1 ! f i! TXIE OREGON STATESMAN: SATURDAY, MAT 31, 1910 Classified ' Directory The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Undf; Proper Headings So You Ca n Readily Find Them They're Worth While i . J -1 NORWICH TjSflON FIRE INSURANCE. SOCIETY Thielsen. Roland & Uarghardt Bldent Agent : 871 State St. LIONEY TO LOAN W rnTPROYED FARM PROPERTY AT iflWEST BATES. JSO COMMISSION IF TH0S.K.FORD Over Lndd at Bask Bask. Salem. Or. 2 CENT 0 CENT FARM LOANS ) Va Issa moat j for five, years. W Uv yoa to pay $100 or multiple ba tka sriaeipal oa any interest date. Yt ,!, at loans promptly.-. Hawkins and Roberts, 311 If"""'" Bldj, Salem, Ox. CLAJfZFTED ASTKRTISSXE3TTS . Bate P rer. vfrat Insertion ............... le t Subsequent Insertions ..He One weea fix mitruunij ...... .v; 0m month 9c Six months contract, per mo., to it months' contract, per mo... 7c Mo sect, opened for-less than. 1 5c a aeat card riven free -with an advertisement to the extent of Sue t Qaltf m1Ta Wav." "For Rent" nnuuuvui, .j "Boom or n .... mU MEW TODAY. - Xaek new classified advertise ment will bo run under "New To day for the first Insertion, unless othevwlse ordered by the adver tiser. 1 Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under its proper classification. No advertisement will ba run aader "New Today for more than one Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY SALESMEN AND SIDELINE MEN TO handle Hercules Tire Patch, Easy seller, guaranteed product. 1 Write i Hercules : Manufacturing Company, : Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. (EE MISS I E. GOODHUE AT 1 S. 17th street for subscriptions to all magazines. Phone 741-M. a- 1 : WANTED LIGHT HOUSEWORK. I'EK manent by capable elderly lady in small town near. Address 207 Front -. street. FOR SALE FRESH JERSEY COW and calf. 1789 Center street. WANTED ONE LIVE A-l MAN FOR our - circulation department. Can make 5.0 a day. ; See Mr. Palmer at ,once. TRADE P E R S I A N MALE CAT. ' black and gray large eyes. -Walter Pearmlne. Phone 98 F2. FOR SALE MY CHEVROLET ROA ter. Fully equipped, excellent conv ditlon and driven less than 700(1 miles. $550 cash. J R. Buck. WHEN YOU SEE O. F. R. A. ON YOUR . policy you may rest assured that you - hava "gilt edge" dependable fire in , rarmnce protection. The Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnvi'.lo has been time tested and fire tested, and proven itself equal to every emer gency. It nu a much larger re serve at this time than ever before. H. A. Johnson Insurance Agency, over I Ladd .aV Bush Bank. Salem. Phone 347. BIDS WANTED V Sealed bids will be received at th county clerk's office in Salem.Oregon. for the construction-of a ferry boat to be bnilt at. Portland,- Salem, cr .Independence. Oregon." Plans .will be oa file In the county clerk's office in- Dallas. Oregon, and the county clerk's office in Falem: Oregon. liid will be opened June 9, 1919, at ? ; p. m. in the county court room, Sa lem, Oregon. The righ- reserved to reject any add all bids. U. G. BOYER. county clerk FOR SALE BCS1XE9S CHANCES. FOR SALE FURNISHED APART inent house. Phone 2454W. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SHORT HORN BULL alr, dairy type, 7 months, for $40. wm. H. Egan, Gervals, Ffcone 3F11. i Route 2. msCELLAlCEOUS STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE. PHONE H1F2L ! TRAILERS FOR SALE MADE TO order. Woodry's auction market. serry and Liberty streets. FOR SALE TWO BOILERS. ONE 8 . horse horizontal. Call Capital City ! Co-operative Creamery. : SALE CHE A V-r-l N TM K Fl ELD, about ono acre-of vetch and rye for pay that is about ready to cut Phone 254 or 622 - BOOKS OF KNOWLEDGE A COM leto set of 20 volumes,- cloth bind ing, new. never unboxed. Will-sell for less than cost. Address "Book," ears Statesman. . PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE 35 "P. 3 cyl., with throttling governor, heavy fly and belt wheel. Formerly - need as auxiliary in electric lighi piant. uood condition. 