in terest.' It Is asked only that corre spondents refrain from personalities and ue cars that nothinr b written of a libelous nature. Letters must have writer's nam and address, thoua not neceeaanily for publication. Ed. Legal Blanks- Get them at the Statesman Job of- l "Tin rioit Willi Siwmlini' Kiiwwl CI I - -t - I mm , ...II... O. C. Kumier who live north or " v,ii uu ayico. Salem, made voluntary appearance in Jnstico court yesterday and was fined $10 on a charge of speeding. .' in 'SHADOWS" See Our . ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES Welch Electric Co. 379 State St. Frank E. (Tiucliill Representative of the Western Conservatory of Music of Chicago, in this citjy will present Miss Mae Mick ey in graduating recital Tuesday evening, June rd at the Ch-isiian church. No invitation issaee but the public is cordially invited. Phone 953 . I- 1 v I Jtrriiifl II l ft A m "oh voi - r 7 1 Hg. Wmmt m ' GOCTtTKST. CswfaH. pHeea. 'AW-ele-lr Centrally leeated. all earliaes. WASIUXGTOX AT TWELFTH Pertlaad. Ore H. MIT". -. The exclusive, select qualities 'of our equipment are above -reproach. We are competent and courteously obliging. We render efficient .service and you " will find us con servative in our ' financial request. Twn School? To Close The Jefterson schools will close tumor ow with elaborate exercises. The commencement exercises-of th-j Turner school will be held Thurs day.!; - Voting; Man Wanted . . At GaBelle Onfectionery.f Build New Addition Const ruii't ion work h'.s liepun on an additio.V to the Wittenlerg-Kins plant, which is to be used foi stor age and to accommodate several thousand collars worth of new ma chinery the company is putting in. Tho rooun is" to be "0 by. f.5 feet in size. 1 . TiiTn. 40 Percent Off . C'ary them away. Clarks Tire House, 319 N. Commercial street. Highway Boosted. To The Kditor: There seem- to be considerable apathy exhibited over the nwa4ure4 4o be voted upon at the election today. This Ia re grettable as no more important elec tion bea ing upoo the future wel fare of the tate has been proposod in recent jear than the one set for today. There seems to be general unan imity in the justice aud merit of the measure known as the Uoj.ievelt Coast Military Highway bill and i trust it will receive a very strons rote. Next to ou.- own Ma-ion coun ty bonding bill, which I am led to believe will carry for a practically iinaninus vote, I consider the coast highway bill one or the most meri torious measures up for considera tion. It calls for an approplation of $2.51)0.000. in bonds, and is con-, tiugent on the federal government appropriating an eoual amount. Th s A newt CariMian Science. To The Ediior: In W Issue of May 17 under the heading. "Ae The Library." annoiincient U made of a new book to be found in the Salem library entitled. Payehic Ten dencies or Today." by Alfred W. Martin. This emourceBient further rtatas that the new volume I "An exiosition and Ci iticUni 'of. Chi istlan jlenco. New Thoi'ght, Fpl iinaiitm. and Physieal Reearch." .i regatds New Thought. Sp'tit ualisiu and PhyKV.I Kesiarch I merely wish to point out t om leaders that they have uothingf irj comnvon with Christian Sciene should not be classed with it. Chris tian Science is the law or God made manifest In human experience, and is in no way related to suggestion or occultism under any name o- aa ture. Mrs. Kddy has made this fart perfectly clear in a statement on pane taw?en ory." of the critic io cspose the teach ings of Christjaa Science would be for him to expose the wods and works of the Ifaster. Christ Jesus, and of the Prophets and Apoal. in fact to expose Christianity;1--V canse these worls and works in the very warp arid woof of ChrUtian Science as indioted by Mrs. Eddy -on page 103 oi "First Church of Christ. Scientist'and Miscellany" as follow.: "1 have found nothing Ij ancient or modefn systems on .which . to found my own. except the teach ings and demon.-! rations of the get ' Master, and the lives of Prophets and Apostles. The Bible has been my only authority. I have had JO . other guide In the straight' and nar row way cf Truth.' There is nolo- , ing hidden in Christian Science. It is open as the light of day for all. who seek the Truth to partake of its LUssinrs. . ; A. O. FREEL. Portland. Or.. My 31, 191$. , THK WEATHER ; . Y i -. cooler east portion;' moderate westerly winds, t f x Send a copy hf the Peare edition to the boys In Jhe service. Only a limited, number of copies left, so ol der early. 25 cents per copy. s or her too. . Miscellaneous w rit- n . j at incs." where she says: "There If. ! Read the .UamilCd Adl Mistake In Name ' ' . - The name John H. Otte. which ap peared in the Marion and Polk coun ty honor roll of soldier dead while It was runn'ng daily in The States man, should have, been George H. Otte He was a son of Henry Otte of Falls City. In a Trading Mood? If you want to trade in a used pi ano for a new one. we are ready. L. Stiff Son. The Woman's Relief Cor; Aid society will meet jit" the coun f t; home of Mrs. I. D. Bennett next j Thursday tfternoon. AH those de siring transportation to and from th I place of entertainment will meet at ' ' ' Xew K n Igh t . I odge Articles of incorporation were fi'ed with State Corporation Commission er Schulderraan .yesterday by Red mond lodge No. 110, Knights of PyHiias. .Max A. Cunning Is chan cellor commander. Sidney Loyd. vice chancMlor and J. R. Roberta. ;master of finance. i . 1 Better Grab a Piano ' Some used pianos, almost as good as new. Will not last. Better grab them. E. L. Stiff & Son. Koute your freight via j Willamette Valley Transfer. Co. I i Express scrviee at freight tate. Lone distance hauline onlyj Phone 1400 Requisition lueI Governor Olcott yesterday Issued e"uisition papers for the retum to Oregon frOm Santa Barbara, Calif., of Ned McShirry. who is under iu 'dictment in Marion county for is suing bad checks and obtaining mon ey by false pretenses. SherifT Neod ham left for California last n,h: to bring ' McSherry to Salem. Arrive in New York " 7 ! n -M 'Sergeant- Ralph V.Vl'.iorn of the I Great Mass Meeting WEDNESDAY, JllJE i AEM0EY 8 P. M. Dr.C.T. Wheeler FEARLESS SILVER TONCIEI) ORATOR Of Chicago j RECENTLY RETURNED FROM ' IlATTLE FIELD i OF FRANCE Admission Free No Collection AUSPICES OF SALEM ELKS LODGE .it i 5 J - ft