The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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i " ? 1 1 - - - ; n
Jf your another is dead, wear h
white carnation today ; if your
, mother is living, wtar a rertl, one.
Over the entire l iiatioit the
. . churches this morning are o-bserv-,
':' ing 'Slot pier's pay -with stilt able
programs ami in Salem the houses
of worship will have special iuiis
5 ieal numbers and decorations in
T . honor - of the city's venerated
In addition to special sermons
i some of the churches havejadded
features. At the Court .Street
" Christian church bouquets will he
given to the mother with the
youngest baby, the oldest mother
' and the mother witli the largest
family present. ,
:.. -" At the' First Baptist church the
Philathea class will be in. charge
, of the music, ushering- and deco
. ... rating. ' . ' .'
t Mothers' Day does not occupy
the sole attention of - churchgoer.
. ..The many friends of Ilight Rev-
I 1! Urnl J,...,.w..
' mul Himn ptiiiL u til Jf l l
hiIio) of-the KipiM-opal diocese
of Oregon, will be able to greet
hiur lbniglit at St. Paul's. Bishop
Sunnier has not jpaid an" official
visit licie in the past year. lie is
on hjs annual tjur iof tlie state
and domes to Salem from Eugeiie,
where he will pitacli' this morn
ing. ( -..'!' ' ; :
St Hit e Biologist! William L. Fin
icy i.j to be at the First Congre
gational church1 with liis, beautiful
pictures of wihl life among the
birds; of Oregon 'tonight. Slides
will be shown while he lectures.
The First Presbyterian church
is preparing for its 50th anniver
sary celebration to take phiee
Thursday, Friday and Saturda v
nights. Special services will be
neiu next. Sunday.
First lVesbytcrian.
: Thomas S. Anderson, minister.
Salbath school at 9:43, Joa. lI. Al
bert; superintendent. Class for all.
direction. The pastor's topic will
be !,,Our -Mother's An Appreciation-"-
The serial mutual numiers
will! fee a duet by Mrs. Theodore
Roth aud V. T. Jenks and a solo
by irs. P. A., Cupper.
Evening service X o'clock, topic.
"Christianity's Challenge." Solos byH
William Harrfs.
Sunday school 9:4 3 a. m. Young
people's meeting 7 p. in.
. .Tuesday e'vciini the Itrotherbood
will: hold its Jast cupper and pro-
ptiopriate sermon, music and flowers, j an open meeting tp which the wo
V. P. S. C. K at 7 o'clock. livening , mea are invited Supper will be
fened at 6:30. An interesting pro
gram has been arranged which will
incltde a violin solo by Miss Lillian
eiis' day will; be observed with ao-f cram for this season
worship at K. o'clock, theme. ."'Solo
iwnn' fhofrp." Thin rhurrh i nl an
il i;ng to celebrate It fiftieth artniver--saxy
with appropriate service? on
Thu:sday. Friday and Saturday even
ings. Special services of "commem
oration will be held
morning and evenine.
invited to participate with us in all
these services of, jubilee. Doj aot
forget the choir concert Monday
Stetqe, accompanied by Miss Evelyn
itei4nx. selections by the willam-
next Salbath ; Miss Genevi eve 1VV ?n nrlriroaa hv
The public is Lieutenant 1 II. Common and other
features. Thursday evening at
o'clock prayer and conlerence meet-
Unit h1 KvanKelicah
- Cottage and Center streets.!
Q. Jj. Lovell, pastor. ; Sunday-school
Inrr f
i ;
Virst Congregational C'lturrti.
Liberty and Ceater ftreet. W. C.
Kantner,. minuter. 10 a. m.. Sun-
f a ... n:t. 1. 1 i i .! " w
.i a. mi,. 1'iime ukiup auu ent.f 11 a. nv, "Mother's Day Ser
preaching atll a. m. Christian;- 7 p; m.. Chr,8tian Endeavor.
Endeavor at 7 p. ni.i Pauline Item-' s n m i- kui i...
Epworth League," Leslie Springer,
president. MR P. m.. a program of
readings. l Misi Trfvette. of Chl
Kago. incladfng "The (.Ninety and
Nine" and. Henry Vandyke's "The
Mansion." j Special musical numbers
will be given by the choir. An of
ferhig will be taken for the piano
fund. The public in invited.
Christian ami Mlsrnry Alliance.
Rev. J. K. Fee will hold services
on next Thursday afternoon. May IX,
at 2:15 odock. at G32 South Com
mercial street. Study. Revelation.