100 galloi tank- goes witlv it. Scott Bororth 702 Spaulding Bldg.. PorUand, Ore. NOTICE TO PRUNE GROWERS IF you intend to build or remodel your drier it will pay you to see my Pa - tented Improved Hot Air Heating i ytn t my. place. Route 1, Shaw. Oregon, on anyi day or at Theo. VL "rt rmmDist ana Healing esnop. Salem. Oreron. after May 30. where they are being constructed. For fur ther particulars write or call on J. w. Feiber. Route 1. Shaw, Oregon. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells In graphic terms of the massa cre of tho Oatman family, of the es cape of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of star vation and Olive was purchased from , tho Indians f tvo years later. The Price U 26 cents, postpaid. Address in-sgon Teachers Monthly. Salem. Or. A POVLTBT TOO WANT TO GET THE BE3T rarm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, (or a trial ubacriptlon. Mention this ad. . 544 STATE ST. PH0XE 400. Headqaarters for baby' chicks. Leghorns, Rede,- Kocka. Minercas, Aneonaa, Wyan dottes. fint stork?. Pricea reaaoiuible. C. N. Xeedham. Box 413. Salem. Ore. EMPLOYMENT - -- "ijUXfXJlf .rEMALB WANTED illDOLE AGED LADY for housework in- country. O. B. Stauff. Rickreal. Ore. WANTED A GIRL. OR WOMAN FOR ; general housework. No washing. Mrs. Max O. liuren. 745 Courts MALE SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR WAST- ea with car. 337 State. CARRIER WANTED FOR THE dllE- ' Roman. See ,W. H. Burghardt, Jr., 371 State SC - BOYS BOYS. BOYS: WORK FOR THE Statesman this summer. Make BIG money. Only bora over 14 considrd Apply Circulation Dept. before June 1st WANTED BOKS THERE WILL BE a few good Statesman routes open this summer. List your name now ana get itrst chance at a arood route. Apply Circulation Department, Daily Biaiesman. , SALESMEN, WANTED IN EVERY county In the -state, for new Inner Tire Armor, blow-out proof, sold on money back guarantee. Attractive proposition to the right party. Ad dress Motor Products Co., 413 Lewis! liidg., Portland, ore. "MEN WASTED AT WEST XINX PAPER MILLS 42c HOUR, 8 HOUR DAY. SEE MR. a A. SWAJFORD AT MILL OF FICE ACROSS RIVER FROM OREGON CITY. GOOD, , HOTEL PROVIDES CLEAN, BEDS 20c; BEST MEALS 35e. ; i t i GOOD POSITIONS NOW OPEN IN THE new U. S. merchant marine. We need 500 men; to man our new ocean going - carriers. Good jobs to begin with, and unlimited opportunities -for ; ad vancement. Men between the ages of lSjUtJli Inclusive are eligible. You I rouif&irn American citizen. ; For I full information apply at ' Perry's Drue Store. - " 115 South Commercial St, Salem, Ore. t MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED BERRY PICKERS EIGHT acres of gooseberries. 6 acres straw berries. Phone 1207M. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED. SALARY 824. full time. 50c an hour spare time. sellinK eruaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience. unnecessary. Guaranteed Mills, Norristown, Fa. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT A NICE LITTLE 4-ROOM house. Phone 1009. ; 328 iiuDcara ' Bldg. ; ' - ' r GOOD MODERN HOUSE ON PAVED street for rent at 815 month, boco lofsky. Bayne Bldg.. FOR RENT JUNE 1 6 ROOM MOD- ern house one block north from the State House Inquire 295 Summer street. - ' j FOR RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS and farms. F. L. wood. 841 mate street. Phono 794. T FOR RENT TWO DOORS SOUTH OF the Cliff House, Nye Beach, Newport, Ore eon. one room suitable for lunch counter, a kitchen, three living rooms, wood room, bath room, a one- room cottage with fireplace, stable room for four head of stock, room for 60 chickens, room for automobile. and tent ground ror ten tents. Ad dress H. J. Mlnthorn. Newport, Ore. WANTED jxruuxruvtnnrui '" " " - -- -- -- -- --- irmrmrK UXAruVVVVVV'i" an as. aa sa ss as sh a sw am sw fa alt Ss, as s WANTED CATTLE AND CALVES, any kind. Phono 1576W. HI S CELLANEO C S. WANTED TEAM, WAGON AND woodrack. Must , bo cheap. 