The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 21, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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- i
A large anil pleasing display of Hia v,
p ...mum. -enWhr' !n
Jewelers anil - n
N" Cornr State
Special meeting of Salem
Ja Lodge No. 4. AJ F & a. M
this evening. Work in the
F. C. degree. Visiting
Jbrethren welcome.
goes to Quiet Title
Suit to quiet title to lot g. and
part of lot 7, High School addition;
and the north half of lot 8 iri block
68, City of Salem, was filed in cir
cuit court yesterday by W'.'W. John
son against Maty Maulding and oth
ers.; It is set forth that the defend
ant, Mary Maulding, has not been
beard from .for about 15 years but
that the other, defendants who are
her heirs' claim interest in the prop
erty. Genuine 'Leather lLaasoek -
Regular 12,75. 11.95. Hamilton's.
The Jitney Ktill Jits .-, :
Recent articles oa the" war tax just
levied on oft drinks, confections,
etc, have given rise to some misun
derstanding, and the " Wra. Wrigley,
Jr., Company issues a statement t
the effect, that the 3 per cent tax
on chewing gam does not affect the
retail dealer or the consumer. Mr
Wrigley explains that the maaufac-
' '.' : In M
Boys TO- ! !
Play day j '
Suits . $1.00
254 N. Commercial St. .
top at
A Rom Away from Home'
Strictly Modern $1 00 per day
14a Aaaau at Sail 4 Caatfart
Only Hotel la Business DUtlrct
Phone 352. ;; Res. phone 1532 W
Piano Tuner.
With Cherriagton Piano House,:
; 415 Court St.. Salem, Or.
Salem Auto Radiator Shop
: Radiators, i Fenders and Gas
Tanks Repaired
t Tractor lUdlators specialty
All work guaranteed.
lU S. 12th St. ; Salem, Ore.
... 3 ' i . - .
; Small' Investment- Loans KeaJty ,
' Loans House lteotal Agency, .
' General Property Dealings
404-405 Hubbard Bldgr. ; -Phone
264 I f ! Salem, Ore.
Furniture, ranges, heaters, tools
and. In fact, anything; you have
to aelL I buy for cash. Phone
610 or 511.
TV00DRY, The Auctioneer
Buy The j -
American Beauty
Welch Electiic Co.
379 State St. rjione 953
If yon have any junk or second
hand goods of any kind, ae na
first. .)? .
71 Chemeketa St. rhone 808
full j value paid for
' 14$rty Bonds I .
i in traje at r
: " :-h - f--. i. i
The People's Casfi Store
Phone 453.
186-194 North Commercial St.
and Liberty Sts. '
ano this tax, and there
should be XO CHANGE in the pfe
charged you for your package of
rigley-s Spearmint. DoublemJnt or
Juicy; KruiU In cfher words, the
Jitney still jits. Thanks, Mr. Wrig-
Welton Carpet Hassock..- .
. Regular $2 $1.49. Hamilton's.
"Thelma" Individual Chocolate
A Salem product made by The
Gray Belle distributed bv George
E. aters for sale everywhere, 5c.
i . '
Mr. Miller Wins Prize-1-
Mr. E. A. Miller, 1500 South High
street wins priie of 15 ln Rexaii
Merchandise through J. C. Perry the
local Rexall Druggist. The United
Drug company, manufacturer of Rex
all products, offered pHzes of $500
in Rexall Merchandise for the best
suggestions on how to improve the
Rexall weather chart. Mr. Miller
sent, a letter of suggestions to the
United Drug company, and out of
thousands of contestants wa3 one of
39 to receive a prize.
Piokard Ilrotht-r Tnvit V,
to visit their farm near Marion.
Oregon for lunch. Friday noon. May
23, at the Oregon Jersey Jubilee cel
ebration given under the auspices of
the; Oregon Jersey Cattle club in
honor, of Vive La France, the world's
greatest ersey. Come and join in
the celebration and see this great
cow. Picnic dinner, bring your bas
kets. Pickard Brothers, Marion.