12th chapter. All most cordially
welcome, j
The narro wed fore-frame of this sturdy Oakland
Sensible Six Roadster enables it to turn in a
circle, only 38, feet across- ja feature that is
responsible for a large part o its noted ability
to weave rapidly .through raffic and to slip in
and out of tight places with ease.
Phone SOD
, 107 9. Commercial St.
ington. leader. Eveniatr worship and
sermon at 8 p. m. ; The Shepherd
Psalm. ' illustrated with lantern
slides. Prayer meeting on Thursday
evening. .1
, Central Congregational Church.
pouth Nineteenth and Ferry street.
IL C. Stover, minister. Thi ehnrch
observes Mothers' day Sunday, May
the greatest authority on outdoor
lifei in Oreron. will hi re
markable motion pictures or birds
and outdoor life.
Jivmmi Iier Memorial CTurh.
AVInter and Jefferson streets.
Thomas Achion. pastor. Sunday
school 9:45. Charles Hageman. su
perintendent. Classes for all aires
11. Sunday school at 10 a. m. ,Mrs. J under the care 'it capable leaders
Burton E. Edwards, superintendent
A Mothers day program at 11
o'clock. Addresses by some moth
ers of the Sunday school and Dr. V.
E. Brown. Music, by Donald Alli
son, Elbert Lachele. Olive and Helen
Camfield. Christian Endeavor at 7:
13. Eventag service at 8 p. m. Ad
dress to mothers. - Subject, The Wel
fare of the Child. Solo bv Mr. Em
itt Craven, music Jby girls' chorus.
Thursday evening service at 8 p. m.
i South Salem Friend.
South Commercial and Washing
ton streets. H. E. Pemberton, ! pas
tor, Bible school at 10 a, m. with
classes for all. Dr. Carl Miller, su
perintendent. Meeting Tor I worship
with good singing and a 'gospel mes
rage at 11 a. m. and again at. 8 p.
mj Christian Endeavorers will meet
at! 7 T- m. -Alt are welcome. ; Prayer
meeting Tnursday at 8 p. m
. h . EvancelicaJ Association.
Seventeenth and Chemeketaj Sts.
Jacob Stocker. -nantor in .tth
Sunday school, John Llppold. euper-
inxenaeni. 1 1 a. m. Divine service
and sermon by, Dr. Ixughridge, who
far 15 years labored I.i Itaia as a
mibissionary. There rvill be no ser
vices In .the eyenine. this being con
ference Sunday. The annual! con
ference of Oregon branch of the Ev
angelical association Is being ) held
at Seattle, over thi3 Sunday, Bish
op Heinmiller or N'aperville presid
ine. At this session the preachers
wall be stationed to their respective
fields. Rev. Stocker report a good
year, the finances especially
I I j ly observed by fhe Fi:-st Baptist
1f . vv I ehnrch at the morning service The
" 4 . .i Plhilathea clas. of young ladies are
arraaeing for the service and will
I S have charge of the decorating, mu-
- " Lf25 and "shering will Jejanderthejr
Catholic Church.
Comer Chemeketa and Co7age
streets. - Slass and communion at
7:30 and high mass at 10:S0 Sun
day morning. Benediction follow
ing high mass. Rev. J. R. Uuck.
pastor. j
Flr?it I'Mite.1 llretlirn.
Tew Park Bible school at 10 a.
m. Preaching at 11 a. in., snbiect.
"The Fin.t Commandment With
Promise." J Eph. 6-1. Young peo
ple's meeting at 7:30 p. m. Mrs.
Wlckizer leader, followed by a short
talk by the pastor. Mid-week pray
er meeting everyini; Thursday at 7:
30 p. nr.' A hearty welcome is ex
tended to ( all who desire to conn
and worshfp with us.
. 3
Biiy a Truck for Steady Service
. UYoxr to luy a truck
-jCoiiftider first the maker. Tlip worth -of a truck depends entirely on the sinceritv the
linrctr nil.l n n.. .... ll. P.. ..... ! ' .
"1 ' 3 i j ..-."..' ..-. I ' ' '
i Having satisfied yourself that the company is all right, next satisfv vourself that thr
truck is right. . ' ; ' t ,
Years of service,, durahility ample, jwcr w upkeeIU1,ality that merits its pric
aV'"1 to deliver goods at all times these are and should he your demands of a truck.