1'honc 1527R. .... .... . ' i WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR one man. Address "O H" care Biaies man. WANTED AMERICAN CAN ADDING machine, must be etieap ana in gooa shape. Address G-12, care Statesman HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press jtoom oia tea man. MR. BIO HEARTED FISHERMAN with a big car Will you assist in . giving a fine bunch of mature young I , TRANSFER HAULING ' people an outing where the fishing L. Tl , , is good by furnishing the i car. - They AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND will furnish and eook the 'chuck, of . bauling. Household A two days outing starting Friday. ; crTja moving Jobs done prompt Phone 577 or 1110. . ; JLT.ja-d ly. Try mo once. Tlmmo. 1 1 ' ' 475 State St. Phone $6$. Residence phono 1122J. ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY WOVEN WIRE FENCING I j-j- W.KMWWllOW WANTED LEAKY RADIATORS TO RE- Depot NatJoaml at Aa" pair. Salem Ante Radiator Shop. 198 S. all etsee, lav to SS lav tn.u Paints, Otle VarntaBv 4UU t Steves Rebuilt and Repaired. SALEM AUTO EXCHANGE tSXfiESfJXX Zm GEO. SPICER. Mgr. 229 State St. 258 St. rtxmfim We buy your car or sell on commis- sion. Special 1917 Briscoe, $575. Max- : nnrtrprCTnirm well, good as new. $550 ton new PROFESSIONAL delivery car. $275. 1916 Overland. $475. vra kw"V" Nice "little" roadster, cheap. 1915 mowmw. Studebftker Six, 7-passenger. must go, CHIROPRACTIC $350. Studebaker. 3 passenger Roads- m ter. $450. 1917 Hudson Super Six. eood rR- O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE as new, $1500. Overland Roadster. of P. 8. C Chlropractlcs fountalr good as new, $550. Others to pick from head, Davenport. Iowa. Chiropraetl . . - corrects the cause of disease. Office BRING YOUR BATTERY WORK TO 406-7-8 U. & Nstlonal Bank Building tho Battery Shop. 263 N. Commercial phone 87. Residence titn. street. Phone 413. All work guar- . . anteed. ' . MUSIC TEACHERS , , " 1 ' 1 " ' tXfXVrsjJV-SsT's f aa amaa.amamanamasamsmamsasa OLESON AUTO EXCHANGE TEACHEB 349 North Commercial St. Phone 68 0r8TgrT11-. n n - lr - - BUYS SELLS i AND KXCHAifGES ALL w. U MERCER. ORADUATE T BT-B,dh4onVVl9tt MtilnSS I0rbargaln. 1 vrolet 419 North Summer. Phone 614. TerfUUdiCtn. CHINESE tr$tTWCIA ! ttwllH'nVnt DR. U M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN ?U20B$260. P 1917 SChev?oleV 6500. disease. 188 S. High Bt. Phono 283. ' 1 ton locomobile truck $450. Five - . - tKiVw&l&i& Read the qassificd Ads. USED CARS FOR SALE- IP TOU want to bur a car. coma and im 11a If ,you have a car to Belt, we will sell ii i or you. used car dept.. Marion Oarage, opposite liar Ion hotel. rnune aoa. . lFi YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OK trade 'your old auto or auto part s-e Stelnbock Junk Co.. (Auto wreccers) zzt North Commercial at. AUTO 8ERVICB SH1PP-8 AUTO 8ERVICE--CITY AND country trips. Phone: Day, 663; Bight. 859. TIRES REPAIRED VULCANIZING GATES HALF-SOLE: TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial St. Phone 428. HEPAIR WORK SaSaeaSaaaaWaaaaaaaaaassaaa A. E. HUTCHISON 248 STATE STREET. Phone 811. Overland service and . gen eral repair an op. ! BUSINESS CARDS i DRAYS AND EXPRESS i.inurn TDivvffnws. unvi ml'uri' lumuui-uuh icmvui store goods. Day phono 930. Night 1 paone ig. 1 Phone 933. Salem's largest aad beat I equipped transfer company. Get our r? I Also for storage, as we bar. threi ware- houses in connection with business. Furnl-1 tare moving packing ahipping and ator-1 UK uur BlJJv-Xrial Al J. KJll ICC, A O OUIM St. DRESSSrAKING. DRESSMAKIXO AND PLAIJi SEWING done at S36 X. High St. T- r HEMSTITCHING. HEMSTITCHING AND PECOT EDGE work guaranteed. Singer Sewing Ma chine Co. . JTJNK JUNK wanted WE FAY HIGHEST I price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you -a price on your household roods. The "Square Deal" houi Capital Junk Co.. 371 Chemeketa St. Phone 9S. I'BL'Y. JCXK OF EVEKY KIND RAGS. bottles, "metals, iron, all kind of machinery,- broken down aatomobiles and parts of antemobilea. Steinbock Jnnk Co., 826 N. Commercial St.. Salem. Phone 805. It FINANCIAL. FREE INFORMATION IF YOU WANT information about any kind of life insurance, see J. F. Hutchason, dis trict manager for the Mutual Life of New York. Office at 371 State street Salem. Ore. Office phono 99. resi dence 1396s LAUNDRIES. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality- work,- prompt service, 1244 .Broadway. Phone 165. . HOP LEE EXPERT LAUNDRY MAN, 436 Ferry. St. I pay top market price for chickens snd eggs. House phone 1333J. Shop phone 1339J. ' ' HOME WET' WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing done at. rate every body can afford. ' For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and , deliver your washing within twenty-four hour. Phono 247L ' SALEM steam laundry QUICK I delivery and careful work. Dry wash. 6c per pound. 116 South IA berty St, Phono 26. SECOND HAND FURNITURE we want your used furniture. I stoves, carpets, and tools as wo pay Th. Snitai Hawir. aSd Furniture Co., 285 N. Com'l St. PEOPLE'S FURNITURE STORE 271 ;N. Commercial, pnone 734. Home or j bargains. Nrw and second-hand fur ! nisbingsi and hardware. We buy, sell f i and exenange. mgnesi casn price paid for second-hand goods. SECOND II A If D GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND ; goods of all kinds, pipe rittings, nar . : ness, collars, collar pads, tools, and ; chains. Fred Schlndler. 256 Center i street - WANTED TWO CARLOADS OF USED furniture. Will buy, sell, trade or ; exchange household furniture. Will ; pay the highest casn price.- i also handle clothing. See X. A. Rowland ' Furniture Store, 247 N .Commercial. : Phone 16. SHOE REPAIRINO THE HAZELW00D First class shoe repairing. Only best leather used. All work guaranteed. Bring us your next Job and see for yourself. 321 N Commercial street PAINTERS f. R KATLOR. painter io TOUTH Winter. Phone 296. W JsVJUJU jr-jsisrjBfajrtss) jt-jui JT , 1 tnsataaaaetataa(vaaSaaaa FIFTEEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL ) and upwards for choice Wall Paper . at Buren's Furniture store. 179 com mercial street. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL - Paper and Picture Framing. Good ! workmen. 455 Court St. Phono 486. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICES. SOI 8. ' Commercial street. . For water serv ice apply at office.. Make all com plaints at the office. No deductions In I bills will be allowed for absence or! for any causes whatever unless . water Is cut off from premlsea Here after water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers us ing water for domestic purpose a Contractors for sidewalks, brick work or plastering, will pleas read "for building purposes" under sched ule of rate. Apply at office for copy "T PUBLIC NOTICKS "NOTICE OF IMPROVEMENT OP NORTH CHURCH STREET Notice is hereby given that the Common Council deems it expedient so ; to ,do, and hereby declares Its purpose and intention to improve North Church Street from "D" Street to f'E'f Street at the expense of the abutting aad adjacent property by bringing said portion- of North Chiirch Street to- the established euros ana paving nam portions 01 Nofth Church Street witn a four (.4) Crete DaSS upon WDKtt snail DC laitl an asphaltie concrete wearLlg sur- faci one and One-half (1 ',) Inches thick, in. accordance with the plans. specifications and estimates for the Improvement of said portion of said Street, adopted, by the Common Council on the 19th day or May. 1919. now on file Li the Office of thi City Recorder, which, for great er certainty and convenience, and! a more detailed description thereof, are hereby referred to and made a paH hereof. The ' Conuncn Council hereby de clares its purpose and intention to mike the above described improve ment (by and through the Street Improvement Department of the City of I Salem. , By order of the Common Council. I EARL. RACE, City Recorder. jDate of .first publication of this notice. May 21. 