Ir.T. L. Scott-
Will be out of town all this week.
flirla Willamette Club Elects
At a meeting of the Gir's Willam
ette club yesterday at Willamette
university, Bernice Knuths. a junior,
was elected president for 1919-1920.
My:tle Smith, a junior front Port
land, and Edith Hawley, freshman,
of W.oodburn, were elected vice-president
. and - secretary respectively.
Glenna Teeters, Evelyn Gordon, aad
Bernice Knuths are the retiring1 of
ficers, -i '
Standard Scale Book
la duplicate. Statesman Job ' of
AthVtic Schedule Full'
Willamette university track .team
will meet the Chemawa team Satur
day afternoon on the Chemawa field.
June 7 the baseball teanv will go
to ; Corvallis to play the O. A'. C.
team. They will meet , Multnomah
club on the local field May 30 and at
Portland June 3.
Drtwry Department
Th!. week's special. Sofa Cush
ions, Sunfast Covers, values to 17:50,
$245 each. -Hamilton's.
Matt Dies Suddenly :
. The coroner at Colfax. "Wash., In
seeking information concerning Wil
liam Earl Henderson,1 who died very
suddenly at Rosalia.. Wash., on May
3, and has written Deputy Secretary
i . -
i . f
You'll see
and be
Ortet Darmond in !
KS.-5'" """" YE LIBERTY
The World's Famous
Nikk-Marr Toilet
The Instantaneous Face. Re-
juvenators. ,
lldw to remove lines in 15
minutes. i
How to prevent lines from
ITow to make your skin firm
and smooth as velvet.
Try the Nikk-Marr Method,
it does the work.
i On sale at the
i Capital Drug Store
405 State St., Salem, Oregon
Inquire for a book explain
in x all aIout the wonderful
toilet goods,
f Vt
i . : "
of State Sam A. Koxer; enclosing
the young man's registration card
which waj made out at St. Helens,
Or., and which was found on his
body. The coroner believes iafor
mation desired about the young
man's pareats and other fact 3 neces
sary for the records can be obtained
XronJ his registration papers, and
,Mr. Kozer bias written the daft
hoard at St. Helens and also the of
fice of Adjutant General May at
A Salem Product ,,
"Thelma" Individual Chocolates,
3c everywhere. ,
Don't Forget ?
That F. E. Shafer Harness rtore.
170 South Comerclal street, has . 8
full line of Boston bags and suit
cases. See them. !" .
Sewer Work Starts Today t t
Work will be commenced today
ok the sewer from the Valley Pack
ing company plant to the city limits.
The pipe will be about 2100 feet In
length and will be 15 inch cojcre(e.
It will be of sufficient capacity to
serve th'e northern section of the
city. .About 20 men will be employed
in the construction.
l . .
The Publtc Meeting Planned
By the Maccabees for Wednesday
evening has been postponed. Mrs.
May Shank, chairman of committee.
Knapp Is ApKinted .
Governor Olcotti end 'State Treas
urer Hoff (yesterday appointed F.
C. Knapp. of Portland, as a member
of the sailors' boarding house com
mission to succeed I. C. Sanford, who
has resigned.. Mr. Sanford, in sub
mitting his 'resignation.' stated that
he is not in a position to give the
matter the proper attention. Mr.
Knapp is pres Ident of the Pcrinsula
Shipbuilding company, the Peninsula
Lumber company. Is a member of
the commission of public docks and
is actively identified with the ship
pin? interests of ' the district. In
addition he was at 'one time presi
dent of the Portland Chamber of
Commerce and has alwara , showa
great activity in civic as well as mar
itime affair. Selection of member3
of this commission is made by a
1oard consisting " of the governor,
secretary of. "state and .atate treas
urer. Other members are Herbert
Holman and W. L. Kearns, both of
Wanted i ;
Five men with sevthes this morn
ing. Call at Odd Fellows cemetery
ready for work, j;
Marries Silverton Man
Marriage license was issued yester
day o Albert Clinton Smith of Sil
verton and Nettie Jojes of Salem.