J Wc Ui'CC VOU to i.nvtKtir:tfvlfi..-f,h
4, . on mis i ns is, ana see ir vour
tselfv-that .where tiiaiiiif:i(-inr LWI i.;!. i ..t . . . . . "
tn r-r "t "x T l"y '"""ys o oior ami vvorkmansliin arc
V-M. llll IfV.Tl. . . - - v ,
company has
f Is made by one of the Foremost Companies in the Motor Industry.
Lmereyer motor vehicles are Icnown, you will find the! Chevrolet Tlte
achieved world-wide good .will solely because of the merit of its products.
I When you huy the Chevrolet; Truck, you ecot.omical haulage. Xo tmck ea,. 1... ,..r
eff,e,ent The Chevrolet is huilt slrpngi-Built for continuous Uerv ce umuU cac
loads. Therefore, ,t has surplus of strength and jW .Ue ordinary , 1 -Ut
. l Ac want to PIIOVE these claikns to vou. . . ' v,' J
k eeonolmical del
that we
call on vou.
veries and enables
We want t show that the Chevrolet provides quie
you to reach cut for more business. Come in-i-or ask
UcTirM!6 M' t . 17M.CJ0-; Chassis. 151.i.(0: f. ...
3 . . t- ----- , : " i ' I '
i . . .
1 SI f.l.'r lurr it. !
' v. .. t.. , ..... , - ; ,, .; -., . , ...... - . , . I
mobile Co
Public wo-hin 11 a. m SuhM-
" hen American Motherhood Comes
Home From France." Epworth
league devotional meeting 7 p. m. A
special rally Is planned for this ser
vice. Young people especially cor
dially Invited. Evening worship 8
o'clock. Subject: Germany at The
liar of Justice. "Mother's bay" will
he appropriately celebrated at the
morning service. Special music will
oe rendered by the choir, both morn
ing and. evening, under the leader
ship of Profesaor Clark. We cor
dially invite the public to worship
with us.
K. Paula (liurrh.
Third Sunday after Kaster.. 7: Z0
.'m:. holy fomntujion
m., church school. 11a. m.. morn
ing prayer and sermon hv th ri.
tor. 8 p. m... Confirmation and ser
mon by the Rt. Rev. Walter Taylor
Sumner. D- D.. Jlishop of Oregon.
Offertory solo in the evenimr hr Mr
Sumner Merrick- Evervbodv wll
come. Chas. II. Powell, rcrinr
Court Stwt (liristiitn Cliurch.
North Seventeenth a.-irt Pnnr
Streets. This Lord's Day is "Moth
er's Day." . lioth the THhl vhnnl
hour andip-eaehing hour will be giv
en to a special jifogram in honor of
mother.' If t vour ' mother i iirinr
wear-a redJflower. If dead wear a
white flower. , A bouquet will be
given to the mother presont wit th
youngest baby;-to the oldest mother
.V. n.? ,0 tn mother with the
largest number of ber family pres
ent, i ne program will b about a.1
10 a. m.. opening of Hible school.
Ope.iing exerciser. Iyal Danghters
class. Class period. 30 mlnut n
jtsseiirjtly. Announcements, secre
tary' -report. - eic. PrMiitii..n f
cradle rolt certificates and bouquets.
Communion Bong and communion.
Scripture and prayer. Original poem
An.uae to Mothers." Mrs. F A
Baker. Solo. Sermon: "Mother.'
12 m., beaedictiou. Christian En
aeavor i p. m... song service and
.sermon "lo Room for Christ."
P. m. Those 'wtan still wUh i-.
- ... . . v inn i
an offerinjr for h nm nMaatnn or
hand the ttvoney to the pastor or E.
Hoiton. . The offering will not be
sent for a couple of weeks. Re
menVl)er prayer meeting and teacher
training Thursday S p. m. Every
body welcome to the services. We
expect 20. Will you be one? If
you are unable jLo rome because yon
have do way phone the pastor 1B73-R
and a way will be provided. R L.
Putnam, pastor.
This is house cleaning time and you will probably find some
of your old furniture that you want to exchango.for new.
We'll buy your old fjirniture, paying you cash, or accept
ing it in tradti for new.
t Home of the Cnartcr Oak Range.
Trade iu your old stove.
