The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 29, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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    . Y
The Story of a. Honeymoon
A Wonderful Romance of Married Life Wonderfully Told b
CHAPTER CCCHI steal the Teluable collection of paint-
! lags in the Cosgnyve farmhouse par-
JIAUUt. A.U wiuky OVER-Mor,
THE WOODS. s - .
I Ing the scheme of the unscrupulous
be. : . --.-J. ' ' ""'),'
She had paused for a moment af
ter her threat against me. so that my
momentary little lapse of attention
did not prevent me fronrheaSng the
conclusion of her directions, to the
"Something Goldstein Doesn't Know"
. Yoii must get out of here "at 3nce
it isn't safe." - i
Thejlow voice or Mrs. Allis, our
fellow boarder at the Ccjgtove farm
house ip the Catskllls", barely reached
Dicky jand me, as we crouched iin
th underbrush, involuntat y witness
es of her secret meeting with the
sfangeT who had just made his way
to the' gigautic jnk near us. land
wnons j Dicky had recognized asl i
"bajger-on of the Worst crook
among the New Loik picture deal
er" - j
-What's the row?" The man's
roughened voice rose carelessly. Ma.
AIM" promptly iapped hid mouth
lightlyj with the back of her hand.
You faol!'' Her tone w?s ercn
more stinging than the epithet. "I've
only a 'minute dw- two- to tell yoa ev
erythlaig. so kep that .voice of you'-s
to yourself until I get through. It's
like a i buzz saw." ; -'
The man gruntid su'kily. but 1
'noticed he did not speak again. Ev
idently; h3 position was inferior to
that of Mrs. Allis in the gang which
I was certain now was planntnng to
"You go back to Kingston and
Wait there at the same nlaeo until:
"There's aj arti?t and his wife up j I let you know! what to do next."!
he' directed.; yi'ni going to New
York myself tonight -and get some-!
thing jl 'need: f I'll lei Go'lh;tc:n !
know you're on the job." j
"Goldstein's getting a bit leary."!
After the
e License
ne'e, got Here last night," Mrs. Al
lis went on, and we had to etra'n
our ears to catch the aimost ! inau
dill words. "Of course the minut3
he spotted the pictures he knew what
DON'T forget a very necessary
feature of your trousseau, Miss
June ,Iride-tb-be your footwear.
You will need a pair of dainty
pumps, 'r at least one pair of ox
fords for walking, and eertainly
a pair of smart colonials.
Waterbury Holds Piano Rec- Manager of Salem Fruit
union Addresses Growers
of Polk County
. ' t v i r
ord, but uet nook tor
Miss Next Door
Salem, has another world's champ
ion la her midst.
He is J. M. Watcrbury. "world's
champion Marathon pianist.
ins them. Yt-rst of all. the art'st's
wife is one of these snooping Janes
'!"' f-inMcp herself & regular sleuth,
and she's had peepers ope tcr me
ever tines, she landed. So the-e'i
no use trying anything tonight or
indeed until the end of the 'week.
By that time 111 have a scheme
ready that'll -pull .the wool over the
eyes of the Cesgroves. and 'at the
same time give me a chance to get
"nd "j even witn the dame t men
tioned." j
- Low as was hervoice. the! male
volence of it struck a thill to my
heart. I clutched Dicky's aim in
voluntarily. He slipped his arm
around me carefully and noicvlessly
so that no hint of our presence
should reach the two consp!rato-s.
As I lifted my eyes to him and met
his reassuring tender smile, I sud
denly lost ail my misgivings, and felt
myself strong for the task of thwart-
Owwt -!-.,, JT A-'K & .n ,si?t;..
aking Powder
Cmcnt Xff. C9, ftMttte. Wash.
Quicker, Cheaper, Better
All over tho house plenty for
the toilet and bath ample
Quantities for the kitchen and
laundry, and all with very little
attention and at a low cost for
fuel. You simply connect a
Tank Water Heater
to your, rane boiler, light match
. end turn on the ftaa4n a few minutes
you bare an
abundant sup
ply of piping
hot water.
ZlSminate the d
3y and draOicrf
of tb coml fire.
Sst tlxn. labor
and money. Um
(as-heated water.