Their wedding occurred yesterday.
Xoon Luncheon Every Day
Of Odd Fellows convention at R
B. Fleming home. Winter and Court
streets, by ladies of First Congrega
tional church
Cb-Te1 With Statutory Offense-
Charged with a statutory offense
altered to have been comonitted in
Portland, John Thomas was arrested
yterdav near Fairfield through the
office of Sheriff Xeedham. Thomas
was recently In Salem but a few days
ago went to Fairfield. He was taken
to Portland last i right by Portland
officers. ' ; .
The Lucy -Lucier Three
At The Oregon Friday, Saturday,
are headliners. No kix he:.
Genuine Leather Hassocks
Regular $2.75,'S1.93. HaralltOJ's.
Nurse Starts Home
Miss Helen Post has 3tarted home
from-France, according to word re
ceived by Salem friends. She went
overseas last July and has been sta
tioned near the lines at Evacnatioa
Hospital No. 10, at Froida3. near
Verdun. Miss Post was with the Sa
lem hospital, while in this city.
Recetpta, Not and All Blank
At Statesman Job office.
Dr L. R. Springer, Dentist, Moore
Building, corner Court aad Liberty
School Head Is Here
Margaret Baj'je, superintendent of
a school for girls at Vancouver, B.
C, was In Salem -yesterday visit'ng
the state industrial school for girls.
thA state training school for boys
and other state institutions. She will
spend several days in Salem.
Dr. Mott
Bank of Commerce
bildg. 407-8.
All the Finishing Toucbc
' Have been added for the social
hour at the Jason Lee Methodist
church to be held Wednesday. May
21st at 7:43 p. nr.". So.igs. recita
tions and ireadings will be rruieta
In evidence. Light refreshments will
be served. Be sure you do not m'ss
the program. j We want you there
'Tludraa" Individual Chocoli
Made in Salem, 5c everywhere.
Legal Blanks
Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on application.
McAllister Returns
Joe McAllister, who before he en
listed in an engineering regiment for
service in France, was secretary of
the tate desert land (board, has
received his discharge, and returned
to resume his former position. Mr.
McAllister waa drill master of the
Salem Cherrians hefore the war days
and was connected with other local
social organizations. He has re
ceived his discharge. In France he
held the rank of master engineer
Wanted Men to W rk
in vhite Kir camp, write or
phone F. M. Suver,- Dallas, Oregon.
Rom System Liked
' Ed. Ross, assistant secretary and
chief accountant for the Phes com
pany, met with the. students .of Ore
gon, Agricultural college engineering
and commerce departments Tuesday
afternoon, giving an outline of some
of the more important requirements
in connection with practical cost ac
counting. The; advisability of in
cluding in the commercial, course of
the college lessons on rostkeeping is
being seriously considered, using as
a basis the system installed on the
Tunwlo inigation project was pro
nounced by tne chief construction
engineer of, the federal depa-lment
of roads aad rural engineering to be
the most perfect which he had found
in operation in any of the state high
way departments in the United
States. .Both systems were installed
and operated for a number of years
by Mr. Ross, and he has been asked
to assist in the preparation jf les
sons for the college.
Dr. Carl E. Mlllei-
Has opened his dental office at
510-511 U. S. bank hid. Phone 341.
Just Received 1
A, large shipment of ladies Phoe
nex silk hose. Havana brown, silver
gray,, battleship gray, cloud gray,
black and white. U. W. Johnson &
Fine Total IH- '
During the period of January 1
to May 20, the city of Salen netted
$618 from lines which is $4034 mo-e
than for the same time in 19 IK. ac
cording to the report made by Chie
of Police arney to the city council
Monday night. . The number of ar
rears for the period in 1919 wa3 19
while for the same length of time
last year there were 31 arrests. The
amount derived f -om arrests for vio
lation of the traffic and speed ordin
ances was $93 Jot the "month of May.