377 Court Street
Phone 217
held each morning for tlte. leaders
of the old and youag people. A num
ber of prominent speakers arc sched
uled for addresses, among them Pro-
reseor Ilonlim of Dayton. Ohio, who
is an educational superintendent of
the International Sunday School as
sociation. Profewof A. M. Locker of
ent of the same association, and Rev.'
ohn II. Matthews Of Seattle. R
Harold H: Griffis and Rev." Har
Humbert of Portland. are two bf
speakers on the program who tt
part in the recent county convent
In Salem. . '
Resolve that you will b-men
usefulness as well as in strength.
Ruskin. . .
ScnntlinaviMn Tabernacle.
Fifteen 'hnd Mill strei ta. The ser
vice will he held at 3 o'clock p. m.
Rev. John! Ovall. the former pastor,
will preach. Sunday school will be
held at 2 o'clock. Please note the
change of j time for services.
Hible Schnol and Young People's
Societies Topic.
Sunday 'school lesson. Sin and It
Consequences. Genesis 2:1-24. Ro
mans 1:1 $-23. James 1:13. C. E.
and H. Yi P. IT. lesson. The Lure
of the World. 2 Timothy 4:10. 1
John 2:13-17. Epworth league: An
niversary Sunday. Special program.
Dan Poling rally at First Christian
rhurrh. May 19. all youag people's
societies participating.
'chnrrti of HmI.
134C N'orth Church street. Sun
day school 10. Preaching service
11. 2:30i and 7:43. The revival
services are still in progress and a
number have consecrated to God and
have received spiritual help and the
messages from the chart on Revela
tion have beea very Instruction to
the people of God. in showing the
unity of God's Deo Die. and alsn th
evil cf division among the children
of Gd. The meeting will continue
tnaeiiniieiy and we Invite all who
can do so to attend the services. J
J. Gillespie, pastor. i
Ftit M. E. Chnrrfi.
State nd Church streets. Class
meeting ;9:13 a. m.' Snnday school
:45 . j m.. J. Wl. Todd. siie1n
tendent. 1 11 a. -n.. sermon. -Moth-era
Day" by Dr. R. N Avlson. S
P. m, Secramcnt or the lord's Sup
per at the Old People's home by
Dr. Avlson: 7 p. m., at the Ep
worth league. Mr Fred Itlake will
lead in a discussion of tiie institute
orogranu The Junior leagne Will be
led hy Esther Lisle. 8 p. m.. the
chorus choir with Pror.i Roberts at
the organ, and Prof. John R. Site
aa director, will-give "The Cracl
fixlaa" by Stelner. So effective was
this program Good Friday evening
that the choir has been nrged to re
peat it for the henerlt of those who
could not hear It then. Followlne
Is an outline of "The Crucifixion" to
be given, tonight at 8 o'elock:
Recitative. And Thev Came to a
Place .i Tenor
Could Ye Not Watch With M On
Irier Hour Ra&s Sol
Jesu. Lord Jesu. Dowed i.i Hitter
Anguish' Chorns
And Ihey Laid Their Hands on Him
j. Tenor and Ras Recitative
Procession to Calvarv Orrm
Fling Wide the Gates Chorus
now hiwteet is t&e Grace of His Sa
cred Face Tenor Solo
Then on! to the End Chorus
And When Thev Worn Cnnm in
Place Called Calvary Ha5S Recitative
nymn. qross of Jesus. Crosj of Sor-
'Salvation Army.
Open air meeting at 7:20 p. m.
At tTie hall 8 p. ra. on Saturday even
ing. Sunday morning open air 10:
30. Holiness meeting in the hall at
11 o'clock Sunday school at 2 p.
m. United mission at 3 p. m. y!
P. I meeting at 6 p. ra. open air
at 7:30 p. m. Salvation meeting
at the hall at 8 p. m. Come and
we will do. yon rood. Captain and
Mrs. Hunter, officers in charge.
Church of Christ Scientist.
First Church of Chtist Scientist.
Sunday senices are held at 4 40 Che
meketa street at 1 1 a. m.. subject
of Ilible leamn, "Adam and Fallen
Man.' Snnday school at 9:45 a. m.
vvednesdar evening testimonial
5f0eti.nS at 8 p' m- adinR room
209 Masonic Temple, open every day
except Sunday and holidays from 11
a. m. Li. p. trf. All are invited to
our services and to our reading room.
First ClitlttUn.
w l'r and H,5h streets. LeUnd
W. Porter, pastor. Biole school at
9:43. Morning worship at 11. Moth
era day sermovi. Christian Endeav
or at 7 p. m. Evening sermon at
8. "The Itiro of the i:est." Wed
newiay evening. 7 o'clock. I,ral
Men r class banquet. Thnrsdav even
ing, prayer meeting at 7:30. " Choir
rehearsal at 8:30. state Sunday
school convention at Corvallis. May
15-18. Daniel Poling "Rally dar.