Tbl UtUo boater
doe a wonderful
work and will
ghro you many
years of econom
ical, reliable seiw
Tfcse. .
On display at our
invy were worm, ana he'a put the j the. man returned -esoectfully biyj
Cosgroves wise to the danger of ros- doggedly. "This is a risky business
iti doesn. see how von're oioj;
to 'set away with so many of thorn
without their being traced."
"Do I oave to tell you again that
I know exactly What 1 am about?"
Mrs. Allis returned crisply and coj-j
temptnonsly. "There's snvethinij
about this business that even Ooldf
stein doesn't know, and is not goingj
to know nntil I get good c nd readv
la . tut him alter we get the pic
tares out. It's something that wl'lj
make him sit up and take not ce
I promise you. Now get back when
you canve from as ' cijnirkly as yo
ca.i. . , uia you do as I told you
cycle over f om toe next station
: "Yes " laconically. "Mr wheel 1
up here a piece, jnst far enough froni
thci road so no one will see It."
'Good! lletter make iia'ks for it
now. I it ?tay h?re until I m sure
you're on your way back along the
road. The artist and "his wile are
going fishicg , this morning, so if
they coma along here, they'll think
antveaoying thi wood.. So. long
How Unexpectedly Helen;" Came.
As the man tfirnd and -c'imli
the bank qHickly. Mrs. AHJs drew
her inevitable knitting front a bead
ed bag she carried on ber arm, and
seating herself at the foot of the g!j
gantic oak began to knit as compost
edly as if that were the sole objeci
of .her life. It was impossible for
us to move without her hearing us.
ran reaiiziag nan we nad ove-i
beard her conversation, and we were
rapidly becoming cramped, crouched
as we, were in the underbrush.
Just as it seemed as though wa
could not bear it any longer o
release came.' Walking swiftly
cautiously through the undei brush
f-Tjm -.a direction opposite to that in
which the Cosgrove house lay. cam?
th' bojr Fred, who had been mysterf
lonely alifient from the breakfast
table, although his mother had sucf
ceeded in ' makiag every one except
myself believe thai both he. and hii
twin brother, Ned. had .been there.
I was sure the (newcomer was
red, even before he - came near
enough for me- to recognize the
marks which I alone of the ' Co$
grove boarders had discovered, and
which distinguished him from his
twin brother, Ned. When Dickv and
1 had started oa our fishing trip
we had left Ned in the farm yard
busily engaged in' helping his father.
and I knew he could not possibly be
comine toward us f'om another di
(To be - continued )
will rleaso you' now auel all the
lays of your married life. They
an- so hright and cheery ko cor
rectly styled and fit the arch so
beautifully that no other shoes
should ?e mentioned in the same
breath. " .
- Price3 from
$4.75 to $9.00
border trpuble and arten the war
ith Germany broke out was again
called to the' service and went with
the Colorado troops to Camp Kear
ney, where after several months of
intensive training ithey were sent
to France, where they have siuce
been stationed. Entering the rank's
as a private Mr. Dempsey won pro
motion to corporal and at the time
of his discharge had been advanced
to a sergeancy. He was fomerly a
mtember of the Oregon cavalry troop
of Portland. '
. . . ,
Portland Railway Light And Power Company
"H HI 1 1 1 II II ll 1 1 1 1 1 I f i f . . . -.
: -...............jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiid
tlip the aeruinraiiyiiig ('ouMn ami mail to The Statc.smnn Office X
- - 25c
. the
The Oregon
Salem, Oregon.
Knclosed find .
of the Peace'. Edition,
(Your jtaiiie here) .. .
- Von). Office Address
Statesman, .. -
for which please mail me
I .
. copies
Trading in New York Now
V Showing a Moderate
NEW YORK, May 28. Restraint
imposed upon the speculative situ
ation by the approaching holiday
a. id stiffer money tendencies were
Increasingly . evident during todays
stock market sesaion. trciss show
tnr moderate curtailment and con
siderable price Irregularity. Thre
we'e several distinct advances and
declines, due mostly to further seJU
ing for assured profits, but the r
ratic movements of certain stocks.
especially the shipping division, was
traceable to professional pressure
:The moet encouraging note of the
day-was founded by a recognized
trade review which emphsslzed the
measurable improvement of senti
ment In the steel and iTn indii3lty.
this being ascribed in part to the
failure of the railroad administration
to "break the price of rails. . j
Shiopiaca. oils and food special
ties . furnished much of the ealy
momentum and strength, but this
was largely dissipated when Marine
preferred broke shandy, other leid
ers reacting one to four points.