This amount, it is pointed out, pay3
the salary Of the traffic officer.
WeWon Carpet Hawcki
Regular 12. $1.49. Hamilton's.
Pood Used Piano,
Some' good as new;, almost at
your own price. E..L1 Stiff ft Son.
Just Recelvcil
A large shipment of ladies' Phoe
nex silk hose. Havana brown, silver
gray, battleship gray, cloud gray,
black and white G. W. Johnson ft
Mr. HHnk Iisr
. Mrs. Mary Brink passod away yes
terday morning at her home nine
miles north of Salem at the age of
73 years Funeral services will be
held tomorrow at 2 o'clock from the
Webb' ft Clougb chapel by Rev. Mr.
Johnston of the Free, Methodist
church. Burial will be made in C.ty
View cemetery. Mrs. Brink is sur
vived by the following children: Mrs
Eunice Smith of Salem. Herbeit
Brink of Salem, John Brink of Ar
kansas, Jerome Brink of Ktwberg,
Mrs. Kate Randall of New York, Ev
erett Brink of Grand Island. Or
and Chester Brink of New York.
Just Receit
A large shipment of ladies' Phoe
nex silk hese, Havana brown, silver
gray, hattieship" gray, cloud gray,
black and while G. W. Johnson ft
Woman's Glee Club Concert
The woman's glee club of Willanv
ette university will give its first re
cital of the year at the "Methodist
church some 'time during the latter
part of the month The club num
bers near 30 members directed by
Dean ohn R. Site. Misses Margar
ette Wlble. Loreli Blatchford and
Venlta McKinney will be soloists.
Drnnery Department
This week's special. Sofa Cush
ions. Sunfast Covers, values to $7.50,
$2.43 each. Hamilton's.
Cop Chased Them
O. W. Niemeyer of Salem and I.
P. Hunt, vice president of the Ladd
& Tilton bank of Portland, had an
adventure with a road cop Monday
afternoon near Sherwood. The two
gives every
who loves a rare dct-
fume, the cipportunfty to
Know and enjoy a talc
having a wonderful, costly
; odor at a price unusually
low.. Take Jonteel home
with you today.
Perry's Drug Store
Store .
Exclusive Aents for Sa'em
115 S. Commercial Street
- : - ' V
1 a
I 5
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1
The Place for Feminine yVeax jl
and reminirie Articles
Stamlanl merchandise at a fair margin of profit! is pur hobby. A glaneeLt the folloTring
nrtlr.TiHi that n a fAi.....l 1 . I . ., - ' i
" " iy
Carter's Knitted Underwear
Kaytter's Knitted Underwear
Khyser's Silk Underwear
Kayser's Silk Hosiery
Phoenix Silk Hosiery
Wack Cat Hosiery
Alexandre Kid (iloves
Kayser'.s Silk fJloves
Mjirinette Knit Wear
men. Niemeyer In a Ford and Uant
in a Tierce Atow wire driTing le.a
urely along the road when they Were
nabbed by the road cop who accused
them of crossing a bridge at 25 miles
an hour The officer chased the two
automobiles 10 or 12 miles They
were taken before a Justice at Sher
wood who decided to a&seas them $13
each This they refused to pay and
gave $50 bail to appear in court
Friday at Sherwood..
Card of Thank.
"We wish to express to our friends
our appreciation for their many kind
nesses to us during our bereavement.
Charles V. La Grange,
Oscar LaGrange.
Former Fireman ITorr " """"
Mack Churchill, who was a mem
ber vf tha Salens fire department
some years ago but left this city
in 1915, is here visiting friends. He
Is now connected with the Portland
police department.
Try Northern Flour
"It's a Bear. Every sack guar
anteed. At your grocer's.
Attending State firange
A number of Salem grangers are
attending the meeting of the state
grange among them being J. J. Mc
Donald and Attorney M. E. Pohne.