1919." Pa3sed and adopted by the Com mon Council this 19th day of May, IS 19. Attest: . EARL RACE. ' City Recorder. T LEGAL NOTICES. tjssSaejalasaats. I ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Marion County. In the .matter of the estate of Mary A. Mfclntirei deceased. Notice of Sale of Real Property. I' Notice ts hereby given that pur suant to an order of the County Court of Marion County, Oregon, du ly made and entered ou tho 23rd day of April, 1919, in the cause aforesaid, 'the undersigned Admin- istratrix will sell at private sale, the following described real property be longing: to said estate, to-wit: I Beginning at the north-west cor ner of Block 23 In Capital Park Ad- timon to ine Lity oi baiem, ana run- Ijiing, thence southerly along the west boundary line of said Block, 96 feet; thence easterly ad parallel with the north, line of said Block. 108 feet; thence northerly and parallel with the west line of said Block, 96 feet to the north line of said Block; thence westerly along the north line bf said Block, 108 feet to the place of beginning. An undivided oje-half ( ) in terest in Lot No. 11 in Smith's Fruit Farms No. 2 in Marion County, Ore gon, as the same appears In the plat thereof on file in the office pf the County Recorder. The sale will be made on or after the 9th day of June. 1919. Bids Iwill be received at the office of B. !W."Macyj Attorney for the estate, 1202 Gray Block. Salem, Oregon, j Terms of Sale: Ten per cent of bid at time of sale, aad the balance. upon confirmation of the sale by the Court. Dated this 10th day of May. 1919. HAZLE M. NEWCENT, Administratrix. I Read the Classified Ads. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES A JAr4Tttt&S fx A S S VJrlO COJi.OKT cSfs IV crwto 5r.vtRAu , FrILLtR,) Vc1)1 Wt-t-5 IN THE. , i I ; 4b . WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Co., Salem, Oregon. Phone 2488 1 I SALEM MARKETS I BCYINfJ PRICE Egg and Poultry. Eggs, 41c. liens, 30c. Broilers, 23c Old roosters. 1 Cc . Pork, Mutton and Reef. Pork, on foot. 18c to 18c. Lambs. 12c. Beef steers, 8li to 9 He Cows, (J to c Top veal, 17c , . - Tlay. Cheat, per ton, $24. Clover, per ton, $24. Grain. Wheat. 12.10. Oats, 85c to 90c. Beans, nominal. Mill Feeds, Retail. Mill run. $43 to $44 per ton. : WHOLESALE TO DEALERS Creamery butter cartons 62 tj C3c Bntterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 61c. PrnlL Oranges, $5 to $6. SO. Strawberries (Salem) $3.85 per crate. Bananas. 9c. Lemons, $5.25 to $5 75 a box. California Grape Fruit, $4.50. Vegetables, Cabbage. 6c. Onions, $3.50 a sack. Carrots, $4 a sack. Turnips, $2.50 a sack. Retail Pricea. Creamery butter. 70c Dairy butter, 55c Eggs. 4 5c. Flour, hard wheat. 82 90 to $1.15 ! Floor, valley, $2,55 6 $$.90. Sugar, cane and beet. 10c. ; Potatoes, sack lots. $2.25. EUGEXE GETS LEGION EUGES'E, Or.. May 29. A post of the American Legion, the organi zation embracing all veterans of the world war in all branches of the service, will be organized in Eu gene at once. Preliminary steps were taken at a"' meeting lart night and a mass meeting of all veterans has been called for Thursday night at the armory to perfect the organi zation. There are 2.000 men In Lane county eligible to membership In the post. Salvation Army Passes Goal in Home Campaign ! NEW7 YORK, May 27. While complete figures are lacking, there is every Indication that the Salva tion Arm? passed the $13,000,000 goal in its home service campaign by approximately $3,000,000. ac cording to announcement here today by former Governor Charles 8. Whit man of New York, chairman "of the national committee. Paderewskis Visit Is j w ml Appreciated in Polandl PARIS. May 29. (By The Asso ciated Press) Advices fro.n Prague. Bohemia, indicate that during -the few hours vldit there of Premier I Paderewski of Polaod. a much bet- ter feeling between the Czecho-Slo- vaks and Poles was brought about The Czecho-Slovak press