; From that level there were Irreg
nlar recoveries, the markst quik
cnin? on an-inquiry for equipmettts
and steels, also leather and chemical
issues, coppers, tobaccos aod motor.
Baldwin Locomotive scored an ex
treme advance of four points. Unit
ed States Steel rose two points to
the year's best at 1091,4 and Har
vester and Virginia Coal were two
f to four points higher but fresh sell-
ing of steel immediately ensued, eith
er leaders reacting one to two points.
United States Steel closed it a bet
advance of 1 U points, but rails wvvr
(variable and lower in the main.' Sales
amounted to 1, COO. 000 shares. , !
4 Sales of victory t percent bonds
at par, firmness of liberty issuesjand
slight Irregularity in the foTign
group presented the chief features
of a moderate bond market. . Total
aH. par value, aggregated $11.
530.000. 'Old United Statc3 bonds
"were unchanged on call.
Ho has a reco d of S3 hours and
7 minutes.
trhat is. he has a record of s'ttlng
for that length of lime at a piann
and playing it continuously.
Anti he commenced at 10 o'clock
yesterday moiMios aa attempt to
bet thli record.
In bis present test, he is using a
Knrtznian piano, and he says it Is
the best he ever used.
He is doing his stunt in the win
dow of E. L. Stiff & Son. and they
are to giro a flO pr'xe to the best
guesser on the time Mr. Watcrbury
holds out. In order to get in 00 the
guesa. you must hi-ry yon mnst d
it by 10 o'clock this morning
At 2 o'clock this morning. Water-
bury was still going strone in fact
he ra Juit pettinix his second wind
Feelins fine, he says but a littl
chilly in the window.
Ho has fun "kidding" his audi
eacc by playing the tunes that parody
their costumes, appearance, etc.
This i a new thrill for Saienl.
Rut Marlon county laH week cele
brated over the greatest, Jersey cow
in the world.
FVVhy should not ihls new sort of
a Marathon make a world's -ecord
P. S.: If WTaterbnry breaks his
record, the writer, who sleeps late.
hopes the young lady next door may
not take a notion to try to beat his
record. '
DALLAS. Or.. M.-r " 28 A bl
meeting of the members of the Polk
County Fruit Growers association
wan held Saturday in the room of
the Dallas Commercial club on Mill
street. Owe of the principal dlscus-
rions at the meetina was the advis
ability of financing a packing house
or Polk county among the growers.
Robert C. Paulus. president of the
Salem Fruit, union was present and
'noke in favor nf the packing huse
He srtoke on "Cooperation in Selling
Mr. Taulns is quite confident that
here is at nre"nt tim ennnrh pv
d net Ire orchard in the county to
warrant the construction of a pack-
-tg nlent and a cannery and durina
Ms talk rave farts and ' figures to
!how the fruit growers Just how the;
proposition would turn to their fa
Officers were elected to rerve for
the ensuing year. Thosei selected to
erve are: President. HJtC. Eakin:
Tlce-prenident. Henry Roth; secre
tary. Frank V. Brown; treasurer. N
L. Guy. The entire hoard of old di
rectors was re-elected. j
The meeting was the most enthus
iastic meeting held by the fruit grow
ers la recent years and after the bua-
tnefs part of the meeting a general
discussion of the various methods of
tree cultivation and wars and means
of clearing the orchards of pest
too nlace. Borers seemed to be tn
worst enemies of the fruit men this
season and In some orchards the
growth of the trees has been great
ly retarded by different species of
this pest. A thorough spraying how
ever. Is raid to be an effective cure
for the small worms and it greater
part of the orchards have alreadv
been treated to shower baths or
STRENGTH comes from well di
gested and thoroughly assimilated
food. Hood's Sarsapartlla tones the
direstive orrans. and thus builds an
th ctrenrtli. If tou are rettine I "Prays.