Technical Transfer Made
A transfer of portiojs of three lots
at Trade and Front streets has been
made by the Oiegon-Wasbington
Railroad and Navigation company
"I Can't Wash Today
the'Waterisall Cold"
Sura enough, the fire went out
ln the night and the tank water
cooled off. It takes half a day
to heat It up, so the wash wtil
have to wait, upsetting the
whole week's work. Had there
been a rtrrrrrx
Gas Water
eosiet4 te
thm piptna. thm
bmrm gomm oa.
for you imply
any hot
xr laweat te
tb bouao and
a Mallmltad
aupptyof acald
InSbotwatOTla Immadlataly
Portland RaHway, Ught
& Power Company
T - I I 5 - .1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1
' ; i
ims siore whi convince vou.
I 1 U 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 111 II 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
.riuwaia, jvimonaa, waists. Children's
rsei, neckwear. Veiling, . Ribbons,
women a llabadashery.
I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I
. 0hiplpg
Liberty Street, Salem
to Charlej K. Spa u Id in g. Tne stated
consideration is $10,000. The deal
was a technical transfer rather thaa
an actual sale.
In a Trading Mood 7
If you want to trade In a used pi
ano for a new one, we are ready. E.
L. Stiff fc Son.
Recruiter Handle Travel ray
Under a ruling received yesterday
by the home service section of the
lied Crosa. men who have neea d s
charged from the military service
without, bavins received their full
travel pay of 5 cents a mile, can ob
tain the pay by filing appllcatioa
at the recruiting office in the DArcy
building on State street. The of
fice, which is in charge of Ie a
Greenup has blanks and Information
necessary for securing the money.
Ummi ru
Going fast.
L Son.
Grab one. E. L. Stiff
Ferris Abhett Here
Ferris W. Abbett ef Portland, for
mer Willamette university stadent
and a sergeant with Company M.
Of course, anybody can say his Soda Water is "Good"
but apparently there are comparative degrees of goodness.
If yon enjoy really GOOD Soda, step In. and ace how ours
tastes. We don't believe that yoa. trill tie disappointed.
"The Pen&lar Store.
135 North Commercial Street. S Phone 197
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fine ChickenlDinner
Rlt-ial 8Jiitation of the Entertainment Committee
I. Q. O. F., the ,
Of the First M. E. Church,
will serve from
Hot Biscuits
s And many other good things .
n. 75c
The Willamette Univenity Glee Club will ting daring the
dinner hour.f
Supper 5:30 to :30
Rice and Pimentos
Green Peas
Tea .
Bread, Butter Etc,
Koast Pork
5 S
lit I ; i ;r
-'him i ii ii iiinmm miiiiiu I n i n m i n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
nun in iii i ill
- J ,
Richardson's Liaens
Dennison's Nov jtie
Yankee Xotioon -
Toilet Article
Tyralin Ivorj
Colgate's Sundries
Melba Sundries
School Suplis
leather (Joods1 .
Dresses, i Infant's Wear.
Umbrella Uandkercliiefs,
162jd infantry during Its servica
In the United States and overseas.
Is in Saleci visiting friends. He la
at present rith the Overland Auto
mobile conjpany of Portland.
Better Grab a Piano
Some ased pianos, almost aa good
as new. Vflll not last. Better rab
them. E. L. Stiff & Son.
Sample TUlloU Ready'
Sample ; ballots Vor the election
Jnne 3 are now ready for dlstribn
tion. County Clerk Boyer havtjg re
ceived them from the -printer yes
terday. The ballots contain th state
and county measures to be voted
upon. . j
- For Infants aad GiIMm
In Uso For 0vcr30 Yczra
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1.
of t
comer Clnjrch and State streets,
11:30 to l30, Dinner:
Chicken I .
. ( I Combination Salad
; I Potatoes
Ilread and Butler -Desert
I Coffee
Space gladly T
contrihnted by 3
4 (