is adopt ing a more conciliatory tone toward Poland. The two governments have ap pointed a special commission to study the Teschen problem and endeavor to reach an agreement. Greek Diplomat Sent to Take Charge in Smyrna PARIS, May 29. (By The Asso - elated Press) The Greek govern ment has sent a high commissioner to take charge of affairs in Smyrna. according to news received in French REAL ESTATE I I FOR SALE 4 ACRE RANCH CHEAP. Address E. A. Martin, Chltwood. Ore. wanted to rent on sharks. good farm. Addreas Rt. 7. box 17. FOR RENT 12 ACRES OF LAND nw in good condition and ready to be planted to potatoes. You mast be prompt if you want this. John H. 9ott. vi Hubbard bldg. FUR SALE IS ACRES FINE LAND. (so prr acre or will trade for close In house. Good plastered house near Marion Square $2X5S. Six room mod ern houae. good location llJis. is ai-res near Fairgrounds, paved road. 92ZOV. 20 acres all in prunes, good crop In sight. S room bungalow. paved street. Modern house for rent. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. COR SALE IS ACRES OF GOOD prune and berry land when cleared. Located 5 miles from- Salem now cov ered with alee second growth ftr timber that will make 7 & cords or wood on an average per acre. Will sell for $150. A few hundred cash and will take remainder- In wood In the timber at $4 per cord provided It be cut during the summer. This Is soma offer. ' Se John H. Scott Real ty Co- 404 Hubbard Bldg. GOOD INVESTMENTS For Sale Good little 25 aero dairy ranch near Salem. C fine rows, other stock, tools and crop. $i250. terms. For Exchange Well Improved close In. 5 acre tract for larger place. . For Sale Nice It acre tract doe In, good buildings, good prune orchard and other fruits. Snap, 1040. easy terms. i For Exchange Good I room house and 3 fine large lots with all kinds or fruit, in Forest Grove, want acre age near Salem. For Sale 4 acre farm near Salem. about half In good bearing prune orchard, buildings and prune dryer, good road, money maker. Price 114.000. terms. For Exchange Fine large Salem resi dence want farm or good acreage. For Sale Well improved 1 aero tract close In. snap. fl&OS. i If you want a bargain In good resi dence property, acreage or farm lands. C-ua-B-4-U buy. Perrine at Ms raters. S0 Hubbard Bldg. Salem. Oregon BEST BUYS IS acres, all cultivated. Joining town. 8 room houae and 8 lots with lots of fruit, also ! worth of stock In factory, this stock carries with It a position with a salary of $2 to $5 per day. Want to trade tho whole on a ranch, within 6 miles from Salem, not over 87560. 45 acres all cultivated. S acres timber. running water, well drained, beat woven wire fenced. valley loam, all shack house, good new barn. I muea from town, will take acreage near Salem, not ever $5000: price 86006. 26 acres, all cultivated, best of prairie land soil, good Improvements on main road, will take Salem residence not over 82906. price 85506. 3 acres close in. you can run to It after business hours and tend It. 81500. I acres, some peaches, some prunes. some logons, 8 acres maple lam Per, 81206. 16 acres all cultivated, all fenced, close in. only Iljeo. 8 acres all cultivated, on paved read. Tine loganberry land, cloave law 82000. SO acres, all cultivated, good house and barn, finest loganberry or straw berry land, close to Salem. Joining lands listed at $200 to $226 per acre, price on the 60 acre for a short time only $166 per acre, on easy terms. 83006 cash, balance at per cent. ae .ism your place 'P- ' ben you come la to list please bring your tax recel For the best farm or house buys see Socolofsky, Bayne building. GOOD FARM BUYS No. 1 128 acres near Aurora. 75 In cultiva tion. 16 In hope, balance pasture ex- - cept few acres in timber. $4006 resi dence, good barn, hnphouse and oth T wS a I M S S SO. wy j a ay ay VI W. m aoWB baUBC ;,on tim9 ' er buildings, price io per acre, No. 2 166 acres near above. $5 In cultiva tion, balance mostly brush and pas ture. Good $4006 hard finished resi dence :sll necessary outbuildings. Price $125 per acre. Half down, bal ance long time 6 per cent. Adjoining this Is 166 acre tract with It In cultivation, balance brush and timber.