"ran down. begin taking Hood's at
tvJirh6' meBtsU &nd dI" No Boxing in Dempsefs
' " At;
rtt!i'! r'?S'1 ' i! S
11 it 1 1
"Tbelma" Individual Chocolatrs
Made 1b Salm. 5c everywhere.
Herman Clark Has Task for
Summer Nelson Dis
covers Aspen Tree
Collecting pollen from - Oregon
plants and grasses is the nnique oc
cupation He-man Clark, professor
of chemistry -and physics at Salem
high school, expects to enga;-e in this
sumnter. As a. preliminary to his
work he- will go to Portl 'nd today
with Principal J. C. Nelson to Iden
tify a number of the sic'es with
which he is at present in. f-miliar.
Pollen is understood a the cause
of hay fever and Mr. Clark will be
employed by Dr. Grant Self Idge. a
prominent specialist of San Francls-
so, to collect material to be used in
his experiments to find a cure for
the malady. t
Mr. Claik and Mr. Nelson are two
of the men who made several trips
through Marion and Polk counties
searching for an aspen t'ee about
a month ago. The latter, with Pro
fessor Peck of Oregon Agricultural
college and several other men. last
Saturday accidentally stumbled no
on the object of the search standing
near the railroad track bout 400
yards north of the town of Tuala
tin on the edge of a swampy pastu-e.
Heretofore no aspens have been
found south of the Paget Scyand
St Joseph's Club WW
rV Staze Interesting Play
of a comedy-drama in two acts that
will be staged by the Dramatic club
of St. Joseph's Catholic church
Thursday night at St. Joseph's hall
for the benefit of the chuch.
The cast will be made tip of well
known people of Salem. A. A. Mick
el. the young Adonis who guards the
interests of the Southern Pacific
company in saiem. win be in tne
role of Amos Gaylord. a country gen
tleman, and will have a busy hand
ia the complications that make op
the plot. The people who made np
the cast were under the impression
that Frank Davey spends his lime at
the state hospital Instead of the penl-
. . 1 VIM At. .. --. 9
(Miliary, ru Raic uiui lut yai i wt mf'1 ff
-Crazy rhll," a hermit, whose real I fj. Yf, milV. DULlOn, Jiang
and complete name Is Phillip RIn-l c It r L f f
MILTON, Or.. May 2T. Despond
ent over the continued ill health of
himself and his wife due to a serious
attack last winter of influenza.
George W. Smiley, aged 65. commit
ted suicide about midnight last
marvel at
no boxiag on the training program
for Jack Dempsey next week as
result of a decision reached tonight
Ht Manager JarkiKearns and Jimmr
DeForest. chief "trainer. DeFore
decided to prohibit work with the
gloves because of the danger of
Dempsey growing stale. Tho chal
lenger may drop all stenuous work
for. the week If the weather contin
ues warm.
Demnser. his trainers say. Is so
near being lnt top condition that he
could enter the ring tomorrow u
practically as good physical shape a
he will be July 4. He Increased his
ring work to eight rounds today and
all but knocked out One-Round Da
vis, a Buffalo. N. T. heavyweignx.
Bill Tate, the negro heavyweight, re
ceived another terrific punching for
four rounds and Dempsey ripped in
to Terry Keller ; for the final two
rounds of the workout.
gold. The scene of the plot is in
the nfountalns near Crazy Phir
"nest." The plot Is an Interesting
one and a langh maker. The cast
or characters follows:
Philip Ringold "Crazy Phil," a her
mit Frank Davey
Alfred Thorp A city nabob I hanging himself to an apple tree in
Francis Walsh I his orchard. The body was not
Amos Gaylord A country gentle- found till early this morning. For
man.... A. A. Mickel I several days the despondent man has
Howard Gaylo-d His son I cried almost continuously because 01
Cyril Suing I his wife's illness and her failure to
Titus Turtle A gourmand I regain normal health.
Leonard Krebs
Curtis Chipman "Chips" In the
Touch John Albrich
Nat Naylor Thorp's protege.
.Joseph Albrich
Grace ingaiis A young artist.....
.' Leah Suing
Hester Tho-n Gaylord's housekeep
er Lucille Jaskoskl
Susy Gaylord Gaylord's daughter. .
Mrs. Neimeler
I'lllLADELPHIA, May 28.