May 19. '
Iirli Methodic.
Sonth Commercial and Meen
ftreeti. Horace X. A hi rich, pastor.
9:4o a. m.. Sunday school with class
'"7 fp" a" s:dos and ages, nndcr
uirecuon or efficient - teacher.
r- '. unoten. superintendent. The
primary department under the di
rection ot Mrs. Mason Kishop. 11 a
m ' Mother s UaV. will he obserred
rth a sermon -on "Thn Mnikirt,u.i
of God" by the pastor and special
music oy me choir. 7 p. m. the de
votional mfcrtlng; of the Epworth
league will be led bv Ralph Thomas.
Topic. "Thirtieth Annhcrsary of th
row . . .'.
He Mad Himself of No Reputation
' Rass Recitative
King Er Glorious. .. .Tenor Solo
And as Jlosez Lifted up the Serpent
In the Wilderness, .ftasn Recitative
wvr-. if'ini ui? oriu . . . .inorus
iiymn. Iloly Jesu. by Thy Passion
Jesus Said. "Father. Forgive Them
for They Know Not What They Do"
Tenor Recitative
nymn. Jiu. the Crucified. Pleads
or ile- Chorns
And One of the Malefactors Which
Aere Hapred ...... Mass Recitative
nymn. i dore Thee Chorus
When Jes'.s Th erefnro a w Hi
Mother. .Tenor and ila Recitative
is it .Nothing To You?
t IM.-s Kecitativ
hrori the Throne of Via C:w the
Kin5 of Grief Crln out to a World
oi i nrxii Choru
-rter Thiji, Jes uh Knowing .
Tenor Recitative
iiynin. Ay For Jesus Choru
Arrangements Made to Ac
commodate Large Sunday
School Delegation
Salem will be well represented at
the Orerrm Stain Stitiflsv Ui.hi .....
Vcntion. "Which open Thirdar at
tor vail 1st A larire deleration from
, -
,n county in expected and a com
mittee Is bt work arranrinr m
bile transportation for lhoe who
go. The conference will
desire to
last through Sunday.
those from thin city who
--rj " - - . W H-F
are on t program are Dr. Frank
.. l.rown; vice-president of the state
association. Dr. Carl Gregg loney.
of Wilamette university.
and the entire universitv rl rinh
lir(sijtai conferences are to c
Caterpillar Tires ,
-Over the hill of Traction Pre
press has come the mas&ir
Kelly- Springfielil Catei
pillar Tire for trucks. Th
greatest advance in solid tir
construction isince the begit
- ninjr of the industrv.
Quackenbujh Ato
: . Supply f x
. & Vulcanizing '
. 219 "X. Commercial St. !
Phone CC.T
, . "Service Car;, I
In second hand auto. Wo have large numWr of the lest
cars, all in the let of condition. Here arc a few:
1014 nuiek .
White (ias TWiring ..............
1.117 IJrisctH- ,
Stndahakcr $ix, 7 passcngcrr ......
t ton Perrj Truck. .;. ..
VM Ford i
1D1C Ford . .;
...... ;..:$6oo
.. ....'....$275
e are moving ttr cars Usi. If you have a car you don't,
want, put it in our hands. We have calls for Revcral cars of
sftecial m a ken." I . .".
Salem Auto Exchange
229 SUte Street.
Phone 8G7
i t t I I II I .- z
-i 1 I I
Ml ;
- . i
The One Thing You Have to Dj
Perhaps you have bought a new car with a
Willard Storage Battery on it-
Perhaps you have bought a Willard Battery
to replace the battery on an old car.
No matter which you're entitled to Wil
j lard 90-Day Battery Insurance.
But to get this protection your battery
1 must be registered.
Of course we register a battery when wc sell it, but
if it is on a new car, be sura to drive in right away
and have us put the registry number on it. At the
same time we'll gladly tell you the few simple rules
, that you must follow to give your battery the riht
start in life. Ask us for a copy of the booklet, "Wil
lard Service and You."
Phone A:I , 4s ('ourt Sl
Wc test, repair and i-p-charpi Mor
ap batteric ; mid altvavx rarrv .1
full Mippl.v of battery parts nw
batteries ati.I mitnl batteries. -
WtU .v,,,, ,,