- No buildings. Price $46 per acre. ah the above have excellent soil, are level except a few acres along the creek, and are worth price asked. - No. s water also. Fenced and cross fenced, kw rods river tront. Good high school 1 mile. Price $156 the acre, third down balance long- time 7 per cent. No. d l26 seres nearly all In cultivation. 6 miles sosin vi uiv tisia noin, lem. In center of ; producing prune orchards. Soil deep rich loam, uooo road. Best wune and loganberry soil there la. $154 per acre, third down, balance on or before 6 years, 6 per cent Interest. Sc"OTT BOZORTH. 761-762 Spalding Bldg. Portland. Oregon. GOOD BUYS I 11.21 acre tract of first class land, all cultivated. 6 acres in grain, bouse and barn, some fruit. 4 miles out. This is good garden and berry land. .10 acre tract. 6 acres berries. Italian prunes: small house. Price $3006. acres or bearing enerry orcnara. on rock road 4 miles south. Price $1300. 44 acre farm. 26 acres under cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture: houae and bam. spring water, family orchard. 2 acres of logons. 6 acres young prunea rTice 84000: $1766 down, balance 6 per cent Interest. 17 acre tract. 10 acres of bearing or chard, mostly prunes; house and barn, on main Pacific htrhwer. Price $5000. $6 acre farm and fruit. 1$ acres of j bearing - prunes. 6 room house, barn, eome timber and pasture, spring, rock road. 4 miles from Salem. Price $356 per acre. (3 acre farm, all cultivated house and barn. 6 miles east of Salem. Pries f ISO per acre. t 6 acre tract. 2 seres of loganberries, small house; 4 miles from Salem. Price $1800. 26 acre tract. 6 acres of loganberries. S acres of -prunes, 4 acres of cherries, family orchard, good bungalow, barm 4 miles from Salem, price 300. 106 acre rarra. mostly cultivated la 7 acres of fine timber, good house and barn, fsmlly orchard, two acres ot bearinr English walnuts, some first- a. n.im. Iind mfnm r.nat IVht lAia land. Price $156 per acre, j Good 8 room modern hous en rmved Il mrur lot Price 1100. T.rmi on part. s room moo ern nouso. it ice iuv. Terms. i 16 acres of bearing Italian prune or chard. 6 and 9 years old: rock road, 4 miles south. Price $5000. . W. H. GrabenLont 8c Co. S7S Stat Street cwieffK5: g?S2'. dttn a&r fh.". - ted .".VweTk- pmw, Kwrnai. wvtia. ivhuius land tWO circles, and the Tnrks have called a meeting of the great conacll for. to day, i The populace of Constantinople Is reported to be very nervous but no disturbance has occurred. REAL IfeSTATE FOR SALE 10 ACHES, WITH HOUSE sad bam, S 12 attjee seats ef Sales. &e owner J 56 Bute. 'street. FOR SALE 6 ACRES OF LAND. without buildings. All la cultivation. The best of log aji berry land. Three miles out.. W. A Lis tun, agent I FOR TRADE 10 ACRES WITH GOOD improvements fw; a ranch near Sa lem. Give full description in first letter. C Wolf. Gait. CaL HAVE TWO NICC rMODERN BUNGA- lowa. one on paved street and one oa macadamized street, at $220 eaca. Bocolofsky. Bay tt Bldg. i CLOSE IX ACBEAiSX 8 OR - S ttC&ES. reve. lor sale- r rest lO serve far real. 8m ewar, t21eaa U Adams. Paaae 0W. t - : FOR SALE MODERN FIVE ROOM house at 1393 North 5th street, largo corner lot. barn.: fruit trees, paved street: no Incumbrance, for $1500. Inquire Gilbert Grocery. - THE FINEST OPPORTUNITY TO BUT a strictly modern seven room resi dence on pavenSent and ear line at one-third less tbsn It could possibly, be built for. Call to see n at once. Socolofsky. Bayno bldg HOC8E AXD LOT; CO TRADE BTKIET, for sale st s bargain, free sad clear. -Will take aa saio in fair eoadiiUn foe first payment, or 'liberty leads. 43. Y. Wells. 