Score RUE
Cincinnati .. 6 15 3
Philadelphia ......... .3' 9 1
Fisher. Ring and Win go; Smith,
Jacotfs and Cady, Adams.
tftlM,MlttMim!HttllttttlttltMttff MMtHIMM
Dempsey Returns Home
After Service Abroad
? DALLAS. Or.. May I2R. (Special
Th Stafsn) Claude C. Demp
sey, son of Mrs. Alice I. Dempsey.
returned today ' from France where
ha wvi stationed for some
past with the 40ih divisiun.
1 K'mpsey enlisted wun a troop o
Colorado cavalry during the Mexican
I A' 1
Lncretia Gerrlsh "So Romantic'
Eleanor Hnckesteia
Take Salts at First Sln of Bladder
Irritation or I lack-ache.
iTON. May
Score R H E
Chicago ....... C 2
Boston 1 4 8 1
Vauichn. Alexander. Martin and
Killefer; Nehf and Maranville.
NEW YORK. May 28.
Score R II E
Pittsliurgh ........... J3 1
New York ..2 9 0
IHamilton. Adams and Blackwell.
Sweeney; Dubuc. Hen ton. Olsthge-, I
Winters and McCarty.
(Painless Parker)
The largest th'tital practice-
iu the world is done
uitiler the E. H, Parker Sys
tem. A large and success
ful business of any kind is
only obtained hy producing
the hct reuslts at a cost
withiir reach of all.- .
- j . -
State and
The American men and women
must cuard constantly against kid
ney trouble, because we eat too
much and all our food is rich. Our
blood Is filled with uric aeld which
the kidneys strive to filter out, they
weaken frpm overwork, become
slujcgl'h; the eliminative tissues clog
and the result Is " kidney : trouble,
bladder weakness and a general de
cline in health.
When your kidneys feel like lumps
of lead; your back hurts or the
urine Is cloudy, full of sediment or
you are obliged to seek relief two
or three times during the nlgnt; If
you suffer with .sick headache or
dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach.
or you have rheumatism when the
weather Is bad.' get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jsd
Salts; take a tablespoonful in ; a
glass of water berore breakiast for a
few days and your kidneys will then
act fine. This famous salts Is made
fiom the acid of grapes and lemon
Julio, combined with litbia, and has
been used for generations- to flush
and stimulate clogged kidneys; to
neutralize mo arms in ine nunc so
It no longer is a source of Irritation.
than ending bladder disorders.
Jad Sltn is inexpensive; canaot
injure, makes a delightful effer
veecent lithla-water beverage, and
belongs in every home, because no
body can make a mistake by having
a good, aiaaf y. iiusraog any time.
imOOKLKYN. May 58.
Score R HE
SL Loo Is 7 15 3 1
Brooklyn 2 10 1
Tucro and demons; pfeffcr and
All Europe realizes
now! that American
brjsin'ess men, turned
' soldiers, simply ap
, plied methods . of
American business to
wa-winning-. No
wonder that now
Fofeign Nations
niarVel at American
corporations not
cmljat their efficient
big f scale methods,
but rtheir economies.
for American
business men scruti
nize!, every penny.
Wrjen they buy tires,
they study values and
xrripare pqces. Cor
porations ail over the
country are concen
trating on Diamonds
the people in this
town Avho buy tires
thoughtfully, calcu
latmglyVre buying
Diamonds. '
Diamonds ore
thousands of
extra m2es atLESS
COST. Let us pre
seitt some compar
ative figures to you.
Dot L. Pearce & Son
236 N. Commercial
1 St, Salem
May 2g.
R It K
. .. 1 S 0
. . . .4 9 1
and Brooks;
Los Angeles ,
Framme. Flnneran
Pertica and Boles.
Sacramenro . . . .
Salt Lake
Bromley. McKonny.
Fisher; Gould. Dale and Byier.
SEATTLE. Wash.. May 2.
tore RUE
rortland ........ ..t 4 1
eauie .. .. ..5 7 o
Tenner and Baker; Cigbee and
May 28.
R 11
.. ..X 13
. ..9 16
Oardne- and !
reore . ; R H
taaiana 3 9 3
Saa Francisco !!4 15 I
Steen and Mltie; Couch and Mc
Kee. k
t i( Phone 90 f r
! A