92 CbsaWr ef Commerce Bldg., Psrtlaad. Oregon, 1 SOME Q00D BUYS la farm and city property. . Q. LAFLEIt, 405 and 40C Hubbard Building. Phone 1444 or 2022. ' i ( FOR E1CHASGI tMODTRX t-KOOat COT- tage. l te a acres ef trait aad berries, S pealtry koaa. saaaU creek rr aleee, eraameatal akrsbbery, pavad stroeg aad eeacrete walk, la Ja amssafsctmrtag Wara CotUge Ureve, . Ore. Fee aWeua Balaan property, i email raaeh er aereags. Sao or call t or phete. W. C Usmc, Sutesmaa effie A GOOD BUT Six IS FEET ON EAST moo commercial street, one door sort of State u-eet. Salem, toretker w.,t.?ri,t,al-rl of w7 over tho 14x60 feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms, ?flT B?fth Tl- avaldlasj BidgU Portland. Oregon. . If your real estate, whether city, sub urban or farm property, has merit. I can sell It for you. One of tho best equipped offices In tho North wast with I" V Ul1 'aelaJUea for selling real t-ea-a, ffMsm am 6 ywsjr ae-rCfj. C. W. NJEMETER 215 214 Masonic Building. "Where the buyers congregate." 22 'Acres ill cleared except's small stream aad few scattering oak treea All geed soiL Ideal place fer pealtry er: small fruit, All wall leaeea, ae other la are t eases ta. Two "m goeo raiireaa sewn, geed resd te tews, Price 6100 par sere; can give same terms to one that will re eate place aad Imnreve. Address Seller"- care Ul saner. 200 . Acre Farm 100 acres In eaMlvatoa. 26 servo timber. balance open pa star. Una. All (except a Wat 6 seres near crwal awseUeat seal. (Wd aat ef farm baJldiara. road water aia4 a I iWiage; ea lp4 read, 8 mOe frees I caaaty aeat m Villasaette valley. Tale piece I "eei W sold to settle aa estate. Terms eea e arranged on pact. Address, Ira tar," care SUleatnaa. See Heming for Farms A good 16 at $2H. sointr at iww.l A 114 at $2006j . A small well h irti proved-8 at $2000. A 21 all around wood mti i,.n Mi ning water, .fine pasture and soil with crops and with personal and stock complete at $2)60; a real bargain and within 4 anlles from Salem. The la ad around held at Stiff $200.. -ineee are samples r select listings. THE FLEMING REALTY. $41 State. Salem Residence BaU'gaxas: FLEMING'S). Ono of the most up-to-date 6H roosa bungalows, a good buy at $8766. An other 6 room im with fine east front Ll.4.141 ?' fu": ap buy at " a. aTooa-uuie cotiage. a corner. 6 rooms, furnished, at Sltoa cr win others-: nrevioualv adv.rtii See Mr. Fleming for tho above recom mended properties, they are Just as clamed to be. ;341 State st. Room 7. miKj TABLES SOVTUF.RN rACIFIO CO. 4rtahoemd 1NO. 64 Oregorrikn ........... t:00 o. is uregonr Lxpreos ...... 6:11 a. sa. ?! wntte Umlted .. 6:17 a.av XI ru,"' s-aaoeager .. 1:66 p-m. No. 24 Coos Hay 6 11 p.m. No. 14 PorUand F-z press .... .1:46 pea. n atkba-ia4 No. S3 OregotUaa 8:16 a.m. St ?f JC?..EuTB''-....l,-Sajn. i California Express ...11:01a.m. No. 17 Rooeburg Passenger .. 4:08 p m. ?! wnWtte Limited... 4:44 p,m. No. 13 San Francisco Pass... 10:0 8 swan. " SALltM-CEEH LIYB Ko. 73 Arrive., at Salem 9:10 No. 74 Leave. Salem 4:00 p SALEM. FALLS CTTA 4 Ifl 2l. motor .... f:06 1 13 Leave Pa lem. motor .... 9:28 i Lvea sarem. motor .... 1:11 p ta. Through ear to Moamoutk aad AlrSe 11 Loaves Cilem 6:11a.m. 163 Arrives 6 1 Salem ........ 8:16 a.m. 164 Arrives St Salens ........11:66 a.tsv 166 Artivoo it Salons ........ 3:20 p.m. 171 Arrive BAlssa 1:46 Lrn OKjt&OS aTLXCCTRIC Effective Oet, 1st, ISIS. J Soeitabowad. Train Lesy Arrive Arrfv No. 6 Ltd Portland Salem . Fvrwao . S:ltam 10.16 am 114 pes 10:6ana 11:60 pm Salem only 7 8:65 pm 4:16 pm 16 pm 4:4Spm 6:46 pm 1:66 pm 4:01pm 1:67 pm Salem only 6rt6nm ll-flnm AuimOAlf IS Ltd.. 17 II North Bank Station i leave Jeff ar son Street IS and 20 minutes later.) Heethbewwd iTraln Leave . Arrlv ArrlT Portland 0:20 am I1-I0sr 2:20 pm :66 pm 1:46 am i "O. Eugene - Balem ; 6 lil -tM 12:01 a ef s , " loj. T:SS an . . r i ..... A4I. tzlt pm 16 SS Balers only 6 fP ' . . . , v-ai pm Her 1:1$ w 10:66 pes North Bask Statlos Ujjlye son Street 16 ssinaiaw . -amtw Corvailla. I i ' ' cotilxw24,9TI03l, Lesvo C-rvanf f IaalUta 6:20 aat : 1:36 pa - K iesUWaad - " Leave J . ll fclSS , 1:00 p. A